CrossRoadsNews, December 19, 2015

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Kudos ...

Come on now ...

... to Ken Taylor of the South DeKalb Improvement Association, who picks up litter along Snapfinger Road as a volunteer for Keep DeKalb Beautiful.

Reader Kevin Chapman says that after months of calls and emails, this high grass at Miller Road and Snapfinger Woods Drive in Lithonia remains uncut.

Put Litter in Its Place Let’s Do Our Part to Keep DeKalb Beautiful


Copyright © 2015 CrossRoadsNews, Inc.

December 19, 2015

Volume 21, Number 34

No property tax increase in interim CEO’s 2016 budget By Jennifer Ffrench Parker

DeKalb interim CEO Lee May is proposing no property tax increase for 2016, but he warns that the county may not be able to hold the reins on taxes in unincorporated DeKalb. May sent his fiscal 2016 recommended $1.3 billion budget to the DeKalb Board of Commissioners on Dec. 15. It is down 2.1 percent from the 2015 budget of $1.33 billion. It is May’s third budget and he said every year presents new challenges and opportunities. “This year is no exception,” he said, pointing out that incorporation and annexation

have continued to erode the tax digest of unincorporated DeKalb, leaving it with less revenue to provide needed services, and that his recommended budget does not solve the financial state underpinning operations in Lee May DeKalb County. Consequently, May said the county’s per capita spending has decreased 6 percent to $308 per person in his proposed budget from $326 per person in fiscal 2007. May recommends holding the county’s millage rate at 20.81 but decisions will be

needed going forward. “Future budgets must decide whether to raise taxes in unincorporated DeKalb to offset the lost tax base and provide the same level of services or to decrease the services they receive to keep taxes the same,” he said. “Another related decision for future budgets is whether to transfer certain services provided by the General Fund to cities or to eliminate these services altogether.” May said his recommendations also account for potential financial impacts from the creation of the new city of Tucker that becomes effective in January. Among his proposed additions: n $200,000 for code enforcement officers

and equipment n $1 million for the newly created Office of the Internal Auditor n $1 million for sanitation funding for enhanced mowing and litter abatement n $4.3 million for water and sewer operations to enhance operations and maintenance n $4.9 million in HOST funding for road resurfacing and transportation efforts, including $2.7 million matching funds to leverage $3 million in Georgia Department of Transportation funding n $200,000 to Parks and Recreation for arts and entertainment Please see SPENDING, page 2

Santa’s helpers spread cheer in South DeKalb Less fortunate receive gifts of food, coats, toys

Burma; popped pinatas from Mexico; and saw a Nativity scene from Nepal. They also sang Christmas carols. Sanders said it was rewarding to see the excitement on the faces of the kids who came from 39 different countries. “Some parents even shed tears,” she said.

By Jennifer Ffrench Parker

When it’s the holidays, many groups, organizations and individuals turn their attention to struggling families in the community and try to be a blessing. This year is no different, and across south DeKalb County, sororities, fraternities, civic and community groups, churches, and seniors – including the Deltas, the Pan Hellenic Council, the DeKalb Sheriff ’s Office, Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church, Tree of Love donors, and members of the South DeKalb Senior Center – step into the void to shower kids with gifts, food and love. On Dec. 12, more than a dozen members of the Decatur Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. donned Santa hats and red aprons and fed pancakes, chicken nuggets, and juice to 90 children at Jolly Elementary School in Clarkston for the sorority’s fourth annual Breakfast With Santa. The event moves around to different DeKalb elementary schools, and this year with its theme of Christmas Around the World, the sorority went to Clarkston, a haven for refugees.

Jennifer Ffrench Parker / CrossRoadsNews

The annual Breakfast With Santa event of the Decatur Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta brought gifts, Christmas stories and a hot pancake breakfast to kids in Clarkston on Dec. 12.

