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ISSUE 44 December 2010

CROSSMEN is a monthly magazine published in Hong Kong by Kingdom Ministries. Copyright Kingdom Ministries, all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. CROSSMEN Unit A, 7/F, Kader Bldg, 22 Kei Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay, HK Tel: (852) 2235 5223 Fax: (852) 3018 0414 Email:

: Crossmen Hk



2 Editor’s Note


4 News Review


Publisher Andrew Ho Marketing Manager Mabel Tai

Reading the News and Beyond

5 Feature Story



One of the 200 Million

9 Campus Sidekick


Executive Editor Ching Ching

I will find my way

Art Director York Tsui

13 Science Perspectives


Art Consultant Pun Pun

Breaking News - the Birth of a “SMART” man

Contributing Writers

15 Special Feature


Christmas Advertisement

19 Motion Picture


Discovering the Extraordinaire – a Visit to the

Animated Version of the Riverside Scene at

Qingming Festival

21 Mind Check


Who are you, the frog or the Happy Prince?

23 Random Thoughts


Picking Pebbles

25Christmas Ideas

Coolest Gifts Suggestions

Lai Ling, BB, Ching Ching, Ah Po, Pui Sze, Apandim, German Cheung, William Ling, Virendra de Alwis, John Lo, Ann Kristine So Sen, Lulu Li Designers and Photographers German Cheung, Katy Hung, Man Man, Mel, Yman, York Tsui, Jenny Chen, Kitlun, Ah Li, Jenny Chen

27 Seasonal Special

In Search of Santa


29 Travelogue

Sri Lanka - a Land Like No Other

Edna Hung, Clara Fong, Dora Cheng, Ching Ching

31 Tech Tag 33 Snapshot

Technology: Blessing or Curse?

廣告查詢: Mabel 22355223

Text / Ching Ching | Design / York Tsui

弊傢伙! 公主王子唔見左! 不知從何時開始,香港人都聞「公主」/「王子」色變。 如果有人說我像公主/王子,我一定是「病」了,而且是 嬌生慣養、頤氣指使、神憎鬼厭的那種。 但我卻不明白──也不喜歡──我對公主、王子的美好聯 想竟被人如此騎劫,而且嚴重扭曲。可不是嗎?公主,應 該是皇族的後裔,尊貴、美麗、獨具氣質;而王子,就是 預備承繼王位、學習治理國境的一位。 如果我生來就是公主,那麼我從小就知道我是寶貴的,就 算今天頭髮梳得不是最貼伏,昨晚睡得不好有點黑眼圈, 我仍是父皇的心肝寶貝。身上流著皇族的血,就是身份的 最大肯定,與外表無涉無關。如果我生來就是王子,那麼 我從小就會全心全力學習作王,也不會費神去收買人心, 因為根本不必爭。

可是…… 如果我生來就是公主而不自知,那我只能靠別人的毀與譽 來判定自我,一生為討好他人而活,或者靠著粉飾外貌, 招徠言聽計從的觀音兵一群,以滿足內心的不安全感; 如果我生來就是王子而不自知,那我將不會為承繼王位而 作好準備,就算住在最富饒的大屋內,也不懂得自足、自 信,更可能會為了被叫一聲「X哥」而派錢派電話。

我想,患公主病的人,其實都是因為不知道自己「已經」 是公主。你是其中一個不自知的公主/王子嗎? 今期Feature Story《二億份之一》中的男主角就幸運得多 了。他的名字叫「我」,和許多人一樣,他失意、沮喪、 缺乏自信。但一場特別的夢,卻讓他發現原來每個生命的 出現,都是二億精子龍爭虎鬥後的結果,只有勝利的一粒 精子,才能孕育成生命。既是「勝者」,自然可以「為 王」;既然「為王」,就當然尊貴;也因為尊貴,所以值 得留心;只要你願意留心,就能學懂欣賞每個人的獨特, 每個獨特的人。 但願我們都一同覺醒。 今期的封面人物,絕對不是個不自知的王子,因為祂說, 祂生來就是王。如果我們要復原公主王子的本來面貌,祂 絕對是我們的最佳榜樣。我嚮往。 今年聖誕,Crossmen衷心祝福所有Crossmen都尋回自己 的真正身分──不做青蛙,做王子。

Have a merry CHRISTmas!

Editor’s notes ︳02

Text / Lai Ling | Design / Kitlun

News Review ︳04

唉, 我唔夠人高……

又追唔到女 仔…… No girls like me…

成績唔好…… My grades are bad…

I am so short…

連買對波鞋都無錢…… I can’t even afford to buy a pair of new tennis shoes…

在夢中... In his dream...

目標只有一個!為左達到目標,不惜一切 代價!努力!努力!努力! I only have one goal! I must reach my goal no matter what!

目標只有一個!我一定要入到去! I only have one goal! I must get to the destination!

目標只有一個,但對手卻有 !我要……贏! I only have one goal! There are competitors, but I am going to WIN!


