Standing in protest
Prom picks revealed
MARTA Mobility drivers disrupted a presentation by CEO Keith Parker to protest a move to outsource services. 3
Students headed to the prom this season can preview the hottest looks at Macy’s South DeKalb’s Prom Show on March 19. 4
Put Litter in Its Place Let’s Do Our Part to Keep DeKalb Beautiful
Copyright © 2016 CrossRoadsNews, Inc.
March 12, 2016
Volume 21, Number 46
Lawsuit challenges new Ethics Board as unconstitutional By Jennifer Ffrench Parker
A day after DeKalb commissioners confirmed the appointment of Stacey Kalberman as ethics officer, the law that created the new DeKalb Ethics Board is being challenged in court as unconstitutional. Attorney Dwight Thomas filed suit March 9 on behalf of District 4 Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton in DeKalb Superior Court seeking an injunction to stop the board’s operation on the grounds that a section of the law that created it is unconstitutional, conflicting with both Georgia and U.S. constitutions and with the Administrative Procedure Act of the State of Georgia. In the motion before Superior Court
“Private organizations can make recommendations, but the appointment has to be made by an elected official.” Dwight Thomas, attorney
Judge Asha Jackson, Barnes Sutton, who abstained from Tuesday’s BOC vote, is seeking to restrain the Ethics Board from “exceeding its jurisdiction and to declare Section 22A(h) of HB597 to be an unconstitutional delegation of power to appoint public officers by private organization.” HB597, a local legislation sponsored by
state Reps. Scott Holcomb (D-81), Mary Margaret Oliver (D-82), Mike Jacobs (R-80), Dar’shun Kendrick (D-93), Billy Mitchell (D-88) and others, was signed into law and placed on the Nov. 3, 2015, ballot. It was approved by 92 percent of the voters. The new seven-member Board of Ethics began operations Jan. 1, 2016. Thomas argues that the legislation unlawfully delegates a public function to private organizations by requiring that the private organizations of Leadership DeKalb, the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce, and the DeKalb Bar Association and six major universities and colleges located within the county appoint one member to the board. The probate judge of DeKalb, the DeKalb
Superior Court judge and the DeKalb Legislative Delegation appoint the other three. After filing the motion, Thomas said four members – Daniel DeWoskin, appointed by Leadership DeKalb; Greg Russell, appointed by the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce; Scott Bonder, appointed by the DeKalb Bar Association; and Lawrence Schall, appointed by the six major universities and colleges – are sitting illegally. “This is a problem for them,” he said. The other members are Brian Deutsch, appointed by the Probate Court, and Rovert Tatum, appointed by the DeKalb Superior Court judge. The DeKalb Delegation has yet Please see ETHICS, page 2
17 contested races so far for May 24 primary 78 candidates throw hat in ring in first four days By Jennifer Ffrench Parker
In the first four days of qualifying for the May 24 primary, 78 candidates threw their hats in the ring, paving the way for a busy campaign season. Of the 54 offices up for election, only 17 were contested through March 10. Qualifying ends at noon on March 11. As expected, the hot races for DeKalb sheriff, DeKalb CEO, Commission District 4 and Senate District 43 attracted the most candidates. Five Democrats and one Republican are seeking the Sheriff ’s Office. In the Democratic primary, Sheriff Jeffrey Mann will face four contenders – retired Atlanta Police homicide detective Geraldine Champion; former DeKalb Sheriff Deputy Kyle Jones; law enforcement officer Michael Williams; and retired DEA Special Agent Ted Golden. The winner of that contest will meet Republican and former DeKalb Reserve Lt. Harold Dennis in the Nov. 8 general election. Through Thursday, three of the four peo-
Qualifying are former Superintendent Michael Thurmond and Solicitor General Sherry Boston (above), former Commissioner Connie Stokes (from top right), state Rep. Rahn Mayo, and former Reserve Lt. Harold Dennis.
ple who had announced for the open CEO race had qualified. Connie Stokes, a former DeKalb commissioner and state senator; former DeKalb School Superintendent and state Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond; and automotive service businessman Joe Bembry qualified. Retired businessman Jack Lovelace, who also announced for the office, had not. He said late Thursday night that he planned to qualify on March 11. The candidates who had been lining
up to challenge District 4 Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton all qualified. She will face chemical salesman Lance Hammonds and business development manager Steve Bradshaw in the Democratic primary. In the fall, the Democratic nominee will face Republican tax examiner Willie Willis. In the Senate District 43 race, three Democrats – state Rep. Dee Dawkins-Haigler and former state Reps. Toney Collins and Tonya Anderson – are vying for their party’s nomination. Through Thursday, Republican
incumbent JaNice Van Ness had not qualified. Former DeKalb CEO Vernon Jones is seeking the House District 91 seat vacated by Dawkins-Haigler. Through Thursday, he was the only candidate who had qualified for the race. State Sen. Gloria Butler will face Republican businesswoman Annette Jackson in the fall. Please see RACES, page 3
March 12, 2016
“My heart is overwhelmed. The team really deserved this huge accomplishment.”