Angela Sanders, who chairs the program planning and development committee, said Breakfast With Santa is the holiday project of the chapter, which also does a Prom Dress Giveaway in the spring annually. “We just try to bring some joy and cheer to kids and adults who are less fortunate,” she said. The sorors gave gift bags loaded with

Tree of Love benefactors On Dec. 19, hundreds of Santa helpers will be streaming into the Gallery at South DeKalb to delivered wrapped gifts for 672 foster and other low-income children whose wish lists are part of Commissioner Larry Johnson’s annual Tree of Love campaign. The donors picked the names and wishes of the children from the tree at the Decatur mall on Nov. 21 and at the Columbia Drive Walmart on Dec. 12 and will return with their wrapped gifts at the 17th annual Tree of Love event taking place noon to 3 p.m. Yvette Stevenson, who is coordinating the event for Johnson’s office, said Wednesday they were close to fulfilling the wishes of all 672 children. “We will get there,” she said. “Every day people are calling and emailing to get more names.” On Wednesday, South DeKalb Senior Center members Annie McCoy, Lillie Austin, Freddie Fletcher, Carrie Allen and Cherlie

toiletries, including toothpaste and dental floss, and hats and gloves. Sanders said each child also got three toys from Toys for Tots, and they raffled five bicycles. “We also give the parents a $25 gift card to the DeKalb Farmers Market,” she said. After breakfast, the children heard Christmas stories from Liberia, Somalia and Please see SANTA’S HELPERS, page 2

From our family to yours, Happy Holidays! 2695 Panola Road, Off I-20 @ Snapfinger Woods Drive • 770-322-0065




December 19, 2015

“It’s a blessing to give back, and it is benefiting kids in our community, right here in DeKalb County.”

Volunteers bring smiles to kids, families in South DeKalb

South DeKalb Senior Center members Annie McCoy (from left), Lillie Austin, Freddie Fletcher and Carrie Allen help wrap toys donated for Commissioner Larry Johnson’s Tree of Love campaign.


from page

Tonisha Robinson of Decatur donates a gift on Dec. 12 to the DeKalb Sheriff’s Office collection drive for the U.S. Marines Toys for Tots program.


Mae Peters were holed up in the pottery room at the center on Candler Road wrapping more than 100 toys donated by the Community Achievement Center and Dr. Linda Adams, who asked guests at her Dec. 12 holiday party to bring unwrapped toys. The ladies talked and laughed as they worked. “One more done,” said Austin as she applied the last piece of tape to a plain white box. “I am happy to help,” she said. “I love children. I have five of my own and 10 grandkids.” McCoy said her youngest grandchild is Photos by Jennifer Ffrench Parker / CrossRoadsNews 32. Mount Pleasant members will provide free gift wrapping on Dec. 19 “I haven’t done this in a long time,” she Connie Wallace (above) receives a new coat from Mission Agape. at Walmart at Memorial and Columbia drives for a third week. said, “but I am happy to help out.” Allen said she didn’t hesitate when cenclothing and $800 in cash that the deputies Cecil Threat of ter director Hazel Gonzalez asked her to collected on Dec. 12. Iota Phi Theta volunteer. and other Cynthia Williams, sheriff ’s public infor“I just love Christmas,” she said. “It’s my members of the mation officer, said the deputies always do favorite holiday.” National Panwell with the toy collection drive. When she is done there, Allen said she Hellenic Council “We usually get enough to fill up our had 20 gifts to wrap for her grandkids. of DeKalb lobby,” she said. “They are packing them now “I am just warming up,” she said with a County gave to deliver to Toys for Tots.” laugh. away 308 free Williams said the cash was used to buy Peters, who has five grandchildren, “plus turkeys on Dec. more toys from Walmart and employees also a couple of extra ones,” said a lot of people 12 at Browns bought and donated 10 bikes to the drive. are unable to help. Mill Recreation “It’s a blessing to give back,” she said, “and Center in Mission Agape coat giveaway it is benefiting kids in our community, right Lithonia. Four hundred South DeKalb residents here in DeKalb County.” will be able to keep warm this holiday with Austin said she used to keep foster chilnew coats from Mission Agape. dren and knows the gifts she is wrapping will The volunteer group, based in Duluth, go a long way. gave the coats away on Nov. 21 to lowCurtis Parker / CrossRoadsNews “They will be appreciated,” she said. “The income residents who also were getting free kids are always happy to get gifts.” showing that there are people who want to turkeys from the DeKalb NAACP and DisMount Pleasant free gift wrappers trict 3 Commissioner Larry Johnson. Every Saturday since Dec. 5, members of help,” she said. Pan-Hellenic Council turkey drive Tonisha Robinson, a single mother from Lee Shereve, a Mission Agape member, More than 300 families will have turkey Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church for Christmas, compliments of the National on Porter Road in Decatur have been wrap- Decatur, was leaving the store when she saw said the group is supported by friends and family members from the Korean commuPan-Hellenic Council of DeKalb County. The ping gifts for free at Walmart at Columbia the sign for free gift-wrapping. “This is very nice thing to do especially nity who gave money to purchase the coats. and Memorial drives. group of nine black Greek letter sororities for people who are having a hard time. ” This was the second year that the group Church member Tareea Johnson said and fraternities gave out 308 frozen turkeys Robinson said she saw deputies from the gave away coats in South DeKalb. they will be back on Dec. 19 from 11 a.m. and and $15 Butterball turkey coupons to foodDeKalb Sheriff ’s Office collecting toys for the Mission Agape also feeds the hungry and 2 p.m. at the entrance to the pharmacy. insecure families at the Browns Mill RecreU.S. Marines Toys for Tots program at the supports Hosea Feed the Hungry, visits Smith “We want to give back and show that ation Center in Lithonia on Dec. 12. Council member Earl Bradford said fami- churches are here to serve the community,” entrances to the store. She returned to the State Prison, and helps poor children. store and bought a gift. After Mission Agape members helped lies who didn’t get a turkey at the event got a she said. “I bought a gift for Toys for Tots and they her into a jacket, Barbara Walker of Decatur Sareena Johnson, who joined the church coupon that is good at any grocery store. “Our plan is to do this again next year two months ago, was one of five adult volun- wrapped it for me,” she said. “I know Christ- was very pleased. mas can be hard.” “This is a nice coat,” she said with a wide around the same time and for years going teers on gift-wrapping duty on Dec. 12. Robinson’s gift was among 700 toys and grin. “I really needed a coat.” “We are just sharing the love of Christ and forward,” he said.

