The Crossing Bulletin January 23, 2010

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WELCOME Thank you for being here today! We pray your new year is off on the right track. As we are beginning to plan and look forward to this coming year, one of the most important things we want to remember is this: Make God, and being in His presence, the main thing. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, so now more than ever, let’s remind each other of God’s love and amazing grace. If this is your first time with us today, my prayer is that God would let you know you are home! We are big enough to serve you and small enough to know you. Your Pastor, Greg and Tamara Dumas Pastor Greg & Tamara Dumas Lead Pastor

UPCOMING EVENTS Change in Service Location Sunday, Feb. 20 at 10am, we are having church with a view. We are still meeting at the Reunion Resort, but we will be outside, behind the hotel, in the tent overlooking the golf course as the sun comes up. Join us and bring a friend as we worship our Lord in this beautiful surrounding. We will still have our complete Children’s Services available for all the children from birth to 5th grade.

Giving Online If you would like to give securely online, simply go to and follow the links located on the left side of the page. For further information, call our church offices at 888-977-9910.

Celebration Campus Welcome Booklet Online Are you interested in hearing more about The Crossing Church – Celebration Campus? We now have the welcome booklet online at

LifeGroups Are you looking for a way to get to know more people and feel connected? The best way to do so is to join one of our LifeGroups. We are launching five more LifeGroups this month, and our current LifeGroups have been growing as they really get into the Word and journaling. This is a great time to grow in your walk with the Lord and get to know people with whom you can share your life. Look for more information at the info table on Sunday mornings, or email Pastor Ed at

Emerge & Emerge JV Events Believe is an incredible, high-energy, mini-camp/conference for middle school students (6th - 8th grade). Students will experience dramas, live bands, powerful speakers, fun games, and much more. Believe will be held March 11 - 12 in Kissimmee. Cost is $125 and the cut-off date for registration is on February 5. All forms and money are due February 26. Donations are welcomed. For more information and forms, please go to: Forward is an intense weekend where high school students (9th - 12th grade) encounter God through amazing messages and worship from internationally-known speakers and bands. Students will never be the same after this weekend. Forward will be held on June 22 - 26 in Duluth, GA. The cost is $300. Cut-off date for registration is March 1. You must have all forms and money turned in by June 1 to attend the conference. Donations are welcomed. For more information and forms, please see:

For more announcement details:

Sunday, January 23



AWAKENING Faith, Fasting and Spiritual Freedom Revelation 2:2-5

Campus Pastor: Tim Ingram

SCRIPTURE Revelation 2:2-5 (NASB) I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them to be false; 3 and you have perseverance and have endured for My name’s sake, and have not grown weary. 4 But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. 5 Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place—unless you repent. 2


Great churches are made so by great people. Great people are made so by Jesus Christ. The light of God has indicated his presence throughout the Old and New Testaments. Without his presence, the church loses its ability to be great, as do the people. Great churches are marked by the presence of God more than any other element.

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APPLICATION 1. Walking with God marks you – sets you apart. •

The Foundations – These are the “deeds you did at first.” (Rev. 2:5)

Be holy as He is holy. (I Peter 1:13-16)

2. Walking for God marks a territory. •

The Lord will give the land. (Genesis 13:17; Joshua 1:3)

The Lord will heal the land. (II Chronicles 7:14)

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PRAYER Lord Jesus, you are my righteousness and you are my life. In you I have been fully accepted, forgiven and sanctified to come before God. I can approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find help in my times of need, and I can be confident that I am not rejected or scorned in heaven because you made my way perfect with your life, death and resurrection. I am learning to align my life with your life-giving word, and every time I do, I receive more revelation of your truth and comfort from your presence. It’s easy for my prayers to be answered when all I want is what you want, and I finally settle in my spirit that you love me and that you are really looking out for me. I’ve been learning your word, and I find myself praying the words and concepts of the scriptures more and more often. I am coming to realize that a word-based prayer, joined with a Godward life, is more than powerful and effective, and I am seeing amazing answers to my prayers. I am learning that prayer isn’t so much about me, as it simple agreement with you!

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