The Food Course Resource Book

Page 1






Food for Thought


The Food Matrix

p 41

What to Expect

p 45

Food Log

p 47

30 Day Family Meal Plan

p 55

The Recipes

p 81


Your THOUGHTS become your WORDS become your ACTIONS become your HABITS become your CHARACTER become your DESTINY



People and Food

STUNNING FACTS “ I am stunned by a few facts... 1- People do not know how to cook in general. Microwave meals and fast food seem to predominate. Sandwiches and other grab-n-go crap are the norm. Food quality matters. You need to learn how to cook. Acknowledge, accept, move on.

2- People are “too busy”. If you are “too busy to cook” you need to reevaluate your life. How much time do you spend watching TV? Be honest and realistic because if you legitimately do not have time to feed yourself correctly you are heading towards serious health problems.

3- People go absolutely fetal if they do not have their bread, rice, pasta and all the other garbage carbs. Inevitably the question arises “how do I cook this?” It is simply a cover for “I want my comfort food”. If you want results you need to alter what you are doing. I know this seems obvious, but apparently it is not! If you want to keep doing the same old thing join a Globo gym, don’t go (most people don’t) and keep eating what you have been eating. Wasn’t that easy?! Not surprisingly you will continue to get the same results.


4- As day follows night, eating can only follow shopping. You cannot and likely should not eat out all the time. That means you need to stock your pantry and have the vittles on hand to cook nutritious, possibly even tasty meals. You CAN do this. If you fall off the pony, get up, catch the lil’buggar and get back on. If you are not committed to this please step away from the ride All right, enough finger wagging� - Robb Wolf



by Chad Walding , PT, DPT and Brenda Walding PT, DPT

FOOD FOR THOUGHT THINK about where your food comes from and how it will affect your body. Think about food as medicine and food as fuel. Despite advances in medicine, more technical surgical procedures, and significant amounts of time and money spent on research, our modern health is at a steady decline. We consistently see higher rates of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer... among other illnesses. While much attention has been given to a “cure” for these disorders, not enough is being given to what is “causing” this to happen.


WHY ARE WE SO SICK?? The Triage of Bad Health – an overview

1-Hyperinsulinism Hyperinsulinism - an over production of insulin from the beta cells of our pancreas relative to our production of glucagon, this is a state of insulin resistance. *We know that hyperinsulinism is the causative factor behind glucose intolerance, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, obesity and diabetes. It is also shown as a strong correlate to many other illnesses such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, fertility problems and mood disorders. If we can understand what eating habits put our body in a state of hyperinsulinism and avoid these habits, we can drastically reduce our chances of becoming victim to these diseases of civilization.

The Problem:

Our modern diets and eating habits are rich in refined

carbohydrates such as grains, cereal, rice, pasta, starches and fake food (i.e. Twinkies ď Š).

These foods are extremely rich in carbohydrates (have lots of

sugar) and low in vitamins and minerals. Frequent eating of these foods sends a surge of sugar to our blood stream which then sends a signal to our pancreas to produce lots of insulin, creating a state of hyperinsulinism. The Solution:

Focus on getting carbohydrates from more nutrient dense

sources with less sugar, such as vegetables, and a little fruit. Also, make efforts to


eat a protein and fat at every meal to stimulate a glucagon response in order to balance out your hormones of metabolism.

Not all carbohydrates are created equal!

vegetables  fruit  grains/starches  fake food

*As we move across the spectrum from vegetables to fake food we notice an increase in carbohydrate density.

For instance in total carbs: 1 can of soda or juice = 2 ½ slices of bread = 2 apples = 10 cups of broccoli 1 bagel = 1 cup of pasta = 2 cups of grapes = 16 cups of kale

2-FAT Fats- A poor ratio of omega 3 to omega 6

*These are your essential fatty acids that must be obtained from food because your body cannot make them on its own. Our ancestors typically ate a diet with


a ratio anywhere from a 1:1 to 1:4 omega 3 to omega 6. In our modern diets we usually see a ratio of anywhere from 1:20 to 1:30.

The Problem-

Our modern western diets are very high in Omega 6

polyunsaturated fats such as canola oil, vegetable oil, safflower oil, corn oil as well as trans fats. These are found in processed foods, frozen foods, fast foods, and in many restaurants. Also, most of our conventional meat sources are fed grains which cause the fat from these sources to be rich in Omega 6.


consumption of these Omega 6 fats (such as what we see in our modern diets) as compared to omega 3 fats can lead to systemic inflammation and disease.

The Solution-Eat grass-fed meat, wild caught fish and pastured eggs rich in Omega 3 fat -Supplement with fish oil to counter balance a poor ratio of Omega 3:Omega 6

-Avoid processed foods

-Avoid cooking with polyunsaturated industrial oils

-Start using more saturated and monounsaturated fats for cooking (see guide)


3- Gut Irritating Foods Gut Irritating Foods (Grains, Legumes, Dairy)

* The human species has been around for over 2.5 million years. It was not until 10,000 years ago after the Agricultural Revolution that we began consuming Neolithic foods such as grains, legumes and dairy. Upon introduction of these foods in our food supply, we notice an immediate decline in our health with an increased rate of bone malformations, dental cavities, nutrient deficiencies, infant mortality, and a decline in physical stature.

Anthropologists tell us that it takes

over 40,000 years for a species to evolve to its new environment, and therefore we are not yet genetically equipped to eat these foods.

The Problem- Grains, legumes and dairy can wreak havoc on your entire body in a variety of ways. These foods not only spike insulin levels, but they can irritate and destroy the gut lining. This is especially concerning due to the fact that 80+ % of your immune system resides in the gut. Grains contain harmful proteins called lectins that can severely compromise the integrity of the gut by allowing these almost entirely intact proteins to enter your blood stream, along with foreign pathogens and unwanted food particles. These complex proteins can stimulate an autoimmune cascade and thus lead to various autoimmune/chronic diseases (i.e., rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and cancer).


The Solution: Avoid grains (especially gluten containing grains), legumes and dairy. Eat quality meats, vegetables, little nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar and no processed foods.

BOTTOM LINE... • Eat whole, nutrient-dense foods. • Eat meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. • Make an effort to get QUALITY protein sources (grass-fed meat, pastured eggs) …shop at the farmer’s market and get to know your local farmer! • Every meal should at least have a protein and a fat source. It's not healthy to eat 4 bananas for breakfast with no protein and fat. Let’s keep that insulin from spiking! • It’s best to cook with coconut/palm oil, animal fats or whole real butter at high heat. • It’s good to cook with extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, sesame oil. Use these with moderate heat. • Avoid industrial oils like vegetable, canola, soy, cottonseed oil…Very bad stuff. Avoid trans-fats. • Get most of your carbs from veggies instead of rice, cereal, pasta and other grains. Go EASY on the fruit. • Go EASY on the nuts and seeds. Soak them before eating. • Try to drink water only. Coffee and tea is ok but don't go crazy (2-4 espresso shots a day)


• Rotate your meats (chicken, beef, salmon, bison, etc) and eat a variety of veggies (squash, zucchini, broccoli, etc). • For athletes, a gram of protein per pound of body weight is a good rule and great place to start! For non-athletes a palm-sized portion of protein is a good place to start. • Coconut and avocado’s are amazing fats! • Don’t forget to sleep! Make an effort for 8-10 hours of sleep in a pitch black room. Poor sleep is another issue that we see in preventing people from leaning out. It increases cortisol levels which increases insulin levels and makes us fat. When we stay up late with the lights/electronics on our bodies get tricked into thinking it summer time all the time.

In this state the body craves

carbohydrates because it’s preparing for a cold winter and hibernation. So make sure you get some rest! • Exercise smart and lift heavy weight.

THINK about your food! Make conscious choices! We live in a culture that is sending unconscious messages in regards to our health and values. change! WAKE UP!


Be the


SATURATED FATS • Found in animal fats and tropical oils • Highly stable and don’t turn rancid easily • Good for cooking at high temperatures • Solid or semi-sold at room temperatures • At least 50% of cell membranes are made of saturated fat • Our brain is made of over 60% saturated fat • Important for laying down calcium in bone • Protects liver from alcohol and toxins • Necessary for proper utilization of Essential Fatty Acids • Necessary for transportation and absorption of Vitamins A, D, B and K which are essential to human health • The lungs require saturated fats to function • Provides energy to the heart in times of stress

MONOUNSATURATED FATS • Found in nuts and nut oils, olive oil, avocados • Relatively stable and don’t turn rancid easily


• Liquid at room temperature, semi-solid with refrigeration • Good for cooking at moderate temperatures; sautéing

POLYUNSATURATED FATS • Found in vegetable oils, fish oil, eggs, salmon • Omega 6 and Omega 3 essential fatty acids (our bodies cannot produce these oils) • Unstable even at room temperature; easily damaged by light, heat, moisture and O2 exposure • Liquid even with refrigeration and requires refrigeration • Should NEVER be heated

TRANS FATS • Industrial companies using cheap soy, corn, canola, cottonseed oils for their products and forming trans fats • Found in manufactured foods, baked goods, frozen foods, margarine, chips, fastfood, etc. • Partial hydrogenation of Polyunsaturated Oils • Major cause of heart disease and contributes to weight gain, cancer, auto immune diseases, premature aging, digestive disorders, and infertility • Labels can claim “ZERO TRANS FATS” if the trans fat content is an “acceptable” amount



SAFEST FATS FOR COOKING (frying, baking, broiling, grilling and roasting) • Coconut oil – organic and virgin • Red palm or palm kernel oil – organic and virgin • Butter • Ghee • Animal fats – lard, beef and lamb tallow, chicken/duck/goose fat

SAFER FATS FOR COOKING (stir-frying, sautéing) • Olive oil – unfiltered, organic, extra virgin (less than 400 deg, over medium heat is considered safe according to Mary Enig, PhD) • Avocado oil • Macadamia nut oil • Sesame oil • * extracted via expeller pressing

UNSAFE FOR COOKING • Vegetable/soybean oil • Corn oil


• Flax oil • Hemp oil • Pumpkin oil • Safflower oil • Sunflower oil • Grapeseed oil • Fish/Cod liver oil

UNSAFE FOR COOKING OR CONSUMPTION • Trans fats in packaged foods • Canola oil – genetically modified, turns rancid quickly • Cottonseed oil – genetically modified, pesticide-laden, hydrogenated

DO NOT CONSUME OILS THAT HAVE BEEN CHEMICALLY PROCESSED, AVOID THESE TERMS: • Refined • Hydrogenated • Partially Hydrogenated • Cold-Processed


LOOK FOR THESE TERMS WHEN BUYING OILS • Organic • First-cold pressed or cold-pressed • Expeller-pressed • Unrefined • Extra virgin * these processing techniques help keep fats from turning rancid

REFERENCES Eat Fat, Lose Fat, by Mary Enig, Ph.D., Hudson Street Press “Fats: Safer Choices for Your Frying Pan & Your Health”, by Caroline Barringer, N.T.P. How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy!, by Paul Chek, A C.H.E.K Institute Publication The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith, Flashpoint Press


WHERE DO I START?? Get rid of all processed and packaged foods in your house. Get rid of all foods with a label, in a package, or a can (with the exception of coconut milk). Throw out the sugar, sodas, candy, pasteurized milk, crackers, cookies, frozen dinners, soy foods and condiments. Avoid these toxic chemicals that find themselves in most modern foods: Artificial Flavors Artificial Colors Aspartame Protein Powders Soy Protein Isolate Artificial Sweeteners Preservatives Nitrates and Nitrites Refined Sugars High Fructose Corn Syrup Trans Fats Rancid Vegetable Oils White Flour Additives MSG



Cook with coconut oil, butter, ghee, animal fats, palm oil at high heats, olive oil for sautéing and low to medium heats (Splurge and get good quality fats/oils) MUST BE NON-HYDROGENATED Coconut oil – Nutiva Organic, Extra Virgin, Unrefined Coconut Oil Wilderness Family Naturals (Organic, Extra Virgin, Unrefined and you can buy in bulk) Palm oil – Wilderness Family Naturals online or at Whole Foods Butter – Organic butter or raw butter from grass-fed animals (Kerrygold is a good brand you can get at HEB, Whole Foods or Organic Valley Pastured Butter from Whole Foods Olive Oil – Organic, Unrefined, Extra Virgin Fats and oils for consumption – No cooking Flax oil – (raw, unfiltered, organic) is high in omega 3s and great for salad dressings or on steamed veggies Avocado Coconut milk – make sure nothing is added to it, get organic (Thai Kitchen Organic) Nuts and seeds – try to get organic when possible and soak before consumption to get rid of gut-irritating enzyme inhibitors


Meats- Buy GRASS-FED MEATS, WILD-CAUGHT FISH, & EGGS FROM CHICKENS RAISED ON PASTURE You want meat from animals that have been raised on pasture to eat GRASSES not GRAINS. You want meat from animals that have been given no HORMONES or ANTIOBIOTICS Shop at local farmers markets for the BEST meat and eggs!! Here you can get grass-fed meat (, pasture-raised chicken, and eggs from pasture-raised chickens. Ask the farmer what they feed their animals. It doesn’t have to be “organic” if you getting it from good source. You can get GRASS-FED meat at Whole Foods. They have grass-fed beef, and their bison and lamb are grass-fed as well even though they are not labeled as such. Buy WILD-CAUGHT FISH. Do not buy FARM-RAISED fish.

