New releases - April 2020 4 to 8 years old
Preschool – Primary school – Families – Immersion
My funny sweet grandma has flown away like a butterfly.
Synopsis A grandmother dies as the flora and fauna wake up around a little girl. This sad goodbye is very difficult and the little girl no longer wants to play with anyone. Time passes, as well as the seasons and the little girl builds herself a box of beautiful things. The box becomes filled with images, funny moments, and knowing glances, to allow the little girl to continue dancing and laughing with her beloved grandmother.
Why read this book?
La boite aux belles choses A story by Christine Arbour Illustrated by Johanna Lezziero Technical specifications
Étagère TROTTINETTE ISBN (hardcover) : 978-2-89750-191-4 ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-89750-192-1 ISBN (ePUB) : 978-2-89750-193-8 32 pages, perfect bind 6.5 x 9.5 po (16,51 x 22,86 cm) 13,95$ (hardcover) 4,99$ (pdf & ePUB)
Distributed by PROLOGUE 1650, Lionel-Bertrand Boisbriand (Québec) Canada J7H 1N7 Phone: (613) 601-4507 Fax: (613) 562-3320 Toll free: 1-800-363-2864
• To help with grief or to discuss the loss of a loved one with children; • To o talk about the cycle of life, through a poetic story which places nature and human life on an equal level; • To discover the illustrations of a talented young artist recently emigrated to Canada. Canada
The creators Christine Arbour has lived in Quebec for many years, but remains Gaspésienne at heart. Enamoured with the beauty of small things, passionate about travel and architecture, she is a graduate of consumer science and journalism. Johanna Lezziero Lezziero, originally from France, has always had a passion for drawing and the animal kingdom. After 10 years in children’s fashion as a textile designer, she and her husband decided to go and experience a great Canadian adventure. BOUTON D’OR ACADIE Books created in Acadie, printed in Canada
C.P. 575, Moncton (N.-B.) E1C 8L9 Canada 506 382-1367
Nouveauté - Avril 2020 4 à 8 ans
Maternelle – Primaire – Familles – Immersion
« Ma coquine grand-maman d’amour s’est envolée comme un papillon. »
Résumé Une grand-maman s’éteint, alors que la flore et la faune se réveillent tout autour d’une petite fille. Ce départ fait mal. La petite ne veut plus jouer avec personne. Puis le temps passe, les saisons aussi et la petite fille se construit une boite aux belles choses. Elle remplit sa boite d’images, de moments rigolos et de regards complices, pour continuer à danser et à rire avec le souvenir de grand-maman.
Pourquoi lire ce livre La boite aux belles choses Texte de Christine Arbour Illustrations de Johanna Lezziero
• Pour aborder le deuil ou discuter de la perte d’un être cher avec les enfants ; • Pour mettre en valeur les relations avec les grandsparents ; • Pour parler de l’importance de la mémoire.
Spécifications techniques
Les créatrices
Diffusion par PROLOGUE
Christine Arbour vit à Québec depuis de nombreuses années, mais est tout de même une gaspésienne de coeur et de racines. Amoureuse de la beauté des petites choses, passionnée de voyages et d’architecture, elle est diplômée en sciences de la consommation et en journalisme.
Étagère TROTTINETTE ISBN (papier) : 978-2-89750-191-4 ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-89750-192-1 ISBN (ePUB) : 978-2-89750-193-8 32 pages, couleurs 6,5 x 9,5 po (16,51 x 22,86 cm) reliure allemande 13,95 $ (papier) 4,99 $ (pdf et ePUB) 1650, Lionel-Bertrand Boisbriand (Québec) J7H 1N7 Canada Tél. : (613) 601-4507 Fax : (613) 562-3320 Sans frais : 1-800-363-2864
Johanna Lezziero Lezziero, originaire de la France, a toujours eu une passion pour le dessin et le monde animal. Après 10 ans passés dans l’univers de la mode enfantine en tant que designer textile, elle et son mari ont decidé de partir vivre une grande aventure au Canada. BOUTON D’OR ACADIE Des livres créés en Acadie, imprimés au Canada
C.P. 575, Moncton (N.-B.) E1C 8L9 Canada 506 382-1367
Nouveauté – Septembre 2020 À partir de 16 ans
Premières Nations – Secondaire – Universitaire
« [...] je ne peux m’empêcher de me demander si l’omission de révéler et d’enseigner les horreurs commises par les ancêtres des Américains et des Canadiens caucasiens contre les peuples des Premières Nations d’Amérique du Nord [...] est une dissimulation intentionnelle ou une indication que ces personnes gardent toujours à l’esprit la notion que la vie d’une personne des Premières Nations n’a aucune valeur. » Extrait de l’épilogue, Daniel Paul
Première traduction en français du célèbre livre de Daniel Paul, We were not the savages (Fernwood Publishing). Paru pour la première fois en 1993, ce premier livre d’historiographie autochtone en est à sa 3e édition, et incorpore les recherches continues de l’auteur. Il montre clairement que les horreurs de l’histoire continuent de hanter les Premières Nations aujourd’hui... mais aussi tous.tes les Canadien.nes.
Pourquoi lire ce livre ?
