crossmen #45

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ISSUE 45 January 2011

CROSSMEN is a monthly magazine published in Hong Kong by Kingdom Ministries. Copyright Kingdom Ministries, all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. CROSSMEN Unit A, 7/F, Kader Bldg, 22 Kei Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay, HK Tel: (852) 2235 5223 Fax: (852) 3018 0414 Email:

: Crossmen Hk



2 Editor’s Note

好─好─學─習 Hou2 Hou2 Hog6 Zab6

4 News Review


5 Feature Story



The “Superb” New Curriculum: Royalty Training School (RTS)

Executive Editor Ching Ching

9 Campus Sidekick


Art Director York Tsui

My Most Wanted Subject

Art Consultant Pun Pun

11 Career Corner


Contributing Writers

12 Cultural Trend


15 Special Feature


19 M.A.J.


21 Science Perspectives


23 Book Reader

返學、返學…到底我們應該學什麼?──《愛心教 育──小徹在校園裡》

Marketing Manager Mabel Tai

Beyond Campus: Self-directed Experiential Learning

What I DIDN’T Learn at School How would you learn if there were no schools? One of the 200 million (II) Music and the Learning/Teaching of Music Salute! To the Self-taught Masters

25 Relationship

Put on Love

27 Mind Teaser

My Dream Curriculum

29 Off Campus

If There were No Schools

31 Travelogue


33 Snapshot

Publisher Andrew Ho

Lai Ling, BB, Hei Leung, Kashun, Ching Ching, Dan-san, German Cheung, SoTai, Abigail Sun, Virendra de Alwis, Danny Sen Designers and Photographers German Cheung, Katy Hung, York Tsui, Jenny Chen, Kashun Ah Li Translators Tim Lo, Clara Fong, Elaine Chan, Ching Ching 廣告查詢: Mabel 22355223

Text / Ching Ching | Design / York Tsui

這一期CROSSMEN的醞釀與孕育,源於我們的一個發現。 教育與學習,本來應該是對生命的建立和造就,但在當前 的制度和現實下,我們卻「捧高」了少數人,「拆毀」了 多數人;「做死」了老師們,又「悶壞」了學生哥。 唉,何必呢? 經過連番唉聲嘆氣思前想後之後,我們決定好好探討一下 關於學習、好(Hou2)的學習、好(Hou3,音耗)學習 和好(Hou3)好(Hou2)學習的二三事。 當考試讀書升班學位成為社會上最理所當然的「唯一」出 路,每個人的獨特性只能被壓扁:天生健壯如牛走去打籃 球的,愛唱歌跳舞表演的,關心貓貓狗狗並視之為終生事 業的,都難免被視為「次好」,甚至「不好」的選擇。難 怪有這麼多人自覺是個失敗者──雖然他們只是被造去經 營生活的其他範疇而已。假如教育能幫助人尋回我們被造 時的Life Mission,讓我們發揮出天賦的長處(如《二億分 之一II》中的我),而非被迫迎合至高無上的唯一標準, 那該多好。 如果學習不是獲取學位的手段,那麼學習本身的內容和 過程就非常重要了。「超」新高中課程下的皇族訓練學 校;Book Reader介紹的「友江學園」都是我們非常嚮往的 學習方向,希望能為你帶來一點衝擊。Science Perspectives裡介紹的自然界智慧,更讓我們反思:假如天賦智慧 令人驚嘆若此,那麼教育的目標應該是「增添」,還是 「啟發」、「恢復」? 對於人生,其實我們都依然是個學生,但我們不希望將學 習等同於學校,將成績等同於修養,於是蛋散們在Cultural Trend裡天馬行空地探索沒有學校的學習,又透過Campus Sidekick(學生哥)和Career Corner(打工仔)的分享,再 思「人應該要學什麼」的問題。 CROSSMEN們所識的不多,也沒有多少驚世偉論要發表, 不過在這個思考、沉澱、寫/畫的過程,我們彷彿都學到 了些什麼。願懷著這份謙卑的心情,和大家分享我們學習 的成果。 Happy reading! Editor’s notes ︳02


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Text / Lai Ling | Design / German


走出校園的自主學習 提到學習,你的腦袋會立刻浮現做假期功課、溫習、測 驗、考試、悶蛋、煎熬、找工作這些字眼嗎?今期我們要 談的深學習(或叫體驗式學習,Experiential Learning), 絕對在你想象之外。 有聽說過跟管理大師逛內蒙沙漠,學習未來領導力嗎?你 可以想象在加拿大的荒漠小島當導演,演出內心幻想、 從而認識自己嗎?原來,現正於世界流行的學習熱潮,乃 是跳出傳統、走向社會。“首倡體驗學習的學者之一庫柏 (David A. Kolb)如是說:Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand.”請別誤會,這並不是學校近年倡議的其他 學習經驗(OLE),也與暑期遊學不盡相同,而是更深、更廣 的一次經歷──與學習。

What do you come up with when hearing the word ‘learning’? Homework, revisions, quizzes, exams, tedium, torture, career…and this boring list can go on and on! What I’m going to show you this time is quite different - Experiential Learning – it’s something beyond your imagination. Have you ever heard of a person who walked with a Management guru in the desert in Inner Mongolia to learn leadership? Or have you imagined directing a movie in the Canadian wilderness, realizing your wildest dreams and discovering your true self? Groundbreaking and authentic, it is the worldwide learning trend advocated by David A. Kolb. He explained the idea in plain language, ‘Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand.’ Please don’t get me wrong. This is not what we refer to as ‘Other Learning Experience’ at schools in recent years. It’s also different from those summer exchange tours.

