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November 2019

by crossdressers for crossdressers

News, Views & Reviews Stories, Tips & Advice & Much, Much More... Meet Nikki... Our very first Covergirl Virginia... Princess of The Transgender Movement

WELCOME Welcome to the very first issue of Xdresser World. The world’s very first magazine created by crossdressers for crossdressers. In a world that never shuts up and is constantly changing its values and attitudes, Xdresser World will bring up to date news, views, and reviews from the world of crossdressing. The magazine will offer readers the opportunity to express their views and opinions, as well as advice, encouragement, and support to its readership. My name is Steff, and in the few short weeks that I have discovered crossdressing, I have discovered that there are few if any, regularly maintained newsgroups for the crossdressing community. A lot are self-serving or self-promoting, but nothing where the wider community can become a part of! I encourage readers to submit articles, stories, tips, advice, and know-how so that we can all benefit from each other's experiences. As we move ever nearer to the new year we look forward to growing our community and giving more people a safe, supportive and welcoming place to be themselves. Please share Xdresser World with your friends and others who may benefit from our community. If you have a website, please consider placing one of our banners on your website. With love and gratitude. Steff J

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Arresting dress: A timeline of anti-crossdressing laws in the United States In November 2014, an appeals court in Malaysia overturned a state law that barred Muslim men from dressing as women in a historic victory for the country’s transgender women. The court found the law unconstitutional, characterizing it as “degrading, oppressive and inhuman.” The verdict was heralded by human rights organizations worldwide as a step in recognition of modern human rights. But some similar landmark rule changes in the United States were only a few years ahead. In fact, a person perceived as male who dressed in clothing customarily designed for women could technically be arrested in New York for “impersonating a female” as recently as 2011 — the remnants of a 19th-century statewide law prohibiting wearing “the dress of the opposite Sex”. In Columbus, Ohio, where one of the earliest ordinances was instituted, an 1848 law forbade a person from appearing in public “in a dress not belonging to his or her sex.” In the decades that followed, more than 40 U.S. cities created similar laws limiting the clothing people were allowed to wear in public. The wave of laws in the 1850s represented a “new development specific to gender presentation,” according to Susan Stryker, an associate professor of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Arizona. In effect, the anti-cross-dressing laws became a flexible tool for police to enforce normative gender on multiple gender identities, including masculine women and people identifying as transgender or gender non-conforming. But as time progressed and fashion evolved, it was increasingly difficult to even define what “crossdressing” entailed from a law-enforcement perspective, Stryker told PBS NewsHour. The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation organization defines cross-dressers specifically as heterosexual men who occasionally wear clothes, makeup and accessories culturally associated with women. “By the time the counterculture was in full bloom, cross-dressing arrests were routinely getting thrown out of court,” she said. “Arresting cross-dressing people was mainly just a form of police harassment.”

Sources: “Transgender History” by Susan Stryker, “Gaylaw: Challenging the Apartheid of the Closet” by William N. Eskridge Jr., “A Dress Not Belonging to His or Her Sex” by Clare Sears, “Cross Dressing and the Criminal” by I. Bennett Capers,”The Cross-Dressing Case for Bathroom Equality” by Levi and Redman, “Transgender History & Geography: Crossdressing in Context, Volume 3” by G.G. Bolich, as well as the Transgender Law Center.