︳ Feature Story

Text /Ching Ching | Design illustration / Katy Hung

目標只有一個, 只要綠燈一亮, 我就要衝、衝、 衝! I only have one goal! Once the green light is on, I will run like the wind!


哎呀!!!! Ouch !!!!

為左達到目的,二億個士 兵開始一場極漫長

kick跌你!! I’ll trip you over...


The competition started, and the 200 million soldiers all strived to get to the destination

嘩!龍捲風呀! Oh no! Tornado!

得左喇!我跑贏左, 好快就會入到去!

我放棄喇! I give up!

I made it! I will get there soon!

Final 200

Feature Story ︳06

下!乜仲有二百個! What? There are still 200 of us?

We are almost there!

最後一關 The last section

好熱啊! 好熱啊! It’s so hot here! I am melting!

終於得左喇! 我一個入到去喇! I finally get to the destination! I WIN.


I made it!

殊! ! ! Hush!


07 ︳ Feature Story

h of



很多人都以為,一個生命的誕生只是單純的生物過程:精子細胞和卵子細胞結合,形成授精卵,再變成胚胎。可是, 這個說法只描述了最表面的事實(facts),卻忽略了造物者在這個過程所安設的

一個生命要成功孕育,精子必須在二億至五億的同胞中脫穎而出,經過一場激烈的競爭,游過一段漫長的旅程,最後 只有最優秀、最堅毅、最強壯的,才能游畢全程,與卵子結合。這實在是一場史上最 能與卵子結合,孕育成為胚胎。經母親十月懷胎後,誕下的孩子雖然看似








很多時候,我們只看見自己要如何努力爭取、耕耘,以換取生命中一個又一個的勝利,但其實,我們是先「勝利」, 然後才來到世上的。如果你覺得自己一無是處、一事無成,請不要忘記:人生中最大的勝利,在你成為生命的那一 刻,已經

Many people think the birth of life is simply a biological process: a sperm unites with an egg, and then the fertilized egg nourishes in the womb. However, this idea only states a superficial fact, and ignores God’s

involvement in the creation.

Sperm released inside the vagina swim for a long distance towards the uterus to the fallopian tube to seek out the egg. About 200-500 million sperms may be released during ejaculation, out of these only a few reach the urethra and only one gets to penetrate the egg and start the fertilization process. This is an competition! When the sperm reaches the egg, fertilization begins. A baby may look and small when he/she is born, but noteworthy is that the sperm that makes the baby has outraced its rivals to the egg; the birth of the baby is possible because of a powerful, race sperm. In other words, each of

is born as a

Every single birth of life is the fruit of a

. .

We always strive to succeed in life and may be discouraged by the challenges that we encounter. In fact, we have already won an important race before we were even born. If you are losing confidence and wanting to give up, please know that the greatest triumph of our life is world. We have already done the biggest win!

when we came to this

Feature Story ︳08

09 ︳ Campus Sidekick

Text /BB Li | Design / York Tsui

小時候,我們都喜歡與眾不同……長大後,慢慢受著環境和世界的 價值觀所影響,我們變得很被動,怯於與眾不同。 我們漸漸被這些世界觀所吞噬,慣性地隱藏真實的自己,然後開始 忘記自己,迷失自己。 We all sought to be unique when we were young. Yet as we grow, the world and its value take over us and mold us to be timid and fear to stand out. Day by day we’re overcome by these values and hide our true selves, bury our likes/dislikes, and, get lost.

小時候,我們都喜歡與眾不同,喜歡嘗試很多新事物,這 個摸摸,那樣碰碰,一有疑惑,隨即大大聲地發問。但長 大後,慢慢受著環境和世界的價值觀所影響,我們變得很 被動,怯於與眾不同:明明喜歡粉紅色,卻寧願和大數人 一樣,選擇藍色;明明喜歡打籃球,卻為了「埋堆」,選 擇了入家政學會。因為世界告訴我們,與別人不一樣是不 好的,不跟隨朋友就是不合群,也是不好的。於是,我們 漸漸被這些價值觀所吞噬,慣性地隱藏真實的自己,然後 開始忘記自己,迷失自己。

We all sought to be unique when we were young, eager to try out anything that’s novel. We touch, feel and ask whenever we’re in doubt. Yet as we grow, the world and its value take over us and mold us to be timid and fear to stand out: we all claim to like cyan (though we actually fancy pink) and play basketball (while deep down we prefer cookery) in order to be one of the majority. It’s not good to be different, the world teaches us so. Day by day we’re overcome by these values and hide our true selves, bury our likes/dislikes, and, get lost.

