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六月#60 : Crossmen Hk

CROSSMEN is a monthly magazine published in Hong Kong by Kingdom Ministries. Copyright Kingdom Ministries, all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. CROSSMEN Unit A, 7/F, Kader Bldg, 22 Kei Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay, HK Tel: (852) 2235 5223 Fax: (852) 3018 0414 Email:

ISSUE 60 Jun 2012 Contents 2 / Editor’s Notes / 信念


Publisher Andrew Ho Marketing Manager Mabel Tai

4 / Have Your Say/ 革咩命? 5 / Feature Story / 膚淺不是問題 Shallowness is not a Problem


9 / Funny Facts / 你知道唔知道之學期終結時 Funny Facts: the Finale

Art Director York Tsui

11/ Experimental/ 郵差叔叔送信純熟迅速送出 It’s all about FREE GIFT 13/Relationship/ 歷史遺留的頭髮 Salon, my Hair and the Good Old Days 15/ Special Feature/ 環球一日遊 Travelling the World in One Day

Executive Editor Ching Ching

Art Consultant Pun Pun Contributing Writers Sumie Shum, Joyce Lee, Dim Tam, Ah Po, Cooper, Tim Lo, Ching Lin, Lisa Lee, Winnie Mak, Team C

19 /Top Chef/ 十步廚神之廚神123 10 Steps to Top Chef : Basic Steps to Top Chef

Designers and Photographers

21/ Travelogue/ 澳洲打工渡假樂學遊 LIVE Life the Way you LOVE

German Cheung, Katy Hung, York Tsui, Kashun, Irene Kong Translators

25/ Motion Picture / 復仇者讓我學到的功課 What I Learnt from the Avengers 27/ Reflection / The Suffering Beneath the Glimmer 29/ Cultural Trend/ Rethinking Poverty in the City 31/ Exposé/ Lisa Lee 32/ GUTS Special/ 33/ Snapshot

Tim Lo, Clara Fong, Jannah Wong, Ching Lin 廣告查詢: Ching Ching 2235 5224


Text / Ching Lin

生活裡,總有一些事情的發生,會為我們帶來衝擊。 可能是習慣上的衝擊:巴士改道、菠蘿包加價了、新學期 班房往上搬了一層。又或許是情感上的衝擊:親愛的婆婆 離開了、牽著的手分了、好朋友要出國了。 然而,最深切最沉重的衝擊,往往是對信念的衝擊。 我相信人性本善,但卻連番被人出賣;我相信誠實可貴, 但卻親歷謊話更能獲利;我相信和平抗爭,但卻看見流 血收場。許多人因此選擇「從善如流」,跟隨大家所跟隨 的遊戲規則,放棄曾經堅持、但事實卻令人失望的所謂信 念。有一些人,稱呼這個過程為「成長」;另外一些人, 則認為這叫「妥協」。 「信念」從本質上而言就是一件需要堅持的東西,而堅 持,則需要一份超越環境、感受、和所見之事的盼望。 如:我相信太陽每天都會升起,因此即使黑夜再深,夜風 再冷,光明彷彿不曾存在,我仍然相信到了早上太陽便會 重現,就算有一千個人在午夜十二點的時候揶揄、抨擊、 試圖說服我,都不會動搖。因為我相信這就是世界運作的 原則。這是一個極簡單卻容易被模糊的道理,但正如「我 相信只能用對的方法做對的事」一樣,並不是想像中那麼 容易堅持的。

堅持「信念」,有時候需要付上代價,如愚公。但沒有 「信念」,甚至放棄「信念」,可能反而代價更大。 對不起,也許寫得有點沉重,並不適合暑假前的愉快心 情,但每年的這一天,筆,總是踴躍不起來。 不知道你是否還有信念,不知道你的信念有否經過衝擊、 修正,或錘鍊,我只知道,這些日子以來與你們接觸,讓 我感覺到,喜歡Crossmen的你們都不是一班甘願同流的 人。 所以我想與你們分享我們的信念: 我們相信愛能勝過惡 我們相信擁抱的力量 我們相信真理就是真理 我們相信一切正確而必須的事情最終都一定會發生,即使 現在看似渺茫而不可能。 我們相信,我們有份於這個令人興奮的世代,你也是。 2012年6月4日

Editor’s notes ︳02

如果你有興趣加入Crossmen team 請send FB message比我地 寫字的、影相的、設計的、畫畫的、中意做其他又覺得自己好適合的,都可以聯絡我地


Crossmen Hk

Text / Crossmen

今年夏天,你最想革什 麼的命?如何革命? Rain LapMan 冷氣革命,挑戰全個夏天吾開冷氣!haha Crispin Chan 消費習慣!唔食連鎖店,只幫襯小商戶! Toby Lau 升學革命,全級同學一齊入讀心儀大學! Wing Yan Lam 底片革命 用底片去記錄全個夏天身邊的人事物,leave instagram alone. Ru Lulu 抗熱革命,於沙灘打坐靈修達至心靜自然涼既境界 。 Yan Ly 吾hea革命 依個暑假吾可以再淨係吃喝玩樂同訓! Ezrela Adele Wong 愛衰人革命! 無論d人同事對我地幾差幾刻薄,我地都要奉 耶穌的名祝福他,愛他,對他特別好! 讓愛改變我們眼中 的衰人,成為愛主愛人的好人! C.s. Lee 努力革命!成個暑假補課,溫書,功課,少玩 Matthew Leung 夏天革鬼革命 革命自己唔要太多革命Keep being me and live a life Shunem Chan 感恩革命><因為一切都唔係必然, 而係恩典^v^每日都花 點時間讓自己安靜,然後數算下經歷左咩恩典,可以就寫低 埋,日後可以睇反~,~

Have Your Say ︳04

Shallowness is Not a Problem

和大部分最終變得很偉大的事情一樣,開始的時候,往往 都是有點漫無目的、不清不楚的。十字人在臉書上活躍了 兩、三個月,自覺有點成績,但回顧起來,卻根本想不起 到底我們是為什麼突然活躍起來的。 反正是一個突然飄來的念頭吧,希望和大家不只是每月一 次的紙上談友,要更新臉書,不必等打稿印刷送遞,多麼 方便!於是有人說:不如我們穩定地每天更新啦!就是這 樣,沒有人問「為什麼」,也沒有人問「方向」、「動 機」和「行動目標」,自自然然的,我們開始了當博客的 日子。 慢慢地,每天來讚好的朋友們由小貓三、四隻,到後來穩 定的三、四十,有時甚至會突然飆升至一、二百,每次看 著大家的名字出現在螢幕,有時又陪我們瘋一下有的沒的 在聊天,確實快樂。

靈感都從哪裡來的? 朋友說,能夠每天更新而且次次新鮮真的「巧唔簡單」。 其實,十字人並沒有大家想像的複雜。有時候,只是走路 上班時突然浮起的一句說話,或是上課時燃亮了我的一個 點子,最近所經歷的一段成長,更多的時候,是和朋友聊 天時的片言隻字,又或者,是今天起床時的第一個想法。 我想,應該不是我的靈感特別多,只是我太習慣抓住它們 吧!大家都可以的! 05

︳ Feature Story

Most great endeavors kick off with a humble, often ambiguous start. Crossmen has been active on Facebook for a few months and we’re quite happy with it. Yet we still have not idea how it all began. Perhaps it’s just a pop-up idea. We hope to meet with our readers more frequently and go beyond the limits of the printing process. When someone suggested updating our account on a daily basis, no one asked for the reason, direction or objective. We just began. Our ‘likes’ gradually grew from a few to a few dozens, sometimes it surged up to 100-200, too! Everytime we see your name popping up on the screen and interact with you, it gives us joy.

Where Does the Inspiration Come from? Our friends said it’s really difficult to keep updating. Well, please don’t have too much fancy about us. What we posted can be really random. Perhaps it’s a thought that struck me on my way to work, an idea that inspired, a lesson learnt in the recent days, a word of joy from my interaction with friends, or, simply the first thought in the morning. I’m not a person with extraordinary inspirations; I’m just used to grasping them. You can do it too!

Text / Ching Ching | Design / York Tsui







Feature Story ︳06






Why is Crossmen Always Positive?