Lucious Sanders 17U boys win state title By Ken Watts
When Lucious Sanders Recreation Center’s Eagles Class A 17 and under team won the 2016 Georgia Recreation and Park Association’s Basketball State Championship in Savannah on March 5, it was historic. It was the first time in the 60-plusyear-old rec center’s history that the under 17-year-old team had ever won a state championship. In a hard fought March 4 semifinal game at Johnson High in Savannah, the Eagles beat longtime rival College Park 70-68 in overtime. The next day in the finals, the team edged South Cobb 71-69 to capture the state championship. Coach Dorian “Dorrie” Hood said the win proves the team’s tenacity and perseverance. “My heart is overwhelmed,” he said March 7. “The team really deserved this huge accomplishment.” Hood, who has coached 13 years at Lucious Sanders, said the boys were real troopers. “Anything we asked these kids to do all season, they were 100 percent committed to it,” he said. The victory was even sweeter given the fact that the team triumphed despite lacking heat or air conditioning in the gym since 2014. Hood said the team, which has a 12-0 unbeaten regular season record this year, lost to College Park many times over the years in the semifinals so they were almost as excited about beating College Park as they were about winning the championship. Because of the issues at the gym, located in the historic African-American section of
The Eagles Class A 17 and under team at Lucious Sanders Recreation Center in Lithonia beat longtime rival College Park to advance to the finals, then edged South Cobb 7169 to capture the state title on March 5 in Savannah.
the city of Lithonia, the team did not have a regular place to practice. When winter temperatures made it unbearable, the team played at the N.H. Scott Rec Center in Decatur. In November, DeKalb Commissioners Mereda Davis Johnson and Stan Watson, who represent the area, allocated $220,000 from their 2001 Parks Bond Funds to replace the center’s heating system. The work was completed last week. Hood said the kids had to practice at different places while the HVAC unit was being replaced. “Sometimes we couldn’t practice because other recreation centers had their games too, so it was hit-and-miss,” he said. The center, at 2484 Bruce St., serves up to 150 children with after-school, cheerleading and basketball programs. Some winter days, the gym was colder inside than outside. The 2016 state victory follows the center’s basketball teams winning the 2015 county
championship in all age groups. The Eagles 14 and under team also placed first in the county and District 6 that includes Bibb, Cobb, Henry and Rockdale counties. The team ended the season in third place at the state competition in Savannah. Hood said that winning in the face of adversity taught the kids lessons that will serve them well on and off the court. “Hard work and commitment always pays off,” he said. The community will celebrate the team on March 20 in Bruce Street Park. Lithonia Mayor Deborah Jackson will give them the key to the city and DeKalb Clerk of Court Debra DeBerry will issue a proclamation. Donations of cash, hot dogs, drinks and snacks are needed. To support the celebration, contact Ceasar Gaithers at or 678-472-4412.
Job opportunities for teens, young adults in DeKalb
Youth and young adults 14 to 24 can apply for summer and year-round job opportunities through a partnership between DeKalb County government and the U.S. Department of Labor. Eligible program participants are interviewed by county department representatives as well as external businesses based on the applicant’s interest. Once mutually agreed upon for the work experience/training, the teen or young adult participates in a work environment for up to 12 weeks (eight weeks if enrolled in school). They will be provided with a stipend of $8 per hour up to 32 hours per week. Employers will provide the leadership and guidance for work ethics, time management, teamwork, dress attire, and other professional development areas. To apply or for more information, contact DeKalb’s Office of Workforce Development, 774 Jordan Lane, Building #4, in Decatur; Sheryl B.C. Stone at sbchapma@ or 404-371-6354; or Latanya Lowery at or 404-889-9064.
Latest technology tools at conference Business owners, social service employees, educators and other technology users have until March 25 to register for the All Tech Users Conference on April 1-2 in Atlanta. Visit to register. The conference takes place at the Executive Conference Center, 1170 Peachtree St. Dr. Todd Zakrajsek, author of “The New Science of Learning: How to Learn in Harmony Todd Zakrajsek With Your Brain,” is the featured speaker. He is an associate professor in Family Medicine at the UNC-Chapel Hill. Participants will learn the latest technological tools to enhance their organization. Topics include social media, digital media, web conferencing, and webcasting/live broadcasting tools. Decatur-based All Tech Users LLC provides private coaching and on-site technology training in education and business. For more information, email info@alltechusers. net or call 1-888-779-1522.