Incorporation, annexation erode tax digest of unincorporated DeKalb SPENDING,


n A 268 percent increase in check processing charges n An 890.8 percent increase for central services supplies Other recommendations: He also recommends increases in the n A $4.3 million, or 681.9 percent, increase county’s travel budgets, including a 451.3 in transfer to sanitation operations n A 1,317 percent increase to $262,225 in percent increase for airfares, a 100 percent increase in travel accommodation, and a 115 bank service charges from page

percent increase in travel per diem. County press secretary Burke Brennan said the proposed 1,317 percent increase in transfer to sanitation operations is an attempt by May to pay back a 2010 interfund loan from the Sanitation Fund to the General Fund. “It’s an attempt to correct and clean up

an outstanding loan,” Brennan said. “It’s part of the CEO’s attempt to straighten out the books.” District 4 Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton, who chairs the BOC’s Finance, Audit and Budget Committee, said the BOC must approve the budget in March. She said dates for public hearings will be set by January.


“We are excited to applaud their efforts that are aligned with our theme ‘Standing Up for Justice: Embracing Change … Restoring Hope.’ ”

New tax commissioner named Irvin Johnson, DeKalb County’s chief deputy tax commissioner, will become interim tax commissioner on Dec. 23. Johnson will take the oath of office from DeKalb Probate Court Judge Jeryl Rosh at 10 a.m. and suc- Irvin Johnson ceed Tax Commissioner Claudia Lawson, who is retiring on Dec. 31 after 37 years with the Tax Commissioner’s Office. Lawson became tax commissioner in



December 19, 2015

Elisa called Influencer in Aging

2006. Her current term ends in December 2016. Johnson, an IT professional, was hired in July 2000 by Tax Commissioner Tom Scott. He joined the office as a network coordinator. He has been chief deputy for five years. “I worked my way up in the organization,” he said. It was unclear Thursday whether Johnson will have to run in a special election and a general election in 2016. DeKalb Election Supervisor Maxine Daniels said she is waiting a ruling from the Law Department.

