Classical Caribbean Journal Spring 2013

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CLASSICAL architecture & art Florida


Classical Caribbean Journal


Spring 2013 Volume 1 No. 4

Classical Caribbean Journal

St. Augustine, Florida

We are honored to present e Classical Caribbean Journal of e Institute for Classical Architecture and Art Florida. e ICA&A is committed to hosting relevant programs and events to its members in the US, the Caribbean and abroad and is engaging the architecture of the Caribbean Basin through education, programs, travel, and conferences. As a component of the Classical Caribbean Journal, we have been fortunate to invite several leading architectural professionals and scholars from Cuba in an exchange of knowledge on the important arena of preservation and urbanism in the Caribbean basin region. e mission of ICA&A Florida is to “Make a positive impact on the built environment through the principles of the classical tradition in architecture & art." We welcome you to participate in this vital program to study the classical architecture of the Caribbean. David Case, ICAA Florida Chapter President Havana, Cuba

Classical Caribbean Committee Clifford G. Duch, AIA Teofilo Victoria, AIA Rafael Fornes Joseph S. Cronk, AIAA

Havana Preservation


Havana, Cuba


Castillo San Felipe del Morro

La Habana Vieja

Havana's Nolli Map I, Studies of La Habana (1994) Professors Douglas Duany & Rafael Fornes Havana's Nolli Map II, Ecole d'Architecture de Paris, Belleville, Professor David Bigelman Â

Havana, Cuba

A perspective view through a colonnade or porch on Plaza Vieja along Brazil Street to the Capitalio National. Architects Raul Ortero, Eugenio Rayneri, Felix Cabbarocas, Jose Maria Bens Arrate. Constructed 1930 by Purdy & Henderson Company, USA.


Current Events

Spring 2013 Symposium Preservation Classicism & Preservation Calder Loth Florida Trust for Historic Preservation 35th Anniversary Conference May 18, 2013 St. Augustine, Florida Calder Loth is Senior Architectural Historian for the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. He is a member of the Advisory Council of the Institute of Classical Architecture and Art and is Vice President of the Center for Palladian Studies in America. In 2008, he was the recipient of the first Secretary of the Interior’s Preservation Award for service to state preservation programs. In 2010 he received the Institute of Classical Architecture and Art Board of Directors Honors Award. He was a cocurator of the Royal Institute of British Architecture’s exhibition “Palladio and His Legacy, A Transatlantic Journey,” and was the author of Congressional Resolution No. 259 honoring the 500th anniversary of Palladio’s birth, passed in 2010. FL Trust for Historic Preservation 2013 Conference


Upcoming Events


Spring 2013 Symposium Form Base Codes Urban Codes for Vedado and Vieja Habana Districts Sonia Chao Florida Trust for Historic Preservation 35th Anniversary Conference May 18, 2013 St. Augustine, Florida Professor Chao will discuss the Regulaciones Urbanisticas de la Ciudad de La Havana for the city of Havana, completed in 2006 and 2009 respectively and will illustrate the important role these form based codes play in the current and future growth of the city. Prof. Chao was Principal Investigator of a funded research project entitled Havana Initiative. She orchestrated charrettes & lecture series, curated exhibitions, p e r f o r m e d r e s e a r c h a n d contributed to publications in collaboration with scholars on both sides of the Florida Straits. These various academic efforts in turn laid the foundation and nurtured the adoption of form based codes on the island under the auspices of the Office of the Historian. by William Moreno, UM SoA, “Studies of La Habana”. Prof. Rafael Fornes

Upcoming Events


Spring 2013 Symposium Cuba Architecture Studios University of Notre Dame du Lac School of Architecture Luis Trelles Florida Trust for Historic Preservation 35th Anniversary Conference St. Augustine, Florida Luis Trelles will present work of the studios conducted with Jorge Trelles in Havana in the fall semesters of 2011 and 2012. The city is an indispensable experience and classroom for the student of architecture. Havana is a rich and living city with a long and interesting cultural trace, revealed in its classically inspired beautiful Architecture. This studio experience presents to the student and faculty alike an oppor tunity to eng ag e the architecture of the city. These design studios at the graduate and undergraduate level conducted at the School of Architecture have begun with visits to the city to meet architects, professors and specialists of the Office of the Historian, and to tour the monuments. The presentation for discussion will include selected works from the studios of the Trelles brothers over two years as well as the studios of fellow visiting faculty members Rafael Fornes and Julio Cesar Perez in 2012. The studios conducted a variety of design projects for selected sites in Old Havana and Central Havana.

