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#64 December

www.crossmen.hk : Crossmen Hk

CROSSMEN is a monthly magazine published in Hong Kong by Kingdom Ministries. Copyright Kingdom Ministries, all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. CROSSMEN Unit A, 7/F, Kader Bldg, 22 Kei Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay, HK Tel: (852) 2235 5223 Fax: (852) 3018 0414 Email: info@crossmen.hk

ISSUE 64 December 2012 Contents


2 / Editor’s Notes / 暴龍廚司巴辣薯!

Publisher Andrew Ho

4 / Fun History / 假如你是請婚使者……

Marketing Manager Mabel Tai

5 / Feature Story / 習慣,你的名字叫「 」 Habits, or should I Call you XXX???


9 / Campus Sidekick / 聖誕聯歡會預告之送禮篇 Prologue to CHRISTMAS PARTY – Gifts

Art Director Kashun

11/ Petsmania / 狗狗天使 Dog Angels 13/ Relationship / 一碗湯 Tis’ the Soup 15/ Cultural Trend / 使人不再考科舉日 The Day When Exams were Abolished 16/ Seasonal Special / MYOC Make Your Own Card 21/ Special Feature/ 每期一action之麵包王十字人 Action of the Month: Crossmen the Little Bread Master 25/ Travelogue / 十字人冒險記 A for Adventure…C for Crossmen! 27/ Top Chef / 男人炒飯 非常浪漫 Women Just Don’t Get …Fried Rice 29/ Motion Picture/ 不活在別人眼中 Not Only Living in Other’s eyes 31/ Exposé / 漩渦鳴人‧我 32/ Exposé / 兩個「我」 33/ Snapshot

Executive Editor Ching Ching

Art Consultant Pun Pun, York Tsui Contributing Writers Mandy Wong, Ah Sau, Bobo Li, Rebecca Cheuk, Matthew Leung, Wisdom Cheng, Apple Tang, Trista Chan, Sumie Shum, Polly Chan, Dim Tam, Leeman Wong, Hei Leung, Jannah Wong, Pin Chup Designers and Photographers Tampo, Polly Chan, Naam Jai, Apple Tang, Trista Chan, Chu Ding, Jenny Chan, Kashun Translators Clara Fong, Jannah Wong, Kayi Tsang, Tim Lo, Elaine Chan, Sharon Ho, Helen Tao, Ching Lin 廣告查詢: Ching Ching 2235 5224 info@crossmen.hk

Editor’s Notes ︳02

Text / Trista Chan | Design / Tampo

Fun History ︳04


︳ Feature Story

Feature Story ︳06

07 ︳ Feature Story

Feature Story ︳08

終於到了!望穿秋水,等了又等,終於到十二月喇!換言 之,很快就到聖誕節了,你預備好了嗎!大家有送聖誕 卡、禮物的習慣嗎?我一直都有這個興趣,因為只要看到 朋友、家人收禮物的「開心樣」,再多的預備功夫都是值 得的。上次預告了聖誕聯歡會中的吃喝玩樂,今期輪到送 禮喇!希望可以把心得和大家分享分享! 記得之前讀過一句說話:A morning text doesn’t mean good morning only, there is a hidden message: I think of you when I wake up。照道理,在聖誕節送聖誕卡, 也不只「聖誕快樂」的意思,而是「我在聖誕節想起了 你」!試想想在普天同慶的節日被摯友想起,多麼浪漫 呀!可想而知,一張用心設計的聖誕卡(是的,我堅持自 己畫每一張聖誕卡)加上化成文字的滿滿心意,確實是一 份好好的禮物!畫完聖誕卡,意猶未盡,還可以畫生日卡 給耶穌(畢竟這是祂的生日啊)

09 ︳ Campus Sidekick

Finally it comes to December! The long-awaited Christmas is also at hand. Are you ready for it? Are you going to send Christmas cards or gifts? Like a magical spell, I have always been fond of doing so. It worth the effort when you see the smiling faces of friends and family as they receive it. We brainstormed about games and food in the last issue, this time, I am going to talk about gifts and share my experiences with you. I once heard this quote from somewhere: “A morning text doesn’t mean good morning only, there is a hidden message: I think of you when I wake up”. From that, a Christmas card doesn’t mean Merry Christmas only, there is a hidden message: I think of you at Christmas. It is so romantic to be remembered in this festive season. So a self-designed Christmas card with words to show your heart is really a good present (Yes, I insist drawing every Christmas card). If you are really into drawing, you can also draw a birthday card to Jesus because it is His birthday.

Text / Ah Sau | Design & Illustration / Apple Tang

除了送卡仔,其實還可以送小食禮物,曲奇、朱古力、小 蛋糕、綿花糖蜜糖星星等等,其實只要想得出,又做得 到,都可以列入「To-give list」!小飾物也是個不錯的選 擇,去文具店買毛毛球,選一些靚靚的聖誕顏色,串起 來、打結,毛毛球手鍊就這樣「成了」。你也可以買毛 毛鐵線條,紅色加綠色,兩條扭成一條,毛毛斜紋手繩又 完工!除了自製禮物之外,還可以去石硤尾、深水埗一帶 「夜冷店」尋寶去!那裡有很多富聖誕節氣氛的小擺設, 價錢便宜,品質甚佳,簡直送禮自用兩相宜呀!簡單又方 便,我實在找不到不送禮物的理由! 十字人語:到最後,其實最老土的那句:只要有心,送張 紅紙,寫句聖誕快樂,已經很足夠。有時候,一個「聖誕 擁抱」更勝似千言萬語。 回頭想想,究竟是誰說聖誕節要大事慶祝,送禮比心愛的 人?難道是因為聖誕老人開了頭,所以要我們來收場?抑 或只是「人送我又送」?又或是……在很久很久之前,你 收過一份好寶貴的禮物,所以決定繼續將這個傳統流傳下 去?這個問題,你暫時沒有答案,不要緊!距離下年聖誕 節,有一整年的時間讓你慢慢想……希望大家都能在聖誕 節時,找到屬於自己的答案。

祝大家 快樂!