Tax commissioner, county CFO retiring DeKalb Tax Commissioner Claudia Lawson and interim Chief Financial Officer Gwen Brown Patterson are retiring after more than three decades of service with the county. Claudia Lawson (in green) is retiring after 36 years. Gwen Patterson They are the first women to hold their respective positions. missioner in 2002 by Tax Commissioner Tom Lawson and Brown Patterson, whose Scott and succeeded him in 2006, becoming retirement becomes effective on Dec. 31, the first female and first African-American were presented proclamations by the DeKalb tax commissioner in DeKalb. Board of Commissioners on Dec. 15. Brown Patterson, who started as an intern Lawson, a Florida native, has been a 32 years ago, was hired in 1984 as a financial resident of DeKalb since 1977. She began management analyst. She also served as her career in 1979 with former Tax Commis- principal budget and management analyst, sioner Eugene E. Adams. She transferred to budget manager, and deputy director of Vehicle Registration and was promoted to Finance, Budget and Grants. In 2013, she deputy tax commissioner and motor vehicle was appointed interim chief financial officer, director. managing the county’s budget and fiscal afShe was appointed chief deputy tax com- fairs, operations, and policies.

Tucker resident Vickie Elisa is one of the country’s 50 Influencers in Aging. Elisa, who is president of Mothers Voices Georgia Inc., was named by Next Avenue for helping design Smart Women and Money, a grass-roots, financial education program that has reached over 150,000 African-American, Hispanic and multi-ethnic women nationally and globally. Next Avenue, PBS’ national service for America’s booming 50-plus population, says its top 50 thinkers include writers, artists, top industry researchers and other activists who are changing how we think, plan for and redesign aging in America for the next three decades. Elisa developed Smart Women and Money in collaboration with the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement, a Washington-based women’s think-tank funded by the Heinz Foundation. In July, she met

Vickie Elisa of Tucker introduced President Barack Obama at the Conference on Aging.

President Barack Obama at the White House Conference on Aging and served as a White House panel expert on retirement issues impacting women of color.

Urban League honors Johnson U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson picked up the Legislative Justice Advocate Award at the Urban League of Greater Atlanta’s 54th Equal Opportunity Day Dinner on Dec. 5 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Johnson, who lives in Lithonia, was recognized for filing the Police AccountabilHank Johnson ity Act and Grand Jury Reform in 2014 in the wake of police shooting deaths of unarmed men across the nation.

He is in his fifth term representing the 4th District that includes portions of DeKalb County. Nancy Flake Johnson, ULGA president and CEO, said the congressman and six other honorees went “the extra mile” for criminal justice reform. “We are excited to applaud their efforts that are aligned with our theme ‘Standing Up for Justice: Embracing Change … Restoring Hope,’” she said. Attorney Mawuli Mel Davis of the Davis Bozeman Law Firm in Decatur also was among the honorees. He received the Legal Rights Champion Award.

DeKalb County’s Department of Watershed Management Reminds Residents of the Best Practices for Proper Disposal of FOG What are Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG)? FOG is composed of the animal and vegetable fats and oils that are used to cook and prepare food. Where does FOG come from? • Baking goods • Food scraps • Sauces • Meat fat • Shortening

• Dairy products • Lard

• Butter and margarine • Cooking oil

What happens when FOG is not properly disposed of? FOG should be properly disposed of or recycled. It enters the plumbing system through home garbage disposals, kitchen sinks and toilets, coats the interior of pipes, and empties into the County's sewer system. Excessive accumulation of FOG in the sewer system will result in sanitary sewer overflows and sewage backup in homes and businesses. Sewage overflow repairs are costly for the County and its citizens, and can result in increased costs for water and sewer services. Here are three simple practices to help keep FOG out of our pipes and sewers: 1. POUR cooled fats, oils or grease into a sealable container and throw it in the trash. Do not pour down the sink or toilet. 2. SCRAPE plates and cookware before washing. Do not throw scraps of any kind down the sink. Instead, place them in waste containers or garbage bags. 3. WIPE excess grease from all plates, pots, pans, utensils and surfaces with a paper towel before washing. Throw the greasy paper towels away.

