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十月 #62

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CROSSMEN is a monthly magazine published in Hong Kong by Kingdom Ministries. Copyright Kingdom Ministries, all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. CROSSMEN Unit A, 7/F, Kader Bldg, 22 Kei Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay, HK Tel: (852) 2235 5223 Fax: (852) 3018 0414 Email: info@crossmen.hk

ISSUE 62 October 2012 Contents


2 / Editor’s Notes / 這是誰的十字人?

Publisher Andrew Ho Marketing Manager Mabel Tai

4 / Have Your Say / 我只為了一個農場 5 / Feature Story / 恐懼鬥室 Conquering Fear


9 / Campus Sidekick / 開學一個月,你走樣了嗎?! How in Shape are You after a Month of School?

Art Director York Tsui

11/ Petsmania / 飯飯:「Hello!你好嗎?」 ‘How are you doing?’ asked Fan-fan 13/ BookReader / 娛樂至死 15/ Special Feature / 夢想──咁都得!

專訪SingforGod創辦人之一──Remus Fung Dream x Possible = Remus Fung

17 / Fantasy vs Reality / 誰在寫童話? Who Writes the Fairy Tales? 19/ Top Chef / 我有一個香蕉夢 My Banana Dream 21/ Travelogue / 我和他們去了趟旅行 Tis’ the Trip we Went Together 25/ Seasonal Special / Thanks Tag 2012 27/ Relationship / 車廂‧邂逅‧陌生人 Strangers on the Train 29/ Self Help / Stamp of Approval

Executive Editor Ching Ching Art Consultant Pun Pun Contributing Writers Crispin Chan, Bobo Li, Pui Sze, Apple Tang, Annabel Cheung, Nam Jai, Wisdom Cheng, Matthew Leung, Lisa Lee, Ah Sau, Leeman Lee, U-Fire, Ching Lin Designers and Photographers Kashun, German Cheung, Polly Chan, Ah Sau, Nam Jai, Apple Tang, Tampo, Chu Ding, Trista Chan, SiuSiu, Ron Translators Clara Fong, Helen Tao, Ching Lin Contributing Reader

31/ Exposé / 港產少女Leeman


32/ Exposé / 新鮮人阿秀


33/ Snapshot

Ching Ching 2235 5224 info@crossmen.hk

這是誰的 Text / Ching Lin




意思是說,台上的人演出了,台下的人卻可以各自有一千 個詮釋。


的確,這並非今天才發生的一種荒謬。讀書的年代,每唸到 文學賞析,一邊搖頭擺腦地聽著老師讀出別人臆測作者的原 意時,總不免疑竇:真的嗎?他/她真的是這麼想嗎?他在 描繪一片煙雨迷茫,真的是為了抒發失落官場的感嘆?寫一 棵老樹的紋理,真的是因為自覺年華老去,感慨歲月不饒 人?為什麼作者不可以只是單純的詩興大發,漫無目的地寫 了一首詩?那些所謂詮釋,到底是誰的意思(當然這也包涵 了本人對背誦作品分析的抗拒與反叛,我承認)?後來長大 了,稍稍在網路上發表過一些文字祭,卻每每收到讀者們令 人哭笑不得的回應,尤其那些自以為讀懂了作者的心的,很 多時反而令我感到嚴重地被誤解了。 所以有人說,當文字被發表以後,作者已死(所以他的所 謂「原意」已經無從追溯,也不必費心追溯),讀者當道 (你讀到什麼就是什麼)。哇,好後現代。據此推論,十 字人是屬於每個讀者的,你看到什麼,就是什麼。 尤其對於凡事不喜歡說得太白,會覺得娘會怕說教的我 們,刻意不戳破,悉心留一線的作風,更令創作團隊常常 自陷於「猜不透到底讀者讀懂了沒、讀到了什麼的矛盾」 。關於這一點,我不願說好說歹,只能說,相對於被誤會 的無奈,我們更討厭咄咄逼人的說詞、操控煽動的作風。 可是,難道這就代表什麼東西(只要有人認為可以)都可 以成為十字人的立場,任何看法(只要有人認為是對的)

十字人團隊是一個包容的地方。招募團員,沒什麼艱澀嚴 格的篩選過程,很多人到今天仍然覺得自己是糊里糊塗地 「碌」入來的:不懂得設計,我們找人來教;不懂得寫 字,我們陪你成長。才能,不是我們的優先考慮;淘汰, 更不是我們要營造的文化。 但這絕對不代表十字人可以「求其」。 在十字人誕生的那個年代,是與非的底線正受到衝擊,我 們是為了捍衛她而問世的。在十字人邁向成熟的這個年 代,是與非的間距先被模糊然後兩極化,編織出本世紀最 龐大的詐騙網羅。我們不是先知,不知道後事到底如何, 只是時代正在告訴我們,慵懶安逸的日子即將過去,終有 一天,我們每個人都必須選擇站在這一方或那一方,並為 自己的決定負責,在永恆裡,負一個生命的責。 假如有一個時代,黑暗已經窮凶極惡,光明正在絕處靜 候,這就是我們為之而生的時代。 假如有一種物質,在火爐中是一塊拒絕融化的冰,在激流 沖刷下會更堅強,在混亂中更清楚黑與白的分歧……我但 願,它就是十字人,就是我們。 這是我們的十字人,也是祂的十字人。 阿門。

Editor’s notes ︳02

Text / Cucumber Leung



當你的腦海只是幻想著一個畫面,那是「想」。 想想我可以隨時拿起筆畫出我的夢, 想想我可以隨時想夢想哭想笑。 若夢像玻璃被破碎,會哭嗎? 若夢像氣球被吹起,會飛嗎? 若夢像糖果被吃了,會笑嗎? 若夢像煙火被燃燒,會爆嗎? 若夢只是想,會成真嗎? 誰一出生就知道自己「夢想」是什麼? 有一天,青瓜出生在農場, 然後被運到城市, 她睡了一場覺, 待瓜醒了,恢復了視覺, 看到了自己的心臟噗噗,噗噗的跳動, 她一定也覺得自己很新鮮。 當她知道夢想在哪的時候, 她決定要用自己的努力去買一個農場。 有了農場,她就自由了。 她只為了一個夢想。

Have Your Say ︳04

恐懼 鬥室 Conquering Fear 隨著DSE、A-LEVEL和JUPAS派位完畢,對前途未卜的憂慮 可算告一段落,但不少人仍會害怕新學年、新環境和新挑 戰,這份忐忑,形成了一股無形無狀的氣氛,以致十字人 們在會議上一呼百應,討論得七嘴八舌。一如大部分非常 熱烈的討論,我們在沒什麼結論的情況下結束了會議。筆 者在一頭霧水的狀態下,答應主理這篇有關「恐懼」的分 享,結果,因著不知道能分享什麼,我也恐懼起來了……

As the release of DSE, A-LEVEL and JUPAS’ results came to an end, concerns for the uncertain future of many also reach a full stop. However, the beginning of a series of new-school-year challenges create an atmosphere that scares off many. At our meeting, the discussion about ‘fear’ was heated. As always, our heated discussion didn’t lead to a solid conclusion. I, the person-in-charge of this article, was haunted by fear too – fear of not knowing what to write.