Compañia Cubana de Telefonos – Stacey Philliber Mercado Colon – Joel VanDerweele

Panel Discussion / Q&A

Panel Discussion Classicism & Preservation

Classicism & Preservation


Calder Loth Sonia Cháo Luis Trellis Rafael Fornes Joseph Cronk

What has been and what will be the role of Classical & Traditional architecture in the United States, Florida & the Caribbean. The panel will discuss the historical periods of Classical design influence in the past and the importance of Classical design principles in the future as Florida & Cuba continue the monumental undertaking of preserving their architectural heritage.

Preservation & Patrimony The panel will address the experience of Cuba in the preservation of the traditional urbanism and cultural patrimony and the relevance of this experience to historic preservation efforts in Florida and the US; the means by which Cuba and the US could collaborate in the future in the preservation of a shared architecture and urban heritage; and the meaning this prospective relationship could have to the economic and social narrative of the region.

Shared Heritage - United States & Cuba With a long and evolving relationship between St. Augustine and Cuba over the last 450 years, the panel will discuss some of the periods of partnership, exchange and connection between the two places in the areas of Traditional Urbanism, Preservation and Cultural Patrimony. The panel will discuss the current relevance of this evolving and living architectural resource to Americans and Floridians.

Travel Events

Spring 2013 Travel Havana, Cuba e Architectural Treasures of Cuba: Access Renewed ICA&A and Classic Excursions March 29-April 5th, 2013 Havana, Cienfuegos, Trinidad Cuba Cuba, and especially Havana, is a treasure trove of architectural styles spanning six centuries. With buildings dating from the 16th through the 19th centuries, Havana is perhaps the most authentic colonial city in the Americas. Since 1982, when the city became a UNESCO World Heritage site, the government has embarked on an ambitious preser vation and restoration program concentrated in the Old City. However, a severe lack of funding and materials has hampered efforts. Therefore, the decay and neglect of the past 40 years coupled with the destructive tropical weather continues to claim buildings every year. Most of the architectural styles imported from Europe—including Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassical, Neo-gothic, the Moorish mudejar and even Art Deco—are well represented in Havana and other cities in Cuba.

Cuba Travel Program Info


Travel Events

Winter 2014 Travel The Palladio Program A Study of Palladio in e Veneto as a Foundation for the Architecture of the New World January 2-12, 2014 î Že Veneto Region, Italy Fo r c e n t u r i e s s t u d e n t s o f architecture have visited Venice and the Veneto to study the work of the 16th century Renaissance architect, Andrea Palladio. This is so because of the inherent beauty of the built works and their corresponding landscapes and because Palladio's work is a testimony of a political culture and humanist ideal which would resonate throughout the world. Jefferson's reliance on Palladio's conception of architecture is explained as much by the practical content evident in Palladio's drawings and buildings, as it is by the ability of his work, individually and collectively, to project a cultural ideal. In Jefferson's case it would be the political program of a new republic, manifest in reassembled pediments and piers against the geography of a new world. A geography, as Vincent Scully reminds us, which is not altogether different from the low lands and of the Veneto. Palladio Program 2013 Information