Ce n’était pas nous les sauvages. Histoire des Premières Nations : le choc entre les civilisations européennes et autochtones. Écrit par Daniel N. Paul. Traduit de l’anglais par Jean-François Cyr. Page couverture de Leonard Paul.
Spécifications techniques
Mouton noir Acadie ISBN (papier) : 978-2-89750-197-6 ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-89750-198-3 ISBN (ePUB) : 978-2-89750-199-0 480 pages, noir et blanc 5 x 9 po (12,7 x 22,86 cm) reliure allemande 29,95 $ (papier) 14,99 $ (pdf et ePUB)
Diffusion par PROLOGUE 1650, Lionel-Bertrand Boisbriand (Qc) J7H 1N7 Canada Tél. : (613) 601-4507 Fax : (613) 562-3320 Sans frais : 1-800-363-2864
• Pour faire la lumière sur un pan sombre de l’histoire du Canada ; • Pour comprendre quels ont été les crimes subits par les Premières Nations ; • Pour entendre le point de vue autochtone sur la colonisation.
Le créateur Daniel N. Paul est né en 1938 dans une petite cabane en bois rond de la réserve de Shubenacadie, en NouvelleÉcosse, le douzième de quatorze frères et soeurs. Il réside aujourd’hui à Halifax. M. Paul est un ardent défenseur des droits de l’homme, un activiste engagé, un auteur, conférencier et journaliste indépendant. Il est également juge de paix pour la province de la Nouvelle-Écosse, commissaire à la Commission d’examen de la police. Il a siégé sur la Commission provinciale des droits de l’homme, et il a fait partie du groupe de travail du ministère de la Justice pour la restructuration de la Cour de Justice de Nouvelle-Écosse. Parmi de nombreux honneurs, on lui a remis un doctorat honorifique en Lettres de l’Université Sainte-Anne. Il a également reçu l’Ordre du Canada et l’Ordre de la NouvelleÉcosse.
BOUTON D’OR ACADIE Des livres créés en Acadie, imprimés au Canada
C.P. 575, Moncton (N.-B.) E1C 8L9 Canada 506 382-1367
New releases – September 2020 16 years old and older
First Nations – Secondary schools – Universities
"As a person of First Nation ancestry I cannot help but wonder if the failure of Caucasian Americans and Canadians to reveal and teach about the horrors their ancestors carried out against North American First Nation Peoples is a deliberate cover-up, or an indication they hold within their minds a notion the life of a First Nation person is valueless–not worthy of human considerations." - From the introduction, N. Daniel Paul A first French translation of Daniel N. Paul’s famous book, We were not the savages (Fernwood Publishing). Published for the first time in 1993, this first book of First Nations historiography is now in its third edition and incorporates Daniel Paul’s ongoing research. It clearly shows that the horrors of history still rain upon the First Nations people of the present.
Why read this book?
Ce n’était pas nous les sauvages. Histoire des Premières Nations : le choc entre les civilisations européennes et autochtones. Written by Daniel N. Paul. Translated in French by Jean-François Cyr. Cover artwork by Leonard Paul. Also available in English under the title We were not the savages, published by Fernwood Publishing. Technical specificities
Mouton noir Acadie ISBN (paperback): 978-2-89750-197-6 ISBN (PDF): 978-2-89750-198-3 ISBN (ePUB): 978-2-89750-199-0 480 pages, perfect bind 5 x 9 po (12,7 x 22,86 cm) $ 29,95 (paperback) $ 14,99 (pdf and ePUB)
Distributed by PROLOGUE 1650, Lionel-Bertrand Boisbriand (Qc) J7H 1N7 Canada Phone: (613) 601-4507 Fax: (613) 562-3320 Toll free: 1-800-363-2864
• To shine the light on some of the darkest moments of Canadian history; • To understand what crimes the First Nations people suffered; • To learn about colonisation from a First Nations perspective.
About the author Daniel N. Paul was born in 1938 on the Indian Brook Reserve, Hants County, Nova Scotia. He now resides in Halifax. Paul is an ardent spokesperson and activist for human rights. He is freelance lecturer and journalist, has a small advisory business, is a Justice of the Peace for the province of Nova Scotia, a commissioner with Nova Scotia Police Commission and is involved in a multitude of other activities. He has served on several other provincial commissions, including the Human Rights Commission and the Nova Scotia Department of Justice’s Court Re-structuring Task Force. He holds, among many awards, an honourary degree in Letters, University of Sainte Anne, Church Point, Nova Scotia, is a member of the Order of Canada and is a member of the Order of Nova Scotia.
BOUTON D’OR ACADIE Books created in Acadie, printed in Canada
C.P. 575, Moncton (N.-B.) E1C 8L9 Canada 506 382-1367
Nouveauté – Septembre 2020 Jeunes adultes
Secondaire – Immersion – Université – Associations 2SLGBTQ+ Mais une fois de plus, leurs paroles et leurs émotions la rattrapent. Elles se sont inexorablement insinuées dans l’esprit vulnérable de Zee jusqu’à en expulser avec violence ses pensées et ses idées personnelles. Elle tente de se libérer de leur emprise, mais le rythme de son coeur s’accélère et s’affole dans sa poitrine.