Fruits and Vegetables With vegetables and fruits buy organic when possible at the grocery store to avoid PESTICIDES AND HERBICIDES (they will wreak havoc on your body) If you are shopping at the farmer’s market many farmers do not have the label of “organic” because they are a small farm and do not have the money to go through the certification process. Ask if they use HERBICIDES AND PESTICIDES. Most do not and it is a great source for fresh produce Eat a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits…try a new vegetable and find a recipe on the internet


Nuts and Seeds Most nuts and seeds need to be soaked to get rid of gut-irritating enzyme inhibitors. Use this website to see how long to soak your nuts. You can dry them in the oven at your oven’s lowest temperature or in a dehydrator. Don’t go crazy on nuts due to the gut irritation component and especially if you are trying to lose weight or have an autoimmune disease.

Sweets Eat sweets in moderation and when you do…make them at home. Eat truly raw, unheated honey (Round Rock Honey, Really Raw Honey) Use honey to sweeten tea and in place of sugar to make sweet treats Use stevia for an alternate sweetener Use figs and dates for baking AVOID: aspartame, Splenda, Nutrisweet, Equal – these are neurotoxins and are very harmful to your body!



Nuts & Seeds:

___ Beef

___ Almonds

___ Bison/Buffalo

___ Brazil Nuts

___ Chicken

___ Cashews

___ Eggs

___ Macadamia Nuts

___ Fish

___ Pecans

___ Lamb

___ Pumpkin Seeds

___ Turkey

___ Sesame Seeds

___ Other

___ Sunflower Seeds ___ Walnuts ___ Nut Butter ___ Other



___ Arugula

___ Kale

___ Apples

___ Limes

___ Avocado

___ Leeks

___ Bananas

___ Mangoes


___ Lettuce (variety)

___ Blueberries

___ Nectarines

___ Asparagus

___ Mushrooms

___ Blackberries

___ Papaya

___ Bell Peppers

___ Onions

___ Cantaloupe

___ Peaches

___ Beets

___ Okra

___ Grapefruit

___ Pears

___ Bok Choy

___ Parsnip

___ Grapes

____ Broccoli

___ Pumpkin

___ Honeydew Melon

___ Plums

___ Brussel Sprouts

___ Radishes

___ Kiwi

__ Strawberries

___ Cabbage

___ Spinach

___ Lemons

___ Watermelon


____ Pineapple

___ Carrots

___ Squash – Acorn

___ Other

___ Cauliflower

___ Squash -Butternut

___ Celery

___ Squash - Spaghetti

___ Chard

___ Squash – Yellow or Summer

___ Collard Greens

___ Squash – Other (i.e.: Patty pan)

___ Cucumber

___ Sweet Potato/Yam

___ Eggplant

___ Tomatoes

___ Green Beans

___ Turnips

___ Other

___ Zucchini


___ Other Fats:


___ Butter (Organic for sure, Raw if possible)

___ Basil

___ Cilantro

___ Coconut Milk

___ Dill

___ Oregano

___ Coconut Oil (Organic, Extra Virgin, Cold Pressed, Unrefined)

___ Parsley

___ Rosemary

___ Cod Liver Oil (Carlson’s Lemon Flavored, Green Pastures)

___ Thyme


___ Flax Oil (Organic, Cold Pressed, Unrefined) ___ Olive Oil (Organic, Extra Virgin, Cold Pressed, Unrefined) ___ Palm Oil Spices:


___ Chile Powder

___ Garlic

___ Other_____

___ Apple Cider Vinegar ___ Lime juice

___ Clove

___ Ginger

___ Other_____

___ Balsamic Vinegar

___ Raw Cocoa

___ Coriander

___ Marjoram

___ Sea Salt

___ Raw Honey

___ Cumin

___ Nutmeg

___ Pepper

___ Figs

___ Curry Powder

___ Paprika

___ Natural Mustard

___ Dates

___ Garam Masala

___ Turmeric

___ Lemon juice



FOOD IDEAS *We highly recommend a 30 day “buy in” to this way of eating. A 30 day meal plan that is easy to implement, simple, tasty and cost effective. Breakfast Ideas: Eggs cooked in butter or coconut oil with steamed veggies and small bowl of fresh berries Bacon from pigs raised on pasture with eggs and steamed veggies Sausage (check to make sure they have no soy or canola oil and added ingredients) with Coconut Flour or Almond Flour Pancakes + butter or coconut oil Omelet with Coconut Flour Muffins + butter or coconut oil Smoothie with coconut milk, fruit, raw egg yolks, coconut oil, (there are tons of recipes out there, just make sure you have a protein and fat in your smoothie or with your meal) Macadamia nut porridge or nut porridge (see recipe) with some protein source Meat and steamed or sautéed veggies

Chad and I eat meat and vegetables for breakfast all the time. It sounds strange...but once you get used to the idea it is actually very nourishing and filling. It is a great way to fuel yourself for the day and will not leave you hungry in an hour like the ole’ cereal and milk or bagel used to. Often times I will cook a whole pound of ground meat and 2 portions of veggies and eat half for


breakfast and the other half I pack for lunch. It is quick and easy and great for those people that need to pack something for work. Other times I will make a large dinner and have the leftovers for breakfast or lunch. I suggest steaming veggies in the morning…it is quick and easy. You can buy organic frozen veggies to make it really quick or chop up some fresh veggies.

Example: Steam a bag of chopped spinach with some cubed butternut squash. Mix with ground Turkey and add a little cinnamon and butter on top. Example: Steam sliced zucchini and yellow squash, top with butter or olive oil, add some fresh herbs and mix with ground beef or bison Example: Spaghetti squash cooked from the night before mixed with an assortment of veggies, avocado and butter

Lunch/Dinner Ideas & Tips: Use your CROCKPOT! It takes a little prep time in the morning, but dinner is ready for the most part when you get home. Great if you work late! Make more than you need and have it for breakfast, lunch or another dinner! Taco/Fajita night – we have it once a week. Throw a chuck roast in the crockpot with various spices of your liking and use if for carnitas. Use lettuce wraps for the shell. Sautéed onions

and bell peppers and use various raw veggies for the

toppings (shredded carrots, radishes, etc).


Lamb stew – Stick some lamb shanks and or necks in the crockpot. I chop up fresh rosemary, garlic with salt and pepper and rub it all over the lamb. I chop up carrots, turnips, radishes and dump them on top. Add some water or beef broth (just a few cups because the bones have marrow and will make its own broth) and cook all day 10 hours on low. I get home and there is an amazing, flavorful stew ready to eat. Pick out the bones and serve. I make a lot so I have leftovers for the next day or another meal. The broth it makes is incredibly nourishing to the gut and just makes you feel good! Chili Whole Chicken Find recipes for grass-fed meat cooked in the Crockpot Roast 2 chickens at once. Use one for dinner and use the meat from the other one for breakfasts/lunches or dinners later in the week. Example: use leftover chicken to make Chicken Curry or a Chicken salad Save the chicken carcass and make you own homemade broth. Stick carcass in large stockpot and fill with filtered water. Add 3 coarsely chopped carrots, celery, onions, peppercorns and salt. Bring to boil and then simmer on low for 6-8 hours.

Discard bones and vegetables. Freeze some broth for cooking and

homemade soups.

Beef/bison/turkey burgers with no bun and baked sweet potato fries In a rush‌pick a meat and a variety of veggies and make a stir-fry. Make it colorful with a green, yellow, orange, purple, and/or red veggie. Get creative with different spices and herbs.


Supplement Recommendations Vitamin D Critical in fat metabolism, cancer prevention, autoimmunity, fertility, insulin resistance, types 1 & 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, anti-inflammatory as a Cox2 inhibitor How much: 2,000-5,000 IU per day of Vit-D3, to be taken in the AM with a meal containing fat Brands- Premier Research Laps *Very affordable and last a long time

Fish Oil

Helps correct an imbalance on Omega 3/Omega 6 fats commonly seen in

western diets Has influence on cancer, autoimmunity, insulin sensitivity, neurodegeneration, recovery from activity, fertility

Daily dose in Total EPA/DHA in grams per day

*For more specific conversions and calculations please visit



Pharmax, Stronger Faster Healthier, Nordic Naturals, Carlsons,

Barleans *Prices vary from $25-$200 per month depending on body weight, current health status and quality of fish oil. For practical and economical reasons we suggest getting a high quality fish oil

Magnesium Magnesium deficiency appears to be a player in Insulin resistance¸ cardiovascular disease, Chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia, High blood pressure Take 400-600 mg of magnesium citrate mixed in warm water before bed Brands: Natural Calm

Supplementing Magnesium is roughly $25 per month

Digestive Aids HCL- (Hydrochloric Acid) helps to increase stomach acid & enhances the effectiveness of digestion Very significant for those with GI problems in the past, have an autoimmune disease, or significant systemic inflammation. Brands: Now Foods: Super Enzymes (can be found at most grocery stores) *Take these at mid meal in meals containing protein and fat. What you are looking for is a slight “warmth” in the epigastric region (at the bottom of your breast bone where the ribs meet)


-Start with one capsule per meal for a day or two. If you do not feel warmth take two caps with each meal for a day or two. Warmth? Keep following this process until you are at five caps per meal. If you are still not feeling warmth, just hang at this dosage until you do start to feel warmth after each meal. Whatever your dosage, when you start to feel warmth, dial your dosage down by one cap per meal until you are digesting your food without supplemental enzymes. Titrate down in the same way. Many people keep taking them forever. Probiotics

-critical in digestive process & protecting gut lining

-displace potentially pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and parasites

-helps us to digest macronutrients

-responsible for the production of various vitamins from precursor


-gut flora has tight communication and influence with both immune

and nervous system

Where do we get it: fermented foods (all in pasteurized form) such as yogurt, kefir, miso, kimchi and raw sauerkraut Supplement frequently with a broad range of sources. times a day, about a large fork size serving.


Eat before meals 2-3

*We recommend “Straight From the Vine” products which can be found at South Austin Farmer’s Market as well as all locations of People’s Pharmacy Prices range from $5-$10 depending on location of purchase

*If you do not prefer the taste of fermented food (although we recommend you just try it) you can also use a mixed probiotic sources such as “Jarro-Dophilus”, “Dr. Ohiras”, or products from “New Chapter.”

When: Take these supplements on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, and just follow the label recommendations. Keep refrigerated.

Prices range from $40-$60


SOY ALERT! Confused About Soy?--Soy Dangers Summarized -

High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.


Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders. In test animals soy containing trypsin inhibitors caused stunted growth.


Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.


Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.


Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body's requirement for B12.


Soy foods increase the body's requirement for vitamin D. Toxic Vitamin D2 is added to soy milk.


Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature processing to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.


Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.



Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food processing and additional amounts are added to many soy foods to mask the unpleasant taste.


Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys.