Recent Events

Fall 2012 Workshop

Sketch Workshop e Art of St. Augsutine spaces from an Architects Perspective Conrad Van Wyk, RIBA, BAA December 8, 2012 St. Augsutine, Florida Mr. Van Wyk guided a day long plein air tour of the urban spaces of St. Augsutine in preparation for the 2013 drawing tours of The Palladio and Cuba Programs. The continuing education program will provide 4 hrs. of AIA approved credits. Mr. Van Wyk is an internationally recognized architect and artist. He has prog rammed, designed, and oversaw many significant projects worldwide and is an accomplished professional who has practiced in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the United States. Mr. Van Wyk has worked with several noted international architects and artists including James Stirling, R a l p h E r s k i n e, a n d K i s h o Kurakawa and Sir Hugh Casson. He was also the sole proprietor of a 40 person firm in Botswana. ICAA Lecture & Event Info Conrad Van Wyk Information


Recent Events

Fall 2012 Lecture La Habana and Her Territorial Patrimony From Historic Center to Historic City Dr. Felicia Chateloin October 5, 2012 University of Miami School of Architecture Dr. Felicia Chateloin Santiesteban is a graduate of the Escuela de Arquitectura, Facultad de Technologia, Universidad de la Havana and specializes in conservation and rehabilitation of built patrimony and in Urban Historic Preservation . As a member of the Centro Nacional de C o n s e r va c i ó n , Re s t a u r a c i ó n y Museología ( CENCREM) she played a key role in developing the institutional procedure for the designation of the Historic Urban Zones in La Habana, Cuba. She served as technical consultant to the Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana (OHCH) in the i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f t h e fi r s t comprehensive survey of historic structures in La Habana Vieja. Her book , La Habana de Tacon, remains the most extensive study of the Captain General’s interventions in La Habana in the first half of the 19th Century. Dr. Chateloin is a professor at the Facultad de Arquitectura del Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría (CUJAE) and at the Colegio Universitario de San Gerónimo de la Universidad de La Habana.


Recent Events


Fall 2012 Lecture Cuban Patrimony Cuba’s Patrimony: beneath its Colonial Roofs Dr. Felicia Chateloin October 6, 2012 Markland House, Flagler College From the beginning of the Cuban colonial period and well into the nineteenth century, the use of highly decorative wooden roof trusses and Mudejar craftsmanship provided the best solution for the ceilings of religious institutions as well as domestic and civil constructions. These wooden pitched ceilings, covered with locally made ceramic roof tiles, were a characteristic feature of the architecture of colonial Cuba that protected exquisitely beautiful interiors. They defined the urban environment and architectural spatiality with a breathtaking aesthetic. Dr. Chateloin will discuss the history and provide an understanding of how this necessary structural element came to help identify a period and style in Cuban architectural history. Images from Lecture

Drawings by Edeline Bigas, UM SoA, “Studies of La Habana”. Prof. Rafael Fornes

Recent Events


Spring 2012 Lecture Neoclassical Havana American Architectural Heritage in Havana Dr. Madeline Menéndez García Spring 2012 Flagler College Dr. Menéndez, who has been involved as an Architect in conservation efforts in La Habana with both the CENCREM as well as the Office of the Historian of the City of La Habana (OHCH) and is presently a professor at the Colegio Universitario de San Geronimo, lectured on NeoClassical Architecture in La Habana in the XIX and XX Centuries. From the end of the 1700’s to the early republic in the first half of the XX Century, NeoClassical architecture was perhaps the predominant architectural style in Cuba and would yield excellent examples in the related fields of Urban Design, Interior Design, Craftsmanship and Landscape Architecture. In the XX Century, Neo Classical Architecture in Cuba parallels the professional practice in the United States as in the work of McKim, Mead and White and Schutze & Weaver, for example, and is a living testimony of a shared cultural patrimony between our two countries.


Elementary Practical Treatise on the Study of the Five Orders of Architecture J. B. Vignola Illustrated in seventy-two plates by J.A. Léveil.

