Kudos ...
Come on now ...
... to Mereda Johnson (second from right) and other dignitaries who announced the launch of a countywide anti-litter campaign at Lithonia’s Fall Festival on Oct. 31.
... We’re told DeKalb County can’t afford street sweepers, but how else can we address buildup like this on the Church Street Bridge over I-285?
Put Litter in Its Place Let’s Do Our Part to Keep DeKalb Beautiful
Copyright © 2015 CrossRoadsNews, Inc.
November 7, 2015
Volume 21, Number 28
Voters approve city of Tucker, Ethics Board referendums By Jennifer Ffrench Parker and Ken Watts
Lithonia Mayor Deborah Jackson gets a hug from a supporter after her convincing re-election win over challenger Al Franklin on Nov. 3.
or 73.9 percent of the vote. The city of LaVista Hills was narrowly defeated by 136 votes with 6,925, or 50.50 percent, voting no. Late Thursday, following allegations of voting irregularities by a poll worker, inspectors from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s office removed a voting machine and a computer from the DeKalb Elections Office. Kemp said a thorough investigation would be done and the findings taken to the State Elections Board. DeKalb’s new Ethics Board, created by House Bill 597, got 40,926, or 91.6 percent, of
DeKalb County has a new city, a new Board of Ethics and a new House District 92 representative. In landslide votes on Nov. 3, citizens approved the city of Tucker and a new Board of Ethics that will be appointed by judges and citizen groups. Voters picked former Lithonia Councilwoman Doreen Carter to replace Tonya Anderson in the House. Countywide, only 46,981, or 13.48 percent, of the county’s 348,540 active voters went to polls. The city of Tucker, one of two cityhood referendums on the ballot, passed with 3,937, Please see ELECTIONS, page 3
Curtis Parker / CrossRoadsNews
DESA parents protest plan to share school site Samara Reese (left) and other DeKalb Elementary School of the Arts parents expressed anger and frustration over the DeKalb School System’s plan to colocate Smoke Rise Elementary students into space at the former Avondale Middle School.
Smoke Rise also set to relocate to Avondale Middle By Jennifer Ffrench Parker
Hundreds of angry DeKalb Elementary School of the Arts parents want the DeKalb School System to revisit its plan to co-house DESA and Smoke Rise Elementary students for two years at Avondale Middle School. DESA’s 546 students, who have been housed at the old Terry Mill Elementary buildings on Fayetteville Road in Atlanta, are moving into their permanent home in the Avondale Middle School building in January. On Nov. 3, the district informed parents that it also will co-locate Smoke Rise Elementary’s 408 students to the school next August for 24 months while their new 128,000-square-foot school is being built. The news set off a firestorm of protest from the DESA community. More than 400 DESA parents and grandparents packed the school’s auditorium on Nov. 4 to demand answers from school officials. Parents wanted to know why they were not included in the decision to put Smoke Rise students at their school and why Smoke Rise knew about the decision before they did. Gerald Owens, whose sons Joshua and Gerald are in second and seventh grade, asked: “How could you make such a decision without involving the parents in the room? We are going to fight you on this.” DESA parents are angry because their magnet elementary school has been awaiting a permanent home with suitable facilities for a performing arts program for more than a decade. DESA, which became a magnet school in 2002, was first housed at the aging Hooper Alexander School on Memorial Drive. In 2009, it was relocated to the old Terry Mill Elementary buildings initially
Curtis Parker / CrossRoadsNews
for two to three years until its relocation to the 156,479-square-foot Avondale Middle School buildings as part of the SPLOST IV vote in 2011. In 2013, DESA was asked to step aside while the district housed Fernbank Elementary students at the site while a new school was being built for them. That school is now complete and Fernbank students are moving in over the Thanksgiving break, and the district is finally preparing to move DESA into the Avondale buildings over the Christmas holiday break so the students can begin classes there in January. On Nov. 3, Region Two Superintendent Trenton Arnold told parents that Smoke Rise Elementary will move in with them in August while their new $20 million school is being built on the site of their existing school in Stone Mountain. At Wednesday’s meeting, DESA parents were very unhappy, often shouting down
Arnold’s responses. He told them that Smoke Rise Elementary was only informed on Nov. 3 after he met with DESA that they were going to share the building. The parents challenged him on that assertion and said the district had not been transparent. To loud applause from Trenton Arnold the audience, J.R. Henderson, DESA PTA vice president, told Arnold that he had spoken with the Smoke Rise PTA earlier that day. “They told me they had other options [the Sears Building, Tucker Recreation Center, and Avondale Middle School],” he said. “They chose our location. They actually confirmed to us that they picked us, and we were their best options, so last night they found out that they got what they wanted. That was what happened last night.”