Résumé Depuis qu’elle est née, Zee a un talent, ou bien une intelligence particulière. Elle perçoit des choses que personne d’autre ne perçoit. Zee entend ce que les gens pensent, ressent ce que les gens ressentent. À travers leur regard, Zee se voit elle-même, et cette vision la transforme. Parfois, Zee est la fille précoce de ses quatre adultes. Des fois Zee est un ado voyou de Brooklyn, New York, un ado qui joue du basket et s’attire des ennuis. Ses quatre adultes s’inquiètent, lui font passer des tests, mais Zee anticipe leurs craintes, et les déjoue. Petit à petit, Zee apprend à grandir et à se mouler aux attentes de la société et du regard des autres, au risque de se perdre elle-même.
Pourquoi lire ce livre ?
• Un roman contemporain de fiction spéculative merveilUn roman de Su J. Sokol, traduit de l’anglais par Sylvie Nicolas leusement écrit, qui parle du pouvoir mais aussi des Page couverture : Romain Blanchard limites de l’empathie ; • Une histoire qui aborde de nombreux sujets liés au Spécifications techniques féminisme tels que l’homoparentalité et les pressions Mouton noir Acadie que la société impose aux femmes ; ISBN (papier) : 978-2-89750-200-3 ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-89750-201-0 • Un troisième roman d’une figure montante de la littéISBN (ePUB) : 978-2-89750-202-7 200 pages, noir et blanc rature intersectionnelle à Montréal. 6 x 8,75 po (15,24 x 20,32 cm) reliure allemande 14,95 $ (papier) 5,99 $ (pdf et ePUB)
Diffusion par PROLOGUE 1650, Lionel-Bertrand Boisbriand (Qc) J7H 1N7 Canada Tél. : (613) 601-4507 Fax : (613) 562-3320 Sans frais : 1-800-363-2864
La créatrice
Su J. Sokol est une écrivaine de fiction spéculative, liminale et interstitielle, ainsi qu’une militante pour les droits sociaux. Originaire de Brooklyn à New York, elle vit désormais à Montréal, au Québec. Son premier roman, Cycling to Asylum (Deux Voiliers Publishing) a été nominé au prix Sunburst for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic, et sera bientôt adapté en long-métrage. Son deuxième roman, Run J Run, a été publié chez Renaissance Press en mai 2019.
BOUTON D’OR ACADIE Des livres créés en Acadie, imprimés au Canada
C.P. 575, Moncton (N.-B.) E1C 8L9 Canada 506 382-1367
New releases – September 2020 Young adults
Secondary school – Immersion – University – 2SLGBTQ+ organizations
But their words, their emotions, once again catch up to her. They mercilessly shove themselves into her unprotected mind, pushing Zee’s own thoughts and ideas violently out. Zee’s heartbeat accelerates, beating a panicked rhythm in her chest as she tries to clear her head of them.
Synopsis Ever since she was born, Zee’s had a talent, a particular kind of intelligence. She perceives things no one else can. Zee is able to hear other people’s thoughts, feel their emotions. She can even see herself through their eyes, and this seeing changes her. Sometimes, Zee is the precocious daughter of her four grownups. Other times, Zee’s a rough boy from Brooklyn, New York, playing basketball and getting into trouble. Her four grown-ups are worried. They test Zee’s abilities, then try to hide them. Zee anticipates and thwarts their plans. Over time, Zee learns to fit into the moulds of society and people’s expectations … but will losing sight of who she really is put her in even greater danger?
Why read this book?
A novel by Su J. Sokol, translated in French by Sylvie Nicolas Cover page art: Romain Blanchard Spécifications techniques
Mouton noir Acadie ISBN (paperback): 978-2-89750-200-3 ISBN (PDF): 978-2-89750-201-0 ISBN (ePUB): 978-2-89750-202-7 200 pages, perfect bind 6 x 8,75 po (15,24 x 20,32 cm) $ 14,95 (paperback) $ 5,99 (pdf and ePUB)
Distributed by PROLOGUE 1650, Lionel-Bertrand Boisbriand (Qc) J7H 1N7 Canada Phone: (613) 601-4507 Fax: (613) 562-3320 Toll free: 1-800-363-2864
• A wonderfully written contemporary novel of spectulative fiction on the power and limits of empathy; • A feminist story that talks about same-sex parenthood, and the pressures society puts on women; • The third novel by a promising figure of intersectional literature in Montreal.
About the creator Su J. Sokol is a writer of speculative, liminal and interstitial fiction and a social rights activist. Originally from Brooklyn, she now makes Montréal her home. Her debut novel, Cycling to Asylum, was longlisted for the Sunburst for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic, and has been opti oned for a feature-length film. Her second novel, Run J Run, came out with Renaissance Press in May of 2019. Su J. Sokol curates and participates in readings and literary events in Canada and abroad, such as the Metropolis Bleu/ Blue Met Literary Festival, and the Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature.
