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四月 #48

ISSUE 48 April 2011

CROSSMEN is a monthly magazine published in Hong Kong by Kingdom Ministries. Copyright Kingdom Ministries, all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. CROSSMEN Unit A, 7/F, Kader Bldg, 22 Kei Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay, HK Tel: (852) 2235 5223 Fax: (852) 3018 0414 Email: info@crossmen.hk


: Crossmen Hk



2 Editor’s Note


4 News Review


5 Feature Story


10 Special Feature

Theos Basileia Theos Basileia

Art Director York Tsui

13 Campus Sidekick


Art Consultant Pun Pun

15 Travelogue


19 Mind Check


21 Motion Picture


23 Aftermath

Building Faith from Rubbles

Marketing Manager Mabel Tai

If This Is the Day… The Beginning of the End

THE CROSSMEN TEAM Executive Editor Ching Ching

Before the Day after Tomorrow Hakuna Matata! My Days in Kenya I HEART Saving HEART The King’s Speech

25 Cultural Trend

Unveiling April Fool’s Day

27 What Matters

Do We Need More Democracy?

29 Food Mania

Pizza, Anyone?

31 Self on Shelf

Time for Stocktaking

33 Snapshot

Publisher Andrew Ho

Contributing Writers Seine Lam, Elaine Chan, German Cheung, Winniemacy, Pui Sze, Ching Ching, BB Li, Tim Lo, John Yap, Petrina Lin, Adelaide Chan, Virendra de Alwis Designers and Photographers German Cheung, Katy Hung, York Tsui, Kashun, Irene Kong, Mel Translators Dora Cheng, Elaine Chan, Ching Ching 廣告查詢: Mabel 22355223 info@crossmen.hk

Text / Seine Lam

耕種有時、 撒種有時、 收割有時…… 如果這世界沒有地土, 你和我的家就沒有落腳之處。 如果這世界沒有地土, 人類幾乎不可能孕育出生命。 如果這世界沒有地土, 地球的歷史也就不復存在了。 原來這塊寶貴的地土一直都在 我們的手中,只是我們從來都 沒有悉心栽種過!

2011年3月11日 大地震動…… 每當災難發生,從電視下看到滿目瘡痍的災區, 大家都會不自覺地問:「這世界不是有神嗎?為什麼祂會允許這樣的災難發生?」 可惜, 卻沒人想過那位造物主, 也哭了… 在風平浪靜的日子, 大家都只管忙著吃喝玩樂,忙著賺錢和享受生活。 大家都只會說這個世界需要的是科學證據, 我們不需要神! 的確, 科學很重要, 科學證明了這地土蘊藏的豐富資源。 然而,這一切都是因為那位造物主, 用智慧設計了這世界, 使我們能計算、能發現,也藉著科學告訴了我們哪些物質是對我們有害。 但聰明的人類, 相信科學可以拯救和解決所有的問題; 所以就在這美麗的地土上開發核電廠、重工業、開採石油…… 使大自然的定律受到猛烈的開墾和改變, 一發不可收拾。 終於, 大地震和海嘯來了, 核危機, 一發不可收拾。 這美麗的地土卻要承受從人類衍生出來了的「輻射」。 過去,在福島這塊地上所種的是核子。 現在,所收的就是鈈、錪等輻射物質。 種的是甚麼,收的就是甚麼。 這是理所當然的! 其實, 在我們的心中,也有一塊心田。 當趁可撒種的時候,撒下關懷、快樂、希望的種子。 有一天, 你種下的快樂會結成果子,讓別人也能分享你的快樂。 今日, 我們都向日本撒下關懷、支持和禱告的種子, 他日, 我們所收的就是日本能重建、復興起來。

Editor’s notes ︳02


9cm X5cm

一套16張 連8個懷舊航空小信封 和8個封口小貼紙

詳情請上 facebook.com/crossmenhk Crossmen將不定期推出新款,請繼續密切留意!

Text / Elaine Chan| Design / Katy Hung

日本8.9級大地震震撼全球,此次地震是日本有觀測紀錄 以來規模最大的地震,引起的海嘯也是最為嚴重的,加上 所引發的火災和核洩漏事故,導致全國性的地方機能癱瘓 和經濟活動停止,東北地方部份城市更遭受毀滅性破壞, 災難的情景相信大家都在視象新聞、報紙或網上看不少 了。或許大家都會不約而同地為日本這地的人民而感傷, 但更令大家驚呆的相信是天災的防不勝防與其毀滅性的破 壞力。其實日本一早已預計到這一、兩年間會發生一次大 地震,更早在一年前已開始常作廣播,提醒市民即將會有 大地震發生。如此做足準備,但卻諷刺地遇上預警機制失 靈,更令日本政府始料不及的該是是次地震竟引發核危 機,令遠至香港這地方也觸發恐慌,出現「急性盲搶盬」 事件,成為全城笑柄。 每次得悉一些有關災難的消息,我都份外感慨:感慨災難 的頻繁,感慨人面對災難的無助。然而,我卻身處一個相 對上非常安全的地方──香港,我們對災難的概念都很模 糊,我實在不敢想像假如…假如災難在頃刻間臨到香港, 我們這些渺小的人,到底有何力招架?我們能用苦苦追求 的學位和金錢自救嗎?大聲疾呼去爭取性開放性自由能換 生命嗎?天災當前,到底有什麼我們認為是堅固的東西能 作盾牌呢?

The massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck the eastern coast of Japan, triggering tsunamis that devastated some cities located at the north-eastern coastline. This dreadful earthquake is the biggest to hit Japan in record. Fire and radiation leaks followed the disaster, leading to malfunctions of cities and the economy has once come to a halt. I believe we have seen them all from the news. On one hand, we feel mournful and sorry to see Japanese suffer. On the other hand, we are shocked. We are shocked by the unpredictability of natural disasters and the severe destructions they bring. In fact, Japan has predicted that a massive earthquake would occur in these two years. They even started frequent broadcasting and raised the awareness of their people about the coming earthquake a year before. However, being well-prepared for the disaster could not save them. Ironically, the early warning system was broken at that time, causing many people unable to escape in time. The nuclear crisis is much more unexpected. The effect of it even crossed the boundary and landed Hong Kong, causing panic and thus the buying of salt. Every time I hear about disasters, I feel regretted for the frequency of natural disasters and the helplessness of human beings. Living in a safe place like Hong Kong, I am immune from disasters throughout my life. Annual typhoons are already the greatest danger that we face. We can hardly figure out how it’s like to be in a disaster. If a disaster really happens in Hong Kong without any precaution, what can we do to resist? Are the things that we hold on to going to save us from danger? Distant news of disasters, if anything, may serve as a wake-up call to us, urging us to reflect on genuine refuge and source of security in lives.

News Review ︳04


The Beginning of the End 昔日,科幻小說家靠在溫暖的火爐旁邊,建構世界末日的虛擬景象。今年,不必借助衛斯理的無限 想像,最不可思議的事情已一幕幕上演在我們眼前:陌生的中東國家突然成為新聞主戰場,意想不 到的災禍發生在意想不到的國家。如果你仍期待等到年底才做大事回顧,恐怕已經來不及了。如果 你仍憑空想像「當末日來臨時我會如何如何」,恐怕當那天真正來臨時,也來不及了。 In the good old days, fiction writers made up imagined scenes of Armageddon with a sip of coffee. Today, all that you need is to access to any major news portal and you’ll find yourself living in the beginning of the End. No longer can we wait till the end of the year to review Top 10 major events, nor can we rely on groundless wishful thinking to survive the End Times.

05 ︳ Feature Story

Text /Ching Ching | Design / York Tsui

活在這個時代,你不必加入飛碟教都可辨認得出世界末日的蛛絲馬跡。我不是個危言聳聽 的預言家,只是當你細心數算這三、四個月來所發生的種種事情,你實在不得不承認── 結局已經開始。 Nowadays, almost everyone is able to point to one thing or another and relates it to the likely imminence of ‘the ending’. I am no eschatologist, but a quick review of what’d happened in 2011Q1 shall speak for itself.

新聞週刊2011年3/4月號封面主題:現在就是末日(Apocalypse Now)。1 Newsweek 2011 March/April Cover: Apocalypse Now. 2011年1-3月世界大事省覽(看你仍記得多少): World Review: January to March 2011 (See how much you recall):

突尼斯 Tunisia 一人自焚引發全國騷亂,獨裁 總統下台。 One young man setting sparkles on himself – and the nation. Days of demonstration finally brought down the dictator.

埃及 Egypt 繼突尼斯後第二個發動政變的 國家,連日示威最終逼使總統 穆巴拉克下台。示威浪潮蔓延 至利比亞、巴林、也們等國, 至今未息。 Succeeding Tunisia in revolution and Mubarak stepped down. Libya, Bahrain, Yemen continued in the Jasmine Revolution

紐西蘭基督城 Christchurch, New Zealand 6.3級強震造成嚴重破壞, 多人死傷。 Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake devastated the 2nd large city in NZ.

雲南 Yunnan 5.8級淺層地震,多處建築 倒塌,情況嚴重。 5.8 Earthquake shakes Yunnan. Homes and buildings destroyed.

緬甸 Myanmar

斐濟及印尼 Fiji and Indonesia

東北部接壤泰國邊境發生 強烈地震。

接連發生6.4級與7.1級地 震。

Strong earthquake struck Myanmar near Thailand borders

Fiji and Indonesia suffered major earthquakes (6.4 and 7.1 magnitude)

日本Japan 8.9級 地 震 引 發 大 規 模 海 嘯,破壞核電廠,核洩漏危 機仍未解除。 Magnitude 8.9 Earthquake and the subsequent tsunami caused nuclear meltdown. Red lights on.

中國新疆 Xinjiang, China 今年3月23日至4月2日期間 分別發生最少三次地震。 At least 3 earthquakes within the weeks of March 23 to April 2, 2011.

Feature Story ︳06

無知的人有禍了 這幾天,冰島、英國、瑞士等歐洲國家都表示檢測到來自日本 的輻射塵埃,一海之隔的台灣卻仍堅稱當地並未監測到。

軍刀 手電筒

有好事之人說:「核輻射都繞地球走了一圈,你總不會以為 台灣可以獨善其身嘛?」 我並無意在此探討台灣監測局的得失,只是,同樣的問題,我 們大概也該問問自己:「政變、經濟逆轉、自然災難都繞地球 走了一圈,你總不會以為香港可以獨善其身嘛?」



香港誠然是個天災罕至的福地,但如果我們天真得以為我們 將永遠幸運,永遠擔當悲他人之悲的旁觀角色,那恐怕我們 與恐慌性盲搶鹽的左鄰右里沒太大分別,同樣被「無知」的 迷霧蒙蔽了。 「無知」這個詞語聽起來實在不怎麼討好,甚至會冒犯了不 少人。你可以反過來說我自高自大、指手劃腳,但不知道就 是不知道,無法假裝,也不能掩飾。既然如此,坦白承認又 何妨?對付無知的最佳方法,就是求知。如果你也和我一 樣,對應付災難無知的話,以下的「冷知識速遞」與「求生 包」介紹,也許對你有助。

