1 minute read
Building and Deploying Serverless Applications with NextJS and Vercel
In the modern world of web development, serverless applications have emerged as a popular and efficient approach to building and deploying web applications. With the power of NextJS and Vercel, developers can create highly scalable and performant applications with ease. In this blog, we will explore the advantages of using NextJS, a cutting-edge React framework, in combination with Vercel, a robust deployment platform, to build and deploy serverless applications.
NextJS provides server rendering and static site generation capabilities, making it an ideal choice for creating hybrid applications with improved performance. On the other hand, Vercel is a deployment platform designed specifically for serverless functions, offering a global CDN and edge network for fast content delivery. Together, NextJS and Vercel streamline the process of developing and deploying serverless applications, allowing NextJS developers to focus on what matters most –creating a fantastic user experience.
Throughout this blog, we will discuss the process of building a serverless application using NextJS, including installation, project setup, and essential features such as pages, components, and API routes. We will also delve into deploying your application with Vercel, covering topics like Vercel CLI, Git integration, custom domains, and environment variables. Additionally, we will explore how to utilize Vercel’s serverless functions, optimize performance and scalability, and monitor your application’s performance with real-time analytics.