Apart from cards, you can also make some snacks such as cookies, chocolate, cake and honey star with marshmallow. You can add whatever you can think of and you add them on the “To-give list”. Accessory is also a good choice. You can buy some woolen balls with festive colors and joined them up into a one-ofa-kind bracelet. You can also buy red and green fury wire and make a bracelet by twisting them together. Apart from handmade presents, you can treasure hunt some Christmas decorations in secondhand stores at Shek Kip Mei and Shan Shui Po. They are cheap in price but with good quality. You can buy it as a gift or for self use. Simple and convenient. There is no reason not to send a present to your friends. Words from Crossmen: A simple piece of red paper with your handwriting is enough to show your heart. It doesn’t have to be fancy. A Christmas hug might be better than a thousand words, too. Actually, why do we needed to celebrate Christmas and sent a gift to our beloved ones? Is it because we need to continue what Santa Clause did or we just to follow what the others did? Or it is because you have once received a precious present and you decide to pass it on? Don’t worry if you don’t have an answer now. There is still a year for you to think about it till next Christmas. I hope everyone can find your own answers.

Happy CHRISTmas!

Campus Sidekick ︳10


mori 人跟寵物之間的關係,不單以三餐一宿來維 繫,所付出的時間、心機,未必少於養育一 Mori,為年 輕夫婦Wendy及阿成生活增添生氣,更帶 他們結識一班西摩友,其活躍好動的性格感 染著主人:「Mori是我們的天使!」

The relationship between owners and pets is not maintained by the mere provision of accommodation and food. The time and effort spent on keeping a pet is no less than that spent on raising a child. The spotlight of this week’s issue is a Samoyed dog Mori. It made the daily life of a young couple, Wendy and Shing livelier and introduced them to other Samoyed lovers. Its active and energetic characters influenced its owners: “Mori is our angel!”

「我遇上Mori真是緣份!」Wendy婚後 想養狗,更首選全身雪白的西摩犬,花了 一、兩年時間作資料搜集,本來打算領 養,但久久未有³沒有回音。然而,在機 緣巧合下,他們在寵物店遇上西摩小兄 弟,細佬較好動,主動跟客人玩,哥哥較 cool坐在一旁,而Wendy卻「第一眼」 愛上哥哥:「牠白茸茸的毛像發光似的, 是牠了!」

“Fate brought me and Mori together!” Wendy wanted to keep a dog after she got married. Her first choice was a white Samoyed. After researching for a year or two, she planned to adopt one but there was no feedback for a long time. By chance, the couple met the little Samoyed brothers in a pet shop. The younger one was more active and played with customers, while the older one sat aside coolly. But Wendy fell in love with the older one at the first sight: “Its white fluffy fur was like shining, it was the one!”

雖然帶了哥哥回家,二人仍心掛細佬去 向。數月後,阿成在西摩討論區看到一 張小狗的照片,樣貌跟Mori很相似,於 是發³「千里尋細佬」活動,跟對方主 人聯絡,最後雙方核對針卡日期,證實 「相中狗」真是細佬Mochi!兩兄弟重 遇時,Mori對牠的態度跟其他狗不同, 明顯多了一份³容及愛。狗狗也有親情 啊!

Although they brought the older brother home, the couple was still concerned about the young one’s fate. After several months, Shing saw a picture of a puppy in the Samoyed forum, which looked like Mori. He thus initiated a “Searching for the Younger Brother” action, and contacted the owner. After verifying t the vaccination records, he confirmed that the puppy was proved to be Mochi, the younger brother! When the two brothers met again, Mori treated its brother differently from other dogs, with obviously more tolerance and love. Even dogs have familial bonds!

姓名:Mori Tam(譚摩利) 品種:西摩(唔係摩西,係西摩) 原產地:西伯利亞 暱稱:The smiley dog 性別:男 出生日期:2006年11月8日 出生地點:香³ 外貌特徵:全身白色,笑口常開 愛好:咬東西,出街 性格:比較活躍,見到其他狗會不停吠 (其實係想同佢地玩) 11 ︳ Petsmania

Name: Mori Tam Species: Samoyed Origin: Siberia Nickname: The smiley dog Sex: male Date of Birth: 08/11/2006 Place of Birth: Hong Kong Physical characteristics: All white, smiling all the time Likes: Biting, being on the streets Character: Very active, and barking non-stop at other dogs (Actually he wants to play with them)

Text / Mandy Wong & Rebecca Cheuk | Design / Trista Chan

縱然Mori擁有一張smiley face非常可愛, 但牠天性喜歡咬東西,更會選擇性地咬: 「曾有次搬家時,Mori趁我們不在家, 把箱子內的東西³咬爛,唯獨護照完好 無缺!」但最驚人的是,Mori曾咬爛一道 門框,有次吞食玩具波,令Wendy哭笑不 得。經過長時間不定期的痾及嘔才將「屍 骸」排出體外,而最後一塊「碎片」足足 更花了一年時間,才在糞堆中重見天日。 「我不開心的時候,會伏在桌上哭,Mori則 走過來舔我!」Wendy稱,Mori知道她的 心情,有時會走到主人身邊探探頭,好像問 你「你心情不好嗎?」夫妻二人吵架時, Mori也會走到他們中間做調停。

Even though Mori has an adorable smiley face, it is dog’s nature to gnaw, and even selectively so: “There was a time when we were moving, Mori chewed on everything in the boxes with the exception of the passports, which remained unscathed!” The most striking of all is that Mori once torn apart a door frame. There was another time when Mori swallowed a toy ball, which Wendy found both funny and annoyed. It took a long time with irregular diarrhea and vomit before the fragments of the undigested ball were excreted from Mori’s body. It even took a year for the last piece of fragment to show up in his excrement. “Whenever I am unhappy, I will lie on the table and cry, and Mori will come to lick me!” Wendy said that Mori knows her feelings. It sometimes cranes over the owner as if asking: “Are you having a bad mood?” When the couple argues, Mori would act as a mediator.

