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CROSSMEN is a monthly magazine published in Hong Kong by Kingdom Ministries. Copyright Kingdom Ministries, all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. CROSSMEN Unit A, 7/F, Kader Bldg, 22 Kei Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay, HK Tel: (852) 2235 5223 Fax: (852) 3018 0414 Email:

ISSUE 54 DEC 2011 Contents 2 / Editor’s Notes / 「一夜香檳」能有什麼啟示?


Publisher Andrew Ho Marketing Manager Mabel Tai

4 / Have Your Say / 音樂.世界.空間.成長 5 / Feature Story / 千年酒的故事 Story of Wine 9 / Special Feature / 生態劇場(II) CROSSMEN Channel (II) 11 / Travelogue / 新彊的奇妙旅程 Happy Journey@Xinjiang 16 / Talking Point / 聊一聊

THE CROSSMEN TEAM Executive Editor Ching Ching Art Director York Tsui Art Consultant Pun Pun Contributing Writers

19 / Motion Picture / 不老的傳說 An Everlasting Story

Crispin Chan, Ching Lin, Wo-men, Pui Sze, German Cheung, BoBo Li, Virendra de Alwis, Jeremy Lee, Joel Lee, Lisa Lee

21/ Relationship / Sam哥、Sam嫂與我 ‘Sam Goh’, ‘Sam So’ and Me

Designers and Photographers

17 / Gift Ideas / 這不是廣告 This is NOT an Ad

23 / Top Chef / 十步廚神第一擊之香草蜜糖雞翼 Top Chef in 10 Steps Rebut: Honey Herbal Chicken Wings 25 / Reminiscence / Truth in Love

German Cheung, Katy Hung, Kashun, Crispin Chan, York Tsui, Jenny Chen, Calvin Lai

27 / POPing Up / Where is the Love?


39 / Memories / Looking Back on 2011

Clara Fong, Ching Lin

31 / Exposé / Joel Lee


31 / Have Your Say (II) / Christmas is here!

Ching Ching 2235 5224

33 / Snapshot

「一夜香檳」能有什麼啟示? Text/Eppie Lin 適逢本期Feature Story說起釀酒的故事,一向連酒心朱 古力都不感興趣的我,也湊湊熱鬧,嘗試自製一款名為 「一夜香檳」的飲品(各位師長、家長請放心,雖名為 「香檳」,但酒精含量近乎零,比Jolly Shandy更jolly!)。 買好了果汁、葡萄,我就在執筆之前的那個晚上,釀起 酒來。

真的生活價值,於是乎,過去成為拖著我們後腿的網羅; 未來則與升學就業劃上了等號。結果,對於所謂「時間 線」我們開始概念模糊。過去、現在、未來,彷彿是完全 割裂、互不相干的三片方塊。 你有想過為自己將來的世代(而不是你人生的最後十年) 而奮鬥嗎?

食譜們總是應許整個過程簡單而不費勁的──事實卻不然。 曾經有人分享過一個夢: 據說,是葡萄皮的酵母令飲品能夠發酵,所以我必須剝開 葡萄皮,再把它那酒紅色的汁液擠捏出來。結果,擠到第 三顆葡萄我的手指就開始抽筋了! 天啊!到底為什麼?要吃葡萄,乾脆一把放進口就好了, 何必剝皮──且要為葡萄皮擠汁?要喝飲料,買現成的不 就好了嗎?更何況我根本不喝酒的! 弄髒了衣服、地板、餐桌,在廿度的星期日晚上忙得幾乎 冒汗,結果如何?我還不知道!截稿之時,我的「一夜香 檳」還未發酵完成,一切都是未知,更有可能的是徒勞無 功。不過…… 我從來沒有「期待」過一瓶可樂,滿心歡喜地想像它的口 感,誠惶誠恐地祈求這個「未知」的味道不要太糟糕── 我只會毫不猶疑地打開瓶蓋,氣也不喘地把它灌下去,享 受那當下的快感。

他看見一大家子的人聚在火爐前,年長的向年幼的述說相 片中那個活在上一代再上一代的人的事蹟,述說他的所為 與所是,述說他如何地成就了今天的這個世代。孩子們一 直聽得入神,雙眼發光。到夢的最後,鏡頭一轉──原來 相中人正是造夢者。夢到此處,造夢者醒了,也激動不 已。 換了造夢的是你,你會作何感想? 這個聖誕有一位主角,祂所栽種的,在其有生之年幾乎是 一株無花又無果的枯樹,但在十年、百年、甚至千年以 後,我們仍吃著這棵樹上的果子。 容我再問一次: 你有想過為自己將來的世代(而不是你人生的最後十年) 而奮鬥嗎?


Editor’s notes ︳02



只要能帶出正面訊息,我地都想蕉蕉蕉招! 優秀作品將會在CROSSMEN網頁www.crossmen.hk公諸同好,或刊登於每月出版的 CROSSMEN雜誌。 請將創作電郵至,註明「CROSSMEN蕉稿」。 查詢請致電22355224或電郵至上述地址。

音樂.世界.空間.成長 Text / 小悅 秋日之景,戴上耳機,會投入另一個的世界,隔開了世間 凡俗的聲音,所聽的只是自己喜愛的音樂。 投入在自我的世界,沒有人可以騷擾你、沒有人能給你指 令、沒有人可走入你的世界,只有自己才明白這個世界是 怎樣、是如何、是什麼;卻因為這是自我的世界,很多人 都喜歡把自己埋在這兒。這不是人的錯,是人的本性! 可是,人們在這世界中能隔開的,只是聽覺的世界,而空 間仍在。綠油油的山景、宏偉的大海、香煙的獨特氣味、 花開時香氣、那苦瓜的甘、葡萄的酸、風吹的涼意、或是 炎熱的夏季,不會因為你投入了自己的世界而空間停下, 反之,所有事只會繼續轉動,或會比你想象中轉得更快, 你只會被自己的世界困住,結果,你會失去很多遇見、感 受世界的機會,到底,這會是值得嗎?你又會得到成長、 得到經驗嗎?

小悅: 你道出了許多耳機族聽不到的道理呢!戴上耳機,自以為 置身事外,但世界卻不因此停止。放下耳機,要面對的仍 得面對。 有些人,只喜歡沉溺在自我的空靈的世界;有些人,卻在 喧鬧的世潮中無法自拔。大概,兩者都需要偶爾出走,也 需要拿捏好分寸。大概,這是邁向成熟所必經的。大概, 我又說多了。 十字人CC Have Your Say ︳04

Story of Wine 早陣子與內地朋友旅遊,他很喜歡喝高梁等中國白酒,也讓我喝了一點。 I learnt to appreciate sorghum liquor from a friend in China.