The Classical Cuba Program


Institute of Classical Architecture & Art Oficina del Historiador de La Ciudad del la Habana

Classical Architecture and Traditional Urbanism in Cuba PROGRAM OVERVIEW The

Institute of Classical Architecture and Classical America merged in 1991 to form the leading nonprofit organization in the United States dedicated to advancing the practice and appreciation of the classical tradition in Architecture, Urbanism and the allied arts. e ICAA is represented by 14 chapters nationwide which pursue the mission of the Institute through education, publication, and advocacy. e Florida Chapter, conscientious of the shared cultural legacy between Florida and Cuba, has established collaborative relationships with organizations such as e St. Augustine/Baracoa Friendship Association and others. ese relationships are dedicated to fostering mutual respect and understanding between the United States and Cuba through humanitarian, cultural and educational initiatives, in order to promote an academic research program in partnership with the Office of the Historian of the City of Havana.

The Classical Cuba Program


Program Mission To advance knowledge and training of classical and traditional architecture and urbanism and to increase Cuban, American and Cuban American awareness and involvement in national and global initiatives on the preservation and conservation of cultural patrimony by means of pedagogy, scholarship, conferences, symposia and publications.

The Classical Cuba Program


Program Components e ICA&A, in collaboration with the OHCH of Havana, has embarked on a joint research program dedicated to the study of classical and traditional architecture and urbanism and the allied arts. e program is centered on a series of drawing courses dedicated to the illustration of classical construction details and to the documentation of historic structures but also promotes and advocates a wide array of initiatives focused on the advancement of the knowledge and understanding of classical and traditional architecture and urbanism in Florida and Cuba. e program as presented to the Office of the Historian of the City (OHCH) during the ICA&A committee visit on March 2011 consists of a phased research agenda starting with documentation and ending with the publication of guidelines for the implementation of classical detailing in the rehabilitation of existing buildings and for use in new construction. e following activities are indicative of the types contemplated through this joint program: 1) Compilation of the first fifty titles on Classical Architecture and traditional urbanism for the library of the Colegio Universitario San Gerónimo de La Habana. 2) Provide seminar courses of the ICA&A on classical composition, proportion and drawing in Havana for ICA&A members as continuing

The Classical Cuba Program


3) Systematic and comprehensive field work documentation of classical detailing of existing buildings following the criteria of the Historic American Building Survey and employing annotation procedures developed in Cuba by the OHCH. 4) Symposia, exhibition and publications on classical architecture with the participation of Cuban, American, Latin American, Asian and European speakers to be held in the United States and Cuba. 5) International Symposium on classical architecture to be held in Cuba. 6) Publication of the book with the drawings resulting from the first four courses for use as a pedagogical tool in schools of architecture in the United States, Instituto Politecnico de La Habana and the Colegio San Geronimo. 7) Development of student and faculty academic exchange programs between Cuban and American institutions and pursuit of combined academic degrees in the fields of Architecture, Urbanism and Preservation 8) Implementation of academic degrees in the fields of Architecture, Urbanism and Preservation. 9) Assist and promote Cuban students and faculty participation in the ICA&A travel programs such as the Palladio Program and the Rome Program. 10) Editing classic texts by Cuban scholars on the history of classical architecture in Cuba. 11) e publication of a manual of classical detailing in the manner of the “Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma” to provide guidelines for general audiences on how to restore, preserve and rehabilitate classical buildings.

Classical Cuba Program

Past Program Events

Cuba Conference St Augustine, Florida Fall 2011 Flagler College A multi-discipline conference was held to host several professionals from Havana to discuss their areas of expertise in Cuba and to prepare for the Classical Cuba Program. The various events (described in the pages below) were well attended by architects from around the state, local distinguished guests such as Mayor Joe Boles and Bishop Filipe Estévez, and a wide range of groups interested in the beautiful city of Havana.

Habana Vieja, Cuba Coordination Visits Spring 2011 Havana, Cuba The ICA&A Classical Cuba Committee along with Fundacion Amistad met with OHCH & University of San Geronimo to discuss the ICA&A Program. The meetings discussed candidate buildings for study and the implementation for the “The Havana Manual for Restoration” along with other educational specific venues to match local professionals with the visiting ICAA participants. The initial trip is scheduled for May 2012.