大提琴家馬友友的音樂能跨越國界,原來就是進修人類 學、悟出文化底蘊的成果;六十四歲老爺爺跑到澳洲上了 一個月的語言課,原來只是為了「圓一場年輕的夢」;今 天,若我說要深度的學習,我想找尋的到底是怎樣的一個 學習環境? 原來,體驗學習不在乎地域,在乎領 域。創造、設計新的學習情境,是這次學習革命的重點。 當上小島導演的大學教授形容那是一次破格之旅:「人最 好更了解自己、再去學習」,清楚自我的框框,然後才知 所延伸。原來,明白自己的位置,人生的拼圖才能砌得順 暢;沒有專家、沒有老師,真實地去體驗,你,就是

are what I refer to as ‘deep learning’. I believe Experiential Learning is not about where you go but how far you go for. This learning revolution is all about innovating


and designing a brand new context for learning. ‘It’s better

Experiential Learning is something much deeper and wider. The transcending music of Yo-Yo Ma finds its root in his anthropological background, which enables him to apprehend cultures of different countries. The persistence in making a dream come true is the reason why a 64-year-old man went to Australia for a month’s language course. These

for people to know themselves before choosing what to learn’, said by the professor who became a director in the deserted island. Truly, if we don’t know our boundaries, how

資料來源 Source:


can we find our breakthroughs? Experiential Learning is to be completed without experts or teachers. It’s a self-directed learning experience, an authentic experience.

News Review ︳04

05 ︳ Feature Story

Text /Ching Ching | Design & illustration / Kashun

Feature Story ︳06

07 ︳ Feature Story

Feature Story ︳08

曾經聽過一對師生的對話如下── 老師:「你為什麼要努力讀書?」 學生:「因為要升中四。」 老師:「除此以外呢?」 學生:「嗯……」 (下刪六個標準答案,如:入大學、 找份好工作、養家等)



學生愣住,既不明白也不懂反應, 然後老師續道:「你不一定要升中 四,也不一定要入大學;你若真的 喜歡當搬運工人,也無謂為了找份 寫字樓工而辛苦自己;如果你沒打 算成家立室,也不必為養家而讀書 考試……不過,如果你有一個過得 去的學歷,至少你可以選擇幹粗活 還是做白領,做個富爸爸還是窮爸 爸……」

09 ︳ Campus Sidekick

這位老師的看法,你認同嗎?事實 上,自古以來,知識一直是人們不 斷學習,不斷追求的東西,而一眾 學生哥則對「知識」又驚又怕,每 天抱著「考試測驗一定唔可以肥 佬」、「唔可以欠交功課」的心 態,戰戰兢兢地上學去!嘩,帶著 這種心情上學,又怎能嘗到學習的 樂趣呢? 據CROSSMEN非正式統計,一般 學生哥不喜愛的科目,都是他們成 績比較弱的一科,所以他們越不明 白那一科,上課就越心不在焉,然 後開始放棄做功課,然後開始考試 測驗也不合格……. 難怪學生哥 在網上談到「我最討厭的科目」一 議題時,會引起這麼多的回應和討 論!

Here’s a teacher-student dialogue I’ve once heard – Teacher: Why should you study hard? Student: For promoting to Form 4 Teacher: What else? Student: …… (She attempted to give a few model answers but none could satisfied the teacher) Teacher:

You study so that YOU CAN CHOOSE!

Shocked by his response, the student was in silence and the teacher continued, ‘You don’t really have to study in Form 4 or at the university. If you enjoy the hard labour, you needn’t to burn midnight oil so that you can work in a decent office. Likewise, if you never fancy about a home-sweet-home, then why bother? NEVERTHELESS, if you acquired certain qualifications, at least you can choose to live in affluence or simplicity…you can have your own say!’ I’m not sure if you can agree with this teacher. But we are certainly taught to seek knowledge with all that we can, while most students suffer from the intense pressure of exams, tests and homework, knowing that life will be miserable if we don’t do well at schools. No wonder we seldom taste the joy of learning at school. According to an unofficial survey of CROSSMEN, most students dislike subjects that they are weak at. The weaker they are, the more inattentive they will be. It follows by giving up on homework, revision, test and exams…no wonder the thread‘The most hated subject’ will be so popular in students’forums!

「 若 果 你 可 以 選 一 樣 你 最 想 學 的 東 西 , 你 會 想 學 些 什 麼 呢 ? 」


Text /BB Li | Design / Jenny Chen




Voice from Junior Secondary

「若果你可以選一樣你最想學的東西,你會想學 些什麼呢?」

‘What do you want to learn if you can have a choice?’

我心裡偷偷竊喜,期待著學生們的奇怪答案!怎 料,不論是低年班還是高年班,他們給我的答案, 大部份都嚇了我一跳──正常得嚇了我一跳!

「我唔想讀數學,我想學哲學!」 「我唔想英文,我想學建築,學下點樣起樓!」 「我想學考古,我鍾意考古學!」 「學醫呀,正呀!賺好多錢呀做醫生!」 只有樂樂在我身旁大叫:「我想學解剖!有冇得學 下點樣追女仔、點樣打機呢?……. 」

一眾低年班學生中,除了樂樂的答案外, 其他同學的答案都很「正經」,而且幾乎 都是大學裡才可以選修的科目!



looking forward to their weirdo responses.






至於高年班呢?他們的答案,大多和 將來的工作有關,如「髮型/服裝設 計」、「化妝」、「電腦程式」、 「平面設計」等等。可見高年班都比 較實際,希望在中學裡已能夠學到一 門自己喜愛又能賺錢的手藝,就算升 不上大學,也有個保障。

were more normal than ever!

我 心 裡 偷偷竊喜,期 待 著 學 生們的奇怪答 案 ! 怎 料,不論是低 年 班 還 是高年班,他 們 給 我 的答案,大部 份 都 嚇 了我一跳── 正常得嚇了我一跳!

正面點看,這班學生都未來都充滿期 待,憧憬著日後能涉獵的學術範疇; 但其實,要享受當下正學習的東西真 的有這麼難嗎?數學運算中的邏輯, 與哲學的思辯模式息息相關;不少建 築達人都經常周遊列國,不懂英語, 又真的可能嗎?換個角度想,假如這 班初中生的答案具有代表性的話,那 麼今天的大學生在十年、八年前可能 也曾寫下類似的答案,但今天當他們 正在修讀哲學、建築、考古、醫學 時,又真的滿足嗎?

I was really looking forward to their weirdo responses. To my surprise, their answers were more normal than ever!

‘I dislike Mathematics, I want to learn Philosophy!” ‘I want to learn Architecture instead of English, I love building houses!’ ‘I like Archeology!’ ‘Med School is great! I’ll earn a great fortune after graduation.’ Joy shouted beside me, ‘I want to learn about autopsy! What about the tricks to woo girls? I want to learn about Wii too!’

