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ISSUE 47 March 2011

CROSSMEN is a monthly magazine published in Hong Kong by Kingdom Ministries. Copyright Kingdom Ministries, all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. CROSSMEN Unit A, 7/F, Kader Bldg, 22 Kei Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay, HK Tel: (852) 2235 5223 Fax: (852) 3018 0414 Email:

: Crossmen Hk



2 Editor’s Note


4 News Review


5 Feature Story


9 Campus Sidekick

校園「」勢力 Campus Power

Art Director York Tsui

11 M.A.J.


Art Consultant Pun Pun

13 Relationship


15 CM Special


17 Motion Picture


19 Travelogue


21 Science Perspectives

微笑方程式 :-)

23 Cultural Trend


25 Random Thought


26 Talk Your Walk


27 Self on Shelf

Why You Did What You Did

29 Inside Out

Mind Your Mind

31 Spirituality

Longings Fulfilled

33 Snapshot

Publisher Andrew Ho Marketing Manager Mabel Tai

Weibo Users Helped Find Kidnapped Children This Supernatural Power Belongs to You

Like Master, Like Students Making Friends with Your Desires Let the Nails Fly Let the Bullets Fly: The Collaboration of Small Potato and Big Fish What Truly Matters in Sabah…and Trips? The Smiling Formula :-) Love Keeper

THE CROSSMEN TEAM Executive Editor Ching Ching

Contributing Writers Seine Lam, German Cheung, Ching Ching, Hei Leung, BB Li, Tim Lo, LamKi, TAMs, SOs, Ah Po, U-fire, John Yap, Stephanie Tang, Adelaide Chan Designers and Photographers German Cheung, Katy Hung, York Tsui, Kashun, Irene Kong Tommy Hung Translators Tim Lo, Edna Hung, Clara Fong, Ching Ching 廣告查詢: Mabel 22355223

Text / Ching Ching | Design / York Tsui

估領袖 小時候,每次玩「估領袖」都會很緊張。緊張,不是因為怕露出 馬腳或猜不中,低低調調的我,向來都很少被選中成為領袖/估 領袖者,但當大夥兒鬧哄哄地選領袖的時候,我通常都在遊魂, 到遊戲開始了也不知道誰是領袖!結果跟那被關在門外的人一樣 蒙在鼓裡。會是他嗎?好幾次都是他先開始拍手的,不過摸頭的 時候他又慢半拍;也許是她,鬼鬼祟祟的眼神,分明就是心虛! 有一次,我的烏龍性格更鬧出個大笑話來。慣性地心不在焉的 我,再次錯過了選領袖的環節,想問人,主持人卻已經把估領袖 者帶進房間,我唯有隨心選個人來跟。拍手、轉圈、踏步、摸耳 朵……跟著跟著,我突然發現圈中人的動作開始混亂,一些在拍 手的時候,另一些卻在單腳站,拍子也變得亂七八糟。大家都摸 不著頭腦,但又怕亂說話會破壞遊戲規則,最後估領袖者當然無 法順利猜中。心有不甘的他大叫道:「到底誰是領袖?」 「領袖」吞吞吐吐地自首:「本來我是一直在帶領的,但見大家 開始混亂,我怕被他識穿,所以偷偷跟了大家的錯誤動作,明明 該拍頭三下的,我跟著大家只拍兩下……」 「嫌疑人一號」接著說:「我真是無辜!為了掩護領袖,我刻意 不看著他,打算只跟著其中一個人做動作,怎料越跟越不對勁, 後來完全跟錯了,你就以為我是領袖!其實我只是跟著她做!」 一下就把我供了出來。 無計。我只好硬著頭皮說:「其實我根本不知道誰是領袖……」 就這樣,一場遊戲最終以鬧劇收場。 原來會這樣的。所謂「高處不勝寒」,身處高位的人有時候雖然 滿肚子想法,但為求自保,最後可能還是選擇按大眾的標準做 事,美其名為「順應民意」,如蓄短鬍子的財爺。 有些時候,我們常以為自己在跟著一些人的方向走,但其實那些 人根本沒領導的打算,當然也不會為跟隨者負責,如拍拖甩拖又 再拍拖的明星偶像,又如未婚產子然後傷心分手的小超人與伊莎 貝拉。如果有人不知就裡,有樣學樣,結果身心受創,想投訴控 訴的話,大概亦只會換來一句:「車!我都無叫你跟我。」 當然,也有一些人既沒有要跟隨的意識,更沒想過要影響別人, 但卻不小心地錯誤引導/引導了身邊人,如你(用一個兇狠的眼 神秒殺心靈脆弱的隔離位)、我(用這800字來佔據了你人生重 要的15分鐘要)、他(FB的一個status令你想入非非)。

Editor’s notes ︳02


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Text / KaKa| Design / German Cheung