這條問題很難答。你千萬別以為我們有開過會、精心策劃 了要為Crossmen Hk設計怎樣的性格、喜好、語氣和生活 習慣,正如上文所說,一切都是出於「但試無妨」,我們 根本沒有想過Crossmen Hk要給大家怎麼樣的感覺,這一 切都和我們的文章一樣:這就是我們!

Don’t get us wrong. We didn’t host meetings to design the personality of Crossmen Hk on Facebook. We’ve never thought of our ‘image’ at all! Like our writings, what you read is who we are!

焉能辨我是雄雌? 話說某天十字人心血來潮,想了解一下大家心目中這個每天 更新臉書的「我」到底是怎樣的,於是膽粗粗地問:「如果 Crossmen Hk是一個人,你覺得他是男孩是女?」結果令 人……崩潰!大家都壓倒性的認為Crossmen Hk是個男的, 可是臉書的幕後黑手分明是我啊,我是個女的!大受打擊之 下,我四出向朋友問查探原因,最終也找不到一個令人信服 的答案,只好慨嘆一句:難怪網上騙案如此多!

最受歡迎的… 為了這個專題故事,我特別自戀地翻閱了這幾個月來 Crossmen Hk的posts,又粗略的從大家的「讚好指數」統 計一下,撇開轉載的圖文不計,發現最能引起大家共鳴的 貼文,都是和朋友有關的。各位十字人果然是重友又重友 的好朋友,乾杯! 07 ︳ Feature Story

Male or Female? One day, I wanted to find out how you feel about ME on Facebook, so I asked, ‘If Crossmen Hk is a person, what’ll be Crossmen’s gender?’ The results was devastating. Almost all respondents thought that Crossmen was a man, while I, who managed the Facebook account, am a F-E-M-A-L-E! After repeated questioning, I found no satisfying explanation for this. Well, at least that explain why internet scam is all the rage nowadays.

Your Cup of Tea I did a little research for this Feature Story, i.e. looking into the old posts of Crossmen Hk like a narcissist. Among all the original posts, most people echoed with our thoughts about friendship. It proves that Crossmen’s fans are some good friends of your friends! Cheers!


Shallowness is Not a Problem

除了用各種形式高呼友誼萬歲的貼文外,大家熱烈讚好的 還有每期雜誌出版的消息,最近一期的封面照更再次令我 們「破百」!但有趣的是,如果轉載Crossmen雜誌裡的文 章,大家反而回應一般,這真的教我很納悶。難道大家不 是喜歡Crossmen所以才like我們的嗎?為什麼似有還無的 一句說話+一張圖片,反而不及寫手們嘔心瀝血的力作?有 熟悉網絡世界的朋友說:「別太執著,只是字太多而已。」

Apart from the friendship posts, our updates of the new magazines are often liked by many, too. Interesting though, if we post articles from the magazine on Facebook, we don’t receive a lots of responses. It made me puzzled. I just don’t get it – why would a line + a stock photo be more appealing than a well-written article? One of our friends comforted us, ‘Don’t think too much. There are simply too many words.’

有時候,我忍不住想:也許這就是臉書的生態。一句說話, 一張圖片,能無陵兩可最好,直接了當更佳,千萬不要嘮嘮 叨叨長篇大論的分析和解釋,只要用字夠扼要,語氣夠高深 (或者好笑),圖片夠吸引,能帶來當下的一秒震撼即可。 反正大家都不打算在這個平台來跟你龍門陣,一言以蔽之, 就是膚淺。但你也別把「膚淺」二字看得太負面,於我而 言,膚淺不是問題,問題是生活只剩下了膚淺。 如果這是網絡世界的潛規則,我樂意奉陪,反正也是文化 的一種,我也著實樂在其中,但請別忘記,有一些想法, 是永遠不可能透過片言隻語就能傳遞得了的。只求當下震 撼的文字和圖像,極其量只是創造了一些情感,一種憤 慨,但真正要為社會、文化帶來改變的力量,豈能建基在 如此淺薄的根基上?

Perhaps that’s the game rules of Facebook. A simple line plus a shocking image is what ‘clicks’. It can be either direct or ambiguous, but never make it lengthy. No elaboration, no logical proof. As long as it’s bringing an instant impact, it’s good enough. No one is planning to do anything serious here, anyway. In short, shallowness reigns. Please don’t take this as a criticism. To me, shallowness is not a problem. It becomes a problem only when it’s all that you have. Tell me it’s the culture of the Internet and I’d be happy to follow suit. I did have fun trying out different stuff on Facebook. Just bear in mind: there are some thoughts that can never be transmitted through a few words. Impacting phrases and images may create some sentiments, or even anger, but no world-changing force can ever be built upon such shallow ground.

Feature Story ︳08

轉眼就到暑假了,送上本學年最後一期「你知道唔知道」,陪你笑著過暑假! As summer vacation quietly awaits, we’ve decided to leave you with the finale of Funny Facts.

無理推理題 貓是怕水的,所以老虎是怕水/不怕水的。 (答案:老虎是不怕水的!)

Illogical Logics All cats fear water. Therefore tigers fear/do not fear water. (Answer: Tigers are not afraid of water!)



大象群體間有著極高的溝通能力,使他們彼此團結,以母 象為首的象群能記住路線,跨過半個非洲尋找水源,全賴 驚人記性。更令人驚訝的是,此記憶竟能靠溝通,一代傳 一代。

熱水比凍水更快凝結成冰塊。這是一名尼日利亞高中生 Mpemba在1969年發現的,後來科學家更以他來命名這個奇 特現象。

All about Teamwork

In 1969, a high school student Mpemba in Nigeria discovered that hot water freezes faster than cold water. Scientist even name such phenomenon after him.

Elephants have strong communication skills which enable effective teamwork. Led by the mother elephant, the crowd is able to memorize the water route spreading over half of Africa. More interestingly, such memory can be inherited by their next generation!

對數字敏感的猩猩 日本一隻聰明猩猩能在不到一秒內記住十多個數字,且順 序將它排列出來(我試過跟著做一遍,發現:好難!)。

Apes the Number Expert A smart ape in Japan can memorize over 10 numbers in less than a second and list them out in correct order (I tried the same and it’s HARD!).

別再受騙了 小時候學鋼琴/吉他的時候,老師有吩咐你好好訓練手指 頭的肌肉嗎?別再受騙了!人的手指根本沒有肌肉的(只 有筋)!

Don’t be Fooled Has your piano/guitar teacher ever asked you to train up the muscle of your fingers? Don’t be fooled anymore! There is no muscle in human fingers (only tender)!

09 ︳ Funny Facts

The Hotter is the Cooler

河馬流血啊! 其實河馬只是流汗而已。河馬流汗的時候,會分泌一種橙 紅色的色素,能吸收強烈紫外光兼防菌。所以,河馬是不 用買防曬的。

Hippo is Bleeding! Don’t worry. It’s just sweating. Hippo secrets a reddish-orange color during perspiration which absorbs UV and kills germs. Hippo needs no sunscreen!

Text / TeamC| Design / Germen Cheung

負責此專欄的Team C對動物有一種旁人無法明白的癡迷, 因此我們總是會偷偷的安插一些關於動物的有趣資訊(自 以為神不知鬼不覺),讓大家也慢慢愛上無奇不有的動物 世界。

袋鼠不跳了 跳跳紮的袋鼠也有弱點──只要你掀起牠的尾巴,離開地 面,牠就沒辦法再跳了!

When Kangaroos Don’t Jump There is time when kangaroos don’t’ jump! If you lift a kangaroo’s tail off the ground it can’t hop.

預備這期內容時,我們看了一個關於動物的電視節目。科 學家為一隻鳥和一班小朋友安排了一個難題:玻璃圓柱體 內注了半滿的水,又放了一件對鳥和孩子而言很吸引的物 件,旁邊是兩盤重量不一的圓球,到底雀鳥和孩子能不能 順利把心頭好拿出來?實驗的結果令人驚訝,雖然鳥和孩 子都懂得把東西放進水裡,令水位升高,但小鳥只是將重 球和輕球各放進水裡一次,比較過效果後,便只取重球來 放,絕不重複錯誤。反而孩子們卻試了一次又一次,甚至 毫無意識地將球亂放到水裡去。小鳥竟比孩子「聰明」!