(The above soy dangers and our Myths & Truths About Soy are available in the Soy Alert! trifold brochure for mass distribution on Studies Showing Adverse Effects of Soy Studies Showing the Toxicity of Soy in the US Food & Drug Administration's Poisonous Plant Database (7.5M PDF) Studies Showing Adverse Effects of Dietary Soy, 1939-2008 Studies Showing Adverse Effects of Isoflavones, 1950-2010


RESOURCES Buy unpasteurized, raw almonds in bulk. 5 lbs for $35 and no shipping. You can buy larger quantities for cheaper per pound. products_almonds.html Locate Grass-fed meat all over the U.S and near you Great place to get good quality coconut products, oils, nuts and seeds, nut butters, etc. Fish Oil Calculator Websites Locate a farmers market near you • Cedar Park • Austin


Video • Sugar, The Bitter Truth by Robert Lustwig on YOU TUBE • Cholesterol and Heart Disease by Dr. Malcom Kendrick http://


Recipe books: • Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon with Mary Enig PhD • The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook by Elana Amsterdam • Healthy Urban Kitchen Cookbook: A Simple, Step by Step System for Shopping, Cooking & Eating the World’s

Healthiest Foods by Antonio

Valladares & Jaime Larose • Tender Grassfed Meat by Stanley A. Fishman • The Primal Blueprint Cookbook by Mark Sisson & Jennifer Meier


Recommended Reads: • Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Dr. Mary Enig and Sally Fallon • Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes • Gut and Pychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride • How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy by Paul Check • Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival by T.S. Wiley with Bent Formby, Ph.D. • Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon with Mary Enig Ph.D • Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price, DDS • Protein Power by Michael Eades, MD and Mary Dan Eades, MD • Primal Body-Primal Mind by Nora T. Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT • Real Food for Mother and Baby by Nina Planck • The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan • The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain • The Paleo Diet for Athletes by Loren Cordain • The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf • The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson • The Protein Power Lifeplan by Michael Eades, MD and Mary Dan Eades, MD • The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith


• Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine by Ronald Schmid, ND Recommended Films: • InGREEDients • King Corn • Food, Inc • Fresh • The Future of Food • The Oiling of America

Recommended Podcasts: • The Paleolithic Solution with Robb Wolf and Andy Dees • Primal Body, Primal Mind Radio with Nora Gedgaudas • The Livin La Vida Low-Carb Show with Jimmy Moore



Food Matrix Proteins



Herbs & Spices



100 Words “ Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.� - Fitness in 100 Words or Less , Greg Glassman, Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.,


Change is Great

WHAT TO EXPECT The Hardest Part of Any Journey is the First Step. A New Diet is No Different. Making the paleo switch comes with challenges. Depending on how heavy your diet is with grains and sugar before you switch, you will experience an adjustment period of varying degrees of intensity. You will experience a dip in your athletic performance and have times when feel lethargic and/or cranky. This period usually lasts about two weeks. Keep in mind that your body is going through withdrawals and there is a light at the end of the adjustment tunnel. It’s Only 30 Days - No Cheating! People often ask about a cheat meal or a cheat day. During the 30-day challenge, stay focused and strong. Try not to cheat. Instead of going for a cookie when you are having cravings, reach for a sweet, in season apple. If you do fall off the wagon - own up to it in your food log. But try to keep with it for all 30 days. Tell your friends your mean old coaches are making you do it. Once you have completed your 30 days, the occasional cheat meal is fine. If you can let it be something that happens organically (i.e. you are out with friends and everyone really wants pizza and margaritas) once in a while rather than a scheduled meal or day, you will probably feel the need to cheat less. Scheduling it out can turn your mind, once open and free for thinking about other things, into an obsessive “heroin addict” cheat meal obsessed mentality. When you do have the occasional non-paleo moment, don’t gorge yourself either.


Plan Ahead Part of the difficulty of starting paleo is the amount of preparation involved. Make sure you plan ahead so you aren’t stuck in a situation where you are left with no options. A lot of people like to use Sunday to prep for the week. Other people make lunch for the next day at the same time as they are making dinner, so they don’t feel like they are spending too much time in the kitchen. Find a system that works and stick to it. There will be places or situations where you know you have difficulty staying on diet (i.e. at the office working late, where there is an endless supply of bagels, donuts and nothing else) - make sure you have options ready available to you. Talk to your family so they know what you are doing and you don’t come home to a meal filled with food you aren’t supposed to be eating.


Food Log 47

Food Log 30 Days of Nutrition

Day Day Meal


Day Day Day



Breakfast Blocks:

Lunch Blocks:

Dinner Blocks:

Snacks Blocks:





Food Log Day Day Meal Breakfast Blocks:

Lunch Blocks:

Dinner Blocks:

Snacks Blocks:




Day Day Day 8



Food Log Day Day Meal Breakfast Blocks:

Lunch Blocks:

Dinner Blocks:

Snacks Blocks:




Day Day Day 13



Food Log Day Day Meal Breakfast Blocks:

Lunch Blocks:

Dinner Blocks:

Snacks Blocks:




Day Day Day 18



Food Log Day Day Meal Breakfast Blocks:

Lunch Blocks:

Dinner Blocks:

Snacks Blocks:




Day Day Day 23



Food Log Day Day Meal Breakfast Blocks:

Lunch Blocks:

Dinner Blocks:

Snacks Blocks:




Day Day Day 28




30 Day Plan 55

Everyday Paleo’s

30 DAY FAMILY MEAL PLAN Day 1 BreakFast: Egg Cupcakes Lunch: Wild Salmon Salad Snack: Beef Jerky Dinner: Spice Rub Slow Cooked Chicken w/Kids love cabbage slaw

Day 2 Breakfast:Leftover Egg Cupcakes Lunch: Leftover spice rub chicken w/Salad Greens & sun-dried tomato dressing

Snack: Bugs in a Boat & turkey slices Dinner: Easy Steak Skewers & Savory Cauliflower Fried Rice


Day 3 Breakfast: Leftover egg cupcakes & Blueberries Lunch: Avocado Tuna Boats Snack: Leftover Steak skewers and Macadamia nuts

Dinner: Pecan Crusted Chicken w/ Fancy Pear Salad

Day 4 Breakfast: Huevos Rancheros Lunch: Easy Spinach Salad Snack: Sunny deviled Eggs Dinner: Red Curry Beef Stew

Day 5 Breakfast: Almond Meal Blueberry Pancakes & Scrambled Eggs Lunch: Leftover Red Curry Stew Snack: Jerky Coconut Flakes Dinner: Rockin’ Moroccan Chicken


Shop Shopping List Days 1-5 4 dozen eggs 2 lbs bacon 2 lbs stew meat

2 cans wild caught Alaskan salmon

1 6 lb whole chicken 8 boneless skinless chicken breasts 2.5 lbs sirloin steak 1 package turkey deli meat beef jerky 1 head broccoli 1 bunch of green onions 5 zucchinis 8 carrots 10 tomatillos 1 bunch cilantro 3 bunches spinach 2 lbs mixed salad greens 1 head celery 1 head purple cabbage 1 head cauliflower 2 red onions 1 white onion 1 bulb garlic 1 carton cherry tomatoes 1 red bell pepper 3 yams 1/2 lb crimini mushrooms 8 avocados fresh basil fresh rosemary 1 lime 3 lemons 1 pear 4 apples blueberries 2 jars roasted red peppers 1 jar pimento stuffed green olives 1 box raisins 1 jar julienned sun dried tomatoes 1 jar capers Thai red curry paste


30 Day Meal Plan Day 6 BreakFast: Katrina’s sausage hash & poached eggs Lunch: Shrimp Tacos Snack: Leftover Rockin’ Moroccan Chicken Dinner: Hasta La Vista Pasta Lasagna

Day 7 Breakfast: Frittata for All Lunch: Leftover Lasagna Snack: Ham slices & avocado Dinner: Garden Fresh Meatballs & Baked Green Beans

Day 8 Breakfast: Leftover Frittata Lunch: Sun-Dried Tomato Chicken Slaw Snack: Leftover Garden Fresh Meatballs Dinner: Collard-wrapped Tilapia


Day 9 Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs w/Bearnaise Sauce & Steamed Asparagus Lunch: Leftover Sun-Dried Tomato Chicken Slaw Snack: Salmon Rolls Dinner: Bean-Less chili & Carrot Fennel Salad Day 10 Breakfast: Paleo Apple Muffins, eggs over easy, & bacon Lunch: Leftover Bean-Less Chili Snack: Turkey Roll-ups Dinner: Asparagus Stuffed Chicken Breasts & Roasted Root Veggies


Shop Shopping List Days 6-10 3 dozen eggs 4 lbs ground beef 6 chicken breasts 1.5 lbs ground turkey 1 lb mild italian sausage 1 lb spicy italian sausage 1 lb ground pork sausage 4 tilapia filets 1 lb large shrimp 1 can wild Alaskan salmon 1 lb bacon 1 ham steak 1 package ham deli meat 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 8 1 4 1 4 2 5 2

bunch radishes head purple cabbage head green cabbage head romaine lettuce head celery bunch collard greens bunch spinach zucchinis bunch asparagus lb green beans carrots fennel bulb avocados bag broccoli slaw yams green bell peppers small beats parsnips

4 red onions 1 white onion 2 bulbs garlic green onions fresh basil 1 lime 3 lemons 1 orange 2 apples 1 banana organic grass fed butter 1 jar salsa verde 1 16 oz box chicken broth 1 16 oz can diced tomatoes 1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes 1 6 oz can tomato paste 1 jar black olives 1 12 oz jar roasted red peppers 1 jar julienned sun dried tomatoes


30 Day Meal Plan Day 11 BreakFast: Egg Houses Lunch: Shrimp Flying Saucers Snack: Leftover Paleo Apple Muffin & Hard Boiled Egg Dinner: Grilled Lamb-Burgers w/ baked Curry Cauliflower

Day 12 Breakfast: Spring Scramble Lunch: BLT w/ Avocado Spread Snack: Apple Flowers and Jerky Dinner: Everyday Paleo Spaghetti and Baked Apples

Day 13 Breakfast: Breakfast Paleo Pizza Lunch:Leftover Everyday Paleo Spaghetti Snack: Leftover Breakfast Paleo Pizza Dinner: Pollo con Salsa Roja & Green Salad w/ Avocado Dressing


Day 14 Breakfast: Leftover Pollo con Salsa Roja Lunch: Ginger Shrimp Salad Snack: Happy Trail Mix Dinner: Skillet Salmon w/ Baby Bok Choy Day 15 Breakfast: Poached Eggs over Curried Veggie Hash Lunch: Leftover Ginger Shrimp Salad Snack: Bugs in a Boat & Ham Slices Dinner:Dry Rub Burgers, Yummy Yam Spears, & Steamed Broccoli


Shop Shopping List Days 11-15 4 dozen eggs 2 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs 4.5 lbs ground beef 1 lb mild italian pork sausage 1 lb bacon 1 package deli ham slices 1 lb ground lamb 2 lbs medium shrimp 7 large tomatoes 3 heirloom tomatoes 2 roma tomatoes 1 head broccoli 1 head celery 4 carrots 2 zucchini 1 lb organic salad mix 1 head purple cabbage 1 head romaine lettuce 1 bunch asparagus 1 cauliflower 3 red onions 1 yellow onion 2 shallots 2 bulbs garlic 5 yams 1 small cucumber 3 red bell pepper 6 avocados 1 spaghetti squash 1 bunch cilantro 1 bunch arugula green onions fresh rosemary fresh parsley fresh mint chives fresh ginger

4 lemons 1 apple 3 granny smith apples blueberries 1 can artichoke hearts 1 can sliced black olives 1 jar marinara sauce 1 jar julienned sun-dried tomatoes 1 jar salsa verde 1 28 oz can El Pato salsa Para Enchiladas 1 jar raw almond butter


30 Day Meal Plan Day 16 BreakFast: Leftover Curried Veggie Hash & Chicken Sausages Lunch: Leftover Dry Rub Burger, Walnut Red Pepper Dip, & raw sliced veggies Snack: Hard boiled egg & macadamia nuts Dinner: Salmon Cakes w/ Ginger Mayo

Day 17 Breakfast: Egg Cupcakes Lunch: Sliced Chicken Breast, Walnut red Pepper Dip, & raw sliced veggies Snack: Leftover Egg Cupcake Dinner: Everyday Meatloaf & Brussels Sprouts ‘n’ Bacon

Day 18 Breakfast: Egg Cupcakes and strawberries or blueberries Lunch: Leftover Meatloaf and Brussels Sprouts Snack: Salmon Rolls Dinner: Breaded Baked Chicken & Butternut Squash Soup


Day 19 Breakfast: Leftover Egg Cupcakes Lunch: Ginger Citrus Skillet Chicken Snack: Turkey Slices, Black Olives, & Mandarins Dinner: Perfect Pot Roast & Mom’s Mashed Yams

Day 20 Breakfast: Leftover Pot Roast Lunch: Grilled Hamburger Patty & Baba Ghanoush w/ raw veggies Snack: Happy Trail Mix Dinner: Thai Shrimp Soup


Shop Shopping List Days 16-20 4 dozen eggs 4 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs 2 chicken breasts 3 lbs ground beef 1 lb breakfast chicken sausages 1 5 lb pork loin roast 2 lbs bacon 1 lb medium shrimp 4 can wild caught Alaskan salmon 1 package turkey deli meat beef jerky

2 12 oz jars roasted red peppers 2 14 oz cans diced tomatoes 1 6 oz can tomato paste 1 16 oz box chicken broth 1 can black olives Thai fish sauce red wine

1 lb brussel sprouts 1 large eggplant 1 butternut squash 1/2 lb crimini mushrooms 2 zucchinis 6 carrots 1 bunch celery 2 leeks 1 bunch kale 1 red bell pepper 1 head purple cabbage 2 baby bok choy bundles 1 head broccoli 1 bunch spinach 1 red onion 1 white onion 2 yellow onions 2 garlic bulbs 2 lemon grass stalks 1 jalapeno green onions fresh basil fresh parsley fresh thyme fresh ginger 3 lemons 1 orange blueberries strawberries mandarins