隨手拍照解救乞討兒童, 你關注左未? Weibo Users Helped Find Kidnapped Children

早前報章有很多關於微博隨手拍照解救乞討兒童的報導。 在短短兩星期已有逾九萬網民回應,並已解救五名兒童, 就連政府也支持這個運動。內地各省的網民都一呼百應, 拍下懷疑被拐的兒童,然後上載。集合眾人之力,這個微 博行動才能如此成功。微博的影響力,的確強大,不但能 集腋成裘,還能將訊息廣傳開去。你轉載我的,我轉載 你的,他又轉載我的,最後成千上萬的人都能看到。不過 再想,如果沒有人幫忙轉發這些小乞丐的照片,這個微博 還會如此成功嗎?所以說到底,最有影響力的不是死物它 (微博),而是你我他──網民。「隨手拍照解救乞討兒 童」的創立者就是利用了網民的力量去救人,這當然是一 件好事。除了這件救兒童事件外,埃及、利比亞等地也因 為人民的強大力量,影響了整個國家,使統治者下台。 所以千萬不要小看個人的力量,當力量集合在一起,就會 變成一股強大的影響力,這股強大的影響力一定要用得其 所,否則就會被利用,造成破壞而不是改變。 Reports covering stories of Weibo (microblog) users helped find kidnapped children were all over the place. Over 90,000 users responded to the cause within 2 weeks’ time and 5 children were successfully rescued. Enthusiastic netizens took photos of suspected kidnaps and uploaded them to the Internet. If it’s not for everyone’s effort, it would not have succeeded. Weibo’s impact is beyond doubt as messages are re-tweeted and spread at tremendous speed, resulting in extremely high page views. However, if no one participate in this web movement, Weibo will be nothing but another nameless net occupier. So who’s having the impact – Weibo or YOU and ME? Apart from this Chinese initiative, people from Egypt, Libya and other countries Never look down on the power of each individual, when gathered and directed, it can become an influential force, used or abused. News Review ︳04

這個年頭,很多人都對領袖不滿。市民不滿政府,學生不滿老師,子女不滿父母。另一邊廂,許多人對領導力趨之若 鶩,各式各樣的領袖訓練課程充塞著各方各處,去黃埔軍校、聽名人講座,就連網絡紅人的成功祕方我們都讀得津津有 味,也許,心底裡我們都渴望成為領袖、一個別人跟隨的對象?到底什麼是領袖?你,有想過嗎?想與大家分享一點想 法,刺激你一同思考。 ‘Leaders’are frequently under attack in our times. Citizens are upset with the government, students challenge teachers’ authority, while you and I rebel against our own parents. On the other hand, people are after ‘leadership’ like bees after honey. You can tell from the countless leadership courses available around us. Do we all long to become a leader, someone followed by the others? What indeed is a leader? Have you ever thought of that?


This Supernatural Power Belongs to You


︳ Feature Story

Text /CHing Ching | Design / York Tsui

1. 有人說,領袖就是影響力。

‘Leadership is influence’, quoted John Maxwell, THE management expert

2.承#1,如果領袖就是影響力,那麼李家仁醫生/上載「小明上廣州」的網民可能是個很成功的領袖──因為 他有很大的影響力。 If #1 is true, then those who are most re-tweeted shall be considered as a successful leader as they’re highly influential.

3.「我心目中」的偉大領袖:孫中山、德蘭修女、甘地、馬丁路德金、昂山素姬──他們對世界有極大影響, 追隨者眾。 Great leaders: Dr. Sun Yat-sin, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Aung San Suu Kyi. They all have great impact on the world and are followed by many.

4.「我的」偉大領袖:爸爸、媽媽、隔離位同學、預科中國文學老師、耶穌──他們對我本人都有 極大影響。 MY great leaders: parents, fellow students, teacher of Chi. Lit, Jesus. They all have great impact on ME.

5. When I follow you, you LEAD. 6. 基本上我是個很容易受人影響的人,認識一班新朋友後,我會很快沾染了他們的口頭禪、小動作,甚至 飲食口味。 I’m easily influenced by people around me and pick up my friend’s pet phrases and taste within days.

7. 也許可以這麼說:我身邊的人很容易就能成為我的「領袖」,因為他們可以影響我。

Perhaps it’s fair to say that people around me can become my leader easily because they have an impact on me.

8. 你有影響人嗎?你是領袖嗎?

Do you have an impact on the others? Are you a leader?

9.我什麼時候最有影響力?打呵欠!因為我一打呵欠,旁邊的人也會不由自主地跟著打,一直蔓延,猶如 病毒。 I have the most influence when I YWAN. People next to me yawn when I yawn and it spreads like an epidemic.

10. 身在高位的人不一定有 影響力 ,換句話說,掛著「 領袖 」名銜的人不見得就是真正的 「領袖」。(參#1) Those who’re in a leading position may or may not lead. A title doesn’t mean anything. (Ref #1) 11.純粹想像(如有雷同,請勿見怪!):在課室裡,老師通常是最明顯的「領袖」,他/她主導課 堂流程、內容,以至學生座位──很有影響力吧!但如果有一名學生肆意搗亂,不守規矩,亂調位置, 那整個課堂秩序可能被瞬間破壞(你總經歷過老師為了處罰一個多嘴反叛的同學而無法教書吧)。這麼 看來,這一名學生可實實在在地「影響」了整節課堂。問題是,在這個情況下──誰是「領袖」? A wild thought: Teachers are the obvious leaders in a classroom. He/she dominates the rundown and content of the lesson. However, the order of the classroom can be totally disrupted when a rebellious student decides to misbehave. In this case, this student is having an impact on the lesson. So who is the real leader?

12.繼續想像(如有雷同,請勿見怪!):假設有一位不得民心的校長,無論他主張什麼,大家都 只是陽奉陰違。如:校長倡議建立「有禮校園」運動,鼓勵學生有禮貌地待人接物,但其實大家除 了參加什麼班際積分比賽外,基本上沒有真正學懂尊重他人。似乎這位校長並沒有什麼影響力,是 嗎?可是,當他以校長的權威決定凡不說「早晨」的學生都要罰留堂,這個決定就實實在在地影響 了每一個人。那麼,他有影響力嗎?他是領袖嗎? Another wild thought: Say there’s an unpopular principal and most people pay only lip service to his suggestion. It looks like this principal does not have much influence. However, if he chooses to exercise authority and punishes whoever goes against his will, then such decision will have an actual impact on everyone on campus. Is that influence? Is he a leader?