Henderson said DESA parents had no input in the decision but Smoke Rise did. “That’s a huge issue for us as parents,” said Henderson, whose daughter Ryann is a DESA seventh-grader. “As parents, stakeholders, taxpayers here in DeKalb County … what are you going to do to help us to resolve these issues.” The parents accused the district of pushing around the high-scoring magnet arts school for years, making decisions for their kids without their input, treating their school differently from what they did with Fernbank Elementary, devaluing the arts even though kids who take them test and do better and putting into effect a plan that will stifle their magnet program’s growth, and now forcing two schools that are culturally different into the same space. Julius Beckwith, whose daughter Kennedi is a fifth-grader, kept saying, “Answer yes or Please see PROTEST, page 2
“I think all options should be put back on the table. From my point of view, it’s not firm.”
Deputy charged with urging use of excessive force DeKalb Sheriff ’s Capt. Leonard Dreyer has been arraigned on charges of encouraging former Corrections Officer Dwight Hamilton to use excessive force against an inmate at the DeKalb Jail and for attempting to obstruct justice by persuading officers who witnessed the incident to write false reports. Dreyer, 50, of Decatur also was charged with obstructing justice by making false statements to an FBI agent investigating the allegations. He was indicted by a federal grand jury on Oct. 20. Hamilton, who was indicted earlier this year for allegedly using excessive force and writing false reports, has been charged in the same indictment with additional counts of excessive force and obstruction of justice. U.S. Attorney John Horn said he found
November 7, 2015
it most troubling that a supervisor is alleged to have played a significant role in the commission of the crimes. “We recognize that detention officers – and their supervisors – have a difficult job as they maintain order and protect inmates in our county jails and prisons,” Horn said in an Oct. 26 statement. “But under no circumstances can we allow a detention officer to abuse his power by participating in violent assaults on inmates nor can we stand by and allow that officer to file false reports to cover up such an incident.” Evidence presented in court shows that Dreyer began working for the DeKalb Sheriff ’s Office in 2004 and was a supervisor in the jail from 2010 to 2012. Hamilton worked in the jail from 2005 to 2012. In 2011 and 2012, Hamilton, who was
supervised by Dreyer, is accused of using his Taser multiple times on inmates, injuring them without justification. The indictment said Hamilton’s use of excessive force in five instances violated inmates’ constitutional rights. After four of the incidents, the indictment said Hamilton wrote a false report with the intent to impede, obstruct and improperly influence the investigation. Dreyer also allegedly encouraged three officers who witnessed the incidents to write false reports favorable to Hamilton that would justify using the Taser. During the federal investigation, Dreyer also allegedly made false statements to an FBI agent. For more information, visit http:// www.justice.gov/usao-ndga.
Forum offering holiday safety tips Residents, church members and other stakeholders can get tips to protect themselves during the busy holiday season at the Nov. 10 Holiday Safety Forum at the Community Achievement Center in Decatur. The forum, which takes place 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., is sponsored by the South DeKalb Improvement Association and DeKalb Public Safety. Police will discuss how to lessen your chance of becoming a victim; what, when and how to report crime; how to track crime; victim resources; and initiatives and programs to address crime. The center is at 4522 Flat Shoals Parkway. For more information, email sdiainc@ gmail.com.