在二人心中,Mori是他們的親兒子,他們 的天使,就算到外地旅行,最掛念最掛心也 是家中的Mori。這種互相的情感,已經不 是純粹養一隻寵物般簡單:「你會尊重牠、 保護牠、掛念牠、凡事以牠為先,最重要的 是你愛牠。」

In their hearts, Mori is like their biological son, and angel. Even when they travel abroad, Mori is the one they miss and concern most. The affection between them shows that it is not as simple as just raising a pet: “You will respect it, protect it, think about it, put it on top of everything else, and most importantly, love it.”

採訪當日,記³們³感受到Mori的簡單直 接,見到其他狗狗便會吠叫及搖尾,卻有 時嚇怕其他狗;最喜歡去逛街散步,偶爾 有點脾氣。Mori不懂得花言巧語,不會買 鑽戒玫瑰花,卻會帶給主人無限的正能量 與歡樂,甚至為Wendy及阿成帶來一批西 摩主人朋友。

On the day of the interview, the reporters noticed Mori’s spontaneity. It would bark and wave its tail when it saw other dogs, even it might scared them; it loved to be taken for a walk on the street, but it also threw tantrums sometimes. Mori does not know how to sweet talk, and certainly would not buy diamonds or roses. But it brings its owners endless positive energy and happiness, and even friends who are also Samoyed owners.

各位打算養寵物既你、妳、你,在此做 一個大大既呼籲:購買或領養前「要停 一停,諗一諗」,每年漁護署人道毀滅 的動物就超過一萬隻,當中大部份³是 被人遺棄而又無人領養的貓狗。養寵物 不單是餵飽三餐般簡單,所考慮的地方猶如 結婚誓詞:「無論環境順逆,疾病健康,你 ³願意愛佢,尊重佢,保護佢,對佢不離不 棄,係一生一世既承諾。」玩厭了,難度真 的放在保良局門口嗎?你,預備好未?

For those who are planning to raise a pet, here is an appeal: Stop and think twice before you buy or adopt one. Over 10 thousand animals were euthanized by the AFCD each year, among which most of them were abandoned or unadopted dogs and cats. Raising a pet is not simply just feeding them 3 meals a day; the things to be considered are like making a wedding vow: “I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will honor you, protect you and cherish you all the days of my life.” Would you abandon your pet to the charity after you get tired of it? Are you ready?

Petsmania ︳12

又是一個撇雨的陰天。十二月的牛津比這裡冷得多了,加上孤身在異地,顯得 份 外冷。他拖著疲憊的身軀,通紅的雙眼,趕緊執拾書桌上的功課,提起背 包,手 拿著麵包,踏進那個白雪霏霏的國度,起程回校。笨拙的外套穿上了, 厚實的手 套戴上了,當他在公車上笨拙地掏零錢時,彷彿再次被提醒:他正在 一個獨自奮 鬥的世界裡,即使身邊偶爾總有一兩個好心人相助。他依然還未習 慣離鄉別井的 生活。公車在公路上迎風前行,雨水被水撥撥去一旁,玻璃上的 雨水被風吹著, 劃出一道道向上流動的線。風景不停在他的眼前掠過,但留在 眼簾褪不去的,是 離不開他思緒的回憶──半年前一次任性的吵架。 It’s a rainy December day in Oxford. Being alone in a foreign country makes the chill more unbearable. Being short of sleep, he woke himself up and got packed for school with eyes still reddened. England in white isn’t always lovely, especially for him, a lonely overseas student. He put on heavy coats and gloves to keep warm. His fingers didn’t serve as flexible as they should when picking up coins for bus fare. The awkwardness reminded him once again the fact that he’s all alone in a world that is not called “home”. He is still not used to it. The bus pushed its way through the rainstorm. Rain dropped on the windscreen and slipped upwards cause of the speed. No, he wasn’t focusing on the scenery that went before his eyes. His mind was immersed in memory, the memory of a childish fight six months ago.

那是暑假的某天。甫完成了公開試,他便找了一份暑期工,到餐廳當晚間侍 應。 這也意昧著他和家人的見面要減少了,為了在緣慳之中珍惜那份一面時光, 他的 媽媽特意熬製了一煲老火湯 ──而他說是湯。 他拖著疲憊的身軀,通紅的雙眼, 打開大門,踏進飯廳裡,看見媽媽在等著他, 期待著分享熬製老火湯的喜悅。可 是,這個不懂母親愛的孩子,卻無緣無故地發 脾氣…… 結果,一直到離港那天,他再也沒有機會喝到老火湯…… After completing public exams, he started working night shift in a restaurant that summer. It greatly reduced the time he had with his family. His loving mother spent hours preparing soup for this long-missing son, which he failed to appreciate at that time. Hence, as he reached home after a night of hard work and saw his mother, he understood nothing about her thoughtfulness. Instead, he responded to his mother’s love with bad, bad temper… He didn’t get to enjoy his mother’s soup since that day, then he left Hong Kong for studies.

13 ︳Relationship

Tis’’ the Soup Tis

Text / Wisdom Cheng| Design / Naam Jai


Indulging in his own memory on the bus, this song hit him badly through the innocent MP3 player. He burst into tears.

尋回一碗湯 清清的小菜 尋回一碗湯 最艱苦都掩蓋 尋回一碗湯 跌倒也算精彩 來喝下去 也喝下了感慨……

Tis’ the soup that goes with homemade dishes Tis’ the soup that compensates all hardships Ti’s the soup that comforts a failing heart Come, take this soup and let it wash away all sadness

<尋回一碗湯> <Tis’ the Soup> -by Supper Moment

Supper Moment 大都市的生活愈見繁榮,人與人之間也許卻愈冷漠……活在香港,每個人都在為生活忙碌,往往忽略了最基本的感情。 於06年夏天組成的樂隊Supper Moment,就是希望透過音樂讓大家重拾最重要的東西──感情,投入生命中不同感情 所引發的感動。 Supper Moment的名字,來自樂隊成員對「晚餐」的態度。無論大家生活有多繁忙,工作過後回家與家人共晚餐的時 間,往往是每天最窩心的時光,但又有多少人有好好珍惜與家人每一日的Supper Moment?感情不單只有愛情,還有 親情、友情,誠如樂隊名字,希望以音樂,讓大家細味身邊的一切情感。 People tend to grow cold towards one another as our city progresses. Everyone is so busy that we almost forget one of the human basics: relationship. Supper Moment began its journey as a band in Summer 2006. They make music to recall people’s memory about love, feelings and relationships. The name “Supper Moment” represents the attitude of the band towards dinner time. “Supper Moment” is the sweetest time of the family after a day of hard work. Relationship is multi-faceted, it can be between lovers, family members and friends. As the band’s name suggests, hope you’ll get to enjoy every supper moment, enjoy each relationship in your life.