Ignorance is No Bliss After the nuclear meltdown, Iceland, UK, Switzerland and other European countries reported readings of radiation from Japan, yet Taiwan, despite its proximity, insisted that there is a no show of radiation on the island. Commentator says, ‘you won’t think that Taiwan would be the only immune now that the radiation is going around the world, will you?’ Likewise, would it be wise for us to point this question to ourselves as well? ‘You won’t think that HK would be the only immune now that the revolutions, economic turnaround and natural disasters are going around the world, will you? We’ve blessed with an almost no-show of natural disaster for years. However, if we are so naïve to believe that we can be distant bystanders forever, probably we are no better than those who were caught in the salt panic. ‘Ignorant’ is the name of the disease. Yea, I know it hurts to hear that word and I hope you’re not offended. To be ignorant means having no or only partial understanding of something – and you can’t pretend to know something when you actually don’t. Way out? Seek to know what you don’t know. I help myself with the following quick notes on survival and survival kits:

07 ︳ Feature Story

暖包 收音機 打火石

災難求生冷知識 急救包

乾糧 接合鏟

1.獨立判斷:研究顯示,當人獨自身處房內,發現門外有濃煙湧入 時,百分之七十五都會選擇離開房間逃生。相反,在相同的情況 下,假如你與另外一班人一起而其他人都全無動靜的話,你會選 擇逃離現場的機會則降至百分之十。當察覺危機出現,不要「等」 其他人首先行動,也不要「怕」成為採取行動的第一人──請別忘 記,當年挪亞建方舟的時候,其他人也是完全無動於衷的。 2.保持警覺:煮即食麵的時候,我們一碰到熱鍋就會立即縮 手,但遇上更嚴重的災難時,卻往往猶疑不前。想想這會不 會是你?假設你正在學校電腦室內上網,當警報響起,你很 可能會慢條斯理地完成打到一半的電郵、收拾物品,甚至再 上一下廁所然後才開始逃生。事實上,逃生是一樁「分秒必 爭」的活動。記住:唔好急,最緊要快!

First Aid

3.專注:有災難倖存者分享道,在逃離災難現場的時候,他們的視野 甚至自動縮窄如「隧道」一般(tunnel vision),只看到前面的路, 其他旁支一概視而不見。這份求生本能,也許能給我們一些啟迪 ──哀嘆人生苦短、惋惜大志未躊這些傷春悲秋的情緒,還是留 給韓劇主角吧!危難當前,最要緊的是專心保命,定意求生! 4.事前準備:專門研究災難的學者指出,很多時候我們都以為 自己可以臨危不亂,其實那些不過是單憑直覺的情緒反應而 已,更多時候,我們都是「臨危而亂」的大多數。唯一能確 保我們在危難時作出合理反應的方法,是「預備」。例如: 練習從房子走到逃生通道的路線,用方法確保自己在沒有燈 光、瓦礫處處的情況下仍能找到正確路向。熟習得可以「不 加思索」地做出正確決定是預演的終極目標。

Surviving Disasters Think for Yourself: According to a survey, if left alone, 75% of people will leave the room once they see smoking coming in, while only 10% will leave if someone else was there in the room, not responding. Never wait till someone else takes action and don’t be afraid to be the first to react. Don’t forget how Noah pioneered to build the Ark (and survived) when the mass continued to party (and perished). Stay Alert: We don’t have to think to let go a boiling pan, yet we often hesitate in face of something graver. When the alarm goes on, will you disengage straightaway and run, or will you take time to finish your email and file documents before running for life? Remember: every second counts!

救生繩/繩扣 CROSSMEN Magazine

Stay Focus: Survivors recalled that they’d have tunnel vision while running away from the site and see only the way out. Keep your mind focus, too, when caught by unexpected tragedy. Don’t ever waste your attention mourning for the likelihood of not surviving. Preparation: Experts shared that we thought we could assess risk, but more often we are just acting by intuition and being hysterical. We can only rely on preparation to ensure that we will respond reasonably. E.g. rehearse the escape route so that you can find your way out even without lights – and thinking.

Feature Story ︳08

也許你會問:危機意識與杞人憂天有什麼分別?我不是專 家,沒有標準答案,只有一點看法。

You might ask, what’s the difference between crisis awareness and groundless fear? I have no expert answer, but here’s what I think.

我認為,兩者最大的分別,在於動機。擁有危機意識的 人,是既然知道那天終必來臨,就不如及早準備,助己也 助人的人。相反,因著災難風聲而惶惑終日的人,卻被內 心的恐懼牽著鼻子走,就如不諳泳術而遇溺的人,只會亂 抓一通,不但無法自救,更隨時把前來救助的人一同拖進 水底。

These two peoples are driven by drastically different forces. The prior is aware of the certainty of crisis, plan ahead in order to offer a helping hand. The latter is driven by fear, struggles like a drowning child and likely to drag the lifeguard into troubles.

恐懼的人,只懂盲目囤積;早作準備的人,卻「能」在危 難時照顧好自己,並向同病相憐的人伸出援手。箇中分 別,但願每位CROSSMEN都能好好掌握。

People will hoard out of fear, while those who are well-prepared can save themselves as well as their fellows. A slight difference yet significant, hope you’ll be able to tell which is which.

資料來源 Source: 1. 新聞週刊,2011年3/4月號 Newsweek, March/April 2011 issue 2. 逃出大災難,明珠台,2011年3月29日 How to Survive a Disaster, Pearl, 29 March 2011 09 ︳ Feature Story

Text /Ching Ching | Illustration/ Kashun

Special Feature ︳10

11 ︳ Special Feature

Special Feature ︳12

13 ︳Campus Sidekick

Text / BB Li | Design / Mel

Campus Sidekick ︳14

肯亞的忘憂大草原 Hakuna Matata! My Days in


朋友聽說我要去肯亞旅遊,都以為我瘋了。大城市如巴黎、東京我偏不 去,偏偏肯亞卻有一種攝人的吸引力,讓渴望親近大自然的我,張開眼睛 看看天空可以有多大。真正的動物世界會像《獅子王》一樣精彩嗎? ‘Yes, I’m traveling to K-E-N-Y-A!’ I’ve to reassure my friends every time I share about my travel plans. No skyscrapers, no LV, no museum, Kenya seems to be an unlikely choice to many. Yet its natural beauty captures my heart, once and forever.


