Crosswords International n07 - Humanitarian projects

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International version N°7

Dear Reader, This seventh International edition of the Crosswords magazine focuses on the Red Cross humanitarian activities in the world with a special focus on the Haiti and Burkina Faso projects. We hope that you will enjoy reading our news! Redaction Committee, members of the Red Cross International Section Contact Details for the International Section and further information : T: 661 56 74 52 -

HAITI: An overview of the Red Cross activities 6 months after the earthquake in Haiti On 12 January, 2010, Haiti was rocked by a massive earthquake which caused great material damage and cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Within 35 hours after the earthquake the canine section of the Luxembourg Red Cross and the civil defence arrived on the ground to locate people buried under the rubble. 17 professionals and 7 dogs, including 6 volunteers and 4 dogs from the Luxembourg Red Cross, struggled for 48 hours to save lives. In the second phase of the operation the volunteer emergency unit of the Red Cross, ERU)-Benelux,-including Luxembourg members, helped to ensure the distribution of the relief supplies from several Red Cross societies. Thanks to the donations of the Luxembourg population, 2,500 hygiene kits, 2,500 kitchen sets and 1,000 shelter kits could be purchased and shipped to Haiti. Moreover, a dredging-machine was sent which has allowed the WatSan-team (Water and Sanitation) from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to dig latrines and to organize waste disposal in the humanitarian camps. Even before the earthquake, Haiti was one of the least developed countries in the world and now to make matters worse, it is also facing a major humanitarian crisis. , Nevertheless the Luxembourg Red Cross, supported by local authorities and the International Federation of Red Cross Societies, , was able to set up sustainable projects just weeks after the disaster. The work that must be done in Haiti continues to be enormous. Besides the repair of the public infrastructure, 250,000 housesneed repairing. The reconstruction of this country may take up to 20 years. Given the scale of local needs, the Luxembourg Red Cross has decided to support the reconstruction of the basic infrastructure (such as health centres, schools etc.) and to concentrate on the construction of a hospital in Gressier. Dr. Christian Huvelle, délégué international

The construction project of a hospital in Gressier Gressier town is a priority area of intervention During the initiate reconstruction, the Red Cross has identified the town of Gressier as a priority intervention area. 80% of the houses in this town of 60,000 inhabitants (located 20 km west of Port au Prince) were destroyed. A program to support the health sector has been developed, and it will last over a 9 year period. Currently, it focuses on the construction of a hospital. To do this, the Luxembourg Red Cross intends to develop a partnership with the Haitian Red Cross and the Ministry of Public Health and Population. SEPTEMBER 2010

International version N°7

Health issues already identified before the earthquake Health problems were already very important in Haiti long before the earthquake. Infectious diseases remain the main cause of death, especially those related to HIV/AIDS. Malnutrition also occupies an important place among the causes of mortality. Malaria, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and psychological disorders are other common diseases. To address these problems, the health system in Haiti needs help in both qualitative and quantitative terms. The issues in Haiti are

An insufficient number of health facilities before the earthquake Poor quality of the local health structures No structure of reference in the town Medical structures in the surrounding communities are inaccessible and expensive (the private reference structures are payable) Few preventive medicine programs Risk of aflooding and the diseases this brings Limited access to drinking water for an area of the town No emergency services A hospital for Gressier The Red Cross aims to improve the health of the population Gressier within 9 years. A hospital will be built and launched by early 2012. In the meantime, a temporary treatment center is operating offering two surgeries, a delivery room, a laboratory, a pharmacy, a treatment room and three rooms with two beds. The specific objectives are to reduce the child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. The project is benefiting the inhabitants, but also studentsfrom nursing and medical universities. Local people have also benefitted from the improved clean water supply and economic activity generated by the hospital.

BURKINA FASO: Water Supply and Decontamination Projects in Pabré Goals According to the Millennium Goal of reducing by half the proportion of people with no access to drinking water or to basic sanitary services by 2015, the Luxembourg Red Cross and the Pharmacists without Borders (PSF) are working together in a vast project of building networks of water supply for the Pabré county in Burkina Faso. Pabré has about 28,000 inhabitants spread in over 21 villages. "For now the villagers benefit from limited access to water due to a lack of water points and a bad distribution. The waiting time for 15 liters of water can be of 5-6 hours, a long and painful activity for women and children, sometimes to the point that children are forced to neglect their studies ", says Marie Dussart, project coordinator. To improve this situation, the Red Cross and PSF have set a goal of constructing water points for this county so that each 300 inhabitants will benefit from a water point within an area of less than one km.