Most of the students in junior secondary gave ordinary answers except Joy – and those are the subjects at universities!

Voice from Senior Secondary As for the senior forms, most of their choices are related to jobs. For instance, hairstyling, fashion design, make-up design, computer programming, graphic design etc. It seems that they are more practical and wish to learn something that can help with their career in the future, so that they’d have acquired some skills even if they couldn’t enter the university.

Looking at the brighter side, these students are hopeful towards the future and are looking forward to the subjects that they are about to learn. But is it THAT hard to enjoy what you’re learning right NOW? The logics of mathematics are closely related to philosophy; while architects, who travel all the time, will need English for communication. On the other hand, if those voices from the junior students are representative, it’s not unlikely that the college students today were giving more or less the same answer 8-10 years ago. Are they really satisfied when they are actually studying what they’d wished? We’ve interviewed some Senior CROSSMEN – those who’ve been working for a while already and see if their responses will shed any light on your reflection on learning……

下頁我們特別訪問了一班已在社會工 作的Senior CROSSMEN,看看他們的 答案又能否刺激你反思學習為何……

Campus Sidekick ︳10

Text /Ching & friends | Design / York Tsui

學校沒教我的那些事兒 What I DIDN’T Learn at School 在學的時候,總覺得有很多科目不想學,但老師又彷彿有 教不完的東西。到底一個人真正要學的是什麼?以下的朋 友全部都已在職,回頭一想,他們覺得有些什麼重要的東 西是學校沒教的呢?

紀律部隊代表 -什麼叫正確? -怎樣做人?做人之難,實不是三言兩語可以道盡。例如: 明明阿婆有很多紋了,阿婆問佢仲靚唔靚女,學生應如何 答?如何不得失別人又表達己見,很難教。 -人文關懷 -由於太多事情沒有黑與白的界線,要因場景而應付,這種 彈性就很難教。 -睇人尾頭眼額 -說話的藝術

It’s an eternal dilemma – there are always too many subjects that students find uninteresting, and too many things a teacher wants to teach. What indeed should a person learn at school? All the below interviewees have left schools and are at work already, what are the things that they didn’t learn at school?

Disciplined Services -What is ‘right’? -The Art of Life – it’s something one can hardly exhaust, e.g. a wrinkled granny asked if you find her pretty, how should you respond? How can you be honest without hurting the others? It’s really hard to tell. -Concern for Humanity -There are too many grey areas in life and we often have to handle it case-by-case. Such flexibility isn’t something that can be taught. -To read one’s mind from his/her face -The Art of Speech

商界代表 -飲酒 (包括點劈、禮儀等等) -邀請業務夥伴或官員食飯的禮儀 -如何不用powerpoint做presentation -如何寫一封像樣的email -一間公司的架構

傳媒界代表 非常重要的: -待人接物管理技巧(對人及事) -理財 -時事分析(尤其聽政府、官員、企業代表的弦外之音) 次要重要的: -強身健體(不是體育堂那麼簡單),還包括食療、常玩 iphone、ipad會有什麼影響 重要的: -如何在淘寶買東西 -如何置業 上述意見,僅備參考。說到底,一個人需要/不需要學什 麼,又豈能單靠工作上的需要而決定?我們需要「學」的 東西,又是否必然需要「教」?這些問題都值得思考── 至少,讓我們在抱怨上學無聊、覺得生活空虛之餘,可以 想多一點點。

11 ︳ Career Corner

Business Sector -The etiquette of drinking wine -Etiquette of inviting business partners/government officials to dinner -How to do presentation without using powerpoint -How to write emails properly -Structure of a company

Media Sector Very important: -Interpersonal skills -Personal finances -Analyzing current affairs (to read what the government/ corporate officers REALLY say) Quite important: -Personal wellbeing – it’s not just about doing sports, but also about dieting, side effects of playing iphone/ipad too often Important: -Purchasing on eBay/ -How to own a property These are for your reference only. Frankly speaking, we can’t determine what needs to be learnt simply by our occupational needs. The things we need to learn aren’t always possible to be taught, too. Hope this will lead you to further reflection and make life and school less boring for you!

Text / Dan-san | Design / York Tsui CROSSMEN FACTS: 蛋散:(1) 廣東甜點,由麵粉、雞蛋、豬油等製成,炸至金黃後 蘸上蜜糖/麥芽糖就可以吃 (2) 廣東諺語,意指一班無所事 事、一碰便散的人 (3) CROSSMEN內的一班無聊人,熱愛歡笑、 經常大笑,自以為微不足道但其實很尊貴的一班人。 Dan San: (1) A Cantonese dessert made up of flour, eggs and lard. Eat with honey/maltose after deep frying; (2) A Cantonese slang, which refers to a group of flippant and fragile people; (3) A group of fun-loving people within CROSSMEN, who appear to be insignificant yet indeed highly worthwhile.


How Would You Learn If There were No Schools?

「如果唔洗返學就好喇!」相信這是不少 學生的心聲。不想早起、不想做功課、不 想溫習、不想離開電腦或Wii等,可能都 是我們不希望上學的原因。但撫心自問, 我們真的如此討厭學習嗎?那又未必。觀 乎Y!知識和維基百科點擊率居高不下的情 況,似乎我們抗拒的並非學習、求知。那 麼如果沒有學校,我們還可以學習嗎?沒 有學校的學習會是如何?如果沒有學校仍 能學習,那麼學校的存在意義又是什麼? 今期我們特別訪問了一眾「蛋散」,看看 這班和大家同聲同氣的朋友仔對此有何看 法。 Is it just me or everybody? I always fancy ‘how great would it be if there were no schools!’ No morning call, homework or revision, and I can stick to my iPod whole day long! These are all reasons why we resist going to school, but truly, do we hate learning that much? Judging from the popularity of Y! Knowledge and Wikipedia, it appears that deep down we do enjoy knowledge. So can we still learn without schools? How would learning be by then? If we can learn without schools, then why school? We’ve invited the Dan San to share their views on this, see if it echoes yours!