DESA parents want district to consider other options for Smoke Rise PROTEST,
from page
no: Has the decision been made?” Arnold said that shared space is the plan they are going to move forward with. “At this point there are no other alternatives,” he said. Superintendent Stephen Green’s absence incensed the parents. Dr. Alice Thompson, the district’s deputy superintendent, said Green sent them to listen to the parents and report to him. “We called Dr. Green and told him how upset you are,” she said. “He said let’s talk about their concerns and see if we can come up with a resolution.” The parents want the district to consider other options, including the vacant Atherton Elementary, under-capacity facilities such
as Fernbank Elementary, and the district’s administrative headquarters. District 3 School Board member Dr. Michael Erwin, who arrived halfway through the meeting, listened for a while before going to the podium to say that the plan is once again up for discussion. Michael Erwin “I think all options should be put back on the table,” he said, adding that the decision is not a done deal. “From my point of view, it’s not firm,” he said. “We have to look at this again.” Stephanie Spence, a PTA board member, said they are going to “stop the madness.” “DESA is not standing for another school
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moving into our school,” she said. “To us, it feels like because we are a black school, you can do whatever you want.” Spence said that Green didn’t feel it was “respectful” for him to be at the meeting. “Once Mr. Arnold went back and said DESA was livid and mad, he should have been here out of respect,” she said. “If he was concerned about what the parents’ concerns are, he should have been here.” Bianca Hamilton, DESA’s principal, said sharing space will not harm the students. “We are not going to stop how we operate as a result of the shared space,” she said. Samara Reese said DESA is being treated differently by the district. “DESA has been pushed aside for too long,” said Reese, whose daughter Caitlin is in third grade. “Here we are in 2015 and
we are now being called upon to share our school with another school. I feel like this is discriminatory. I will not sit down for this.” Arnold said that Smoke Rise did not know that they were moving to Avondale until Tuesday night after he met with the DESA committee, but Maude King, who has two grandchildren at DESA, said Smoke Rise knew as early as May that the Avondale Middle School building was an option for them. “I feel like a stepchild right now,” she said. The PTA encouraged parents to attend the Dec. 7 School Board meeting. For updates, Spence, the PTA board member, told parents to text @desaco to 81010. Visit www.crossroadsnews for a longer version of this story.
November 7, 2015
“We keep the families affected by this fire in our prayers and hope that the arrests will bring some comfort.”
Two charged with Second property tax installment due Nov. 16 DeKalb homeowners have until Payment that is mailed must have a tyga.gov/taxcommissioner or by telephone arson, murder in Nov. 16 to pay the second installment postmark or cancellation stamp from the at 404-298-4000. There is a 2.35 percent processing fee for credit card payments. their 2015 real estate and personal U.S. Postal Service by the due date. fatal apartment fire ofproperty Walk-in customers to the Central, taxes because Nov. 15 falls on a For last-minute drop-off of payment, By Ken Watts
Jasmine Lockett and Melvin Griffin III have been arrested and charged with first-degree arson and murder in connection with the Oct. 21 fire that killed Tony Hubert at the Parke on Covington Apartments. Lockett, 26, and Griffin, 27, Melvin Griffin III were arrested Oct. 30 and both are in the DeKalb County Jail. A tenant told CrossRoadsNews that the fire was set by a couple who lived in an abandoned apartment at the complex. Hubert, 37, died of smoke inhalation in the fire. His fiance, Jasmine Lockett Tomika Worthem, suffered broken bones in her legs when she jumped from their second-story window at 3975 Covington Highway in Decatur. Their two teenage daughters escaped the fire unharmed. Worthem’s family and three other families lost everything in the fire. DeKalb Fire Rescue Chief Darnell Fullum said authorities relentlessly pursued evidence in the case. “Due to the hard work and tenacity of the fire investigators, they were able to bring resolution to this heinous and unspeakable crime,” he said. “We keep the families affected by this fire in our prayers and hope that the arrests will bring some comfort.” The case has been turned over to the DeKalb County District Attorney’s Office for prosecution.
non-workday. Tax Commissioner Claudia G. Lawson says taxes that are not received or postmarked by the Nov. 16 deadline will incur a 5 percent late payment penalty.
the tax commissioner has a drop box on the front and side of the Central Office at 4380 Memorial Drive in Decatur. Taxpayers also can pay by electronic check or credit card at www.dekalbcoun-
North or South satellite offices may pay by cash, check, debit card or credit card. There is a $1.50 processing fee for debit card payments. Visit proptax@dekalbcountyga.gov or call 404-298-4000.
