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Sam哥、Sam嫂與我 ‘Sam Goh’, ‘Sam So’ and Me

1.取出雞中翼解凍 (學日本壽司店解凍魚生的方法──在水喉底沖一會就完全解凍了,記得用食水再 洗一次!) Defrost chicken wings (Just put them under running water for a short while. Don’t forget to wash again with boiled water). 2.用適量生抽、香草、糖醃雞翼調味 (從前看食譜,每次見到「適量」二字就頭痕:「即係幾多呢?」但原來,有些份 量,真的只能感受,不能明言。大家努力啦!)需時大概10-15分鐘 Season with soy sauce, herbs and sugar (I used to be so frustrated when they ask me to put a ‘handful’ of such and such for seasoning. Can’t they be exact? But now I know it’s something you can only learn by sense.) for about 10-15 minutes. 3.調教蜜糖汁,蜜糖和開水的比例大概為1:2 Mix honey sauce. Honey : Water = 1:2 4.放油下鍋,以猛火把鍋燒熱,然後把醃好的雞翼放下去 (對,份量又是那可怕的「適量」) Boil oil in pan with high heat, then add the seasoned chicken wings. 5.一邊煮,一邊翻動雞翼,當雞翼肉身開始變硬,雞翼尾的骨頭露出來,就表示雞翼已 經煮熟──怕煮不熟常常是初哥(i.e.我)的恐慌,學懂了分辨生熟,自然更加淡 定,流露「廚神風範」! Flip the chicken wings every now and then until done – you’ll feel that the meat becomes tough and the bones towards the wings’ end stick out. No more raw wings for cooking dummies! 6.倒入蜜糖汁,加蓋轉細火,等蜜糖汁慢慢變「杰」 (我最喜歡這個步驟,看著蜜糖汁煮至起泡,雞翼轉色,香味四溢…這個時候,可 以享受食客的第一次讚賞與期待!) Add honey sauce and lower the heat. Cook until the sauce becomes thick (my favorite part: it’s when the wings are colored and the aroma is everywhere. First applause from your crowd!). 7.預熱烤爐至230度 Pre-heat the oven to 230 degree 8.取出雞翼,放到錫紙上,有需要可以灑適量辣粉再入烤爐烤香 (烤的時間視乎食客喜歡香口還是怕熱氣,自己決定啦!) Put chicken wings on aluminum foil. Sprinkle some spicy seasoning if needed. Bake till skin becomes crispy. 9.把雞翼放到碟上,可將鍋子裡剩下的蜜糖汁淋上面 (怕肥膩的就免喇!) Wings on the dish. You may also pour the remaining honey sauce on top of it. 10.開動! Time to EEEEEEEEEat!

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