Barnes Sutton faces complaints ETHICS,
from page
to fill its vacancy on the board. Thomas said that in their haste to tackle corruption in the county, legislators crafted a bad law. “They did not do their homework,” he said. “If you are doing something, do it right.” Thomas said that in a 1979 opinion, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that public boards can only be appointed by public officials who are answerable to the voters. “Private organizations can make recommendations, but the appointment has to be made by an elected official,” Thomas said. In the motion, Barnes Sutton is seeking “a permanent order invalidating Section 22A(h) and any and all provisions, rules or policies of enforcement.” Her lawsuit seeks to prevent the Ethics Board members appointed by the private organizations Sharon B. Sutton “from acting in an official capacity and to be removed from their respective offices and to further invalidate any actions taken by them.” Barnes Sutton is facing ethics complaints filed in 2015 about use of her county-issued Visa purchasing card. Three citizens, Rhea Johnson, Viola Davis and Joel Edwards, allege that Barnes Sutton abused her P-Card, used government employees at a political fundraising event, and spent taxpayer funds on her personal attorney. She denies the allegations and says her spending was for legitimate government purposes.
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March 12, 2016
“We are fortunate that no lives were lost that December morning in 2014, but tragically that is not always the case.”
MARTA Mobility drivers protest paratransit service change By Ken Watts
MARTA Mobility drivers disrupted a presentation by CEO Keith Parker on March 5 at Southwest DeKalb High. A group of 20 drivers, members of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 732, stood silently between Parker and his audience at Commissioner Stan Watson’s monthly Community Cabinet Breakfast meeting with a “Shame on Keith T. Parker” banner. The protesters, backs turned to Parker, were accompanied by DeKalb NAACP President John Evans and DeKalb SCLC President Nathan Knight. They are angry that Dallas-based MV Transportation will soon have a $69.4 million contract to run the transit agency’s service for seniors and people with disabilities. The drivers say they could lose up to 300 jobs and that commuters will be left with poor service. As Parker spoke, a few protesters yelled, “You’re outsourcing our work!” and “You’re doing it on the backs of the workers!” Watson threatened to have DeKalb Police officers remove the demonstrators, but South Precinct Commander K.D. Johnson, who was at the meeting, spoke with the group and calmed them down. MARTA drivers are upset over the MAR-
MARTA Mobility drivers stand between MARTA CEO Keith Parker and his audience in protest on March 5 at Southwest DeKalb High, disrupting his presentation.
Ken Watts / CrossRoadsNews
TA’s board unanimous approval in November 2015 to pay MV Transportation $69.4 million over three years to operate and maintain its paratransit fleet. The privately held company says it is the largest American-owned passenger transportation contractor providing paratransit, fixed route, shuttle, and commuter bus transit services. The MARTA changeover becomes effective in May. The drivers want MARTA to continue managing the paratransit service in-house.
A 2012 MARTA audit projected that the transit agency could save $15 million to $43 million by outsourcing the service to a private operator. MARTA officials also believe MV Transportation can help provide more efficient paratransit service. Parker told protesters that MARTA was forced to make a change because of public complaints. “We had a problem with chronic absenteeism,” he said. “How can we operate when drivers don’t show up to work or we don’t
perform up to expectations?” MARTA Mobility’s on-time performance dipped to 81 percent in fiscal year 2015. The growing complaints from riders put the transit agency in jeopardy of violating a federal law that protects access to services for people with disabilities. The Americans With Disabilities Act, passed by Congress in 1990, requires public transit agencies across the country to make their services accessible to the disabled. Eligible paratransit riders include commuters who are unable to board, ride or disembark from MARTA’s regular bus or rail services. Service is provided with special lift-equipped vans on a curb-to-curb, shared ride basis. Curtis Howard, the Amalgamated Transit Union local president, said the union provided MARTA officials with a plan to reform the paratransit system with scheduling software, replacing and adding more vehicles, keeping drivers in zoned areas, and reducing “deadhead” trips (trips without passengers aboard). Under the terms of the proposed agreement, MARTA will continue to own the paratransit vehicle fleet and qualify eligible riders, but MV Transportation will manage the Mobility drivers, schedule all trips, and maintain the paratransit vehicle fleet.