Remember, you can make a difference! Visit the DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management's FOG Program Online! 1580 Roadhaven Drive • Stone Mountain, GA 30083 • (770) 621-7200




December 19, 2015

Customers who pre-purchase $25 of any fragrance will gain VIP Access to the event and get a holiday treat.

Gift card giveaway at Macy’s Series honor Greek culture 2346 Candler Rd. Decatur, GA 30032 404-284-1888 Fax: 404-284-5007

Editor / Publisher Jennifer Parker Assistant Editor Brenda Yarbrough Staff Writers Jennifer Ffrench Parker Ken Watts Front Office Manager Catherine Guy Circulation Manager Alexandria LeKae Ford Graphic Design Curtis Parker

CrossRoadsNews is published every Saturday by CrossRoads­News, Inc. We welcome articles on neighborhood issues and news of local happenings. The opinions expressed by writers and contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, nor those of any advertisers. The concept, design and content of CrossRoads­News are copyrighted and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. Advertisements are published upon the representation that the advertiser is authorized to publish the submitted material. The advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any loss or expenses resulting from any disputes or legal claims based upon the contents or subject matter of such advertisments, including claims of suits for libel, violation of privacy, plagiarism and copyright infringement. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement.

The first 250 shoppers at the Macy’s at the Gallery at South DeKalb on Dec. 20, 21 and 22 will get $10 gift cards compliments of the store. Terry Young, store manager, said the threeday giveaway will help customers with their last-minute holiday shopping. She said Terry Young there will be one free gift card per customer per day. “There are no exclusions on redeeming the cards,” she said. On Dec. 19, the store hosts “Scentsational Event” at 4 p.m. with favorite fragrance brands. Customers who pre-purchase $25 of any fragrance will gain VIP Access to the event and get a holiday treat. Early arrivals also will qualify for a chance to win over

$1,000 in giveaways. There will be music, refreshment, gift wrapping, monogramming and gift with purchase. Macy’s is at 2801 Candler Road. For more information, email or call 678-592-7331.

CAC hosts Santa Brunch

Children can have brunch with Santa on Dec. 19 at the DeKalb Community Achievement Center in Decatur. The 10 a.m.-to-noon event includes games, face painting, arts and crafts, and pictures with Santa. The center is at 4522 Flat Shoals Parkway. For tickets and more information, visit or call 404-214-7400.

Christmas worship services The congregation and members of the community can usher in Christmas at the annual Candlelight Service on Dec. 24 at Stone Mountain First United Methodist Church. The Christmas Eve service begins at 6:30 p.m., and attire is casual dress. For those unable to attend, there will be an 11 a.m. service on Christmas Day. The church is at 5312 W. Mountain St. near Ridge Avenue in Stone Mountain. For more information, call 770-469-9767 or visit http://

New Birth New Birth Missionary Baptist Church will hold a special Christmas Day Service. Worship begins at 11 a.m. on Dec. 25. The church is at 6400 Woodrow

Road in Lithonia. For more information, visit or call 770-696-9600.

Antioch-Lithonia Antioch-Lithonia Missionary Baptist is holding its Annual Christmas Worship Service at 11 a.m. The church is at 2152 Rock Chapel Road in Lithonia. For more information, visit or call 770-482-1277. Greater Travelers Rest Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church/House of Hope Atlanta is observing Christmas Sunday on Dec. 20 at 10:15 a.m. in the cathedral. The church is at 4650 Flat Shoals Parkway in Decatur. For more information, visit or call 404-243-9336.

The Imaginators On the Go! troupe will dance at the Decatur Library on Dec. 22 in celebration of Greek culture as part of the DeKalb Library’s Doris K. Wells Heritage Festival and Embrace Our World series. Both series are helping raise awareness of the diverse cultural heritage of DeKalb County. Imaginators On the Go! takes place 11 a.m. to noon. Kids 5 to 12 will participate in the game “It’s All Greek to Me,” learn about Greece, dance with the troupe, and create their own comedytragedy masks, which originated in Greece. The Kwanzaa Awareness Festival was renamed the heritage

festival to honor Wells, the library system’s first African-American librarian. Wells created the festival in 1983 at Scott Candler Library. Imaginators are the Children’s Museum’s dedicated troupe of professional actors and educators who bring innovative, hands-on programs to the community. They are specially trained to work with pre-k to fifth-grade students. Embrace Our World celebrates all things Greek in December, followed by all things Japanese in January. It is funded by a $2,000 grant from the Decatur Craft Beer Festival and the DeKalb Library Foundation. The library is at 215 Sycamore St. in Decatur. Call 404-370-3070.

