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Science Showdowns

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Language Arts

Language Arts

Science is full of opposites that are present in our everyday lives. Each of the books in this series explores physical science opposites and what causes them. Learn what makes energy renewable or nonrenewable, how magnets attract and repel each other, what determines whether an organism is living or nonliving, and more. Colorful photographs and diagrams help illustrate each science concept. A chart compares the concepts head-to-head to help solidify readers’ grasp of the material. Additional features include a table of contents, a phonetic glossary, an index, and sources for further research.



Reading Level: Grade 2 Interest Level: Grades 1–4 Curriculum: Math & Science Common Core K–5: RI, RF


24 pages, 9 .5 x 8 inches Full-color photographs Author/Illustrator biography Chart comparing concepts Detailed diagrams Index Informative captions Phonetic glossary Sources for further research Suggested websites Table of contents

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Titles & Prices

Price Each: $28.50 / $19.95 | $45.64 / $31.95 Complete Set (8): $228.00 / $159.60 | $365.12 / $255.60 Light vs. Dark, Clara MacCarald ©2021 Living vs. Nonliving, Maddie Spalding ©2021 Magnets Attract vs. Magnets Repel, Aubrey Zalewski ©2021 Push vs. Pull, Aubrey Zalewski ©2021 Quiet vs. Loud, Janet Slingerland ©2021 Renewable Energy vs. Nonrenewable Energy, Aubrey Zalewski ©2021 Sink vs. Float, Aubrey Zalewski ©2021 Solids, Liquids, and Gases, Maddie Spalding ©2021



535 500 538 531 530 333 530 530 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 530L 490L 500L 510L 510L 520L 490L 510L

Library Binding Multi-user eBook


978-15038-44469 978-15038-44445 978-15038-44414 978-15038-44407 978-15038-44452 978-15038-44421 978-15038-44391 978-15038-44438


978-15038-47804 978-15038-47811 978-15038-47828 978-15038-47835 978-15038-47842 978-15038-47859 978-15038-47866 978-15038-47873

Throughout history, spies have proved to be instrumental in wartime. Each book offers readers an inside look at the techniques used by spies to complete their missions while hidden in plain sight. In this series, readers will be immersed in true spy stories that come to life with compelling narratives. Vivid details and captivating images will transport readers to these pivotal moments in history, and they will gain a greater understanding of conflicts ranging from the Revolutionary War up to the present-day. Additional features include a Fast Facts spread, critical thinking questions, a phonetic glossary, an index, and sources for further reading.


Reading Level: Grade 4 Interest Level: Grades 3–6 Curriculum: History, Social Studies Common Core K–5: RL, RI, RF, SL, L


32 pages, 6 .5 x 9 inches Full-color and historical photographs Author/Illustrator biography Bibliography Detailed maps Index Informative captions Informative sidebars Phonetic glossary Section on fast facts Sources for further research Suggested websites Table of contents Think-About-It section

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True Spy Stories

Titles & Prices

Price Each: $29.93 / $20.95 | $48.50 / $33.95 Complete Set (6): $179.58 / $125.70 | $291.00 / $203.70 Civil War Spy Stories, Emma Huddleston ©2021 Cold War Spy Stories, Emma Huddleston ©2021 Modern Spy Stories, Emma Huddleston ©2021 Revolutionary War Spy Stories, Martha London ©2021 World War I Spy Stories, Martha London ©2021 World War II Spy Stories, Emma Huddleston ©2021



973 355 355 973 940 940 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 780L 760L 740L 720L 710L 770L

Library Binding Multi-user eBook


978-15038-44803 978-15038-44834 978-15038-44841 978-15038-44797 978-15038-44810 978-15038-44827


978-15038-48450 978-15038-48467 978-15038-48474 978-15038-48481 978-15038-48498 978-15038-48504

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