在小鳥身處的環境中,每一次犯錯,都生死攸關。一根太 脆弱的樹枝、一隻虎視眈眈的貓……帶來的不僅是些許不 便或麻煩,而是活命的關鍵。也許正是這個天然的學習場 為牠們培養出「只可以錯一次」的機警,所以表現出似乎 比孩子更聰明、更能從錯誤中學習的機智。到底一個怎樣 的環境,能讓我們變聰明?這個暑假,我真的要好好想一 想。

便便對人類而言是很基本的事,對蚯蚓而言,卻是糧食! 蚯蚓是會吃自己拉出來的大便的。

We, team C, has an unexplainable fancy for animals. There-

Poo poo!

fore we’ll always sneak some funny facts about animals in this

Poo is one of the human basics. But for worms, it’s food! Worms eat their own poo.

column (I don’t think you’ve noticed that, do you?).


Stern Crocodiles A crocodile can’t poke its tongue out. No wonder it’s always stern.

As we prepare for this issue, we watched a TV program about animals. Scientist was trying to test how smart the bird and the kids are. They put something attractive to both subjects in a half-filled cylinder, and next to it are balls of two different weights. As they observed, they found that both birds and children attempted to put balls in the cylinder to pump up the water level. However, the bird only tried the heavy and light ball once and never chose the light ones again. In other


words, it never repeats its mistakes. On the other hand, some kids kept trying without noticing the difference. It seems that

環境能使物種的智慧提升。實驗人員將兩隻同一品種但來 自不同地方的山雀放在美食面前,但用玻璃蓋將食物蓋 住。來自惡劣環境的山雀能用智慧輕易揭開玻璃,但來自 舒適環境的卻無從入手。

birds are smarter than kids!

A Spoilt Tit

cunning cat…making a mistake may not result in some dis-

The environment makes animals smart. Two tits which are of the same kind but different habitats were put before some good food. The food was covered by a glass lid. The tit coming from a harsher environment can undo the lid easily while the one living in comforts has no idea what to do with it.

comfort only. Perhaps that’s why they never repeat a mistake

For the birds and the environment they live in, each mistake may cost their life. A branch that’s too weak for its weight, a

and become ‘smarter’ than human kids. What kind of environment is going to make us smarter? I really want to think about it this summer.

Funny Facts ︳10

五月,夏意漸濃。 當天空密布黑雲,我們高唱Let it rain,讓 天堂的倉庫打開,落在這個地上。結果,開 檔之時下起大雨來,雨水嘩啦嘩啦打在地 上,雖然掃掉我們部分開檔的雅興,卻沒有 洗走我們毫無原因地送禮的決心。 It’s May. It’s summertime. The cloudy weather reminded us of the song ‘Let it rain’, without thinking much, we sang wholeheartedly, ‘Let it rain… open the floodgates of heaven’. It turned out to be a really heavy rain – while we were in business. Nevertheless, we were as determined as always in giving out free gifts.

11 ︳ Experimental

Text / Eva Shum| Design / Irene Kong

猶記得數年前,筆者為了一個節日,單人匹馬跑到菲律賓一個 小鎮。本著心口有個「勇」字,結果沒有預約任何酒店,以為當 地滿布外國遊客,結果下車時發現是當地人回鄉節日,那時是 凌晨三時。

A few years ago, I travelled alone to a small town in Philippines for a local festival. I thought it would be a hot tourist spot hence I didn’t make any hotel bookings. I didn’t notice that it was indeed a homecoming festival for the locals until I hopped off the coach 3 in the morning.

我走到詢問處,問到最近的酒店在哪裡,對方看著我問了好幾 遍:「你有朋友在嗎?」「你預約了哪間酒店?」「誰來接你?」, 而我的答覆是「沒有」、「沒有」及「沒有人哦」。

I tried to ask for the nearest hotel at the information counter, instead of an answer, I was being asked repeatedly, ‘Do you have friends here?’ ‘Which hotel did you book?’ ‘Who’s coming to pick you up?’ I could answer nothing but ‘nope’.

筆者的瘋狂行為被一名退休校長叫停,並邀請到他家中 小住數天。在香港訓練已久「防人之心不可無」,本想 拒捕,惟最終找不到落腳處,結果在這個十多人的大家庭 住了3天2夜。他們供我食住,帶我四處觀光,拒收我任何 金錢。縱然晚上汗流浹背、被蚊叮被蟲咬,但我作為一個 陌生人,被另一個陌生人毫無計較地接待,實在不能不感 動。

Eventually, a retired school principal aborted my ‘crazily unplanned plan’ and invited me to stay over for a few days. As a typical girl from Hong Kong, I’m trained to doubt. I wanted to reject, but, what could I say? I really have no place to go. I ended up staying with his big family for 3 days, being fed, toured…anything but the bill! Yes, it’s hot at the night and there are mosquitoes everywhere. It’s way beyond mere ‘hospitality’ - a stranger is hosted by another stranger unconditionally. How great!

或許,是我們被訓練把機關算得太盡。 雨停了,人們開始走到檔口旁邊,草A見到Mario公仔久久 未找到主人,決定送給途人,條件是跟玩「包剪揼」時勝 出,便可獲得。小朋友二話不說,一下便贏得Mario,懷著 草BB的草C說:「如果小時候有人在街上突然送公仔給我, 我一定開心得很!」 心裡反覆思考她的話,對,我會真的很高興。

或許,是我們被訓練把機關算得太盡。 有太太拖著7歲的女兒到檔口,草D送了一枝鉛筆給女兒, 我見她喜歡一個磁石,決定無條件送給她,豈料我們的舉 動嚇怕了媽媽,邊說「快啲多謝姐姐啦」,邊拉著女兒的 手急步走。 另有太太跟友人在雜貨堆找了很久,她拿起紙扇好一陣 子,最終將它放低。我們決定送給她,多番強調只想紙扇 找到欣賞它的人,惟太太仍然拒絕,「你地咁樣做生意係 唔得咖!」我從心裡笑了出來,因為我們成功了。 對,我們正在進行非一般的創業,我們目的不是賺大錢, 我們做的是人的生意。下次你們有幸遇上我們,請別拒絕 我們送的禮物吧,好嗎?

Perhaps we are trained to calculate too much. Finally rain stops. People started to gather around our stall once again. We had a huge Mario toy which had yet met his master, hence A came up with a great idea – anyone who won us in the game ‘Paper, Scissor, Stone’ can have it, for FREE! A girl came and won her prize within seconds. C, who is pregnant, said, ‘If I was given a toy for no reason when I was small, I would be overjoyed!’ Pondering on her words and I said to myself, ‘yes, I’d be really happy, too.’

Perhaps we are trained to calculate too much. A mother came with her 7-year-old girl. D gave her a pencil and she showed interest in a piece of magnet. I decided to give it to her for free. Freaked out, the mother urged her to thank us and rushed away with the happy (but puzzled) girl. Another lady searched our goods with her friend for long. She picked up a paper fan obviously attracted, yet decided not to buy. Once again, we gave it to her for free and told her we just wanted to find someone who appreciates this fan. But she refused anyway. ‘You can’t do business like this!’ I smiled from the bottom of my heart, ‘Yes! We made it!’ You’re 100% correct if you find our ways unorthodox. We aim not to make big money. Our business if people. Next time if you came across any of us, please don’t refuse our gifts. Deal?

Experimental ︳12



13 ︳Relationship

Text / Cooper Yip| Design / York Tsui

舊時的上海理髮店已漸被髮型屋淘汰,留下的都是相熟的 老顧客,以長年累月的感情維持生計。而在路邊擺檔的理 髮師傅在香港更買少見少,這次恰巧讓我遇到一個「街邊 理髮師」,其檔口沒有招牌、沒有名字,也沒有佈置可 言,只有一張供客人就坐的髮椅及一台大木櫃放置工具, 手刷子、滑石粉、髮剪、牛皮帶、梳等一應俱全,打開帳 篷,就是一個檔攤,就是一天工作的開始。

The number of Shanghaiese salons have drastically dropped. The surviving ones mostly sustain with old customers who have been going there for years. It’s even harder to find “roadside hairdressers” nowadays. But I’m lucky enough to meet one this time. No signboard, no name, no decoration, all he has is a chair for customer and one big wooden cabinet for all the tools - brush, talcum powder, hair scissors, cow leather strips, combs etc. Open the tent and it’ll be a booth. That’s how he starts his working day.