Ex-Sanitation supervisor gets jail for theft, forgery Former DeKalb Sanitation supervisor Rodney McDaniel has been sentenced to 10 years for stealing $10,000 worth of gas from the county while working for the department in 2011 and 2012 and for Rodney McDaniel forgery. McDaniel, 50, will serve three years of his sentence behind bars. DeKalb Superior Court Judge Courtney Johnson also ordered him to pay res-
titution in the amount of $20,000 prior to turning himself in to the DeKalb Jail on Jan. 15. DeKalb District Attorney Robert James said McDaniel used his personal gas code in 2011 and 2012 for personal gain and benefit. “He would use 10 times the amount of gas as his peers while filling up 30 gallons at a time,” James said in a Nov. 4 statement. “According to our investigation, [McDaniel] would come in hours before the start of his shift to illegally pump gas and fill up large gas containers at unusual
county gas pump locations.” The restitution not only reflects the approximate amount of gas stolen from the county but also money related to forgery counts included in a separate indictment. In a second indictment, McDaniel pleaded guilty to eight forgery counts. James said his sentence sends a clear message that corruption and misuse of county property and resources will not be tolerated. Assistant District Attorney Chris Timmons served as lead prosecutor.
Anderson, Van Ness in Dec. 1 Senate runoff ELECTIONS,
from page
the vote. It goes into effect Dec. 31, 2015. The historic Tucker neighborhood, which dates back to 1820, will incorporate as DeKalb’s 11th city after residents elect a mayor and a City Council next spring. In the House District 92 race, Carter edged Conyers attorney Sherri L. Washington with 897, or 52.68 percent, of the vote.
In the Senate 43 race, Anderson, a Democrat, is in the Dec. 1 runoff with Republican Janice Frey Van Ness. Both were the top vote-getters among the nine candidates. Van Ness got 2,994, or 37 percent; Anderson got 2,109, or 26.13 percent. In Lithonia, Mayor Deborah Jackson was re-elected with 63 percent of the vote. Incumbent Councilwoman Shemeka Reynolds retained her seat, while newcomer Fred Reynolds defeated incumbent
Darold Honore by one vote for the other at-large council seat. He got 70 votes to Honore’s 69. Honore said that after the DeKalb Board of Elections certifies the results on Nov. 6, he plans to ask for a recount “to see if there was a glitch with the computers.” “I got till Tuesday,” he said. “I will just do that to do my due diligence.” More results on crossroadsnews.com
DeKalb County’s Department of Watershed Management Reminds Residents of the Best Practices for Proper Disposal of FOG What are Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG)? FOG is composed of the animal and vegetable fats and oils that are used to cook and prepare food. Where does FOG come from? • Baking goods • Food scraps • Sauces • Meat fat • Shortening
• Dairy products • Lard
• Butter and margarine • Cooking oil
What happens when FOG is not properly disposed of? FOG should be properly disposed of or recycled. It enters the plumbing system through home garbage disposals, kitchen sinks and toilets, coats the interior of pipes, and empties into the County's sewer system. Excessive accumulation of FOG in the sewer system will result in sanitary sewer overflows and sewage backup in homes and businesses. Sewage overflow repairs are costly for the County and its citizens, and can result in increased costs for water and sewer services. Here are three simple practices to help keep FOG out of our pipes and sewers: 1. POUR cooled fats, oils or grease into a sealable container and throw it in the trash. Do not pour down the sink or toilet. 2. SCRAPE plates and cookware before washing. Do not throw scraps of any kind down the sink. Instead, place them in waste containers or garbage bags. 3. WIPE excess grease from all plates, pots, pans, utensils and surfaces with a paper towel before washing. Throw the greasy paper towels away.
Remember, you can make a difference! Visit the DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management's FOG Program Online! www.dekalbwatershed.com/FOG 1580 Roadhaven Drive • Stone Mountain, GA 30083 • (770) 621-7200
November 7, 2015
“Every healthy individual over the age of 6 months should get a flu vaccine … especially the elderly and very young.”