I couldn’t help asking…

這種烈酒有甚麼好, 咖啡好喝多了。 Why liquor? Coffee is much better!

在那天晚上我昨了一個夢,夢中我的一個朋友對我解釋這些酒為何如此珍貴...... I had a dream about the value of wine that very night……

一千年前,糧食是很珍貴的 (現在也是),人們要付上 很大代價、花費許多糧食才能釀成一瓶酒。人們常掛 在口邊的「千粒糧,一滴酒」,說的就是這個道理。 Food was scarce a thousand years ago (and it still is) and people had to pay a high price in order to make a bottle of wine. Wine is precious.

Winemaking process


︳ Feature Story

Text / Ching Ching & York & Katy | Design / Katy Hung

Yeast Making Winemaking

採用純小麥,經過研磨後摻水攪 和、入模成型,接著進房培麴、 出房風乾,最後放入酒庫中陳 放,釀酒之前再予以磨碎備用。 Grind the wheat and mix with water. Leave time for yeast making then dry in open air. Grind again before winemaking.

先將高粱浸泡一天,再進行蒸煮、 冷卻、拌麴(加入 麴粉)、 發酵、蒸餾(第一道酒)、再拌麴、 再發酵、再蒸餾(第二道酒)。 Soak the sorghum for a day, then steam, cool, add yeast, leave for ferment and distill (first wine), repeat the steps and you’ll have the ‘second’ wine.



二次蒸餾所得的高粱酒還只是半成 品,至少要等六個月,經過調酒師傅 的調配後,才能進行品質的鑑定, 最後灌裝入瓶,放入酒庫中 存放,將成品上市出售。


By now the liquor is only half-done. It takes 6 more months and the mixing of experts to complete the process. After QC, the liquor can be bottled and put for sale.

1000 years later

將釀好的酒, 再擺放若干年後, 便成為老酒。 If you keep the liquor for certain years, it’ll become vintage wine.

不但如此,在酒釀成的當下,那瓶酒並沒有多大價值;而那個年 代的人,也無法嚐到那瓶酒的珍貴之處。直到一千年後,當「那 瓶酒」成為了「千年老酒」,它的醇香,才能完全地展現出來, 這是一千年前釀酒人的成果,所以十分珍貴。* The liquor does not carry much value the moment it was made. Not only so, the people of its era cannot enjoy the true precious taste of the wine. It is only until 1000 years later, when it becomes a bottle of vintage wine, that people can enjoy the full texture and taste of it. It’s an effort of 1000+ years and that explains its value.*


*I’m not sure if it really takes 1000 years to make vintage wine. It’s just a dream anyway.

Feature Story ︳06

「現在,我們正喝著那瓶酒。 同樣,也是釀酒的季節了。」 This is the wine that we are drinking. This is also the season for winemaking.

有沒有想過,今天我們享受的一切並非偶然?正如你的生 命是媽媽十月懷胎而來的結果,今天我們所身處的環境 ──不論你喜歡與否──都像人們所喝的酒一樣,是十年 前、百年前、千年前的人所耕耘的成果。 那麼,「現在」到底是時間線上的哪一點?

Have you ever thought that what we have today does not come out of nothing? Every birth is the result of 10-month-long pregnancy, likewise, the circumstances we’re living in today, is the fruit of many generations before us. Just as no wine is made overnight.

毫無疑問,我們正進入一個時代轉換的季節。2012年,中 共領導換班、台灣總統選舉,就連香港都要換特首了。金 融危機席捲全球,十年前人人追捧基金、股票,今天世界 各地人士聲援「佔領華爾街」。毫無預警的熱浪、水災、 地震,竟然科技如此先進的今天,奪取千萬性命;環保份 子也告訴我們:總有一天,不但冬天不冷,就連南極都會 變暖。

Where on the timeline are we standing now?


We just have to admit it, right? Our world is CHANGING.

在這個轉換的時刻,有些人仍然沉睡,對一切懵然不知; 有些人明明看見了,但卻選擇妥協,任由事情往錯的方向 發展,並遵循一個自己並不喜歡的遊戲規則來生活;另外 一些人,他們也看見了,但卻選擇用錯誤的手法促成改變 (如:用不公義的方法追求公義)。香港就是一個這樣古 怪的地方,家長一方面反對填鴨式的教育,另一面又不停 把子女送進各種填鴨式的系統中;在我們不斷投訴政府財 團學校的同時,卻沒有改變過我們所投訴的生活方式,也 沒有實踐我們口中所追求的理想。

07 ︳ Feature Story

Without doubt, this is a season of transition. There will be leadership changes in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Financial crisis turned Wall Street into a notorious title, while natural disasters continued to take lives and melt the Poles.

At this kairos – a particular time for shifting and transition – some remain asleep and turn a blind eye to everything; some compromise even if they spotted something wrong. There are some others who attempt to fulfill a just cause with wrong means. How strange! We accuse the spoon-feed education system, yet we try to squeeze in it by all means; we complain government, schools and corporations for how they do what they do, yet we never attempt to act different from them, not to say to walk our talks.

許多人往往寧願守住在被操控的安逸,也不願步入動盪。 然而,在每個準備要「翻一頁」的轉變的季節,總有一些 人願意保持清醒,並且願意把自己投進為後人謀福利的一 個環境──他們就是一班願意為百年之後釀酒的人。 現在,我們正喝著那瓶酒。 同樣,也是釀酒的季節了。 如果1111,就是時代季節轉變的時候,你會選擇如何渡 過?我們能活在這個季節轉換的世代,絕對不是偶然。你 有沒有甚麼核心價值?你還有沒有信念? 我相信,現在就是堅持實踐信念的最佳季節。我可以在這 個時代做什麼?我可以為這個時代做什麼? 有信仰的人,請停一停,禱告你在天上的父:在這一個時 代,應該如何生活呢?

There are many people who’d rather rest cozily under a corrupted controller than throw themselves into the unpredictable. Nevertheless, at the turning of each chapter, there will be some sober ones who are willing to pave ways for the generations afterwards. These are the people who make wines for the enjoyment of a hundred years later. This is the wine that we are drinking. This is also the season for winemaking. If 1111 stands for a time for change, how would you live your days? It’s no coincidence that you’re living at a time such at this. Do you have values? Do you have a belief? To me, it’s the best season to walk your faith. Ask yourself: What can I do in a time such as this? What can I do for a time such as this? If you do have a belief, pause and seek your Heavenly Father: how do You want me to live in a time such as this?