30 Day Meal Plan Day 21 Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, sliced avocado, & Dixie’s fresh salsa Lunch: Grilled chicken w/ Chimichurri Sauce & Steamed Kale Snack: Turkey slices, pecans & artichoke hearts Dinner: Easy Skillet Scallops & Spinach

Day 22 Breakfast: eggs over easy, bacon & Bedtime Blueberries Lunch: Leftover Chicken & Chimichurri Sauce & steamed mixed vegetables Snack: Bugs in a Boat & ham slices Dinner: Steak Chili Rellenos & salad with Avocado Dressing & Dip

Day 23 Breakfast: Chicken sausage & sauteed spinach w/ Bearnaise Sauce Lunch: Portobello Mushroom Sandwich w/ turkey, avocado, & arugula Snack: Leftover chicken sausage & avocado slices Dinner: Seafood “Who Needs Rice” Jambalaya


Day 24 Breakfast: Fritta for All & blueberries Lunch: Leftover Jambalaya Snack: Leftover Frittata & coconut flakes Dinner: Garlic Beef Stew w/ Acorn Squash & Steamed Asparagus

Day 25 Breakfast: Curried Veggie Hash & Eggs over easy Lunch: Leftover Garlic Beef Stew Snack: Turkey Roll-Ups Dinner: Better Butter Chicken


Shop Shopping List Days 21-25 3 dozen eggs 2 lbs chicken breast 2.5 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs 1 lb breakfast chicken sausages 1 lb tri tip steak 2 lbs stew meat 1 lb wild caught cod fillets 1 lb medium sized shrimp 1 lb bacon 1 package deli ham slices 1 package deli turkey slices

1 lemon 1 lime blueberries 1 4 oz can diced green chilis 1 jar salsa verde 1 16 oz box chicken broth 1 6 oz can tomato paste Ghee hot sauce

4 avocados 5 carrots 2 yams 2 zucchinis 2 shallots 1 leek 4 portabella mushrooms 1 bunch spinach 1 bunch arugula 8 rma tomatoes 3 bunches cilantro 1 lb salad mix 1 bunch kale 1 bunch asparagus 1 head celery 1 acorn squash 1 bunch red chard 3 red bell peppers 1 green bell pepper 4 red onions 1 yellow onion 2 bulbs garlic 1 jalapeno 4 large poblano or anaheim chilis green onions fresh basil fresh parsley


30 Day Meal Plan Day 26 Breakfast: Leftover Curried Veggie Hash & poached eggs Lunch: Everyday Paleo Pizza Snack: Leftover Pizza Dinner: Albondigas Soup

Day 27 Breakfast: Almond Meal Blueberry Pancakes & ham Lunch: Leftover Albondigas Soup Snack: Jerky, macadamia nuts, & blueberries Dinner: Chicken Paleo Piccata & Savory Cauliflower Fried Rice

Day 28 Breakfast: Spring Scramble Lunch: Shrimp loves Coconut & Kids Love Cabbage Slaw Snack: Turkey Slices, Avocado Dressing & Dip & raw veggies Dinner: Spicy Speedy Stuffed Peppers


Day 29 Breakfast: Egg Houses Lunch: Leftover Stuffed Peppers Snack: Salmon Rolls Dinner: Pork Tenderloin w/ Cherry Sauce over Mashed Cauliflower & Roasted Fennel

Day 30 Breakfast: Leftover Pork Tenderloin & poached eggs Lunch: Ginger Citrus Skillet Chicken Snack: Turkey slices, shredded purple cabbage, & coconut flakes Dinner: Puerto Rican Beef, Plantain Chips, & Guacamole


Shop Shopping List Days 26-30 3 dozen eggs 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts 2 boneless skinless chicken thighs 4 lbs ground beef 1 lb bacon 1.5 lbs spicy italian pork sausage 1 lb mild italian pork sausage 1.5 lb pork tenderloin 1 lb large shrimp 1 can wild Alaskan salmon 2 packages sliced deli turkey beef jerky 3 crookneck yellow squash 2 zucchinis 1/2 lb crimini mushrooms 1 bunch asparagus 2 cucumbers 2 small tomatoes 8 carrots 8 large tomatoes 1 head celery 1 head purple or green cabbage 4 fennel bulbs 2 heads cauliflower 2 bunches kale 8 red bell peppers 1 green bell pepper 1 yellow bell pepper 3 yams 2 shallots 1 white onion 1 yellow onion 1 red onion 1 bulb garlic 1 jalapeno 6 avocados chives green onions fresh rosemary fresh basil fresh ginger

1 apple 1 lemon 1 lime 1 orange 1 green mango 3 plantains fresh or frozen blueberries unsweetened dried bing cherries 1 jar organic gluten free marinara sauce 1 jar roasted red peppers 1 jar salsa verde 1 jar pimento stuffed green olives 1 can black olives 1 7 oz can El Pato Jalapeno Salsa 2 16 oz boxes chicken broth white wine 1 jar capers 1 can artichoke hearts 1 jar julienned sun dried tomatoes 1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes




The Recipes 81

Everyday Paleo

EGG CUPCAKES 10 -12 eggs whisked well 1 green onion 2 zucchini 3 big handfuls of spinach 1/2 a jar of roasted red and yellow peppers 6-8 slices of COOKED bacon sea salt and black pepper to taste Preheat oven to 350 and grease with olive oil two muffin pans. Whisk all your eggs in a big bowl. In a food processor throw in the green onion, zucchini, bacon, and peppers and process until finely chopped but NOT smooth (yuck…). Add this mixture to your eggs. Throw your spinach into the processor and finely chop and also add to your eggs. Mix the egg mixture well and using a 1/4 measuring cup, fill the muffin pans (you’ll be able to make 18-20 cupcakes). Bake for 20-25 minutes or until the eggs are set in the middle. These are great to take on the go and I like mine with some sliced avocado and green salsa. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

WILD SALMON SALAD 4 cups organic mixed salad greens 2 cans wild caught Alaskan salmon 1/3 cup roasted red peppers dices 1 avocado, diced 4 tbsp sliced almonds 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 tbsp dried dill juice from 1/2 lemon black pepper to taste Toss all salad ingredients together, drizzle on oil and vinegar, sprinkle on the dill and pepper, toss together, and serve.



Everyday Paleo

SPICE RUB SLOW COOKED CHICKEN 1 5-6 lb free range organic chicken - giblets removed, rinsed, and patted dry with paper towels 1 white onion sliced 1 tsp sea salt (optional) 2 tsp paprika 1 tsp cayenne 1 tsp white pepper 1 tsp poultry seasoning 1 tsp garlic powder Cover the bottom of the crock pot with the sliced onions. Mix all spices in a small bowl and then rub the spice mixture all over the whole chicken. Place the spiced chicken on top of the onions in the crock pot, cover and cook on low for 5-6 hours (depending on your crock pot). No need for any liquid, the chicken will cook in it’s own juices. Make sure you spoon the onions and a little bit of the juices over the chicken when you serve it. I served my chicken with our favorite brussel sprouts, steamed for 5 minutes and then sauteed with a little olive oil, dried dill, garlic powder, and pepper. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

KIDS LOVE CABBAGE SLAW 2 cups purple cabbage, diced 1 cup cucumber, diced 1 shallot, minced 1/2 cup green mango, finely diced 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil black pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in a medium salad bowl, mix well, and serve! Â



Everyday Paleo

SUN DRIED TOMATO SALAD DRESSING 1 cup sun-dried tomatoes 1 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp capers juice from 1/2 a lemon 2 garlic cloves 2 tbsp fresh rosemary black pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth. Use as a salad dressing or meat marinade.



Everyday Paleo

BUGS IN A BOAT 4-5 celery stalks almond butter golden raisins coconut flakes

Cut each celery stalk into 4 in pieces. Spread the inside of each celery stalk with almond butter. Sprinkle with finely shredded unsweetened coconut flakes and top with golden raisins. Â Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

EASY STEAK SKEWERS 2.5 lbs of grass fed sirloin steaks cut into 1 inch cubes 3 zucchini squash cut into chunks 3 cups mushrooms 1 red bell pepper cut into chunks Dried basil Dried oregano Garlic powder Cayenne pepper Cracked black pepper Place the chunks of steak into a large mixing bowl and generously sprinkle with the basil, oregano, garlic, and cracked black pepper. Add a pinch or two of cayenne pepper and mix well until all the steak pieces are covered with the spices. Take metal or bamboo skewers and alternate skewering pieces of the meat and veggies. Cook over a medium high grill turning often for 7-10 minutes. Serve with mashed cauliflower and a salad with the following avocado dressing. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

SAVORY CAULIFLOWER FRIED RICE 1/2 red onion, minced 3 garlic cloves, minced 2 tbsp fresh basil, diced 1 head organic cauliflower- stem removed and steamed 1 egg 2 tbsp coconut flour 1 tsp sea salt black pepper to taste 3-4 tbsp coconut oil Ina large mixing bowl, add the minced onions, garlic, and basil. Place the steamed cauliflower in the bowl as well, and add the gg, coconut flour, salt, and pepper. Using a potato masher, mash the cauliflower down to the consistency of rice. Mix all of the ingredients well. Heat the coconut oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the cauliflower rice and saute for 7-10 minutes or until the onions are tender. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

AVOCADO TUNA BOATS 1 egg 1 1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar pinch of sea salt few shakes of cayenne pepper 1 tsp yellow mustard 1 cup olive oil 3 -4 ripe avocados 4 cans of Trader Joe’s tuna packed in water 3 green onions 3 celery stalks 1 palm full of dried dill 1 tbsp garlic powder fresh ground black pepper to taste 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved In a food processor process for 5 seconds the egg, vinegar, mustard, cayenne pepper, and sea salt. For another 5 seconds of blending slowly add the olive oil until it makes mayo. Cut


avocados in half lengthwise and remove the stone – leave the peel on. In a large mixing bowl mix together the tuna, celery, onions, and spices. Add the mayo mixture to the tuna, mix well, and scoop onto halved avocados and top with tomatoes. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

PECAN CRUSTED CHICKEN 4 chicken breasts 1/2 cup organic spicy brown mustard 2 tbsp raw organic honey 1 cup pecans sea salt Pre heat oven to 350. In a medium sized mixing bowl blend together the mustard and honey. Toss the pecans in a food processor and pulse until the nuts are finely chopped. Pour the chopped pecans either on a plate or in a pie pan if you have one. Using a paper towel, remove any excess moisture from the outside of your chicken breasts. Taking one chicken breast at a time, first place the chicken into the mustard/honey mixture and coat on both sides. Transfer chicken to the chopped pecans and again cover both sides. Place coated chicken into a greased glass baking dish (I used a little olive oil spray to cover the bottom of the dish) and sprinkle each chicken breast with just a little sea salt. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes or until the chicken juices run clear. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

FANCY PEAR SALAD 5 ounces organic mixed salad greens 1 pear diced 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced extra virgin olive oil, to taste 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1/3 cup pecans, crushed black pepper to taste

Toss the greens, onion, and pear together. Drizzle salad with extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and sprinkle on pecans. Finish with some cracked black pepper. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

HUEVOS RANCHEROS 10-12 tomatillos 1 jalapeno 3 garlic cloves 1 bunch fresh cilantro juice from 1 lime sea salt to taste 6 tbsp organic butter 8 eggs 2 avocados, sliced

Remove the husks from the tomatillos, wash and dry well. Place the tomatillos and the jalapeno in a skillet and cook over medium-high heat, turning often until the skins of the tomatillo and jalapeno begin to blacken. (about 10 minutes) Place the tomatillos, jalapeno, cilantro, garlic, lime juice, and salt into a food processor and process until smooth. Melt the butter in a pan and crack the eggs. Turn the heat down to medium low and cover; donot flip the eggs. Cook until the whites are solid but the yolk still runny. Serve 2 eggs over sliced avocado topped with the green tomatillo salsa. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

EASY SPINACH SALAD 6 cups organic spinach 4 hard boiled eggs, diced 6 strips cooked bacon, crumbled 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved 6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil juice form 1/2 lemon black pepper to taste

Toss all ingredients together and enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

SUNNY DEVILED EGGS 12 hard boiled eggs 2/3 cup julienne-cut sun-dried tomatoes 6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp garlic powder crushed black pepper to taste 1/2 cup fresh basil, diced dried dill for garnish

Place the 12 eggs in a sauce pan and add enough water to cover the eggs. Bring the water to a boil and boil rapidly for 8 minutes. As soon as the timer beeps, drain the hot water from the eggs; add cold water and ice to stop the cooking process. The faster you cool off the eggs, the easier it will be to peel them. Leave eggs in the cold water for 5-10 minutes before you peel. Peel eggs, rinse, and cut in half lengthwise. Carefully scoop out all of the yolks into a food processor. Add the remaining ingredients and process until smooth. Fill the egg halves with the mixture and sprinkle with a little bit of dill if you like.