Animal Party

每天前往不同的國家公園,讓我幾乎看盡了所認識的所有 野生動物!排泄物足以堆填成為湖邊的「柔軟」陸地的優 雅紅鶴;河馬、斑馬、羚羊、疣豬(就是《獅子王》裡的 「彭彭」,大大隻隻卻很膽小的﹗)…這些有趣的奇遇,足 以叫我這個城市人瘋狂迷上肯亞這個地方﹗

The elegant flamingoes, hippos, zebras, gazelle, wart hog (Remember the coward giant, ‘Pumbaa’, in Lion King?) you name it! In Kenya, these are no longer distant zoological terms but my friends in the wild. How can I not fall in love with this place?

最難忘的,還是在樹蔭中遇到乘涼午睡的獅子王家族﹗同 行旅客都顧不上安全,以比光速更快的速度捧著長短鏡相 機瞄準獅子王作機關槍式掃射﹗我們更有機會看見趴在母 獅身上吃奶的幾頭小獅子,可愛極了﹗小辛巴們對我們很 好奇,歪著頭傻呼呼的望著我們,我差點按捺不住要衝下 車給牠們抱抱﹗但這可是絕對找死的自殺行為﹗ 15 ︳ Travelogue

If you love Lion King as I do, you’ll be thrilled at what you see here – Mufasa’s family napping in the shades! We couldn’t help ‘shooting’ them with all sorts cameras: here’s a mother milking her minors and the little ‘Simbas’ checking us out there. I almost rushed to give them a hug – and I won’t be here writing if I did!

Text / Winniemacy | Design / York Tsui



1 7





1:每天都像拍攝Discovery Channel/2: 瑪賽族人就是住在這種牛糞、尿液、泥土、樹枝建成的房屋/3: 肯亞的野生動物就是這樣「過馬路」﹗/4: 獅子王只望望我 們一眼,便繼續呼呼大睡…夏日炎炎正好眠。/ 5: 獵豹有流線形的身軀,跑起來比跑車更快﹗/6: 收容面臨生存危機的長頸鹿中心,可親手餵飼可愛的長頸鹿,有些 外國旅客更熱情得「用口餵飼」…/7: 非洲象陪我在森林酒店的露台欣賞日出景緻/8: 星光掛滿樹梢…我想《阿凡達》晚上發光的森林,是真有其事的。

Can You Feel…the Love Tonight

Can You Feel…the Love Tonight

曾在美國、埃及沙漠欣賞零光害的漫天星空,沒想到在肯 亞觀星,會有另一種刺激和樂趣。晚上獨個兒走到飯店的 草地上欣賞滿天閃爍,突然有一個黑影閃出來,質問我在 幹甚麼﹗原來是飯店的職員,他帶著利器和尖矛在當值, 他擔心我會遇上野生動物襲擊而一直陪伴我﹗

Having been to deserts in the U.S. and Egypt, starry night without light pollution isn’t new to me, but things are always slightly different here in Kenya. As I was enjoying the starry sky alone, a man with spear ran to me and escorted me whole night long. Don’t get me wrong, he’s just a staff from the hotel who didn’t want to see me fall prey to the wild animals!

童話光芒 站在廣闊無邊的國家公園內,看「耶穌光」照耀著緩緩列 隊歸家的非洲象、羚羊與飛鳥和平共處…一束束的光線就 像射燈一樣,照進我的心裡。營營役役,我們的目光只定 焦在金錢和物質生活之上,曾幾何時,會放眼看看我們螻 蟻般的世界以外,廣闊浩瀚的大自然?

Too Good to Be True…and Seen

Crepuscular rays lit the way home for elephants and revealed the rare encounter of gazelle and birds. The rays brightened up my hearts and turned my focus from the materialistic world. Look at this stunning Nature, isn’t it relieving?

Travelogue ︳16


10 11

9:瑪賽族人的傳統舞蹈 /10: 孩子臉上都佈滿蒼蠅 /11: 瑪賽村的小孩瘦瘦的, 真想給他們溫暖的抱抱。/12: 瑪賽村民樂意跟大家以物易物﹗/ 13: 瑪賽族人仍 然是赤著腳生活在這片與野生動物共存的土地之上 /14: 赤道再不僅僅屬於地理 書了﹗就在我腳下呀﹗好興奮﹗

Amani Nakupenda 肯亞是世界上最貧窮的國家之一,因愛滋病蔓延,肯亞人 民的平均壽命只有四十多歲,愛滋孤兒超過一百萬個。肯 亞小孩們看見車子經過,都會張大閃亮的眼睛,興奮地揮 手歡呼,然後目送我們離開。孩子純粹的笑臉,實在久違 了。然而,他們的笑臉讓人看得心痛,彷彿看不見未來。 當年Beyond於前往肯亞親善探訪時,亦被孩子的笑臉深深 感動,寫下《Amani》這首和平之歌。原來「Amani」就是 肯亞話「和平」的意思,「Nakupenda」就是「愛」。

親親瑪賽族 行程安排我們探訪野生保護區內的瑪賽村,我一心以為是 非常商業的民族舞蹈表演。沒想到,我們竟可親歷他們以 牛糞建成的小屋;隨處可見都是滿臉蒼蠅的小孩;婦女擺 檔歡迎我們以物易物交換手製民族飾物。歡笑背後,我卻 始終無法忘記瑪賽族人為女生進行成年禮的習俗──就是 殘忍甚至隨時致命的割禮……一直忙著為瑪賽族孩子送上 糖果和文具的我,一臉茫然。 17 ︳ Travelouge

Amani Nakupenda Being one more the poorest countries, Kenya is further devastated by AIDS. An average Kenyan passes away at the age of 40, leaving behind 1 million AIDS orphans. These innocent children welcomed us with big smiles and passionate waves without any agenda. Such pure faces are simply heartbreaking. No wonder Beyond were deeply impressed and wrote the famed Canto pop ‘Amani’, which means ‘love’ in Kenya.