全文詳見 Full version available at: Feature Story ︳08

09 ︳ Special Feature

Text & Design / Crispin Chan

Special Feature ︳10

戮㿁 什麼是生態?生態是一個系統,一個「大環境」,既然主導著生態內的一事一物,但生態內的一事一物,亦往往影 響著整個系統。CROSSMEN認為,「生態」既可理解為大自然環境中的不同系統,也可理解為日常生活中的那些「大 環境」。詳參CROSSMEN #52 Feature Story。 What is an ecosystem? It’s a macro environment which dominates the operation of everything inside, yet even the tiniest party in it could bring an impact on the system. To CROSSMEN, we see the operation of “ecosystem’ both in natural and manmade environment. Details in CROSSMEN #52 Feature Story.

小孩沒有能力一下子改變整個怪獸家長的生態,所以他選 擇先改變自己。小孩最後沒有像超人一樣獨力改變香港的 怪獸家長生態,但他改變了自己的家長。他跳出了怪獸家 長的「目標範圍」,使家長沒有了變身成「怪獸」的理 由,還得到了一個疼愛自己的好媽媽。

Truly, the kid is incapable of altering the ecosystem of monster parents instantly; hence he chose to alter his own responses. Unlike the Superman who marvels the world singlehandedly, he changed only his only parents. He chose not to provoke the anger of his mother, eventually bringing out the original kindness in her.

時間以24x速度快播,小孩轉眼長成眼鏡男。眼鏡男畢業 後要工作,也免不了的要面對怪獸客人。但他明白自己不 可能要求每個客人都很好照顧。所以,他決定改變自己, 把和平的氣氛帶到工作中,又為身邊的同事加油,互相支 持。結果他成功改變了他公司的生態,贏得了一班戰友。

In a glance, the kid grew up and graduated. Again, he couldn’t avoid the omnipresent of monster customers, so he decided to alter his own responses (again). He brought peace and support to the workplace, successfully altering the ecosystem of his office!

11 ︳ Special Feature

把鏡頭拉遠,可以看見在不同的角落,魔鬼從不停歇,誓 要勞役和玩弄人類。小女孩沒能力改變這個假借「萬聖」 之名,實則與魔鬼「共舞」的可怕生態,而小女孩也常常 會被魔鬼纏擾,播下恐懼、憂慮的種子。但是,每次小女 孩尋求主耶穌的幫助,祂都會使她感到出人意料的平安。 最後,小女孩的生命也變得更純潔,甚至不像這個世代的 人。 雖然,這個世界並不完美,扭曲的生態在生活中隨處可 見:

Zooming out, we can see the wicked hands of Satan everywhere - especially as we approaches the end of October. The little girl was unable the overwhelming Halloween spirit, even intimidated by it. Yet whenever she turned to Jesus and asked for help, He would fill her with peace. Gradually, the girl was purified, to a level that this world did not deserve. Yes, we’re living in a twisted, imperfect world. Yes, we all admire those who turned the world up-side-down, yet we also can’t help sighing our own incompetence. Yes, the twisted ecosystem that we deter also affects us.

雖然,看見那些把世界翻轉的人,我們都會很羨慕,但也 不免為自己的無力而嘆氣。 雖然,我們都不能否認這些扭曲的生態系統影響著我們, 令我們或多或少都有一點扭曲…

Even so, if we believe that what we long for will come true one day, we’ll be the change and bring variables to the twisted ecosystem. Perhaps, as they accumulate, these variables will someday become the key to changing our world.

但是,如果我們相信心裡那份美好會成就,那就先讓自己 作出改變,為那扭曲的生態帶入變數,終有一日那些變數 會累積,並成為翻轉世界的關鍵。

Special Feature ︳12

中國的西北部,是我一直想踏足的地方。它給我的印象是 背包客的天堂;因為居住的人們是跟我們容貌不同的人, 所以它又像是中國的另一個國度,更是我沒法想像的地 方。新彊總面積佔中國的六分一之大,它的一望無際、四 野無人、自由自在令我回味至今…

Northwestern China is somewhere I’ve dreamt for long. It’s a backpackers’ heaven. Its habitants look entirely different from us – so different that you’d think it’s another nation within China. Its area makes up 1/6 of China and I feel freedom like never before when I set my feet on it.

Wildlife ‘Zoo’

野生動物園 新彊像是一個動物園,駱駝、馬、羊、牛隨處可見,有些 是野生的,有些是牧養的。旅程的第二天我們在車上看見 平原上的一群駱駝,我們都興奮得奔跑下車想走近牠們拍 照。駱駝見有人走近都紛紛避開,唯獨有一頭駱駝,本來 牠想起來走開的,但當我們走近卻繼續反而跪了下來,我 們都安靜又興奮地逐一跟牠拍照。過了十多分鐘,大家都 拍過照了,這頭駱駝才起來走遠。導遊從遠處看見就十分 驚訝,她說她領團十多年,從來沒見過有人可以讓這些駱 駝停下來,不禁問:「你們是甚麼人哪?」真的是一次非 常奇妙的經歷! 13 ︳Travelogue

Xinjiang is like a zoo. You’ll see camels, horses, sheep and cows everywhere. Some are wild and some are reared. On the second day of our trip, we spotted a band of camels next to the highway. We rushed in excitement for photos and most of them were scared off by us. But there’s one, despite its initial moves of walking away, stayed and even knelt as we further approached. We got to take photos with this camel at arm’s length. Over 10 minutes, after we all took photos with the camel, it stood up and left. Our local guide was so surprised to see this, ‘Who are you? I’ve never seen people stopping those camels before!’ Truly amazing!

Text & Design/ Germen Cheung


Old City@Kashgar

除了烏魯木齊,我們也坐了二十六小時火車到喀什。喀什 最令我著迷的地方是那座泥黃色的老城,我愛煞這種「凌 亂美」了!這裡實在奪了我不少的菲林。進去的時候,有 一群小孩不斷跟我們說哈囉,非常可愛!走著走著發現有 一群鴿子一直在我們頭頂盤旋,近得聽到拍翼聲,我們看 著都覺得很感動。

Departing Urumqi, we took 26 hours of train to Kashgar. The Old City in earth tone impressed me the most and I took dozens of pictures there. As we entered, a group of kids ‘greeted’ us enthusiastically with their ‘hellos’ and melted my heart. What’s more? A huge band of doves flew wherever we went, they were so close that we could even hear their wings!