Congressional Badge of Bravery for Officer Lewis Leadership class By Ken Watts
DeKalb Police Officer Jonathan Lamar Lewis, who helped stop a home invasion and armed robbery at the Colony Ridge Apartment on Glenwood Road on Dec. 12, 2014, and rendered aid to his injured colleagues, received the Congressional Badge of Bravery from U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson on March 9. Lewis and four other officers, who answered the call about the crime in progress, confronted two heavily armed suspects, exconvicts Eddie Ball and Ivy Shumake. Two officers, Tony Luong and Devon Perry, were shot as they got out of their patrol car but survived. Lewis not only confronted the armed suspects, but he rendered aid to his fallen colleagues. Ball was arrested at the scene, and Shu-
make was arrested after a four-hour manhunt that caused schools in the area to be put on lockdown. The Congressional Badge of Bravery is awarded to individuals who display selflessness in the face of adversity and courage in the heat of battle. Lewis, who grew up in Lithonia, credited his family for giving him the strength to serve the community. “I also want to thank my fellow officers because without them, I wouldn’t be here today,” he said. Johnson, who represents the 4th District, said Lewis’ bravery highlights the contributions of all officers who serve every day. Ken Watts / CrossRoadsNews “We are fortunate that no lives were lost Rep. Hank Johnson pins the Congressional that December morning in 2014, but tragi- Badge of Bravery on Officer Jonathan Lamar cally that is not always the case,” he said. Lewis at the Lou Walker Senior Center.
seeks applicants
Leadership DeKalb is seeking applicants for its Class of 2017. Community and business leaders who want to learn more about DeKalb County history and government can apply for Leadership DeKalb’s 2017 class. The 10-month leadership development program takes 60 participants annually. Participants meet monthly to learn about community issues, create meaningful connections and conversations, and discover opportunities to make a positive impact. The deadline to apply is April 1. Applications are available at www.
Three judges facing challengers, all school board members unopposed On the Republican side, state Sen. Fran Millar is facing opposition from Paul Maner State Rep. Rahn Mayo (D-84) is being for the District 40 seat, and in the House challenged by medical sales representative District 80 race, incumbent Taylor Bennett Renitta Shannon. In House District 86, Rep. Michele Henson is facing community advocate Joscelyn O’Neil. State Rep. Earnest “Coach” Williams (D-87) will face businesswoman Ivy Green, and Mary Margaret Oliver (D-82) is being THE HONOREES opposed by schoolteacher Brian Westlake. Kevin Chapman, Jr., is the driving force behind the creation of the DeKalb Solicitor General Sherry Boston Wesley Chapel Curb Appeal Taskforce that has worked to rid the Wesley Chapel Road corridor of litter, and he was the first person to initiate qualified to challenge District Attorney Robbeautification of the Wesley Chapel Road median and the I-20 exit and entrance ramps. ert James, and Donna Coleman Stribling and Chapman, who is president of the Snapfinger Manor Home Owners Association and a member of the South DeKalb Improvement Association, Nichole Marchand Golden, assistant DA and works tirelessly to improve his neighborhood and DeKalb County. chief deputy DA, are seeking to replace her. Tom Smith has devoted years of volunteering at the Arabia Mountain State Court Judge Dax Lopez and SupeNature Preserve. He developed a process for camouflaging graffiti that defaced the 400-year-old granite outcroppings, and built miles of soft trails rior Court Judges Clarence Seeliger and Gail giving nature lovers access to the great outdoors. Smith, who is in his 80s, is a retired U.S. Forest Service engineer. Flake are facing opposition. His efforts at the Nature Preserve, which is part of the Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area, have uncovered historically significant Lopez is facing a challenge from former locations and made the Heritage Area inviting to local and national visitors. Recorders Court Judge Roderick Bridges. Seeliger is being opposed by attorney StePolitical watchdogs Viola Davis and her mother Ruby Bozeman Davis are phone Johnson, and Flake is facing former co-founders of the Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter Recorders Court Judge Angela Brown. organization. In the Tax Commissioner’s race, interim Among many other initiatives, they led the fight to block the placement of cell Tax Commissioner Irvin Johnson and atphone towers on DeKalb Schools properties, got the State of Georgia to dedicate funds to properly close torney Susannah Scott qualified for both the Scales Landfill in Lithonia, and were part of the coalition that fought the T-SPLOST referendum that the special election to succeed Claudia excluded I-20 rail service to Stonecrest. Lawson, who retired in November, and for the Democratic primary. Both elections are taking place on May 24, and their names will ★ Black Tie ★ appear twice on the ballot.