Feature Story ︳06

影響力不是零和遊戲 當大家一窩蜂去追尋「增強影響力之法」、「成功領袖秘 笈」的時候,有沒有想過其實我們本來就已經有影響別人 的能力?影響力並非一場零和遊戲,就算你的影響力不 如國家元首,一句話就能定人生死;也不如網絡紅人,貼 一張圖就惹來上百個回應,你仍然是一個「有」影響力的 人,是一個「領袖」──至少在若干層面上如是。 既然如此,與其單單追逐「什麼正影響著我」、「如何才 能深深影響他人」的答案,不如想一想:你正影響著誰? 會是你的「細佬妹」嗎?當你對弟妹跟出、跟入、跟衣 著、跟喜好的行徑感到厭煩的時候,其實你已經影響了他 們。

Influence is not a Zero-Sum Game Have you ever thought that you’re already influential to a certain extent? Influence is not a zero-sum game, you may not be as impactful as a national leader or the hottest blogger, but know it or not, you’ve already making an impact on the people around you – and you don’t need a certificate for that! If that’s the case, shall we change the question that we’re asking? Perhaps the most valuable question to ask isn’t ‘what’s influencing my life’ or ‘how can I be influential’, but ‘who are you influencing?’

也許是你的同學?你身邊的好朋友會因為你討厭A君而與他 保持距離嗎?或是不自覺地剪了和你一模一樣的髮型,買 相同型號的電話?也能你已成為他生命中的其中一個「領 袖」。

Would that be your bro and sis? If you’re ever annoyed by their imitating you in every possible ways, you’ve already influenced them. Or your fellow classmates? Would your best friend distance himself/herself from Allison because of you? Are they following your hair style or cell phone model? You could have been one of the leaders in his/her life.

或許更多時候,你影響的是你的父母──一句衝口而出的 妄語、一頓漠然冷淡的晚飯、一次體貼的按摩,往往就主 導了父母的喜怒哀樂。這,也是你的影響力。

Maybe you make much impact on your parents: a mindless utterance, a silent and impassionate dinner or a thoughtful massage at the end of the day could have determined their moods. It, too, is your influence.

我在想,身邊的人(無論是領袖、被領袖領導的人,或是 「唔上唔落」的中游分子)常常都對自己無法影響人而心 存恐懼,又會擔心自己被廣告影響、被朋輩壓力影響,但 可能最可怕的,不是沒有影響力,而是對自己的影響力不 自知,繼而亂用、濫用。那,會是你嗎?

07 ︳ Feature Story

Whether you’re a leader, a follower or someone caught between the two, we always worried about not having influence towards the others. Some are highly cautious about being impact by ads and peer pressure. But to me, the scariest part isn’t about not being influential, but exercising influence unknowingly. This is where power abuse begins.

增 強 影 響 力 大 法

比心機練呀 練左就有好大影響 力架喇


師父,練到咁大影 響力,咁我要影響 人地d咩呢?

It’s More about Content than the Intensity

記得見工的時候,我曾滿懷理想地向面試員分享說:「我 希望以生命影響生命。」(很偉大的答案吧!)不料,面 試員完全不為所動,淡淡然地反問道:「你有些什麼值得 去影響別人?」我當時完全楞住了──我根本沒想過這條 問題!多少時候我們都是這樣,一心希望影響別人,但目 的是什麼呢?為自己名成利就?滿足能夠操控、影響別人 的慾望?還是因為你擁有一些非常寶貴的好東西,希望影 響他人來一同分嚐?

At my first job interview, I once shared about my dreams, ‘I wish to impact the others with my life!’ Unmoved by my ideals, the interviewer asked, ‘What do you have that worth impacting the others?’ I was speechless – it’s something I’ve never thought of! How often we seek after the ability to make an impact without reflecting on our own objectives and agendas. Would it be purely self-serving and satisfying to my power desire? Or are you trying to influence the crowd so that they can share what’s precious to you?

假如你今天已擁有超強大的影響力,你會影響他人去做什 麼?

If you are able to influence millions today, what would you inspire them to do?


Tis’ the question I’m pondering.

資料來源 Source: 1. Gladwell, Malcom, The Tipping Point, New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2006. 2. Maxwell, John, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1998.

Feature Story ︳08



Campus Power

根據筆者長達半年之觀察,在芸芸學生之中最有影響力 的,大致有以下幾種(老師和校長除外): After a 6-month observation, here’s my suggested list of campus powerhouse (teachers and principle excluded):

領袖生 Prefects

09 ︳ Campus Sidekick

在學校「蝦蝦霸霸」的大哥大、大姐大 Mr./Miss Bully on Campus

學生會及各學會主席、 各社社長 Chairman/Chairlady of SU, clubs etc

Text /BB LI | Illustration/ Kashun | Design / York Tsui



先談領袖生,他們一般給人的感覺,都是品學兼 優,謙卑有禮,是老師和同學心目中的「乖乖 仔/女」。有時會看到他們在門口當值,協助老 師檢查學生的儀容,有時又會看到他們在低年 班的課室外徘徊,給予一眾師弟妹幫忙,場面 好不溫馨。用心想想,其實他們所需要負責和承 受的,應該比我們所想像的更多。除了要幫助老 師、管理學生、維持跌序外,又要好好兼顧自己 的學業和課外活動的成績,為的就是要樹立一個 好榜樣,讓其他同學願意從心地服從他們!F.1 的蚊蚊告訴我,她將來很想成為一位領袖生,因 為她所認識的領袖生,都是平易近人,又經常幫 助她的!

Almost all prefects share these in common: excellent school grades and manner, humble, eloquent, winning trust from teachers and students alike. It’s not rare to see them on duty at the School Gate and inspect uniforms of students. Sometimes you can also see them giving a hand to the juniors in a warm and friendly way. Prefects are ‘powerful’ in the sense that they often take action on behalf of teachers, yet with great power come great responsibilities. To be the role model, they ought to be highly self-disciplined and take up additional workload. Manni, a lovely F.1 girl, once told me that she desired to be a prefect because of the good impression they’ve left her.