十萬個人,很可能會出現多過二十萬種「我怕」。 其實,那麼多的恐懼到底從何而來? 難道 地球真的很危險麼?


︳ Feature Story

The list can go on forever. Where do all these fear come from? Is the place we are living in that fearful?

Text / Crispin Chan & Pin Chop | Design / Chu Ding

Reasons of Fear 恐懼有因 恐懼大致可分為先天和後天,篇幅所限,讓我們先集中了 解後天的恐懼。例如,嬰孩最初不懂害怕火或蟲,可是如 果他們因接觸它們而受到傷害或驚嚇,下次面對這些事物 時便會顯得恐懼。 一、 人驚我又驚: 文化、環境、權威人物都能向我們灌輸恐懼的意識(這算 洗腦嗎?),效果在嬰兒身上特別顯著。不少人對蟑螂的 恐懼,都是源於身邊人的灌輸:「蟑螂是害蟲,全身佈滿 細菌,是致命病毒的儲存庫」,加上每次蟑螂出現時,總 伴隨突如其來、令人破膽的驚叫,日復日的內化後,很多 人也成為了看見小強就會拼命尖叫的一群了。

Fear can be natural or nurtured. Due to limitation of space, let’s focus on the latter. For instance, newborn baby knowsno fear of fire or insects. Yet once they encounter with it and experience hurts or fright, they will fear the next time. 1. You Fear, I Fear: Sense of fear can be infused by culture, environment or authorities. Many people fear cockroaches because of what the others say, ‘cockroaches are evil, they are covered with germs and store ‘fatal viruses’. Moreover, the appearance of cockroaches is often associated with sudden and high-pitched screaming. No wonder many are freaked out at the sight of cockroaches.

Feature Story ︳06

二、 怕一次便夠:

2. Once and for All:

我們不需要每樣事物都經歷過才「知驚」,一丁點的恐懼 已足以在「安全感」的防護罩上撕開一個破口,令恐懼像 病毒般不斷蔓延,結果對其他未曾經歷但相類似的事物都 一概逃避。如:某甲曾遭朋友背叛,由於曾經痛過,於是 對這份痛楚感到恐懼,不希望再經歷類似的傷心,結果索

We need not to experience everything firsthand in order to feel scared about it. Fear often tears our protection, once it enters into our system, it spreads like virus. We might want to escape anything similar to the first hurt. Once betrayed by a dear friend, many would avoid building in-dept relationship with everyone else to prevent getting hurt again. Likewise, a friend of mine was once pecked by a chicken, and she avoids all creatures with beaks for the rest of her life.

性逃避與人建立深入的關係。又例如,筆者一個朋友曾經 被雞啄過,結果對所有硬嘴鳥都避之則吉。

It's you. It's me. It's all of us. 其實 我們都怕 掛在口邊的恐懼有很多,但其實沒說出口的,更多。只要細 心留意,其實不難發現很多時候,人們的行為和反應,其實 背後都存在著一個「怕」字。我「反對」國民教育,因為我 「怕」它會洗腦,荼毒年輕下一代,令他們不懂多面分析, 成為黑白不分的人;我「搶鹽」,因為我「怕」我和家人朋 友受幅射感染;我「追趕」潮流和網路資訊,因為我「怕」 一旦落後,會被社交圈子淘汰;我「打扮」得可愛吸引,因 為我「怕」自己不可愛,就沒有人來愛我了…… 07 ︳ Feature Story

Many people talk about their fear, but more are those that are untold. Often we our behavior and responses are fear-driven. I oppose National Education because I fear that it may brainwash our young generation to be someone who knows no critical thinking. I stock salt because I fear that my family and I may be affected by radiation. I am in a constant race of trends and information because I fear that I’ll be excluded by my peers if I don’t. I put on make-up because I fear that if I don’t look good, I’ll not be loved.

Make your Choice. Own your Life. 重掌主權 選擇人生 有人說,「恐懼」自有其益處(如:怕火令我們不隨便 玩火),什麼也不怕的人更會成為最可怕的人(恐怖份 子)!可是,我們能夠就此將恐懼合理化嗎?讓恐懼留 在心中、或任由恐懼主導我們所做的決定,能是好事 嗎?試想像…… A:今天天氣很好啊!去郊遊一定很快樂! B:萬一突然下雨怎麼辦?而且我怕蚊、怕蛇、怕出汗!

Some suggested that fear can be positive too (e.g. fear of fire prevent us from playing with fire), if one has no fear (not even death), he/she would become someone like a terrorist! Nevertheless, can we justify fear because of that? Would it be good to keep fear in us and allow it directs our life? Just imagine… A: The weather is great today! It must be fun to go hiking. Let’s go! B: What if it rains? I fear snakes, mosquitoes and sweating. Better not!

「恐懼」所代表的負面情緒往往令人卻步不前,情願停 留在已經習慣的安舒區內,似乎感覺安全,但其實活得 一點都不自由──自我剝削了選擇突破的自由。就像個 案中的B,恐懼令他主動棄權,放棄郊遊,因著「可能發 生」但不一定發生的種種情況,白白放棄了享受快樂的 機會。如果這不是你想要的人生,你是絕對可以選擇不 恐懼,選擇奪回主動權(而非棄權)的。

Fear bounds our steps. It keeps us in our comfort zone for the fake security that actually steals our freedom – the freedom to opt for a breakthrough. B forfeits his rights of choosing to hike even when there’s no threat around. He then loses the chance of having fun, just because of something that ‘might’ happen. If that’s not the life you want, you can choose to fear NOT and regain autonomy of your life.

如何突破恐懼?首先要承認!然後再分辨清楚恐懼的對 象:是一種昆蟲、一種氣氛、一份未知,還是一個人? 找個空間和自己好好對話,問問自己「為什麼?」

How can we deal with fear? Acknowledging it is the first step. Identifying what you fear is the second – is it an insect, an atmosphere, an uncertainty, or a specific person? Have some dialogue with yourself and ask ‘WHY’.

為什麼我害怕小強?如果下次看見小強,我可以選擇不 尖叫,深呼吸一下然後熬過去嗎? 為什麼我害怕未知?因為怕失控?因為在未知的諸般可 能性中,有一些我不希望發生的後果?我能相信自己能 面對任何可能出現的情況嗎?這樣的一份信心,可以在 哪裡找到? 為什麼我害怕那個人?因為擔心他對我的看法?我能相 信不論他對我看法如何,我都是有價值、可愛、被愛的 嗎?這樣的一份安全感,可以在哪裡找到?

Why am I afraid of cockroaches? The next time I encounter it, can I choose not to scream, take a deep breath and just walk away? Why am I afraid of uncertainty? Is it because of the loss of control? Or is it because I deter one of the possibilities? Do I have the confidence that I can handle any situation that comes to me? Where can I find such faith? Why am I afraid of that particular person? Do I worry about his perception of me? Do I believe that no matter how he/she sees me, I am still worthy, lovable and beloved? Where can I find such security?