Past Program Events

Walking Tour

San Agustín Vieja Fall 2011 St. Augustine, Florida A walking tour of colonial St. Augustine set the stage for the March Conference lectures. Colonial historian Dr. Susan R. Parker and architectural historian Dr. Alicia García Santana will introduce you to St. Augustine’s fortress and the colonial buildings that it protected. We meet at Castillo de San Marcos National Monument (ticket booth area). After passing through the City Gate we will head south. As we walked the narrow streets of the old, mile-long town, visited the buildings and courtyards where residents from Spain and Cuba (other Spanish lands, too) lived, worked, and prayed in La Florida's capital. We studied how ancient styles and motifs were adapted to locally available building material. Spanish colonists used coquina, a shell stone quarried on the barrier island, for buildings, chimneys, boundary walls, and military defense works. The fortress is both the oldest and largest example of a coquina building.


Past Program Events


lecture Classical to Vernacular American Architectural Heritage in Havana Fall 2011 Professor Rafael Fornés e concept for the lecture from Professor Fornés, "From Classical to Vernacular", refers to the regressive process that has occurred in Cuban cities - mainly in Havana after the revolution - and how the process is unique to other parts of the world. e lecture will cover three parts of the architectural heritage of Cuba: Colonial Classicism (1492-1898) A study and discussion of Cuba’s Roman architectural heritage up until the SpanishAmerican War, with reference to Vignola’s Renaissance treatises. American & Republican (1898-1958) Even before the Spanish-American War, important Cuban architects were trained in the Neoclassical and Beaux Arts traditions at American universities (Cornell, Columbia, Tulane, Notre Dame, and Syracuse). In addition to the academic influences, American construction companies such as Purdy and Henderson were responsible for the construction of major public buildings such a s t h e C a p i t o l i o N a c i o n a l , H o t e l Nacional, Universidad de la Habana and the Financial buildings that make up the Wall Street of Havana. Vernacular (1959-) e Revolutionary style initially follows the principles of the modern movement, but after the fall of the Soviet Union, vernacular interventions transformed the dominant neoclassical architecture dramatically.

Past Program Events


lecture La Casa Cubana Tradition and Culture Fall 2011 Dr. Alicia García Santana The origins and influences of the Cuban House gave rise to a uniquely Cuban style of architecture. Author of important books about Trinidad and Matanzas and another on the seven original Cuban colonial settlements, Dr. García has dedicated years of research to the origins and evolution of the Cuban House in the Spanish Caribbean. Her lecture today covers the transculturation of European cultures with autochthonous groups present in Cuba at the time of first contact and the dynamic process that brought about the essential Cuban house. rough a visual slide presentation of photographs by Julio Larramendi her lecture illustrates the first colonial houses with details ranging from simple wooden structures with palm thatched roofs to the more elaborate patio houses – a reflection of the strong Spanish influence. Highlighted are the more elaborate villas of the colonial settlements of Santiago de Cuba, Sancti Spiritus, Trinidad and Camaguey. e Moorish influence is also evident in the architecture of the times both in the Caribbean and in the colonies such as St. Augustine, a town that plays a similarly important role in the creation of a creole colonial house, adapted to the weather and necessities of the times. Dr. García closes her talk with a discussion of the changes in architectural styles in the early 19th century due to the trend away from trade with Europe and toward the United States, reflecting the profound influence of more modern cultures.

Past Program Events


Panel Discussion Why Cuba? e Future of Cultural Patrimony in Cuba and Florida Alicia García Santana Sonia Cháo Rafael Fornés Clifford Duch Teófilo Victoria- translator Joseph Cronk - moderator A panel composed of architects, p r e s e r va t i o n i s t s, a n d s ch o l a r s addressed the question of the ex p er i en ce o f C ub a i n th e preservation of the cultural patrimony and the relevance of this experience to historic preservation efforts in Florida; the means by which Cuba and Florida could collaborate in the future in the preservation of a shared architecture and urban heritage; and t h e m e a n i n g t h i s p r o s p e c t ive relationship could have to the economic and social narrative of the region. After the panel discussion there was an open forum with the participation of the general public in a question and answer period.

