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Salesman’s Guides

*LIW+RXVHZDUHV Home Textiles Buyers 2020

Just Published! December 2019. 57th Edition. Softcover 8 ½ x 11 362 pages.


Index. 978-0-7808-1752-4 3URYLGHVRYHUEX\HUV and executives for over 4,00 retailers, ranging from national chains to your shop around the corner. List Price: $329 | School & Library Price: $299 The 57th edition of Gift, Housewares & Home Textile %X\HUVOLVWVPRUHWKDQEX\HUVDQGH[HFXWLYHV IRURYHUUHWDLO ȴUPVLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVDQG Canada that sell gifts, housewares, and home textile items. Mass Merchandise DQG2 ΍ 3ULFH$SSDUHO Buyers Directory 2020

Just Published! December 2019, 57th Edition . Softcover 8 ½ x 11 162 pages.

Index. 978-0-7808-1753-1 Provides over 4,500 contacts at more than 1,400 retailers, ran ging from national chains to your shop around the corner. List Price: $329 | School & Library Price: $299 7KHWKHGLWLRQRI0DVV0HUFKDQGLVHUV 2΍3ULFH %X\HUVOLVWVPRUHWKDQEX\HUVDQGH[HFXWLYHV IRU RYHUUHWDLO ȴUPVLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVDQG&DQDGD WKDWVHOOPDVVPHUFKDQGLVHDQGR ΍SULFHDSSDUHO footwear, and accessory items.

Men’s & Boys Wear Buyers Directory 2020

2019, 57th Edition. Softcover 8 ½ x 11. 286 pages.

Index. 978-0-7808-1754-8 3URYLGHVRYHU FRQWDFWVDWPRUHWKDQ retailers, ran ging from national chains to your shop around the corner. List Price: $329 | School &


Just Published! December

Wear Bu yers Directory 2020

Just Published! December 2019, 57th Edition . Softcover 8 ½ x 11. 402 pages.

ΖQGH[ Provides over 10,000 contacts at more than 4,700 retailers, ranging from national chains to your shop around the corner . /LVW3ULFH_6FKRRO /LEUDU\3ULFH The 57th edition of Women’s and Children’s Wear %X\HUVOLVWVPRUHWKDQEX\HUVDQGH[HFXWLYHV IRURYHUUHWDLOȴUPVLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVDQG Canada that sell women’s and children’s a pparel, footwear, and accessory items.


Just Published! December 2019. 5th Edition. Softcover 8 ½ x 11 168 pages.

Index. 978-0-7808-1756-2 3URYLGHVLQIRUPDWLRQRQRYHULQGHSHQGHQWVDOHVUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVDQGPXOWLOLQH a pparel showrooms in the United States and Canada. List Price: $329 | Library & School Price: $299 7KHΖQGHSHQGHQW6DOHV5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVDQG0XOWL/LQH6KRZURRPVGLUHFWRU\LQFOXGHV LQIRUPDWLRQRQLQGHSHQGHQWVDOHDJHQWVDQGPXOWLOLQHVKRZURRPVUHSUHVHQWLQJ the fashion industry across the United States. These agents and showrooms are critical to merchandisers and manu facturers looking to connect with retailers to introduce their lines into the retail space.

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