學 生 會 及 各 學 會 主 Chairman/Chairlady of SU, clubs etc 席、各社社長 經常在教員室門外看到一班學生會的成 員,他們的公務好像由年頭到年尾也做不完,每天 就是想著怎樣為廣大學生們謀福利,從學生會的壁報 上,那份越來越厚的學生會優惠文件可見一斑。他 們年紀雖小,但幹勁十足,一切都以同學們的福利先 行,難怪其他同學對這群學生會會員都非常信任,尤 其是低年班的學生,他們非常留意學生會 的一舉一動,甚至有點 在學 像追星呢!

校蝦蝦 霸霸的大 哥大、大姐大

If you need to locate a member of the Student Union, go to the Staff Room corridor! These busy bees spend countless hours on all kinds of student-related matters and bargain for better welfare on our behalves. Young they might be, their motivation and capability match those high rank government officials. They win the trust of fellow students with their deeds, no wonder the juniors follow them as if they’re one of the red carpet stars.

這一群高Form的阿哥阿 姐,大多都是訓導房的「熟客」,雖然 他們於很多方面也不達標,但能看得出 他們大部份人的心裡,仍是尊重老師 的,仍是善良的,只是因為性格,或成 長背景,或受到朋友的影響,所以改善 和進步的步伐較慢。有趣的是,他們在 低年班中,也有不少擁戴者,記得有一 次上F.1學生課堂時,班中最頑皮的偉偉 問我:「Miss,你認識F.5的XX嗎?我覺 得他很有型!」

以上的三類學生,表面上給人的感覺都很不一樣,但在 他們身上,都可感受到一種影響力,一種讓其他同學想去跟 從他們、仿傚他們的力量,他們都忠於自己,勇於面對自己,即使 是蝦霸的大哥大姐,他們做錯了事,傷害了老師的心,仍是會道 歉、認錯,甚至把早餐也買來作負荊請罪,希望老師能原諒...... 我想,他們的影響力並不在乎「位置」,乃在乎氣質。責任感、親 和力、誠信……大概就是他們的「星味」來源。

Mr./Miss Bully on Campus Discipline room is the place they visit most on campus. Many labeled them as the rule-breakers, yet most of them have lots of respect for their teachers. Deep down they’re just like us. Perhaps it’s reasonable to explain the misbehaviors with their personality, family background or peer influence. Interestingly, many juniors follow them as do after other student leaders. Another F.1 student, Wayne, once asked me about a Mr. Bully and spoke in lengths about his charisma

Different they might seem, these 3 groups of students do have great impact on the campus. Their power lies in the ability to inspire others to follow and imitate them. They are true to themselves and handle their own weaknesses in a courageous way. Even the Mr./Miss Bully would apologize for their own misbehavior (some even buy teachers breakfast to show sincerity). Perhaps it’s not at all about their ‘position’ but their characters. Accountability, friendliness, integrity…these are the genuine sources of these campus ‘powerhouse’.

Campus Sidekick ︳10

這個補習名師的年代,學生都四出尋覓名師, 每遇「奪A高手」就向好友們報喜訊。名師彷彿 成了貨品,學生任意選擇優質良品,口碑不好 就成了次等貨色。 這不禁令我再次回想:「老師」究竟是什麼一 回事? Nowadays it’s very common to get a private tutor. Every student will tell their classmate if they had found one with “A-guaranteed”label. Good tutors have become a merchandize for students to pick and those who didn’t make a good impression would soon become a second choice. It makes me think again: What makes a good teacher?

學音樂?跟個好老師啦! 說說我自己的故事。一直有看M.A.J.的朋友都會知道,小 時候的我被母親逼去學鋼琴,由小五開始就要與討厭的五 線譜和黑白琴鍵相處。 老師是個幾乎足不出戶的中年漢。學習古典音樂五年多, 跟老師說話不出十句。


Get Yourself a Good TEACHER and Learn Music Let’s begin with my own story. If you’ve been reading MAJ, you would know I was forced to learn piano by my parents. From Grade 5 I started to hate the music scores and the keyboard. My music teacher is a homebound middle-aged man. For the 5 years I learn classical music with him we didn’t converse for more than 10 sentences.

“You’d like some water?”

「好。」 「嗱。」

“Yes.” “Here you go.”





一週復一週,如此的學習,沒有帶給我音樂的興趣,只令我 想盡辦法逃離學琴的命運。再好的老師,若只是給我知識, 卻沒有培養我對音樂的興趣,都只不過是個「教師」。

Week after week I ‘learnt’ music from him without being inspired. I grew to deter piano. If someone feeds me only with knowledge without arousing my interests to music, he is merely a ‘teacher’.

11 ︳ M.A.J.

Text / Hei Leung | Design / York Tsui

想出色…跟個名師啦! 我對音樂的興趣,是自己培養出來的。到了今天,學音樂 也不局限在古典音樂的範疇,我開始跟朋友玩音樂,或自 己編曲錄音。為求進步,我也嘗試尋找教授製作音樂的老 師。與補習文化大同小異,現在學音樂也要找有名氣的老 師:「他是電影配樂大師」、「她是鋼琴家」… 然而,若想擴闊自己的音樂領域或深度,不是找到名師就 能成功。畢竟,名師雖有名氣,卻不代表他們會看待你如 入室弟子。

要跟…就跟個好師傅! 現在的教師與從前的最大分別,就是師生與師徒的關係。 昔日,老師會成為徒兒的師傅,與弟子朝夕相對,一起生 活。師傅所傳授的不只是知識,而是生活態度。基本上, 師傅所做的一切,都成為徒兒的榜樣。

Get Yourself a Good MASTER and Fly Higher! I have self-grown my passion to music. I move beyond classical music, join bands and start recording songs. To improve myself, I also look for masters who would enhance my skills in composing. Similar to private tutors, we are always in the hunt for “Award-winning soundtrack makers”, “Celebrated pianist” etc. It takes more than a good teacher to excel in music. Those ‘A-list’ musicians will not necessarily take you as their disciples.