那位永恆的智者說:「愛裡沒有懼怕,愛既完全就將懼 怕除去。」 祂,會是這些問題的答案嗎?

The Wise One says, ‘There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.’ Would He be the answer to those questions? Feature Story ︳08

回顧自己過去每一個新學年,都會寫一個‘To do list’,寫 下今個學年一定要咁咁咁做,例如一定要積極舉手答問 題﹑不要經常「借尿遁」;會開一本簿,兩頁為之一星 期,一格為之一科,寫好要怎樣去溫習每一科每一項目; 最經典的,莫過於是永遠都實行不到的時間表:四時半回 到家吃一點東西,五時開始做功課,八時半可以開始看電 視直至吃完飯,然後再溫習。 經常有「我要做個好學生」的念頭的你,是否覺得以上一 切非常熟悉呢?不經不覺開學已經一個月了!轉眼間來到 十月份,當初壯志雄雄立哂大志,心裡默念了二千四百六 十次「我要努力向上!我要發奮圖強!」的你,不知道到 了這一刻,還是否對這一年的學業和生活滿腔熱誠?

Let’s have a quick recall of the beginning of school years. Are you the kind of person who prepares an ideal “to do list”, which includes targets like “answer all teachers’ questions” or “reduce unnecessary toilet breaks”? Or do you always carry a little schedule book, jotting down the study timetable and those 7 effective ways of studying? Some even tend to draft timetable that looks good, but never practical. Sounds a bit too familiar? Sooner than you can imagine, October has come! After a month of the new school year, have you lost the passion of becoming the “star student”? Have your voices of cheering and encouragement gone silent? Are you still in shape? We have prepared you a checklist for a quick review on how much you have changed after 30 days of school!

今期Crossmen 特別為你炮製了一個checklist,讓你檢視 一下走到十月份的自己,到底有幾「走樣」!

對於我這種「我的計劃就是沒有計劃」的人而言,.過了六年的中學生涯,我終於發現‘To do list’﹑溫習紀錄簿﹑時間 表…全部都不及一個「火」字實際。因為一團對的火,將會讓你本來設定好的一切徹底改變,例如:夢想。(溫馨提示: 此火最好不包括打機升呢之火) 其實有沒有走樣,又怎能用數字來衡量?進步又是否真的可以靠這些具組織力的表格可以達到?我的經驗告訴我,還是把 個「火」字一直放在額頭上﹑放在心裡,你就自然會知道,如何不走樣,而且做到一個better me。

09 ︳ Campus Sidekick

Text / Chu Ding| Design / Tampo

1. 開始不燙校服 2. 開始上堂拓頭﹑釣魚 3. 開始同同學傳紙仔 4. 開始可以上堂和周公見面 5. 開始有飲品和食物在課室出現 6. 開始上堂發短訊/Whatsapp 7. 補習開始走堂 8. 早會開始「橋手」﹑「頭dupdup」 9. 午飯前兩堂,忍不住不停諗「今日食乜送?!」 10.頭髮開始被訓導捉,又唔願意去剪 11.番學太早起床,夜晚又經常太夜睡,面容開始殘,唯有 化淡妝補補數 12.開始忍不住帶髮蠟上學,預備set頭 13.掌握到最遲可以坐哪一班車上學,自此mark實了它 14.開始對班上某男生/女生有感覺 15.開始欠交功課 16.開始抄功課 17.唔識盡責任 18.開始講老師壞話 19.開始在同學間瘋傳某男老師與某女老師的感情狀況 20.開始重拾「耳筒藏冷衫」之中學生皆懂招數,讓自己於 課堂上都沐浴於音樂之中

1. No longer care about ironing school uniform 2. Dose off during class 3. Pass around little pieces of paper 4. Pass out during class 5. Packets of drinks or food begin to appear 6. Texting/whatsapp during class 7. Skip tutorial lessons 8. Cross both hands/bend down faces during assembly 9. Keep thinking “what’s for lunch” two lessons ahead 10. Hair gets too long and the teacher is raising eyebrows, but still haven’t the intention to do anything about it 11. School starts too early, need to put on make up to hide evidence of late night derping. 12. Bring along hair gel, always ready for styling 13. Know the last train that is safe from being late, catch it everyday 14. Begin to have feelings for him/her 15. Fail to hand in homework on time 16. Copy others’ homework 17. No longer reliable 18. Gossip about teachers 19. Begin to pay “extra attention” on a particular pair of teachers 20. Hide earphones under sweaters; enjoy the shower of music....during lessons

To me, having no plan is the best plan. After six years of secondary school, what I came to realize is that, all those “to-do lists”, little schedules, time tables etc are not exactly the right thing to assist. The only motivator is to find your own “passion”. This passion can change everything that you were, even change your idea about your dream (please note that we are NOT talking about the passion of leveling up in video-games). To be honest, it is impossible to measure if one is still in shape? Can we really achieve more by following plans? What I learnt from experience is that, it is imperative to bear the real passion in mind. One day, eventually, you will figure out your own way to stay in shape, and even more, to be a “better one”.

Campus Sidekick ︳10

會模仿人們說話的寵物,除了廣為人知的鸚鵡外,還 有身穿黑禮服的了哥(或稱鷯哥)!了哥的眼睛旁有兩 片鮮黃色的肉垂,翅膀上的飛羽有斜行白斑,加上烏 黑的羽毛上藍綠色的光澤,看上去十分帥氣!不過我 家裡的了哥──飯飯,卻是調皮貪吃的小傢伙,最喜 歡打盹,享受悠閒的下午。

會說話,但不是錄音機! 飯飯很會看氣氛跟我們對話,這一點真的很可愛!早上當牠聽到我們都起了床,卻未掀開鳥籠的布,牠就會不斷輕聲說「 你好嗎」、「hello」來逗我們,可是掀開布後,牠就會靜下來整理羽毛,所以我們通常任由牠對我們多撒嬌才理牠!飯 飯還懂得辨認不同的聲音,不論是電視節目裡的還是家裡的電話,只要聽到「鈴鈴」聲,牠都會喚我們「聽電話」。媽媽 跟牠感情特別好,聽到她在大門外的腳步聲,就會跟她say hello (這一點令我非常妒忌)。當我們快要展開罵戰時,牠會像 連續劇裡的奸角一樣哈哈大笑起來,或不甘後人的跟著我們一起笑,此時爸爸就會對牠說「人笑你又笑?」,令飯飯哭笑 不得,歪著頭無辜地看我們。聽到琴聲和笛子聲,牠會吹口哨,不過學了很久也只有一句旋律。還有各種奇奇怪怪的聲音 ,例如拉鐵閘聲、沖廁的水聲,牠不知不覺間就學會了。朋友上我家玩的時候,常常被這些怪聲音嚇倒呢!但我們已經習 慣這個會說話的家庭成員,如果牠整天都呆著不說話,反而會令我們擔心。