Fees waived for Pawlidays Pet adoption fees are waived in December for DeKalb Animal Services’ Home for the Pawlidays Adoption Special. It is offering free adoptions of all dogs 25 pounds and up and all cats. As of Dec. 1, new shelter hours are 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Friday and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday-Sunday. LifeLine Animal Project CEO Rebecca Guinn said LifeLine wants to give shelter pets a home for the holidays. Adopters will receive a dog or cat that has been spayed or neutered, has had all vaccines, and is microchipped – a $250 value – for free. Adoption counselors will be on hand at all its shelters to ensure the animals are being placed in good homes. “All pets deserve a warm bed, a full belly and someone to love them, and in return they bring many positive benefits to a home,” Guinn said. “We’d love to see all of our wonderful shelter pets in loving homes by January.”

Adoption fees have been waived in December at the DeKalb shelter.

Guinn said reduced-fee adoptions create a buzz and bring more people into the shelters. She said studies show fee-waived specials increase adoptions without compromising the quality of care. LifeLine, which runs DeKalb and Fulton animal services, posted 361 adoptions over the Thanksgiving weekend. The Fulton shelter had a record 109 adoptions on Black Friday. DeKalb Animal Services is at 845 Camp Road in Decatur. Visit or

2.9 million Georgians among record holiday travelers Year-end holiday travelers, including 2.9 million Georgians, are expected to top 100 million for the first time on record. AAA projects that nearly one in three Americans – 100.5 million – will journey 50 miles or more between Dec. 23 and Jan. 3, a 1.4 percent increase over last year and the seventh consecutive year of travel growth for the holiday period. In Georgia, 2,681,411 people are expected to travel on the roads, 156,184 by air, and 109,388 by other modes of transportation for a 1.6 percent increase over 2014. Brent Stahlheber, senior vice

president for AAA Brand Marketing and Travel, attributed the increase to continued improvement in the labor market, rising incomes and low gas prices that remain well below last year’s levels. “This helps boost Americans’ disposable income, generating more money to spend Brent Stahlheber on lodging, dining out, and buying gifts,” Stahlheber said in a Dec. 15 statement.

More than 90 percent of travelers – 91.3 million – will drive to their holiday destinations, an increase of 1.4 percent over last year. The lowest New Year’s gas prices in seven years are expected. The Dec. 14 national average was $2.01, 32 cents less than last year. The Georgia average price for a gallon of gasoline is poised to remain below the $2 per gallon mark through the rest of the year. AAA expects to rescue nearly 900,000 motorists during the 12day period, with the primary reasons being dead batteries, lockouts

and flat tires. Amy Stracke, executive director of the Auto Club Group Traffic Safety Foundation, said AAA is urging holiday revelers to be cautious about their safety and the safety of everyone sharing the roadways. “Ninety-seven percent of licensed drivers consider it unacceptable to drive when they may have had too much to drink, yet there is an average of one alcoholimpaired driving death every 53 minutes,” Stracke said. For more information, visit

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December 19, 2015


“The tree is small now, but it’ll grow with the community. Children will come back years from now with their own kids to share memories.”

Santa Claus arrived atop a fire engine at Light Up Clarkston on Dec. 12, then posed for photos with children and their families at the annual Christmas tree lighting and fireworks. City Administrator Eddie Moody applauds the lighting of Lithonia’s Christmas tree in Kelly Park.