Everyday Paleo

RED CURRY BEEF STEW 2 lbs stew meat 1 tbsp Thai red curry paste 1 can coconut milk 1/4 cup chicken stock 1/2 head purple cabbage cut into large chunks 3 yams peeled and cut into 1-in rounds

Place stew meat into a slow cooker and add the red curry paste. Mix well until the stew meat is coated with the paste. Pour in the coconut milk and chicken stock and mix well. Top with the sweet potatoes and cabbage, cover, and cook on low for 6-8 hours or until the stew meat is tender and falling apart and the potatoes are soft.



Everyday Paleo

ALMOND-MEAL BLUEBERRY PANCAKES 2 cups almond meal 1/2 cup finely shredded unsweetened coconut 3 eggs 1 cup coconut milk 2 tbsp coconut oil 1 apple, grated 1 cup of fresh or frozen organic blueberries 3 tbsp cinnamon

Mix all ingredients together. Using 1/4 cup scoops, cook the pancakes on a super hot griddle or in a frying pan greased with coconut oil. Cook for about 4 minutes per side, making sure the pancakes are brown and crisp before flipping. Serve with more blueberries on top and a sprinkle of cinnamon!



Everyday Paleo

ROCKIN’ MOROCCAN CHICKEN 4 tbsp coconut oil 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite size pieces 2 cups broccoli, chopped 2 cups carrot, diced 1 tbsp cinnamon 2 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp dried ground ginger small pinch cayenne pepper black pepper to taste 1/2 cup pimento stuffed green olives, sliced 1/4 cup raisins 1/4 cup chicken broth

Cover the bottom of a large skillet with coconut oil. Saute the chicken until no longer pink in the middle. Add the veggies in with the chicken and stir-fry for another 5 minutes or until the


broccoli and carrots start to become tender. Add the cinnamon, ginger, cumin, cayenne pepper, and black pepper. Once the chicken and veggies are covered with the spices, add the sliced olives, raisins, and the chicken broth to create a sauce. Stir well and bring to a simmer. Cook another 5-7 minutes stirring often. Serve immediately.



Everyday Paleo

KARINA’S SAUSAGE HASH 3 yams 1 lb ground pork sausage 3 tbsp coconut oil 2 tbsp cinnamon

Grate yams with a cheese grater or in a food processor with the grate blade. In a large skillet brown the sausage. Add the coconut oil and yams, continue cooking for another 7-10 minutes or until the yams are soft. Add the cinnamon, mix well, and serve.



Everyday Paleo

SHRIMP TACOS 1 lb large shrimp, shells, tails, and veins removed 2 tbsp coconut oil 1/2 red onion, sliced 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 green bell pepper, sliced 1/2 tbsp chili powder 1/2 cup jarred salsa verde of your choice 10-12 large romaine or large butter lettuce leaves 2 cups cabbage or spinach leaves, diced 6 radishes, halved and sliced lime wedges Cut the shrimp in half and set aside. In a skillet, heat the coconut oil over medium heat and saute the onions, garlic, and bell peppers until tender- about 4 minutes. Add the shrimp and saute until the shrimp are pink- about 3 minutes. Add the chili powder and salsa, mix well, and cook just until simmering. Serve in the lettuce leaves with sliced radishes, shredded cabbage or spinach leaves, and lime wedges.



Everyday Paleo

HASTA LA VISTA PASTA LASAGNA 2 lbs grass fed ground beef 1lb mild Italian sausage (I used Sicilian chicken sausage from Trader Joe’s) 1 red onion diced 4 cloves crushed garlic 2 tbsp dried oregano 2 tbsp dried basil 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper 1/2 tsp sea salt 2 tbsp olive oil 1 28 ounce can of diced tomatoes drained 1 small can of tomato paste 1cup organic black olives sliced 6 zucchinis thinly sliced (I used my slicer blade in the food processor for thin, even zucchini rounds – for more “lasagna” like noodles slice lengthwise with a mandolin slicer).


In a large soup pot saute onions and garlic in the olive oil for about 3 minutes. Add ground beef and sausage and brown. Season meat mixture with all dry ingredients and add drained diced tomatoes and tomato paste and mix well. In a big lasagna baking dish place a layer of sliced zucchini and then ladle on a thick layer of the meat mixture and top with the sliced black olives. Top meat and olive layer with another layer of sliced zucchini and top with a final layer of the remaining meat mixture. Cover tightly with aluminum foil and back at 350 for 30 min. Let sit for 10 min before serving. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

FRITTATA FOR ALL 6 bacon strips, diced 10 eggs 1 bell pepper, finely diced 5 green onions, diced 1 tbsp dried oregano black pepper to taste In a large skillet, cook the diced bacon until crisp. While the bacon is cooking, whisk the eggs together with the oregano and black pepper and set aside. Add the veggies to the bacon and bacon grease and saute another 304 minutes or until the veggies are tender. Spread bacon and veggie mixture evenly over the bottom of the pan. Turn up the heat until the layer is sizzling hot and then pour the eggs evenly over the mixture. Turn heat down to low and cook for 3-4 minutes. Make sure the heat is not too high or the bottom will burn. Move the skillet into the oven and under the broiler. Cook on high for another 3-4 minutes or until the eggs are cooked through. Slice like a pie and serve! Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

GARDEN FRESH MEATBALLS 1.5 lbs ground turkey 1 lb grass fed ground beef 2 zucchinis 1 yam 2 big handfuls spinach 1 12 ounce jar of roasted red peppers 2 cloves garlic Sea salt and cracked black pepper to taste 2 eggs 1/4 to 1/3 cup almond meal Grate zucchini and sweet potato. In a food processor, finely mince spinach, roasted red peppers, and garlic. Hand mix all ingredients and form into meatballs (I made mine a little bigger then golf ball size). Bake at 375 in a large baking dish tightly covered with foil for 40-45 minutes. Makes 20-25 meatballs. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

SUN-DRIED TOMATO CHICKEN SLAW 2 cups cooked chicken breasts, diced 1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes, julienne-sliced 1/2 apple diced 4 cups of green or purple cabbage, shredded 1/4 cup sliced almonds 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp dried oregano black pepper to taste Mix all ingredients together and serve Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

COLLARD WRAPPED TILAPIA 4 collard green leaves 4 tilapia fillets sea salt, paprika, and black pepper to taste 2 tbsp coconut oil Preheat oven to 375. Blanch the collard gren leaves in boiling water for just a few seconds, remove and lay flat. Cut off the tough end piece of the collard grens and place one tilapia fillet in the center of each collard green, season the fish with the salt, paprika, and pepper, top with 1/2 tbsp of coconut oil, and wrap firmly in the collard green. Place all the wrapped fish in a large glass baking dish and bake for 20 minutes. Serve with a lemon wedge. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

BEARNAISE SAUCE 3 egg yolks 3 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp hot water 1 tbsp lemon juice pinch of sea salt pinch of cayenne pepper In a medium metal mixing bowl, gently whisk the egg yolks. Continue whisking the yolks while adding the hot water, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and cayenne pepper to the bowl. Place the bowl over boiling water and whisk constantly until the sauce begins to thicken (about 30 seconds – 1 minute) Serve immediately. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

SALMON ROLLS 1 can wild Alaskan salmon, draines 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1/2 tbsp dried dill black pepper to taste pinch of sea salt 1 zucchini sliced lengthwise with a mandoline In a small bowl, mix together the salmon, lemon juice, olive oil, dill, pepper, and salt. Place a small amount of the salmon on the end of one of the zucchini slices and roll like a sushi roll. Continue to roll until the entire salmon filling is gone. Serve with lemon wedges. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

BEAN LESS CHILI 2 lbs of grass fed ground beef 1 lb of spicy italian pork sausage 7-10 celery stalks diced 1 white onion diced 6 cloves of crushed garlic 4 tbsp olive oil 1 16 ounce can of diced tomatoes w/ juice 16 ounces of chicken broth 1 tsp of sea salt 2 tbsp dried oregano 2 tbsp dried basil 1 tbsp cumin 3-4 tbsp chili powder 1 tsp cayenne pepper (more if you like it spicy) Saute veggies in olive oil for about a minute and add meat and brown. Season the meat mixture with all the spices. Add the tomatoes and chicken broth and simmer for 35 minutes. Taste and add more seasoning if desired. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

CARROT AND FENNEL SALAD 6 carrots, sliced thin lengthwise with a mandoline slicer 1 fennel bulb, finely sliced stalks with fronds and stem removed 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced 1 orange, cut into segments 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice 1 tsp balsamic vinegar Mix together the carrots, fennel, lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, and vinegar. Let stand 20 minutes to soften. Add the onions, orange segments, and black pepper to taste and serve immediately. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

PALEO APPLE MUFFINS 2 1/4 cups almond meal 4 omega 3 enriched eggs 1 organic apple finely chopped 1 very ripe banana 1/4 cup coconut oil 1/3 cup water 1/2 tsp baking soda 1 heaping tbsp cinnamon Pre heat oven to 350. As pictured, have a two year old attack and kill an apple while you peel the banana and using a fork, mash the bananna in the bottom of a large mixing bowl. Using a hand held chopper if you have one, finely chop the freshly killed apple, and add to the bowl. Add all other ingredients and mix by hand. The batter will not be super thick, but more like a cake batter. Using a bit more coconut oil, grease a muffin tin. Fill the tins about 3/4 of the way full. Bake for 15-17 minutes. You will know they are done when you can insert a toothpick into the middle of a muffin and it comes out clean. Serve hot out of the oven with some ghee melted on top, accompanied by eggs over-easy, and hot black coffee. If you eat them all at once, don’t blame me… Makes approximately 16 muffins. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

TURKEY ROLL UPS Step 1: Choose your fillings from options below cherry tomatoes and avocado slices broccoli slaw with balsamic/extra virgin olive oil drizzle cabbage and apple cucumber and bell pepper artichoke hearts and torn basil leaves pitted kalamata olives and carrots 8-10 nitrate-free turkey deli meat slices Step 2: Roll and Eat Place your filling option in the middle of the turkey slice, roll up like a tiny burrito, and eat! Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

ASPARAGUS STUFFED CHICKEN BREASTS 16 asparagus stalks 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts butterflied 4 tbsp grassfed organic butter 1 cup ham steak, cubed sea salt and black pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350. Blanch asparagus for 1 minute in boiling water, remove and set aside. Open up the butterflied chicken breast and place inside each breast 1 tbsp butter, 4 asparagus stalks, and some cubed ham. Pull the two sides of the chicken breast together to enclose your stuffing and secure with a toothpick. Sprinkle the outside of the chicken breast with the sea salt and pepper and place the breasts in a glass baking dish lightly greased with extra virgin olive oil. Bake for 20 minutes or until chicken is cooked all the way through Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

ROASTED ROOT VEGGIES 5 small beets, peeled and quartered 2 parsnips, halved and cut into 1 in pieces 2 carrots, cut into 1 in rounds 1 red onion, halved and thickly sliced 1 bulb garlic, cloves removed and peeled 1/4 cup coconut oil 1 cup fresh basil, diced 1/2 tsp lemon zest sea salt to taste

Preheat oven to 400. In a large mixing bowl toss all of the vegetables together, including the whole garlic cloves, with the coconut oil, basil, lemon zest, and sea salt. Roast for 45-50 minutes, stirring occasionally during the cooking process. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

EGG HOUSES 4 large tomatoes 4 eggs 2-3 strips bacon, crumbled 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil black pepper to taste diced chives

Preheat oven to 425. Cut off just the top of the tomatotes and gently scoop out the insides. Crack one egg in each tomato cup and bake for 25 minutes. While the tomatoes and eggs are baking, cook the bacon. After the egg houses are done baking, crumble the cooked bacon on top. Next, top with the chopped chives. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

SHRIMP FLYING SAUCERS 2 Heirloom of Beefsteak tomatoes – sliced 1 lb cooked medium sized shrimp tails removed 2 cups chopped purple cabbage ½ a small red onion finely diced 1 small cucumber peeled, sliced, and diced 4 Omega 3 enriched hard-boiled eggs peeled and chopped 1 tbsp dried dill 1 tsp garlic powder Pinch of cayenne pepper 3 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice 1 tbsp spicy brown mustard Sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper to taste Handful of sliced almonds Cook the shrimp in boiling water for 3-6 minutes. Shrimp will be done when they float to the top of the water and turn pink and white. Drain the shrimp and let cool in the refrigerator.