吃辣椒會「開聲」? 聽說要讓了哥好唱口,就要餵牠吃辣椒。可是飯飯只瞄 了一眼就置之不顧,原來牠是一隻偏食鳥!經我們詳細 觀察,牠最喜歡吃新鮮水果和麵包,只要牠嗅/看到這 兩類食物,就會興奮地跳來跳去和說「你好嗎」。有次 帶牠去公園,有片洋紫荊花瓣落在鳥籠裡,我看牠將花 瓣當作玩具玩得正開心,一不留神牠就吃掉了花瓣!幸 好這種零嘴對牠無害,但還是小心為上! 飯飯不知不覺已陪伴了我們七年,我們從朋友手中接 下飯飯,已經是牠的第四位主人了。之前牠多番被主 人轉讓,居無定所,所以我們決定無論如何也要照顧 牠終老。鳥兒天生擁有一雙翅膀以翱翔天際,可是飯 飯從小被困在鳥籠裡,似乎沒有「飛」的念頭,打開 門牠也不肯走出來──既悲哀亦無奈,我們已無法改變 牠的習慣了。對寵物從一而終,並不是口號,而是切 實的承諾——即使是動物,牠們也能感受到愛。 11 ︳ Petsmania

Text / Design / Apple Tang

Parrots aren’t the only talking bird on earth. The myna in Black also talks a lot! With two sharp yellow splashes next to its eyes, the white stripe on its wing and the azure highlight on its feather, myna is truly handsome. Fan-fan, my myna friend, is naughty, greedy and lazy.

Speak, not Repeat! Fan-fan knows just what to say at the right moment. She will greets us nonstop every morning if we do not undo her curtain immediately after waking up, yet once we do, she resumes her arrogant self and focuses on her own feather. Fan-fan will urge us to ‘pick up the phone’ when it rings and say ‘hello’ to my mum when she hears her footsteps (I’m so jealous)! Her laughter is a powerful weapon, it cools us down at the edge of a fight and stirs us up when we are having fun. My dad sometimes challenges Fan-fan, ‘Do you know what you’re laughing at?’ and she will respond with an innocent look. She whistles but can’t produce anything close to a ‘melody’. The other sound effects she makes like door bangs and flushing often freak out my friends when they come. Fan-fan is a chatterbox, and we are used to that.

Hot Peppers Help Singing? People say that hot peppers are good for the voice of mynas, yet Fan-fan neglects it at the first glance. Her favorite food is fresh fruits and bread, the mere smell/sight of them will excite her and keep her talking! She even eats flowers – a bauhinia dropped into her cage when we went to the park and Fan-fan ate it after playing for a while. Watch out, fellow bird lovers! It’s been 7 years since Fan-fan become one of our family members. She moved a lot before settling with us and we decided to keep it till the very end. Birds are born to fly, however, Fan-fan seldom flies as she’s kept in the cage since she was young. It’s no fancy slogan to keep your pets till the end, it’s a commitment. Even animals can feel your love!

Petsmania ︳12

對大部分每天下班下課,拖著一天辛勞回家的都市人來 說,躺在沙發上看電視是莫大的享受和放鬆!大概在現今 社會中,每家每戶都至少有一台電視機。我們的生活似乎 已離不開電視;真難想像,倘若這世界沒有了它,我們的 日子會怎樣過。

事實上,電視的確在我們生活中增添了不少色彩。它為我 們帶來源源不絕的最新資訊,又給我們許多的歡樂。不 過,有學者認為電視是「笑裏藏刀」,正在竊取我們各人 的靈魂,美國媒體文化理論家Neil Postman就是批判電視 文化的先驅。他於1985年曾出版過一本批判電視文化的作 品──《娛樂至死》,諷刺我們所處的這個追求表象、歡 樂和激情的電視時代。資訊能增進我們的知識,理應越多 越好,然而,Postman認為過剩的資訊令我們處於被垃圾資 訊包圍的環境,接受了許多無益的資訊,而資訊氾濫也使 我們對重要的訊息麻木不仁。 Postman編寫這書的時候,印刷術時代已開始式微,而電 視時代則蒸蒸日上。他嘆息,在這個推崇「娛樂」的世代 裏,電視已成功取締文字,成為大家吸收知識的主要平 台,深深的轉化我們的思維。在電視上,幾乎每半個小時 都有不同的節目,每幾秒就轉換一個新畫面;其中的內

13 ︳BookReader

容、背景和情緒都跟前後的節目毫不相干,觀眾可隨時離 開片刻再回頭觀賞。新聞報導員只要說一聲「好!現在我 們來看……」,觀眾就可以將之前所報導的新聞忘記得一 乾二淨,將注意力集中在其他新聞或看個廣告──而且最 好不要思考,因為思考會妨礙我們繼續觀看接續不斷的精 彩片段。 有聲有畫的電視節目總比沉悶的書本能吸引眾人的目光, 令喜愛閱讀的人越來越少。可是電視不像書,電視給我們 思考的時間非常有限。當我們都習慣了電視的速食文化, 便開始懶得思考,容易被媒體影響思維方式,減弱分析能 力,甚至改變個人的價值觀。我們可能天天被媒體無聲無 色地「洗腦」而沒有察覺。引用作者的話:「娛樂至死的人 感到痛苦的,並不是他們用發笑來取代思考,而是他們不 明白自己為什麼發笑,還有為什麼自己不再思考」。

Text / Annabel Cheung| Design / Trista Chan

書名:娛樂至死 作者:Neil Postman 譯者:蔡承志 出版社:貓頭鷹

在充滿壓力的生活下,娛樂實是必要的。它能為我們調劑 身心,又能消除壓力(我也是會看電視的)。不過,正如 Postman所說:「電視最糟糕用途就是吸收嚴肅論述,新 聞、政治、科學、教育、商業、宗教,還把這些論述變成 一套套娛樂節目」。娛樂本身是沒有問題的,但由於在電 視上各類型資訊都必須以娛樂的方式來表達,就連嚴肅的 題材都在不同程度上被娛樂化,我們的文化因而漸漸以娛 樂為核心。

這本書對娛樂的批判是很好的提醒,我們實在不該過於 沉溺於娛樂,以免落得「娛樂至死」的下場。我認為, 電視或電腦始終都有其價值,不應全盤否定它們,「反 iPhone、做文青」並不是我的主張,因為即使是逛書店, 湊熱鬧式的泡誠品裝文青也可能只是娛樂的一種。既然整 體環境的氛圍已改變,我們可以選擇有智慧地順應時代變 遷,娛樂有時,嚴肅有時,避免「真理被淹沒在無聊的世 事中」。

BookReader ︳14


專訪SingforGod Remus 創辦人之一 Dream x Possible =


給他的水杯上的一節話: 「向神求大事,為神作大事。」 近代差傳之父──威廉克理 「靈」光一閃之下,他發現:對啊!我們不就是要實踐夢 想、做大事,為生命繼續增添色彩麼?