東巴扎,議價態度要誠懇 由於維吾爾族是一個民族情緒較深的族群,加上我們是漢人,為免引 起糾紛我們的態度也要以尊重為大前題。最後我們在一家店買了百多 條的圍巾,老闆還高興得跟我們握手道別呢!其他開價較低的貨品如 香料、茶葉一般都不用議價,但質素就各有千秋了。

East Bazaar: Etiquettes of Bargaining The Uyghur are proud of who they are. Because of the previous history between Uyghur and Han Chinese, we have to be respectful in whatever we do – even when we are bargaining. We bought over a hundred scarves at one store and the Uyghur storekeeper was so happy that he bided us goodbye with a big smile! Goods like herbs and tea are cheap and needn’t bargaining, but their quality varies.

雖然滑沙失敗,但我們還是玩得非常盡興! Although we failed to ski on sand, we still had much fun!

過了十一天的奇妙旅程,其實最奇妙的還是因為我能夠跟這班「團友」在一起,他們都是我最 好的朋友。只要能夠整整齊齊的在一起,無論做甚麼無論去哪裡也是快樂的,因為我們是一個 都不能少的呀! 11 days of happy journey, the happiest of all is that I can travel with my best buddies! As long as we are together, we are happy, no matter what we do, where we are. We just have to be whole and be there!

Travelogue ︳14

15 ︳ Travelogue

Text / Ching Ching | Design / York Tsui


Talking Point 近日,有內地媒體報導了北京黑市卵子交易事件,仲介公 司專門向北京知名學府的女大生招手,把卵子像商品一樣 買賣,甚至分成不同等級而「訂價」。公司會安排「買」 「賣」雙方會面,會面時會透過仲介人溝通,就算成功交 易,雙方也不知道誰是誰。

網上投票:「大學生黑市賣卵子值不值?」 60%網民說:「說不清,路是自己選的」 有記者化身臥底女學生,參與會面過程。結束後,仲介人 對女記者說:「你最大的弱勢是單眼皮」。 網友留言:

一想到作為清華女卵子都能賣至少3w+(編按:三萬以 上),突然覺得自己這一生的身價可真高啊!所以一定 要自信!


A recent report revealed the dirty facts of black market fertility trade in Beijing. Agencies invite students from renowned colleges to be egg donors and the eggs are ‘priced’ according to various criteria. Would-be parents and the girls are arranged to meet and communicated through the agent. In other words, they’ll never know whose egg is born by whom even when transaction succeeds.

Internet Poll: Does it worth it for college students to trade their eggs? 60% of netizens said ‘it’s hard to tell. People can make their own choices’. A reporter went undercover to join a meeting with the ‘clients’. After the meeting, the agent said, ‘Your biggest weakness is your single eyelid.’ Netizens’ Comments:

Knowing that an egg of a Tsing Hua student worth RMB30,000+, I suddenly found the worth of myself. A good reason to be proud!

再過幾年都沒親爹親媽了?不知道誰是誰媽。 ……賣了,肯定想著它會成為一個永不見面的生命,而 且由於你的過錯,你一生也無法對它負責任 十字人:同一個國家內,有人拼命墮胎,有人不惜一切求 一胎,不是很荒謬嗎? 面對這些事情,你能沒有個想法嗎?

資料來源 Source:新浪微博 Sina Weibo

If it goes on, a few years later people will no longer what a ‘mother’ means. You just can’t help thinking that it’s a person you’ll never meet, someone that you can never be responsible for, all because of your mistaken decision. CROSSMEN: Isn’t it ridiculous? You can find countless abortion and desperate parent-would-be in the SAME country. How can one be numb and turn a deaf year to it?

Talking Point ︳16

買禮物,其實可以挺悶的,尤其是買給相識多年、又懂得 善待自己的好朋友──你想到的,他/她早已為自己添置 了。自製嗎?時間又未必夠用,尤其是在應付交換禮物的 時刻──Christmas party 抽到你的手織頸巾,恐怕會衍 生出一段(結果/不開花的)愛情故事/麻煩日子。又如 果,如果你(和你的朋友們)早已超脫得連「收」與 「 送」的情意結都解開了,也不妨看看以下的創作,讓靈 感與靈感和應,說不定能趁聖誕節泡製出你的獨特創作。 唔買,都可以睇下ㄚ!


Christmas shopping can be a disaster - especially if your friends are all old friends who always know how to indulge themselves. DIY gifts are wonderful (but time-consuming) and don’t always fit the occasion – imagine if he received your knitted scarf at class Christmas party, touched by it and started wooing you (yet you don’t fancy him at all!). Or perhaps you (and your friends) are done with all these and have replaced gifts exchange with a great meal together. Even so, it could be inspiring and eye-pleasing to just glimpse the following creation. Maybe you can launch your own next year!


CROSSMEN Christmas tee

喜歡今期封面嗎?熊貓(筆者最愛的)、大象(畫者最愛的)、 羊咩咩、直立鹿、你我他、雪人和老人都來為耶穌賀壽!可以 選擇全圖(見封面)或讓聖誕老人、臥龍熊貓、大笨象也來向 耶穌說聲生日快樂!試想像在聖誕前後,香港到處都有人把這 張“To Jesus, From Me”的生日卡穿上身,何等興奮!

Don’t you always love our cover? This time you can wear it and be proud! An unlikely band of creatures join hands to say ‘Happy Birthday’ to our Lord Jesus. You can choose to wear them all, or have Santa Clause, panda and elephant to greet Jesus’ on his special day! Imagine how exciting it will be if we all wear this Birthday card and show it to the town during Christmas!

︳ Gift Ideas

Text / Wo-Men | Design / Calvin Lai

2012年樹之座檯曆 想為檯頭增添一點綠意?每月一「樹」的 座檯曆雖無法代替真正的植物,但至少讓 我們記得,仍然僅存的美好大自然。

2012 Tree Calendar Celebrate the year with all things bright and beautiful. The calendar measures 15.5 cm x 22 cm.

四式卡 看膩了千篇一律的聖誕卡?這四款獨一 無二的小卡,讓你向朋友送上點點祝 福,聖誕節、兒童節,甚至光棍節都適 用!

Collage cards These 4 fun cards are great for everyday use. They measure 10x10 cm each and have printed insides and printed envelopes.