Finding Your Way 你的偉大航道 這幾天,我不斷帶學生們參加朗誦節的比賽,雖然數十位 參賽者的誦材都是千篇一律,但坐在台下觀賞的我,卻看 得津津有味!面對著相同的材料,他們的演譯方法卻層出 不窮,有的溫文爾雅,有的誇張非常,有的像在演話劇, 有的卻連誦材也未背牢……總之,每位參賽者都有自己的 一套。最有趣的是,雖然我從未教過他們,有的甚至在比 賽當天才初次見面,但我卻可以從他們的言談舉止,大概 猜到他們的性格,並且發現,我非常喜歡他們每一個!

November is the season for Speech Festival. As their accompany teacher, I’m surprised to find pleasure in the competition, despite the endless repetition of the same old piece of poem. Each of the participants managed to interpret the piece in their own styles; some were more dramatic than the others, while some can’t even memorize the whole piece. More interestingly, I find myself getting to know and LIKE them – though I’m meeting some only for the first time.

Campus Sidekick ︳10

德德 德德,外表冷靜,看似非常淡定,但一開口便「穿崩」 了。 「死啦,我仲未背熟呀!」 「點算呀,好驚呀,好驚唔記得d句子呀!」


在短短20分鐘的車程裡,他不斷地重複著類似的說話,讓 旁邊的我,也開始緊張起來。於是在比賽前,我與他一起 禱告,希望神能安靜他的心。細談之下,才發現原來他是 個基督徒!在等候比賽時,他更跟我分享見證,數算恩 典。漸漸地,他再也沒有說什麼「死啦」、「好驚呀」等 說話,反之,他開始冷靜自己,專注比賽。

Teddy appeared to be composed and calm, yet he revealed his true emotions once he spoke.

結果,他在台上的表現比練習時還要優秀,得到的分數也 不錯。當他拿分紙給我看的時候,輕奮的表情和輕快的聲 調在告訴我,他很高興!雖然並未能得到名次,但他對自 己的表現已很滿意,更急不及待要把消息告訴訓練他的老 師呢!

俊俊 幾天後,我帶著俊俊與另外兩位同學參加比賽,他們三人 都未背好誦材,所以便把整首詩抄在紙上,以備不時之 需。到了真正比賽時,俊俊忘了詩歌後段的內容,竟從背 後拿出一早預備好的「貓紙」,此舉令全場的人都忍俊不 住,就連台上的俊俊也不禁靦腆地笑了。 最 後 , 俊 俊 指 著 分 紙 的 四 個 英 文 字 母 “ DISQ” , 問 我 究 竟 是 什 麼 意 思 。 不 忍 心 的 我 還 是 要 告 訴 他 , DISQ就 是”Disqualified”──他被取消資格了!原因不用多說 了,就是那張「貓紙」。他聽後,先是一副「我接受唔到 囉」的表情,然後開始埋怨負責訓練他的老師,說什麼也 是他的責任。過了10分鐘後,他卻平靜過來,慢慢地接受 了,連話也變得積極起來:「我下次一定背到滾瓜爛熟!」 「Miss,你睇住黎,我下次一定拎冠軍!」

11 ︳ Campus Sidekick

“Gosh – I still don’t remember the piece very well!” “Miss Li, I’m so worried about forgetting the verse!” He kept repeating these lines on our way to the venue, the atmosphere became so intense that I felt butterflies in my stomach! I offered to pray with him before the competition, hoping the Jesus may calm his heart. As we chatted, I discovered that he’s also a Christian and he shared testimonies with me as we waited for our turn. He didn’t show any worry and focused on the competition. During his turn, Teddy performed much better than his practices and got a pretty high score. He’s overjoyed when he showed me the adjudicator’s comments. Although he didn’t make it to the top 3, he’s still satisfied with his performance and couldn’t wait to share the news with his trainer!

Johnny A few days later, I accompanied Johnny and two of his friends to their competition. The three of them were unfamiliar with the poem and handwrote the piece on cue cards to remind themselves. When it’s Johnny’s turn, he mindlessly took out the cue card as he forgot the second half of the poem. The audience broke into laughter because of this, and Johnny couldn’t help but responded with an embarrassing smile. The competition was over and Johnny found the word “DISQ” in his comment sheet. He then came to me and asked for the meaning. Reluctantly, I had no choice but to tell him that he’s disqualified because of what he did. It’s hard for him to accept it and he started pointing fingers at his trainer. Surprisingly, he clamed down after a while and optimism triumphed, “I’ll memorize the whole piece next time, for sure! Miss Li, I’m determined to be the champion next time, just wait and see!”

若論勝負,他們都不是比賽中的皇者;論堅毅,他們也沒 有經歷最艱苦的歷練。但如果人人都勝利,勝利還有什麼價 值?雖然沒有捱更抵夜、臥薪嚐膽,但生活中的小小挑戰, 克服了,倒也值得欣喜。許多時候,我們都習慣注目台上 最光芒四射的「一位」,或是最刻苦奮鬥最後成功的「一 位」,我們都追求成為那「一位」。沒有得到名次的德德、 被取消資格的俊俊,似乎都不能歸入那「一位」的行列。

They are certainly no victor in the game, nor did they pull through the toughest challenges. Nevertheless, what’s the value of victory if everyone is a victor? I believe that the slightest breakthrough in life still worth cheering. Very often we focus only on THE shining star on stage or THE most enduring champion, and we all seek to be THE one. People like Teddy and Johnny seem not to be one of the “THEs” that worth celebrating.