BOUTON D’OR ACADIE Books created in Acadie, printed in Canada
C.P. 575, Moncton (N.-B.) E1C 8L9 Canada 506 382-1367
Nouveauté – Septembre 2020 À partir de 4 ans
Maternelle – Primaire – Familles – Immersion – Boulangeries
« Ce matin j’avais un monstre dans la cuisine. Il était là, assis sur le comptoir, et grossissait de plus en plus. »
Résumé Grand-maman Rosi l’a dit : pour obtenir un beau et délicieux monstre, il faut mettre la main à la pâte ! Il faut le travailler, le pétrir, l’attaquer, le taper ! Et quand il gonfle, quand des bulles sortent de son ventre ? Vite il faut le faire redescendre, le maitriser ! Et ensuite ? Il lui faut de la chaleur, et une bonne sieste. Découvrez la meilleure recette de monstre avec ce nouvel album de la conteuse Marie-France Comeau !
Un monstre dans ma cuisine Écrit par Marie-France Comeau Illustré par Isabelle Léger Spécifications techniques
Étagère TROTTINETTE ISBN (rigide) : 978-2-89750-209-6 - 13,95 $ ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-89750-210-2 - 4,99 $ ISBN (ePUB) : 978-2-89750-211-9 - 4,99 $ 36 pages, couleurs 8,5 x 8,5 po (21,5 x 21,5 cm) cousu caisse
Diffusion par PROLOGUE 1650, Lionel-Bertrand Boisbriand (Qc) J7H 1N7 Canada Tél. : (613) 601-4507 Sans frais : 1-800-363-2864
Pourquoi lire ce livre ? • Un savant mélange d’illustrations et de photographies pour réunir fiction et réalité ; • Une recette drôlissime et facile pour faire du pain biologique à la maison ; • Une histoire qui démystifie les monstres et qui montre qu’on peut contrôler sa peur ; • Un petit garçon découvre l’art de la boulangerie en onomatopées.
L’équipe de création M����-F����� C����� est une acadienne de la Baie des chaleurs. Son premier conte, L’étoile dans la pomme, lui a valu le Prix Marilyn Trenholme Counsell pour l’alphabétisation à la petite enfance, et est un best-seller de Bouton d’or Acadie. Depuis, elle ne cesse de créer et de voyager pour raconter ses histoires. Son spectacle Quelles histoires!, en duo avec le pianiste Lucien Allard, fait le tour du Québec et de l’Acadie. Originaire de Dieppe au Nouveau-Brunswick, I������� L���� est passionnée d’illustration. Graphiste à plein temps, elle réalise depuis plusieurs années des illustrations d'albums jeunesse, dont Congé pour maman en 2018 et Samuel et la tuque de Noël en 2019.
La regrettée R��� J���, une enseignante d’origine Berlinoise qui demeurait à Saint-Jean au NouveauBrunswick, est à l’origine de ce conte. L’histoire A monster in my kitchen, avait alors reçu la Mention honorable du volet de littérature jeunesse de l’Atlantic Writing Competion de la Fédération des écrivains de la Nouvelle-Écosse en 1994.
BOUTON D’OR ACADIE Des livres créés en Acadie, imprimés au Canada
Rosi Jory et son petit-fils fabriquent un monstre
C.P. 575, Moncton (N.-B.) E1C 8L9 Canada 506 382-1367
New releases – September 2020 4 years old and older
Preschool – Primary school – Families – Immersion – Bakeries
"This morning, there was a monster in my kitchen. He was sitting on the counter and getting bigger and bigger."
Synopsis Grandma Rosi said it: if you want a beautiful and delicious monster, you need some elbow grease! You have to mold the monster, knead it, att ack it, hit it! And when it moves, when bubbles come out of its belly? Quick, flatten it down, you need to master your monster! And then? Heat, and a nice nap. Discover the best monster recipe in this new picturebook by storyteller Marie-France Comeau.
Un monstre dans ma cuisine
Why read this book?
Written by Marie-France Comeau Illustrated by Isabelle Léger Technical specificities
Étagère TROTTINETTE ISBN (HC): 978-2-89750-209-6 - $ 13.95 ISBN (PDF): 978-2-89750-210-2 - $ 4.99 ISBN (ePUB): 978-2-89750-211-9 - $ 4.99 36 pages, hardcover 8,5 x 8,5 po (21,5 x 21,5 cm)
Distributed by PROLOGUE Phone: (613) 601-4507 Toll free: 1-800-363-2864
• Its tasteful mix of illustrations and photographies which brings together fiction and reality ; • The hilariously easy recipe of organic home-made bread; • Demystifying monsters and showing how to control one’s fears; • Discovering the art of baking in AAAHs and OOHs.
About the creators M����-F����� C����� is an Acadian storyteller from the Bay of Chaleurs. She was awarded the Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Award in early childhood literacy for her first picture-book, L’étoile dans la pomme, a Bouton d’or bestseller. Ever since, Marie-France Comeau can’t seem to stop creating and travelling to tell her stories. Quelles histoires!, her duo performance show with pianist Lucien Allard, has been touring around Quebec and Acadie. I������� L����, from Dieppe (NB), is passionate about illustrations. A full-time graphic designer, she also illustrates picturebooks, amongst which Congé pour maman (2018) and Samuel et la tuque de Noël (2019).