來分享創作人Ah Li最喜愛的十二款甜品 吧!原始的木顏色,感覺特別清新。

一共二十六款人手繪製的字母指環,每只 都畫上與字母相配的動物圖案,精緻又可 愛!(原料:塑膠及樹脂)

Dessert cards

A-Z rings

These 12 desserts are Ah Li’s favorite foods. They are drawn with colored pencils, and come with olive or brown envelopes.

These are hand drawn and made from plastic and resin. The animals are: armadillo, bear, cat, dog, elephant, fox, giraffe, hare, iguana, jaguar, llama, mermaid, nightingale, owl, penguin, quail, rabbit, swan, tiger, unicorn, vulture, walrus, x ray fish, yak, zebra.

All Things Bright and Beautiful 是什麼? 愛塗塗畫畫的 Ah Li 與 Joanne 雖然 有一份朝九晚五的工作,但卻終日幻想 能有自己的創作。身邊「一切美麗光明 物」是他們的靈感源頭,天父送給他們 的畫筆就是最大的動力。源源不絕的 靈感,他們無法喊停;珍貴又獨特的禮 物,他們不願浪費,由二人親自創立的 All Things Bright and Beautiful,就這樣 誕生了。

About All Things Bright and Beautiful We are Ah Li and Joanne and we both dream of drawing things all day. We have regular nine to five jobs. (Not that exciting). But we are constantly inspired by all things bright and beautiful. Because we don’t want to waste the gift. And because it’s fun. And because all God’s creations inspire us. God’s creations inspire our creations, and we hope our creations inspire you too.

Gift Ideas︳18

19 ︳Motion Picture

Text / Piu Sze | Design / Kashun

Motion Picture ︳20

Sam哥、Sam嫂與我 ‘Sam Goh’, ‘Sam So’ and Me



‘Sam Goh’ in Love

‘Sam Goh’ in Love

我的爸爸──Sam哥年輕時是個戲子。沒錯!就是那種要 化濃妝、穿戲服、唱戲曲的戲子。人道「戲子無情」,但 他對感情卻絕對不兒戲。中學的時候,媽媽有段短時間要 到廣州工作,她不在家的晚上,Sam哥每晚下班回來,都 一副病厭厭的樣子,很早便回房間休息了。幾天後,當我 打掃爸媽的房間時,在爸爸的枕頭下發現了一本小本子, 打開看了頭兩行已忍不住哭了。原來,這小本子記錄著爸 爸對媽媽說的話,每天一篇,這…….這是一本情書!天 呀!這還是我頭一回看到「一本」手寫的情書!從那時 起,我心裡對爸爸更欣賞、更尊敬,也越來越喜歡眼前這 位鐵漢!

上個月,我與男朋友分手了。某天晚上,我木無表情地躺 在沙發,連飯也沒有胃口吃,在旁的Sam嫂看穿了端倪, 我便哇的一聲哭了起來,哽咽地說:「我失戀了!」爸爸 媽媽都立刻放下碗筷,走來給我一個大大的擁抱,Sam哥 更說:「別哭,你有我們呀,我們很愛你!」說完他自己 也笑了!媽媽接著說:「乖女,找老公,要找個像你爸爸 的,他大小二事都以我行先……

‘Sam Goh’, my beloved father, used to play Chinese opera when he was young. Despite his being an actor, he is a genuine lover. During my teenage years, my mum had to leave home and work in Guangzhou for a while. At those nights without mum, ‘Sam Goh’ seemed to be dispirited and went to bed early. One day, I discovered a notebook beneath his pillow, and to my surprise, it is in fact a ‘book’ of love letters. He wrote loving words to my mum everyday! I couldn’t hold back my tears, nor can I hold back my appreciation to him.

21 ︳Relationship

I broke up with my boyfriend last month. Depressed, I escaped dinner and lied on the sofa for rest. ‘Sam So’ (my mum) spotted it and her loving care brought me into tears. They came to me with hugs and words of kindness: ‘Don’t cry baby, you can count on us!’ ‘Find a husband like your father, he always put my needs before his…’

Text / Bobo Li & Ching Lin | Design / York Tsui


Actually, Love is…

戲子柔情 ‘Sam Goh’ in Love

幾天後,Sam哥很認真地跟我說,找 老公,千萬別找那些叫阿明、阿偉和 阿強的。我忍住笑問個究竟,以下是 他的答案: 「明,蛇仔明!」 「強,孱仔強!」 「偉,XXXXXX (讀者可以會意 XD) 然後我問他,那叫甚麼名字的是好老 公呢? 「阿華啦!真係好好!」 聽後,我和媽媽卡卡大笑──Sam哥 中文名就是阿華! 朋友E說她欣賞我的「真」性情,因 為她看到我常常很真實地把自己的感 受表達出來,聽到她這樣說後,我也 開始學習欣賞自己的「真」。我想, 這份「真」,也盡得Sam哥Sam嫂的 真傳吧! 也許,我真的會找到一個「阿華」, 組成「華哥華嫂」的家庭。 看著幸福快樂的Sam哥Sam嫂,我相 信,我的未來也會是幸福而快樂的。

A few days later, ‘Sam Goh’ came to be with a word of counsel, ‘Don’t marry Rambo, Adolf or Bandit!’ Holding back my laughter, I asked for explanation: ‘Rambo...unless you love to live with a shooting lunatic!’ ‘ you want to marry a dictator?” ‘Bandit...are you living in a first-aid box?’ So I asked, ‘What name represents a good husband?’ ‘Samuel! Sam is good!’ My mum and I couldn’t help laughing! How confident is ‘Sam Goh’! My friend once told me that she appreciated me for being genuine as I always express my feelings in an uncovered way. And I’s in my family line! Maybe one day I’ll marry a Samuel and become ‘Sam So’ the Second. I believe I’ll inherit the happy life of ‘Sam Goh’ and ‘Sam So’. I am for inheritance, not only in money but also in the spirit!

朋友說,夫妻的關係就像一枝 箭:男人是箭頭,女人是箭 尾。箭頭的功用(之一)是承 擔逆風的衝力與壓力,而箭尾 則負責導航。箭尾的設計,本 來就無法承擔逆向的壓力;箭 頭的設計,也無法發揮導航的 功能。若箭頭放棄承擔的責 任,任弓箭手技術再好也不會 成功,若箭尾不甘居後,硬要 衝前,最終亦只會落得破箭的 下場。這並不是男女是否平等 的關係,而在乎男與女能否好 好發揮自己原來的特質。 如果你也看膩了港男港女的無 益抗辯,不妨花點時間認清男 與女的身份與特質,耕耘真正 的「男人味」、「女人味」! Husband and wife together form an arrow. Men are the arrowheads while women are the nocks. One of the functions of arrowheads is to bear the friction and pressure of wind, while the nock is responsible for the direction. If the arrowhead tries to avoid pressure, even the most skilful archer will fail. If the nock dislike its rear position and seek to lead, the arrow will be broken immediately. It’s not about ‘equality’ per se, but men and women being satisfied in their unique positions. If you’re sick of the endless accusation between both sexes, spend some time to discover the original position of men and women, and restore the real masculinity/femininity in you!