可是,我卻相信生命的可愛、可貴,並不 在於眼睛能看見的過人之處,而是我們與 生俱來的價值。我是因為先相信德德和俊 俊的價值,然後才看見他們的獨特的。

Yet I believe that we’re all born precious, regardless our accomplishments. I first believe in the value of Teddy and Johnny, then discover their unique characters that worth celebrating.

寫到這裡,我想起早陣子朋友們在面書上廣泛地轉貼的一 個video,其中幾句非常觸動我心:「你嚟到呢個世界 係一個安排 你會俾你想像中更加偉大!」

I recalled a song liked by many from Fama, two Canto rappers in Hong Kong. They said, “You’re predestined to born… you’ll be greater than you can ever imagine”

請記得,你是獨特的,你是這世上的唯一,你可以擁有與 別人不一樣的選擇,你可以喜歡粉紅色,你可以喜歡家政 美勞……你可以的,只要你相信! 你大概也聽過很多人在20、30歲時,才找回自己。今天的 你,願意接受挑戰,修築那條只屬於你的偉大航道,勇敢 地起飛嗎?

You’re a one-of-a-kind creature. You’re made different. You can have your own way – if you believe! Sometimes we heard people in their twenties/thirties grumbling for the time wasted in travelling on the wrong path. Do you dare to take the challenge and find your own way, right on TODAY?

Campus Sidekick ︳12

『Alpha Cell』孕育完美體質 Alpha Cell – Breeding the Perfect Body

「十項全能」的零瑕疵公民 An All-rounded Perfect Citizen

每粒用以製造Adam的初始單細胞『Alpha Cell』 ,都由一位資質聰穎及體格強健的『超級代母』 所孕育,確保Adam在良好的環境下健康生長。

Adam的大腦已內置『Work@Office 3.0』、 『Facial Xpressions 3.1.4』、『Dress Codes 3.2 Beta』、『Kultures 2020』等10多套的軟件 最新版本。若將Adam連結至『Online Adam Store』,更可下載『每日潮語』、『Instant News』、『Open Rice』等等過千款應用程 式,包羅萬有。

Alpha cell is the initial uni-cell used in Adam. Each Alpha Cell will be gestated by a “Super Surrogate” who is extraordinarily intelligent and physically fit. It is to ensure that Adam grows up in the best available environment.

『Alpha Cell』的『螺旋形編碼』參考了多種動 植物的優良特質,經多年研究編寫而成,使成形 後的Adam身體機能良好,而且抗氧化性極高。 Taking reference of the preferred essence of many animals and plants, Alpha Cell’s spiral code was developed after years of diligent research. It allows Adam to have a good physical function as well as a high anti-oxide capability.

首百部出產的Adam外形俊美,符合1比1.618的黃 金分割完美比例。惟暫時只出產中等身裁的型號 (175cm高)。廠方承諾,會為每位Adam提供首5 年免費保養服務,包括器官維修、輪廓重整、瘦 身美體等。 Adam has a fabulous look, to the perfect golden ratio of 1:1.618. However, only a medium-sized model (175cm tall) will be available at the moment. The factory promises that they will provide every user a 5-year warranty, including organs maintenance, profile transformation, slimming treatment etc.

Adam was installed with a dozen of latest software, namely “Work@Office 3.0”, “Facial Xpressions 3.1.4”, “Dress Codes 3.2 Beta”, “Kultures 2020” and so on. Users may access “Online Adam Store” to download a wide range of applications like “Everyday Slangs”, “Instant News”, “Open Rice” etc.

利用突破性的『Anti-Inertia』科技,研究人員 已成功將人類之頑固惰性從Adam的大腦系統中剔 除;此外,Adam於出廠前更已除去各種負面思 想、情緒及有害動機,同時亦被植入『愛國』、 『環保』、『合群』、『樂於助人』等良好意 識,確保Adam成為眾人眼中的好朋友、好男人、 好公民。 With the groundbreaking “Anti-Inertia” technology, researchers have successfully eliminated the deep-rooted laziness in human beings from Adam. Moreover, before completing the production, any negative thoughts, emotions and harmful intentions are also removed from Adam. Instead, positive ideas such as patriotism, environmental friendliness and helpfulness are implanted, so that he can be a good friend, a good man and a good citizen in everyone’s eyes.