Hello Masai! I thought it was just the fanciful performances when driving to the Masai village. To my surprise, what I saw were the real houses they lived in, children covered by flies, women bartered modern commodities with handicraft. Yet what left the deepest mark in my mind was their cruel rite of passage. Countless girls lose their lives for this annually.



肯亞的天空很大很大,讓我發現自己真的 很渺小。我帶著一些放不下的包袱前來肯 亞旅遊,但每當我抬頭眺望廣闊的天空, 就會告訴自己,既然我這麼渺小,我當然 無法盛載生命中那麼多遺憾和執著。與 瑪賽族的婦女相比,我的幸福實在非常 奢侈。 肯亞給我的心靈洗滌,實在遠超純粹親親 野生動物的樂趣。 讓我們都倒空內心的抓狂和執著,揹起背 包出走,嘗試真正體會世界的廣闊,好好 用心感受,以愛改變世界的力量。 Under the big, big sky of Kenya, I finally realized how trivial I am. The burdens that lingered on were let go easily as I recall my own insignificance in face of the Nature. Blessed am I, who never has to risk my life for the tradition. This trip is way more than just photo-taking and adventures. I wish we’d all free ourselves from stubbornness. Only then can we taste the richness of our world and make a difference with an act of love.



I HEART Saving HEART 如果人類的未來只有一年? 如果你只得一星期? 在今年,這些問題突然不再只是作文的題目、不再只是偶 像歌詞或電影題材。或遠或近的天災、危機、怪異天氣, 令人先想起災難電影,再想到人生。 而我們的答案大概亦離不開盡情花費、及時行樂(或行 惡)、懺悔積福、實現夢想、珍惜最愛…… 想這些問題算不算有災難意識?災難意識能救我們嗎?

What would you do if human beings had only one year left to live? How would you spend your life if you had only one week left? In 2011, these are no longer conditional questions that we see in writing assignments, songs, or films. The natural disasters that are currently happening around the world remind us of many science fiction disaster films, and people start to take these questions seriously. In response to the above questions, most people’s answers include, but are not limited to, spending all the money before they die, doing all the fun things, doing good deeds, actualizing their dreams, and spending time with the people they love. Does thinking about these questions mean we have disaster preparedness? Does being aware of natural hazards and disasters really help?

19 ︳ Mind Check

Text / Pui Sze| Design / Irene Kong 據說日本政府提倡每個家庭要預備足夠的緊急逃生包、公 司會為員工預備「走難袋」、平日不時有大大小小的地震 演習、建策必定考慮能否防禦地震,若非這些災難意識, 傷亡又豈止所見? 不單如此,災難後超市便利店免費供水供食物、酒店免費 住宿、電器店免費為手機充電、公共電話不收費、人們只 取所需不多取、先照顧老弱婦孺……雖然滿目瘡夷、頹垣 敗瓦、危機四伏、不堪一擊,日本人面對災難的反應,卻 比黎克特制9級地震、核電廠爆炸更令世界動容,也令這 個國家更接近「完美國度」。這樣的意識,救的豈止是生 還者? 有趣的是,他們的行動跟「完美國度手冊」的指示不謀而 合。 「世上的一切都快將終結,所以不要掉以輕心。你們要在 禱告中保持高度清醒。最重要的是要彼此相愛,好像你的 存活都在乎它。愛彌補了幾乎任何東西。懷著欣悅的心 情,迅速餵飽飢餓的人,讓無家者有家可歸。」1 在香港這片鮮有天災的「福地」,環顧四周,筆者看見港 人也擁有高度危機意識。我們擔心被騙、被搶、被佔便 宜、被傳染、怕執輸、怕蝗蟲、怕麻煩、怕惹禍……這種 危機意識讓我們提防別人、明哲保身,只掃門前雪、別管 他人霜。這,真的保護了我們,打救了我們嗎? 「無法嘛!到處是壞人。」或許你會說。

It is reported that the Japanese government has always recommended people to have emergency kits ready at home, and companies usually provide emergency kits for employees. Earthquake drills are also done regularly and buildings are built with quake-proof technology. All these make the difference between life and death. In addition, supermarkets gave out free food and water after the earthquake; hotels offered shelters for victims; companies set up free phone-charging service; public phone booths were free of charge; people bought as little as they need in the supermarket so that everyone else could at least get some food; old people and children were well-taken care of. Despite of the horrifying scenes of destruction and radiation threat, people in Japan showed calm and dignity. The Japanese’s strong sense of disaster awareness was shown through their reaction to this terrible devastation, and this awareness seemed to have saved a lot of people. What the people of Japan have done is in fact exactly what the Bible tells us to do. “Everything in the world is about to be wrapped up, so take nothing for granted. Stay wide-awake in prayer. Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything. Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless—cheerfully.” In Hong Kong, people also seem to have a strong sense of “disaster awareness” too. People are afraid of being cheated, being robbed, being taken advantage of, being infected with diseases, being troubled… This strong sense of self-protection causes people to become selfish and reluctant to help others out. “I am just trying to protect myself,” you may say.

但「完美國度手冊」卻提醒我們:「因為邪惡氾濫,許多 人的愛心會漸漸冷淡了。2 我們可以容讓不法的社會模造我們,繼續完成「如果只得 一星期」的大業,自求多福。或者,由我們開始,把上天 賜給我們的豐富和善良,跟這個社會分享,相信唯有分享 愛心才是減少不法的事情,減輕傷害感覺的關鍵。

The Bible says, “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold...” Let us love each other at a deep and selfless level, sharing the sacrificial love that God has for us. Only through love can we cover each other’s sins and reduce the destruction of our selfishness caused to human relationships.

