Crosfields School Highlights Autumn 2020

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GROUND BREAKING SENIOR SCHOOL! In early October, Headmaster Mr. Watson and four Year 8 pupils were invited onto the site of Crosfields new Senior School building for the momentous breaking ground ceremony. Mr. Watson and the pupils were joined by Jamie Harwood, Operations Director from construction firm Beard, who are working on the new building which is due for completion in autumn 2021. The pupils were fortunate to be shown around the site and learnt more about the building methods involved on the project. The two-storey Senior School will comprise nine, bright and spacious classrooms, a flexible performance space, library and cafĂŠ for pupils as the school extends to 16 from September 2021. PUPIL HIGHLIGHT Being able to witness the construction of the new Senior School building. Jack, 6MS



FANTASTIC FOREST SCHOOL In October, Year 1 had the most amazing day in the woods for their Forest School day. It was a beautiful autumn day and the children enjoyed making potions in cauldrons, creating mud faces on the trees, threading leaf mobiles, making dens for hedgehog conkers, creating stick men and leaf crowns. Best of all was popping corn over an open fire and eating the delicious popcorn!

PUPIL HIGHLIGHTS I enjoyed making my leaf mobile on the forest school day because I loved punching the holes in the leaves and popping the popcorn over the fire. We made a seesaw and played on the seesaw. It was a very exciting day. Qian-Qian, 1M


I loved making popcorn and eating the popcorn and I loved making the stickman and I put things inside a cauldron and made a spell to turn everyone invisible including the whole class and the big children! Ameya, 1M


On our Forest school day, we made popcorn on the firepit and we made leaf crowns and mobiles. I really liked the googly eyes on my stickman! Gracie, 1M

COMPETITION SUCCESS AT CARE HOME Two pupils in Year 8 were pleased in October when they heard that they had triumphed in a competition that they had entered, which gave them the opportunity to name suites in a newly opened care home. Parsons Grange Care Home in Shinfield, which opened in August, invited Senior pupils at Crosfields and other local schools to help them select names for the different areas of their home. The winning entry chosen by the care home was Hardy,

which Lottie, pictured left, entered after writer Thomas Hardy featured fictional places in his books that were believed to be based on Shinfield and Reading. Alanna and Lottie took part in the Charity Champions co-curricular sessions. The care home also selected the names Allfrey, Aragon and Cobham after notable Reading residents, adopting the names for other suites. Well done, girls!

HARVEST FESTIVAL GENEROSITY Two representatives from the Wokingham Food Bank arrived at Crosfields in mid-November to collect all of the generous donations that the Crosfields community had made. Pupils in Year 7 assisted them in loading all of the items into their car, which was fully loaded as it drove away!



This time of year is so critical to food banks all over the UK, but particular focus has been given owing to the pandemic. Wokingham Food Bank were incredibly grateful for all of the items donated and expressed their sincere thanks and gratitude to all.

MARVELLOUS MATHS WEEK November saw Maths Week England come to Crosfields for the first time, where pupils in different year groups enjoyed taking part in a range of Maths Week England events. While there were challenges for all ages, older pupils tested out online maths games and software packages such as Desmos. Year 6 took on outdoor mathematical problem solving, and, using good old pens and paper, they estimated the height of the school building using nothing but a single piece of A4! Other year groups enjoyed activities such as the Primary Maths Challenge, Yohaku Puzzles and Mathematical Art sessions.

PUPIL HIGHLIGHTS I loved measuring the height of the Stillman building with just a sheet of A4 paper as it was really fun to work with my friend. Jennia, 6W



I really enjoyed Maths Week because we made snowflakes with shapes and it was interesting. Oskar, 6W



When we learnt about germs and why it’s important to wash our hands in science. Kiaan, 2F

Towards the end of November, Year 2 entered their classrooms to a surprise…STEM (Science, Technology, English, Maths) Day! They were delighted to have a day of ‘no work’, instead they puzzled, built, problem solved, experimented and questioned…but no work! Their day incorporated fairground themed activities which saw them transfer the skills they acquired from constructing towers in Forest School to their engineering project in the afternoon. Add to this a carousel of mathematical problems and science investigations and we all had the most amazing day. We were proud of the way the children approached the day. Their beaming faces and shrieks of laughter showed that a great day was had by all…but no work though!




Senior pupils in the Oaks Interact Club were delighted in November when a representative from the Maiden Erlegh Rotary Club presented them with a certificate for their Children in Need fundraising. Following the ‘pop-up’ shop initiative where Children in Need merchandise was sold during form time across the school, the contributions came to a staggering £2,066! Younger children around the school could be heard using their maths skills working out which items they could buy with their money, with one pupil asking, “Will there be a shop every day?”


During October half term week, pupils across the school were invited to take part in an art and wellbeing competition. Wellbeing is such an important area of discussion at Crosfields so what better way to encourage the children to explore it further than by encouraging them to enter a stimulating competition, where the children were asked to consider what makes them happy. Entries came flooding in with pupils trying their hand at all sorts of formats that included sculpture, digital imagery and sketching. Winners were then picked from each year group.

Year 7 winner Year 4 winner

PUPIL HIGHLIGHTS There were lots of things I enjoyed this term, one of them being the Wellbeing art competition. Charlotte, 6W

I enjoyed the art competition because it was a fun way to put creativity to test in a competitive way. Stephanie, 6W

LUNCH WITH A BANG Crosfields successful partnership with catering provider, Thomas Franks, continued to wow the children and staff throughout the autumn term, and in particular the pupils enjoyed a fireworks-themed menu on bonfire night. The celebrations certainly went off with a bang as Crosfields Chef Christian put on a wonderful display that included bangers and mash and bonfire roasted vegetables. A delicious selection of colourful, autumnal food and special toffee apple muffins were available, along with an explosive, virtual, fireworks display for the children to enjoy while they ate.