[2020年1月1日,蕉日報專訊]── 城市式工廠區 『DISTRICT M2』 今日隆 重宣佈, 史 上首 批 人 工 研發的『直立式 智能 人A d a m』 已發展至成熟 階 段,將 於 日 內 正 式 面 世。


13 ︳Science Perspectives

reaking N e w s

[1 January 2020, Banana Daily]-- The renowned cosmopolitan industrial zone DISTRICT M2 announced today the successful development of “Adam”, the first SMART man with artificial intelligence. The development is now mature and the first batch of products will be officially launched in days.


the Birth of a “SMART” man



Text / Apandim | Design / Jenny Chen 服從受控 解決社會問題 A Loyal Friend and an Antidote to Social Problems 在多項實境測試中,Adam均表現穩定而優良,絕對 服從用家之指令。如Adam被客觀環境刺激而出現異 常情況,位於他腦部的『Shock』系統會自動發出 麻痺信息,使Adam暫時進入腦休眠狀態,以防止他 作出異常舉動。如有必要,可以在其尾龍骨處按下 『Restore』掣,使Adam回復至出廠時之設定。 Adam’s performances in reality tests and experiments have been stable and excellent, absolutely obedient to user’s instruction. If Adam is stimulated by the surroundings and reacts abnormally, the “Shock” System in his brain will automatically emit a paralysis message which leads him into dormancy. It could prevent him from taking any peculiar moves. When necessary, user may press the “Restore” button located at Adam’s coccyx to restore to the factory setting.

廠方預料,Adam將於6月份正式投入大量生產,屆 時“DISTRICT M2”每年將生產五萬部智能人,大 大舒緩本港人口老化、勞動人口下降的現象,亦有 助平衡男女人口不均、中女難覓對象等社會問題。 發言人更透露,某東歐大國曾透過非正式管道私下 與廠方磋商,欲訂製大批Adam作軍事及醫學用途。

我是我 多麼特別的我 Special and Unique – ME 這或許會是人工授孕、基因改造、器官複製、意 識植入、思想改造、整容纖體、蘋果iPhone的綜 合發展成果。當人類不再被稱為『一位』,而是 『一部』的時候,生命的價值會變得多麼低廉。 也許你亦會像Adam一樣擁有全世界最美麗的面 孔、最豐富的學識、最可親的性格、最潮流的資 訊,但這並沒有什麼大不了,因為在你身邊的 他、她和他都跟你『倒模』一樣;唯一的不同, 就只在於頸背那個生產編號。 “Adam” could be made real by an integration of artificial insemination, genetic modification, organ cloning, idea implantation, thought transformation, cosmetic surgery and Apple iPhone. When human beings are diminished to billions of identical “machines”, what would be the value of “life”? .Maybe you can be like Adam, having the most beautiful faces on earth, being the most knowledgeable person, possessing the most amiable character, knowing the most up-to-date information. Yet it would be of no worth, because all these appeals are identical to everyone standing next to you. The only difference between you and everyone else is just the production code, the cold, meaningless code printed on your neck.

The factory plans for a mass production in June. By then, DISTRICT M2 will produce 50,000 SMART man annually. It can solve not only the problem of population aging in Hong Kong, but also social problems like the decrease in labor force, the imbalanced population of men/women and so on. Spokesperson even revealed that, Eastern European countries even contact DISTRICT ME through unofficial channels to show intention of ordering. It is revealed that they are ordering Adam for military and medical purposes.

如果人人都是資優生,資優生還有價值嗎?如果人人都是 貝多芬,他的音樂仍會永垂不朽嗎?我們之所以羨慕偉 人,難道不就是因為他們和我們不同嗎?這麼看來,使人 羨慕的,豈不正是「與別不同」的那份獨特嗎? If everybody is a top student, what is the value of being “top”? If everybody is Beethoven, will his music still last? Isn’t the “uniqueness” of these great figures that draw us into admiration? If that is the case, shouldn’t our own “uniqueness”, good or bad, be a reason for us to be proud, and the others to envy?

為什麼我們還要追求「別人」的 外表,走「別人」的路? Why should we seek the OTHER’s appearance, or to walk on the OTHER’s path?

Science Perspectives ︳14

15 ︳ Special Feature

Text / Ching Ching | Design / York Tsui

Special Feature ︳16


CHRISTmas is for CHRIST, our King


聖誕來了,所以商場會舉辦特別活動,龍友粉 絲又有機會滔聖誕節的光,一親偶像芳澤。聖誕 大餐,可以選中日韓意法自助餐鐵板餐放題任食,一 應俱全。為了迎接聖誕佳節,護膚品牌也特別推出「 派對急救」套裝,補救玩得通霄達旦後的熊貓眼暗瘡 印。因為聖誕節,所以就連北海道也變成了「聖

誕北海道」,吸引從未經歷過白色聖誕的你我 出遊外訪。 因為聖誕節要約會,所以男男女女都要 悉心打扮,時裝店也識趣地推出聖誕減價大酬賓。因 為聖誕節要交換禮物,所以大小商鋪都有意無 意地推出了各式送禮佳品,大方得體的有水杯 相架,古靈精怪的可以去格仔鋪找。

Christmas is a time for special programs and events, so fans can get close to their adorable idols, all in the name of Christmas.Christmas is a time for big feast, buffet, teppanyaki, Italian, Korean…you name it! Christmas is a time for glamour and glints, beauty lovers can indulge in various Christmas skincare package to ensure the best looks at parties.Christmas is a time for traveling, we all fancy a “White Christmas”, don’t we?Christmas is a

time for dating and parties, fashion brands offer all sorts of discounts to welcome the Advent. Christmas is a time for gifts, like it or not, we have to exchange presents at almost every single party, so go and shop for one!