Reception Following the panel discussion, light refreshments were served in the historic First national Bank Building lobby. The photography of Julio Angel Larramendi Joa was displayed in the Drawing Room.

Past Program Event


lecture Spain & Florida A World Full of Myths & Realities Ambassador Santiago Martínez-Caro e Flagler Room at Flagler College Santiago Martínez-Caro comes to us from Vienna, Austria where he is currently posted to the United Nations Office on behalf of the Spanish government. His lifetime career in diplomacy has led him to a profound study of Spain’s role in colonizing the West and the fables that are sometimes substituted for history. Where one begins and the other leaves off is often open to interpretation and Dr. Martínez-Caro has all the credentials for an accurate assessment of his own country. By virtue of his Spanish and U.S. citizenship, he avoids political, cultural, and emotional biases to provide an authentic account, accompanied by interesting visuals. The Ambassador discussed five common myths about the presence of Spain in Florida and the U.S. e first to be dispelled is the Spanish pursuit of Florida’s riches. e second myth is Sp a i n ' s a t t i t u d e t o w a rd s Na t i v e Americans. e third myth the Ambassador addresses is the Black Legend. e fourth - one that runs parallel to this country's foundations concerns the arrival of the white man in North America; most Americans firmly believe that the British were the first! e final myth concerns foreign support for American independence. Sometimes the truth is more unsettling than the myths.

Past Program Event


keynote lecture Havana & St. Augustine Settlements in Colonial Cuba & their ties with St. Augustine Dr. Alicia García Santana Flagler Room at Flagler College Relations between San Agustín de la Florida and Cuba were strong, relevant and constant. Dr. García brings to light monumental Cuban figures like José Martí, Felíx Varela, Morell de Santa Cruz, and others whose lives were intricately woven in struggles between the Crown and the colonies – between St. Augustine and Havana. With slides of antique maps and historical illustrations, Dr. García tells stories of the defense of San Agustín and the attempts to protect Havana from invasions by the advancing English. Both cities had forts that were inadequate to protect the communities, so architects and defense strategists were called in to “modernize” and make impenetrable the standing structures. Important to complete the picture of the struggle by the Spanish to retain power in the area is the colonial settlement of Matanzas, the main supply base for Florida and the protectorate of Havana by land. e British occupation of San Agustín de la Florida gave rise to the flight of Spaniards, mestizos, and Freemen to Cuba and the subsequent creation of the settlement of San Agustín de la Nueva Florida under Matanzas jurisdiction.

About The ICA&A


The Institute of Classical Architecture & Art e Institute of Classical Architecture & Art, founded as two separate nonprofit organizations in 1991 and 1968, respectively, merged in 2002 as a national nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the classical tradition in architecture, urbanism and their allied arts. It does so though education, publication, and advocacy. e organization is a valued educational resource for students of art, planning and architecture, design professionals, and the general public assisted today by the growing network of regional and local chapters. e ICA&A offers a wide array of programs that include continuing education classes, travel programs, lectures, salons, and conferences. It publishes an academic journal called e Classicist as well as the acclaimed book series called the Classical America Series in Art & Architecture. e Grand Central Academy of Art flourishes as the Institute’s division of fine arts pedagogy and now offers a summer session called e Hudson River Landscape Painting Fellowships. e Institute also acts as a curriculum partner with accredited schools such as the College of Architecture at Georgia Tech & the University of Miami. ICAA Florida David Case, ICAA President ICAA National 20 W. 44th St. New York, NY 10036 (212) 730-9646

Board of Advisors Florida Troy Beasley omas E. Bishop Gerald Buxbaum David Case Tic Childers Joseph S. Cronk

Cliff Duch Marsha Faulkner Brandt Hay Peter Moor Geoffrey Mouen Stephen A. Mouzon