Relationship ︳14

15 ︳Cultural Trend

我們為大家設計過聖誕 卡,更期待看到你們設計 的小卡片。 Last year we designed Christmas card for you. Shall we see yours this year?

It’s not an empty space as you see it.

Create something! Create something! Create something! Create something! Create something! Create something! Create something! Crea

創意是屬於你們的 Creativity is yours.

eate something! Create something! Create something! Create something! Create something! Create Create something! Create something!


Create something! Create somethin

聖誕近了,你們當創作! Create something, for Christmas is at hand!

把你們的創意,上載到Crossmen Hk的臉書! Please upload your creativity to the Facebook Wall of Crossmen Hk.

reate something! Create something! Create something! Create something! Create something! Create something! Create something! Create

Christmas is a time to LOVE.

Create something! Create somethi

A Christmas text doesn’t mean “Merry Christmas” only, there is a hidden message: I think of you as this season approaches…

eate something! Create something! Create something! Create something! Create something! Create Create something! Create something!

也畫一張生日卡給耶穌吧! Create your own birthday greetings to JESUS!

Text / Dim Tam | Design & Illustration / Kashun


Cultural Trend ︳20

今年11月,十字人破了自己的兩項紀錄。 1、 十字人首次出動學整餅! 2、 十字人首次出動去派包! 一切,都源於一段看似稀鬆平常的對話。

21 ︳Special Feature

We broke 2 records this November! 1. We had our debut bakery session 2. We reached out for bread delivery in the community for the 1st time! It all began with a casual conversation.

Text / Bobo Li & Pin Chup | Design / Kashun

不久前,我得知一位中學好友終於開了第一間麵包店── 麵工坊!她對夢想的堅持與奮鬥(加上令我懷念的美好滋 味),驅使我想讓一眾十字人都認識她!正跟總編說著的 時候,剛好讀到一則新聞,發現東涌竟成為全港最貧窮的 地區,而朋友仔的麵包店剛好位於梅窩……

祝福方程式 換了你是我們,下一步你會想什麼?

The Formula of Blessing

An old friend of mine has started her first bakery, Mian Gong Fong with unyielding persistence and endeavors. As I shared her stories with Crossmen’s Editor, we read about Tung Chung becoming the poorest area in HK and noticed that her bakery locates nearby at Mui Wo……

一個能夠「供應」的單位 A SUPPLY unit 一個有「需要」的地區 A DEMAND community

What would you do next if you were us? 這道方程式,適用於東涌地區,也適用於你所身處的任何 一個地區。也許你認識一家粥店,而區內正好有許多的獨 居長者;也許你的親友經營文具/玩具批發,而屋村公園 內,正好聚集著一班總是無所事事的孩子,他們身上的衣 服,來來去去都是那幾件……

讓愛,不只是空談 從不知何時起,十字人一直強調「改變的力量在每個人手 中」,你可以去對一個人慷慨,也可以令一班素未謀面的 人嚐到一點點幸福,只要想多一點,多走一步就可以了。 我們的麵包王故事就是這樣編成的。


An opportunity to BLESS (It’s basic Economics, don’t you know?

This formula applies to the Tung Chung area, or anywhere. It “works” when you happen to know an eatery owner and a group of needy elderly in town; or a relative who sells toys and kids who don’t have the privilege to shop in Toys “R” Us……

Putting LOVE into Action

Crossmen believes that “everyone has the power of making a difference”. Go for the extra mile and you’ll be able to be a blessing – at least that’s how we get it done this time.

也許,「對的行動」加上「對的動機」、「對的時間」,能夠引爆出一份力量, 令天上地下的一切都來配合,育成一顆美好的果子。

Perhaps it only takes a right action, a pure intention and a right timing to have the environment works for you, yielding fruits that are too good to be true. 經過一輪商議,多番聯繫後,終於和朋友仔約好了:由麵 工坊提供原材料和地方,我們提供人手,親自做麵包派給 東涌的居民。也許你會問:麵包如何派?像派免費報紙那 樣隨街派?他們敢吃嗎?如何找到有需要的「領包人」? 對此完全沒有經驗的我們膽粗粗地構思了幾個計劃,又上 網搜尋一下東涌區社福機構的資料,最後加上一通電話, 就和逸東村的一個機構落實了派包安排,過程順利得令人 難以置信。也許,「對的行動」加上「對的動機」、「對 的時間」,能夠引爆出一份力量,令天上地下的一切都來 配合,育成一顆美好的果子。


After rounds of back-and-forth discussion, our plan was nailed: Mian Gong Fong will offer materials and the bakery, while Crossmen offer themselves to make bread for residents in Tung Chung. How, then, are we going to deliver? Like everybody, we googled for information and make cold calls. Quicker than we expected, an organization agreed to line up with us. Perhaps it only takes a right action, a pure intention and a right timing to have the environment works for you, yielding fruits that are too good to be true.