Cut the cooked and cooled shrimp into halves or thirds, depending on the size of your shrimp. In a large mixing bowl, toss in the cabbage, cucumbers, onion, shrimp, and egg. Add the dill, garlic, mustard, olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, salt, and pepper and mix well. Serve huge scoops on top of the thick sliced tomatoes. Top with a sprinkle of sliced almonds. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

GRILLED LAMB BURGERS 1 lb ground lamb 1/2 cup red onion, minced 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 tsp sea salt 1 tsp black pepper 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp paprika 2 tbsp parsley, chopped 2 tbsp fresh mint, chopped 1 egg

In a large bowl mix all ingredients by hand and form into palm size patties. Place in refrigerator for 20 minutes. Heat a grill to medium high and grill the lamb burgers for 4 minutes on each side. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

BAKED CURRY CAULIFLOWER 4 cups cauliflower florets 3 tbsp coconut oil 1 tbsp curry powder 1 tsp garlic powder 1/4 tsp tumeric sea salt to taste

Preheat oven to 350. In a medium sized mixing bowl, toss the cauliflower with the coconut oil until all the florets are coated in the oil. Sprinkle all of the spices over the cauliflower and stir again until all of the florets are evenly coated. Spread the cauliflower evenly into a glass baking dish and bake for 40-45 minutes, stirring half way through the cooking time. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

SPRING SCRAMBLE 1.2 red onion, sliced 1 red bell pepper, sliced 1/4 cup julienne-cut sun dreid tomatoes 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 6-8 stalks asparagus, tough ends removed and chopped 1/2 cup canned artichoke hearts 6 eggs

Saute the onions, peppers, and sun-dried tomatoes in the extra virgin olive oil for 3 minutes or until the onions become tender. Add the asparagus and artichokes and saute for another 2 minutes. Add eggs and scramble together. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

BLT WITH AVOCADO SPREAD BLT: 4 bacon strips, cooked 2 romaine lettuce leaves 4 thick tomato slices Avocado Spread: 1 avocado 1 tbsp lemon juice 1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1/2 tsp garlic powder black pepper to taste

In a small mixing bowl, mash the avocado with a fork. Add the remaining avocado spread ingredients and mix well. Using equal amounts, spread the avocado spread onto each piece of lettuce. Top with the bacon and tomatoes, wrap and eat. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

APPLE FLOWERS 2 tbsp almond butter 1/2 organic apple, cored and sliced 5 blueberries 1 raspberry cinnamon to taste In the middle of a plate, spoon the almond butter into the shape of a circle. Place the sliced apple around the outside of the almond butter and place the blueberries in a circle on top of the almond butter. Place the raspberry in the middle of the blueberries to create the center of the flower. Sprinkle the apple slices with cinnamon and serve. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

EVERYDAY PALEO SPAGHETTI 2 lbs ground beef 1/2 red onion 1/2 cup italian parsley 3 tbsp fresh rosemary 3 heirloom tomatoes 2 tsp sea salt 1/2 tbsp garlic powder 2 tbsp dried basil pinch cayenne pepper 1 bay leaf splash red wine 5 zucchini squash, sliced lengthwise with a mandolin slicer and 1 spaghetti squash 3-4 garlic cloves


Brown the meat in a large soup pan. While the meat is browning, combine the onion, parsley, garlic, and rosemary into a food processor. Process on low for about 15 seconds. Add the tomatoes and process again until the tomatoes are broken down but still chunky. Once the meat is coked through, add all of the dry spices and mix well. Add the tomato sauce from the food processor, the bay leaf, and the red wine, mix well and bring to a simmer. Simmer for 20 minutes. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

BAKED APPLES 3 granny smith apples 1/3 cup pecans, chopped 1/4 cup finely shredded unsweetened coconut 1/4 cup raisins or dried cranberries 1 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground cloves 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg 2 tbsp coconut oil

Preheat oven to 350. Carefully remove just the core of the apple. Mix all other ingredients together and stuff into the hole of the apple. Bake the apples in a glass baking dish for 40 minutes or until the apples become tender. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

BREAKFAST PALEO PIZZA Crust: 8 eggs scrambled 2 tbsp olive oil 3 garlic cloves minced 1 tbsp dried basil Pinch of sea salt Black pepper to taste Toppings: 1/2 cup Trader Joe’s Organic Marinara sauce (or gluten free marinara sauce of your choice) 1 lb ground mild italian pork sausage 1-2 sweet bell peppers diced 2 roma tomatoes sliced 1 cup sliced black olives 3 green onions sliced In a medium sized skillet, brown the sausage and set aside. In a large skillet heat the olive oil over medium high heat and add the minced garlic. Saute for 2 minutes. While the garlic is


cooking, add the basil, sea salt, and pepper to the scrambled eggs and mix well. Pour the egg mixture over the garlic in the skillet and turn the heat down to medium. Cover and let cook for about 3 minutes, or until the bottom of the eggs are set and firm. Do not stir or disturb the eggs while cooking. Remove the lid and transfer the skillet to the oven and broil for another 3 minutes or until the top of the frittata is also firm. Remove from the oven and add evenly spread the 1/2 cup of marinara sauce. Add the cooked sausage and the rest of the toppings. Place the pizza back in the oven and under the broiler for another 5 minutes. Slice and serve immediately with avocado slices as a garnish! Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

POLLO CON SALSA ROJA 3 lbs boneless skinless organic free range chicken thighs 1 yellow onion sliced 7 celery stalks diced 2 cups baby carrots 28 oz can of El Pato Salsa Para Enchiladas Juice from 1 lemon 4 cloves of garlic minced 1 bunch of cilantro chopped 2 avocados diced In the bottom of your slow cooker, layer the carrots, celery, and onions and top with the minced garlic. On top of the veggies layer your chicken, squeeze the lemon juice over the chicken, and pour the entire contents of the El Pato sauce on top. Cook on low all day (6-8 hours). Serve topped with the diced avocado and cilantro. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

AVOCADO DRESSING AND DIP 2 ripe avocados 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 2 garlic cloves 1 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice 1/2 tsp pepper pinch cayenne pepper 1 cup mild green salsa Place all the ingredients in a food processor and blend on high until smooth. serve as dip with fresh veggies or as a salad dressing over organic mixed baby greens. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

GINGER SHRIMP SALAD 1 lb medium shrimp (tails removed, cooked, and de-veined – I buy them frozen and already cooked) 3 green onions 1 tsp grated fresh ginger 1/2 tsp crushed garlic Pinch of sea salt Palm full of red pepper flakes Juice from 1 lemon Fresh Arugula Olive oil to taste 1 Avocado If you are using frozen shrimp like I did; thaw, drain, and pat dry with paper towels. If using fresh shrimp, remove tails, de-vein, and toss into boiling water. Bring the water back to a simmer. Once the shrimp rise to the top remove them and place in ice water. Then drain and pat dry with paper towels. Toss the cold shrimp with the lemon juice, ginger, garlic, onions, red pepper flakes, salt, and pepper. Serve on a bed of arugula garnished with sliced avocado and top with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

HAPPY TRAIL MIX 1 cup roasted cashews 1 1/2 cup raw almonds 1/2 cup raw pecans 1/3 cup unsweetened dried cherries 1/3 cup unsweetened dried apples, cut into small pieces 3 ounces gluten free grass fed beef jerky, cut into small pieces Mix all of the ingredients together. Store in an air tight container. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

SKILLET SALMON WITH BABY BOK CHOY 1 tbsp premium fish sauce 1/2 tsp chili oil 1 tbsp toasted sesame oil 1 tbsp raw organic honey 2 tbsp chives, chopped 2 wild caught salmon fillets 3 baby bok choy, stems removed and washed 4 tbsp cashew halves In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the fish sauce, chili oil, sesame oil, honey, and chives. Cover the salmon fillets with the sauce and set aside. Cut off the ends of the bok choy, leaving some of the stems remaining, wash and pat dry with paper towels. In a large skillet cook the salmon fillets along with any remaining sauce for 2 minutes per side. Remove the salmon fillets and set aside. Saute the bok choy in the same skillet for 3-4 minutes, return the salmon fillets back to the pan, cover and steam for another 2 minutes. Top with a sprinkle of cashew halves and serve immediately.



Everyday Paleo

CURRIED VEGGIE HASH 2 sweet potatoes 2 zucchini 2 shallots 2 omega 3 enriched eggs 1/2 tsp sea salt (optional) 1 tbsp curry powder 1/2 tbsp cinnamon 5 tbsp coconut oil Peel the sweet potatoes and rinse. Using a food processor or a cheese grater, shred the sweet potatoes and the zucchini. Using a hand held chopper, finely chop the shallots. In a large mixing bowl, combine the shredded potatoes, zucchini, shallots, eggs, and spices. In a large skillet, heat the coconut oil over medium, add the hash, and cook stirring frequently until the potatoes are soft and start to crisp up. Serve immediately. This is a great post workout snack!!



Everyday Paleo

DRY RUB BURGERS 1 1/2 tbsp chili powder 2 1/2 tsp paprika 1 tsp ground cumin 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper 1/4 tsp ground white pepper 2 1/2 lbs ground beef sea salt to taste

Mix all dry run ingredients together. Form hamburger meat into patties and cover both sides generously with the dry rub. Let the burgers sit in the fridge for about 30 minutes before cooking. Either grill or pan fry about 4 minutes each side for medium, less for rare, more for well. Sprinkle on the sea salt once the burgers are in the pan or on the grill.



Everyday Paleo

YUMMY YAM SPEARS 2-3 sweet potatoes cut like french fries 1 tbsp chili powder 1/2 tbsp paprika 1/2 tbsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp cayenne black pepper to taste sprinkle of sea salt 3 tbsp coconut oil Preheat oven to 375. In a large bowl, whisk all spices together with the oil and then toss the sweet potato spears in the oil mixture until all the spears are coated. Line a cookie sheet with tin foil and evenly spread the potato spears on the foil. Bake for 25-30 minutes, turning the spears over half way through the cooking time.



Everyday Paleo

RED PEPPER DIP 2 cups raw walnuts 1 tsp ground cumin 1/2 tsp salt 1 12 oz jar roasted red peppers- drained 2 garlic cloves 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsp fresh parsley 2 tsp lemon juice

In a food processor, process the walnuts, cumin, and salt until walnuts are finely ground. Add peppers, garlic, extra virgin olive oil, parsley, and lemon juice. Whirl until smooth, like the consistency of hummus. Serve with raw vegetables.



Everyday Paleo

SALMON CAKES WITH GINGER MAYO 3 cans wild-caught Alaskan salmon 3 eggs 4 green onions,diced 1 table spoon of dried dill 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated 1/4 teaspoon dried red pepper flakes 3 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon finely ground black pepper Pinch of sea salt 1/4 cup coconut oil 4 cups green and purple cabbage, shredded

Drain the water from the canned salmon and dump into a large mixing bowl. Add the eggs, green onions, dill, ginger, red pepper flakes, lemon juice, black pepper, and salt. Mix well. In large skillet, heat the coconut oil over medium-high heat- make sure there is more then enough


to cover the bottom of the pan. Form the salmon mixture one at a time into the palm-sized patties or “cakes� and place gently into the oil. Fry for 3 minutes on each side. Important- do not mess with the patties once they are in the pan. Let the cakes cook for the full 3 minutes before you attempt to flip them. Serve the patties over a bed of the shredded green and purple cabbage, with a lemon wedge and the ginger mayo.



Everyday Paleo

EVERYDAY MEATLOAF 2 lbs ground beef 1 cup almond meal 2 eggs 1 6oz can tomato paste 1 red onion, finely diced 3 garlic cloves, minced 1/2 tbsp sea salt 1/2 c fresh basil, diced 1 tsp marjoram 2 tsp finely ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 350. Mix all ingredients by hand in a large mixing bowl. Place meat mixture into a large glass baking dish and form into a loaf. Bake for 1 hour or until the meatloaf is no longer pink.



Everyday Paleo

BRUSSELS SPROUTS AND BACON 6 bacon strips 1 lb Brussels sprouts 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tbsp dried thyme black pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350. Dice bacon and cook in a skillet until crispy. Steam the brussels sprouts for 4 minutes, cut off stem and quarter. In a medium sized mixing bowl, toss the brussels sprouts with the bacon, bacon grease, garlic, powder, thyme, and black pepper. Spread evenly in a glass baking dish and bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Stir once halfway through the cooking time.



Everyday Paleo

BREADED BAKED CHICKEN 3 eggs 1 cup almond meal 1 cup coconut flour 1 tbsp garlic powder black pepper to taste 2 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs coconut oil

Preheat oven to 350. Whisk the eggs in one dish and in a separate dish mix almond meal, coconut flour, garlic powder, and black pepper. Dip chicken pieces one at a time into the egg. Next, rol the chicken in the breading mixture until both side are covered. Place the chicken in a glass baking dish that has been lightly greased with coconut oil. Bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until the chicken juices run clear.