Cultural Trend ︳12

家庭教育(父母) 回歸古時由父母傳授手藝的傳統,如果父親是補鞋匠,兒 子就學習補鞋;母親最擅長的縫補

可以上網學 ﹣讀電子書 ﹣3D立體人代替老師授課 ﹣小組討論改在網上forum進行,還有視像通話! ﹣用Wii Sports上體育課(還可即時計算消耗了多少卡路 里!) ﹣隨時上課=隨時下課!半夜三更都可以上Bio,又不怕遲 到、無帶書和欠交功課 ﹣遇上嘴形不對的組員,可以另開戶口重新開始,得罪人 又可隨時離線關機,乾淨俐落

請家庭老師 ﹣將上門補習變成全科學習 ﹣足不出戶,同樣不怕遲到和無帶書 ﹣如果沒有兄弟姊妹,就沒有同學沒有同伴喇

Traditional Home-schooling (by parents) Learning craftsmanship from parents, as did our predecessors Sons will learn about shoemaking from Mr. Shoemaker, while daughters will learn about knitting and sewing from their moms (finally we learn H.E. at HOME!)

E-learning E-books 3D virtual teachers Group discussion on internet forums (with video conferencing) Doing P.E. with Wii Sports (with the benefit of instant calorie calculation) Lessons (and lesson dismissed) anytime you like, 24/7! There’s no fear of being late, forgetting textbooks or homework Just start another account if you meet an intolerable group member, or going offline whenever you piss off somebody – no interpersonal problems at all!

Home Tutors Hiring home tutors for all subjects Learning without leaving home – again, no fear of being late or forgetting textbooks No learning buddy if you’ve no brother or sister

13 ︳Cultural Trend

口傳學習 ﹣好像孔子教導門生,又如蘇格拉底在樹下講論一樣,沒 有正規課程,徒弟就從師傅的言行身上學習 ﹣在榕樹頭聽人講古,可以學習歷史(野史?!) ﹣無需考試博取碩士銜頭,但真正的智者,總能以真正的 智慧吸引人 ﹣靠眾人的評價找出真材實料的智慧人,不怕培養出高分 低能

Oral Instruction Like Kongzi, the Confucian guru, or Socrates, they taught in the public as mentors. Their followers learn from their day-today lives Learning history (or popular legends) from storytellers A true Wise Man gains reputation and respect with wisdom, not a scarily long doctoral title Popular recognition proves the wisdom of the master – no more bookworms from the ivory tower

上文當然不是嚴謹邏輯推演下的結果,你可以問:題目所 指的,到底是從來未曾出現學校的情況,還是從當前社會 中刪除了學校這一環?是沒有學校,還是沒有教育制度? 還有沒有統一的課程、還有沒有考試?只是香港取消了學 校,還是全世界學校都銷聲匿跡?以上每條問題,都可演 化出千萬個可能。蛋散們提出的學習方法,到底是好是 壞?回頭想想,學校到底有什麼不可取代的地方?我們 非常歡迎各位CROSSMEN蛋散繼續熱烈討論,在我們的 Facebook(Crossmen Hk)留言或電郵給我們(info@。 Surely these are not so logical illustration of this issue, millions of question could be raised upon this: are we talking about a society where school never exists, or are we taking out schools from our current society? Is there no school, or no education system at all? Would there be unified curriculum and examinations? Is it just Hong Kong or the whole world? Answering each of the above questions could have led to an endless list of possibilities. What are the pros and cons of the Dan Sans’ proposals? What’s so irreplaceable about schools? You’re welcomed and invited to continue this discussion at our Facebook account (Crossmen Hk) or via email ( Write soon!

Cultural Trend︳14

15 ︳ Special Feature

Text / Ching Ching | Design & Illustration / Katy Hung

Special Feature ︳16

17 ︳ Special Feature

承上期,如果我們生來就是個得勝者,為什麼這麼多人會 覺得自己失敗?為什麼我們這麼容易感到挫敗?難道遊戲 設定了我們一生只會贏一次──而且是在我們還未有自我 意識之前──然後終其一生接受形形式式的挫折?這樣的 定律,未免太殘忍了吧! 生命並不是這樣的。

Just a quick question: if we are born to be a victor, why so many of us feel like a failure? Why are we so easily defeated? Are we programmed to win ONLY once –that was even before we become conscious – then deal with all sorts of loses throughout our lives? Isn’t it cruel? I don’t think that’s how life should be. Just think about ME in the comic story. Does he feel like a

想想漫畫中的男主角,他覺得自己失敗嗎?當然!因為他 不像陳太個仔,也不像楊師奶個女……那些「成功人士」 的成就,他統統沒有。我們都是如此辨別成功或失敗的, 不是嗎?

loser? He certainly does, cause he’s nothing like Tommy or

再想想海裡的一條小魚,牠肯定無法進行光合作用,也不 會像獅子獵食,更不會像老鷹般翱翔天際……牠失敗嗎?

tosynthesis, cannot prey on deer and horses like a lion, nor

當然不!為什麼?因為牠們根本 不.一.樣! 問題正在這裡。

Stephanie, those who always triumph in lives. We all measure our own accomplishments with those around us, don’t we? Now think about a fish in the water. It knows not about phocan it fly like an eagle. Do we say that it is a loser because of this? Definitely not! Because they are DIFFERENT! And that’s the problem. We can tell the differences between fish, trees, lions and

我們一眼就能看出小魚、大樹、獅子、老鷹的獨特,所以 不會用獅子的標準來衡量小魚是否優秀,也不會因為老鷹 不懂游泳而指責牠失敗──我們懂得按照牠們被造時的獨 特性來評量牠們、肯定牠們。那麼我們自己呢?每個人手 上獨一無二的指紋,正好證明了我跟你是不一樣的,你 無須因為做不到我的強項而自卑,我也不會因為數學不及 你而難過。可惜,我們身處的系統只教導我們認識一種成 功;所以,其實不是我們失敗了,只是系統太狹隘了。 如果每個人一生都只需要完成一模一樣的過程,那造物主 為什麼要費神把我們造得獨一無二?如果每個人都只需要 考好會考、儘快買樓、賺第一桶金,那祂大可創造六十億 個考試奇才、金融鉅子,這樣一定皆大歡喜──但這並不 是祂的計劃。 今天的你,挫敗嗎?攤開雙手,看看單屬於你的指紋,它 在提醒你的獨特和你無可取代的使命,如果你仍未嚐到滿 足、成功的滋味,也許只是因為你還未找到你的真正使 命,依然錯誤地用樹的標準來衡量你這條小魚。醒醒吧! 做一條自覺的魚,繼續和男主角一同發掘你的真正Life Mission!