曾聽過一句逗人發笑,卻又發人深省的對白:「如果人生 無夢想,同條鹹魚有咩分別?」人的能力很有限,你總有 過沒有自信的一刻嘛?你試過因為自己學識不多、考試制 度和社會規限而自卑嗎?但有人卻說你能,還說要讓你從 無到有!他就是REMUS──也是他所信仰的那一位。

才幹不是重點,重點是努力。 REMUS不懂樂器樂曲樂譜樂理,但是他卻可以編曲寫歌:任 憑你如何不相信,他和他的團隊的確用了連自己都不相信 的才幹,寫了兩張專輯,未出碟的單曲甚至有二百首!有 一天,他忽發奇想: 「假如世界上有十個REMUS,在一個團體中寫歌作曲,作發 揮的力量可以是十倍、三十倍,甚至一百倍呢!」 於是他就著手籌備「作大」作曲作詞班,希望青年人也 能夠在學習過程當中,改變自己,尋回那一份「消失的 自信」!

過程改變人生,作大創造奇蹟。 咦!這不對啊!「作大」的意思,不就是跟「誇張」、 「失實」、「吹噓」一樣嘛?於是他就想起一句前輩送

15 ︳Special Feature

年青人可以有很大的影響力,只在乎我們怎樣利用它,用 自己成長的經歷去感動其他面對著失敗和陰霾的人。REMUS 也會遇上挫折,但當他看見學員們的投入、心血和成果, 這些點滴就驅使他繼續舉辦作曲作詞班!直到現在,REMUS 已經著手籌辦過4次作曲作詞了!

小時候 曾有許多夢想 羽翼長成 夢想卻也隨之飛走了 擁有許多 心裡卻不滿足不快樂 原來擁有的 不是所需要的 也許你一路走過來,都有很多不如意事,讓你敗陣下來, 失去自信。這不就是人生麼?人生就如過山車,沒驚沒 喜,人生也不盡歡。只有經歷過大起大跌,才可以讓自己 成長,只要在大起大跌不停努力,人就會蛻變!

不輕看 自己的微小 不應為忙碌而放棄夢想 卻要為夢想而忙碌 ──「作大」作曲作詞班主題曲 你是有可能的、有能力的,只要你相信自己,就算你說你 沒有技能,只要你努力,奇蹟就能發生!那一位看你不是 能力,而看你的勇敢,只要踏出一步,夢想就係咁架喇!

Text / Wisdom Cheng| Design / Kashun True. Shouldn’t we be dreaming great things and attempting great things to add colors to our lives? Youth can be powerful. It all depends on our we’re going to make good use of it and edify the others who are stuck in their own failures. Like all of us, Remus was distressed, too. Yet the commitment and fruits of the students motivate him to continue with this endeavor. He has organized 4 courses at the time of this writing.

I once heard a line that’s quite funny yet mind-provoking: ‘Without dreams, man is no different from a dead fish.’ We all have our limitations and ‘low’ moments. Level of education, exams results and social expectations are all possible triggers of our low moments. But there’s always exceptional. Remus Fung and the One he believes in believes that you are capable – even from being nothing to something!

Our childhood is marked by dreams Yet growing up evaporates our once dear wishes Unsatisfied, we know what we have is not what we want Perhaps you’ve encountered failures that defeated you and lost your faith. Just remember, life is like a roller-coaster, it’s full of ups and downs, and that’s how we mature. Transformation comes with an unyielding effort despite

Talents don’t Matter, but Effort does


Remus knows nothing about musical instruments and theo-

Never belittle yourself Never give up dreaming because of lack of effort But put effort into fulfilling your dreams ──the theme song of ‘Dream BIG composing course’

ries, yet he is able to compose and arrange music. Believe it or not, he and his team already gave birth to two albums and have a stock of up to 200 unreleased songs. One day, a thought came to him, ‘If there’re 10 Remus composing in the same team, their power would multiply tenfold, thirtyfold or even hundredfold!’ Thus he began to organize ‘Dream BIG composing course’, hoping to equip the youth, help them transform and regain the confidence that was once lost.

You are possible. You are capable. Believe in yourself. With your effort, miracles happen. The One who accomplishes all things note not your talents but your determination. Just step forward and you’ll be living your dreams.

Dreaming BIG Brings Miracles Wait – can dreaming BIG be something positive? Would it be too big to be true? Then he was reminded of a famous quote printed on a glass, ‘Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God’ - William Carey

Special Feature ︳16


Who Writes the Fairy Tales?


︳ Fantasy vs Reality

Text / Pui Sze| Design / Nam Jai & Kashun

有想過童話作家是一個怎樣的人嗎? 你會假設他們是無憂無慮、物質豐裕、沒有挫折、 不懂現 實、滿腦子神奇幻想的人嗎?非也非也。 安徒生的童年沒有父親又窮又苦,他那些家傳戶曉 的故 事,幾乎沒有一個不背負著悲情。 <賣火柴的女孩>看 著富貴人家溫飽自己在飢寒交 迫下孤獨地死去;<醜小 鴨>是被遺棄或弄失的孤兒, 成長在被歧視欺負的異族 中;<國王的新衣>盡見商人的奸詐、王的愚蠢和民眾 的麻木沉默...... 你知道小飛俠不肯長大之謎嗎?作者J.M.巴里在童年時失 去了哥哥,有一天他穿了哥哥的衣服,走到因喪子之痛崩 潰 的媽媽身邊,媽媽還以為是她最心愛的兒子回來了。這 讓巴里聯想到一個永遠是男孩、不會再長大的彼德‧潘。 也有人 說他因嚐到痛苦的滋味,童年在同一刻也完結了, 那個天真的男孩已經移居夢幻島。 原來越動人的童話,背後往往是越殘酷的現實、越沉重的 痛苦。這些人選擇用童心去看、以童語演繹,是面對痛苦 其中 一種昇華的人生態度。 近來看了一本書<雨中跑下去>,是作者呷著咖啡寫的寓 言故事。像咖啡一樣,故事嗅起來很香,有夢想、小丑、 太陽 、風箏、小草、女孩的心;用舌頭品嚐卻苦得很,你 會嚐到現實、限制、心疼、失去、挫敗、沮喪、醜陋、眼 淚和逃避; 然而,加了完美比例的奶和糖──希望、智 慧、勇氣、熱情、自由、坦率,還有愛──就成了一杯讓 我們映照內心的炭 燒咖啡,在下雨天、幽暗天給我們提 神,鼓勵我們繼續跑下去。

Have you ever fancied about the author of fairy tales? Perhaps they are those lucky ones who live an affluent, carefree and painless life, and that explains their wild imagination. But that’s not the truth. Hans Christian Anderson was fatherless. His childhood was filled with poverty and bitterness. The Anderson’s classics are full of grief, too: The Little Match Girl died in hunger while seeing the rich’s feast; The Ugly Duckling is a lost orphan living under the discrimination of an alien race; The Emperor’s New Clothes shows the irony of greedy merchants, foolish king and numbness of the silent crowd. Do you know why Peter Pan refuses to grow up? J.M. Barrie, the mastermind of this famous story, lost his brother when he was young. One day he wore his brother’s clothes to comfort his distressed mum and she mistook him as the lost son. It inspired him to invent a boy who never grows. Some suggests that the great pain marked the end of his childhood and that innocent boy moved the Neverland forever. Many moving tales are used as a cover of the cruel reality. The authors chose to digest such pain with a child heart and express it in a way that children can understand. To me, it’s an advanced way of dealing with loss and pain. The book ‘Running Under the Rain’ is a series of fables written by Carmen Wong over the coffee table. Like coffee, some smell great and taste bitter. You can find a mixture of fantasy elements like dreams, clowns and heart of a child, as well as the glimpse of reality, like limitation, despair, tears and escapism. Hope, wisdom, courage and love are like sugar and milk. With the perfect proportion of these highlights, it becomes a cup of luring Sumiyaki coffee, lighting up our days under the rain, giving us the courage to continue the race.