一到聖誕,彷彿普天下的事情都變成為聖誕而設,確實「 唔話得」。

It seems that everyone is really happy to see Christmas coming and do all that they can to prepare for it.


Is that what you think?

抑或我們應該說,聖誕節,總是有很多人「借啲椅」賣廣 告?

Or should we say, people are good at abusing Christmas for their own agenda?

廣告,擅長讓我們認為自己在聖誕節需要些什麼,技巧純 熟得讓我們以為一切都是理所當然。聖誕節當然可以吃得 豐富美味,但聖誕節不是為大餐而設的。聖誕節當然可以 打扮得漂亮動人,但聖誕節不是為派對而設的。聖誕節當 然可以周遊列國,但聖誕節不是為旅行而設的。聖誕節當 然可以互送禮物,但聖誕節也不是為禮物而設的。


Advertisements tell us what to desire in a way so skillful that we don’t even bother to give it a second thought. We can enjoy good food at Christmas, but it’s not what Christmas’ for.We can dress up and be gorgeous at Christmas, but it’s not what Christmas’ for.Feel free to travel at will during Christmas, but it’s not what Christmas’ for. Gifts are more than welcome at Christmas, but it’s not what Christmas’ for.

CHRISTmas is for CHRIST, our King.

王是什麼?住在香港的你我,也許對王根本毫無概念,眼 光稍為廣闊一點的,可能會聯想起垂垂老矣的英女皇、泰 王,否則的話,可能我們只會想起三色台中經常扮古裝皇 帝的李隆基。

If you’re like me, born and grow in Hong Kong, you may not have the faintest idea about a King at all. Some may recall the aged King Bhumibol Adulyadej in Thailand, but it’s still distant and vague.

篇幅所限,無法在此詳述太多,但如果這篇文章能為你留下 任何印象的話,請你記得:聖誕節是為一個王而設立的,這 個王就是佈佳音中經常歌頌的那位耶穌基督。我們認識這位 王,嚮往祂的國,並且對祂心悅誠服。在這個為祂而設的節 日裡,我們不想庸俗的說「我王萬歲萬萬歲」,但也不願真 正的主角被折疊、隱藏、冷落不顧。

Forgive us for not giving you the full details of a King, but if you’re to remember anything about this article, take this line: Christmas is for a King, our Christ. He’s the one people carol about; we know this King and we long for His Kingdom with an eager heart. In a season commemorating His birth, we don’t want to put it off by simply saying “Long Life our King!”, nor do we want to see Him compressed and ignored amidst the ill-focused commercial promotions.

僅以今期Crossmen的封面,紀念永遠榮耀的君王──耶 穌基督。 We just want to honor You in Your season, our King Jesus. 17

Advertisements and promotions are everywhere in Christmas.

︳ Special Feature

Hence we reverently dedicate the cover of this issue to Jesus Christ, a King who’s forever glorious. We just want to honor You in Your season, our King Jesus.

19 ︳ Motion Picture

Text / Ah Po | Design / Yman

Motion Picture ︳20

「聖誕老人是真的嗎?真是會派禮物?你們收過嗎?真是 有鹿車?」雅虎知識上有這樣的問題。聖誕老人穿紅衣紅 帽子,駕著鹿車家家戶戶派禮物——相信大家不陌生,卻 不會當真。 其實也難怪有人問。看看四週,商場佈置、聖誕商品、電 視電台都努力讓聖誕老人疑幻似真。他們同時也令許多事 情疑幻似真。如果我們會因為聖誕沒有假期、沒有禮物 賀咭、沒有派對、沒有大餐、沒有燈飾而感到若有所失的 話,我們都中了圈套。誰說聖誕需要這些? 這個世界像溫水煮蛙 1 般一點一滴的教導我們如何生活, 說服我們需要甚麼:一部能上網聽歌拍照的多功能電話、 苗條身段完美肌膚、某某院校畢業、外國留學、高薪厚 職……好像少了其中一二,我們就很難成功,很難幸福。 我們學會用外表、出身、學位、人緣、家底去計算人的價 值,像買菜般用磅秤。結果是我們都向著同一個「成功標 誌」獻上畢生努力。