Oakhurst lands $50,000 grant to fight cancer
2346 Candler Rd. Decatur, GA 30032 404-284-1888 Fax: 404-284-5007
Twenty-seven women were screened for mammograms at Oakhurst Medical Centers’ kickoff of a yearlong “Crucial Catch” program. Among them was a young woman who was overdue for a mammogram but fearful of getting one. The screenings are funded by a $50,000 grant from the American Cancer Society and the National Football League to increase breast cancer screening rates within DeKalb and Rockdale counties. The Community Health Advocates Implementing National Grants for Empowerment grant also will support increased access to breast cancer education and screening resources in underserved communities. Oakhurst was among 32 recipients to get funding. Dr. Raulniña Uzzle, Oakhurst medical director, said the NFL and Cancer Society collaboration allows Oakhurst Raulniña Uzzle Medical Centers to increase the provision of a prime service to the population it serves. “The impact we hope to make is to not only provide and invaluable service but also reduce the morbidity and mortality rates that disproportionately affect our communities,” Uzzle said. The 12-month project began with “A Crucial Catch Day – Your
www.crossroadsnews.com editor@crossroadsnews.com
Editor / Publisher Jennifer Parker Assistant Editor Brenda Yarbrough Staff Writers Jennifer Ffrench Parker Ken Watts Front Office Manager Catherine Guy Circulation Manager Alexandria LeKae Ford Graphic Design Curtis Parker CrossRoadsNews is published every Saturday by CrossRoadsNews, Inc. We welcome articles on neighborhood issues and news of local happenings. The opinions expressed by writers and contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, nor those of any advertisers.
The concept, design and content of CrossRoadsNews are copyrighted and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. Advertisements are published upon the representation that the advertiser is authorized to publish the submitted material. The advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any loss or expenses resulting from any disputes or legal claims based upon the contents or subject matter of such advertisments, including claims of suits for libel, violation of privacy, plagiarism and copyright infringement. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement.
During a “Crucial Catch” event on Oct. 13 in Conyers, Oakhurst provided mammograms for 27 women.
Day to Fight Breast Cancer” on Oct. 13 in Conyers. During the daylong event, patients received free education and screening opportunities. Breast cancer survivor state Rep. Dee Dawkins-Haigler, Rockdale Chairman and CEO Richard Oden, former and current NFL players, and community residents and leaders attended. The American Cancer Society says disparities predominantly arise from inequities in work, wealth, income, education, housing, and overall standard of living as well as social barriers to high-quality cancer prevention, early detection and treatment services. Through the CHANGE program, it provides grant opportuni-
ties to increase breast, cervical and cancer fight. For more information, visit colorectal cancer screening rates. Since 2009, the NFL has donated $8 nfl.com/pink or cancer.org or call million to the society in the breast 1-800-227-2345.
Medicare enrollment help Information on Medicare options will be available at the Baby Boomer Health Care Enrollment Expo on Nov. 9 at the Lou Walker Senior Center in Lithonia. The 10 a.m.-to-3 p.m. expo takes place in the Victory Room. Insurance company representatives will be on-site to offer specifics about their plans,
including Medicare Advantage Plans and Medicare supplements. Each company will make a brief presentation and representatives will be available to respond to questions and provide literature and other information. Open enrollment ends Dec. 7. The senior center is at 2538 Panola Road. For more information, call 770-322-2900.
Flu vaccine urged for most
Increase in Marketplace rates
Getting vaccinated is It takes about two still the single most efweeks to provide profective way to prevent flu tection. Flu activity and its potentially serious often spikes in late complications. November or early State Public Health December. Commissioner Brenda Last year’s flu seaFitzgerald is urging a flu son was particularly vaccine for most residents. severe because the “Every healthy individ- Brenda Fitzgerald predominate virus, ual over the age of 6 months should H3N2, changed and was no get a flu vaccine,” Fitzgerald said on longer well-matched with the Oct. 20. “It is especially important vaccine. The vaccine for 2015-16 for the elderly and very young to contains the H3N2 strain. get a flu shot. And, when given Symptoms include fever, to women during pregnancy, the cough, sore throat, runny or vaccine has shown to protect both stuffy nose, headache, chills and mother and baby up to 6 months fatigue. For updates, vsit flu.gov old from flu.” and flushot.healthmap.org.
Georgia residents will see a 6.1 percent increase for the secondlowest cost silver plans offered through the Health Insurance Marketplace in 2016. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Oct. 15 released a snapshot of rates for plans offered in Georgia. The increases do not take into account advance premium tax credits, which lower the monthly costs for most Marketplace consumers. About eight in 10 who selected a 2015 plan qualified for financial assistance, and the average advance premium tax credits for those enrollees was $270 per month. Open enrollment, which began
on Nov. 1, runs throug h Jan. 31. Consumers must sign up by Dec. 15 to have coverage that starts Jan. 1. For enrollment assistance, Kevin Counihan visit localhelp. healthcare.gov or call 1-800-3182596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325) 24/7. Marketplace CEO Kevin Counihan said that for most consumers, premium increases are in the single digits and they’ll be able to find plans for less than $100 a month. For more information, visit HealthCare.gov.