記得小時候,我們的頭髮都長得很快,父母為了節省開 支,都會帶我們兩兄妹到天橋底剪髮,手起刀落兩三下就 剪好了,而出來的效果多是平陰冬菇頭,印象中價錢都不 過是$5,對當時的社會而言,如此便宜的價錢是相當吸引 的,自然亦吸引不少街坊排隊捧場。雖然日月如梭,周遭 的環境已變化甚大,但我眼前的這絕無僅有的理髮檔口卻 有不少人輪候剪髮,客人都以中年男士及長者為主,雖然 輪候著,但大家卻像是早已認識似的,彼此有講有笑,談 笑甚歡。

I remember when I was small, my hair grew very fast. To save money, my parents would bring me and my sister to the hairdresser stationed under the bridge. In a few minutes, we’d look like the “mushrooms” in Mario Bros. It costs only $5. As it was quite cheap, people living nearby queued there to have a haircut. Time flies and our society changes, yet there are still quite a number of people queuing for this rarely-seen hairdresser. Customers are mostly middle-aged men and elderly. As they are queuing and waiting, they chatted like friends as if they’ve knew each other for a long time.

坐在髮椅上,理髮師叔叔也好奇地 說:「而家好少後生仔黎幫襯我剪頭 髮啦!」 一股莫名的衝動驅使我加入輪候行列,誰不知不能對剪出 來的效果抱有期望?但想到將來恐怕再沒這機會嘗試的時 候,最終還是把心一橫決定一試,蚊子部隊四圍攻擊我, 卻阻不了我一剪的決心!坐在髮椅上,理髮師叔叔也好奇 地說:「而家好少後生仔黎幫襯我剪頭髮啦」,我只是回 應:「乜都試下嘛」。在大約十五分鐘的剪髮過程中,我 與理髮師的對話不多於十句,或者這就是我與其他街坊街 里的分別,缺少了當中的一份情,一份維繫多年的街坊 情。 當帶上眼鏡望向鏡前的自己,反應是……一笑置之!反正 都是預期之內,除了廿伍大圓外,都損失不了甚麼。有些 人很介意自己的形象,其實我也介意,但想到這次放手一 搏換來的經驗,我反而不怎麼介意別人笑我的頭髮像某個 數字,只是很介意別人取笑這份敢於嘗試的勇氣。要知道 頭髮可以再長,歷史沒了就是沒了,我不想將來只能靠照 片回憶,趁仍有機會的時候就應好好把握。髮型,我只能 靠照鏡才能看見,不照就是了,只是難為了大家每次都要 對著我忍笑。 如果我的髮型能帶給別人歡樂的話,也未嘗不是件好事。 若他日所有舊式理髮店都消聲匿跡,至少我也能靠被取笑 的回憶追溯老香港歷史,都算是件賞心樂事!

Sitting on the chair, the hairdresser spoke to me with a curious tone, “Young people rarely come to me nowadays.” An unknown impulse drove me to join the queue. No one will really expect a nice, chic haircut there. However, thinking that I might never have this chance again, I have eventually decided to give it a try regardless the attack of mosquitoes. I am determined. Sitting on the chair, the hairdresser spoke to me with a curious tone, “Young people rarely come to me nowadays.” I replied, “I want to give it a try!” We hardly converse during “my time. I guess the difference between me and the others who goes there is that I didn’t share the same neighborhood which linked them together. I wasn’t too surprised when I wore my glasses and looked at myself in the mirror. It’s within my expectation. What I lost is nothing more than 25 bucks. Some people care about their appearance, actually I do too, but I decided to let go for once to gain the experience. I don’t really care people criticizing my new hair style, but I do care they when laughed at my courage to try. Knowing that our hair can grow back but history will ever be history. I didn’t want to rely solely on photos to remember the past. Isn’t it good to take an opportunity to try out something? My own hair style is something I can see only in mirror. It’s just harsh for others to cease laughing while seeing me (j/k). Looking at another angel, if my hair style can bring joy to the others, isn’t it good? One day, when there are no more old-fashioned hairdressing salons in Hong Kong; I can at least recall my memory of being teased.

Relationship ︳14



Travelling the World

in One-day

15 ︳Special Feature

Text / Joyce Lee| Design / York Tsui




What comes to you mind when you see the below countries? Try to list 5 things

1. 中國 2. 日本 3. 美國 4. 法國 5. 菲律賓 6. 印度 7. 土耳其 8. 埃塞俄比亞 9. 巴西 10. 伊朗 可能你和我一樣,法國令你想起浪漫、咖啡室、時裝;印 度想起咖哩、阿差、瑜伽;埃塞俄比亞是饑荒、戰爭、愛 滋病;伊朗是恐怖分子、伊斯蘭教、兵荒馬亂…… 我們對不同國族有不同Stereotypes(刻板印象),這些 印象源自教科書和傳媒,是對一個群體的概論,把複雜的 文化簡單地歸類,方便我們認識世界;另一方面卻蒙蔽我 們,令我們先入為主,難以理解真實的一面。 逢星期天我也會經過環球大廈,附近總堆滿菲律賓人,路 上擺滿他們要寄回家鄉的大箱小箱,路人左閃右避才能前 進。聽說環球商場有菲律賓匯款店和快遞服務,故聚集了 菲律賓人在附近。 一直對環球的菲律賓店很好奇,但環球旁邊的Jollibee快 餐店油煙味濃,未見其店先嗅其味,我每次都在油煙味蘸 上衣衫前慌忙走避,始終未踏足過環球。 這個星期天,我如常經過環球,見菲律賓人在吃東西,摸 一摸打鼓的肚子,想嚐嚐菲律賓小食。於是,我決定忍一 忍Jollibee的油煙味,跟在菲傭後面,溜進環球商場看個 究竟。 一進去,不得了!

1. China 2. Japan 3. USA 4. France 5. Philippines 6. India 7. Turkey 8. Ethiopia 9. Brazil 10. Iran Maybe you’re like me, for France you’d think of romance, coffee shop, fashion; speaking of India, “Asingh” and Yoga, for Ethiopia it is everlasting famine, war and AIDS; Iran is equal to terrorist, Islam and chaos… We have different stereotypes towards many nations, either from books or the media, and it’s a very brief generalization of the complex cultural world. It makes it easier for us to identify them, but at the same time have smothered some parts of the truth, making us biased. Every Sunday I walk pass the World Wide House in Central, and it’s full of Filipinos. Streets are so crowded, with boxes ready to be shipped back home piling up the isles. You need to move and dodge to get your way through. There were money wiring and courier service over there and that’s why they all gather around. I have been interested in those Philippines shops but the fast food store Jollibee next to World Wide House always smells greasy even at distance. Everytime I run away from it before the oily greasy smokes taints my shirt, yet I have never been to the World Wide House before. This Sunday I walked pass the building as usual, watching the Filipinos eating I felt hungry and wanna give it a try. So, I put up with the smoky greasy smells from Jollibee and line up behind the maids, then slipped in to World Wide House for more. Once get in, I was like, “Oh my goodness!”

Special Feature ︳16

環球商場人頭湧湧,全是菲律賓人,說著我聽不懂的語 言,令我懷疑自己身在異鄉。這裡有許多匯款店、快遞服 務中心和食店,幾乎一律用菲律賓文,氣味和格局很「東 南亞feel」。環球大廈的名字充滿氣勢,上面是律師樓、 會計師樓、上市公司總部,誰想到一至三樓的商場竟然是 個「小馬尼拉」! 我經過一家食店,駐足研究陌生的小吃。幾個菲律賓人見 我好奇,熱情地招呼我坐下,推介我點Halo-halo﹙基本 上是有豆有水果的砂冰,另加焦糖布丁和雪糕才二十塊, 絕對抵喝﹚,我們邊喝邊聊。 她們都是菲傭,逢星期日上完教會就會來環球吃午飯,這 裡的東西便宜,又有家鄉菜,能解鄉愁。提及Jollibee, 原來是菲律賓最受歡迎的快餐店,比麥當勞還厲害,所以 吃Jollibee格外有親切感。