A Good Master: Key to Excellence The biggest difference between the teachers then and now is the master-student relationship. In the past, teachers were like masters, and they not only teach, but live together. They pass on not only knowledge, but also their attitudes to life. Their words and deeds are what the students look upon to.

聖經中的耶穌就是以最密切的方式與十二個「徒兒」相 處。其中所傳授的不只是知識或道理,而是生命的態度。 唯有以這樣的方式相處,才是真正以生命影響生命。

Jesus in the Bible has a very close relationship with his disciples. He passed on more than just knowledge or philosophies, but the way to live. Only this kind of living will affect our lives.


Who Do You Follow?

說來可能抽象,但我確信音樂反映一個人,是有風格── 甚至有性格的。因此,我尋找真正的老師,不只是傳授技 巧,而是用生命來感染我。

It may sound abstract but to me music reflects the character and has a life of its own. Hence I look for music master who has an influential life, not only a skillful one.

曾經有一段時間,我發現自己彈琴到了一個階段毫無進 步。那時候,我就會一直彈琴一直祈禱,因為耶穌會給我 無窮的創意,祂是我最大的師傅。這樣「學音樂」,使我 擁有的不只是更多的音樂技巧。最終別人也會看見,你的 音樂好聽,不是因為修飾多了,而是因為你充滿生命力。

For once I found myself frustrated at a bottleneck. So I prayed while I was playing piano and Jesus gave me unprecedented creativities as he is the greatest master of all. Learning music this way makes me posses with more than just skills. At the end people find your music enjoyable not because there are more articulations but because you are living with passion.


This is a master that I truly long for.

M.A.J. ︳12

13 ︳Relationship

Text / LamKi | Design / Irene Kong

人人天生都有很多渴望在心中。我們渴望美麗、渴望會有嚮 往的對象、渴望為大、渴望親密的關係、渴望被愛、欣賞, 以及留下長遠的影響。這是都好的,是天生的。 如果根據經濟學的角度,人的欲望是無止境的;又如果 根據男性的角度,女性需要被愛的渴望都是無止境的;再 如果根據女性的角度,男性需要被肯定的渴望亦是無止境 的。那麼,究竟在這麼多的欲望底下,你會怎樣回應你心 中的渴望呢? 上個月,我看了一套話劇,裡面每個角色的感情生活都混 亂不堪,有些同一時間有超過十個男朋友,有些可能因為 難耐分手的寂寞而極速換畫,有些可能害怕承擔責任而不 肯委身……到最後,大家都傷痕纍纍。看畢這套劇,我不 敢問了一句:其實我們想要的是什麼呢?我們想要愛,所 以不顧一切的奉上所有,包括自己的貞操及尊嚴?我們想 要肯定,所以竭盡力氣的表現自己?我們想要美麗,所以 節衣縮食的努力減肥? 記得小時候的我,很喜歡「扮靚」,但升上小一後,不知 為何,我覺得愛美麗是錯的,於是會特地把自己裝醜。小一 的時候,我每天都帶著頭箍,直到二年級,有一天上體育課 時,因為安全理由,老師要我把頭箍除下,我還記得當時一 除下,大家都稱讚我很漂亮,人人的眼光都注視著我。我心 裡都會暗暗地很高興,因為原來我是美麗的,但卻很害怕, 覺得愛美麗是一種罪,是不討人喜歡的,也很怕別人的眼光 落在我身上,總不相信稱讚可以白白得來。於是後來,我誓 死也不把頭箍除下,就算除下,也不把頭髮梳好。就這樣的 直到四年級。明顯地,我這個想法是被扭曲了,是錯誤的。 我們很容易會因為害怕別人的眼光而否定自己的渴望,就 像我覺得愛美麗是錯的,於是害怕別人看到我美麗的時候 會覺得我很貪靚,所以我會刻意壓抑自己的渴望;然而, 渴望美麗是正常的,而且,我們每一個都是美麗的。此 外,我們亦很容易為了快快滿足自己的欲望而以錯誤的方 法行事,就好像話劇中的人,為了滿足自己渴望被愛的需 要,於是一交就是十個男朋友,傷害別人的同時,亦傷害 自己,最後還是很不滿足。 今天,究竟又是什麼在主導你呢?你的渴望又是什麼?

We are all born with a lengthy wish list in heart: everlasting beauty, a soul mate to walk with and admire, reputation and respect, intimacy, to be loved, appreciated and influential. None of these wishes are evilly intended. Economists believe that human is bestowed with never-ending wants, both men and women discover the unending emotion desire of the opposite sex: women is after love, while men needs affirmation. Now over to you – how do you respond to your own desires? In a drama performance I enjoyed last month, I found that each character suffered from troubled relationships: some are dating with 10+ guys at the same time, some ‘change partners’ at light speed to avoid loneliness, while the others escape from commitment out of fear. All are left wounded and unsatisfied. After the show, I couldn’t help asking, ‘what do we really want?’ Does what we are after worth what it costs? I enjoyed dressing up when I was young. But as I become a first-grader, all of a sudden I got deceived by a lie that it’s wrong to be pretty. I tried all means possible to make myself ugly and wore an awkward hair band all the time. One day, my PE teacher required me to put that down to avoid injuries – I’d never forget that moment. Everyone around kept telling me how pretty I was and I couldn’t be happier! However, deep down I was anxious as I still believed the lie that it’s wrong to be pretty. So I continued to stick to my hair band and rejected tidying myself even when I was not wearing that till I become 10. What a lie! It’s entirely twisted and false. Very often, we deny our own desires out of fear of the others’ comments. For myself, I was convinced that it’s wrong to be pretty and feared that people would criticized me for dressing up, so I did all that I could to suppress my wants – no matter how natural such desires are. Contrary, many of us might do wrong in order to fulfill some unjustified wants. Such actions often result in wounds and dissatisfaction. What’s the driving force of your everyday life? Do you know your wants?