from page
is facing attorney Catherine Bernard and Douglas Bell in the fall. All DeKalb School Board members were Meagan Hanson. US District 4 Rep. Hank Johnson is unopposed but District 5 Rep. unopposed. For more information, visit John Lewis will face Republican businessman
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Editor / Publisher Jennifer Parker Assistant Editor Brenda Yarbrough Staff Writers Jennifer Ffrench Parker Ken Watts Front Office Manager Catherine Guy Graphic Design Curtis Parker CrossRoadsNews is published every Saturday by CrossRoadsNews, Inc. We welcome articles on neighborhood issues and news of local happenings. The opinions expressed by writers and contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, nor those of any advertisers. The concept, design and content of CrossRoadsNews are copyrighted and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the written permission of the publisher.
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March 12, 2016
On March 12, women shopping for Easter outfits can get help from Macy’s fashion specialists and 25 percent off.
Macy’s Prom event to showcase season’s hottest looks Juniors and seniors who are headed to the prom this season can look over the hottest looks at the Macy’s South DeKalb Prom Show on March 19. The event at 3 p.m. includes informal modeling, fashion experts to help you create the perfect look, giveaways, and refreshments. Best of all, the Junior Department is offering 20 percent off any Juniors prom dress purchased during the event. Then on March 26, Macy’s will donate a prom dress, up to 5,600 dresses nationwide, to “Operation PROM” for every prom or social dress purchased that day. The national 501(c)(3) notfor-profit organization, established in 2005, provides prom formalwear to students who are in financial need, homeless, sick or disabled. On March 12, women shopping for Easter suits and dresses get help choosing the perfect outfit from Macy’s fashion specialists. Customers can save 25 percent off their purchases and there will be refreshments. Macy’s South DeKalb is in the Gallery at South DeKalb at Candler Road and I-20 in Decatur.
Macy’s Prom Show on March 19 at the Gallery at South DeKalb features informal modeling and giveaways. The store will donate a prom dress to “Operation PROM.”
Free ‘Day of Play’ at Davidson-Arabia park St. Paul AME Pack a lunch and grab the kids for a “Day of Play” on March 19 at the Davidson-Arabia Nature Center in Lithonia. The 9 a.m.-to-2:30 p.m. event is presented by DeKalb Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs and Park Pride. The Day of Play is free and filled with fun for all ages. It includes a workshop, rock stacking, bike tours, scavenger hunts and games. Play in the forests, up on the mountain, bike along the 30-mile Arabia Mountain PATH, explore stone ruins, geocache, or take a laughter yoga hike. Participants also have the opportunity to learn more about parks and natural resources that are available in their local community. The nature center is at 3787 Klondike Road. For more information, contact Greenspace Environmental Manager Ravonda Cosby at The March 19 “Day of Play” at the Davidson-Arabia Nature Center in Lithonia 404-371-2540. includes bike tours, a workshop, rock stacking, scavenger hunts and games.
‘Happy Days’ star to discuss kids book
character. Award-winning author, actor and Winkler, best known as Arthur director Henry Winkler will discuss “Fonzie” Fonzarelli on the iconic his latest children’s book, “Here’s TV series “Happy Days,” also Hank: You Can’t Drink a Meatball starred in the films “Night Shift” Through a Straw,” on March 16 at the and “The Waterboy.” Decatur Library. Oliver, a producer of movies, Winkler and his writing partner, books and TV series for kids and Lin Oliver, will speak at 7 p.m. as part families, is co-founder and execuof the Georgia Center for the Book’s Henry Winkler tive director of the Society of ChilFestival of Writers in coordination dren’s Book Writers and Illustrators. with Little Shop of Stories. The library is at 215 Sycamore St. in The book is the seventh in their “Here’s Hank” series about a lovable grade school Decatur. Visit
hosts Parade of Hats lunch Ladies will don colorful crowns at the fourth annual Parade of Hats and Luncheon on March 19 at St. Paul AME Worship Center in Lithonia. The program which bring together women and men from all denominations for fellowship, begins at 11 a.m. It features a fashion show; guest speaker Valerie Morgan, editor of On Common Ground News; and Mother Board representatives from various denominations. The high-energy Beulah Boys will provide entertainment. The church is at 1704 Stone Mountain Lithonia Road. For more information, call Joyce Reid at 770-482-1571 or the church at 770-482-4361.