環球商場不單是一個消費空間,更是菲 律賓人的情感依附…(這並)非商場由 上而下的市場策略,是菲律賓人每星期 聚集、加入自身經驗和感情,而自然孕 育出來的。 店員Jamie是店內唯一的香港人,在這裡做了大半年,學 了少許菲律賓文。她說,九十年代之前,環球商場以花店 為主(中環OL沒有花收是件瘀事),只有幾間菲律賓匯款 店。九七危機,外資公司撒走,中環人心惶惶,沒人有閒 情閒錢送花,花店逐一倒閉,環球減租,吸引菲律賓店進 駐。 起初,菲律賓人來環球的主要目的是匯款和運貨回鄉,匯 完錢要醫肚,匯款店周圍便逐漸發展了食店,繼而有雜貨 店、時裝店、電話店、書店、網吧等。 環球的管理層並不想菲律賓人聚集,無奈商鋪在經濟低迷 時被分租出去,「小馬尼拉」已成定局,想恢復九七前 的面貌也無法力挽狂瀾。正正是管理層規劃不力,造就了 環球自由放任的空間——由幾間菲律賓銀行開始,開枝散 葉,成為現在的「小馬尼拉」。 17

︳ Special Feature

It was packed with people, and all are Filipinos speaking some languages I totally don’t understand. It made me wonder if I were somewhere outside Hong Kong. There were many money transfer shops, courier service counters and eateries. All were in Filipino language. The style and smell were very “East Asian”. The names inside the World Wide House were big - law chamber, accounting firms, TNC headquarters but who would have imagined it would be a little Manila on the first 3 floors! I walked passed a small food stall staring at the strange little snacks. The few Filipinos were very curious yet welcoming, recommended me to try Halo-Halo, which basically was beans, fruits and ice on top, with pudding and ice cream. It’s just 20 bucks and of absolutely good value. We talked as I start tasting it. They’re all domestic workers, after church on Sundays they would come here to have lunch. The price is good and home-made food ceased the homesickness for some while. Speaking of Jollibee, it was the most popular fast food chain in Philippines, taking over McDonalds. So eating Jollibee made them feel like at home.

The World Wide House is so much more than just a consumer’s market. It symbolizes the emotional attachment for Filipinos. No, it’s not about the marketing strategy but of personal experience and emotions that naturally evolved such a place to gather every Sunday. Jamie is the only Hong Kong-er there. She worked here for more than half a year and learnt to speak some Philippines language. According to Jamie, there were lots of florists in business in the 90’s, but since 1997, many foreign firms moved out and the big spenders in Central no longer had mood to buy flowers. The florist then closed down one after another, and World Wide House cut the rent and eventually attracted Filipino stores to move in. At first, they come for money transfer and send goods back home. After they’re done with the money stuff, they need food. On and on there were more food stalls, groceries, clothes, phones, books and internet café etc. The property management office didn’t want the Filipinos to hang around although it’s inevitable because shops were rented out during the low times of economy. This “Little Manila” was set and it’s no longer able to rewind. The lack of planning enables the World Wide House to turn into a freer space, evolving from a few money transfer counters, and developed to the Little Manila today.

環球商場不單是一個消費空間,更是菲律賓人的情感依附, 其生活感沒有人工成分,非商場由上而下的市場策略,是菲 律賓人每星期聚集、加入自身經驗和感情,而自然孕育出來 的。 環球商場是菲律賓人的心靈港口,除了滿足匯款和吃飯的實 際需要,更充滿「家」的感覺。不少在港島工作的菲傭,會 趁買菜後或接小朋友放學之前,來環球逛一圈,喝杯Halohalo、吃個炸春卷、到網吧上facebook,調劑生活。 臨走前,在另一間小吃店吃Kutsinta甜點,同桌的菲傭Sally 友善地向我介紹甜點的吃法,繼而媚媚道來她在香港的打 工故事。她在菲律賓有大學學位,只因生活迫人才來香港工 作,曾服務華人家庭,現在則在一個美國家庭工作。她說, 華人家庭習慣「用人用到盡」,工作辛苦,美國人則較有平 等觀念,尊重不同文化。她感激我對菲律賓文化有興趣,又 勉勵我努力讀書。 告別Sally,我慢慢步出環球商場,久未能從culture shock 平伏過來。環球一遊徹底打亂了我對中環、對菲律賓人的固 有概念,使我不得不重新定義它們。 香港人的「國際視野」,只限於西方社會,精通英語就很「 國際化」。 自稱Asia’s World City的香港確是國際大都會,彈丸之地有 34萬非華人人口,佔總人口5%。這5%「外國人」不是金髮藍 眼的「西人」,他們多來自南亞及東南亞國家,即菲律賓、 印尼、印度、巴基斯坦和尼泊爾等,大部分是基層人士,可 能是家庭傭工、保安或建築工人。 作為香港最大的「外國人」群體,他們得到的關注不成正 比。家裡的外傭和我們朝夕相對,我們有多認識她和她的文 化?每逢暑假,我們一窩蜂出國遊學、認識外國文化,卻忽 略了本地最大的外國社群。 學習外國文化,大可由本地開始。環球商場一直都在,就等 我們進去走一趟;菲傭印傭「梗有一個係左近」,隨時歡迎 我們主動去了解。 放下牢固的stereotypes,踏出一步投入另一種文化,你會 發現更多——用不著買機票到外國,異國文化就遠在天邊近 在眼前,視乎你是否願意用心看。

The World Wide House is so much more than just a consumer’s market. It symbolizes the emotional attachment for Filipinos. No, it’s not about the marketing strategy but of personal experience and emotions that naturally evolved such a place to gather every Sunday. World Wide House is a safe haven for the homesick Filipinos. Apart from money stuff and food needs, it feels like home. Some Filipinos would sneak in for a Halo Halo and some chit-chat while waiting for the kids or after the grocery in the afternoon, just to have some fun outside their work. Before I leave, I went to Kutsinta for some sweet treats. Across me was Sally who taught me how to eat it properly. It was welcoming. She then told me why she came here. Having a college degree, she came for a living and first served the Chinese Family, now she’s working for an American. She said the Chinese used to push their workers to the limits, whereas the Americans would have concepts of equality and respect different cultures. She felt great seeing me being interested in her culture, and reminded me to study hard. Departing from Sally I walked out the World Wide House and took a while to relief from the cultural shock. Travelling the world in one-day completely revolutionize my impression to Central and the Filipinos, causing me to redefine them. Our “global outlook” is only limited to the West, and we told ourselves speaking English is very “International”. Calling ourselves the Asia’s World City, yes, we’re a metropolitan. We have 340,000 non-Chinese residents taking up 5% of the total population. Yet this 5% were not only blue eyes blonds, most of them are South East Asians such as Filipinos, Indians, Indonesians, Pakistanis and Nepalese. Most of them are grassroots like domestic workers, security guards or construction workers. As the largest group of “foreigners”, their attention was never up to ratio. Home maids stay under the same roof as we do but how much we know about her and their culture? Every summer we flocked to school tours and get to know about foreign cultures, but we’re neglecting the largest foreign community at home. To learn about the foreign cultures, you could start off from here. The World Wide House has been around, and it’s waiting for us. There’s always a Filipinos maid around, and they welcome us to know them more. Shake off your stereotypes, step into another culture, and you will see - don’t have to fly elsewhere, the foreign culture is as far but as close in front of you, if you’re willing to take a look.

Special Feature ︳18


Top Chef in 10 Steps

之廚神123 Basic Steps to Top Chef

大家有否發現,其實每期廚神食譜都寫得非常細緻,只要一步 步跟著做,要成功弄出美味菜式的確不難! 不過正如上回所說,guideline給得太仔細,會麻醉腦袋,叫 我們只懂跟隨,忽略思考。要測試各位讀者被我們麻醉的程 度,可以問問大家(特別那些有試過跟著做的朋友仔):在這 學年來,當你看著每期的食譜時,曾經浮現過諸如以下的問題 嘛?

Don’t you find that the recipe of this column has always been detailed and practical? It isn’t that hard to make delicious dishes with such guidelines. Nevertheless, detailed guidelines might numb our brains and drag us into the ‘follower mode’ without thinking. If you’ve tried our recipes, have you ever asked one of the following questions?


‘Why adding corn starch into the meat?’


‘What’s the difference between dark soy sauce and soy sauce?’

「明明已將麵灼熟,為什麼又再用凍水沖它呢?會構成虐待 嘛?」 「為什麼牛肉不可隨便切,一定要逆紋切?」 「為什麼炒豬肉總比炒其他肉需要多一點時間?是因為豬比較 髒嘛? 其實不管你問了什麼,只要你曾有疑問,都證明你有思考過, 恭喜恭喜!在今個學年的最後一期Crossmen裡,廚神決定不 再撻食譜出來,轉而分享一些烹飪小秘訣,希望大家得著一些 基本功,受用終生!