Crossmen the Little Bread Master

日期:2012年11月7日 時間:下午2時正 地點:梅窩麵工坊、天梯使團逸東服務中心 人物:麵包大王Kit、麵包王 Matthew、Trista、Rebecca、奇、鬍鬚哥哥和Silvie 任務:於兩小時內製作100個迷你菠蘿包,包裝及運送至 逸東村

Date: 7 November 2012 Time: 14:00 Venue: Mian Gong Fong@Mui Wo, Ladder Mission Yat Tung Service Center People: Kit (Bread Master), Matthew, Trista, Rebecca, Ah Ki, Mr. Beard & Silvie (Crossmen) Mission: Prepare 100 mini pineapple buns in 2 hrs, then pack and deliver to Yat Tung Estate

開始了開始了!細心的麵包大王Kit擔心我們未能於有限時 間內完成任務,於是早已為我們預備好麵糰和菠蘿皮,好 讓我們這些連焗爐也不太懂得用的生手,能於短時間內完 成100個迷你包!

Here we go! Master Kit prepared the dough and pastry the night before so that we could get everything done in time. Otherwise, it would be impossible for such rookies to complete this mission! Special Feature ︳22






1. 前一天晚上預備、已發酵的麵粉糰 Dough prepared the night before 2. 麵包王學習如何精準地分麵糰 Crossmen learning how to cut dough precisely 3. 看我的左右搏奕技術!左手搓粉,右手……也是搓粉! See how I “massage” the dough!


4. 一大盤黃澄澄的粉糰,是世上最令人飽足的斑點圖案 The most satisfying dots patterns in the world 5. 菠蘿皮,上啊! Here comes the pastry 6. 這是「我們的」、「我們的」、「我們的」菠蘿包! These are OUR pineapple buns!

熱辣辣麵包小知識 Hot Stuff about Bread 問:「為什麼有些麵包吃了好像吃一陣風呢?」 Q: Why is some bread extremely airy? 答:近年物價飛騰,麵粉價格也節節上升,坊間的麵包不但價錢貴了,而且用料也越來越少,經常吃到「空氣麵包」!麵 包大王Kit告訴我們,原來有些餅店會加入化學劑,讓麵包變得更「肥美」;用25g麵粉,做出50g大小的麵包! A: Price of flour surges with the inflation in recent years. As told by Master Kit, some bakeries add in special chemicals to increase fermentation, so that they can produce 50g of bread with just 25g of flour. 問:「為什麼菠蘿皮會龜裂?」 Q: Why is the surface of pineapple bun always cracked? 答:原來令菠蘿皮龜裂的秘密武器,名叫「臭粉」!當然,在做麵包的過程中,把菠蘿皮壓得太薄、上皮的時候粗手粗 腳……都可能是令菠蘿皮出現缺陷美的原因。 A: The secret recipe is Ammonia powder, while clumsy bakery skills also cause imperfect bun surface.

23 ︳Special Feature

向麵包大王Kit致敬 每個堅持夢想的人都是值得敬佩的 每個能泡製美味食物的人都是值得敬佩的 認真而耐心地讓十字人成為麵包王的麵包大王 是格外值得敬佩的 寧願利潤減少也不放多餘化學劑、堅持讓客人 吃到「真正的麵包」的麵包大王是非常十分值 得敬佩的 Crossmen謹代表收到迷你菠蘿包的家庭多謝 麵工坊和麵包大王Kit!

Salute to Master Kit

Every dreamer is respectable Every chef who makes food delicious is respectable The Master who mentors Crossmen with patience is particularly respectable The Master who opts out chemicals to produce real bread (even if it brings less profit) is extremely respectable On behalf of all families who received the mini buns, we salute to you, Master Kit!

東涌掠影 從前,對東涌的認識就只限於機場和outlet;今天,我們捧著三箱新 鮮熱辣的迷你菠蘿包,闖進逸東村的這個小角落,遞上微薄的小溫 暖,換來了由衷的微笑和感謝。羞怯彆扭著進來領包的兩兄妹、忙不 迭將麵包送進口裡的男孩……派著派著,鼻子不禁酸了一下,願這個小 小的菠蘿包,能為你們帶來一個幸福的黃昏。

A Glance of Tung Chung

We used to associate Tung Chung with the airport and outlets only. Today, as we broke into this community with warm, fresh bread, we got to see more than just meets the eyes. Thank you for your smiling faces and sincere gratitude, may you be blessed by this little action.

十二月到了,有人說,這是一個愛的季節。我們說,這是一個人人都可以分享愛的季 節。如果你和你身邊的朋友都發掘了屬於你們的「祝福方程式」,我們很樂意把自己 「速遞」過來,與你們一起行動,報導你們的「一action」!


Some see December as a time to love. We see December as a time to share love. If you discover a formula of blessing in your community, Crossmen are happy to work it out with you and cover it in our magazine!

Offer yourself to be a blessing. Perhaps it’s the true meaning of Christmas. 參考資料 Reference: 1. 2012年10月16日明報「取代元朗 離島全港最窮」 Mingpao, 16 October 2012 2. http://www.mpfinance.com/htm/Finance/20121016/News/eb_goa1.htm 3. 天梯使團逸東服務中心 Facebook Page, Ladder Mission, Yat Tung Service Center Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LM.YTSC

Special Feature ︳24


想做就做,勇敢面對錯誤,這是青春的專利。 序章──勇字行頭 天氣轉涼了不少,大家是窩在家裡,還是到外頭走走,暖 暖身子呢?在秋至的幾日裡,十字人團隊舉辦了一次史無 前例、新人搭舊人的「夜間燒烤通宵戶外賞月觀星看日出 團」!大家都是一群沒頭沒腦的小羊,露營、觀星、甚至 霸爐燒烤等等的經驗都不多,最後卻成功達成目標了!真 是明知山有虎,偏向虎山行。不過,有難題就要闖,不 難,成果又豈會甘美?