Relationship ︳14

15 ︳ CM Special

CM Special ︳16


︳ Motion Picture

Text / Ah Po | Design / Kashun

Motion Picture ︳18

19 ︳ Travelouge

Text / TAMs & SOs | Design / Kashun

Travelogue ︳20

微笑方程式 :-) The Smiling Formula

21 ︳Science Perspectives

Text / Tim Lo| Design / York Tsui 每當認識新朋友時,人們臉上掛著的微笑,總給人一種溫 暖親切的感覺,但美國面部表情專家尼丹瑟博士卻認為, 這其實是一種老大不情願的笑容。她分析了多種真實和偽 裝笑容的背後意思,並發現…其實你我在生活中也常戴著 這些真真假假的笑容,更莫說在Facebook上了。

The first time you meet someone you usually smile at them, in a polite manner to declare you come in peace. That’s one the of involuntary smiles categorized by Dr. Niedenthal, an American research who scientifically analyzed what’s behind all sorts of true and fake smileys on your and my faces, or maybe on our Facebook lateron.

微笑不單是一種問候或表達情感的方式,它能表達人們腦 海中的意識形態,一些想傳達的信息,甚至是開啟溝通之 門或建立深入關係的第一步呢!

Out of our expectations, smiles are way more than just greetings or expressions. They carry the state of mind and sometimes convey the messages he/she’s trying to get across. It is how we humans spark a communication- or ignites a relationship.

微笑的威力絕不能小覷。它能安慰我早上的壞心情;老闆 的一個微笑能為辛勤的打工仔帶來重要的肯定;消防員一 個踏實的微笑鼓勵傷者,告訴他們:「有我在,別擔心」, 使他們能撐下去。清早起來,假如你心儀的漂亮女同學, 對你投以一個微笑,我敢保證誰也會高興一整天。對媽媽 而言,如果壞脾氣的爸爸能在飯桌上展露一下笑容,這將 會是有史以來最好的晚餐。

The power of smiles is somehow under estimated. For me, smiles heal my morning depressions. A smile from your boss acknowledged your hard work. An affirmative simile from fireman, “I am here, it’s gonna be alright” keeps the victims alive. Ask any of the guys, if a pretty girl they admire smile at them one day in the morning, they will feel high all day long. Ask your mom, if your bad-tempered dad ever smiled and laughed at the dinner table, it would be the best dinner you ever had.

事實上,微笑並不在乎其方式,要知道它不是一種面部表 情而已,有時,一個微笑比喋喋不休的嘮叨,更能表達信 息。當父母看著他們第一個出生的孩子時,此刻的微笑可 算是世間上最珍貴的,它告訴了全世界,就算有再多的財 富,也不能換取這刻的感動。真正的微笑就像運動會中贏 了100米短跑,或校際音樂節中勝過對手一樣,是無法掩飾 的。微笑也能說故事,給人帶來無盡的啟發和鼓勵。

It’s not about the shape of your mouth or whether you have bracelets and dare not to grin. It’s more than a facial expression. It means more than the endless babbling. The most precious smiles are when parents looking at their first born baby - it’s telling you I won’t trade this amazing moment with any fortunes on earth. The true smiles are the ones you can’t even hide – like winning the 100m race in Sports Day, or beating your long time opponent in the Music Festival. Smiles tell stories, and they inspire and encourage other people.

可悲的是,微笑正瀕臨絕種的邊緣。今天,我們已經很難 看到一些自然、由衷、真實和快樂的微笑。每天早上,在 巴士上,電梯中,你總會發現人們要麼晚睡不夠精神, 要麼因上學或上班而沒精打采。就算回到房間裡,不管你 有多努力想笑一笑,也會被堆積如山的作業或媽媽的轟炸 ──對不起媽媽,雖然我知道這是你表達愛的一種特別方 式!──弄得垂頭喪氣,只好強顏苦笑。這些經歷每每令 我沮喪莫名。

Smiles seem to become endangered species. It’s rare to see natural, voluntary, true and joyful smiles today. In the morning, on the bus, in the lift, people are either sleepless last night or feeling blue about going to school or to work. While in your room, buried by assignments, past-papers and bombarded by mom (Sorry mom I know this is a special way you show your love!) just couldn’t pull your smile up as you mimic the “bitter smiles”, no matter how hard you try the muscles. I tried, and was busted every time.

滿滿的財富可令有錢的人開懷大笑,但卻無法換取真正的 微笑──那如小孩子嬉戲時純潔無暇的笑容。這正是我們 一直尋找,一份歷久不衰的喜樂和寧靜。我相信真正的微 笑能像光一樣勝過黑暗,照亮四周。

A rich man may giggle, laugh and boost about his possession. But he can never trade the true smiles—the pure and untainted smiles as if the children mingling in the playground. That’s the state of mind we have been looking for, the ever-lasting joy and serenity. I believe true smiles triumphs the dark moments and they are contagious - it spreads at the speed of sight.

施比受更為有福,共享喜悅是雙重的喜悅。你找到了你的 微笑方程式沒有?它可給你帶來幸福和力量,更可燃亮身 邊的人!

Shared joy is double joy. Have you found your very own formula to unleash the ultimate happiness, and ignited its power to the people around? SMILE!