The late R��� J���, a teacher from Berlin (Germany) who lived in Saint-John (NB), is at the roots of this book. In 1994, her story A monster in my kitchen had received the Honorable Mention in Children’s Literature from the Atlantic Writing Competition of the Writers Federation of Nova Scotia.
BOUTON D’OR ACADIE Books created in Acadie, printed in Canada
Rosi Jory and grandson making a monster
C.P. 575, Moncton (N.-B.) E1C 8L9 Canada 506 382-1367
Nouveauté – Septembre 2020 À partir de 4 ans
Maternelle – Primaire – Familles – Immersion – Afrodescendants
Alors qu’une jeune fille visite le site historique d’Africville, à Halifax en Nouvelle-Écosse, elle se remémore les histoires qu’elle a entendues dans sa famille.
Résumé À quoi ressemblait la communauté ? Des maisons aux couleurs vives, logées dans la colline ; des champs où les garçons jouaient au football ; un étang où les enfants faisaient du rafting ; la pêche en abondance; des immenses feux de joie... La jeune fille sort de sa rêverie ; elle visite le parc historique actuel et le cadran solaire où le nom de son arrière-grand mère est gravé dans la pierre, et célèbre un jour d’été aux retrouvailles annuelles d’Africville.
Pourquoi lire ce livre Africville
Texte de Shauntay Grant Illustré par Eva Campbell Traduit de l’anglais par Josephine Watson Spécifications techniques
Étagère TROTTINETTE ISBN (rigide) : 978-2-89750-218-8 ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-89750-219-5 ISBN (ePUB) :978-2-89750-220-1 32 pages, couleurs 10,25 x 8,25 po (26 x 20,32 cm) cousu caisse 14,95 $ (papier) 5,99 $ (pdf et ePUB)
Diffusion par PROLOGUE 1650, Lionel-Bertrand Boisbriand (Qc) J7H 1N7 Canada Tél. : (613) 601-4507 Fax : (613) 562-3320 Sans frais : 1-800-363-2864
Les créatrices
Shauntay Grant est descendantes de Loyalistes Noirs, les Jamaican Maroons et les Black Refugees, qui ont immigré au Canada il y a de ça 200 ans. Écrivaine et artiste de la scène, elle a gagné le prix Joseph S. Stauffer et a publié plusieurs albums. Diplômée d’une maîtrise en Beaux-Arts de l’université de Colombie Britannique et d’un Baccalauréat de journalisme à l’Université King’s College Shauntay Grant donne également des cours dans le programme de Creative Writing à l’université Dalhousie de Halifax, où elle réside.
• Pour découvrir l’existence de cette communauté qui s’est épanouie pendant plus de 150 ans, malgré le manque de services essentiels comme l’eau courante ; • Pour discuter de la transmission générationnelle et de l’importance de la mémoire ; • Un livre dont la version anglaise originale a remporté le Prix Marilyn Baillie, le Prix Lillian Shepherd, et a été finaliste , entre autres, du Prix du Gouverneur Général et du prix Elizabeth Mrazik-Cleaver.
Eva Campbell est une artiste et illustratrice qui enseigne les arts visuels et vit à Victoria, C.-.B. Elle a exposé au Canada, aux ÉtatsUnis, en Grande-Bretagne, à la Barbade et au Ghana. Eva Campbell a remporté de nombreux prix pour son travail d’illustration. Josephine Watson est une poète, chanteuse et comédienne originaire de Fredericton (N.-B.). Du jazz au blues, du rock au reggae, de la poésie spoken word au théâtre, Josephine est une grande artiste de la scène. Elle a été la première femme nommée « Poète Flyée » de la ville de Moncton.
BOUTON D’OR ACADIE Des livres créés en Acadie, imprimés au Canada
C.P. 575, Moncton (N.-B.) E1C 8L9 Canada 506 382-1367
New releases – September 2020 4 years old and older
Preschool – Primary school – Families – Immersion – Afrodescendants
When a young girl visits the site of Africville, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the stories she’s heard from her family come to mind.
Synopsis What was the community like? Brightly painted houses nestled into the hillside, a field where boys played football, a pond where all the kids went rafting, the bountiful fishing, the huge bonfires... Coming out of her reverie, the young girl visits the present-day park and the sundial where her greatgrandmother’s name is carved in stone, and celebrates a summer day at the annual Africville Reunion.
Why read this book? Africville Text by Shauntay Grant
Illustrated by Eva Campbell Translated in French by Josephine Watson Technical specificities
Étagère TROTTINETTE ISBN (hardcover): 978-2-89750-218-8 ISBN (PDF): 978-2-89750-219-5 ISBN (ePUB):978-2-89750-220-1 32 pages, perfect bind 8.25 po x 10.25 $ 14.95 (hardcover) $ 5.99 (pdf and ePUB)
Distributed by PROLOGUE 1650, Lionel-Bertrand Boisbriand (Qc) J7H 1N7 Canada Phone: (613) 601-4507 Fax: (613) 562-3320 Toll free: 1-800-363-2864
About the creators
Shauntay Grant is a descendant of Black Loyalists, Jamaican Maroons and Black Refugees who migrated to Canada some two hundred years ago. A writer and performance artist, she has won the Joseph S. Stauffer Prize, and she has published several picture books. Shauntay also lectures in the Creative Writing Program at Dalhousie University. Her professional degrees and training include the Master of Fine Arts program at the University of British Columbia, and the Bachelor of Journalism program at the University of King’s College. She lives in Halifax.