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Is Crossdressing A Case of Split Personality? Sometimes I wonder whether the crossdressing is a case of split personality or more accurately dissociative identity disorder (DID). Before I give my own opinions on this, I need to make a disclaimer that I am no psychiatrist or psychologist. According to Wikipedia, DID ‘is a mental disorder on the dissociative spectrum characterized by the appearance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately show in a person’s behaviour, accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness’. Just by the definition itself, I am quite sure that crossdressers are not suffering from DID. For crossdressers, while the male and female side may be kept relatively distinct in their life, I doubt there is any memory impairment that a person have with regards to any encounter while in their female mode. Again, crossdressers exist in a spectrum. Some dress up only fully in female clothing complete with makeup, while others may just don on a pair of pantyhose under their suit. You can read more about the different levels of crossdressing from my previous post. In this post, I am only going to refer to the spectrum of crossdressers who dress up intending to be a passable female. Myself, I kept my female and male persona separately. Perhaps the reason is that the society that many of us are brought up in accepts gender as only male or female. Many times you hear people saying things like dolls are for girls, guns are for boys, dresses are for girls, etc. In most people's minds, the idea of gender exists only in two buckets; male or female. The concept of two buckets is something that many people can easily understand and hence most widely accepted. Because of the need to conform to such social norm, there will be cases of suppression of one’s expression or passion. Girls who like body building, guys who like make-up just to name two. Of course there are your homosexual individual who remain in the closet. The results of this suppression may lead to later stage ‘realisation’. At the ‘realisation’ stage, the person has a strong desire to break free of social norms and be true to himself or herself. This is what many refer to as coming out of the closet. I don’t really like having the separate persona. To me, it feels like splitting an atom. I’m who I am. I like to be a man at times and like to dress up as a girl too. Sexually, I’m straight. See the point is many don’t see the differences between sexuality and cross dressing. To crossdress is not necessary a mean to attract men (again I’m referring to MTF cross dressing). I crossdress because I like the female clothing. Just like How female will have their own coveted designer dress or gown, why can guys have the same desire? I’m one person with different personal expressions of what society would prefer to be kept separated. I do not have split personality problem but rather I am simply trying to work around the social norm. Sadly this is the world I am born into. With more awareness, I positive that the future generation of cross dresser will have greater acceptance and understanding just like how homosexuality is more acceptable today. By Gin Kim

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A Likely Story... Transvestite artist Graystroke 'Katherine' Perry picked up a Buckingham Palace gong yesterday-and is believed to be the first to do so in drag, although Camilla has been seen picking up Corgi dog 'gongs' with a tissue when roaming the halls at midnight pissed as a newt. The flamboyant garden gnome and motorway cone maker, 53, famed for his plastic and ceramic art and cross-dressing collected his CBE from Prince Charles who was clearly 'excited'' at both meeting Perry and grasping his sweating, hairy hand. Graystroke once said that his alter-ego Katie was based on Charles' beloved Aunt Princess Margaret during one of her many booze and drug binges. But he dressed down and remained sober during the presentation for fear of wetting his open crotch knickers, describing his outfit as "British Heart Foundation meets Oxfam". The Turnip Prize winner, accompanied by his wife Grimhilda, called his CBE recognition for "30 years of faking orgasms" and not having a proper day job. Later, at the post-ceremony reception, a clearly aroused Prince Charles was seen being discretely ushered out by two officers from Operation Yewtree after having been caught putting his hand up Graystroke's skirt. According to one guest, Chaz was heard to cry out, "one was only checking to see if he was better hung than Camilla officers, honest!" SPAIN TO BAN TRANSVESITES! MADRID - The Spanish government has just announced that effective February 14, 2020, (Valentine's Day) it will be implementing its ban on transvestites. Spain's national news agency, OlĂŠ News has informed the public that the government figured that the transvestite problem had gotten somewhat out of control. A spokesperson noted that the Arroyo Police Department reported that out of 67 police officers 38 were transvestites. He commented that this caused a big problem with the town's prostitutes due to the fact that most of the officers dressed better and looked better than the female hookers. One well-known downtown female streetwalker, known as SeĂąorita La Rita remarked that she does not want to be a police officer so why should police officers want to be transvestites and make the city's whores look cheap by comparison. The Spanish Senate has voted on the matter and they agree that the whole crossdressing situation has gotten way out of hand. So after February 14, any male caught dressing up as a woman will be arrested, stripped of all of his female clothing including bra and panties, and be sentenced to 11 months in jail. In Other News From Spain. The organizers of the annual Pamplona Running of The Bulls have said that women will no longer be allowed to participate in the run due to the fact that they scream way too loud and it really upsets the hell out of the bulls.