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Look for Terrific Thursdays, Small Business Saturday (and Sunday!), and free events all over Decatur this season. visitdecaturgeorgia.com/terrificthursdays visitdecaturgeorgia.com visitdecaturgeorgia.com #holidaydecaturga Decatur-crossroads-nov3-2015.indd 1
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Brooks & Associates................................ 7 Decatur Business Association.................. 4 DeKalb Clerk of Superior Court.............. 6 DeKalb Convention & Visitors Bureau.... 5 DeKalb County District Attorney.............. 2 DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office................ 6 DeKalb Watershed Management............ 3 Fabric Joint, LLC...................................... 7
First Class Realty..................................... 7 Gene’s Travel.......................................... 7 George’s Landscape Maintenance.......... 7 Ga. Piedmont Technical College............. 2 Gladys Knight’s Chicken & Waffles.......... 7 Henry Mitchell, CPA, PC.......................... 7 Johnny Harris CPA.................................. 7 Johnson Hopewell Coleman LLC............ 7
Law Ofc. of Trichelle Griggs Simmons.... 7 Macy’s..................................................... 8 Quenon Smith........................................ 7 The Davis Bozeman Law Firm, P.C.......... 7 Wright Vision Care.................................. 4 Best Buy Co. Inc.............................. Inserts Walgreens....................................... Inserts Walmart.......................................... Inserts
November 7, 2015
“This provides an opportunity for us to return in a small way what they gave us in a big way.”
House of Hope hosts ‘We Care’ Veterans Brunch About 350 people will help Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church/House of Hope honor former armed services members at its “We Care” Veterans Brunch on Nov. 7. U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson is guest speaker, and Dr. Deadrea Miller will deliver the “Message of Hope” at the third annual event, which starts at 9 a.m. Forty-three veterans who served during the Vietnam War will be pre- Deadrea Miller sented with certificates and lapel pins in collaboration with the Governor’s Office and the Department of Veterans Affairs’ 50th anniversary commemoration of the war. Last year, about 275 veterans and family members attended. The majority of veterans were from DeKalb, but many other counties were represented, including Fulton, Bibb, Upson, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale. Proceeds support community outreach for veterans, military families and military initiatives. Event coordinator Fabienne A. Niles said the Forces of Hope ministry is
committed to helping veterans in need at the church and in the community. “This provides an opportunity for us to return in a small way what they gave us in a big way through a celebration of honor which includes food, entertainment, fun and many expressions of gratitude,” said Niles, whose husband, Richard, is ministry coordinator and an Army veteran who served from 1977 to 1997. The church is at 4650 Flat Shoals Parkway in Decatur. Visit www.HouseofHopeATL.org or call 770-355-3394.
service information, the Seal of the State of Georgia, and the U.S. Department of Defense Vietnam War Commemorative Partner logo. Certificates will be ceremonially presented. To apply, send your name, rank, branch of service, dates of service, and a copy of your DD Form 214 to certificates@vs.state.ga.us or to Georgia Department of Veterans Service, Attention: Certificates, 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive S.E., Atlanta, GA 30334. For more information, contact state Sen. Gail Davenport at 404-463-5260/678-2159971 or Gail.Davenport@senate.ga.gov.
Vietnam War Certificate of Honor Every Georgia veteran with honorable service during the Vietnam War is eligible for a special recognition through the Georgia Department of Veterans Service. In conjunction with the 50th anniversary commemoration of the war, the state is seeking to honor every one of its 234,000 Vietnam veterans. Veterans Service in partnership with the office of Gov. Nathan Deal created the Vietnam War Certificate of Honor program for eligible veterans. The certificate includes the veteran’s
Greenlight a Vet Residents, businesses and institutions can show support for the nation’s veterans by changing one light to green in a visible location – on the porch, in the home, or at the office – and keep it glowing every day. Walmart’s Greenlight a Vet campaign uses green, the color of hope, renewal and well-being, as a symbol to recognize veterans and “greenlight” them forward as valued members of our communities as 250,000 transition back to civilian life each year. Visit www.greenlightavet.com.