Everyday Paleo

BUTTERNUT SQUASH SOUP 1 butternut squash 2 garlic cloves 1/2 white onion 2 cups gluten free chicken broth 1 cup coconut milk 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg black pepper to taste

Cut butternut squash in half and scoop out seeds. Cook in a pressure cooker for 20 minutes. Scoop the squash out of its skin and into a food processor. Add the garlic and onion into the food processor with the squash and process until completely smooth. Transfer to alarge soup pot and add the remaining ingredients. Mix well and bring to a boil over medium high heat. Turn down to low and let the soup simmer, stirring often for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit for 5 minutes before serving.



Everyday Paleo

GINGER CITRUS SKILLET CHICKEN 4 tbsp coconut oil 2 boneless, skinless chicken thighs cut into bite sized pieces 1/2 cup cremini mushrooms, sliced 1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced 4 green onions, diced 1/4 cup organic free range chicken broth 1/2 tsp fresh ginger, grated juice from 1 medium orange 1 tbsp dried basil 1/2 jalapeno minced (optional) black pepper to taste 1 bunch kale, chopped, with tough stems removed 1/4 c sliced almonds


In a large skillet, heat 2 tbsp of the coconut oil and saute the chicken for 5-7 minutes. To the chicken, add the sliced mushrooms, red pepper, and onions, and saute another 2 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients except for the kale and almonds, stir well, bring to a simmer, and cook for another 2 minutes. Remove all ingredients form the pan and set aside. In the same pan, add the remaining 2 tbsp coconut oil and the kale. Saute the kale until tender, about 4 minutes. Serve the chicken on top of the kale, and add a sprinkle of the sliced almonds on top.



Everyday Paleo

PERFECT POT ROAST 2 tbsp coconut oil sea salt and crushed black pepper to taste 4-5 lb of pork loin roast 1/4 cup coconut flour 6 carrots 5 celery stalks 2 leeks 2 yellow onions 2 cups red wine 1 1/2 cups organic free range chicken broth 1 14 oz cans diced organic salt free tomatoes 6 fresh thyme branches 6 garlic cloves 4 tbsp organic butter


In a large soup pan or dutch oven, add the coconut oil and heat over medium heat. Sprinkle a bit of the sea salt and the crushed black pepper over the roast. Roll the seasoned roast in the coconut flour. Sear the roast in the large soup pan for 4 minutes on each side. While the roast is searing, chop the veggies into large pieces. When cutting the leaks, make sure to cut them in half lengthwise and rinse well because they are often full of sand and dirt in between the layers. Remove the roast from the pan, add all the veggies and cook in the drippings from the roast until the onions and leaks become tender. Add the wine, chicken stock, canned tomatoes, thyme branches, and a bit more pepper. With the flat part of your knife blade, crush the whole garlic cloves and toss those in as well. Stir well and bring to a boil. In the meantime, place your roast in a slow cooker. Pour the vegetable mixture over the roast, cook on high for 4 hours and then on low for 1 hour. After the roast is done, remove the roast form the vegetable mixture. Remove the thyme branches from the vegetable mixture and pour half of the veggie mixture into a food processor or blender, add the butter and blend until smooth. Place the sliced meat on a large serving platter, top with the remaining cooked veggies, and pour the blended sauce all over it. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

MOM’S MASHED YAMS 6 yams 4 tbsp organic butter 3 tbsp cinnamon 1/2 tbsp nutmeg 1 tsp ground ginger 1 apple, grated

Peel the yams and cut into 2 in rounds cook the yams in a pressure cooker for 12 minutes. Place the cooked yams in a large mixing bowl. Add the butter and spices and mash with a potato masher. Add the grated apple, mis well, and serve with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.



Everyday Paleo

BABA GHANOUSH 1 eggplant 3 tbsp olive oil juice from 1/2 a lemon 3 tbsp parsley ½ tbsp balsamic vinegar pinch of sea salt pepper

Pre-heat oven to 425. Prick eggplant all over with a fork and bake on a foil lined cookie sheet for 40 minutes. Scoop out the insides of the eggplant and process together in a food processor with the remaining ingredients.



Everyday Paleo

THAI SHRIMP SOUP 2 lemongrass stalks 2 baby bok choy bundles 3 cups broccoli florets 2 cans coconut milk few drops fish sauce 1 lb medium sized shrimp, shells tails and veins removed black pepper to taste

To prepare the lemongrass, cut the stalks into 2 in pieces and bruise the lemongrass by bending it as much as possible. Add the veggies and the lemongrass pieces to a large soup pot, pour in the coconut milk, and bring to a simmer. Add the fish sauce and stir. Simmer for 5 minutes. Add the shrimp and cook for 4-6 more minutes, or until the shrimp turns white. Season with black pepper and serve in bowls. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

FRESH SALSA 6 roma tomatoes 1 jalapeno 1/2 red onion 6 garlic cloves juice from 1 lemon 1 bunch cilantro sea salt to taste

Place the tomatoes and the jalapeno in a skillet and heat over medium-high heat, turning frequently until the tomato skins start to blacken and begin to peel off. While the tomatoes and the pepper are in the skillet, put the onion, garlic, and cilantro in a food processor or blender and pulse until chopped. Add the lemon juice, blackened tomatoes, pepper, and sea salt, and blend until smooth. I recommend only using about half of the jalapeno, but if you like it really hot toss in the whole thing. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

CHIMICHURRI SAUCE 1/2 red onion 4 garlic cloves 1 1/2 cups cilantro, chopped 1 cup parsley chopped juice from 1 lime 3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp sea salt black pepper to taste

Place all ingredients in a food processor and process on low until mixture is almost smooth but still a bit chunky. This is excellent served over grilled flank steak, grilled chicken, or pork. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

EASY SKILLET SCALLOPS AND SPINACH 3 tbsp coconut oil 1 small shallot, diced 2 garlic cloves, minced 6 cups whole spinach leaves 1 lb wild caught sea scallops sea salt and black pepper to taste lemon wedges

Ina large skillet, add 2 tbsp of the coconut oil, along with the shallot and garlic, and saute for 2 min. Add the spinach and cook until wilted. Remove the spinach misture from the pan, add the remaining coconut oil, season the scallops with salt and pepper, and cook the scallops over medium-high heat for 2 min on each side. Serve immediately over the spinach. Garnish with lemon wedges. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

BEDTIME BLUEBERRIES 2 cups frozen organic blueberries 1/2 cup unsweetened finely shredded coconut 1/2 cup sliced almonds 4 tbsp freshly squeezed orange juice

Preheat oven to 350. Layer the blueberries in a pie pan and sprinkle shredded coconut evenly over the blueberries, followed by the sliced almonds. Drizzle the entire dish with the orange juice and bake for 15 minutes. Finish under the broiler on high for another minute or until the almonds start to brown. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

STEAK CHILI RELLENOS 4 large poblano or anaheim chilies 2 tbsp coconut oil 1/2 red onion, diced 1 lb tri-tip diced into small pieces 1/2 tbsp ground cumin 1 tbsp dried oregano 1 tbsp chili powder sea salt and black pepper to taste 1 red bell pepper, diced 1 bunch kale, chopped 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced 2 roma tomatoes, diced 1 4 oz can diced green chilies 1 cup salsa verde 1/2 cup cilantro, chopped


Preheat oven to 500. On a tinfoil lined baking sheet, bake the whole chilies for 10 minutes. The chilies will be slightly charred when finished, remove from baking sheet and set aside. In a large skillet add the coconut oil and heat over medium. Add the onions and saute for 2 minutes. Add the steak and saute until the meat starts to brown. Add the spices to the onions and meat and stir well. Add the remaining ingredients, except the salsa and cilantro, and cook until the greens are tender, about another 2 minutes. remove the meat mixture form the heat and set aside. Using a knife, cut a slit lengthwise down the middle of the chilies. remove the seeds gently with a spoon and place the chilies into a glass baking dish. Stuff each chili with the meat mixture and bake in a 375 degree oven for 15 minutes. Top off each chili with some salsa verde and fresh cilantro and serve. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

POROTOBELLO MUSHROOM SANDWHICH 2 giant portobello mushrooms, stems and gills (underside of the cap) removed 1 cup cooked chicken, shredded 1/4 cup grilled onions 3 slices bacon 1 cup fresh arugula 2 tbsp Paleo Mayo 2 tbsp olive oil In a large skillet heat the olive oil and add the mushrooms, starting with the caps up. Cook on each side for about 5 minutes, until the mushroom softens and starts to turn golden on top. Remove the mushrooms from the pan and slather each side with the paleo mayo, pile on the chicken, onions, bacon and arugula, put the two mushrooms together like a sandwich and dig in. Of course the possibilities are endless with this sandwich idea.



Everyday Paleo

WHO NEEDS RICE JUMBLAYA 1 lb wild Alaskan cod fillets (or other wild caught fish of your choice) 1 16 ounce bag of frozen already cooked shrimp (thawed and drained) 2 cups chicken broth 1 green bell pepper cut into strips 1 orange bell pepper cut into strips 1 red bell pepper cut into strips 4-5 carrots cut into strips a pinch or two of sea salt 1 tbsp chili powder 1/2 tsp paprika 1/2 tsp fresh cracked pepper 4 cloves of minced fresh garlic 1/4 cup organic butter or ghee a lot or a little Tapatio hot sauce Make sure your fish and shrimp are thawed and drained. I like to pat the fish and shrimp dry with a paper towel, it will have a better texture after cooking if you do this. Cut the fish into


bite size pieces. Melt butter in a large soup pot and saute carrots for about 4 minutes. Add the bell peppers and garlic and saute for another 3-4 minutes. Add all the spices and the chicken broth and bring to a boil. Throw in the fish and simmer until the fish begins to flake and then add the shrimp and stir just until the shrimp are warm. Dowse with Tapatio and stir. If you are using fresh shrimp throw in with the fish and cook for about the same amount of time together. Serve in bowls immediately. Add more hot sauce of desired. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

GARLIC BEEF STEW WITH ACORN SQUASH 2 lbs of grass fed stew meat 1 yellow onion diced 4-6 carrots diced 10-12 mashed cloves of garlic 1 tbsp marjoram sea salt and black pepper to taste 1/2 c chicken broth 1 acorn squash, halved and seeds removed

In a slow cooker, top the stew meat with all ingredients except for the acorn squash and mix well. Cut the acorn squash in half, scoop out the seeds and place directly on top of the stew meet. Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours. Scoop out the acorn squash from it’s skin, and serve in a bowl with the stew on top of the squash.



Everyday Paleo

CURRIED VEGGIE HASH 2 sweet potatoes 2 zucchini 2 shallots 2 omega 3 enriched eggs 1/2 tsp sea salt (optional) 1 tbsp curry powder 1/2 tbsp cinnamon 5 tbsp coconut oil

Peel the sweet potatoes and rinse. Using a food processor or a cheese grater, shred the sweet potatoes and the zucchini. Using a hand held chopper, finely chop the shallots. In a large mixing bowl, combine the shredded potatoes, zucchini, shallots, eggs, and spices. In a large skillet, heat the coconut oil over medium, add the hash, and cook stirring frequently until the potatoes are soft and start to crisp up. Serve immediately. This is a great post workout snack!!