eagles easily by sight, hence we won’t judge a fish with the standard of a lion, or point fingers at an eagle when it fails to swim. We assess them according to the unique ways that they are made. What about us? The one-of-a-kind fingerprint shows that we are all different and unique. Likewise, we shouldn’t feel ashamed at all for failing to do well in areas that the others excel. Sadly though, our system teaches us to know only one kind of success; so when we ‘failed’, it’s not really us who fail in life, it’s our system which fails us. Why did the Creator bother to make us all unique and different if we are to go through one identical life program? School grades, wealth and properties, if that’s what everybody ought to gain, He could have made us all Steven Jobs or Donald Trump. But it’s not His plan. If you ever feel defeated, just take a look at your fingerprint, it symbolizes your uniqueness and your irreplaceable life mission. If you have yet experienced the sweet taste of success, perhaps it’s because you haven’t found your true mission. Wake up now! Recognize yourself as a ‘fish’ and stop measuring yourself with the standards of a ‘tree’. Be self-aware and search for your true mission!

Special Feature ︳18

這個時代,人人也想學音樂。父母們甚 至希望兒女在小學時已成為音樂神童, 比其他小孩更有天份。

In this generation, everybody wants to learn music. Many parents even hope to see their children becoming music genius, more talented than other kids.


What is Music?

很少人會定義什麼是音樂,因為不用解釋就能聯想到什麼 是音樂,根本懶得尋找定義。

People seldom define the term ‘music’, because people can easily think of what music is and just won’t bother to look up its definition.


One day, I felt the urge to do so and so I did. Here’s the definition of MUSIC:

一般說法:「一連串音符組織起來的節奏和旋律」,韋氏 字典說是「令人愉快的聲音」;牛津字典說是「經安排的 聲音,使聆聽的人舒適及感到激動的」。 我不禁想,今天多少兒童或青少年被逼學「藝」時,音樂 已變得不再「令人愉快」或是「感到舒適」。 從我小時候被逼學彈琴的慘況中已深深體會到,被逼學音 樂可以變得一點樂趣也沒有。

音樂.學? 其實「學習音樂」也頗抽象。按我的理解,學彈琴的第一 階段,是複製和模仿──老師怎樣彈,我就要模仿他的手 指、力度、姿勢、擺位……總之他怎樣,我就要做到怎 樣。 這個階段可以說是最無聊,卻又是不可或缺的。初學者不 能說建立自己風格,否則只會被老師批評是手法不對、亂 彈一通。 然而,音樂的基本功,並不是人人也有耐性練習的。但學 習又何嘗不是這樣?你要「熬過」很多無聊的歷程,若不 經過長年累月的跌跌撞撞,也遑論可以成為大師。 有了技巧,下一步就是發揮自己的創意。如果到這階段也 建立不出自己的風格,老師就會批評:沒有創意、沒有變 化、沒有感情,千篇一律。 一下子要創造出風格,很難;想長久做別人的複製品,也 難。但艱辛的學習過程總是值得的。

General definition: ‘the combination of music notes representing beats and melody’. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, music simply means’an agreeable sound’while Oxford Dictionary defines it as ‘the vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form , harmony, and expression of emotion’. So I can’t help wondering what the kids are thinking when they are forced to learn different kinds of talents these days. Perhaps music is hardly “agreeable” nor “harmonic” in this context. I was compelled to learn to play the piano when I was small. Hence I deeply understand that kids will find music no fun at all in such circumstance.

How can Music be Learnt? Actually ‘learning music’ is quite an abstract concept. According to my understanding, the first stage of learning to play piano is to COPY and IMITATE -- I have to imitate my teacher’s fingers gestures, the way force is applied, his postures ...Whatever the teacher does, I follow. This stage is the most boring but indispensable. Beginners can’t say they want to build up their own styles, or else teachers will comment that their fingers are posed incorrectly or they played wrongly. However, the foundation of music is built upon patience, and this is not something everyone can afford. Learning is always like that. You have to pay extra effort to go through every bit of the boring parts, accumulating every failure over the years to become a piano master. When you have techniques, the next step is to utilize your creativity. If you cannot develop your own style at this stage, the teacher will criticize you as having“no creativity, no changes, no emotions, no nothing”in your music. It is difficult to develop our own style all at once, also difficult is to be a duplicate of someone else for long. But the hardship in the learning process is worth our time.

19 ︳ M.A.J.

Text / Hei Leung | Design / York Tsui


How can Music be Taught?


Lately, I have a chance to teach someone to play the piano. I have discovered that teaching is just as tough as learning.

當你已經懂得加減乘除、指數或代數,要你從頭教人由加 數開始,的確需要很多的耐心。有時候你想告訴他:這其 實很簡單,只需……但卻行不通,因學習需要循序漸進。

Still remember how we learn to all the basics of Mathematics? After acquiring all the skills from simple addition to the advanced calculus, you have to teach somebody from the start! What you need is a great amount of patience. Sometimes you want to tell your student, “This is so simple, you only have to...”However, it just doesn’t work as learning is a gradual progress – and takes time.

學.教? 另一個難處也是模仿──模仿學生。當你清楚他們,才可 指出他們的強與弱,再加以改善。 為人老師,終極的高難度目標,不但是教懂學生或幫助他 們建立自己的風格,而是把自己所有的傳授他們,最終令 他們超越自己。 當老師願意學習「教導」,教導學生「學習」,學與教才 會有無窮的發展。 音樂,是個無窮的領域。因創意是上帝的禮物,不會有限 制。學習音樂、學習教音樂,也是無窮無盡的。我想也會 繼續學習,至死方休。過程中的甜酸苦辣,又何嘗不值得 呢?

