Learning Opportunities
The Road to Learning
Professional Development Programs and Services Putting Theory into Practice in Your Schools MiraVia provides learning-focused professional development programs and services that present practical strategies, useful resources, and innovative ideas for thoughtful educators grappling with critical professional issues.
Creating Communities of Thought: Enhancing Social Capital The Future of Learning: Ready or Not Here It Comes
Professional Community Doesn’t Just Happen Four Barriers to Data-Driven Decision Making
Growing Teachers: Five Spheres of Expertise The Four Qualities of Learning-focused Supervision
SEMINARS & CONSULTING SERVICES Conducting Learningfocused Conversations
Facilitating Learningfocused Data Work
Creating Learningfocused Classrooms
Target Audience:
Target Audience:
Target Audience:
Teacher mentors, instructional and content coaches, curriculum specialists, and instructional supervisors
School and district leaders, site and district teams, facilitators and group developers
Beginning and experienced classroom teachers, staff developers, instructional leaders
Explore the essential concepts,
Learn critical skills for developing
Discover the bridge between
templates, and mediational tools for developing effective, learningfocused relationships between growth-oriented educators.
collaborative school cultures that focus on the learning needs of students and the adults who serve them.
Workshops and seminars include:
Workshops and seminars include:
current learning theory and effective classroom practice. Our researchbased and classroom-tested Pathways Learning Model offers a coherent framework for organizing lessons and units of study.
• Mentoring Matters: A Practical Guide to Learning-Focused Relationships
Data-Driven Dialogue: Facilitating Collaborative Inquiry
• Learning-focused Supervision: Developing Expertise in Standards-Driven Systems
Leading Groups: Effective Strategies for Building Professional Community
Teacher to Teacher: Coaching, Collaborating, Consulting, and Calibrating for Improving Practice
Based on our book of the same title
Presentation Elegance
Facilitation Savvy
Workshops and seminars include:
Pathways to Understanding: Patterns and Practices in the Learning-Focused Classroom
Pathways to Literacy: Reading and Writing in the Content Areas
Thinking to Learn, Learning to Think
The Road to Learning
Products & Resources Learning-focused Supervision: Developing Professional Expertise in Standards-Driven Systems
Group Development Combo Pack
This timely guide presents practical tools and approaches for shaping supervisory interactions that influence teachers’ awareness, decision making and classroom practices. It offers structures and approaches for refining a set of verbal and nonverbal skills for providing teachers with standards based, data-rich feedback in ways that create teacher receptivity for that feedback. $ 31.95
Groups at Work and Leading Groups for: $
Groups At Work: Strategies and Structures for Professional Learning
Mentoring Matters: A Practical Guide to Learning-Focused Relationships, 3rd Ed
This indispensable resource for developing skillful groups includes more than 78 field-tested strategies for structuring time-efficient, task-focused meetings and work sessions. The strategies are organized by six functions reflecting the major activities that engage productive groups: 1) activating; 2) assessing, goal-setting and planning; 3) dialogue and discussion; 4) generating ideas; 5) summarizing and synthesizing; 6) text and information processing. $32.95
An invaluable reference for mentors of beginning teachers, this guide offers structures, strategies, and tools for developing expertise in teaching and launching a career of continuous learning. Updated and revised, the 3rd Edition adds new tools for time-efficient, effective learning-focused conversations and incorporates the growing importance of linking teaching and learning standards to developing professional expertise. Included are Awareness and Action exercises, QR code links to video examples and a wealth of ways to support a mentor’s emerging knowledge and skill. $35.95
Leading Groups: Effective Strategies for Building Professional Community
This volume offers seven premises and related practices about groups and their development. These materials provide principles and formats for designing productive work sessions that get the work done while building resilient relationships. Included are: tools and templates for framing purpose, task and processes, and methods for recovering focus and productivity. This valuable print resource also contains recording sheets, assessment inventories, resources and other practical learning materials. $18.95
Chart Art Combo Pack
Data-Driven Dialogue: A Facilitator’s Guide to Collaborative Inquiry, 2nd Ed This revised edition offers school leaders a practical toolkit for developing powerful teams that use data for continuous school improvement. This timely resource presents a three-phase model that builds group capacity for structuring and facilitating collaborative inquiry with and about data and develops shared understandings of both problems and possible solutions. Readers will increase their confidence and skill in facilitating data-driven dialogue by applying these easy-to-follow directions for tools and techniques. $34.95
Pathways to Understanding: Patterns & Practices in the Learning-Focused Classroom, 3rd Ed Based on a three-phase framework for learning and teaching, this practical resource is filled with classroom-tested strategies and innovative ideas for structuring learning-focused classrooms. Blackline masters and detailed strategy descriptions make these effective teaching tools accessible to new and experienced teachers alike. $26.95
Chart Art Volumes 1 and 2 for: $
Chart Art Volume 1 Now anyone can make eye-catching flipcharts by slipping these easy-to-use graphics beneath a sheet of chart paper and tracing the images. Adapt and combine the pictures to create dozens of graphic design effects. Each image comes with tips for use as well as visual and conceptual idea banks to guide and inspire user creativity. Printed on durable stock and three-hole punched for easy filing and retrieval, ChartArt is an invaluable resource for presenters, facilitators, educators and all others who work with groups. $23.95
Chart Art Volume 2 Traceable images for flip charts. With 50 new images, ChartArt now offers even more ways for you to add eye-catching, fun, and useful designs to your flipchart presentations. As in Volume 1, each image comes with tips for use as well as visual and conceptual idea banks to guide and inspire user creativity. Buy Volume 2 as a stand-alone resource or in combination with Volume 1 to build a more varied library of images. $29.95
To order or learn more visit www.miravia.com Follow us @MiraviaP