Lithonia flips switch on new tree The city of Lithonia kicked off its holiday season on Dec. 6 with a newly planted Christmas tree in Kelly Park that will be the centerpiece for celebrations for years to come. Mayor Deborah Jackson, Santa Dee and about 50 people sang carols and sipped hot chocolate and cider before lighting the tree. The 7-foot blue spruce replaces a 20-

foot pine that was damaged in a storm last winter. Jackson said the new tree is small now, but it’ll grow with the community. “Children will come back years from now with their own kids to share memories,” she said. Santa Dee flipped the switch to shower the park in colorful light.

Santa at Light Up Clarkston Nearly 200 Clarkston residents and visitors turned out for a tree lighting, fireworks and a visit from Santa Claus at the annual Light up Clarkston celebration on Dec. 12. The Central DeKalb city known for its diverse population of immigrants and refugees from around the world cheered as Mayor Ted Terry lit the 20-foot-tall Christmas tree in front of the Clarkston

Women’s Club on Church Street. “We have many cultures and traditions represented here, but everyone loves Christmas,” Terry said. The celebration included live music, refreshments and fireworks that lit up the night sky. Santa made a spectacular entrance riding on top of a Clarkston fire engine, then posed for photos with children and their families.

Kids needed for Holiday Iron Chef Young chefs ages 10 to 17 have until Dec. 29 to register for the Holiday Iron Chef competition from 2 to 3 p.m. on Dec. 31 at Stonecrest Library. Tweens and teens can work with a team or on their own to create a dessert snack from the library’s pantry. There will be three teams and two teen judges. Each team can have up

to three members. Registration for all chefs, judges and chairman is required – call or visit the branch to register. Funding is provided by the Friends of the Stonecrest Library. The library is at 3123 Klondike Road in Lithonia. For more information, visit www. or call 770-482-3828.

“Come on and be a part of the vision” First Afrikan Church is an Afrocentric Christian Ministry that empowers women, men, youth and children to move from membership to leadership in the church, community and the world. Praise & Devotion Worship Service Sundays at 10 a.m. Join us for Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

5197 Salem Road Lithonia, GA 30038

770-981-2601 “We are building far beyond our years.”

Rev. Dr. Mark A. Lomax

Picture Yourself

OR to get involved in DeKalb County Board of Health initiatives to improve the overall health and wellness of our community, go to or contact Anika Norwood at (404) 294-3896

NOW is the time to get fit and eat healthy!




December 19, 2015

Regular physical activity, including walking, can help lower your risk for heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression, and some cancers.

Toys with lead hazards on recall list Walk off holiday calories at mall Parents, guardians and other holiday gift givers should be on the alert for toys and toy jewelry that may contain lead hazards. Lead is invisible to the naked eye and has no smell, and kids may be exposed to lead by simply handling toys normally, the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. Toddlers and infants, who put toys, fingers and other objects in their mouths, also may be exposed to lead this way. Protect children from exposure to lead in metal and plastic toys, especially imported toys, antique toys and collectibles. To reduce risk, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission issues recalls of toys that could potentially expose kids

Keep active this holiday season – take a walk in the mall. Malls provide an alternative location to walk off some of the extra treats during fall and winter when it’s too cold, wet or icy outside. Although mall walking can be done by almost anyone, it tends to be most popular among people middle-aged and older. Malls have features that make walking in them particularly appealing to older adults – they are protected from the weather, are well-lit, have flat and even walking surfaces, have convenient restrooms, and have seats and benches where one can rest for a little while in the middle of the walk.

to lead – visit sources.htm. Only a certified laboratory can accurately test a toy for lead. Do-it-yourself test kits are available, but they do not show how much lead is present. If you think your child has been exposed to a toy containing lead, remove the toy immediately. The only way to tell if your child has been exposed is to have his or her blood tested. Contact your child’s health care provider to see if such a test is needed. There is no safe level of lead in the blood. As levels increase, a larger effect on children’s learning and behavior will occur. Photos and descriptions of recalled toys are available at

Legal Notices 12/05, 12/12, 12/19, 12/26

Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia

Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV11091-6++ Melinda Young Plaintiff Vs. Jerome B. Young, Sr. Defendant To: 3475 Andrew Jackson Drive Clarkston, GA 30021 By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Nov. 06, 2015 you are hereby notified that on Oct. 26, 2015, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Melinda Young, 125 Meadowood Terrace, Lithonia, GA 30038. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Nov. 06, 2015. Witness the Honorable J.P. Boulee, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 06th day of Nov., 2015