笑笑吧! 資料來源 Source: 紐約時報:微笑解密 NY Times: More to a Smile Than Lips and Teeth

Science Perspectives ︳22

23 ︳ Love Keeper

Text / U-fire | Design / Tommy Hung

Love Keeper ︳24

如果 眼淚靜靜地訴說著思念, 思念默默地守護著愛, 終於,愛勇敢地跨過一切失敗和恐懼。





完美 國度 就如大海閃爍著耀眼的光芒, 藏著造物主的智慧、奧秘、珍寶和各樣的豐富; 隨著波浪翻騰。

Text/Seine Lam

25 ︳ Radom Thought

Text & Design / German Cheung

在一般香港人心目中上環是一個怎樣的地方?以前除了 「海味街」之外,我對這裡一無所知。但最近我卻因為 一齣電影,到上環閒逛成了我的新習慣。 嘗試往山上走吧!別被那些長長的斜坡和梯級嚇怕了, 那裡的陽光是與別不同的,空氣也不一樣。太平山街、 水池巷、磅巷、差館上街……這些街名都讓我好喜愛, 也引對從前景象的一番遐想。 這裡的寧靜讓人不自覺留意四周的聲音——手推車輪轆 轆聲、清道夫掃地的嗖嗖聲、唐樓中極小型印刷廠的機 器聲,和諧而美好,心也跟著平靜下來。 走到累了卻想再停留一會,街角的咖啡室是不錯的 選擇。 我很慶幸香港還有一些值得停留的地方。

Talk Your Walk ︳26

Trends can be anywhere and anything around us. Be it the outfits you wear; the music you listen to; the words you use to string into a sentence; the gossip you spread; how you own your hairstyle; maybe even the pens you use, people everywhere are trying their hardest to keep up with the flow, and show people that they aren’t at the bottom of the pile. But why? Why would you want to follow these trends? Why would you buy all kinds of magazines such as Seventeen, Teen Vogue, Popstar!, and Twist? Most people say that they want it for the newest gossip and the fashion on the block. Some are attracted by the bold prints reading: TEN EASY WAYS TO KNOW IF HE’S FALLING FOR YOU. Some people might be following the each and every move of a particular kid at school because he or she is in the “cool circle”. Why do we find these things so important? Some people I’ve asked say they just can’t control themselves. For some particular reasons, they want to know more about other person’s life - especially famous or popular people. Justin Bieber talking about his past valentine’s days attracts millions of people (girls, in particular) to buy a certain magazine. An inside look of Taylor Swift’s house has teens grabbing magazines off the shelves as well. The next day, the whole school can be buzzing with the

27 ︳ Self on Shelf

insides of celebs lives. And those who don’t know anything might become a “social wreck”. I’ve heard girls begging their mums to buy magazines at bookstores or a poster for them because “not to do so will be a one-way ticket to social suicide”. Really? Other people have given me a “perfectly normal explanation”. They like the person, so they use their ways to stalk them, and follow their lifestyle. To seem like they’re living the life of that person. Do you honestly think that having a room or a closet that matches a celebrity’s will do you any good? Sure. Some of your friends might consider you lucky and envy you a bit. What does that give you? Maybe a bit of popularity, that addicting feeling of you feeling good of yourself… but that doesn’t last. Following some other person’s life never gives you a popularity that lasts. Either the person changes which gets you stuck, or they might not be popular anymore. Then what’s going to happen? You might have a back-up person to follow, but the same thing is just going to happen again. And the saddest thing is, that particular person might not even know that you exist. Clothes can be a major issue in your life as well. All the planning before a party about what you’re go-

Text / Stephanie Tang| Design / German Cheung ing to wear to impress your friends; how your hair is going to be styled; bangles? Or anklets? Both? Your reference usually goes back to the newest fashion magazine. I have a few small tips for you. Why don’t you be the trend setter? You don’t need to follow other people. Just be yourself. Every one of us was created for a special reason. Willow Smith’s calling might be to whip her hair back and forth all day. Emma Watson might be made to act a ridiculously smart witch. Bruno might be here to save us all from grenades. Yours could be anything. Rugby, football, skating, dancing…anything you enjoy doing. Even being able to cheer people might be your special little gift. Match your clothes the way you want them. Wearing three belts at once could be your new trend, or even matching a bright orange jumper with sharp green shorts, as long as they’re you. Next time you hear someone singing a song that just came out and you don’t know, try singing your own favorite song. I tried getting my whole class to suddenly fall in love with High School Musical and Camp Rock songs again for crying out loud. No joke. The songs just popped into my mind, I hummed them, and the next thing I know, the whole class is freaking out singing and dancing on the tables. That was around

a month ago. Here’s another thing. If you want someone to follow, I suggest Jesus. I’m not going to go into years and years of history about him, but I’ll just state the facts you might want to know. He knew you even before you were born. The number of hair you have on your head, what you’re going to say before you say it… He knows you exist. And He loves you for that. He never ever changes throughout the years. You follow him, and you could master anything put in your way. You wouldn’t need to be anyone else with Him. You just have to be you. He loves you no matter what you’re like. Worst hair on the block? He doesn’t mind. Having problems understanding the gossip floating around? He doesn’t care. Like I said, trends can be anywhere around us. But the one following them is you. You have the choice to believe what I’ve said, and rethink the reason why you chase trends, or completely ignore me. I’m just here to tell you that trends aren’t really that important. Be yourself. That might be a trend nobody else can follow.

Self on Shelf ︳28

Justin Bieber, arguably the most popular pop star in our time, has astounded the world with his pop songs, becoming many teens' idol. His movie proved to promote his popularity further and his albums are all but in stock. Obama, within a year of being in office was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Since then, he has been playing a major role in world politics and working for the betterment and promotion of peace. Since the late 90s, the Internet has played a major role in the collection, accessibility and distribution of information. The Internet can give you access to millions of sites within a flick of a button. Massive developments have even allowed instant face to face meeting in cyberspace with the aid of a built in camera. All these three are major influences in the world today – not the only. Actually every person has the ability to influence our society since each of his action has an impact on another person. A small action like opening a door for an elderly woman is bound to bring a smile on her face and giving a seat up to a pregnant lady on the bus is bound to light up her day. But many times, actions can also bring about negative influences on others; such as bullying. Bullying and harassing your fellows or even animals (there are laws on this too), is never an appropriate thing to do. Now, in this day and age, the accessibility and anonymity of the Internet has even allowed us to bully and cause distress to other people without even meeting them and realizing the hurt we have caused them. There have even been some records of people committing suicide under the pressure of being bullied online and not being able to do anything about it.