Fantasy vs Reality ︳18

今晚,我們看到再不可能的事都有可能發生。 上回提要,藍同學因為於廚藝大賽中,提議以新方法來煮雞翼,結果被保守派的同學大力阻止。煮翼不遂的藍同學只好偷 偷地偷一隻雞翼回來,再加了幾片香蕉,放進焗爐,第一代「香蕉雞翼」就這樣完成了。 為貫徹「十步廚神、凡是有可能」的精神,十字人的新舊成員決定讓藍同學再發一次蕉翼夢!就這樣,我(Matthew)怵 目驚心的與藍仔和阿秀一起下廚。據夢之廚神藍仔說,一切煮食都隨感覺行事。這個當然!反正要吃入口的只有味道,品 入心的是廚師的心意!藍廚神還偷偷的說,一切煮食經驗也是仔細觀察得來的,所以必需有良好的煮食sense去創新菜式 Tonight, we witnessed how the impossible became possible. Once in the culinary competition, Chef Nam suggested using an innovative recipe for cooking chicken wings. But it got banned by other conservative fellow students. She then took one chicken wing home, and baked it with a few slices of banana. This is when the first edition of Banana Chicken Wing was done. To live out the spirit of “Everything’s Possible - 10 Steps to Top Chef”, Crossmen members decided to encourage Chef Nam to complete her dream of “Banana Chicken Wings”. With much excitement and anticipation, I went to cook with Chef Nam and Ah Sau. According to Chef Nam, feeling is key culinary. True. We taste the flavor of the food, but our heart taste something way beyond. She also shared her tips of learning cooking – observation. It gives one a good ‘sense’ of cooking, which is crucial to new dishes.

材料: 香蕉 雞翼 洋蔥 黃椒 神奇粉 (或其他調味料) 生粉

兩條 三對 一片 一個

(也可以隨心) (也可以隨心) (也可以隨心) (也可以隨心)

一些 一些


建議步驟: 1. 一條香蕉去皮切粒磨溶,放入碗中 2. 一片洋蔥切片 3. 把雞翼們和上述已切的東西醃在一起 4. 把調味料和調味汁拌好,加生粉 5. 把黃椒切成自己喜歡的形狀 6. 雞翼醃好後,和其他材料一起煎 7. 煎好後上碟,剩下的蕉用自己喜歡的方法伴碟用。 (這次藍廚神把一碟雞翼煮成龜的樣子) 8. 吃

Ingredients: Banana 2 pieces Chicken wings 6 pieces Onion 1 slice Yellow Lantern Pepper 1 piece Amazing powder or other seasoning Some Flour Some

(or as you (or as you (or as you (or as you

please) please) please) please)

(or as you please)

Suggested Steps: 1. Peel, cut and grind a banana. Put it into a bowl 2. Cut the onion into smaller pieces 3. Season the chicken wings with the above ingredients 4. Mix the seasoning and sauce, pour flour into it 5, Cut yellow pepper into the shape you like 6. Fry the preserved chicken wing with other seasonings 7. Serve the dish. Garnish with another banana. (Chef Nam decided to arrange them in a turtle-shape) 8. Eat

完成了香蕉雞翼夢的藍廚神,夢之火油然而生,決意把創意即興浪漫主義煮食法推上更高一層。以沉思者的姿態 問了一句:「到底,為甚麼山竹牛肉,是沒有山竹的?」於是「真•山竹牛肉」就繼承香蕉雞翼的衣缽誕生了。 As Chef Nam accomplished her Banana Dream, the passion in her ignited. She then questioned herself, “Why isn’t there ‘Shan Juk (mangosteen) in “Shan Juk” Beef ball?” It led to the second dish “Real Shan Juk Beef Ball”.

19 ︳Top Chef

Text / Nam Jai | Design / SiuSiu

材料: 牛肉



山竹 洋蔥 檸檬

四個 兩片 一片

(也可以隨心) (也可以隨心) (真的一片就可以了)



Ingredients: Beef

About $20 (or as you please)

Mangosteen Onion Lemon Vinegar

4 pieces 2 slices 1 slice Some

(or as you please) (or as you please) (1 slice is really enough) (or as you please)

Suggested Steps: 1. Mince the beef 2. Cut the onion into smaller pieces 3. Open 2 pieces of mangosteen and take out the fruit

建議步驟: 1.把牛肉切成肉醬 2.把洋蔥切成幾片 3.破開兩個山竹取其白肉

4. Mix the above ingredients together

4.把以上東西醃在一起 5.從檸檬片中取汁,加入醋,再醃牛肉 6.煎 7.上碟,再破兩個山竹作伴碟。

5. Season the beef with lemon juice and vinegar 6. Fry the beef 7. Serve the dish and garnish it with the remaining mangosteen 8. Eat


兩道美味佳餚就此完成!最後藍廚神意猶未盡,再煮個雜果凍湯。請留意,雖然它看起來根本就是一杯雜果賓治,但大家 必須稱呼它為「凍湯」。不要問,只要跟! The 2 delicious dishes were done! But Chef Nam still wanted to cook something more - a cold soup of mixed Fruits. Please note, even though it looks exactly like the Fruit Punch, we must call it a Cold Soup. Don’t ask why, just follow! :p

材料: 自己喜歡的生果 自己喜歡的汽水 建議步驟: 1.生果切粒,放進杯中 2.倒入汽水 3.飲

Ingredients: Your favourite fruits Your favourite soft drink Suggested Steps: 1.Cut the fruits into small pieces, put it into a cup 2.Pour soft drinks into the cup 3.Drink

最後,十字人們終於嚐到了創新菜式,還有雖然很像賓治但卻不是賓治的凍湯,更上了寶貴的一課。 不,不是珍惜生命,而是要為夢想敢作大事。 At last, Crossmen could finally taste the new dishes plus the fruit-punch-like cold soup. We had a great lesson – no, we didn’t learn to play safe, but to do great things and pursue dreams.

感謝十字人提供平台讓我完成香蕉夢,亦鼓勵正在讀的你 們、喜歡下廚和喜歡創新的你們,要堅持自己的夢想,別 在意其他人的抨擊,無懼冷言冷語。有這顆最強的心,就 能追尋無可能的菜式,完成你自己的香蕉夢(歡迎電郵至 info@crossmen.hk 和我們分享)!