在這個不由你不信的「結局」時刻。 Let us love, as the END starts unwrapping... 1 彼得前書四7-9,信息版聖經(The Message),編者自譯 2 馬太福音廿四12,聖經現代中文譯本

Mind Check ︳20

皇上無話兒 近代領袖的其中一個成功要素,就是懂得「牙斬斬」。希 特拉可謂最佳例子,他七情上面、青筋暴現(雖然在黑白 片中看不見有「青」筋)至差點爆血管的演講總是能將全 國人民的情緒和民族優越感推至最高峰。至於毛主席、邱 吉爾等就更不消說了。那麼……一個「口窒窒」皇帝,到 底會落得什麼下場呢? 這位口吃皇帝正是片中主角——英皇喬治六世。當時英國 的王室人員名望低落,「已成了專業的表演者」,結果天 生口吃的他偏偏被要求說很多的話。本來身為次子的他能 繼承皇位的機會非常微,但皇兄決定退位,令他不得不正 視自己的口吃毛病。這位脾氣暴躁又缺少耐性的王子,卻 在屢試屢敗的治療經歷中徹底絕望。身為王子,連最基本 的工作也做不好,實在挺令人氣餒的。最後,他的妻子找 到了一個非正統又沒有學位的語言治療師洛嘉,王子只好 孤注一擲。

21 ︳Motion Picture

Eloquence is one of the pillars of success of leaders in our time. Look at Hitler, his passionate speech had once and again stimulated the nationals’ emotions; not to say Mao Zedong and Churchill. But what if… what if the King stammers? George VI was the King who stammered. With the poor rapport of the Royalty at that time, Kings and Princes had been diminished to mere ‘professional entertainer’, putting the pressure of being articulated on George’s shoulders. With his older brother stepping down from the reign, George had no choice but to deal with his worst nightmare – public speaking. Desperate and impatient, King George resorted to an unorthodox speech therapist, Lionel Logue.

Text & Design / German Cheung


Inner Therapy: Revealing the Hidden Greatness

這近乎瘋狂的「醫生」不但要求跟王子做朋友,更暱稱他 為伯特。他在過程中不斷肯定伯特、給予信心和鼓勵:「 你可以的!」即使他們之間曾出現小風波,但洛嘉沒有放 棄,因為他相信這位王子「可以是很偉大的」。漸漸,伯 特跟這位平民朋友建立起信任,讓洛嘉可以採用「心聲療 法」,解開了伯特童年時的一個心結。如果連王子都這麼 需要一個這樣的朋友,更何況我們和我們身邊的人呢?

This seemingly ‘crazy’ therapist demanded to befriend with

身份 vs. 才幹

Identity vs. Ability

蜘蛛俠有一句名言——能力愈大,責任愈大。可惜伯特偏 偏自覺是個無力勝任的王子,被迫黃袍加身,只是因為 「身分」。從另一方面看,這身份也為他帶來特權。這裡 所說的特權1,意思並非「睇急症唔駛排隊」那種,而是藉 由身份而來的影響力。在片末,伯特克服了一生以來最重 要的一次演說,面對二戰爆發在即,他勇敢地向全國人民 發表講話,雖然難免有點瑕疵,但他的勇毅卻成功凝聚全 國,激發信心。這就是他的「特權」。

We’ve all heard it from Spiderman: ‘With greater power

the prince and daringly called him ‘Bertie’. He unyieldingly affirmed and encouraged Bertie, persisted to build trust and relationship despite the rift once occurred in their friendship. This ‘Inner Therapy’ helped unlock the heart of Bertie and resolve his deep-wounded childhood. Such a precious friend is essential to the success the Prince – and us all.

comes greater responsibilities’. Sadly though, Bertie found himself endowed with great responsibilities without capability. It was his ‘identity’ which caught him into all these. Con1

trarily, his identity also brought him privileges . We are not talking about the power to position one self above others, but that of influence which comes along with identity. With the imminence of WWII, Bertie was assigned with one of the most difficult task in life: to speak before his nation. In spite

換一個「平民」一點的例子——父母。他們可能沒有特別 的才幹,也沒有經我的「同意」就成為了我的父母——這 就是他們的特權。或許他們並不知道,有時候一句讚賞, 或一句無心的「你真係冇用!」,比起某甲某乙說同一句 話對我的影響大多了。

of the obvious flaws, his courage to overcome successfully unified the country and sparkled determination. Outside the palace, there are still people with privileges. Taking our parents as an example, they may not be extraordinarily competent, yet their words of appreciation (or

正如前幾期的《二億分之一》所說,其實我們每一個都是 獨特的,也有獨特的身份。我們每一個都有特權,就看你 是否能夠發現自己的身份。

depreciation) weigh much more than anyone else. As stated in the previous comic ‘One of the 200 million’, we are all created unique, with unique identity and privileges.





Whether one can exercise his/her privilege depends on their awareness of their own identity. Are you? 1

Cambridge Dictionary, Definition of “privilege”- the special right that

some people in authority have which allows them to do or say things that other people are not allowed to. (http://dictionary.cambridge. org/dictionary/british/privilege)

延伸閱讀/瀏覽 Extended Reading: 1.喬治六世的真人版「口窒窒」片段 King George VI Stammered: http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=50494

Motion Picture ︳22

Rebuilding Faith

from Rubbles We are proud of what we can make. But walking on the rubbles we look so small to nature. From time to time we clone animals, we pick the gender of our babies, we bring satellites to outer space, we make power out of uranium, we engineer the flavor of our food, and many more. We almost thought we could turn the tides and calm the angry sea. Yet today, we remain as helpless and speechless, as before when the earth-crust rattles and when the relentless waves splash. Engineers boasted that the preventive structures were invincible, and the multi-billion dollars investments to nuclear power were worth-it. Today they all failed and we paid the price by our lives. Have we falsely rested our trust on perishable stuffs once we were very proud of? This is the very same place we enjoyed financial riches,

23 ︳ Aftermath

technological advancement and security. We were told we were secured when other parts of the world are falling apart. But, no, only a slight nudge by the nature and we surrendered. No currencies can be traded for invaluable lives, no technology can stop the quake, and no human being could calm the angry sea. And, no one can really cleanup the mess we had left behind.