Stompin’at the Savoy to honor trailblazers
Virtual Career Fair VetJobs is again hosting the popular VeteransCONNECT Virtual Career Fair through Nov. 15. Visit http://www.VeteransCONNECT.net to view jobs exclusively for veterans, members of the National Guard and Reserve, and their spouses.
Donations sought for holiday meals VFW Post 4706 is seeking donations by Nov. 17 for its annual Thanksgiving basket giveaway. The Belvedere Post of Veterans of Foreign Wars, which is sponsoring 25 families, needs turkeys, Jiffy mix, canned greens, cranberry sauce, stuffing/dressing, instant mashed potatoes, candied yams, and rolls. Items should be submitted no later than Nov. 17. The giveaway takes place from 10 a.m. to noon on Nov. 21. For assistance or donations, contact Senior Vice Commander Curtis Brown at 404-944-0508 or Quartermaster Betty Turner at 678-523-3598 or leave a message at 770-987-1426. The post is at 5362 Covington Highway in Decatur.
Santa Cop Bowling Tournament Lane sponsors and teams are needed for the eighth annual Charity Santa Cop Bowling Tournament on Nov. 15 at FunTime Bowl in Atlanta that benefits dozens of DeKalb children. Registration starts at 3:30 p.m. and bowling begins at 5. The DeKalb Fraternal Order of Police is providing Christmas for more than 50 children this year. Trophies and prizes will be awarded for best combined team score and highest total score for male and female bowlers. There also will be door prizes and a raffle. To sponsor a lane, email retdkpd844@ comcast.net or call John Gardner at 678852-8011. FunTime Bowl is in Northeast Plaza at 3285 Buford Highway.
DeKalb State Court Judge Johnny Panos, DeKalb Solicitor General Sherry Boston and legendary Southwest DeKalb High coach William “Buck” Godfrey Veterans Day Open House will be honored at the 11th annual VFW Post 4706 is holding a Veterans Day “Stompin at the Savoy” on Nov. 14 Open House on Nov. 11 in Decatur. at the Ramada Plaza in Atlanta. Doors will be open for recruitment and The Howey Hudson Lowe Sherry Boston meet-and-greet from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Buck Godfrey Johnny Panos Foundation fundraiser begins at 7 The post is at 5362 Covington Highway. p.m. and features live entertainment, food and youth. and dancing. Special guests are guitar legend Roy Lee Panos, who was elected to the bench in Johnson, vibraphonist Lionel Jones, the 2002, helped establish Project Achieve, which Fabulous Jitterbug Divas, the Beulah Boys, helps at-risk youth attain their GED. He will and Savoy house band leader Melvin Miller receive the Trailblazers Award for his work with violinist Delores Major and vocalists beyond the courtroom. Betta Daz and Charlena Nutall. Boston, who has been solicitor general for Also featured are comedian “Double D,” nearly five years, has instituted special pro- Mr. Big, the 42nd Street Vendors, the Savoy grams and events to help prevent domestic Divas, Best Creative Dress Contest with male Discover DeKalb’s Reunion Specialist will teach you violence, elder abuse, teen dating violence, and female grand prizes, giveaways, Brian everything you need to know to plan the perfect educational neglect and animal cruelty. She Simmons, and souvenir photos. Family Reunion in DeKalb County! also will receive the Trailblazer Award. The Roaring ’20s-themed event celGodfrey, a retired educator and coach, ebrates unity and acknowledges outstanding will be honored as a Trailblazer and Living individuals who make a difference in the Workshop - 10 a.m. to Noon | Showcase - Noon to 2 p.m. Legend. He is the first African-American in community. DeKalb history to have a football stadium The hotel is at 450 Capitol Ave. For tickets named in his honor for his athletic and and more information, visit www.howeyhumanitarian contributions to education hudsonlowe.org or call 770-981-4756.