The Learning Teacher Another difficulty of teaching is also imitating - imitating the student. Only when you know the strengths and weaknesses of the student, you can help them improve accordingly. The ultimate goal of being a piano teacher is not only to make the students capable nor to help them develop their own styles, but to pass on everything to the students and enable them to surpass you. When a teacher is willing to learn to “teach” and is teaching the students to “learn”, both the learner and teacher will have an infinite growth. Music has no boundaries, as creativity is a gift from God, who is infinite. Learning music and learning to teach music are also infinite. I would like to continue to learn till my last breath. The joy, disappointment, happiness and discouragement we experienced during our learning process, isn’t that worthy?

Music…and the Learning/Teaching of Music


M.A.J. ︳20

從小我就渴望讀理科,因為海洋世界和自然世界都常叫我著 迷。後來雖因種種原因無法如願,但大自然裡的一切仍然深 深吸引著我。以下兩種動物的特性,更令我印象難忘…… When I was small I wished to become a scientist. Learning about the fascinating natural wonders and the deep mysterious oceans always kept me excited all night long. Due to many reasons I wasn't made a scientist, but today, the scenic views and the deep water florescent creatures still echoes in my mind. The following two stories, in particular, mesmerize me deeply.


Last Six Months of Mother Octopus

如果問你:「假如生命只剩下六個月,你會做什麼?」住 在冰冷海域的巨大北太平洋雌性章魚,決定在生命的最後 六個月為下一代獻上餘生。

If I am telling you, "You got 6 months left to live." What would you do? Crawling in the icy cold waters, the North Pacific female Octopus have decided to dedicate her last 6 months to her sons and daughters.

首先,牠會四出尋找一個可以棲身、隱藏的洞穴。這洞穴 必需舒適,因為這將成為牠的葬身之所。牠在此產下十萬 顆卵,接下來的六個月裡,牠小心翼翼地呵護這些卵,用 觸鬚輕拂牠們,去除綠藻並供應氧氣。

First, she would look around and spot a crack between rocks where she could hide and live. This place must be comfortable and safe because this is where she comes to the end of the journey - she will die here after bearing the eggs.

牠一生只會產一次卵,所以不能大意,要非常小心地守護 受精卵,絕不會離開洞穴。在這六個月裡,為了照顧受精 卵,牠無法出外覓食,最後更會餓得奄奄一息。換了是我 們,可能早已選擇放棄,但章魚母親卻拼盡最後的力氣, 在饑腸轆轆的時候仍對著卵噴水,幫助它們孵化──牠是 為了照顧兒女而活活餓死的。 最後,發育完全的小章魚會破卵而出,雖然當中只有幾隻 能活到成年,但雌性章魚已盡力給後代最好的機會──而 且為此奉上生命。漫長孤獨的守護完結了,章魚媽媽的生 命也到了盡頭。

21 ︳Science Perspectives

She will bear 100,000 eggs, once and for all, in her lifetime. She must be gentle, and careful in getting rid of the tangled sea weeds to make sure enough oxygen is reaching the eggs. And of course, she watches out 24/7 for predators lurking in the shadows behind them. Because of that, she is not able hang around to look for food for 6 months. At the end she will be too starved to stretch her tentacles. If we were the octopus, we would have given up already. But she had strived her very last bit of breathe to hatch the eggs. At the right moment these tiny Octopus babies will crack the shells and hop towards the deep blue sea - although only a handful of which would eventually live to their adulthood. But Mummy had given her best, to the next generation - all of hers, and her life for it. The long and lonely journey has come to an end. So has she.

Text / Kashun | Design / York Tsui

草莓箭毒蛙的萬里長征 草莓箭毒蛙居住在哥斯達黎加森林的樹 冠層裡,牠們會在樹叢裡產卵,但卻不 能一直留在這裡,因為落葉會枯乾,猛 烈的陽光會把池塘裡的水蒸發,令牠們 的寶寶──蝌蚪──缺水而死。 為了保住孩子,雌蛙把一隻蝌蚪哄到背 上,正式展開一趟遙遠的旅程。牠要穿 過林地,爬上大樹,再到樹上的觀賞鳳 梨,而鳳梨中心的一潭水,正是最適合 的蝌蚪育兒室。對青蛙來說,這相當於 人類媽媽揹著孩子爬上帝國大廈!雌蛙 還要在育兒室內產下一顆沒有受精的卵 作為寶寶的食物,而且隔幾天就要回來 再產一個卵,為寶寶「補給」糧食。在 接下來的兩個星期內,雌蛙為了照顧下 一代,攀爬的距離將近一公里(別忘記 牠只有指甲般大小)! 蝌蚪開始長出四肢,尾巴漸漸消失,一 天牠離開育兒室,爬進森林──雌蛙也 終於可以休息了。

The Long March of Strawberry Poison Dart Frog Living in the canopy layers in the Costa Rica Forest, Strawberry Poison Frog laid eggs in the woods. But it couldn’t leave the eggs on the leaves nor in the pond, because the leaves would be dried up and eventually had their babies dehydrated. To keep them alive, the Mother Frog will put them onto her back and start off a long and winding journey. She has to hop through the woods, climb up the tree trunks to reach the Bromeliacea - a pineapple-like plant which usually traps water at its centre. It is a perfect den for hatching. Just imagine this is like your mom with you at the backpack and climb up the Imperial Building with bare hands. The mom frog has to keep an unfertilized egg as food for the babies, and every other day she has to refill the food. In the coming two weeks she would have to travel for a mile - and she’s just a nailsized miniature! Legs grow out and the tadpoles’ tails are vanished. One day they leave the nursing nest and venture in the woods. It’s time to rest, Mom.


為什麼動物會懂得生存的方法,懂得繁殖、養育下一代?章魚、青蛙都沒有自己的「學 校」,這些到底是誰教牠們的?也許你會說,是「本能」──一個眾所周知的答案。但假 如連沒有骨頭的章魚都能如此「無師自通」,身為萬物之靈的人類豈不更不得了?那為何 我們仍見留學生在機場只懂埋怨,無法自理?為何還有父母情願買煙,讓嬰兒活活餓壞? 「有師」到底是好是壞?「有師」而依舊冥頑不靈,問題到底出在哪裡? How come these animals would know how to survive, reproduce and raise their cubs? There’s no school for Octopus or the Frog, so who, has taught them all these? You might say that every animal would know it by instinct - as we all know. If a boneless Octopus can survive like this, how come we, the world’s ruler, the Homo sapiens cannot? Why, when our students are stuck in the airport, they did nothing to help themselves but complained pathetically? Why the parents could buy cigarettes for themselves and starve their baby to death? Is it beneficial or detrimental to have a teacher in our lives? Or are we too stubborn to learn the lesson? What’s wrong with us?