我信幸福是可以遺傳的,你呢? Relationship︳22

步廚神 第一擊之香草蜜糖雞翼 Top Chef

in Steps Rebut: Honey Herbal Chicken Wings

新專欄首度開幕,應該要自我介紹一番吧!顧名思義, 「十步廚神」標榜的就是在十步之內煮出美味菜式;至 於「廚神」,則是自己封的。我煮菜很厲害嗎?絕對不 是!擅長自創菜式嗎?毫無這方面的頭腦。事實剛好相 反,本人(牛廚神)從小沒多少下廚經驗,更會因為懶 惰,情願餓著入睡也不去煮個腸仔一丁!直到近年多了 去朋友家作客,發現原來家庭式open rice比上館子開 心多了,才開始膽粗粗邀請朋友來品味我十年如一日的 罐頭汁吞拿魚螺絲粉,也絕對談不上令人「嘩!」一 聲。 事情的轉捩點,在於我買了一台烤爐回家。 當我發現,只要買三五瓶調味粉,加上幾乎萬能的烤爐,我也能捧出「看 起來很厲害」的菜式,就忍不住興奮地在朋友間宣揚:我變廚神了! 對。很無聊,也就是這麼無聊的一個原因,令一個對烹飪毫無信心也不願 嘗試的人,變得異常積極,異常陶醉在自以為很厲害的入廚時光。 故事說完了。臨近聖誕,不如先為大家介紹一個適合開party也適合在爸爸 媽媽面前露一手的簡單菜式吧! New column. Time for introduction. A self-proclaimed ‘Top Chef’ shares recipes to complete a dish within 10 steps. ‘So you must be a skilled chef’, you might supposed. Oh no, instead of making myself instant noodles, I am lazy enough to starve myself to sleep. It’s until the recent experience of family-like gathering at friends’ places that I changed my mind. I never know that it’s so much fun to cook! So I cooked. Most of the time readymade pasta – it never fails me, yet neither did my friends wow. My new oven is the turning point of all these. All-purpose seasoning powder + multifunctional oven = dishes that ‘look’ professional! Thrilled, I couldn’t help boasting in front of my friends: I’m a Top Chef now! Stupid as it might seem, I become exceedingly eager to try out cooking because of this. I now find my magical moments in the kitchen. Christmas is a time for family – and party. So tis’ the target of our debut dish. Easy, delicious, and most of all, seemingly professional!

23 ︳ Top Chef

香草蜜糖雞翼 Honey Herbal Chicken Wings 1.取出雞中翼解凍 (學日本壽司店解凍魚生的方法──在水喉底沖一會就完全解凍了,記得用食水再 洗一次!) Defrost chicken wings (Just put them under running water for a short while. Don’t forget to wash again with boiled water). 2.用適量生抽、香草、糖醃雞翼調味 (從前看食譜,每次見到「適量」二字就頭痕:「即係幾多呢?」但原來,有些份 量,真的只能感受,不能明言。大家努力啦!)需時大概10-15分鐘 Season with soy sauce, herbs and sugar (I used to be so frustrated when they ask me to put a ‘handful’ of such and such for seasoning. Can’t they be exact? But now I know it’s something you can only learn by sense.) for about 10-15 minutes. 3.調教蜜糖汁,蜜糖和開水的比例大概為1:2 Mix honey sauce. Honey : Water = 1:2 4.放油下鍋,以猛火把鍋燒熱,然後把醃好的雞翼放下去 (對,份量又是那可怕的「適量」) Boil oil in pan with high heat, then add the seasoned chicken wings. 5.一邊煮,一邊翻動雞翼,當雞翼肉身開始變硬,雞翼尾的骨頭露出來,就表示雞翼已 經煮熟──怕煮不熟常常是初哥(i.e.我)的恐慌,學懂了分辨生熟,自然更加淡 定,流露「廚神風範」! Flip the chicken wings every now and then until done – you’ll feel that the meat becomes tough and the bones towards the wings’ end stick out. No more raw wings for cooking dummies! 6.倒入蜜糖汁,加蓋轉細火,等蜜糖汁慢慢變「杰」 (我最喜歡這個步驟,看著蜜糖汁煮至起泡,雞翼轉色,香味四溢…這個時候,可 以享受食客的第一次讚賞與期待!) Add honey sauce and lower the heat. Cook until the sauce becomes thick (my favorite part: it’s when the wings are colored and the aroma is everywhere. First applause from your crowd!). 7.預熱烤爐至230度 Pre-heat the oven to 230 degree 8.取出雞翼,放到錫紙上,有需要可以灑適量辣粉再入烤爐烤香 (烤的時間視乎食客喜歡香口還是怕熱氣,自己決定啦!) Put chicken wings on aluminum foil. Sprinkle some spicy seasoning if needed. Bake till skin becomes crispy. 9.把雞翼放到碟上,可將鍋子裡剩下的蜜糖汁淋上面 (怕肥膩的就免喇!) Wings on the dish. You may also pour the remaining honey sauce on top of it. 10.開動! Time to EEEEEEEEEat!


Fancying the full mean in photos? Visit, click 十步廚神 and you can cook for your family too!

Text / Ching Lin | Design / Jenny Chen

Top Chef ︳24

So, 2011 is finally coming to a close. Personally it’s been pretty action packed, as it usually is living in HK. This is my second year living here and admittedly it wasn’t as exciting as the previous year, I still need a good 10 minutes to recall the array of activities I’ve done over the course of 12 months. Well, let’s just stick to what happened in August. I love my hometown London, UK, so I was thrilled to hear that my best friend/k-jeh (whom we shall call V) told me that her and her boyfriend would be coming over to stay in HK for a month. I gladly opened up my home for them for as long as they needed it.