Friends book, bake sale Bookworms and collectors can find bargains as well as support library programs at the Friends of Scott Candler Library Book & Bake Sale on March 19 and March 21. The sale takes place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 19 and from 3 to 6 p.m. on March 21. The Friends group helps the library offer programming for children, workshops for adults, and other services through membership dues, donations, book and bake sales, and other fundraising activities. The library is at 1917 Candler Road in Decatur. For more information, call 404-286-6986.
index to advertisers Art Awakening............................................... 11 Avon.............................................................. 11 Braids By Theresa.......................................... 11 Chapel Hill Orthodontics.................................6 DeKalb Clerk of Superior Court......................9 DeKalb County Watershed Mgmt.................... 3
DeKalb County Watershed Mgmt.................... 5 Georgia Military College.................................6 Henry Mitchell, CPA, PC................................. 11 JenCare Medical Centers................................. 5 LawnMax, Inc................................................. 11 Macy’s............................................................12
Mini Mall........................................................ 11 Porter Sanford Performing Arts Center.......... 8 Soul Discount Fabrics..................................... 11 The Mall at Stonecrest.................................... 7 The Samuel Group......................................... 11 Best Buy..................................................Inserts
Walgreen’s..............................................Inserts Walmart..................................................Inserts Allstate - Rochelle Bridges Johnson....... Online Decatur Business Association................. Online Georgia Military College........................ Online
March 12, 2016
March 12, 2016
The Lou Walker Senior Center supports its seniors in taking charge of their health and engaging in the community.
DeKalb Medical ICU tops in quality The ICU team at DeKalb Medical at North Decatur earned first place in the Josh Nahum Infection Prevention category of the 2015-2016 Partnership for Health & Accountability Quality and Patient Safety Awards. The team was recognized during the 2016 Georgia Hospital Association Quality and Patient Safety Summit in Greensboro in January. The award represents the DeKalb Medical ICU Nancy Curdy team’s strong commitment to increasing patient safety by working to reduce hospital acquired infections, the hospital said. Nancy Curdy, director of Patient Safety and Infection Prevention, said the whole team worked very well together to earn the award. One of the most frequently occurring hospital acquired infections is a catheter associated urinary tract infection. Through teamwork and continued staff education, DeKalb Medical’s ICU team was able to reduce the number of CAUTIs by 88 percent over a six-month period.
“We used a multidisciplinary team led by our staff nurse Cassie Westbrook to increase accountability and education throughout the staff,” Curdy said in a March 3 statement. “Cassie was an important part of making these changes.” The ICU team worked to reduce the use of in dwelling urinary catheters as a strategy to decrease CAUTIs. By learning about and utilizing IUC alternatives, such as bladder scanning, the team decreased its device utilization ratio by 10 percent. Going forward, DeKalb Medical will continue to focus on reducing infection risk and increasing overall patient safety, the hospital said. “This is a daily, hour-to-hour focus at DeKalb Medical,” Curdy said. “We are always looking for improved processes to prevent HAIs and keep our patients safe.” The Josh Nahum Award for Infection Prevention and Control was established in 2007. Victoria and Armando Nahum, in partnership with the Georgia Hospital Association, created the award in memory of their son Josh, who died from a health care-associated infection. For more information, visit
Class on diabetes, gluten Residents with diabetes and caregivers can attend “Gluten Free & Diabetic?” on March 22 at the DeKalb Cooperative Extension Office in Decatur. Director Jessica E. Hill is facilitator for the 6-to-8 p.m. diabetes education group meeting, which is free to attend. The office is at 4380 Memorial Drive, Suite 200. For more informaJessica Hill tion, contact 4-H staff at 404-298-4080.
Conference for senior caregivers Caregivers can sign up for a conference at the Lou Walker Senior Center on April 20 that provides resources and strategies for taking care of seniors. R.S.V.P. by 5 p.m. on March 25 at http:// for the fourth annual Caregivers Conference on April 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the senior center, 2538 Panola Road in Lithonia. The center is joining with the Administration for Community Living in honor of Older Americans Month, which is celebrated in May. This year’s theme is “Blaze a Trail.” Caregiving is an integral part of many seniors’ daily lives, and the center supports its
seniors in taking charge of their health, engaging in the community and continuing to positively impact the lives of others. The conference will focus on: n Outlining the strategies for caregiving. n Access to caregiver resources. n Information about respite care. n Knowledge and awareness of self-care. n Healthy eating. There will be exercises and activities on how caregivers can manage stress effectively as well as an on-site organic farmers market. For more information, contact coordinator Brenda Colbert, LWSC social worker, at or 770-322-2900.
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Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. on March 13, and parents can help their kids adjust to the new time by promoting healthy sleep habits. Some children adapt more easily than others.