International version N°7

The project also includes a section of basic decontamination, which involves the construction of latrines away from the ground water in order to prevent water pollution and an awareness campaign for the population about water and a better hygiene. The water will be no longer free but it will be clean. "This is possible only with adequate awareness campaigns on the need and benefits of clean water," says Marie Dussart. "For this purpose, the Burkina Faso Red Cross will be in charge of the training for all volunteers who will take care of this aspect once the project starts." The project is now in the phase of receiving the construction offers from various companies in Burkina Faso interested in making the drill holes. The fieldwork is planned for October 2010.

The humanitarian activities of Luxembourg Red Cross all over the world Development ➀ Nepal Reconstruction of houses and wells after floods € 114 363 / 01/07/2009 to 01/07/2010 Retooling and providing training for the national blood transfusion centre € 272 000 / 01/01/2008 to 12/31/2010 ➁ Democratic Republic of Congo Pediatric surgery in the hospital Kalembe Lembe € 367 900 / 01/08/2007 to 01/01/2010 Hospital restructuring and construction of the laundry and nutrition service € 442 900 / 01/01/2008 to 01/01/2010 ➂ Senegal HIV/AIDSprevention projects and access to care, support of people living with HIV/AIDS and members of vulnerable groups € 559 512 / 01/01/2009 to 01/12/2010 Creation and support to an AIDS regional training center with support to vulnerable groups in M'bour € 295 598 / 01/01/2008 to 12/31/2010 Reinforcement project for the Senegalese Red Cross health centre with focus on maternal and child health 166 € 878.43 / 01/01/2008 to 12/31/2010 Medical pavilion reconstruction in the district of Diourbel € 36 941 / 01/01/2008 to 12/31/2010 ➃ Guinea Conarky HIV/AIDS prevention projects and access to care , support of people living with HIV/AIDS with support to members of vulnerable groups € 266 884 / 01/01/2008 to 12/31/2010 ➄ Guinea Bissau HIV/AIDS prevention projects and access to care , support of people living with HIV/AIDS with support to members of vulnerable groups € 307 471 / 01/01/2008 to 12/31/2010 ➅ Cape Verde HIV/AIDS prevention projects and access to care , support of people living with HIV/AIDS with support to members of vulnerable groups € 230 152 / 01/01/2008 to 12/31/2010 SEPTEMBER 2010

International version N°7

➆ Ukraine Support to children with heart disease through the purchase of medical devices and medications in the Lviv hospital € 648.34 1032 / 01/01/2009 to 12/31/2009 ➇ Burkina Faso Water supply program in the community of Pabré € 622.80 3500 / 12/18/2009 to 12/31/2012 Emergency ➊ Burundi Construction of (?) houses and socio-economic support to families from Burundiorigin expelled from Tanzania € 356 520 / 01/01/2010 to 01/02/2011 ➋ Chile Emergency aid for earthquake victims - purchase and shipment of hygienic kits and blankets € 100 000 / 01/03/2010 to 01/03/2010 ➌ Burkina Faso Emergency aid for flood victims € 74 000 / 01/08/2010 to 01/02/2011 ➍ Haiti Construction of a hospital in Gressier € 312 000 / 04/06/2010 to 03/06/2011 ➎ Mali Treatment of severe malnutrition in Barouéli (region of Ségon) € 106 444 / 05/01/2010 to 12/31/2010

LEBANON: Support to Palestinian refugees With the foundation of the State of Israel in 1948, millions of Palestinians have fled their homes. More than half a million people found refuge in the neighbouring Lebanon where the refugee camps were established and various relief projects initiated. The Luxembourg Red Cross in collaboration with the Belgian Red Cross is planning to start a three-year project in Lebanon in early 2011to support the health services of the Palestine Red Crescent Society. Dr. Robert Goerens, a Luxembourg Red Cross volunteer, who visited the site in May this year, says: "The aim of the project is to improve medical care for the Palestinian refugees in two camps. Among other things, educate and give people a better understanding of hygiene, prevention of diseases, contraception, breastfeeding and first aid. The specialised courses will help refugees to gain knowledge about first aid. Staff on the ground puts great importance on medical self-help training and teaches people how to use objects in daily use for stabilizing limb fractures (e.g. with the help of newspapers and ties). " Support the humanitarian projects of Luxembourg Red Cross! You can transfer funds directly to our account CCPLU LU52 1111 0000 1111 0000 or make donation by using a credit card at (Reference: Humanitaire).


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