21 ︳Mind Check

Some has tweeted the following in recent weeks: “Is Santa real or just a myth? Does he really deliver gifts? Have you ever received one from him? Is there really a reindeer sleigh?” I guess we all have the image of the all-red Father Christmas riding on his sleigh, going door-to-door to bring us our dream gifts – yet none of us will take it as real. Just a quick glance around and you can see how everybody is joining hands to make this myth real: decorations in shopping malls, Christmas merchandise, TV shows, special cinema guide for Christmas…simply put, it’s on everyone’s lips, it’s everywhere. No wonder people get confused and start questioning whether Santa does exist. However, if you find Christmas incomplete without fancy cards, scrumptious feast and glittering lights, you’re probably trapped and deceived. Who said we need them for Christmas? Like a boiling frog, we learn bit-by-bit the proper ways of living from this world. We are readily convinced to want what we’re molded to: a smart phone with wi-fi access, 2 megapixels and music station; perfect figure and perfect skin; an honor degree of a prestigious college etc. We are shaped to measure success, happiness and the worth of a person with their looks, family background, academic achievements, social network and assets - different people, but one unison set of measurement. We end up spending our whole life working towards one unified target, as if that’s the only way to success.

Text / Pui Sze | Design / German Cheung

有一個人,母親是未婚媽媽,在餵馬的器皿上出世,無佳 形美容,木匠出身,三十歲無樓無車,最後還無緣無故變 了罪犯,朋友都不敢認他,在世界看來夠失敗吧?他可是 被傳頌二千多年的聖誕節主角啊! 可幸孫中山沒有只當個出色的醫生,他看見國家的需要而 從政,可幸柴可夫斯基不甘心應父母期望當一名律師,在 廿二歲時辭去司法工作進入音樂學院,不然今天中華歷史 就改寫,我們也沒有《天鵝湖》、《胡桃夾子》等驚世傑 作。

「我們的文化讓人們無法自知自適。我 們教的東西不對。而你得要十分堅強, 才有辦法拒絕這錯誤的文化,才能自己 找到出路,創造自己的文化。」 《最後十 四堂星期二的課》裡的老教授如此說。

另一位智者亦說:「不要完全適應週 遭的文化,以致你不假思索就融入其 中……」 《聖經·羅馬書十二章2節》 2 面對這世界「運作的法則」,人們有心無心的肯定否定, 我們是不是照單全收?是不是每個人都要走「看上去很成 功」的路?我們看得見自己的身份和價值嗎?天生我材要 做甚麼? 溫水能煮青蛙,但不能煮王子。天氣熱一點 我們都往冷氣房逃,但願我們的價值觀也一 樣敏感。你甘心做一隻糊裡糊塗被世界同化的 青蛙?抑或水溫不對、氣候不對、道德不對時,能 屹立於洪流的快樂王子? 「溫水煮蛙」出自美國康奈爾大學的科 學家做過的一個著名實驗:科研人員把 青蛙放進裝滿冷水的鍋裡,然後慢慢加 溫,開始,青蛙還很得意,在溫暖愜意 的水中悠然自得,直到感到水燙得無 法忍受時,再想躍出水面卻已四肢無 力,欲跳不能了,最終青蛙被活活煮 死在熱水中。 2 原文擷自信息版(The Message) ,編者譯 1

Once there was a boy who born from an unmarried mother in a feeding trough for horses, he is no Robert Pattison and spent his whole life in carpentry. No car, no property, no nothing. He died as a criminal and even his dearest friends betrayed him after his arrest. He can’t be more qualified for a “failure”, can he? Yet it is this man who’s become the reason why we celebrate Christmas in the past twenty centuries! How fortunate we are that some of our forefathers dared to travel a different path. Dr. Yat-sen Sun could have been just another doctor, but he chose to be a politician for the betterment of his nation. Likewise is Tchaikovsky, who let down parents’ expectations of becoming a lawyer and entered the Music Academy at the age of 22. If not, the history of China would be rewritten and we will not have masterpieces like “Swan Lake” and “The Nutcracker”.

"The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn't work, don't buy it," said Morrie in his Tuesday classes with Mitch. "Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking......." (Romans 12:2) In face of the “rules” of this world and the casual comments from people around us, do you accept without even thinking? Are we all ought to walk that seemingly successful path? Can you see your identity and worth? What are you made to be? We might be able to boil a frog, but never a prince. We will not hesitate to run for air-conditioning at the slightest increase of temperature, how great would it be if we can be just as sensitive with values. Do you want to be a frog, numb and unaware, allowing the world gradually boiling your uniqueness to death? Or are you dare to stand against the ill culture, appreciate you as who you are and be a Happy Prince? 1 The “boiling frog” theory comes from an experiment of Cornell University: when researchers put a frog in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.

