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C O N T E N T S PA G E S 2-3 - I N T R O P A G E S 4-5 - M I N D Y O U R B U I S I N E S P A G E S 6-7 - 5 0 W A Y S T O D I E T P A G E S 8-9 - P O S T E R P A G E S 10 - 11 – 3 W A Y S Y O U N E E D T O T R A N S O R Y O U R A C E P A G E S 12 – 13 – O E Y O U R B O D Y P A G E S 14 – 15 - T E A N A O G Y O E N W O E N P A G E S 16 – 17 – B O Y S D O N T C R Y P A G E S 18 – 19 – E S S A G E O U T R O P A G E 20 - P O T O


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I N T R O The media is constantly planting seeds of doubt in its audience’s minds. om social media to ne s headlines the e is a constant p essu e of hat e should loo li e and ho e should feel about ou appea ances. eadlines such as ays to diet this summe a e t igge ing fo ou gene ation and can be the oot of many mental health self esteem issues because e a e al ays being told the e is something mo e that e can do. omme cially the e is also a p oblem at hand. ands a e constantly selling p oducts ith the ad e tisement that they’ e the solution to no mal things a e body p oduces. e ha e been taught by ma eting that da ci cles’ is an issue by eye c eams and that e need to buy p oducts to fi ’ these things because e disli e ou sel es. a eting and society p opose that omen should be malnou ished eat less and be tiny things’ e en if it isn’t thei body type. eauty and s in ca e p oducts a e ma eted as s in butte ’ ca ia ’ and mil ’ because they a e ich and indulgent foods. pe son is made to sta e themsel es on the inside the efo e feeling the need to indulge themsel es on the outside a tempo a y fi hich is still negati e. This issue ill sho ho the media is eally affecting us. 3 Proof Copy: Not optimised for high quality printing or digital distribution


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M i n d y o u r b u i s i n e s s by Annie Williams The message behind the “Mind Your Business” prints was to provide awareness o menta hea th issues in men n sui ides were re orded in the o whi h were ma e ives whi h have gone up times in the ast years men are said to ta e their ives a wee however not enough is being done to he p Y men ta about their ee ings ma e under the age o is more at ris o i ing themse ves then they are orgetting the ne t ommon i er a heart atta Mar eting has a negative e e t on a ma e s identity as they ho d the pressure to be strong and su ess u emotiona y neutra and mas u ine hrases are thrown around su h as “man up” and “boys don t try” are insta ed in boys rom a young age and are emotiona y orrupting ommuni ative s i s in men whi h ou d avoid so many deaths T to the ma es in your i e to a i e

Graphics by Annie Williams 5

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raphi s and photos by nnie i iams


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T O I T by nnie i Mar eting and so iety propose that women shou d be ma nourished eat ess and be tiny things even i it isn t their body type Beauty and s in are produ ts are mar eted as s in butter aviar and mi be ause they are ri h and indu gent oods person is made to starve themse ves on the inside there ore ee ing the need to indu ge themse ves on the outside a temporary i whi h is sti negative tatisti s show that over o women wi thin rue y o their bodies abusive phrases su h as “You are a at worth ess pig ” “You re too thin or a man to ove you ” aren t o ten rom the mouths o other peop e but a tua y rom a women s per eption o herse The media is onstant y p anting the “per e t” image o what one shou d oo i e but a so norma ise the a t that women and men put their bodies down in an abusive manner ith onstant remedies and suggested te hni ues to get your body “on tra ” when in rea ity peop e use these tips to eed inse urities and to damage their bodies


Mar eting and media eed peop e the wrong ideas and in ormation in order to eep the never ending y e o onsumerism and eeding the e onomy s we as diet u ture the other issue that the media brings us is the pressure on iving an organi dairy ree g uten ree vegan i e where you meditate swit h o rom wor wor out every day and oo home made resh mea s every day The u ture that is promoted is the best way to ive however it s an unattainab e goa or the average person and a so e treme y dangerous be ause o the high amount o pressure it puts on peop e who annot a hieve this o ia media b o s sui ida or triggering posts to he p peop e rom being a e ted we shou d be doing more to ma e sure that media and mar eting an t eed it s audien es ies and put unne essary weight on its readers in a batt e to do better and onstant y hange their bodies 7

