1 minute read
Grandma’s List NEW

Reading Level: 1–2 Interest Level: Pre K–3
Grandma’s List
Fatima was tired of people treating her like a child . Determined to prove her worth, she sets off to complete the tasks on Grandma’s to-do list . She resists all distractions . However, when she reaches her first destination, she realizes she has lost the list . Fatima is certain she remembers everything on the list and doles out instructions to her family accordingly . But as the family sits down to dinner, they slowly realize that, perhaps, Fatima didn’t remember quite as well as she had thought . SEL connections: • Accurate self-perception • Recognizing strengths • Self-confidence • Empathy
School & Library Price reflects 25% off the List Price Paperback School & Library Price reflects 15% off the List Price Library‑bound Book List $27.25 / S&L $20.45 eBook List $27.25 / S&L $20.45 Paperback List $10.00 / $8.50
Portia Dery • 978-1-4994-8632-2 [E] I PENDING Illustrated by: Toby Newsome eBook: 978-1-4994-8633-9 • PB: 978-1-4994-8631-5 Reading Level: 1–2 Interest Level: Pre K–3
81/2” x 11” • Library Binding • 32 pp . • Full-Color Illustrations
Actual Type Size

ABOUT THE AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR: PORTIA DERY is a writer from Ghana . She is an activist for literacy . Portia is the founder and current director of the African Youth Writers Organization . Grandma’s List is her first book . TOBY NEWSOME is an illustrator from South Africa . He works in publishing and advertising for clients around the world . Toby has a special passion for narrative illustration and loves making a great story come to life on the page .