12/05, 12/12, 12/19, 12/26

Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia

Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV8991-10++ Jennet White Haynes Plaintiff Vs. William L. Haynes Defendant To: By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Oct. 20, 2015 you are hereby notified that on Aug. 28, 2015, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Jannet White Haynes, 3911 Wood Path Lane, Stone Mountain, GA 30083. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Oct. 20, 2015. Witness the Honorable Tangela M. Barrie, Judge of the DeKalb Superior

Court. This the 23rd day of Nov., 2015 12/05, 12/12, 12/19, 12/26

Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia

Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV11761-1++ Velmon Louise Benton filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Nov. 20, 2015 to change name from: Velmon Louise Benton to Vivian Louise Benton. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Nov. 17, 2015 Name: Vivian Louise Benton 3381 Malone Dr., #104 Chamblee, GA 30341 678-691-8507 12/05, 12/12, 12/19, 12/26

Notice of Petition to

Change Name of MINOR CHILD(REN in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia

Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV11527-10++ Tblets Gebremedhin filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Nov. 16, 2015 to change the name(s) of the following minor child(ren) from: Yonathan Melaku Mersha to: Yonathan Melaku Assefa. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within the time prescribed In OCGA 19-12-1(f)(2) and (3). Dated: Sept. 14, 2015 Name: Tblets Gebremedhin 726 Windchase Lane Stone Mountain, GA 30083 404-717-3395 12/19, 12/26, 01/02, 01/07

Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia

You can walk by yourself or get a few friends to walk with you. Check to see if your local mall has an official mall walking program. Regular physical activity, including walking, can help lower your risk for heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression, and some cancers, diseases that occur more often as people get older. Regular activity also can help control weight, improve sleep and, for older adults, help maintain independence, reduce the risk of falling down, and delay the start of mental decline, like being forgetful. For more information, including a 56page mall walking guide, visit features/mall-walking-winter.

Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV11183-10++ Yalanda Taylor Plaintiff Vs. Earl Taylor Defendant To: 238 Wynnward Dr. Atlanta, GA 30310 By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Nov. 24, 2015 you are hereby notified that on Nov. 04, 2015, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Yalonda Taylor, 4446 English Loop, Lithonia, GA 30038. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Nov. 24, 2015. Witness the Honorable Tangela M. Barrie, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 25th day of Nov., 2015 12/19, 12/26, 01/02, 01/07

Notice of Petition to Change Name of MINOR CHILD(REN in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia

Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV11680-8++ Jessica Brinkley filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Nov. 18, 2015 to change the name(s) of the following minor child(ren) from: Kimora Tai Smith to: Kuwankivi Brinkley; Sanai Noraa Brinkley to I’vana Naomi Brinkley.

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Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within the time prescribed In OCGA 19-12-1(f)(2) and (3). Dated: Nov. 19, 2015 Name: Jessica Brinkley 3638 Linecrest Rd. Ellenwood, GA 30294 678-368-2241 12/19, 12/26, 01/02, 01/07

Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia

Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV12011-3++ Terrance Turner Plaintiff Vs. Brittany Webb Defendant To: Brittany Webb 43 Nandina Circle, Apt. #12 Little Rock, AR 72210 By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Dec. 03, 2015 you are hereby notified that on Nov. 30, 2015, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Legitimation. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Terrance Turner, 411 Willow Lane, #3, Decatur, GA 30030. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Dec. 03, 2015. Witness the Honorable Clarence F. Seeliger, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 4th day of Dec., 2015

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December 19, 2015

MARKETPLACE RATES Place your MarketPlace line ad here – up to 20 words for $25. Additional words are $3 per block of five words (maximum 45 words). Boxed Ads (with up to 3 lines bold headline): $35 plus cost of the classified ad. Send ad copy with check or credit card information and contact phone number (if different from ad) to MarketPlace, CrossRoadsNews, 2346 Candler Road, Decatur, GA 30032, or e-mail to Our deadlines are at noon on the Friday one week prior to publication, unless otherwise noted.

Marketplace advertising

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