What started out as a joyous reunion in my mind, filled with happy days showing my sister the wonders of my new home, turned out to be awkward, and emotionally and spiritually challenging. V’s boyfriend and I had to work in the daytime and so V would often be left alone at home for most of the day. For the first 2 weeks I made an effort to try spending quality time with V, but she would often be out with her bf till 11pm or later. By that time I was ready for bed. On their return, only a few obligatory remarks were exchanged (“How was your day? Oh you went shopping there? Yeah, they tend to do that here”) before I darted into my bedroom. I thought I was giving them the space they needed as a couple on

25 ︳Reminiscence

holiday. Then one evening, V confronted me to ask whether they made me feel uncomfortable. I realized I didn’t like this set up at all. I had allowed an unmarried couple to stay in the same room together in my own home. It hit me like a silent bullet finally smashing into my conscience. I consider V as my sister. I love her like my own flesh and blood, which made things worse in a way. How could I have so easily allowed my sister to commit a sin in God’s eyes with me right there witnessing it every day?

It hit me like a silent bullet finally smashing into my conscience. After seeking advice from my church leaders and much prayer, I nervously confronted both of them one night. My intentions were simply for them to understand. I apologized for not telling them earlier. I should’ve given it all more thought and made sleeping arrangements where they’re not sleeping in the same room or resort to staying in a hotel. I explained the importance of purity, the eternal bond that a man and woman form once they become one.

Then, somehow the focus of the conversation turned to me and my personal identity. Do you know who you really are? It didn’t seem relevant but it was. If I had stood stronger in my identity in my faith, if I had spoken up earlier then this conversation

Text / Lisa Lee | Design / German Cheung wouldn’t be happening. In the middle of all this personal drama were the horrendous riots in London. Old established shops were burnt to cinders, viciously looted and cars set fire to in the streets that I grew up in. The media questioned whether looters and arsonists were protesting about the current recession. In truth it was mindless destruction, brought about, in my opinion, by a society that allowed its younger generations to be persuaded by celebrity culture/fame and to be increasingly taught that reality and truth, with no bright lights and no flashy cameras, is not worth their time. Our current world makes it easier for us to become distracted and our focus to be misdirected, in things that lead us to be self-indulgent.

The author C.S.Lewis once said, "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." Through a revelation of the truth, you will begin to have a better understanding of the world around you and perhaps most important of all, of yourself.

The memory of that August brings a mixture of different feelings. Sharing the truth with V wasn’t easy, but I now make an effort to speak the truth, in love and not wickedness, every day. V and I remain as close as we were before and now have a better understanding of each other’s standpoint. As another New Year comes closer, most New Year resolutions will be made mainly revolving around health, wealth and love. But wouldn’t you agree that the greatest gift for a person to possess is freedom? And a person can only gain it through discovering and accepting the truth.

Reminiscence ︳26

Bystander Effect

he incident of Wang Yue (also affectionately known by the general public as Xiao Yue Yue) that happened just recently in Foshan, China virtually shocked both the mainland and the rest of the world. Because of the incident’s notoriety, I will summarize it in simple terms: a 2-year-old girl was run over twice by two vehicles on a street, and 18 passer-bys ignored her until an old scavenging woman stopped to help at last. Most unfortunately, however, after 8 days, Wang was pronounced dead. Many netizens near and far have criticized the actions of the passerby as “cold” and “cruel”, with others lamenting the increasing apathy in the modern society. The citizens of Foshan, meanwhile, had initiated events to mourn the death of Wang Yue as well as announce to the world that the passerby involved in the incident was an exception to the generally warm-hearted Chinese.

27 ︳ POPing Up

Psychologically, this incident is due to the “bystander effect” coined by social psychologists John Darley and Bibb Latané in 1968 after the case of Kitty Genovese’s murder in 1964: apparently 38 witnesses failed to intervene or even contact the police until after the attacker fled and Genovese had died. The term refers to cases where people do not offer any assistance to victims in a critical situation when other people are present. This mentality can be explained by many reasons, one of which is that the bystander believes that he or she might further injure the victim and thereby bearing the responsibility should the victim’s situation worsen. A prominent example is the Peng Yu incident of 2006, where those who had lent a helping hand to the victim have been accused of further adding to the injuries of the victim. However, many people who understood the “bystander effect” simply could not understand why the truck in the first hit-and-run had to deliberately run her over twice. To them it is unthinkable how terrifying human nature can be: the insatiable thirst of blood that one fatal wound is never enough. This phenomenon is not unexplainable: there is a law in China stating that if you injure somebody fatally and the victim survives, you have to raise the victim for the rest of your life. To the truck driver then, his act of running her over twice to ensure she is dead and to leave the site after doing so could be an entirely rational (yet unbearable) way to get away from his responsibility.

Text / Jeremy Lee | Design / German Cheung

Time for Review Now after this incident, officials from Foshan and China have considered to punish bystanders who do not lend assistance to victims in a fatal condition. According to China Daily, “At least 10 Party and government departments and organizations in Guangdong, including the province's commission on politics and law, the women's federation, the Academy of Social Sciences, and the Communist Youth League, have started discussions on punishing those who refuse to help people who clearly need it.” Nonetheless many people have seen to it that the law might be difficult to execute as other bystander situations may happen in places where CCTVs and/or eyewitness evidence are not present. Therefore another much better way to avoid similar incidents in the future is to start a judiciary review on the present governing laws and make amendments to it. They can even decide if this law’s side effects outweigh the benefits and should be abolished.

Some netizens have actually criticized Chen for her actions, saying that it was only a bid to increase her popularity by standing out and “acting sympathetic”. At any rate, this incident has sparked much sympathy, and many people have, as mentioned, criticized

the passerby for failing to lend a helping hand. Others have observed that as the economy continues to grow, many people are only interested in satisfying their wants, even at the expense of others’ comfort, and apathy gradually worsens (although there has been no scientific evidence to prove that this statement holds true as far as I know). Most saddening is that, while people have sent their condolences to Wang’s parents and praised the actions of the scavenging woman, Chen Xianmei, some netizens have actually criticized Chen for her actions, saying that it was only a bid to increase her popularity by standing out and “acting sympathetic”. This statement must have been salt to the wounds of Wang Yue’s parents. Lastly, even though this may not be the only incident of the “bystander effect”, it is good food for thought as to how we should treat our fellow human beings when they are in need. Put yourselves in the shoes of Wang Yue, and you will know how important it is to be sympathetic to those who are less fortunate than you are. In the Parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus asked the lawyer whom he told the story too, “Which of these three (the priest, the Levite or the Samaritan) do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” The lawyer replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” And Jesus said to him exactly what I would like to use as a conclusion, “Go and do likewise.” (Full version available on

POPing Up ︳28

29 ︳Memories

Text / Virendra de Alwis | Design /German Cheung Looking back on 2011, I have made quite a few accomplishments, as I am sure everyone has. Many significant things have happened around the world during this year. Even as we come to the end of this year, let us look back on the year and see the sad things and the happy things that have happened this year.