Desperately, people need more than just food and shelter to pull themselves together. We ask, if there is fairness how could this happen. If there should be a judge up there, why bad things happen to good people like this; how come the places we spent generations to build were scrapped in a matter of seconds. Relief, rescue and comfort seemed so distant that we doubted

Text / Tim Lo | Design / York Tsui

s whether they ever existed. We just couldn’t believe our hay days diminished so quickly. Desperately, people need more than just food and shelter to pull themselves together. Holding back our tears, now we begin to re-build a place and a country. Before that we rebuild our broken hearts. But what should we build upon? Should we blow another bubble, lay our minds on perishable stuffs, or we look for an everlasting faith? Certainly we want myths or bubbles no more. But where does faith come from? Among many common believes, we need one and only one true solid faith. One that is more promising than simply being optimistic, and one that keeps our heart in peace, even in midst of troubles that we can rest our lives onto.

Aftermath ︳24

25 ︳ Cultural Trend

Text / Virendra de Alwis | Design / York Tsui

April Fools' Day is celebrated in many cultures and countries around the world. It is also known as All Fools’ Day. Though it is not a public holiday and no one gives gifts or has celebrations to mark it, it is a day that is devoted to practical jokes and fun. It is a day when you play practical jokes or hoaxes on family and friends. In many countries the jokes only last until noon, and someone who plays a trick after noon is called an "April Fool". However for countries like France, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Russia, The Netherlands, Germany, Brazil, Canada, and the U.S., they play practical jokes the whole day.

Origins of April Fools’ Day There are many theories on how this day originated. It is thought that in the 16th Century, when they changed the start of the New Year from the first day of Spring to January 1st, this news took time to spread, and those who celebrated the new year on 1st April were considered April fools. The closest point in time where the beginning of this tradition can be seen is in 1582 in France. Before 1582, the New Year celebrations were held for 8 days. They began on March 25th and went on till April 1st. When King Charles IX changed the calendar, he moved New Year's Day to January 1st. Those who stuck to observing the old New Year's Day on 1st April were called 'fools' and this is how the tradition started. However there are references to April fools' day that date back to before the 16th Century.

Spring Day, Sorrow Day, Fools’ Day Nobody knows exactly when April Fools' Day began. Most people believe that April Fools' Day evolved in many cultures at the same time, from celebrations involving the first day of Spring.

and Scotland in the 18th century. Later it went on to America, and gradually to other parts of the world. In Scotland April Fool jokes are played for two days running. The second day is called 'Taily Day' when jokes like pinning a 'kick me' sign are pinned on people etc. Mexico tradition of having a day of fun is on December 28th. This was originally the day when they remembered the slaughter of children by King Herod. Over time, it changed into a lighter tradition where people played pranks and hoaxes on each other. The French call April 1 Poisson d'Avril, or "April Fish." French children sometimes tape a picture of a fish on the back of their schoolmates, crying "Poisson d'Avril" when the prank is discovered.

April Fools - Today In modern day society even the news media gets involved and run articles which are hoaxes on April 1st. History has it that a British short film shown on April 1st was a documentary about how Spaghetti Farmers harvest their crop from Spaghetti Trees. Though it is not a holiday, it is a day when society as a whole has some fun. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling "April Fool!" In today's society where people take themselves too seriously, April Fools' Day is a good tradition to celebrate. It helps to lighten the atmosphere and give people the opportunity to laugh at themselves. As John Updike says: Looking foolish does the spirit good.

The tradition of playing pranks on April 1st spread to England

Cultural Trend ︳26

Do We Need More


27 ︳ What Matters

Text / John Yap| Design / York Tsui

Democracy. To some, the ‘D’ word is the answer to the world’s problems; to some it’s a cause to die for. Government leaders interpret the term in various ways according to their own agendas, many simplify to the basic right of voting and being voted. So what indeed is democracy? How much do we really know about it? Democracy at it's core is the lawful respect and acknowledgement of the general will and opinion of the population. And this is exactly the thing I think is needed in the world today, the free chance to voice one’s opinion, and to elect and choose one’s own government. Especially with all the turmoil and violence occurring in the world today. Recently, the Egyptian government has been overthrown by its angry citizens. And worse still, civil war is breaking out in Libya in which over a thousand were estimated to have been killed. Now, with all that happening, we are compelled to ponder, how can more violence be ceased and how could this violence be prevented in the future? Now, let us just think, do you think this would happen if the people in Libya had the right and place to

voice their opinions to be heard? Do you think this would have happened if the government actually listened to the people? See, let's face it, at the end of the day, more and more educated population will be heard. Be it through legal, peaceful means or through violent extreme means, it will be heard. Now, knowing this, if we should hold them in, keep them oppressed, they will one day, burst through another way, most likely one that will not be desirable. This can be showed through the analogy of a balloon. You see, this trend has been shown many times in the past. Since the beginning of governments and rulers, people have been tyrannized by others who cannot bear to let go of power. But along with this came uprisings and people deciding that they will not be oppressed. Even in the poorest and most miserable times, people have shown their ultimate desire to be heard and understood and respected. Say for example, if you have a balloon and you pump it up with air, symbolic for people opinions, the balloon will inflate. If your balloon has a hole, for the air (opinions and views) to be vented out and understood, this will cause the balloon to inflate at most to a comfortable size and not any further. But if we didn’t have a hole, and people’s opinions and discontent continue to build up inside the balloon, the effects will ultimately be destructive and explosive as the balloon will ultimately pop. But could it be that too much people's opinion could negatively affect the government? Should the government be bogged down by so many opinions from people who have not actually undergone training and specialized education? Could the majority be wrong? Is democracy THE hole in every balloon? What do you think?