第一章──山月燒烤 初到大尾篤,因為人多,連爐也霸不成。於是,我們便轉 移到新娘潭的燒烤場。那裡山明水秀,風光如畫。三人 霸爐,一人外出買食材,一下子就到夜晚,食材和其他人 都來了!到真正燒烤的時候,已經是伸手不見五指的黑夜 了,新娘潭沒有路燈,唯有一輪明月照爐火。在一片漆黑 中,一點點亮火就成為大家最重要的。

第二章──黑夜山路 月亮走到樹林的中央。飯後,朋友拿起餅來,說:「這是 月餅,為你們買的。你們應當吃,為的是記念中秋節。」 燒烤完了,轉眼已半夜十二時,我們便舉步開始尋找營地 的故事。目的地是大尾篤的大平地——直升機坪。半夜已 經沒有巴士,要從新娘潭到大尾篤,必須越過萬重山。一 行人夜走荒山,月黑風高,路燈半爍,低沉的嗚聲從遠處 響起,越來越近,越來越近。黑衣(夜)騎車人帶著兩台 電燈在黑夜裡飛過,十字人就在山路旁,感受著這一陣陣 風在半夜吹過,吹起吹起風裡夢。 25 ︳ Travelogue

第三章──星星月亮 凌晨三時。終於到了。我們二話不說就躺下來,畢竟已走 了個半小時山路。月亮在四時稍稍休息,一顆顆亮藍色 的光在天空眨眼。幾個門外漢在狂風下紮營,花了好些功 夫,兩個美麗的「小屋」完成了。不過,在星空下,瓦頂 都顯得多此一舉了。倒不如以群星當被,隨浪聲入眠。幾 個人在地上數著星星,拿起小結他,玩著玩著,唱著唱 著,不知不覺就天亮了。

最終章──日出依舊 晨曦的霧光在五時映著海面,一點點金粼閃著。時間出奇 的快,一整夜一下子就過去了。早上六時,大黃的月亮在 後,大紅的太陽在前,是有生以來看過最美的日出。看著 太陽從地平線上升,有一種清新的感覺。這時候我想起一 句話:You can see the day end and the twilight falling whenever you like - The Little Prince

後記──枷鎖何來? 對啊,為甚麼有時候,就是不能為自己製造浪漫,讓自己 感受大自然的懷抱呢?人在江湖,身不由己嗎?人,為何 在江湖裡呢?讓心中的鐵網破開,化成小鳥飛去吧。 其實,只要想去做,隨時也可以。不怕犯錯是不去後悔的 最佳解藥。

Text / Matthew Leung | Design / Kashun

Prelude: Bravery Comes First

Chapter 2: Mountaineering in the Dark

Feeling the cool breeze, will you choose to lay on your warm bed or go out to get your body warmed? The Crossmen crew, a mix of old hands and freshmen, held an unprecedented wild camping which combined a night barbeque, stargazing, watching the moon and last but not least watching the sunrise, at the beginning of October! As rookies, we don’t have much know-how, yet we managed to achieve our goals anyhow. It’s almost like taking the bull by the horns. Truly, if things are too easy to be done, how could you call it an accomplishment?

The moon was hanging high in the sky when we “broke the bread”. “This is the mooncake I bought for you. Let us eat in remembrance of the Mid-Autumn Festival” said my friend. By midnight, we finished everything and headed out for the helicopter pad in Tai Mei Tuk, where we would set out tents. As you can imagine, there was no public transportation we could rely on at that hour except our feet. It was a big challenge. The light (and moonlight) was dim and the gearing sound of speedy cyclists added excitement to this already challenging track. The midnight wind kept blowing, and kept blowing up dreams that were once buried.

Chapter 1: Barbeque under Moonlight The barbeque site was already occupied when we got to Tai Mei Tuk. Glad that we had a plan B. We moved to the Bride’s Pool and the scenery there was beautiful, with hills surrounding and river singing. We had a simple division of labour: three went for the barbeque pit and one went for food. The night came silently as we waited for the rest to join. It was total darkness when we started barbequing. Without any lamppost in the Bride’s Pool, the moon and fire became our only and the most essential source of light.

Chapter 3: Starry Sky and the Moon It’s 3am when we finally reached the destination. We could not help but lying on the ground, speechless. We had walked for one and a half hour in the mountain. The moon started to set around 4am, leaving the stars to shine on the twilight blue sky. We spent quite a while to pitch the two tents, however, the rooftops seemed to be redundant under beautiful cover of the starry sky. We’d rather be blanketed by the stars and sleep with the sound of waves. The sky was silently lightened up while we were counting the stars, playing the guitar and having fun.

Finale: And the Sun Arises By 5am, twilight reflected gold dazzles on the sea. Time fled. By 6am, the moon already became the backdrop and the fiery sun took the stage. It was the most beautiful sunrise I’ve ever seen in my life. Seeing the sun rising from the horizon, everything seemed refreshed. A quote hit me as I enjoyed all these: “You can see the day end and the twilight falling whenever you like.” – The Little Prince

A for Adventure…C for Crossmen!

Act without over-thinking it. Dare to face mistakes. These are what the youth should be.

Postscript: Where did the Shackles Come from? Since when do we become unable to create some romance for ourselves and embrace the Nature? Well, you might say, “C’est la vie. It’s just the way it is.” Are we trapped or not trapped? Can we break the shackles and fly free like a bird? You can always take actions whenever you want. Fear not the mistakes is the antidote to regrets.

Travelogue ︳26

聖誕節,在很多人心中,是一個很浪漫的節日,不知你會用什麼招數去表達浪漫?在這 四位大男孩眼中,浪漫,就是「炒個飯」這樣簡單,這樣另類。他們在大大小小的特別 節日,也會秉承「男人浪漫」的原則,一起聚頭當個炒飯男,分享他們獨有的浪漫!

To many, Christmas is a romantic holiday. What is your best move to charm your loved ones? The following might sound a bit unusual, but to these boys, romance is nothing more than making “fried rice”. For each and every festival, they strictly follow the principle of “manly romance”, get together and celebrate as fried-rice-top-chef.

「飯」才足以填肚啊! 世上炒物如此多,炒飯炒麵炒米炒烏冬炒菜……說得出的都可以炒啊,為甚 麼這班男人偏偏選擇炒飯?原來答案很簡單:「飯才足以填肚啊!」這是浪 漫男異口同聲的答案。果然是男人的看法,在追求浪漫的同時,仍是要先填 肚再說。這份浪漫來得直接,也來得實在,更重要的是,他們會感到男人氣 隨著鑊氣一同散發,想起也感到熱烘烘!