I appreciate Crossmen for providing a platform for me to complete my banana dream. Here I want to encourage you, fellow readers, if you like cooking and long to be innovative; you’ve got to be persistent! Be bold enough to overcome criticisms, with such courage, you will be able to complete your own ‘banana dream’(Share your recipes with us at info@crossmen.hk)! Top Chef ︳20

21 ︳Travelogue

Text / Matthew Leung | Design / German Cheung

Travelogue ︳22

23 ︳Travelogue


Travelogue ︳24

25 ︳ Seasonal Special

Text / Design / U-Fire

Seasonal Special ︳26

車廂‧邂逅‧陌生人 Strangers on the Train

經過一輪爭先恐後,眾人都大包小包的擠進車箱,火車也 急不及待地開出了。他和他,迅速地找到座位,安頓好一 切,正式與火車一起展開一趟二十多小時的旅程。他,是 個愛好文字的學生,而他則是個打扮時髦的青年,兩人對 坐著,他甫上車便不停地翻翻揭揭手上的文學雜誌,他 嘛?經常機不離手,除了QQ,還是QQ,然而看到有乘客需 要幫忙把行李放上架時,他倆也主動地提出幫忙…… 幾小時後,她和她在中途站登上同一個車箱,她倆只能買 到無座位的企位票;她拿著一個很笨重的行李箱,她則穿 著一件厚厚的外套,手拿著一個行李包。她把行李箱放地 上,希望能把它當凳子,另一個她卻注意到在他和他的旁 邊有個空座位,於是二話不說,坐了下來……夜深了,雖 然車箱裡燈火依然刺眼,但也無損乘客們的睡意。朦朧 間,看到坐在行李箱上的她醒來,嚷著要她也坐一會兒, 整晚下來,她倆每隔一段時間就會互換位置…… 第二天,太陽照常升起,車箱裡的人都開始伸展一下屈曲了 整晚的筋骨,手拿著電話的他,看到坐在行李箱上的她,正 左搖右擺地吃著那熱燙燙的杯麵,立刻讓出自己的座位,讓 她能吃得舒服點。不久,他和他的那排座位上,多了一個空 位,她和她終於可以一起坐下,與他和他展開了四人對話, 玩撲克牌、吃生果、剝瓜子,嘻嘻哈哈的,就連旁邊的乘客 都被吸引過來,圍著湊熱鬧,笑聲此起彼落。 玩樂過後,他們開始談天說地,討論著家鄉事、未來大 計,此時,他們已在車箱裡共渡了近二十個小時。臨別 前,他們依依不捨,彼此交換了聯絡方法,希望有緣能再 聚……

27 ︳Relationship

We rushed onto the train with bags and luggage. He and he were two of us. They found their seats and settled down, got ready for a 20+ hours trip. He loves literature and he is a chic tech addict. He flipped a literary magazine randomly while he chatted on messenger almost nonstop. Even so, whenever someone needed help with the luggage, they would willingly offer to give a hand. Hours later, she and she went on the same compartment. Sad though, they could only buy ‘standing tickets’, i.e. they had to stand through the whole trip with all their belongings on hand. She tried to sit on the luggage case while she spotted the rare empty seat next to him and sat down immediately. It was late at night and most was asleep already. Between her naps, she would woke her up and offer the seat to her every now and then. At dawn the next day, passengers woke up for a stretch. The tech addict saw her eating boiling cup noodles on the shaky luggage case, so he offered his seat for her. Some went off the train and there was an extra seat, so the two girls sat together and started to converse with the two boys. They played poker, enjoyed food and had fun. People around were attracted by them and soon they formed a happy crowd. The quartet then moved on to share life in a more in-depth way. After 20 hours, they changed from strangers to good friends. As they parted, the four exchanged their contacts, hoping that fate will bring them together again some day…

Text / Bobo Li | Design / Kashun

他們只是四個陌生人,他們只是有著相同目的地,坐在同 一卡車箱裡的陌生人。

These are four strangers, strangers who shared the same destination and train compartment.

這是我第一次硬坐長達二十多小時的長途火車,因為買不 到較舒適的臥舖票,只好帶著萬分不願意,鐵青著面走進 車廂。頭幾個小時的車程,我牢牢地抱著背包,眼睛從未 合上超過一分鐘,精神緊張得要命。因為那時的我,正懷 疑著身旁那位時髦青年是扒手,而另一男生則是同黨,他 們在互通短信,觀察著哪位是目標……!

Tis’ my first time going on a 20+ hours train journey. Failed to secure a bed ticket, I went onto the sitting compartment with a stern face. Throughout the first few hours, I grabbed my backpack and stayed on guard like a police dog, suspecting that the two boys were thieves and their exchanging of messages was the latest way to plot and theft.

慢慢地,我的眼睛「張開了」,開始看見這卡陌生車廂的 另一面。當有座位的人離了座,企位的人便會趁機坐下休 息,原座的人回來時,企位的人便會立刻把座位讓回,默 契非常;我更不下一次看到有人要讓座給沒有座位的人, 希望他們吃飯時能坐得舒服點……看著看著,我的心情也 輕鬆起來。二十六個小時後,我揹著背包,拉著行李箱, 拍拍身上的小塵埃,給友人來一個high five,嘴角上揚地 回家去! 小時候,父母總是吩咐說:不要給陌生人應門,不要跟陌 生人搭訕,不要跟陌生人玩…….於是在成長的階段,與陌 生人兩眼對望的時候,總會很自然地瞪對方一眼!然而, 原來陌生人也可以很可愛!

Gradually, my eyes were ‘opened’ and saw the other side of the story. Since many couldn’t even secure a seat, whenever someone stood up for a walk, the standing ones would grasp the chance to sit down. When he/she returned to their seat, this lucky one would stand up and offer the seat to its owner. No argument, no negotiation, it just happened. More so, people took the initiative to offer seats to those who are eating so that they could enjoy a ‘proper’ meal. Observing these beautiful stories for 26 hours, my heart changed. I took my backpack, hi-fi my friend and went home happily. When we were young, parents always forbid us to have anything to do with a stranger. We shouldn’t answer their bells, respond to their greetings, not to say play with them. With such ‘background’, I naturally geared up myself when strangers are around…but it seems quite unnecessary after this trip. Strangers can be really nice, too!


I’ve recently spotted a particularly trendy slogan, ‘YOLO’, ‘you only live once’. It’s a popular online meme and is now printed on shirts, sweaters and bags. I have no idea how this phrase came to recent popularity but it’s certainly not a new saying. Human beings have always known that their lives weren’t forever, just mere creatures living on borrowed time. So what’s the easiest and best thing to do? Live it large to your mortal heart’s content, eat, drink and be merry, which has always been the worldly norm. Modern day capitalist lifestyle requires people to be dissatisfied. We’re constantly told we can never have or be enough, that the other grass is always greener and you’re entitled to a piece of it. So we buy, seek entertainment, ambition and wealth to fill this gaping internal hole and to define our worth. Official research in the U.S has been done that proves people who live in poorer conditions than their wealthier counterparts, are happier. Surely it should be the richer and more well off, the more secure we are in our identities?