29 ︳Inside Out

Text / John Yap | Design / York Tsui

We become blind to the fact and conviction that we once had as innocent little kids and begin to fight against authorities and stray from the wills of those who only meant well in our lives. Even more, because of the convenience and accessibility of the Internet, we can even be opening doors for bad influence to come into our lives. We are constantly exposed to false information, lies, warped morals and perversion online. Many times, the Internet tells us that it's okay to lie, that it's okay to steal. Many times, they put it under the label 'Well, everyone makes mistakes', or 'Kids will be kids'. But deep down, we know it is wrong. But with prolonged use and acceptance of such material, they will imprint themselves in our mind and we become used to them. In other words, we don't feel as if these wrongdoings are actually wrong at all. We become blind to the fact and conviction that we once had as innocent little kids and begin to fight against authorities and stray from the wills of those who only meant well in our lives. Soon we will taste the consequences and the strained relations with those who care. Our lives begin to get burdened with distress and guilt as our wrongdoings pile up each day. All this comes from as basic a thing as letting in bad influence into our lives. As the great philosopher Confucius once warned his followers to be cautious with the types of influences in their lives, we too should restrict and be cautious with what we let into our heads. What moral standards do we stand by? Is lying okay? Or have we compromised our conscience to make it okay? Why is it not okay? Is stealing okay? Is arguing with our parents okay or has it become a normal part of your lives that you don't even notice it? Surely, by any case, we can't claim we are faultless. Once in our lives, we must have lied. Have we let ourselves been influenced that we have very much changed from when we were pure in heart, soul and minds as little children? Surely we have one part of us that still very much wants to be that same kind and pure person, but somehow we find it difficult to break away from these 'habits'. But what's done is done, surely there's no way to go back, to change, or is there? Inside Out ︳30

31 ︳Spirituality

Text / Adelaide Chan | Design / York Tsui “I wipe my sweaty palms against the back of my brand new Zara jeans as I walk down the hallway of the new school. Today’s my first day and the butterflies in my stomach can’t seem to settle down. I have spent hours pouring over the fashion magazine at home trying to conjure the best outfit possible for this day. As I try to walk as confidently as possible, I can’t help but notice looks of admiration from the other girls. They are eyeing my striped heels and Prada bag. A sense of relief swept over me as I flick my glossy hair back. They don’t think I am weird, thank goodness. Before I know it, two cheerleaders have already approached me and asked if I was interested in joining their team.” This is the ideal scenario. Acceptance at the first moment you walk into your new high school. You long for this situation to happen in your life. You would do anything to be accepted and loved. Especially if you can be associated with the “popular” group, you’re all for it. Don’t deny it, your worst nightmare is being a social outcast, a loner being bullied and spat on. In order to prevent that from ever happening in reality, you make sure you wear the “right” clothes, say the “right” thing, go to the “right” places, and hang out with the “right” people. You want to be esteemed. You want to be accepted. You want to be loved. In order to fulfill these desires, you venture great measures. You might have encountered situations where a coarse remark from a friend about your eye makeup have sent you straight to the bathroom and in front of the mirror, frantically wiping away the tiny smudge from your eyeliner at the corner of your eye. You care a great deal about how people view you because you want to be esteemed positively. It is natural for you to conform to others’ opinions in order to maintain your self confidence and self image. You become insecure whenever people respond negatively to what you wear, what you say, and how you act. You desperately long to acquire more security and self confidence, and you do that by following what others are doing. Even though you might not agree with what your friends are doing, you still follow them. You are scared of being yourself. You don’t want to be associated with being a weirdo or a geek. However, you want to create your own footprints in the sand instead of eternally walking in another person’s shoes! Help!!

out relationships with the opposite gender. However, you soon find that your boyfriend/girlfriend cannot love you the way you long to be loved. No matter the number of sweet things whispered in your ear, you still find yourself struggling excessively with being insecure. Nothing in this world can satisfy you the way you long to be satisfied. You are created with a portion of your heart void of love. That emptiness causes you to turn to your Saviour. There IS a way to break out of the cycle of being insecure and forever living the shadow of another person! All you have to do is be willing to accept the unconditional love of God. When you are firmly anchored in His never-changing love, you find yourself showing your true colors. That happens because you realize that you are created to be the son/daughter of the King. You have royal identity. Because of your knowledge of how valuable you are, you become comfortable with being yourself, hence you ignore what others say. You become confident. You become secure. You become courageous. That is when you can fully comprehend that: You are esteemed. You are accepted. You are loved.

I have good news for you. First of all, know that you’re not alone in this. About every teenager on this planet is going through the same problem as you. The answer to your inability to escape from the endless cycle of following what others are doing is because you are afraid of being rejected if you show your true colors. You are scared of being shunned. You are scared of being alone. There is always a sense of longing and emptiness in your heart, waiting to be fulfilled. Therefore, you grasp at everything within your reach to still the craving in your soul. After realizing that even wearing the trendiest clothes don’t bring you happiness, you sough

Spirituality ︳32

時間軸上的無限 人生唏噓, 但攝影卻可以讓那一刹那留住, 這是攝影的特性, 那就是永恆。 photo: Mr. Eric Ieong Ma Kam Ming Charitable Foundation Ma Chan Duen Hey Memorial College(MCDH)

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33 ︳ Snapshot

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