About The Guests & Lecturers

Rafael Fornés is currently a visiting associate professor at The University of Notre Dame School of Architecture studying the rehabilitation of Palacio de la Marquesa de Villalba, 1879 by Eugenio Rayneri Sorrentino. He was born in El Vedado, La Habana in 1956 and received a degree in Architecture from Instituto Superior Politécnico de La Habana in 1981 (IPSJAE). Between 1980 and 1985 he worked at the projects department of Dirección Provincial de Arquitectura y Urbanism (DPAU), which oversees the City of La Habana. His projects include Monuments and Urban Parks as well as the reconstruction of historical buildings and streets of La Habana Vieja, Centro Habana, El Cerro and Guanabacoa. Between 1990 & 1992 he worked in the Town Planning Office of Budapest City Hall, Hungary. He has taught the Studies of La Habana course at University of Miami, School of Architecture, since 1994. Since his move to the US in 1990, Mr. Fornés has been dedicated fully to the study of the urban morphology of La Habana. Sonia R. Cháo is a research assistant professor at the University of Miami School of Architecture. She is the Director of school's Center for Urban & Community Design. She received her Masters of Science in Architecture from Columbia University and her BArch from the University of Miami. Cháo has collaborated on a research project, studying the historic preservation and urban design patterns of Havana, curated related exhibitions and is currently completing a correlated publication. Her ties to institutions in the Caribbean & Latin America have expanded the outreach efforts of the CUCD.


Luis Trellis was born in Havana, Cuba in 1956 and grew up in Miami, Florida. He received a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Miami in 1981 and a Master of Architecture in Urban Design from Cornell University in 2001. Along with his brother, Jorge Trelles, and his brother’s wife Mari Tere Cabarrocas Trelles, Prof. Trelles began practicing architecture in Miami in 1987. e work of the firm is featured in books published in 2008 by ACAM Ediciones out of Bilbao and Casas International out of Buenos Aires, both monographs titled Trelles Cabarrocas Architects. e firm received the Merit Award of Excellence for the design of the Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart Junior High School by the American Institute of Architects, State of Florida Chapter in 2005. e partnership maintains an active practice in Miami. He taught as an Assistant Professor at the Un i v e r s i t y o f M i a m i S c h o o l o f Architecture from 2003 through 2009, with a focus on Building Materials and Methods of Construction, Drawing, Building and Urban Design. He has taught Architecture Design Studio as a visiting critic at Cornell University and is now a Visiting Professor at the University of Notre Dame School of Architecture. Prof. Trelles is a member of the Institute for Classical Architecture and Art and cofounder of the Open City Studio, a summer travelling Design Studio at the University of Miami focused on urban, cultural, artistic, folkloric, and architectural subjects of study the world over.

About The Program Lecturers Alicia García Santana earned her doctoral degree in Art Sciences from the University of Oriente. She has dedicated her life to the study and conservation of Cuban architectural patrimony. As director of research on the Historic Center of Trinidad, she wrote the application to UNESCO which declared Trinidad a World Heritage Site in 1988. She has published numerous articles & books including: Trinidad de Cuba; Contrapunteo cubano del arco y el horcón; La Habana, historia y arquitectura de una ciudad romántica; Trinidad de Cuba, Ciudad, Plazas, Casas y Valle; Las primeras villas de Cuba; Matanzas, la Atenas de Cuba; Urbanismo y arquitectura de la Habana Vieja, siglos XVI al XVIII and Trinidad de Cuba: un don del The Guggenheim Foundation granted her a scholarship to study Spanish colonial architecture in the Caribbean. She is currently expanding the study and working on a book about the Cuban House. Madeline Menéndez García (Havana, 1941), an architect by profession, since 1982, works in the field of historic preservation and the study of historic structures and urban centers for the National Center for Conservation, Restoration and Museology(CENCREM) in Havana and for the Master Plan Office of the Historian of the City of Havana. She has published numerous books and articles on the management of historic structures and cultural patrimony and is a member of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS, Cuba) and the Provincial Commission on Monuments. Dr. Menéndez received a Doctorate in Technical Sciences from the ISPJAE in 1990 and is Deputy Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture (ISPJAE), and the Colegio Universitario de San Geronimo, University of Havana, Cuba.