Daylight Saving Time coming up Clocks will be spring an hour forward March 13 for the annual start of daylight saving time. When the clock moves ahead at 2 a.m. Sunday, we lose an hour of sleep but we will gain more light in the evening through Nov. 6. The annual time change is a good reminder to change batteries in home smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms to help protect your household in case of fire or to detect the deadly gas. Parents and guardians can take steps to help children adjust to the time change. Kids need nine to 11 hours of sleep each night, and teens need eight to 10 hours: n Shift their entire daytime schedule earlier in 15-minute increments before the time change or after the time change. The gradual shift should help their internal clock adjust. n Power down before bed. One to two hours before bed on Sunday, power down the electronics, draw the curtains, and dim the lights to encourage the production of melatonin and wind down before bed. n If you choose not to shift their schedule gradually, get them on the new time as quickly as possible by waking them up at the new time Sunday and exposing them to plenty of natural light in the morning. n Be patient and relax. Some children adjust more easily than others. Although a good night’s sleep is critical for good health, one in three adults is not getting enough shut-eye, the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. The American Academy of Sleep Medi-
cine and the Sleep Research Society recommend that adults ages 18-60 sleep at least seven hours each night to promote optimal health and well-being. Sleeping less than seven hours per day is associated with an increased risk of developing chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and frequent mental distress. Dr. Wayne Giles, director of the CDC’s Division of Population Health, says that as a nation, we are not getting enough sleep. Wayne Giles “Lifestyle changes such as going to bed at the same time each night; rising at the same time each morning; and turning off or removing televisions, computers, mobile devices from the bedroom can help people get the healthy sleep they need,” Giles said. Healthy sleep tips: n Health care providers routinely should assess patients’ sleep patterns and discuss sleep-related problems such as snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness and educate patients about the importance of sleep to their health. n Individuals should make getting enough sleep a priority and practice good sleep habits. n Employers can consider adjusting work schedules to allow their workers time to get enough sleep. Visit
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Executive Director Anna Blau said Boston has been “at the heart and center of serving victims of domestic violence.�
Benham Award for Judge Lopez
DeKalb State Court Judge Dax He serves on the advisory E. Lopez has received the 17th Anboard of Caminar Latino, the nual Justice Robert Benham Award only comprehensive domestic for Community Service. violence intervention program The recognition by the State Bar for Latino families, and is the of Georgia and the Chief Justice’s recipient of its Journey Award. Commission on Professionalism Lopez also serves on the board was presented on Feb. 23. of directors of CETPA, the largest Lopez has served since 2010 behavioral health organization in on the State Court, presiding over Dax Lopez Georgia providing mental health 1,000 civil cases and 1,800 criminal misde- and substance abuse services to Latinos meanors per year. He presides over Georgia’s in English and Spanish throughout the only Spanish-speaking DUI court. state.
Legal Notices 02/20, 02/27, 03/05, 03/12
Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++16CV1365-5++ Shawandra Pittman Hill Plaintiff Vs. Robert W. Hill, III Defendant To: Robert W. Hill, III 3824 Brown Dr.
Decatur, GA 30034 By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Jan. 28, 2016 you are hereby notified that on Jan. 15, 2016, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Shawandra Pittman Hill, 3824 Brown Dr., Decatur, GA 30034. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Jan. 28, 2016. Witness the Honorable Gregory Adams, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 28th day of Jan., 2016
Looking for a business opportunity that will allow you to earn limitless monthly income? Call 770-634-4466 for more information; ask for Reen
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02/20, 02/27, 03/05, 03/12
Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV7265-4++ Pamela R. Schana Plaintiff Vs. Antonio E. Schana Defendant To: Antonio E. Schana 5650 Strathmore Manor Cir. Lithonia, GA 30058
Purch. & Refi; All Credit Situations Accepted; Call Dock LaMar 404 322-8484
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Boston honored with Hope Award dren who are victims of domestic DeKalb Solicitor General Sherviolence and sexual abuse. Execury Boston has received the Hope tive Director Anna Blau said Boston for Tomorrow award from the Inhas been “at the heart and center ternational Women’s House for her of serving victims of domestic viowork to end domestic violence and lence� as DeKalb solicitor general. human trafficking in Georgia. “Her courage, commitment and Boston shared the honor with passion for survivors of domestic Georgia Attorney General Sam Olviolence is evidenced by her vision ens at its Night for New Beginnings Sherry Boston and hope for a safer county in which gala on Feb. 27 in Atlanta. The domestic violence shelter seeks to all women can live violence-free. Her neverprovide a safe haven and supportive services ending support of nonprofits that work in to immigrant and refugee women and chil- this field is gratifying.�
