JTT Rulmeca

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RULMECA LAUNCH NEW RANGE OF PU SCRAPERS We are pleased and excited to launch our new product range of conveyor PU scrapers. Your BULK Handling team in Denmark

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Rulmeca Scraper PU 83

The PU 88 pre-scraper is a stable plough with symbolizes steel frame our andaim exchangeable PU-scraper strips. Pu 83 8300 truly of making simple, effective scrapers made for When the plough, pulleysfitting ø220-1000 mm. a tube of diameter 40 mm is threaded through the PU link. The tube is then fixed to the frame of the conveyor. The ploughthe canscraper be modified reversible drive. Simplicity: strip isfor easy to remove from the beam (without tools) for replacement and cleaning. Simple holders guarantee easy fitting and functionality . A lever arm that is fixed to the frame using a B-W 400-1800mm. chainproduces the required scraper pressure. B-W 400-2000mm.

-scraper 8300 truly symbolizes our aim of making ive scrapers made for pulleys ø220-1000 mm. e scraper strip is easy to remove from the beam (without acement and cleaning. Simple holders guarantee easy fitting lity . A lever arm that is fixed to the frame using a chain SCRAPING WIDTH required scraper pressure. B-W L B-W 0mm 400 350 B-W SCRAPING WIDTH BEAM LENGTH 500 450 380 400 430 500 400 350650 1150 550 800 700 650 500 450 1250 510 1000 570 800 650 550 1350 900 1200 1050 1000 800 700 1500 680 1000 900 1700 1250 1400 780 1200 1200 1050 1850 1450 1600 880 1400 1400 1250 2050 1800 1650 980 1600 1600 1450 2250 1850 2000 1080 1800 1800 1650 2450 2000 1850 2650


Moving ahead. 3 4 Rulli Rulmeca S.p.A - 24011 Almè (BG) - Italia - Via A. Toscanini,1

1150 1250 1350 1500 1700 1850 2050 2250 2450 2650

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Rulmeca Scraper PU 83

The Pu PU 83 88 pre-scraper is a stable plough 8300 truly with symbolizes steel frame our andaim exchangeable of making simple, PU-scraper effective strips. scrapers made for pulleys When fitting ø220-1000 the plough, mm. a tube of diameter 40 mm is threaded through the PU link. The tube is then fixed to the frame of the conveyor. Simplicity: The ploughthe canscraper be modified strip isfor easy reversible to remove drive. from the beam (without tools) for replacement and cleaning. Simple holders guarantee easy fitting and functionality . A lever arm that is fixed to the frame using a chainproduces B-W 400-1800mm. the required scraper pressure. B-W 400-2000mm.

-scraper 8300 truly symbolizes our aim of making ive scrapers made for pulleys ø220-1000 mm. e scraper strip is easy to remove from the beam (without acement and cleaning. Simple holders guarantee easy fitting lity . A lever arm that is fixed to the frame using a chain SCRAPING WIDTH required scraper pressure. B-W B-W L 0mm 350 400 B-W SCRAPING WIDTH BEAM LENGTH 450 500 400 380 550 650 400 350500 1150 430 800 650 510 500 450 1250 700 900 1000 800 650 550 1350 570 1050 1200 1000 680 800 700 1500 1000 900 1700 1250 1400 1200 780 1200 1050 1850 1450 1600 1400 880 1400 1250 2050 1650 1800 1600 980 1600 1450 2250 1080 1850 2000 1800 1800 1650 2450 2000 1850 2650


Moving ahead. 4 Rulli Rulmeca S.p.A - 24011 Almè (BG) - Italia - Via A. Toscanini,1

1150 1250 1350 1500 1700 1850 2050 2250 2450 2650

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Rulmeca Scraper PU 89 Rulmeca Scraper PU 89

The PU 89 PUis88 a robust is a stable pre-scraper plough with that steel effectively framecleans and exchangeable PU-scraper strips. When the conveyor fitting the beltplough, in tough a tube operating of diameter environments. 40 mm is threaded through the PU link. The Made tube for is pulleys then fixed ø400to- 1000 the frame mm. of the conveyor. The plough scrapercan blade beismodified a solid polyurethane for reversible strip drive.that adapts to the shape of the conveyor belt and pulley. Changing the B-W blade400-1800mm. is very easy and can be done without any tools. The scraper has been designed with a minimum of moving parts. B-W 650-1400mm.