29 ︳ Self Help

Text / Lisa Lee | Design / Kashun figures, even making it onto the daily news. “Waking up every morning to political Then he encounters a beautiful girl, who no matter face yet another day which will what sincere compliments he offers, never smiles most likely turn out the same back. Not to give away anything (please do check it online), but we learn that the protagonist needed as yesterday and the weeks out to feel validated too. before, it became more difficult to remember who I was.” “We are who God says we are. And that is the best stamp of For the past few years, I worked abroad as a teacher, approval you can ever ask had my own flat, found financial independence and was content serving in several ministries at church. I for.” had an ‘official’ role, professionally and ministry wise. The responsibilities kept coming and I thrived on being given so much to do. Being recognized for my hard work, from peers and leaders alike, was the most satisfying thing. It was more than being accepted. People really valued my efforts.

Well, having been jobless for the last seven months, and living close to my home city, it’s been a real effort sustaining my identity in Christ. I had no job to give myself a sense of direction and importance. Truthfully saying, I wouldn’t mind having some much needed funds dropping out from the sky, to have more would be very good right now. Once I had abruptly left that ‘perfect’ life, waking up every morning to face yet another day which will most likely turn out the same as yesterday and the weeks before, it became more difficult to remember who I was. All of your friends and ex-colleagues have their busy lives to get on with. Who’s going to pat you on the back for staying indoors every day job hunting (or sulking), reminding you of your past achievements? I even fooled myself into believing the relationship between God and I was just dandy. Unsurprisingly, not regularly attending church made things worse as my heavenly identity began to diminish. In Kurt Kuenne’s highly praised short film, ‘Validation’, the protagonist is a jolly parking attendant who takes on the role of not only validating people’s parking tickets but also of their existence. This jovial Joe would energetically compliment each mediocre parkee, such as ‘You are awesome!’ or ‘You have the most amazing cheek bones’, for no apparent reason. They are pleasantly surprised and leave with a big smile on their faces. He goes on to ‘validate’ hugely important

Everyone wants to belong to a group or a cause, with a family or a particular company of people. Like kids wanting to join the gang they think is the best. The majority of us seek companionship, for someone to just say, ‘you’re ok.’ The only individuals who never crave for this kind of approval, the always upbeat and positive types, are those who are being validated elsewhere, by a best friend or family member who genuinely make them feel valued. If you have accepted Christ into every area of your life then that is an automatic sign of acceptance. You were worthy enough for Jesus to die on the cross and always will be. It’s too easy to rely on the praises and limited support from the people closest to us, as we can still carry on believing but find it hard to fully trust in what God’s Word says we are. Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ (John 14:6) Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be rejected by everyone you know, even the closest ones? Jesus went through that unbelievable pain so we could eventually enter into an intimate relationship with God. He understands what it means to be validated by the utmost authority in the universe, his Father. It is this miraculous love that gives us a new life. Through His love you will feel incredibly worthy because we are the light and the salt of the earth, we are Christ’s ambassadors, His saints, His most precious creation and the ones whom God draws near. Let His love define who you are. We are who God says we are. And that is the best stamp of approval you can ever ask for.

Self Help ︳30

Text / Leeman Lee | Design / Polly Chan

全因這份恩典, 才叫我不至於成為一頭惡魔。 大家好,我是Leeman,在機緣巧合下成為了crossmen的一份 子,是這個夏天才加入的新血。我跟很多女孩一樣,是個港產 少女(應該還算是個少女吧),但其實也是個抱著極大負能量 的邪惡少女。 我的負能量大概是來自於對自己的要求。因自小就清楚自己想 要的,習慣做事都只跟隨自己意願,好像是「由情緒來主導生 活」。所以,每當做不到自己想要的,便會容易感到難過,面 對這個「我」時,自己也會感到有點難搞!但幸運的是,在發 出只對自己有效的負能量同時,我往往都收到來自各方好友們 很高頻率的正能量。雖然我很少用言語表達出來,但我真的很 感謝你們叫我得到這份愛。全因這份恩典,才叫我不至於成為 一頭惡魔。 跟很多人一樣,我都愛吃愛睡愛旅行,但這個港產女孩有個奇 異徵狀──就是最不喜歡聽歌,所有歌我都只會聽一兩次,每 次也聽不完整首。哈,聽上去是否有點過份?音樂可是很多人 的生命!雖然我未能跟音樂有共嗚,但我卻很喜歡文字,而 且算是個感情豐富的人,容易感觸。我最喜歡的是初中的抒情 文,想甚麼就寫甚麼,自在得多。但現在就很少機會再接觸這 些文章,高中生寫實用文,大人都在寫報告……文字對我來 說,也是份恩典,至少我嚮往它。

從前的我連夢也不太敢想, 只覺得「夢」始終只會落 空…但當慢慢長大,卻發現 這原來只是束縛著自己的一 個「惡夢」。 更大的恩典是輾轉加入了十字人。這一切也來得神奇,不但有 機會認識大家,更沒想到能一起把這個「為你們而發的一個 夢」延續下去!「夢」,聽上去是一種虛無飄渺、只跟「想」 掛鉤的事,從前的我連夢也不太敢想,只覺得「夢」始終只會 落空。因我一直就都只是個平凡人,毫不特別,甚麼也只學少 少、做少少和懂少少。但當慢慢長大,思考多了時,發現這想 法原來只是束縛著自己的一個「惡夢」。十字人們告訴了我, 只要你能勇敢大叫,不要怕,不要埋怨,單單相信時,便會有 一切的能耐再去想一個新的「夢」。無論結果好壞,感受的只 會「更多」,學習的只會「更盛」。我想,我真的學會了。 是的,年輕人,真的應該發夢,我要去當個發夢的少女了! 31 ︳Exposé

Text / Design / Ah Sau

嗨,大家好呀!我係呀秀。原本我都同睇緊嘅你地一樣,只係默默鐘意呢本咁好嘅雜 誌,成日都留意學校圖書館會唔會已經有雜誌送到,每次都會拎好多上班房派比同學 ──有好野唔係唔分享嘛!直至我響Crossmen Facebook睇到「蕉」人告示,就決定試 下!收到可以入team個通知當下,就好似睇到自己入U咁開心! 我覺得,由細到大我都響一個充滿愛嘅地方成長。我的家庭、朋友、加上教會生活, 我 一直都好受到照顧同接納。到宜家加入Crossmen,就好似另外一個家庭咁!真係 好好好開心架!多謝神的一路帶領,所有都為我預備,令到我的生命從未缺乏甚麼。 等我介紹下自己鐘意嘅音樂啦!我一直都好鐘意美國的一個歌手:Owl City。大家可 以試下聽,佢唱的與多數外國歌手的不同,響派對、享樂文化之中,佢唱出世界的美 好。而香港,我就好鐘意Supper Moment,好有Urban Touch嘅感覺架(唔知有冇同類 人呢,哈哈)! 最後,我同大家分享一個小小嘅秘密!其實我係Crossmen入面有個花名,就係「無面 人」(即係千與千尋入面)因為我D頭髮中間分界之後,就同無面人一樣!嘻嘻。

Exposé ︳32

你也愛SNAPHOT? 將你的snapshot作品,連同一段短文字,電郵 至info@crossmen.hk,便有機會於crossmen magazine刊登,與大家分享。 (請註明你的名字和校名) 33 ︳ Snapshot


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