What Matters ︳28

Pizza, Anyone? Pizza ranks high on my list of comfort food. If I stay up late and feel hungry, pizza would be a solution. If there is a party or meeting and people need to be fed, they can be easily satisfied with pizza. It is delicious, easy and hassle-free. The only things you have to wash are your hands. I can’t think of a time when pizzas failed me. Although pizza has its origins from Italy, people make it differently in different places. Chicago is famous for its deep-dish pizza, while New York is renowned for its thincrusted offerings. Contrary to popular belief, Hawaiian pizza is not from Hawaii. It is believed to be a German concoction. In Asia, people like their pizza with non-traditional toppings, such as corn, seafood and even potatoes. I’m always on the lookout for places that has good pizzas, and at affordable prices. The following are some samplings:

Pizza Express This is one of the more expensive outlets although I must admit it uses premium and fresh ingredients. Its pizzas tasted really good, but I wished the portions were bigger. Besides the traditional flavours, the shop also has special pizzas to suit those with unusual tastes. How about a Peking Duck pizza! Thumbs up too for the appetizers and pasta. The restaurant gets another star for ambience. Definitely a place to go for special occasions.

New York Pizza Delivery An online search found a favourable review for this joint, which is relatively new. A few friends and I decided to check it out. It is tucked away in a quiet corner in Quarry Bay, and one could easily miss this store. It has a wide range of pizzas. It also has the most interesting version of Hawaiian pizza I have ever seen; its topping include shredded coconut and almonds. We had to wait about 30 minutes for our order, but it was worth the wait. The pizza was tasty and had a nice crunch. They used fresh ingredients, too. The price was also reasonable. This place is definitely worth a second visit, but it is best to go in smaller groups because there is limited seating space.

29 ︳Food Mania

Text / Petrina Lin| Design / York Tsui

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Pizza Hut Every time I pass by a Pizza Hut restaurant, there is always a long queue waiting for a table. However, I am not blown away by its product. I guess the people love the variety of pizzas it offers. At Pizza Hut, you can find stuffed crust pizzas, cheese poppers as a substitute for crust, thousand island as a base sauce, and octopus and crabsticks as toppings. If you like unconventional flavours, then Pizza Hut is the place to go.

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Paisano’s Pizzeria This is one of my favourite places. It is small and quite busy. It is also relatively new. It serves New York-style pizza, which is wide, thin and foldable. It is one of the few places where you can see pizza being made. It also has my vote because I can buy by the slice. The slices are huge and one is enough to make me full. I normally abstain from pizza crusts because they are too hard for me, but Paisano’s are soft and chewy. A slice of specialty pizza used to cost HK$30 but the price has been raised to HK$45.

Pizza-Box Pizza-Box was previously known as Domino’s Pizza. The name was changed in 2003, and so has the taste of its food. But it still offers some standout pizzas, such as the Spicy Deluxe pizza. The restaurant offers special deals, which is great if you need to feed a multitude.

Food Mania ︳30

Time for Stoc I remember the day I went to McDonalds and witnessed a horrendous sight. A balding man with a bloated belly was gulfing down a Big Mac, fries, and coke altogether at one go. One of his hands held the hamburger, the other a fistful of fries and his mouth pursed tightly on a straw as he slurped down his coke. I choked back my disgust and hurried away. Imagine stuffing yourself with this junk everyday. You will end up killing yourself. Although greasy and fattening foods are extremely harmful to your body, another form of junk is equally damaging. This type of trash will eat away your blooming happiness, your beautiful personality, and your precious mind and heart. Insecurities and negative views about yourself can cause excess damage to your soul. You might be an extrovert, but after a few derogatory looks and comments from others, you recoil into your shell and vow never to crack a lame joke in public ever again. But you like lame jokes! You like mak-

31 ︳Self on Shelf

Text / Adelaine Chan | Design / York Tsui

cktaking ing others laugh! Nonetheless, you become insecure and gradually lose your sense of humour. How distressing!

You might also be holding a grudge against a ‘friend.’ This ‘friend’ had betrayed you once back in seventh grade and as a result, you hated him. However, he had asked for your forgiveness, being nice and loving you, you embrace his apology like a saint and promise to be friends forever. Inwardly, however, you still distrust and dislike him. Once in a while, you subtly deride him and feel a sickening sense of satisfaction at the pit of your stomach afterwards. Your conscience gnaws at you continuously, but you proceed onwards with your spitefulness.

You are destined to live freely.

destined to live freely. By overcoming your insecurities, you disregard what others think and learn to appreciate yourself. As you learn to love yourself, you become comfortable just being who you are. There are no more masks. You live, love, and laugh however you like. As you see yourself and the world in a different light, you cannot help but love others too. Your grudges will be overcome and you will have the ability to cultivate deep and meaningful friendships with those around you. Take a moment to evaluate your life. Is there anything that is hindering you from being yourself? Are there grudges in your heart turning you against a ‘friend?’ It’s time to take a stock of yourself and do some ‘spring cleaning!’

Don't lose your friendships and uniqueness to your grudges and insecurities. You are destined to live dynamically. You are destined to be a sincere and caring friend. You are

Self on Shelf ︳32

記念 (internet photo / chinanews.com)

33 ︳ Snapshot

Pray For JAPAN Lord, have mercy on Japan. Bless her with Your grace, for You are a gracious God Your mercy triumphs over judgment, and we trust You for Your faithfulness. Heal this Land, Lord, and sow Your peace. By faith we proclaim Your righteousness and forgiving love over Japan. In the Name of Jesus we pray, Amen

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