is a robust pre-scraper that effectively cleans the conveyor belt

ustoperating pre-scraperenvironments. that effectively Made cleans for the pulleys conveyorø400 belt - 1000 mm. gh ating environments. Made for pulleys ø400 - 1000 mm. raper blade is a solid polyurethane strip that adapts to the lade is a solid polyurethane strip that adapts to the of the conveyor belt and pulley.the Changing the blade is very easy conveyor belt and pulley. Changing blade is veryL easy B-W an be done without any tools. The scraper has been one without any tools. The scraper has been designed withdesigned with of parts. moving parts. fmum moving 380 400 50-1400mm 0mm 430 500 B-W 650 800 1000 1200 1400

The PU 91 p flex individu the pu-blade the pulley, a

Can be fitted

B-W SCRAP WIDTH BEAM LENGTH 510 650 570 BEAM LENGTH 800 SCRAP WIDTH BEAM LENGTH B-W SCRAP WIDTH 650 545 850 680 1000 545 850 650 1200 545 850 800 695 1300 780 695 1300 800 1000 695 1300 895 1500 880 1400 895 1500 1095 1700 980 1600 1000 1200 895 1500 1095 1700 1400 1295 1900 1080 1800

1200 1295 1400

1095 1295


B-W 400-240

1700 1900

Moving ahead. 5 4 ca S.p.A - 24011 Almè (BG) - Italia - Via A. Toscanini,1Tel: 035 4300111 Fax: 035 545523 e.mail: rulmeca@rulmeca.it Web: www.rulmeca.com

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Rulmeca Scraper PU 83PU 91 Rulmeca Scraper

The Pu PU 83 91 pre-scraper pre-scraper 8300 with scraper truly symbolizes segmentsour that aim flexofindividually. making simple, It is fitted effective at the scrapers front ofmade for pulleys the driveø220-1000 pulley, withmm. the pu-blades just below the horizontal centre line of the pulley, at right angles to the conveyor belt. Simplicity: the scraper strip is easy to remove from the beam (without tools) for replacement and cleaning. Simple Can be holders fitted with guarantee tungsten-carbide easy fittingblades. and functionality . A lever arm that is fixed to the frame using a chainproduces the required scraper pressure. B-W 400-2400mm. B-W 400-2000mm.

-scraper 8300 truly symbolizes our aim of making ive scrapers made for pulleys ø220-1000 mm. e scraper strip is easy to remove from the beam (without pre-scraper scraper segments that acement andwith cleaning. Simple holders guarantee easy fitting B-W SEGMENTS SCRAPING WIDTH BEAM LENGTH lity . AItlever arm that is fixed toof the frame using a chain ually. is fitted at the front the drive pulley, with BEAM LENGTH SCRAPING WIDTH B-W required scraper pressure. es just below the horizontal centre line of 0mm 400 4 400 1100 at right angles to the conveyor belt. 1150 350 500 500 400 5 1200 B-W SCRAPING WIDTH BEAM LENGTH 1250 450 500 650 blades. 6 600 1300 d with tungsten-carbide 1350 550 650 800 7 700 1500 400 350 1150 700 1500 800 1000 9 900 1700 00mm500 450 1250 1700 1000 1200 11 1900 650 550 1350 900 1100 B-W SEGMENTS SCRAPING WIDTH BEAM LENGTH 1850 1050 1200 800 700 1500 1400 13 1300 2100 400 1600 4 400 1100 2050 1000 900 1700 1250 1500 1400 15 2300 1200 1050 1850 500 1800 5 500 1200 2250 1450 1600 17 1700 2500 1400 1250 2050 1650 1900 1800 650 2000 6 600 1300 2450 19 2700 1600 1450 2250 2650 1850 2000 800 2400 7 700 1500 22 2200 2900 1800 1650 2450 1000 9 900 1700 2000 1850 2650

1200 11 1100 1900 1400 13 1300 2100 Moving ahead. 6 1600 15 1500 2300 Rulli Rulmeca S.p.A - 24011 Almè (BG) - Italia - Via A. Toscanini,1 1800 17 1700 2500