Only “Rice” Can Fill Me Up! Of all the things we can put in a pan, rice, noodles, rice sticks, udon, or even vegetables, why would they choose to fry rice? The answer, given by the sole members, is obvious, ‘Only rice can fill us up!’ It is just so typical for men, they enjoy to be romanced, but on the other hand they still crave for contentment for the stomach. Their romance is straight forward and pragmatic. More importantly, when the steam rises from the wok, it gives a special scent of masculinity…

炒飯非一人的事 四個大男孩同時愛上炒飯,更會一起研究炒飯攻略,是多麼奧妙的一件事! 原來他們的炒飯習慣都離不開「分享」:由其中一兩人的習慣,到分享心 得,感染到其他男孩們,到最後他們四人也愛上炒飯!本來只是一人就能做 到的事,現在卻成為他們共同的生活點滴;炒飯再非一人的事,而是大家 所擁有的──原來浪漫也可以分享。

Fried Rice Is Not a One-PersonThing Falling hopelessly in love with the dish, the four boys will as well put their heads together for the perfect recipe. Their story begins with “sharing”, at first it was just a habit among one or two of them, but through sharing of their cooking experiences, the four boys become experts of fried rice. From a one person thing to a mutual interest, they prove to us that romance is actually sharable. 27 ︳Top Chef

Text / Leeman Wong | Design / Polly Chan

炒飯也有分類 有炒過飯或將會嘗試炒飯的你們,假如你要替你的炒飯分類,你的炒飯會是甚麼型?熱情型?陽光型?冷酷型?正方形? 圓型?一個炒飯男就選了「浪漫型」,因在他心目中,炒飯是給懂浪漫的人吃的。有一個則以「好型」來形容,他總覺得 男人能煮出一手佳餚很了不起,而炒飯就能為他帶來男人的成功感。不知你的炒飯又是甚麼型呢?對筆者來說,當然是懶 惰型,拿起隔夜飯炒一炒就能吃嘛……… 筆者今次可算是第一次「吃」到「男人浪漫」,不知為何,有種神奇的感覺。這四位男孩,擁有的不只是炒飯,分享的不 只是攻略,其實是一份另類的愛,你可以叫它做炒飯愛──熱辣辣、細細粒、飯與飯互相貼著的一份愛。把飯炒至一粒粒 是炒飯的最高境界,把炒飯炒至分享愛則是一份恩典。很滿足的一晚!

Which Type of Fried Rice are You?

For those who had or about to try making the dish, what type of fried rice are you? Passionate? Sunshine? Cool? Square? One of the fried-rice-top-chefs chose “Romantic”, as for him, this particular food is for the believers of romance. Another describes it as “Cool”, he always thinks only real man can cook, and making fried rice brings him a huge sense of achievement. What does fried rice mean to you? To me, it certainly is a symbol of laziness, I just have to put everything into a wok, and it’s done in a moment. It would be my first time to “taste” this “manly romance” and it is magical. What these four boys have in common is more than a dish, they are not just exchanging ideas for a recipe, in fact, they are sharing a kind of unconventional love. You may call it “fried-rice-love”. It’s warm, delicate and intimate, just like the stickiness between rice. In terms of culinary, it’s ideal to fried rice bits and pieces, but if one can share love by cooking, that would be a bonus. I had a wonderful night.

女孩:男人浪漫究竟是什麼? 炒飯組要員家興:就是幾個人聚頭,互訴心事,互相支 持,開底! 炒飯組要員涼官:分享秘密。 炒飯組要員小威:專心地做事,例如熱血地打球! 女孩:你最想炒飯給誰吃? 炒飯組要員劉哲:自己、媽媽、家人、另一半。 炒飯組要員涼官:暫未遇到(我相信你一定會找到)。 炒飯組要員小威:現在的那位愛人(肉麻不要太張揚好 嗎)! Girls: What exactly is “manly romance”? Ka Hing: It’s guys hanging out, sharing, supporting each other and unfolding secrets! Leung Kun: Sharing secrets. Siu Wei: Doing things together wholeheartedly, such as playing basketball Girls: Who would you like to cook for? Lau Chit: Myself, my mum, my family, my other half. Leung Kun: I haven’t met that special someone yet (But I believe you will!) Siu Wei: My love...(And you are making everyone has goose berries!)

1. 預備心情,隨心地炒配料。 2. 落隔夜飯和蛋,弄好蛋炒飯。 3. 不要放棄地炒至粒粒! (貼士:不要停手才能炒至「粒 粒」狀) 4. 把飯和配料一起炒,並調味。 5. 試味,上菜! 炒飯男最終提點: 炒飯時必需要有耐性,才能慢功出細貨。 首次學時會長時間受到油煙的攻擊,不斷去廁所拉肚子, 是正常的! 1. Be emotionally prepared, and select your ingredients randomly 2. Put overnight rice and egg in the wok, fry until it is done. 3. Keep on frying until it is into bits and pieces. (Tips: Keep moving until it’s done) 4. Add in other ingredients and some flavorings 5. Try it yourself. If you think it’s done, it’s done! Final Tips from the Fried Rice Chefs Be patient in order to have nicely cooked golden fried rice Be prepared for disgusting oily smell and potential risk of diarrhea Top Chef︳28

自從「作死不離三兄弟」熱爆 了香³的票房,我也開始留意 印度的電影。最近看了一齣名 叫「心中的小星星 Taare Zameen Par」的印度電影, 而男主角也是眾所矚目的 Aamir Khan。 Since the 3 idiots became a blockbuster in Hong Kong, I have been keeping an eye on Hindi movies. Recently, I’ve watched one called “Taare Zameen Par” which starred Aamir Khan, the same lead actor in that famous movie.

