...straw as a source of energy
Straw and residual products from grain and seed processing represent environmentally friendly and CO2 neutral fuel for energy production and thus an excellent alternative to other types of biofuel. The use of straw as a source of energy has been well-known for decades, but the technological development and optimisation with regard to logistics, handling, combustion and energy utilisation means that this type of energy production is today fully competitive with other biofuels. A modern straw boiler system is a high-tech and fully automated production system with efficiency and operating costs that match alternative biomass-based systems. Focus Energy offers complete systems from hot water to steam production, in a capacity range from 4,000 kW to 15,000 kW per unit. Energy with care: This is our basic, guiding principle for finding optimal solutions. Thus, Focus Energy provides systems that meet today’s demands for low operating and maintenance costs, low emissions and a high degree of operational and personal safety. Straw-based systems are particularly well-suited for meeting these principles. On the basis of this experience Focus Energy has designed and built plants since 1983. We have concluded that we can only recommend systems based on combustion of loose straw, as this is the most secure method for optimal load regulation and managing the system, while observing environmental requirements at all load levels. Our straw shredder and incineration system is the latest technology on the market and is based on well-known and tested principles. The first Focus Energy straw shredder was put into operation in 2005, and now that all of the “growing pains� are finished, we can offer a well-tested system that fully meets demands for functionality, operational reliability and operating costs for any variety of straw.
...straw for environmentally friendly and CO2 neutral energy production The system is fully automated. The straw shredder and feeding system is designed with optimal personal and fire safety in mind and with great emphasis on operational reliability and low energy consumption.
The system is designed for stepless regulation of output, so optimal operation and combustion is achieved at low and high output levels (25-100% load). Optimisation of efficiency with condensation of flue gas can significantly reduce the production costs.
Focus Energy straw shredder for big bales measuring1,200 x 1,300 x 2,400 mm (Heston bale). Automatic string remover, where strings can be incinerated or removed for waste sorting.
A high degree of flexibility regarding choice of fuel makes a system from Focus Energy a good investment.
Uniform feeding, good combustibility, flue gas recirculation, and optimised air intake are all parameters to ensure low emissions (NOx and CO) and to prevent slag formation.
Focus Energy straw shredder has a capacity equal to 12 MW output, or 8 big bales per hour. The system can be used for all known varieties of straw. Depending on the type of straw, the system can accept up to 20-25% moisture in the straw.
Focus Energy develops projects and supplies equipment for the production of heat and electricity. This equipment covers everything from individual boilers to turnkey heating and CHP plants. Installations and plants are designed on the basis of ongoing dialogue with the customer, an approach that allows Focus Energy to ensure the best possible solution and sustainable operation. The complete system solution approach also includes following up after commissioning with competent and efficient service. Focus Energy’s vision: to be a leading supplier of energy plants for environmentally responsible heat production. To this end, Focus Energy places emphasis on acting as a sounding board for its clients throughout the process from planning to delivery, and on being an exciting place to work – a workplace that develops constantly. Focus Energy’s mission: we aim to develop and supply plants that use the available energy sources to generate thermal energy. We want to make optimal use of the energy by applying modern technology and know-how.
Jens-Ole Aagaard Jensen CEO, Managing Director
Finsensvej 3, 7430 Ikast Phone +45 9714 2022, Fax +45 9714 2686 post@hollensen.dk, www.hollensen.dk