以下是一班十字人和朋友開派對的留影,每道菜捧出來的時 候,大家都哇哇聲叫,但大廚卻說:簡單野黎架! 也許,有了今期的廚神123,某天我也可以成為像他一樣的廚 神。 Here are some snapshots of a party of Crossmen and friends. We all wow-ed when the dishes were served, but the chef kept repeating, ‘It’s a piece of cake!’ Perhaps, with the basic steps I learnt in this issue, I can become a great chef like him!

19 ︳Top Chef

‘Why putting the cooked noodles under cold water? Isn’t cruel?’ ’Why must we cut beef in a certain way?’ ‘Why do we need to fry pork longer than every other meat?’ No matter what you’ve asked, your queries proved that you’ve at least given some thought to it. It’s great to think! In the last issue of Crossmen this school year, we’ve decided not to provide you with any recipes but some cooking tips that will help in your path of becoming a Top Chef..

Text / Dim Tam | Design / Katy Hung

眾粉之王 The Magic Powder

一抽再抽 Why So Many Sauces?

在醃肉時加入生粉,可軟化肉質,使煮出來的肉更軟更滑。另 一個主要用途是用來「打芡」。將生粉、水(比例約一湯匙生粉 比半碗水)、少許糖、鹽、生抽混合攪勻,等菜差不多炒好的時 候倒入鍋中再炒,那麼完成的菜味道會更濃郁、汁更粘稠、色 澤更佳、口感更滑!

生抽和老抽都是經過釀造發酵加工而成的醬油。生抽色澤較 淡,味道較鹹,用來調味最好不過。相反,老抽色澤較深,味 道較鮮甜,主要用來為菜餚調色。醃肉炒菜時雙抽並下,能使 菜餚色香味俱全,正!

Corn starch can act as a tenderizer when used in meat seasoning. Also, it can be used to create a thicker sauce for your dishes. 1 tablespoon of corn starch + half bowl of water + sugar + soy sauce is a basic formula for sauce. You can add it when you’re almost done with your dishes and it’ll look professional instantly!

可憐的豬 Poor Piggy 雖然豬喜歡在泥巴上滾,但牠吃飯不需用手,故你不能說是因 為牠不洗手吃飯,於是吃了很多菌。要怪就怪牠的主人餵牠吃 了些帶有絛蟲卵的飼料,於是蟲蟲在牠的體內生長,並鑽入肌 肉組織的血管內。當人吃了未煮熟的豬肉,裡頭的幼蟲就會進 入人體長大成蟲。這種豬肉絛蟲更會走上我們的大腦,很恐怖 啊!大家不想「腦生蟲」的話,下次煮菜或者吃火鍋都一定要 將豬肉徹底煮熟才吃啊!

Both soy sauce and dark soy sauce are made of fermented soya beans. Soy sauce is stronger in taste and lighter in color, while dark soy sauce is darker in color and weaker in taste. The prior is good for seasoning whereas the latter one is commonly used for coloring the dish. Use both and you get both!

多筋的牛 Tips for Beef 牛肉和羊肉裡頭的紋理,其實是一些白色的幼筋,煮熟後會收 縮,令到肉有如橡筋般難咀嚼。但只要逆紋切牛肉和羊肉,將 筋都切斷,問題就解決了! The tenders of beef and lamb will shrink after cooking and result in tough texture. To solve the problem, just cut against the tenders of beef and lamb!


Don’t get me wrong – pigs enjoy the mud but they never eat with hands! They are not eating germs because of that. The reason why we are advised to cook pork thoroughly is because of their feeding. Some pigs are fed with food which contains cestode eggs. The worms will grow and enter the blood vessels of pigs. If we eat uncooked pork, the worms will grow in us, even entering our brain!

Oven = Easy Cooking

過冷河 Oops it’s Cold!

Oven is one of the greatest inventions of human beings. It seems to be able to turn any food into a yummy dish. Oven has encouraged dozens of beginners to try and err. Maybe you’d think, ‘How can I become a Top Chef if I don’t even have an oven at home?’ It doesn’t’ matter...

是一種食物處理方法,主要應用於麵食。將灼熟的麵條放入冷 水沖洗然後再烹調,可令麵條更爽口彈牙。但此法絕不適用煮 意粉,因為這樣反而會令意粉失去油份和煙韌度,炒意粉時就 會容易黏鑊了! We usually rinse cooked noodles in cold water before adding other sauces and seasoning. It results in a more chewy texture and worth giving a try. But don’t ever use it with spaghetti as it’ll destroy its oil surface and texture.

烤爐真是人類歷史中最偉大的發現之一。它好像有一種神奇力 量,可以將任何放進去的食材弄得美味非常。因著它而帶來的 成功感,不住的鼓勵十字人嘗試,成功失敗再成功,創出一道 又一道獨家菜色,造就一個又一個十步廚神。或許你說:「我 家中沒有烤爐啊,那我怎樣可變成廚神啊?」十字人今天要鼓 勵你:不緊要的…… 買一個就是了!哇哈哈哈哈哈

Just buy one! Wahahahahahaha

Top Chef ︳20

LIVE the LIFE yo

21 ︳Travelogue

Text / Winniemacy | Design / York Tsui

ou LOVE 澳洲打工渡假樂學遊 1. 最難忘的工作 Unforgettable Job 墨爾本格蘭披治F1賽車盛事中賣漢堡包:在 「V………噢」、「V………噢」的瘋狂飊車噪 音、以及疑似「日軍侵華打到黎」的小型飛機花 式表演轟炸聲中,以「摩打手」每天馬不停蹄製 造超過800個漢堡包。最大福利是每天的15分鐘 午飯時間可以免費到看台欣賞賽事,現場的澎湃 刺激氣氛實在無價。 I got to sell hamburgers at F1 Grand Prix Melbourne and it’s an overwhelming experience. With the buzzing sounds of the racecars and the roaring of the mini-planes, I felt as if I was in a middle of warfare – and it was close to that. 800 hamburgers were my daily target and it kept me busy like bees all day long. It comes with good welfare though, I could enjoy 15 minutes of the game for free while having lunch. The screams, the noise, the excitement were priceless.

2. 最難忘的住宿 Unforgettable Lodge 在塔斯曼尼亞人跡罕至的小鎮Elizabeth Town摘草莓做農夫,農場 提供的住宿是在森林裡免費露營。為對抗漫長寒夜,能穿的都往身 上穿,卻依然冷得發抖。日出時份打開帳篷便可跟鄰居——野生袋鼠 打招呼,傍晚下班時所有農夫一起擠在露天搭建的簡陋廚房以石油氣 煮食,然後又得趁不定時開啟的熱水供應期間衝往由鐵皮貨櫃改建而 成的浴室洗澡(水溫得看閣下運氣),晚上人有三急也得自行亮著電筒 在貨櫃內解決,手洗衣服統統掛在樹木與樹木間被迫展覽。然而,來 自世界各地的「農夫」們卻能每晚分享世界各地美食、欣賞漫天閃耀 的星河、圍著營火彈結他飲酒作樂,享受最貼近大自然的原始快樂。 Elizabeth Town was a deserted town in Tasmania. I stayed there as a strawberry farmer and got to camp in the woods FOR FREE! The long nights were freezing cold and I’d to put on everything I have to keep myself warm. At the dawn, I could wave hello with wild kangaroos; at dusk, I cooked with gas in a primitive kitchens with other fellow farmers. The bathroom was restructured from a cargo and hot water comes and goes as it wishes. We hand-washed our clothes and hung them between the woods. Despite all these, I enjoyed a natural happiness in the midst of these international farmers, under the big, starry sky and by the heartwarming bonfire.