小孩的成長總是辛酸 故事的題材其實也不新鮮,主人翁「伊夏」八歲,與其他同年的同學活在傳統的學校制度下,卻不能活出一個「正常」 八歲小孩應有的人生。在家人、老師、同學眼中,伊夏比任何人³更調皮、更遲鈍、更反叛。 伊夏患有讀寫障礙。因此當同年的同學在認英文字,他只能看到倒轉的字母;當同學在計算數學題,他只看見數字們的 星球大戰。最終老師忍受不下,著家人把他送往寄宿學校。離別家人,是惡夢的開始,結果卻出人意外。

Bitterness of Growing Up The plot isn’t something new. It’s about an 8-year-old kid called Ishaan who’s unable to behave “normally” under the traditional school system. In the eyes of his family, teachers and classmates, Ishaan is the naughtiest, most stupid and rebellious. Ishaan is suffering from dyslexia. When everybody is learning English characters, he reads all the alphabets up-side-down. When everyone is doing Maths, it’s as if a Star War going on among the numbers to him. At last, teachers can’t bear with him any more and family has decided to send him to a boarding school. Leaving his family, Ishaan thought it would be the start of a nightmare. But it turns out to be surprisingly good.

孤獨的旅程:遇上奇特的老師 被同學嘲笑戲弄,在新校每晚躲著哭³³一天,伊夏的學校突然來了一位奇怪的美術老師。尼克老師是代課老師,第一堂 課就與學生大唱大跳。這也許是印度電影一大特色,以歌舞穿插在劇情中,加強娛樂性之餘,也為情節添上豐富色彩。 劇情雖帶點土氣,感動卻一分沒減。

A Lonely Journey. An Unusual Teacher Upon reaching the new school, Ishaan is teased by his fellow students, and he cried every night. But one day, there comes an unusual teacher, Nikumbh. Nikumbh is a substitute teacher of Arts. He sings and dances with students in the first lesson. Perhaps it’s one of the characteristics of Hindi movie; always have scenes of singing and dancing. It’s more entertaining and it adds colors to the plot. Teacher Nikumbh sees the crisis with Ishaan – also an opportunity for changes. As you could guess, this teacher becomes good friend with the boy and helps him walk out of the difficult situation. Although the story isn’t new at all, it’s still very touching.

29 ︳ Motion Picture

Text / Hei Leung | Design / Chu Ding

關心、明白、愛護³從來³不易 尼克老師對伊夏的無微不至,也從他的說話行動中,滲透出對孩子的接納和明白。

孩子說過:“It's okay, I'm here with you”?

To Care, Understand and Love… is Never Easy Teacher Nikumbh is treating Ishaan very well in every possible way. From his words and action, you can tell Nikumbh’s acceptance and understanding towards the kid. Facing the rejection and taunt of fellow students, Nikumbh encouraged Ishaan with stories of Western scientists and artists, “don’t get drown by your own shame. You can be great!” Sometimes you might not be able to find understanding in family. Nikumbh questions Ishaan’s father, “why did you send him away? Do you not care about your kid? Have you ever told your kid ‘It’s okay, I’m here with you’?”

走出傳統:活出夢想的艱辛 隨著印度不斷發展,社會文化與香³也有幾分相似。社會要求學生讀書為求好成績,賺錢養家;比別人差,就是可恥。這 值得鼓吹的文化價值嗎?我發現,西方社會的文化,能發掘個人生命的價值,大膽鼓勵要把夢想實現。 美術、街頭藝術、行為藝術³為什麼在中國人社會中不登大雅,從事音樂、畫畫、創作,就被視作不能賺錢,沒有前路? 我們太講求實際。不切實際的東西,就不能在社會立足。

Breaking the Tradition: Difficulty in Living Out Dreams As India continues to develop, its social culture is somewhat similar to Hong Kong. The society requires the students to get good grades, earn money to support family; if you fail in exams, it’s shameful. Is this a culture worth advocating? I discover that in the Western society, people try to find out the value of lives and boldly encourage people to make your dreams come true. Fine art, street art, behavioral art… all these have no values in Chinese society. It’s something that won’t bring you a good fortune, not to say a good prospect if you work in such industries. We are too practical. Anything impractical can’t survive in this society.

我們這一代³很受人影³,別人說好,我就做。別人說沒前途,我就退縮。然而,我們這一代也開始有一種勇於放下,豁 出去,闖一闖的心態。

First, Learn to Change Your Heart People in our generation tend to be prone to peer pressure. We dare only to go for what the crowd approves. However, our generation begins to have a mentality to let go, to risk, and to try . If we are to live life abundantly, we shall not make decision based solely upon the others’ comments. Be persistent. Believe that it’s worthwhile to live out your dream! Motion Picture ︳30

Text / Wisdom Cheng | Design / Jenny Chan

「大玉螺旋丸!」 這句不夠熟悉嘛?再來一句:

「我要成為火影!」 對!就是漩渦鳴人!我最愛的漫畫角色就是漩渦鳴人! 如果大家不知道這是什麼漫畫,不要緊。 最要緊的,是讓大家知道:

我挺愛這角色的! 為嘛……鳴人很著緊於朋友之間的羈絆, 因 朋友遇上劫難時,他卻會毫不猶豫去拯救。 我嘛……其實也是一個頗內向的人,像鳴人, 有時候摸不著頭腦,該如何打開溝通的橋樑。 所以,當您見到我沉默的時候,不要怕尷尬。 一是我如上述般,或者是腦袋出現malfunction(故障) 我嘛……其實只是一個平平無奇的大專生, 閒時喜歡畫畫,或以文字抒情而已; 基本上,文字抒情已漸漸成為我生活中不可或缺的部份 我嘛……其實挺喜歡看風景的, 尤其是戴上耳筒,然後用眼睛拍下周遭的事物。 也許相片可留住剎那的美麗, 但用眼睛去紀錄,讓片刻的花起葉落、銀星夜空 變成只屬於那刻的美事,份外深刻。 我嘛……其實挺喜歡經歷新事物的, 不管是好是壞, 反正: 是好是壞, 它們都是讓你成長的一部份嘛! 豁然面對,接納生命的高低潮, 縱然有哭泣氣餒,第二日以全新的 姿態經歷浪潮! 才是我對生活的態度。

31 ︳Exposé

Text / Jannah Wong | Design / Jenny Chan

Exposé ︳32

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