• To learn more about this vibrant Black community that thrived for more than 150 years despite the lack of essential services, like running water; • To discuss the importance of memories and intergenerational transmission; • An award-winning book: in its original English version, Africville won the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award, the Lillian Shepherd Memorial Award for Excellence in Illustration. It was also a finalist of the Governor General’s Literary Award, of the Elizabeth Mrazik-Cleaver Canadian Picture Book Award.
Eva Campbell is an artist and illustrator who teaches visual art. She has exhibited her work in Canada, the US, the UK, Barbados and Ghana. Eva has won several awards for her illustrations. She lives in Victoria, BC. Josephine Watson is a poet, singer and actor from Fredericton, NB. From Jazz to Blues, from rock to reggae, from spoken word to theater, Josephine is a stage artist. She was the first woman named “Poète Flyée” of the city of Moncton.
BOUTON D’OR ACADIE Books created in Acadie, printed in Canada
C.P. 575, Moncton (N.-B.) E1C 8L9 Canada 506 382-1367
MORE ADVANCED READERS HISTOIRE DE GALET CHAMPLAIN AWARD 2018 Martin is a teenager living in Dieppe, France. The WWII, Second World War rages on, INTERGENEMartin’s country is under RATIONAL Nazi occupation and living conditions are bad. While living with Ms. Agnes, a resourceful old lady, Martin is unwillingly dragged into the horrible conflict, until he makes a lifechanging discovery... ‘‘Above all, it is a wonderful book for young readers on the subject of war’’ (Resource Links) Written by Marie Cadieux, Illustrated by François Dimberton 72 pages 978-2-89750-040-5 $12.95
CENDRILLON DE QUATRE CONTINENTS Five tales, four continents, but one hero: Cinderella. The timeless character reveals MULTICULTURAL herself with different faces and different names, but each time, her kindness and righteousness triumphs over other people’s malice and jealousy. Written by Marie Lafrance, Réjean Roy, Michel Duguay, Yue Jiazhen, Ronald Labelle, Melvin Gallant, Mireille Blanc, Hassina Bouzidi, Patrick Baert, Katia Belsito and Denise Paquette. 100 pages 978-2-923518-82-4 $5.00
LES MATHÉMAGICIENS Vacations have just begun, and already these four friends are bored. Professor Mathou steps in and with him they will discover the Golden Ratio, and MATH, FRIENDS a few exciting “magical” tricks with numbers. But best of all, they will be taken for a ride on the longest Moebius strip in North America. Numbers can sometimes be daunting, but nothing is more magical than solving problems using your brain. Written by Donald Violette and Cyrille Sippley, Illustrated by Andy Demaret
Ben wakes up with a start. In his city, the ugliest, darkest, dirtiest of cities, a train has derailed. Everything is burning! Quickly, Ben puts FARM, FAMILY, his father in his stroller and TRAVELS attempts to escape the blaze. In his flight toward safety, he spots a white bird who appears to be beckoning him... Going for broke, Ben decides to trust the crow and follow him. Written by Philippe Garon and Sonia Cotten Illustrated by Daniela Zekina 72 pages 978-2-89750-179-2 $19.95
96 pages 978-2-89750-048-1 $14.95
READING IN FRENCH CAN BE FUN Bouton d’or Acadie offers must-have titles for any home where French is learned, or any classroom where French is taught, whether Immersion or as FSL. Explore the following titles or go online at to leaf through more than 250 high-quality picture books and easy reading novels.
Poetic and amusing books for easy, fun reading and word recognition
Traditional tales and magic
200 pages 978-2-923518-65-7 $5.00
Despite his athletic build, Matis was born a hemophiliac.
Imagine having the vitality of a 16-year-old but living in a body HEMOPHILIA, GRIEF that can’t take a hit. Any kind of blow could cause a hemorrhage. But the real wound, the incurable wound, stems from his family. After a terrible car accident two years prior, Matis’ mother passed away.
240 pages 978-2-923518-22-0 $5.00
TITE-JEANNE ET LA POMME D’OR 78 pages 978-2-922203-30-1 $5.00
Without Iris, the apple of his eye, Matis’ father can’t even smile. Such wounds are slow to fade away…
ZIM S’IMAGINE Domestic cat or street cat, mysterious cat or old cat: all feline friends are adventurers in their own way. Who hasn’t laughed at a silly pose a cat has taken? Zim is a kitty with a PETS, vivid imagination, and with EXPLORATION him children will discover words, rhymes, pictures and incredible situations! Written by Nathasha Pilotte and Joanie Duguay. Illustrated by Nathasha Pilotte 24 pages 978-2-89750-034-4 $8.95
LUNA N’AIME PAS Unlike his brother Zim, Luna is a little red-haired, hottempered cat. While his feline furry friend scurries and climbs around the house, Luna grrrrs and GRUMPY CAT growls, being his grumpy self. With their piercing eyes, pudgy bellies, and little pads on their feet, even the best of us can’t resist cats! But even though they make us laugh, cats aren’t always in a good mood… Will Luna’s human and his brother be able to cheer him up?