Mind Check ︳22

我很喜歡撿石頭 只要來到佈滿石頭的海灘,我就會情不自禁的俯身去尋寶 我喜歡石頭,因為我總會把它跟大自然連在一起 幻想它怎樣形成 怎樣受撞擊 怎樣被大水沖刷 怎樣順水流來到被我撿起的海岸 是一種只有上帝才知道的奧妙 這一堆石頭,是我在座落太平洋旁的花蓮北濱公園海邊撿來的 禁不住撿了不少 我在想如果有人問:「撿了這麼多,送我一塊可以吧?」 我想我會不捨得送出任何一塊,大的也好,小的也好 因為每一塊都這麼特別、這麼完美 特別在於它們的顏色、質地、重量、形狀、大小、物質含量 重點是每一塊都有不同的「經歷」,即使我不知道 其實我們每一個人都像這些石頭一樣,獨特、又特別珍貴 23 ︳ Random Thoughts

Text & Design /German Cheung

I love picking pebbles Whenever I’m at a pebble-filled beach, I can’t help bowing to search for my “treasures” I love pebbles, for it’s always linked with the Nature I fancy how it formed through many crashes, bumps and scours; picture how it flowed with the streams and reached this beach – it’s a mystery that only God comprehends These pebbles are handpicked by me from Beibin Park in Hualien, right beside Pacific Ocean I indulge myself in of picking – and picking a lot If someone come and ask, “Now that you’ve so many…can you give me one?” I’d be reluctant to give up anyone of them, big or small For each of the pebble is special and perfect in my eyes Its color, texture, weight, shape, size and mass are all different More important is their particular life journey – even I know it not We’re all like these pebbles – unique, special and precious Random Thoughts ︳24

So…you want to give cool gifts, huh? Those gifts, which can give an impact on people’s lives and mean very much to them? Maybe, just maybe, I can help you. Let’s do this step by step. First of all, I want you to understand the true meaning of gift-giving. Some people believe that, we only give a gift on special occasions. However, they’re not totally correct, because a gift can be given anytime, anywhere and with anyone. Basically, what I’m trying to say is that the true meaning of gift-giving is simply just to show your affection to the people you love, or just to show how much you really appreciate them.

It’s the thought that counts Being a teenager, I have received a lot of various gifts from people starting from when I was a little girl. Some gifts I had to say, I didn’t really quite like, because it just wasn’t what I liked or I always thought that I’m too old to play with those kind of stuff, but this always just goes back to the saying “It’s always the thought that counts”, so I made the best out of the horrifying gifts that were given to me.

What makes a gift COOL? Usually, the gifts that we usually desire the most are the gifts that the world advertises in the magazine, what our peers think to be fashionable and up25 ︳ Christmas Ideas

to-date etc. These are usually materialistic things (e.g. Ipod, Mac Book Pro, Itouch, fashionable and trendy brand named products etc)… This means we tend to follow the influences of our peers, perhaps because of peer pressure, jealousy or simply just because we’re in the stage of where we feel that we want to at least belong somewhere. We have a tendency to buy what we want, instead of what we need, because we want to fit in and try to impress people, so we end up buying things that

Text / Ann Kristine So Sen | Design / German Cheung

we don’t really need in our daily lives. Hence we have our minds set on our own likes and dislikes. Even though the gift is nice, our friends may not like it because the gift you gave them is not in their category of THE BEST/ COOLEST GIFT EVER, but I believe that you have the power to change your friends’ mindset by making that change with my brilliant help.

Can’t buy me LOVE Your friends will definitely love their gift and treasure it, because it’s unique and more personal, you’ve put a lot of time and effort in it and gave your all. Time is something you can’t buy, you can only invest in it, but with materialistic items, anyone can buy it, therefore, it’s not personal anymore and losses the touch of the heart.

It’s YOU who make it COOL Here are some tips on making a memorable, cool gift. You can start with making a DIY gift for your friend.

Here are some examples of the gifts I have given to my friends and family:

The essential materials are just a piece of paper and a pencil. These are the best materials because it can do a lot of creative arts, such as: a poem, love letter, a word of encouragement, sketching and lots more… All you need is a paper and a pencil, just as simple as that and you can make something called a gift. However, if you really want to add some zest to it, you can purchase colour paper, shiny pens and other decorative material to improve your previous work done with pencil. Or you can make an artwork all on your own, painting, sewing, knitting, crossstitch, sketching, caricature and basically all those other things that are creative. You can make much more when you do a DIY gift, trust me!

Now you can choose what cool gifts are - either purchased or the personal and special that are 100% made by YOU. Letting them know you really care for them enough to take the time. They don’t always have to be the ones that are the most expensive and fashionable, what counts is the abundance of heart and thought.

Christmas Ideas ︳26

27 ︳ Seasonal Special

Text /John Lo | Design / Mel

Seasonal Special ︳28

29 ︳Travelogue

Text / LULU li | Design / Ah Li

Travelogue ︳30

31 ︳Tech Tag

Text / Virendra de Alwis | Design / Tammy Tam

Tech Tag ︳32

享受 安靜的時刻 發現 身邊一切也很美 Photo: Meiki Cheung School: MCDH

33 ︳ Snapshot


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