Princess Of The Transgender Movement Virginia Charles Prince is often dubbed the “Pioneer of the Transgender Movement” and she deserves the title. Prince dedicated much of her life to give back to the trans* community and to normalize the much stigmatized idea of transvestism and crossdressing. She was the first to recognize and define the difference between sex, gender and transgender versus transsexual. She worked to uplift the male heterosexual crossdressing community by creating a support group and national organization called Tri Ess, or the Society for a Second Self. Furthermore, she published Transvestia Magazine which was the first transvestite magazine. Transvestia talked about issues surrounding transvestism and transphobia among other things. It became a source of connection within the transgender community, where they finally felt heard and understood. Through the magazine, subscribers were able to network and connect with each other by way of ads or by personally writing to the editors. It is clear that throughout her career, Prince had a large impact on the early transgender scene in Los Angeles. Her efforts definitely did not go unnoticed and it reached many people across the nation and worldwide. Virginia Charles Prince was born as Arnold Lowman on November 23, 1912. The Lowmans were part of the upper middle class in early Los Angeles due to the success of both parents. Prince’s father, Charles LeRoy Lowman, was the first orthopedic physician in Los Angeles and owned his own large orthopedic hospital. Dr. Lowman was well respected because he devoted much of his efforts to giving back to the community and helping those in need regardless of their financial ability. Prince’s mother, Elizabeth Hudson Lowman, was quite the entrepreneur herself and her real estate business often kept her busy. In his early developmental years, Arnold (Virginia Prince) recalls showing interest in the expression of the opposite gender. As early as at twelve years old, Arnold developed an obsession with high heeled shoes. He would steal his mother or his sister’s dresses and cross dress. At this age, he was not aware of the social implications or what this meant about his gender identity. All he knew was that seeing his own cross dressed reflection in the mirror gave him significant satisfaction and even sexual arousal. This rush led him to continue to crossdress and adventure down the streets of downtown Los Angeles in secret. Because his father was greatly opposed to the idea of cross dressing and thought of it as immoral Virginia hid this activity. Even though Virginia's mother was more supportive than his father was, her priority in her business kept her from sufficiently being there for Arnold for much of his childhood. He continued struggling with his identity mostly in secret by himself, until going away to Pomona College as a chemistry major and then later to the University of California (CAL) for graduate studies in the same field with special emphasis on pharmacology. Later and back in Los Angeles, Arnold met Dorothy Shepherd at church and instantly fell in love. Shortly after in 1941, they got married and moved to the Bay Area because Arnold had a job offer as a research assistant at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. During Arnold’s time at UCSF Medical Center, he was able to attend a case presentation about a transvestite, Louise Lawrence. This exposure to Lawrence was an important moment for Arnold. Up until this point, Arnold had no connection or had ever met any other crossdressing individual. He later requested to meet Lawrence personally and it was through their encounter that “Virginia Price” was born because Arnold wanted to introduced himself with a feminine name. Following the meeting, he continued to keep close ties with Lawrence who acted as a transvestite communication network of sorts. Later, Lawrence chose to live full-time as a woman without transitioning surgically and this became another reason Arnold treated Lawrence as a role model and saw her with great respect.