Travelogue ︳22

3. 最難忘的課堂 Unforgettable Lesson 一天的咖啡師課程非常刺激,於2.5小時內要邊聽講解邊寫 筆記記錄不同咖啡的特性和烹調程序,然後要在限時內實 習製作一般咖啡店餐牌上的所有咖啡;中午的1小時午餐時 間內需完成3頁筆試試題;另外2小時需學習基本咖啡拉花 技巧。明明緊張得手忙腳亂,卻讓我不能自拔地愛上沖咖 啡的樂趣。

4. 最難忘的告解 Unforgettable Confession 旅程上不是沒有寂寞和失落的時候,思緒也不見得渾然忘 卻所有在離港前的煩惱,感謝天父讓我獨自坐在某一小鎮 的教堂內陷入沉思時,派來一位傳道人聽我分享心事。能 一口氣用英文向一個完全陌生的主內姊妹,說出一直藏於 心底的苦澀心事時,終於釋放自己哭出眼淚,原來是多麼 痛快的一回事。

I only had a day to learn about becoming a barista. 2.5 hours of lecture on the making of all sorts of coffee, then we’re asked to make all the coffee in a café’s menus within limited time. The 1-hr lunch break was dedicated to a written test, while the remaining 2 hours were for us to learn about coffee foam art. Crazy as it sounded, I couldn’t help falling in love with coffee making afterwards.

Every traveler has their moments of loneliness. As I was burdened by the things that troubled me before leaving HK, I reflected in a local church and had some quiet hours. Unexpected, a pastor came and shared with me, giving me a chance to conceal all my secrets in front of a stranger, in English. Tears came as I poured out my bitterness, and it felt great to travel light!

23 ︳Travelogue

5. 最難忘的派對 Unforgettable Party 出席同事丈夫的喪禮,氣氛莊嚴卻溫馨,至親好友輪流憶 述他的生前趣事,超過200位來賓偶然被逗得哄堂大笑, 卻掩飾不了眼角悄悄的淚痕。 At the funeral of a co-worker’s husband, friends and relatives took turn to share funny stories about him. The 200+ crowd burst into laughter at times, and tears were shed at certain moments.

6. 最難忘的口號 Unforgettable Slogan 週末於悉尼Bondi Beach欣賞陽光海灘和滑浪小子於巨 浪中的精彩花式表演後,在充滿渡假氣氛的海邊大街上 閒逛,抬頭看見偌大的海報上寫著「LIVE the LIFE you LOVE」﹗這口號正正成為這個旅程的原則,難得一次實 現夢想之旅,就好好活出每一天﹗ After the wonderful show of the beach boys at Bondi Beach, I went to walk along the seaside boulevard and saw a huge poster saying, ‘LIVE the LIFE you LOVE’. How true! It’s exactly my motto for this trip! One doesn’t get to have a dream trip like this all the time, so, I’ll just LIVE it the way I LOVE!

Travelogue ︳24

我們知道的很多,但有時候卻是故意的讓自己走了眼。 很久沒有看漫畫英雄的片子。 一向知道,這類的戲該是既有戲情也高潮起迭,更有大量值回 票價的特技場面。然而,對於打打殺殺的場面,說實話,我是可 免則免的。 故事的起首實在是經典不過。一班休班的超異能人類,在融入 社會好一段日子,正在享受人間正常生活的同時,地球突然出 現了危機:一個本是正但變邪的人為得到權和利,聯同欲支配 地球的外星人侵入地球。於是,這班休息已久的超人們再被徵 召入伍,集合各人的力量去打這場關乎全人類的仗。 情節不多說,只說幾件學到的事。 正與邪 為自己名利而放棄全人類生命的比喻,確實是有點誇張的。但 放到生活上,有時候,正和邪確實也常在打呀打。為了自己的 面子,我們可能放棄了對家人的尊重,在別人面前呼呼喝喝, 更甚的是為了在朋友仔面前型一點,隨手cut掉打了數次來的「 吃不吃飯」的來電;又或者是,為了討好人要入流,看一些自己 根本不認同的東西,令自己可以跟得上茶餘飯後的閒聊,慢慢 地就放棄了自己的界線。雖然後果不是立竿見影,但日復日下 來,那些魔鬼的影子,何嘗不是已經慢慢地侵佔了我們心裡的 世界?

分化 走到邪界結合外星人打地球的那一位「壞人」,最叻的不是他 個人的能力──除了閃左閃右以外,他完全沒有什麼很大的能 力,沒有力氣沒有異能沒有財富沒有勇氣,但他就是有手段, 他看到自己是打不過來的,唯有分化這一班精英中的精英。一 句說他不信任你,一句說他說你是怪獸,左一句右一句,最強的 力量都被打敗了。其實我們也是,就算我們沒有最強的力量, 也有簡單的小本領,就像我們做Group Project一樣,總有些人語 文較好可以做校對,有些人電腦技術較好可以做簡報,有些人 表達能力較好可以做Present,分工分得好,各人都盡自己努力完 成自己的小部分,合作起來是天下無敵的。根據你們的經驗, 那一組分化的人會得到高評價?從來沒有。 什麼人能克服挑戰,什麼人會得出什麼樣的結果,我們從小就 知道了,但我們在生活上,選擇了什麼? 結局 小時候也常常聽到,一枝竹仔會易折彎,幾枝竹一扎易折難…… 團結方可幹大事!故事的結尾不難猜,就是跟著這歌仔唱就明 白了。什麼人能克服挑戰,什麼人會得出什麼樣的結果,我們從 小就知道了,但我們在生活上,選擇了什麼?是眼前的利益,然 後給某些勢力留了地步?是各自各的不合一,任由從某勢力而 來的詭計繼續?我們知道的很多,但有時候卻是故意的讓自己 走了眼。 你說,看這套戲,是不是好值得?

25 ︳ Motion Picture

Text / Ah Po | Design / Kashun

We know a lot. But sometimes we just overlook the fact intentionally.

Division The villain, who allied with the aliens to invade the Earth, did

I have not watched hero movies for long.

not possess any special power - he had no great physical strength, no extraordinary abilities, no wealth and no cour-

I’ve always known that this kind of movies should have

age, what he had is “trick”. He knew his own strengths well.

a spectacular plot and many amazing stunt scenes. But,

What he can do is to disunite this group of supernaturals.

frankly speaking, I tend to avoid watching the scenes of

Non-stop criticisms can defeat the greatest power. We are

fighting and violence.

no different. Even we don’t have great abilities, we do have some little power. It is like when we are doing group projects.

The story has a classic beginning. A group of human who

Miss A is talented in languages, so she can help in the

possessed extraordinary abilities was off. They went under-

proofreading part; Mr. B, who is good at computer skills can

cover in the society for a period of time. While they were

finish the PowerPoint; and Miss C can do the presentation

enjoying their ordinary life, the Earth was suddenly in danger:

because of her good communication skills. With good divi-

a man who once advocated justice had turned evil and

sion of work, each of us can achieve the little success of our

attempted to invade the Earth with evil-minded aliens in an

own parts. The cooperation of all parts is the most powerful.

exchange of authority and benefit. These superheros were

Based on your experience, can the team which keeps divid-

enlisted again, assembling all their powers and fought for the

ing among themselves get the highest compliment? Never.

sake of the mankind. We always know what kind of people can overcome chalI’d skip the details. Let me move to share something I learnt.

lenges and get the expected results. But how do we make choices in life?

Justice and Evil If we say that this story is about one seeking after his own


advantages at the expense of all mankind, it’d be a bit too

Since childhood, we know that we can achieve the impos-

exaggerating. But when it puts back to our daily life, justice

sible when united. We always know what kind of people

and evil sometimes are really fighting against each other. To

can overcome challenges and get the expected results. But

save face, we may scold our family and neglect the neces-

how do we make choices in life? Is it the immediate interest

sary respect to them; in order to be cool in front of friends,

which makes us give way to some forces? Or is it the differ-

we ignore calls from our worried mum; or, to please someone

ence in beliefs which let us give in to the deception of the

by accepting values that we do not agree. By doing so, we

evil ones? We know a lot. But sometimes we just overlook the

may be able to engage in every chitchat with friends. But,

fact intentionally.

we have to pay a high price by giving up our own beliefs. Although the result cannot be seen immediately, don’t you

Do you think this movie is worth watching now?

know the shadow of devil is gradually occupying our hearts?