By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Feb. 09, 2016 you are hereby notified that on Feb. 04, 2016, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Pamela R. Schana, 5650 Strathmore Manor Cir., Lithonia, GA 30058. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Feb. 09, 2016. Witness the Honorable Gail C. Flake, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 9th day of Feb., 2016 02/27, 03/05, 03/12, 03/19
Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++16CV2263-7++ Olayinlea Ayodeji Amoo Plaintiff Vs. Kumle Mufiu Amoo Defendant By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Feb. 18, 2016 you are hereby notified that on Feb. 12, 2016, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Olayinlea Ayodeji Amoo, 1418 Knights Trails, Stone Mountain, GA 30083. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Feb. 18, 2016. Witness the Honorable Daniel M. Coursey, Jr., Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 18th day of Feb., 2016 02/27, 03/05, 03/12, 03/19
Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court
of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++16CV2322-7++ Yolanda Afere Plaintiff Vs. David Feyijimi Afere Defendant To: David Feyijimi Afere 700 Stonebrook Dr. Lithonia, GA 30058 By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Feb. 18, 2016 you are hereby notified that on Feb. 12, 2016, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Yolanda Afere, 700 Stonebrook Dr., Lithonia, GA 30058. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Feb. 18, 2016. Witness the Honorable Daniel M. Coursey, Jr., Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 18th day of Feb., 2016
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March 12, 2016
Notifying the public of and requesting comment on proposed system-wide service changes to the GRTA Xpress Commuter Coach Service.
The Georgia Regional Transportation Authority
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$// 7(&+ 86(56 &21)(5(1&( $SULO
The Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) will open a public comment period and hold public hearings in March 2016, to receive community input on system wide bus route modifications, schedule adjustments, and fare changes to its Xpress bus service. Approved changes will be effective September 6, 2016 or later. The proposed modifications are expected to improve the overall efficiency of the system. Comment is requested on the proposed service changes. The formal public comment period begins on March 21, 2016, and concludes on April 19, 2016. Public hearings are being held in conformance with federal public hearing requirements in Section 5307 (d) 1 of Title 49 U.S.C. and outlined in GRTAĂs public participation program policy. GRTA will hold two public hearings on the proposed service changes. The same materials will be presented at each meeting. An open house will begin at 11AM, with a formal presentation beginning at approximately 11:45AM. Tuesday, March 29, 2016 Thursday, March 31, 2016 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM Fulton County Government Center 999 Peachtree Assembly Hall 5th Floor Conference Room 141 Pryor Street SW 999 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30303 Atlanta, GA 30309 Copies of the proposed service changes will be available by March 21, 2016, at the Xpress website at, or by contacting GRTA at the electronic or physical address below. Comments on and requests for copies of the proposed service changes may be submitted: By email: By telephone: Xpress customer service at 404-463-4782 By U.S. Mail: GRTA Xpress In person: During the public hearing 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Online: By completing an online comment form Suite 400 available at Atlanta, GA 30303 (Postmarked by April 19) Please contact Xpress customer service at 404-463-4782 by March 22, 2016, with any request by a person with disabilities or other special needs who requires special assistance in order to participate in the public meeting, if information is needed in another language, or if interpretation is required at the public meeting.
March 12, 2016
3 , MARCH 1 N U S W O N
Excludes ALL: cosmetics/fragrances, Deals of the Day, Doorbusters/web busters, Everyday Values (EDV), Last Act, Macy’s Backstage, specials, super buys, Breville, Dyson, Fitbit, French Connection for her, Frye, Hanky Panky, Jack Spade, Kate Spade, KitchenAid Pro Line, Le Creuset, Levi’s, Michele watches, Nespresso, New Era, Nike on Field, OXO, Sam Edelman, Samsung watches, Shun, simplehuman, Stuart Weitzman, The North Face, Theory, Tumi, Vitamix, Wacoal, Wüsthof, athletic clothing, shoes & accessories; Dallas Cowboys merchandise, designer Impulse brands, designer jewelry, gift cards, jewelry trunk shows, previous purchases, select licensed depts., services, special orders, special purchases, tech watches; PLUS, ONLINE ONLY: baby gear, kids’ shoes, Allen Edmonds, Birkenstock, Cole Haan for him, Hurley, Johnston & Murphy, Merrell, RVCA, Tommy Bahama. Cannot be combined with any savings pass/coupon, extra discount or credit offer except opening a new Macy’s account. Extra savings % applied to reduced prices.
VALID 3/9-3/13/2016
5-DAY SALE PRICES VALID 3/9-3/13/16, EXCEPT AS NOTED. N6020130E.indd 1
3/1/16 10:51 AM