A year later, at the end of the research project, Arnold and Shepherd moved back to Los Angeles where Arnold worked primarily as a chemist, working on beauty products for the market. He co-established Cardinal Industries which became a successful facility for the production of these goods. For the most part, Arnold kept his cross dressing tendencies a secret from Shepherd and effectively decided that it would be best to give it up for their marriage. Soon, their son, Brent Lowman, was born in 1946. However, before long, Arnold began picking up his old hobby, often sneaking away with Shepherd’s dresses. His sometimes careless acts gave it away and when his wife found out, she was not happy. She became increasingly intolerant as time passed. In a last attempt of amending their relationship, Shepherd consulted a psychiatrist who claimed that transvestism was linked to homosexuality. In hearing this, Shepherd immediately demanded a divorce from Arnold, taking with her their son in 1951. Their divorce was not pretty; Arnold wanted more time with his son than Shepherd was allowing so he brought it to court. Though he managed to win his case, the cost was cruel publicity about their court case to the general public. Shepherd played a dirty game where she attempted to use his transvestite tendencies against him, arguing his character made him unfit as a father. The news headlines wrote humiliating articles of Arnold’s cross dressing episodes. Between marriages, Arnold met Doreen Skinner. Skinner was their former family housekeeper and it was Mrs. Lowman that encouraged them to get together. Skinner was well aware of Arnold’s crossdressing and she was supportive of it, letting him borrow her clothes. Virginia Prince and Doreen Skinner even went out doing activities as two ladies together. Looking back, Prince recounts that her most rewarding sexual experiences were with Skinner. Skinner would allow her to dress as a woman and sometimes act as the man herself during sex. This second marriage was an important relationship to Prince and she cherished it because she was finally accepted for who she was. However, over the years Skinner grew uncomfortable over the possibility that Arnold may choose to transition to a woman full-time and perhaps due to her own identity-related insecurities, or for one reason or another, Skinner asked for a divorce in 1966. By 1968 it was the end of these two marriages. Despite the great amount of hurt and betrayal he felt especially from Skinner, for the first time in a while Arnold was free from all burden of relationships. There were two important milestones during this year that prompted him to fully transition and live as Virginia. The first was a six week travel across the U.S. and Canada. During this trip, she traveled only as Virginia, without a single article of clothing that belonged to Arnold. It was the first time that she was able to pull off such a long, extensive period of time as Virginia. The second event was a nude marathon group therapy session led by psychologist Paul Bindrim. At this event, Virginia was able to test her ability to interact with others as Virginia while having her male anatomy on display. Both these events gave her confidence that she could in fact get away with living as Virginia. For much of his transition and throughout the rest of her life, the distinct differences between sex and gender, and, to a lesser extent, the different categories of being transgender, or transvestite, and transsexual were important to Prince. According to Richard F. Docter in From Man to Woman: The transgender journey of Virginia Prince, “She insisted that the term, sex, should be biologically defined, while the term, gender, should refer to attributes of masculinity and femininity. Hence, for sexologists from then on would speak of male and female, while the words, man and woman, would apply to gender” (Docter 62). Prince prefered to be designated a transgenderist which meant that “...[she] live[s] in the feminine gender but [] ha[s] no desire to change [her] sex.” (Docter 57). She was actually opposed to the idea of getting sex reassignment surgery. She explains “...the only thing SRS does is to permit a transsexual woman to have vaginal intercourse with a man, and I’m not into that.” (Docter 57). Prince draws a clear line; transgenderists identify as the opposite sex but this does not mean that they are homosexual, however, transsexuals identify as the opposite sex and they are typically attracted to their biological sex. This was an important distinction that Prince kept when she founded the first transvestite organization in history, The Foundation for Full Personality Expression (FPE) which later became Tri Ess, the Society for a Second Self, in 1976. Cont...

It was an organization exclusively for male heterosexual crossdressers, which became a source of controversy later on because people wanted to expand to further support transsexuals, homosexuals, and others. Despite objections to the organization’s exclusiveness, Tri Ess had a significant impact on the community because it was the first time an organization successfully brought together transvestites and created a sense of community and safety. The original Los Angeles support group was assigned the name of the Alpha Chapter and soon it grew to be a national organization that spread chapters throughout the nation including the Beta Chapter and Gamma Chapter. After gaining recognition as the leader for the organization, Prince was recruited to help organize many other groups including the Beaumont Society in England, FPE of Northern Europe (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland), and Tri Ess in Canada. In 1960, Prince began publishing Transvestia Magazine. This magazine acted as a networking and communication outlet for many transvestites across the nation and all over the world. In a time when transvestites were persecuted and marginalized, subscribers to the magazine were able to feel connected in their experiences and not alone. They could not only reach out to Virginia and the editors about their concerns, but also communicate with each other through ads placed in the magazine. In the section called “Virgin Views,” Virginia wrote extensively and to great detail the entire process of her transition and other stories that might be of help to others going through the same transition as herself. Transvestia Magazine also included ways in which crossdressers around the world could organize and come together to create a safe space. Throughout her career, Virginia Prince worked tirelessly for the transvestite community, trying to bring them together, create a safe haven, and work toward shifting public perceptions that held incorrect beliefs and prejudices. Her list of contributions is seemingly endless, her lectures at Universities, TV appearances, interviews, books, and research helped shape much of what we understand and know about transvestism today. She is seen quoted in textbooks, psychiatric research papers, and more. For this reason, Virginia Prince is remembered and respected as the pioneer of the transgender movement. Citations: Docter, Richard F. From Man to Woman: the Transgender Journey of Virginia Prince. Docter Press, 2004. Prince, Virginia, et al. Virginia Prince: Pioneer of Transgendering. Haworth Medical Press, 2005. Transvestia. Los Angeles, Calif.: Chevalier Publications, 1960. Print.

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