Written by Melvin Gallant, illustrated by Michel Duguay/Denise Paquette
32 pages 978-2-89682-074-0 $8.95
BOUTON D’OR ACADIE - books created in Acadie, printed in Canada
SOUS MON ARBRE 24 pages 978-2-89750-130-3 $8.95
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48 pages 978-2-922203-23-3 $5.00
Bouton d’or Acadie
Short, amusing, rhyming books that feature bouncy birds, furry animals and wriggly creatures.
Written and illustrated by Nathasha Pilotte Also available under the title Luna The Cat Doesn’t Like That
But Matis will prove that he’s got enough courage for the two of them when he takes his father to Newfoundland, Iris’ native province. Together they’ll uncover the rock on which they can build a new life. Written and illustrated by Danielle Loranger 40 pages 978-2-89750-167-9 $19.95
Bouton d’or Acadie is a high-quality, homegrown New Brunswick publisher. With more than 20 years’ experience and a catalogue that ranges from picture books to novels by award winning authors and illustrators, Bouton d’or Acadie publishes quality stories from Atlantic Canada, Louisiana and around the world.
Written by Elena Martinez. Illustrated by Daniela Zekina
Written by Gaëtane Pinet. Illustrated by Denise Paquette
24 pages 978-2-89750-103-7 $8.95
28 pages 978-2-89682-018-4 $8.95
SOUS MON LIT 32 pages 978-2-89682-015-3 $8.95
Written by Chantal Duguay Mallet. Illustrated by Danica Brine
BOUTON D’OR ACADIE - books created in Acadie, printed in Canada
Marie-France Comeau is a beloved Acadian story-teller who is readily available to come to your school! JARDIN DE MOTS : UNE HISTOIRE DE LIRE ET FAIRE LIRE
There was a time when Madame Pauline used to love to read, when she threw her sel f INTERGENERATIONAL wholehear tedly into gardens of words where she wandered about amongst treasures, goddesses, and dinosaurs. But time passed, and now Madame Pauline doesn’t feel like wandering on her own anymore. What’s the point in picking a flower if there’s no one to smell it with? That’s forgetting Monsieur Jardinier, gardener of words and his islands filled with knights, and pyjamas, who’s going to cross the ocean to share his treasures. Written by Marie Cadieux. Illustrated by François Dimberton 32 pages 978-2-89750-173-0 $13.95
LE PÊCHEUR ET LE RENARD Barabas is a solitary fisherman. He goes out to sea each morning and brings a small catch back to an empty LONELINESS, home. One day, Barabas FRIENDSHIP discovers paw prints close to his house. An unlikely friendship develops between the fisherman and the fox...will abundance soon follow? Written and illustrated by Marianne Dumas 32 pages 978-2-89750-013-9 10.95$ Also available in English under the title The Fox and the Fisherman. (Nimbus Publishing)
Grandma Rosi said it: if you want a beautiful and delicious monster, you need some elbow grease!
24 pages 978-2-89750-127-3 $9.95
Louisiane Chérie
You have to mold the monster, knead it, attack it, hit it! And when it moves, when bubbles come out of its belly? Quick, flatten it down, you need to master your monster! And then? Heat, and a nice nap.
Discover the best monster recipe in this new picturebook by storyteller Marie-France Comeau.
24 pages 978-2-89682-031-3 $9.95
Written by Marie-France Comeau. Illustrated by Isabelle Léger 32 pages 978-2-89750-209-6 $13.95
UN PETIT BONHEUR TOUT ROND Love is growing, and baby too! Inside mommy’s tummy, baby wiggles legs, fists, and PREGNANCY, toes. Mom and Dad count NEW BABY the stars, and baby jumps in the belly. Patiently, Mom feels the kicks, and Dad dreams and draws. Weeks go by, the belly grows high, and the parents don’t know what else to count as they keep on waiting. A lyrical escape into the adventure of being born. Written by Marie-Célie Agnant. Illustrated by Magali Ben 32 pages 978-2-89750-150-1 $13.95
GRANDES ROUES ET PETITS POIS Émilie looks around. Nobody’s there to help her out. She’s unsure. Her dream is to be a SELF-TRUST, EMPOWERMENT champion…Is today the day she masters her big-girl bicycle? After all, she’s so small, and her wheels seem so big. Émilie’s a little scared. Come on! A deep breath and… let’s go! Written by Christine Arbour. Illustrated by Réjean Roy 32 pages 978-2-89750-112-9 $9.95 (soft cover) 32 pages 978-2-89750-121-1 $14.95 (hard cover)
LA CABANE Alphonse built a splendid fishing hut, and now he’s waiting for a catch…but nothing’s coming, except spring, and now his FISHING, PATIENCE, beautiful hut is floating GENEROSITY away with him inside. Along the melting ice the unlucky fisherman, who’s got a big heart, will give away pieces of his hut bit by bit to those less fortunate than him. Alphonse will still come out of this a champion fisherman! Written by Katia Canciani. Illustrated by Christian Quesnel 32 pages 978-2-89750-147-1 $10.95
Written by Katia Canciani, illustrated by Anne-Marie Sirois RIQUILI APPREND LES CONSONNES 32 pages 978-2-92351-853-4 $7.95
RIQUILI APPREND LES VOYELLES 32 pages 978-2-92351-830-5 $7.95
RIQUILI APPREND À COMPTER 32 pages 978-2-92351-818-3 $7.95
B POUR BAYOU. UN ABÉCÉDAIRE CADIEN From Boscoyo to Yelle, from Cocodrie to Tête ABC, LOUSIANA, de pluie, B pour bayou CADIAN is a cajun ABC in which Richard Guidry (AKA “Le gros Cadien” or “the Big Cadian”) and his friends offer up a Gombo-soaked smorgasbord of words, while illustrator Réjean Roy takes us aboard his Esquif down the Mississippi.