30 Teófilo Victoria graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1979 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and in 1980 with a Bachelor of Architecture. In 1982 Mr. Victoria completed a Masters of Architecture and Urban Design from Columbia University and in 1983, became the first Town Architect for the town of Seaside, Florida. Mr. Victoria teaches at the University of Miami, where he has served as the Director of the Undergraduate Program (1995-1998) and the Director of the Graduate Program (1999-2009). He has been a Visiting Professor at Cornell University and Harvard University and lectured in the United States, Europe and Latin America.

Felicia Francisca Chateloinis a graduate of the Escuela de Arquitectura, Facultad de Technologia, Universidad de la Havana and specializes in conservation and rehabilitation of built patrimony and in Urban Historic Preservation . As a member of the Centro Nacional de Conser vación, Restauración y Museología ( CENCREM) she played a key role in developing the institutional procedure for the designation of the Historic Urban Zones in La Habana, Cuba. She served as technical consultant to the Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana (OHCH) in the i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f t h e fi r s t comprehensive survey of historic structures in La Habana Vieja. Her book , La Habana de Tacon, remains the most extensive study of the Captain General’s interventions in La Habana in the first half of the 19th Century. Dr. Chateloin is a professor the Colegio Universitario de San Gerónimo.

Title Sponsor


The Friendship Association is a non-profit, volunteer organization whose objectives are to establish, promote and foster a spirit of friendship with the citizens of Baracoa, Cuba, and neighboring communities in the province of Guantanamo through meaningful people-to-people educational exchanges. Baracoa is a small town on the easternmost point of Cuba, visited by Christopher Columbus in 1492. Like St. Augustine, it is the oldest continuously inhabited Spanish settlement in Cuba. St. Augustine and Baracoa are historically and culturally linked because of their shared Spanish heritage. We live in a world fraught with the anxiety produced by international friction and political confrontation. Faced with this troubling environment, the Friendship Association strives to foster better awareness and understanding between the citizens of each city through a relationship of mutual concern and respect. In St. Augustine, the Friendship Association will promote unique and stimulating cultural and educational activities related to Cuban culture and history and the historical relationship between St. Augustine and Baracoa.

St. Augustine-Baracoa Friendship Association The Friendship Association P.O. Box 840011 St. Augustine, FL 32080


Title Sponsor


University of Miami School of Architecture 1223 Dickinson Drive Coral Gables, FL 33146 305.284.3731

Title Sponsor


Beasley & Henley Interior Design Winter Park Naples Atlanta

Title Sponsor


Manning Building Supplies Building Solutions Consultant Jason Brackin Jacksonville, Florida 904.509.1418

Title Sponsor


Foster Reeve & Associates, Inc. Architectural & Ornamental Plaster

Historically Elegant Plaster Now In Florida New York Manhattan Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11222 718.609.0090

Los Angeles 3904 Grand View Blvd Los Angeles. ca 90066 718.609.0090

Title Sponsor


C.F. Knight, Inc. Builder

4202 Ortega Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32210 718.609.0090

Title Sponsor


D.W. Meyers Constructors

1611 Mayfair Road Suite 201 Jacksonville, FL 32210 904.306.0017

sponsor information


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Program Sponsors Beasley & Henley Interior Design Casa Monica Hotel C.F. Knight, Builder Cronk Duch Architecture Dr. Ron Dixon, D.M.D. de la Guardia Victoria Architects & Urbanists, Inc. DW Meyers Construction emj copper, inc. Foster Reeve & Associates Flagler College Book Store The House & Home, Inc. Len Weeks Construction & Design LDI Construction Printing Lisa Gielincki Interior Design, Inc. Maggi Domini Manning Building Supplies Morales Construction Company, Inc. Moor & Associates, Architects, P.A. Panache Salon & Spa Richard Skinner & Associates architects St. Augustine-Baracoa Friendship Assn. St Augustine Historical Society Studio M Interior Design Tourist Development Council The Abaco Review University of Miami school of architecture

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