Science Perspectives ︳22

返學、返學…到底我們應該學什麼? ──《愛心教育──小徹在校園裡》 從前有一所學校,全校只有五十名學生;入學面試是向校 長談自己有興趣的事,談甚麼也行;課室是一輛輛車站棄 用的電車;採用自習形式教學,學生可以隨自己的進度學 習,也很主動向老師提問;每天上課沒有特定的時間表, 學生可隨意選擇先學習的科目;而且差不多每天也有校外 活動,甚至有散步課…… 真令人嚮往!你說是嗎?其實這種學校是真實存在過的, 它就是日本在二戰前成立過的一所小學——友江學園。

教育:發掘孩子內心的良善 友江學園的校長小林宗作(原名為金子宗作)這樣說: 「任何類型的孩子,生來都具有良好的素質。而在成長的 過程中,這種素質往往會被周圍的各種環境或大人們的種 種影響所慣壞。所以應及早發現這種『良好素質』,並使 其成長和成熟,從而把孩子造就成具有個性的人材。」 這種主張大概是跟現今的教育制度大相徑庭的——大人們 都按照自己覺得「好」和「正確」的知識和思想以單向的 方式授予學生,學生的潛能或興趣所在卻不常注意到。這 令我想起中五重讀的時候校長著我棄讀美術科,原因是「 應該專注其他科目,努力考上中六」,然而我當時最有興 趣的就是美術科了。 是否大人們都忘了自己曾經是孩子,也曾經有一些很傻很 不切實際的夢想?有沒有想過如果在成長期得到鼓勵繼續 向著自己的興趣進發,今時今日走的路又會不會有所不 同?

小林校長:友江學園的靈魂 我覺得小林校長非常勇敢,因為他願意相信也願意用心發 掘每一個學生的獨特性,不相信人長大了就只能在社會上 掙扎求存,反而幫助他們堅持自己的夢想、相信自己的能 力。更令人感動的是這位校長能夠用愛和包容的眼光看透 學生的表面行為,來認同他們的本性,就像故事的主角小 徹,即使是個好奇心重、愛搗蛋又常常闖禍,校長還是能 告訴她「其實你是一個好孩子」。

我覺得小林校長非常勇敢, 因為他願意相信也願意用心 發掘每一個學生的獨特性, 不相信人長大了就只能在社 會上掙扎求存……用愛和包 容的眼光看透學生的表面行 為,來認同他們的本性,就 像故事的主角小徹,即使是 個好奇心重、愛搗蛋又常常 闖禍,校長還是能告訴她 「其實你是一個好孩子」。 若孩子們都能夠得到以尊重作中心的培育,他們也能學會 用尊重影響身邊的人。

書名:《愛心教育——小徹在校園裡》 (或譯《窗邊的小豆豆》) 作者:黑柳徹子 出版社:山邊出版社 23 ︳ Book Reader

Text & Design /German Cheung


但是如果…… 馬騮同學 負責攀爬...

下個月學校運動會, 而家要選五組,每 組六人!

下個月學校運動會, 而家要選五組,每組 六人!

狗仔同學 負責傳膠圈...


馬仔同學 負責...






馬騮同學 負責攀爬...

狗仔同學 負責傳膠圈...


馬仔同學 負責...


老鼠同學, 你做後備啦! 而家開始練習! 3D加油!!

好在有老鼠同學打氣, 我地班先拎到冠軍咋! 係呀!


如 果 你 是 大 人 , 你 會 在 孩 子 身 上 寫 下 甚 麼 ? Book Reader ︳24

25 ︳ Relationship

Text / Danny Sen | Design / Ah Li

Relationship ︳26

The Perfect Curriculum –

by ME!

Let’s face it, school is pretty scary especially for someone like me. I’m one of the so-called lucky ones, you know, the top ten percent. Well guess what, it’s hard staying on the top. There are so many home works and projects, not to mention the tests and exams. The worst part, everyone kept thinking that it’s easy for me. Well, Thomas Alva Edison had it right: Success = 1% of Genius + 99% of HARD WORK! Now, for one split second, let’s imagine that I have, in my hand, a magic ward that can “puff” my subjects and change it into the perfect curriculum starting with the subjects I suck at.

The Top 3 must-change subjects:

Chinese Language.- “puff” – AL (animal language) Chinese is a must-take course in school. I have to take a class or two everyday, five days a week, not to mention tuitions on the weekends. To me, Chinese Language is like a whole new alien language. Every word is a different symbol and the symbols that are linked up together to form a sentence can induce different meanings even if all the symbols are the same! It’s just weird. I mean, even Chinese nowadays can speak English, is there really a need to communicate with them in their own language? After all, English is still the global language in this universe. Okay, okay, if we really need to learn a new language to make contact or communication with other species that do not use English, why not try studying animal language instead? After saying the “Old McDonald” tunes for so many years, isn’t it fair for us to study and find out what the “moo moo”, “oink oink” and “quack quack” truly mean?

27 ︳ Mind Teaser

Text /Abigail Sun | Design / German Cheung

Math – “puff” – DC (Digital Code) I have to admit that, in our daily lives we do need to calculate things. However, we just need to use the basic “four elements” – , +, x, ÷ and we are set. So why do we still need Algebra, Matrix or Quadratic Equations? The odds of having to use this on your regular shopping would be less then 40% by conservative calculation. How about teaching us digital codes instead? The odds of us needing to use a particular code to order our computer to act in a particular way would be far more frequent especially when we are in the midst of moving up the next level in our gaming world. At least I won’t be the one posing dummy statement like “My macbook air hardware test shows error code 4HDD/11/40000004: internal error” on Twitter/Y! Knowledge.