Everyday Paleo

BETTER BUTTER CHICKEN 2 1/2 lbs boneless chicken thighs 1 red onion diced 3 tbsp coconut oil 6 oz can tomato paste ½ can coconut milk ½ tbsp crushed garlic ½ tsp cardamom powder ½ tsp coriander powder 1 tsp fenugreek powder 1 tsp chili powder 1 tsp sea salt 4 tbsp ghee (clarified butter)

Cut the chicken thighs into bite size pieces and set aside. In a large skillet or soup pot, heat the coconut oil over medium heat and add the diced onion and saute until translucent. Turn your heat down to low and to the onion and oil mixture, add the crushed garlic, cardamom, coriander, fenugreek, and chili powder and stir well to make a paste. Add


the tomato paste to the onions and spices and stir, this mixture will be very thick. Turn your heat back up to medium and add the coconut milk and salt. Use a whisk to blend the tomato paste spice mixture and coconut milk together into a thick sauce. Bring the sauce to a simmer and add the chicken. Return the sauce and chicken to a simmer, turn down to medium low, cover and cook for approximately 15 minutes or until the chicken is done all the way through – make sure you stir occasionally during the cooking process. After the chicken is cooked, add the ghee and mix into the sauce until melted. Serve the chicken over steamed red chard or any other green of your choice. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

EVERYDAY PALEO PIZZA Crust: 2 cups almond meal 2 eggs 3 tbsp olive oil Ÿ tsp baking soda 1 tsp garlic powder 1 ½ tbsp fresh rosemary chopped Toppings: 1 cup organic marinara sauce, gluten free 1 lb Italian pork sausage nitrate free 2 crook neck yellow summer squash diced 3 green onions chopped Handful of torn basil leaves 2 small tomatoes diced 1/2 cup roasted red peppers diced Handful of sliced black olives


Preheat your oven to 350. Using a spoon mix all crust ingredients together until it becomes very thick. Using your hands, form the dough into a ball. Lightly grease a pizza pan or a cookie sheet with olive oil. Place the ball of dough in the center of your cookie sheet or pizza pan and using your hands, push and pat the dough down into the shape of a circle (or an oval in my case…). You want to make the dough as thin as possible. Your pizza will be about 12 inches across. Bake JUST the crust in your pre-heated oven for 20 minutes. While your crust is cooking, prepare your toppings. If you use sausage like we did, this is when you should crumble it into a large saute pan and brown. After the crust if done, remove from the oven and evenly spread the marinara sauce over the crust. Add the sausage and all remaining toppings evenly over the sauce and bake again for an additional 25-30 minutes. Get creative and use whatever toppings you might like – ours was great but I also suggest trying chicken, artichoke hearts, and even broccoli!! Go wild with it and as always:



Everyday Paleo

ALBONDIGAS SOUP Albondigas: ( meatballs ) 2 lbs grass fed ground beef 2 cloves minced garlic 2 tbsp ground cumin 2 tbsp dried oregano 1 tbsp black pepper (in the demo I said 2 tbsp but I meant 1) 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper 1 tsp sea salt Soup 4 tbsp olive oil 1 shallot minced 3 garlic cloves minced 5 carrots chopped 2 1/2 cups shredded purple cabbage 2 1/2 cups fresh (not canned) diced tomatoes 1/2 to 1 full can of El Pato Jalepeno salsa (the small 7 oz can)


10 cups water 1 tbsp cumin 1 tbsp oregano 2 tsp sea salt (more or less to taste)

In a large mixing bowl, add al the meatball ingredients. Mix well using your hands and set aside. In a large soup pot, saute the shallots and garlic in the olive oil until the shallots become translucent. Add the carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, chicken broth, water, cumin, oregano, and sea salt; mix well and bring to a boil. Using our hands, form the meat into golf ball sized meatballs and gently drop into the boiling soup. Turn the heat down to medium low and sommer for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally. ( gently ) Add the El Pato, stir, and simmer for another 5 minutes.



Everyday Paleo

ALMOND MEAL BLUEBERRY PANCAKES 2 cups of almond meal 1/2 c unsweetened finely shredded coconut 3 eggs 1 cup of coconut milk 2 tbsp coconut oil 1 apple grated 3 tbsp cinnamon 1 cup blueberries

Mix all ingredients together and cook on a super hot griddle or frying pan in more walnut or coconut oil. Top with blueberries and cinnamon!



Everyday Paleo

CHICKEN PALEO PICCATA 3 – 4 chicken breasts 2 tbsp ghee 3 green onions diced 6 garlic cloves minced 3 tbsp capers ¼ cup white wine ½ cup chicken stock 3 tbsp olive oil Juice from 1 lemon Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste

Butterfly the chicken breasts by cutting in half lengthwise. Place the butterflied chicken pieces in between two pieces of parchment paper and with the flat side of a meat mallet, gently pound the chicken until it’s approximately ¼ inch in thickness. Cut the pounded pieces of chicken in half and set aside. In a large sauté pan heat the 2 tbsp of ghee over medium high heat. Your pan should be really hot. While your pan is heating lightly sprinkle both sides of the chicken with the sea salt and black pepper. Place the chicken into the hot skillet and cook


on both sides for 3-5 minutes until the chicken is no longer pink in the middle but still tender – do not overcook – nobody likes rubber chicken. Remove the chicken from the pan and add to the same pan the olive oil, garlic, and onions. Using a wooden spoon, quickly sauté the garlic and onions for 2 minutes, scraping any of the chicken drippings off the bottom of the pan. Add the wine, chicken stock, lemon juice and capers and bring to a simmer for 3-5 minutes. Pour the sauce over the chicken and serve immediately. The end result is yummy, garlic, lemon, tender chicken goodness!



Everyday Paleo

SHRIMP LOVES COCONUT 1/3 cup coconut flour 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper 3 egg whites 2 cups unsweetened coconut flakes 1 lb large shrimp, peeled and deveined

Preheat oven to 400. In a mixing bowl, stir together the coconut flour, salt, and cayenne pepper. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with a whick until foamy. In another bowl pour in the coconut flakes. Taking one shrimp at a time, dredge each shrimp in the coconut flour mixture, dip into the egg whits, then roll in the coconut flakes. Bake on a lightly greased baking sheet for 12-15 minutes or until the shrimp are pink and the coconut flakes start to brown.



Everyday Paleo

SPICY SPEEDY STUFFED PEPPERS 1 diced yellow onion, 5-6 diced carrots, and 6-8 diced celery stalks 1 lb of italian gluten free chicken sausage removed from their casing 1-2 lbs of grass fed ground beef 1 can diced tomatoes 5-6 bell peppers (I like the red and yellow ones the best for these but green is good too) dried oregano big bunch of chopped fresh basil or dried basil, garlic powder, sea salt, and black pepper to taste One or two big squirts of Sriracha hot sauce (if you want to have them not spicy, these are great without the hot sauce) A lot of olive oil

Preheat oven to 350. Place one big soup pot filled with water and turn on high to bring to a boil. While you are waiting for the water to boil, cover the bottom of another big soup pot


with a lot of olive oil and over medium heat toss in the the onion, celery, and carrots. Crumble in the sausage and ground beef and add the dried seasonings to the meat BEFORE it’s entirely cooked.

Mix well and let the meat and veggies cook over medium low heat stirring

occasionally. In the meantime, remove just the tops of the bell peppers, and rinse well to remove all the seeds. By now your water should be boiling. Place the bell peppers gently in the boiling water and submerge them for 5-6 minutes or until the bell peppers are just a little soft but NOT falling apart. While the bell peppers are boiling, add the can of tomatoes to the meat mixture and bring to a simmer. Pull the bell peppers out of the water with tongs and arrange in a large baking dish. Fill each bell pepper with the meat mixture (don’t be shy, stuff em’ good!) and bake in your pre-heated oven for 20 minutes. Enjoy!


Everyday Paleo

PORK TENDERLOIN W/ CHERRY SAUCE OVER MASHED CAULIFLOWER 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 1/2 lb pork tenderloin sea salt and pepper to taste 1 cup chicken broth 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 1 cup sweetened dried cherries 1 sprig rosemary 1 head cauliflower

Heat the oil in a large skillet, season pork tenderloin with sea salt and pepper, place in pan and sear on all sides for about 5-8 minutes or until browned all over. Add the chicken broth, vinegar, dried cherries, and rosemary and cook for about another 20-25 minutes, turning pork


occasionally. Meanwhile, cook the entire head of cauliflower in pressure cooker for 3 minutes. Remove the cauliflower and mash with a potato masher, cover, and set aside. Transfer the pork to a cutting board, cover with tinfoil, and let it rest for 5-7 minutes. Reduce the sauce while stirring for another 3 minutes or so or until it becomes like syrup. Discard the rosemary. Slice the pork tenderloin and serve over the mashed cauliflower, topped with the cherry sauce.



Everyday Paleo

ROASTED FENNEL 4 fennel bulbs extra virgin olive oil sea salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400. Halve and quarter the fennel bulbs. Ina large mixing bowl, toss the fennel with enough extra virgin olive oil to coat each piece. Season with sea salt and pepper to taste, spread the fennel evenly on a baking sheet and cook for 1 hour, turning over after 30 minutes.



Everyday Paleo

GINGER CITRUS SKILLET CHICKEN 4 tbsp coconut oil 2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut into bite size pieces 1/2 cup cremini mushrooms, sliced 1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced 4 green onions, diced 1/4 cup organic free range chicken broth 1/2 tsp fresh ginger, grated juice from 1 medium orange 1 tbsp dried basil 1/2 jalapeno, minced black pepper to taste 1 bunch kale, chopped with tough stems removed 1/4 cup sliced almonds


In a large skillet, heat 2 tbsp of the coconut oil and saute the chicken for 5-7 minutes. To the chicken, add the sliced mushrooms, red pepper, and onions, and saute another 2 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients except for the kale and almonds, stir well, bring to a simmer, and cook for another 2 minutes. Remove all ingredients form the pan and set aside. In the same pan add the remaining 2 tbsp of coconut oil and the kale. Saute the kale until tender, about 4 minutes. Serve the chicken on top of the kale, and add a sprinkle of the sliced almonds on top.



Everyday Paleo

PUERTO RICAN BEEF 1 lb grass fed ground beef 1 bunch kale chopped 1 white onion sliced 1/2 of a green, red, and yellow bell pepper sliced 1/2 cup pimento stuffed green olives 3 tbsp olive oil 1/2 tbsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground coriander 1/2 tbsp turmeric powder 1 tbsp dried oregano Pinch of saffron threads (optional) Sea salt and black pepper to taste 3 sweet potatoes 1 ripe avocado In a large skillet brown the ground beef. Add the bell peppers, onions, and olive oil and saute until the onions and peppers are tender. Add all of the spices and mix well. Add the kale and


green olives, continue cooking stirring often until the kale is tender (about 4-5 minutes. Â Serve over mashed sweet potatoes with a side of sliced avocado. To quickly prepare the sweet potatoes, peel and quarter the potatoes and cook in a pressure cooker for 12 -14 minutes..



Everyday Paleo

PLANTAIN CHIPS & GUACAMOLE 3 ripe plantains (they are ripe when they look really beat up, black, and nasty) 1/4 cup coconut oil 4 avocados juice from 1/2 a lime garlic powder and black pepper to taste

Leave the peel on the plantain and cut off the ends. Still with the peel on slice the plantain as thin as possible lengthwise. Leaving the peel on while slicing will help prevent smashing the plantain. After the plantain is sliced, carefully remove the peel and place the sliced plantains into a skillet of hot coconut oil. Fry for about 2 minutes on each side, using tongs to flip, and being careful not to burn. Mash the avocados with the lime juice, garlic powder, and black pepper and serve with the plantain chips.



Wait! Theres More!

RESOURCES Us! – your coaches and Crossfit Cedar Park

Others- CaveMan Creations, Snap Kitchen, My


Fit Foods, Pi for Pie (paleo desserts), Caveman

Websites and Books


Recipe Websites/ Books

Robb Wolf – or The Paleo

for when you start experimenting with paleofying food after 30 days

Solution Mark’s Daily

The Paleo Solution

Loren Cordain – The Paleo Diet

Paleo Comfort Foods –

Shopping (also has recipe book)

Cedar Park Farmers Market – Saturdays from 8am – 12pm by Halloween Express across from

Everyday Paleo – (also

Lakeline Mall

has recipe book)

Other Farmer’s Markets – Round Rock

Elana’s Pantry – not always paleo –

(Saturdays), Georgetown (Thursdays), Sun City

in Georgetown (Tuesdays), Brazos (Saturdays)

Civilized Caveman –

Wild Type Ranch – Beef. they deliver to us on

the 3rd Thursday of the Month. You can order ahead of time. *When you want to cook something like Sprouts – great veggies, fruits and meat selection Whole Foods – great veggies, fruits and meat

enchiladas, type “paleo enchiladas” in your search engine



Why can’t you have everything you want?

IMAGINE “Imagine a life where you get the right amount of sleep. When you do sleep, it is restful, uninterrupted, and blissful. Upon awakening, you are calm yet alert. Breakfast is nourishing yet delicious. You leave the house ready to tackle the day. Work to you is hardly considered work because you do what you love. The morning is productive. Lunch, like breakfast, leaves you with an extra boost of energy to finish a few tasks. Your daily workout is strenuous (in a good way), and you depart your gym in a euphoric state of exhaustion and hunger. Dinner with the family is enjoyable. You find your young child's antics at the table an amusing pleasure of testing boundaries and learning about his world. Winding down in the evening is combined with planning and preparing for the following day. As you lay your head on your pillow, you are relaxed and drift into another blissful night of rest.

How many of you reading this is thinking, "Yeah, right. Only in a Fairy Tale, Liz." I must retort, why? Why can't you have everything you want? Why can't you have that dream job? Who is stopping you? Why can't you live a life full of health, happiness, and fulfillment?” - Liz Collura


Credits Robb Wolf, The Paleo Solution Sarah Fragoso, Everyday Paleo Liz Collura, “Imagine” Greg Glassman, 100 Words United Barbell, ‘What to expect’ Chad and Brenda Walding , ‘Food for Thought’ Robin and David Tillman, CrossFit Cedar Park

cover photo credit the big harumph


Eating for Optimal Health

THE FOOD COURSE RESOURCES Tools to help take back control of your health, and ultimately your life. We offer to you all of the practical tips inside as well as the wonderful resource and support of our CrossFit Cedar Park community. Together, we can.

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