DELIGHTFUL DIWALI Girls and boys in the Pre-Prep celebrated Diwali in midNovember with a number of crafty art activities. They coloured Rangoli patterns, explored shapes to create their own patterns and even made tea light holders with clay. All children across the department enjoyed getting creative, while Year 1 listened attentively to Mrs. Gupta in Acorns Hall as she explained what the festival meant and how it was celebrated.

PUPIL HIGHLIGHTS I loved colouring the rangoli patterns for Diwali. Amira, Rec U


I really enjoyed celebrating Diwali. Lauren, 1G


SPRINGTIME HOPE In November, Senior pupils who take part in the Crosfields Oaks Interact Club planted purple crocus bulbs outside the Sports Centre to promote awareness for the Rotary Club’s Purple4Polio campaign. After a brief explanation of how to plant out bulbs by Crosfields Head Groundsman, Mr. Tennant, the pupils enjoyed digging holes and scattering the bulbs in a small patch in front of the swimming pool.

INTRODUCING NALA In December, a new member of the well-being team joined Crosfields. Nala is a yellow Labrador puppy who joined the Dinsdale family in their school house. As well as being a family pet, Nala is going to be a pioneer as the first Crosfields School dog. Towards the end of term Nala was introduced to different year groups and classes, and was an instant hit with the pupils. She’ll be making many more appearances around school as she grows, spending time with the children and accompanying them at PUPIL HIGHLIGHT various events. Keep I really like the new an eye on the school’s school puppy, Nala. social media pages for Stephanie, 6W more ‘pupdates’!



YEAR 8 LEADERSHIP ROLES ANNOUNCED A group of pupils in Year 8 were pleased in November as they had been selected to undertake a variety of prefect roles around the school. Pupils were nominated by teachers for the roles, with all the children in the year group writing motivations for the roles they felt they were best suited to. Final selections were then made by Mr. Watson and Head of Years 7 and 8, Mrs. Stewart, who took into consideration the leadership skills the pupils have displayed so far. Some of these included empathy, integrity, humility, resilience and setting a good example for others, and the ability to adapt and learn from mistakes made. Well done to all of our Year 8 leaders.

RESULTS: U8: Crosfields 33 Lambrook 27 U9 & U10: Crosfields 60 Lambrook 60 U10 & U11: Crosfields 75 Lambrook 45 U12 & U13: Crosfields 60 Lambrook 60

PUPIL HIGHLIGHTS My weekly swimming lesson, it’s so much fun! Zac, 3B

I have really enjoyed the swim squad gala. Alex, 3B

A FIRST FOR THE SWIM SQUADS The swimming squads were back in action in November, taking part in virtual galas against Lambrook School. In this brand-new style of competition, pupils from Crosfields and Lambrook competed against each other but in their own school pools, under strict conditions and rules, just as it would be if the schools were able to visit. The times from the two schools were compared and scored, and we were pleased to announce that Crosfields did very well indeed!

CELEBRATING THE COVID CUP With fixtures not able to happen throughout the Autumn term, the PE department devised inter year-group leagues for football and hockey that soon became known as the Covid cups! The competitive opportunities were welcomed and enjoyed by pupils through the school. The matches contributed to player development and this was evident in all age groups that took part.



CHRISTMAS COMES TO CROSFIELDS It may have been a Christmas like no other for many families across the world, but that didn’t stop the spirit of Christmas and good cheer from taking over at Crosfields. Staff around the school went the extra mile to ensure that all pupils enjoyed a great selection of activities to celebrate the festive time of year and the term certainly ended on a high with a very special visit not only from Santa himself but his reindeer, too, organised by the Wellbeing team.

PUPIL HIGHLIGHTS Was visiting the reindeer! Aziz, 1G


When I saw Santa I thought I was dreaming! Tomison, Rec S


Art, because we got to decorate our Christmas trees. Ruby, 2F

Was when I went on Santa’s sleigh. Zander, 1G

PUPIL HIGHLIGHTS I liked doing the advent calendar and counting down to Christmas. Niharika, 2F

I really enjoyed meeting Santa. Florence, 1B

The best thing this term was having the reindeer visit, I enjoyed it because I got to stroke it. Sebastian, 3B

Once again Chef Christian and his team pulled out all the stops, ensuring that all year groups could enjoy a socially-distanced Christmas lunch in the dining hall across four days in early December, while the Music department were busy with a challenge of their own, as they created our very first virtual Crosfields Christmas card! Incorporating Christmas performances from the children throughout the school, it also included a superb solo from Mr. Watson himself. Who knew he could sing so well?



PUPIL HIGHLIGHTS I really enjoyed holding a mouse in my hand. Musa, 1G

I really enjoyed feeding animals. Melissa, 1G

I loved the farm animals, I fed the goats and the goats licked my hands, they were wearing Christmas jumpers and they looked funny! Charlotte, 1M

I really enjoyed the farm, I liked stroking the little goats. Edward, 1G

I enjoyed it when we saw the animals and they were so soft, especially the donkey. Lizzie, Rec U

FANTASTIC FARM VISIT The Pre-Prep children had a further treat during the last week of term as they enjoyed a visit from some adorable little farm animals dressed in Christmas jumpers, courtesy of mobile farm, Farms2Ewe. Children from Nursery to Year 2 cuddled, brushed and fed the pigmy goats, sheep, guinea pigs, mice and pony. Christmas wouldn’t be complete without a donkey wearing a red, velvet cloak, would it?



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