Motion Picture ︳26

The Suffering Beneath the Glimmer Looking around in Hong Kong, you wouldn’t think there’s currently global economic turmoil. People carry on with their demanding jobs, large businesses still expanding ever larger, encouraging us to continue frivolously spend our money like all is well in life. The number of glossy shopping malls is a testament to that. Only in HK would the plan for a 6-floor store selling clothes from a single brand (Yes I am talking to you, Forever 21) go ahead. The number of luxury branded stores and high-rise apartments constantly being unveiled on almost every corner of an already highly densely populated HK, is difficult to comprehend. Yet, it is common knowledge that underneath the

27 ︳Reflection

glitzy veneer of advanced HK, there are those forced to get through life living in the most derelict of environments. Wired cages, or “cubicle homes” the Governments’ kinder term, are inhabited by the poorest in HK. Stacked on top of each other like lab testing enclosures, they are approximately 6 feet long 2 feet high, estimated to be the homes of 100,000 individuals. In a stiflingly small 625 square foot area, up to 20 residents must share the same bathroom and kitchen. Then there are the more obvious signs that poverty exists in this rich city – the haggard looking man pushing the heavy metal trolley carrying piles of flat cardboard boxes. The old lady rifling through rubbish bins for aluminum cans or plastic bottles. In Causeway Bay

Text / Lisa Lee | Design / Germen Cheung you may have caught sight of the burn victims or amputees begging just outside of the MTR station, who are most likely controlled by criminal circles.

“The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.” Mother Teresa In London, UK, though it may be on the opposite hemisphere, it is still a common sight in the city center. A place built on centuries’ worth of history and architectural grandeur there are still drug addicts, people begging for money and young runaways from nearby countries. In a big city such as this, there is nowhere for them to truly find rest. Multiple novels and films have been made to highlight the plight of the poor in this world. The most well known literary tales may be Charles Dickens’ Oliver and The Little Matchstick Girl by Hans Christian Andersen. On television, we’re bombarded with adverts to help the poor emaciated children of a war torn distant country, or donating towards a television network’s annual nationwide fundraising campaign. The initial pang of guilt is either dealt with a credit card and a phone or just change channels. Pity is most likely your reaction when you first see the beggar bent over on the concrete ground, limply holding a cardboard sign asking for money. But there’s nothing you can do, you’re just one person. The beggar most likely brought it upon himself. He might be crazy, or worse, lazy. Why doesn’t he get a job like everybody else? Look at the filthy state he’s in. What will people think if I associated myself with… that? So far I’ve focused on the outer appearances of poverty because that is how success is predominantly judged – what you have. Such as your clothes, your job, your property, your car. The more you have, the happier you are, in theory that’s how society encourages everyone to believe.

But here is a wise observation from one of the greatest ministers of the poor, Mother Teresa, “We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.” In 2009, I approached a homeless gentleman on the corner of a street, in a popular but quieter part of London. I had walked these streets multiple times before and this was to be my first encounter with a beggar. He held no sign nor a container for money but was silent, his head bowed down. I had met Eddie, in his 40s and originally from Scotland. For a homeless man, he looked and smelled clean, like detergent powder, apart from a faint light yellow stain on his jeans. The reason for this was because Eddie had mild OCD. People tend not to believe he’s homeless because of his exterior and so don’t offer help. But Eddie lifted his trouser leg, revealing a large gaping wound filled with pus. He had diabetes. A health store assistant had recommended him to purchase a costly jar of Manuka honey to treat it but it had somehow gone wrong. The longer I talked to him, the more I felt his shame and degradation. The only time he made eye contact with me was when I was mentioned everyone goes through hard times. He knew Jesus was in his heart and recited John 3:16. Dear brothers and sisters, this is why Jesus came to the world, to help the weak and the poor. Even in the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, God laid down laws for the Israelites to know how to care for the poor amongst them, ‘If there is a poor man among your brothers…do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother.’ (Deut. 15:7). Poverty is a serious universal problem, so what exactly is stopping us from lending a helping hand to those in need, of not just money, but to offer a real human comfort? You can buy things but you cannot buy love, faith and charity - they are both free and priceless. These are the key elements for which humans find true sustenance in life. Try to look beyond the surface and see the human suffering underneath.


“Tell me how to live today, before talking about tomorrow.” One said on the phone-in radio show during the Chief Executive Election period.

29 ︳ Cultural Trend

Text Text / Tim / Elaine Lo | Chan Design|/ Design Germen / Joanney Cheung

region. The city is not poor, with billions of reserve in the government treasury, but many of its people are. The Government is reluctant to face poverty, no one in office would dare to touch this hot iron. It’s a tangled problem.

The city is not poor, with billions of reserve in the government treasury, but many of its people are.

Hong Kong-ers have lived in an ideal city for the past few decades. We’ve out-performed many other East Asian countries in economics and enjoyed the world’s leading medical and legal systems. We attracted thousands of immigrants from China. We are one of the most favorable destinations for Foreign Direct Investment. We enjoyed one of the lowest tax rates in the region. Wow, sitting at home, turning on the air conditioner…this feeling is just great. In the promotion video by Tourism Board, Hong Kong is a world city. Food, shopping, sightseeing, culture… but sorry, it is far from the whole picture. Get up from your couch, and take a look at the city outside. Under the beautiful skyline and glassy windows, the fact is, over a million people are living under the poverty line, and thousands of people are living in the “cage house” which is contrary to the skyscrapers which stunned the rest of the world. The Gini index, which tells the gap between the rich and the poor, was over the alarming 0.4 level to 0.53 in year 2012, i.e. it is the highest among large cities and in the Asian

Let’s face it. The richer is getting even richer in the stock market and all sorts of speculation, while the grassroot class is being ripped off by inflation. “Tell me how to live today, before talking about tomorrow.” One said on the phone-in radio show during the Chief Executive Election period. It’s true that some middle class are enjoying life and never short of food or shelter. But many, way too many, are still struggling for a living. Perhaps they’re lack of education, perhaps some suffer skills mismatch, perhaps they’ve made poor choices of their life and perhaps others. No matter how we shouldn’t turn blind eyes to these situations. What is more desperate than lack of money, is lack of hope. We wish for a safe shelter and a stable job. In the midst of economic downturns, we’re all becoming skeptical. Even young fresh University graduates are not guaranteed with good future nowadays. But wait, it shouldn’t happen like that. This phenomenon is just abnormally ill. Richness in wealth, is no doubt important for today. But more importantly, it is to live a fruitful life. Old people dying on their bed never say that they regret earning too little money, but very often, they regret about many things that they should have cherished in their life like family and other relationships. Rethinking poverty, at the same time, we should help bringing a more fulfilling life to people in the city, and thus hope.

Cultural Trend ︳30

Lisa Lee ‘Allo! I’m Lisa, originally from the UK. My true home is London. Though I was pretty much born and bred there, I have always felt Hong Kong to be my second home, which is why I’ve worked and lived here for the past 2 and a half years. I was first brought to HK for one glorious year in 1993. I had to quickly forget about languid afternoons watching Cartoon Network on my cushy living room floor, instead, I learnt how to live with my mother and my astute grandparents in a 200sqf flat with a tubless bathroom the size of a toilet cubicle. There was the humidity, the formidable load of school work, the frantic pace of life, even as a 7 year old. But it was exactly this, the 24/7 hustle and bustle of this island, that made me want to return, this time of my own accord. I had also felt God calling me to start a new season here. And to able to witness a Christian revival of unseen proportions, which has also had a personal affect on my own immediate family members, has provided an invaluable insight into how Christianiaty is finally being whole heartedly accepted into my homeland. My own personal testimony begins with my baptism in September 2002. All my life I had worshipped idols and believed in the fury of the Buddhist gods, it had unsurpringly left me cynical of most faiths, in particular of Christianity. My socalled ‘Christian’ friends still lived hedonistic lifestyles. Where was the love and submission their faith called for? But when I first attended church, and all the years thereafter, I could see what true love and joy was. It’s a bold and penetrating force that not only saves but heals because there was one loving enough to die for our sins – Jesus Christ. In Asian culture, forgiveness is not strongly advocated (not helped by the family feud dramas depicted in the Chinese media), but because Jesus’ love is so powerful, His touch can uproot the hardest of hearts in the most unlikely of places. I am grateful for this opportunity to be able to have a creative outlet to publically express my thoughts and feelings on Christianity. I hope that through my writing I can help to inspire others to use their gifts to serve the Lord and bring His joy to the people around them.

31 ︳Exposé

GUTS Special ︳32

你看。我看你。 畢竟我們活在你看我,我看你的世界。 在我們關注別人時, 想想, 身旁總有一位關注。關心。關懷你的人。 photo & text : 雨林

33 ︳ Snapshot

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