♥ William

The Royal Wedding is quite a special event that took place on the 29th of April 2011, in Westminster Abbey, London. Prince William married Kate Middleton. The whole world joined in the celebrations, and it is estimated that 22.76 million people around the world watched this event live. There were hundreds and hundreds of people outside Westminster Abbey waiting to see the happy couple.


our Broken World

We can celebrate the good things but we have to face reality where bad things do happen. In 2011 the earth suffered from many natural disasters. The Japanese Tsunami in March happened right afterward the deadly earthquake that struck. This was Japan's most powerful earthquake since records began and it struck the north-east coast, triggering a massive tsunami. Over 21,000 people died or went missing, and over 100,000 buildings were destroyed. At the last week of April 2011, there was a new record set in the US for the largest number of tornadoes in 24 hours. There were 226 tornadoes going through the Southern part of the USA and this brought a lot of damage and loss of human life. Government analysts say there were 312 tornadoes during the week, including a record-setting 226 in one day. Recently there was a huge flood in Bangkok and this has had a huge impact on their economy. Many acres of farmland have been ruined due to the floods and over 300 people have died. The protests in London were yet another interesting thing that took place this year. It all started with peaceful protests that turned into smashing windows, stealing things from shops and setting random apartments on fire. The violent protest started because a policeman shot a drug dealer and killed him without

intention. He was a young black living in London. People saw that as a racial attack. People said that the police wouldn’t have acted the way they did if the drug dealer was white. In 2011 there were also many protests. Tunisia started these protests, and countries like Egypt, Libya, Syria and their neighbours joined in protesting against the rulers and governments they had. Many governments changed in this region. This created a revolution in some countries.


♥ Apple

Another sad thing that happened in 2011 was when Steve Jobs died in October. He was famous for his innovations in technology and for the creation of many products from Apple. I am sure everyone must miss him. He has been a true inspiration to me. I was very sad to hear that he passed away because of cancer. R.I.P Steve Jobs!!!

We ______ Victory This year, the US army killed Osama Bin Ladden. They had been looking for him ever since the two planes crashed into the World Trade Centre, and after years of looking they finally found and killed him in Pakistan this year. This was handled as a very special mission and it created tension between Pakistan and the USA.

Once in a Hundred Years Once in a century comes the special day 11th of the 11th in 2011. People will only get to see 11.11.11 once in their entire lifetime. It is truly spectacular to be a part of it. There was also a baby that was born on 11th day 11th month 11th year 11th minute. The parents of the boy (Max Benjamin Richards) said that it was pure luck that the child was born at that exact date and time. Many couples got married on this day, hoping for good luck. As we come to the end of this year, let us be thankful that we are alive and well. Let us continue to carry our hearts (love) towards our surrounding, learn from our past mistakes and look forward to a new start in the new year.

Memories ︳30

Joel Lee Hi everyone! I am Joel Lee and I am 10 years old. For now, I am the youngest writer for the Crossmen Magazine. I have an elder brother named Jeremy Lee and he is also writing for the Crossmen Magazine. My family, excluding me, was born in Malaysia. Since I was born in Hong Kong, I sometimes feel that I do not belong with my family. Actually, I do. I am a Christian, and I have attended International Christian Assembly (ICA) since I was born. I am a Primary 5 student studying in a local school. My school is special in two ways: firstly, it doesn’t have primary 6, and secondly, that it runs both the HKDSE and IB curriculum. Next year, I will be promoting to secondary school. The subjects that I like the most are Mathematics, Science, and English. I am starting to like Chinese too! I play the piano at home when I have spare time and I am learning violin at Hong Kong Music Office. Not long ago, I had an ABRSM (Association Board of the Royal Schools of Music) grade 5 music theory exam. But it was after the exam that I started to develop a passion for music. I guess my brother has been a great influence to me because he always listens

to music and plays the piano whenever he’s free. I like science, especially space. I like space because it is interesting and strange. It looks beautiful too. I like drawing anything related to space. An interesting fact about black holes is that their gravitational pull is so strong that the smallest black hole can suck in the largest star in the universe! I have a passion to write and draw. I like to write about scientific facts especially about space, because I read a lot of books about it. I like to draw black holes, because it is a mysterious phenomenon. Because black holes are invisible to the human eye, I use my imagination to draw it out, and no one can tell if I drew it wrong, because they themselves don’t know how exactly a black hole looks like! The sports I like most is badminton because it helps me to run and move faster, and it also helps me to make friends. When my best friend and I have time during recess, we will play badminton together. But I don’t intend to enter the school badminton team yet. Playing badminton is just my hobby. As for movies, I like Kung Fu Panda, Bolt, and movies related to space. I also like action movies (those that aren’t bloody, because I am still a kid). The TV series I enjoy the most is Monk, because Monk is a detective TV series that is very funny. The main character, Monk, is good in solving mysteries and complicated cases. He sometimes acts strangely and funny. I love to read books, so I read a lot of books. I read books every day. I usually read English books, but sometimes I read Chinese books too. The book that I enjoyed the most is called “13 Planets” because it has a lot of facts about the solar system, the pictures are colourful and it gives a lot of interesting information about space. So if you are a space lover, I strongly recommend this book to you because it has a lot of information about it. The person that who influenced me the most is Bill Gates, because he established Microsoft, which is a very successful company producing software such as Windows and Office that greatly affected our lives. I would like to invent something superb and be as famous as him. I feel so blessed that God has given me so many gifts and talents to glorify and praise Him. As you admire His creation, don’t forget to appreciate the Creator too because He made these admirable things for us. Lastly, I will continue to write and draw for Crossmen magazine in the future. I hope that you will enjoy my articles.

31 ︳Exposé

Christmas is here! By Winnie Tang

Christmas is here! Hear the sleigh bells ringing ‘Rudolph the red nose reindeer!’ I sing with the children the Christmas song So does everyone sing along! The Christ was born way in the manger May we enjoy the winter And feel the loving aura Say to your beloved ones – ‘Merry Christmas!’

Have Your Say II ︳32

夢想、使命,需要的是一份堅持 Text & photo : Trista Chan

33 ︳ Snapshot

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今個聖誕,穿著CROSSMEN TEE 一起和耶穌慶祝生日啦! 詳情請到 : Crossmen Hk

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