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Rulmeca Scraper PU 92

Rulmeca Scraper PU 92 Rulmeca Scraper PU 92 B-W

L at standard øD A Fixing bolt Tightening F beam length torque 400 482-582 58 166 M10 49 Nm 9º - 14º 500The 582-682 58 166 M10 49 Nm 11º - 16º PU 92 PUsecondary 88 is a stable scraper plough is placed with steel below frame the and driveexchangeable pulley. PU-scraper strips. 650When 682-782 58 166 M10 49 Nm 12º - 18º springs. The pressure fitting the of the plough, PU strip a tube against of diameter the belt40 is mm produced is threaded by twothrough pre tensioned the PU link. torsion 800The tube 840-940 78 208 M12 86 Nm 10º - 15º cannot be installation is thendimensions fixed to theofframe the scraper of the conveyor. can be continuously adjusted. The scraper 1000The 1040-1140 78 208 M12 86 Nm 13º - 18º usedon plough beltscan with bereversible modified operations. for reversible drive. secondary scraper is78 1200 PU 921240-1340 208 M12 86 Nm 15º - 21º placed below the drive pulley. The pressure of the PU strip against the belt is produced78 by 1400B-W 1440-1540 208 M12 86 Nm 17º - 23º two pre tens ioned torsion springs. The installatio Can be 400-1800mm. fitted with tungsten-carbide blades. n ns of the scraper can 1600 dimensio 1700-1800 95 be continuo 260usly adjusted M16 210 Nm 12º . The scraper cannot be used - 17º on belts with reversible operations. 1800B-W 1900-2000 95 260 M16 210 Nm 14º - 18º 400-2000. Can be fitted with tungsten-car carb bide ide blad260 es. 2000 2100-2200 95 M16 210 Nm 15º - 20º B-W 400-2000

B-W SCRAPING P WIDTH L- LENGTH 400 400 482-582 500 500 582-682 650 600 682-782 800 700 840-940 1000 900 1040-1140 1200 1100 1240-1340 1400 1300 1440-1540 1600 1500 1700 -1800 U 92 secondary scraper is placed below the drive pulley. The pressure of the PU strip 1800 1700 1900-2000 tensioned torsion gainst the belt is produced by two pre2000 springs. The installation 1900 2100-2200

mensions of the scraper can be continuously adjusted. The scraper cannot be used secondary scraper is placed below the drive pulley. The pressure of the PU strip n belts with reversible operations. t the belt is produced by two pre tensioned torsion springs. The installation an be fitted with tungsten-carbide carbide blades. Rulli can Rulm B-W SCRAPING WIDTH BEAM LENGTH sions of the scraper be S.p.A continuously adjusted. The scraper cannot be used eca - 24011 Almè (BG) - Italia - Via A. Toscanini,1Te Tel:l: 035 4300111 Fax: 035 5455 e.mail: rulmeca@rulm 23 eca. it L B-W Web : www.rulmeca.com ts with reversible operations. -W 400-2000 400 400 482-582 e fitted with tungsten-carbide carbide blades. 500 500 582-682 380 400 MAINTENANCE 650 600 682-782 430 500 00-2000 nspect and clean the scraper regularly– suggest once aWIDTH week. B-W weSCRAPING L- LENGTH SCRAP 800 700 840-940 510 650 When half the strip height remains, change it (2). 400 400 482-582 Change the segments by undoing the M8 nuts and flat iron bar. 1000 900 570Bolt on the new strip.1040-1140 800 500using a pipe wrench 500 1100 Set the scraper. Set the torsion 1200 element and lock the582-682 bolt. 1240-1340 680 1000 WIDTH L- LENGTH SCRAPoptimal600 SCRAPING Readjust the scraper pressureB-W so as650 to achieve cleaning. There must be no vibrations or noise. 682-782 780 1200 However, vibrations may arise 1400 when the belt is run without1300 material or when the belt1440-1540 has a coating of resin. In the long term, 400 400 482-582 800 700 840-940 Try 1600 1500 1700-1800 880 1400 vibrations may result in cracking of the beam. These must therefore be eliminated. therefore: 500 1000 1040-1140 1900-2000 …… changing the angle of the blade against the500 belt900 a few 1700 degrees 1800 980 582-682 1600 …… changing the pressure of650 the blade against the 600belt. 1200 1100 1900 1240-1340 2100-2200 2000 1080 682-782 1800 …… making a more robust attachment to the frame. 800 840-940 1400 1300 fitting a small 1440-1540 …… increasing the mass of the beam (1) by, for700 example, lever arm to the beam (1). 1700-1800 10001600 9001500 1040-1140 1700 1900-2000 12001800 1100 1240-1340 WARRANTY Moving ahead. Moving ahead. 7 4 1900 2100-2200 14002000 1300 1440-1540

Damage to the scraper caused by incorrect handling or in connection with incorrect installation cannot be considered to


HOVEDKONTOR Industriparken 20 DK-7182 Bredsten Tlf.: +45 7588 1511 Fax: +45 7588 1372 AFD. AABENRAA Lundsbjerg Industrivej 45 DK-6200 Aabenraa Tlf.: +45 7463 1858 www.jtt.dk

Bakmøllevej 61, Nørhalne



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