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O N E E D T O T R N O R O R y nnie illiams

remedies oo ed i e this wou d you rea y o ow them

tart by oo ing in the mirror at your sensitive raw po uted s in ow that you ve studied it to the point o ee ing even worse about it it s time to ra out some hemi a s that wi not on y urther damage you poor irritated in amed s in but a so burn a massive ho e in your ban a ount Your we ome

ay so now that you ve s apped some hemi a s on that wi u timate y irritate any tiny b emish it s time to pi those b a heads Yes That s right This norma human thing on your s in that everyone has shou dn t be there t s ma ing you ug y i pi ay hunny you re in pain now but we don t stop here ow it s time to read arti es


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ow it s time to read arti es that wi ma e you ee even about yourse h you heard me have a itt e goog e o a the myths and ha s you an try emember that to get ear s in you have to ut every ood group rom your diet and spend money that you do not and wi not have on enormous amounts o branded s in are Be ause i hristen ior say s that your tired eyes wi be ured with this tiny pot o ream then it M T wor

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aphic inspi ed by enny

ille by nnie illiams


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Y B Y By Annie Williams

The media te s us to either ove our urves or bones whi h positive y e e ts one body type but omp ete y shuns the other ur u ture o ten promotes body positivity by negative y ta ing about other bodies whi h sti eeds the thought that the media isn t ta en into onsideration our best interests n order to promote that a bodies are beauti u we a tua y have to start promoting it by getting the ba an e orre t This negative y needs to stop be ause it spreads the wrong message 12

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Graphic By Annie Williams Proof Copy: Not optimised for high quality printing or digital distribution




T S BY ANNIE WILLIAMS A W M E N I S W A T E E T E E L L T E Y W A N T .................................................................................................................................................................................................... a short survey about how men and women feel. 14

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as the media e e made you doubt you body type NO o you thin men and omen a e po t ayed diffe ently in the media NO o you belie e that media and ma eting p essu es you on a ca ee choice based on you gende NO o you belie e that a a eness fo suicides in men is tal ed about enough NO o you thin eating diso de s a e mo e common in men o omen ho ould you be mo e af aid of men o omen e the ine ualities bet een male and female being o e analysed to po t ay men o omen badly N O N

o you blame media and ma eting fo bad thoughts that you may ha e about you self NO hich body is se ualised by the media mo e male o female hich body is admi ed by the media mo e male o female


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O O N T R The intro, or kicker, is the body of By Annie Williams

common misconception of a male li ing in a o ld he e feminism is getting tal ed about mo e is often that they a en’t feminists. ecause of e t eme feminism and the confusion that the o d means hating men many of the male gende shy a ay f om it and lea e othe s confused and often ith the uestion hy l n ant e uality . oung men especially feel that they ant to suppo t omen as ell as c eate e uality fo themsel es ho e e get shouted do n because they R male meaning they don’t often pa ticipate o call themsel es a feminist. oung men also find that they a e unable to ma e a point about the p essu es put on them by the media and ste eotypes. In a su ey that I conducted of people feel that feminism in the media is poo ly po t aying men as the issue and that only of people feel that the media se ualises the male’s body in a negati e ay. If it is ong to po t ay omen and thei bodies li e this in the media then it is also ong to po t ay men in the same ay. f aX Ph d a b eminism is fo a h Ph all. a a b .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16

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Q X X a d Q X s n r t o so oj no j tm no m t t p so s r j s


PHOTO BY ANNIE WILLIAMS Proof Copy: Not optimised for high quality printing or digital distribution


hoto of nnie illiams by ames O ien .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18

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T y Annie Williams n my irst st year o the tended ip oma in rt and esign had my heart set on doing a degree in ashion Media and Mar eting de ided to dive into it or this pro e t to show a variety o s i s and understanding however what ound is that T our media and ommer ia ways The pressure ies and unhea thy in ormation that the industry hunders out is dangerous to the peop e who are e posed to it ter rea ising had more o a passion or e posing the media ana ysing the unhea thy mar eting te hni ues and empowering those who e t stru down by what they ve read o hope that in this maga ine you understand this either through the writing photographs or graphi s a o whi h are by me inspire you to ee the same

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N N I I I 20

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