Written by Diane-Carmel Léger, illustrated by Réjean Roy 978-2-89682-073-3 $35 DEPORTATION, LOUISIANA
A cadian Mémére and Scottish Nannie seem to have nothing BILINGUALISM in c ommon bu t their grandchildren, but in this endearing picture book by bestselling author Diane Carmel Léger and noted illustrator Jean-Luc Trudel, difference is celebrated. Mémére Soleil et Nannie Lune is a whimsically illustrated, heartwarming tale of the special relationship between grandparents and grandchildren, and a celebration of family, of all shapes and sizes.
AH ! POUR ATLANTIQUE Ah ! pour Atlantique is an A-to-Z compilation of the ocean’s treasures and dark corners. From ABC, OCEAN, the current threat of MARITIMES green crabs to the various aspects of maritime professions, from the myths of Ulysses or Neptune to excursions by kayak or yacht, this book’s poetic verse shines a light on French America and its unique vocabulary. Written by Sylvain Rivière. Illustrated by Réjean Roy 56 pages 978-2-89750-025-2 $15.95
Written by Diane Carmel Léger, illustrated by Jean-Luc Trudel 32 pages 978-2-89682-019-1 $12.95
L’ACADIE EN BARATTE 2019 HACKMATACK AWARD WINNER Nico tours the Maritimes with his grandmother in her vintage TRAVEL, Westphalia. With eagerness INTERGENEand imagination, Nico is ready RATIONAL for adventure, and so is his “Mémére.” Their camping trip, which takes them to Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick, becomes a whimsical discovery tour of contemporary Acadian communities and history. Written by Diane Carmel Léger. Illustrated by Raynald Basque 80 pages 978-2-89750-070-2 $12.95
No, my son doesn’t have a father! From the delivery room to the classroom, a woman whose motherhood is questioned explains: her son doesn’t have a father, but he’s got two moms. She is the other mother. SAME-SEX A (m)other, but there PARENTHOOD was only room for one on the birth certificate. In the minds of some adults and kids, however, a father figure must be found.
Written by Richard Guidry and friends. Illustrated by Réjean Roy 72 pages 978-2-89750-161-7 $19.95
9 years before Rosa Parks refused to surrender her seat in a bus in Montgomery, United States, Halifaxborn Viola Desmond took a stand against segregation when she refused to leave the “whites only” section of the Roseland theatre in New Glasgow. She became an icon of the Civil rights movement in Canada. CIVIL RIGHTS, ABC
This book was written by students, for students, and offers a unique and thoughtful portrayal of Viola’s story. Grades 3-4 students from École Chebucto Heights wrote and illustrated it under the tutelage of teachers, and Dr. Wanda Robson, Viola Desmond’s “baby” sister, provided comment and oversight. Published by The Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute 56 pages 978-0-994929-258-9 $20
Adapted from a 2018 CBC Poetry Prize shortlisted poem, this book tells, with tenderness and accuracy, the difficulties that homoparental families face in being accepted for who they are: loving families. Written by Sanita Fejzić. Illustrated by Alisa Arsenault 32 pages 978-2-89750-188-4 $13.95 Also available in English under the title (M)other
LA BOITE AUX BELLES CHOSES A grandmother fades away just as the fauna and flora wakes up all around a little girl. This departure hurts at first, and the little girl doesn’t want to play with anyone. DEATH, GRIEF, Time passes and seasons HOPE too, and the little girl builds herself a box of beautiful things. The box is filled with images, funny moments, and knowing glances that help the girl keep on dancing and laughing with grandma. Written by Christine Arbour. Illustrated by Johanna Lezziero 32 pages 978-2-89750-191-4 $13.95
MA MAMAN TOUTE NEUVE My almost baby brother isn’t born yet, but he’s already stealing my thunder, and my old SIBLINGS, JEALOUSY mommy has become fat and fragile. I need a new one! Our neighbour Sandy would be perfect... That’s it, I’m moving! Written by Josée Larocque. Illustrated by Jacinthe Chevalier 32 pages 978-2-89682-021-4 $11.95