Chemistry – “puff” – BGRC (Boy-Girl Relation Chemistry) Do you know what this means? “H2SO4 + ZnO→ZnSO4 + H2O” This is the Chemical Equation of “Acid + Metal Oxide → Salt + Water”. Sometimes I wonder, when Chemistry was invented, did the society suddenly ran out of words, that’s why Antoine Lavoisier must use the structure of that molecule to represent that element? Another point is, when we grow up, how often would we use “H2O” to present “water” anyway? If you are determined to be a Chemist then it makes sense, but I don’t see people going into 7-11s saying “can I have 10 moles of H2O please?” Why can’t school just educate us what is important and useful in life? Something that can help us communicates better with others, especially opposite sex. Say, instead of studying about what H2SO4 + ZnO would become, isn’t it more important (and practical) to learn what a passionate note + subtle smile hint? We’ve got to learn about this someday right?

Knock-knock, Reality Check. I was taught to analyze that everything has 2 sides, negative and positive. Think about it, if everyone gets their dream subject, what would the school become? What I can imagine is maybe, there is something more to these subjects than just gaining knowledge or information. Maybe there are some survival skills that we can learn from each lesson that is not based on knowledge of a particular element. Maybe we would not find out what it is till we have grown up and need to actually use these skills that we learned in the society. In all, I can say that if these subjects were changed and implemented into our curriculum, school would have a whole new meaning to everyone. (To be really honest, I’m looking forward to it!)

Mind Teaser ︳28

If there were

no schools…

29 ︳Off Campus

Text / Abigail Sun | Design / York Tsui

My school was burned down in a fire (luckily it happened in the evening so no one was hurt). Yipee! No more school! I called my friend Kristine immediately to make plans to go shopping. At Times Square mall, we met other kids from our school and decided to watch a movie together. Afterwards we went to Starbucks for a drink and plan activities for the next day.

This is what we had planned: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

: Ocean Park : Karaoke all day : Hiking in Lamma Island : Disney Park (it’s cheaper during weekdays) : Shopping : Swimming : Church and then Ice Skating at Mega Box : Movie : Biking at Tai Wo : We couldn’t decide what to do, then Petrina said, “just go with the flow la” (she’s Singaporean, we forgave her for her accent since she’s great fun to be with)

We had fun all week. But Monday was so-so because Charmaine and Nathan had a fight over which movie to watch. We ended up eating ice cream at Tom and Jerry’s. As I was getting ready to leave the house on Tuesday, out of the corner of my eye I saw my mom coming towards me. “Where do you think you’re going, young lady?” mom asked. “Huh, out biking with my friends.” “What about your homework?” “Mom, did you forget the school burned down? It’s not my fault, what homework?” “Do you want to be an ignoramus? Wasting your life away with fun? What will you do when you grow up, a bum? Just because your school got burned down is no excuse for not learning! Get back in your room right now and starting revision.” My mother said all this in one breath without giving me a chance to get a word in.

I, being an obedient daughter, went into my room and switched on my computer to study. At this date and age, with YOUTUBE, you really don’t need school. I can learn everything through surfing the net. With a computer, who needs teachers?

It’s been a month now since the school burned down. Doing nothing is a drag! Don’t get me wrong, I loved going out with my friends and watching TV at any hour. But I secretly missed going to school. Okay, not the homework or the exams, I’m bored! If I were at school right now, I’ll be in Science class with Mr. P. Today we’re supposed to dissect frogs. Mr. P would have cracked a joke and have us laughing our heads off. I even missed the sound of Mr. W, our principal telling us to stay in line on the stairs. Well, obviously school has its advantages, where else am I going to meet friends and have a social life? I want to go back to school! “Hey, wake up sleepyhead. You’ll be late for school.” “Huh, what…? Mom, there is no school. It got burned down last month.” “You wish it was burned down. Get up or you’ll really be late!’

Off Campus ︳30

Ma l

a ng


31 ︳Travelogue



Text / Virendra de Alwis | Design / York Tsui One of the most interesting places I have visited recently was Indonesia. I went there for my uncle’s wedding. It was a short plane trip from Hong Kong to Surabaya in Indonesia. After we arrived there, we took a taxi to Malang. This area of Indonesia is not the main tourist area, but it gave me an insight into the life and customs of the Indonesians.

Authentic Indonesian Wedding My uncle was marrying an Indonesian lady and the wedding was to be in traditional Indonesian style. My uncle wore the Beskap. It is a batik cloth with a heavily embroidered white jacket. He had a short sword tucked into the back of his sarong. He had a headdress and also had to wear the traditional footwear. The bride was dressed in a Kebaya. Her hairstyle was very elaborate. She looked very different to how we saw her before. The wedding was first in the church. After the church ceremony we went to the reception hall. There were many people there. The music was traditional Indonesian music on heavy brass pots. I enjoyed seeing the Indonesian wedding ceremony. The bride and groom had to cut a rice cone instead of a cake. This was served with several traditional dishes.

Safari…safari! Besides this glimpse of Indonesia traditions, we also saw some interesting places in Malang. The Taman Safari Park in Prigen was very interesting. The safari is amazing with lots of animals to see. There are animals that are native to Indonesia but there are also animals native to other countries. There are more than 2500 animals of 200 different species. There are many animals to see. These animals are not caged but let out and kept in their natural habitat. You can drive your car through with the animals roaming around you. We had tigers and lions walking around us. There are warning signs when you enter an area where there are wild animals. You should keep the windows on the car closed. It was interesting to see the animals at such close quarters. The camels came right up to our vehicle and licked the windscreen. I had never ever seen a camel up so close. People in Malang are very friendly and will offer help whenever possible. People in Indonesia speak Bahasa. But my aunt’s family and relatives speak Javanese. Some people in Indonesia people also speak Chinese. The food in Malang is very good. Most of the time we spent in Malang we ate nasi goring which is a traditional Indonesian dish. It is basically fried rice. But tastes a lot better. Indonesia (Malang) is a very exciting place to go and visit. I enjoyed learning about the Indonesian customs and their culture. It was very enjoyable to spend time with my extended family.

Travelogue ︳32

雖不起眼但卻又不平凡 33 ︳ Snapshot

Photo & text:王靖雯 勞工子弟中學

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