FREE Family Reunion Planning Wo r k s h o p & S h o w c a s e
Forum addresses gang violence Former gang members and victims of gang violence will share their experiences at a Nov. 14 community forum at Greater Travelers Rest Baptist in Decatur. The forum, hosted by DeKalb District Attorney Robert James, takes place 9 a.m. to noon. Units from DeKalb Police and the DA’s office also will speak. Rashad Richey, a former gang member and host of WAOK’s “Real Talk With Rashad Richey,” will moderate. James said gangs are a real issue that must be addressed in DeKalb and the region.
“We want this forum not only to provide a real-life perspective of the rising problem of gang violence in our community, but also arm participants with the tools and contacts to combat this issue as well. … Whether it’s domestic violence, human trafficking or gang-related violence, we want to reassure residents that we are actively working with various law enforcement agencies to combat crime affecting our community.” The church is at 4650 Flat Shoals Parkway. R.S.V.P. eaphillips@dekalbcountyga.gov.
One-shot golf contest Golfers can get a shot at a $10,000 cash prize on Nov. 15 at the One Shot Hole-in-One Contest at Mystery Valley Golf Course in Lithonia. The inaugural competition, which takes place 8 a.m. to noon, is sponsored by Admiration Lodge #25 and the South DeKalb Rotary Club. For a registration fee of $100, golfers can try for a hole-in-one. Part of the proceeds will benefit Children’s Healthcare at Scottish Rite and the Miller Grove Middle School Robotics Club, which has been adopted by the South DeKalb Rotary Club. Mystery Valley is at 6094 Shadow Rock Drive. For tickets, visit www.eventbrite.com or call Ceaser Gaiters at 678-472-4412.
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Register online at AtlantasDeKalb.com
November 7, 2015
The fair, sponsored by Compassionate Nurses, takes place from noon to 6 p.m.
Vendor space available for job fair Business Lunch ’N Learn at library Vendor space is available for a job fair on Nov. 14 at the Fulton-DeKalb Family Life Center in the Belvedere Medical Plaza in Decatur. The fair, sponsored by Compassionate Nurses, is free and open to the public and takes place from noon to 6 p.m. in Suite D,
Building 4. Participants should bring copies of their resumes. The plaza is at 3300 Memorial Drive. For vendor space and more information, email XpressDinners@gmail.com or call 770-5724899 or 404-587-0957.
Register by Nov. 10 for Give Your Business a Boost: Lunch ’N Learn With ReferenceUSA at Stonecrest Library in Lithonia. The noon to 1:30 p.m. class takes place Nov. 16 and includes a pizza lunch. Participants will learn how to use Ref-
erenceUSA to access details on more than 24 million U.S. businesses and find sales leads and conduct market research. To register, call 770-482-3828 . The library is at 3123 Klondike Road. For more information, visit www.dekalblibrary. org.
of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Legal Notices 10/24, 10/31, 11/07, 11/14
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV104494-3++ Linda Y. Ratledge filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 15, 2015 to change name from: Linda Y. Ratledge to Linda Davis. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Oct. 06, 2015 Name: Linda Y. Ratledge aka Linda Davis 2380 Rambling Way Lithonia, GA 30058 404-583-6581 10/24, 10/31, 11/07, 11/14
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV10043-3++ Helena Michele Winney filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court
on Sept. 17, 2015, 2015 to change name from: Helena Michele Winney to Henena Michele Nelson. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Sept. 17, 2015 Name: Helena Michele Winney 1087 Erie Circle Stone Mountain, GA 30087 404-580-8941
10/31, 11/07, 11/14, 11/21
10/31, 11/07, 11/14, 11/21
Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Torrey Dixson, 1661 Cobbs Creek Lane, Decatur, GA 30032. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Oct. 13, 2015. Witness the Honorable Clarence F. Seeliger, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 13th day of Oct., 2015
in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV10123-3++ Torrey Dixson Plaintiff Vs. November Dixson Defendant To: November Dixson 5223 W. Washington Chicago, IL 60644 By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Oct. 13, 2015 you are hereby notified that on Sept. 29, 2015, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the
Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV7019-10++ Monica Dennis Plaintiff Vs. Casie Dennis Defendant To: By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Oct. 09, 2015 you are hereby notified that on Sept. 25, 2015, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Monica Dennis, 1311 Stone Mill
Ct., Apt. F, Stone Mountain, GA 30083. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Oct. 09, 2015. Witness the Honorable Tangela M. Barrie, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 15th day of Oct., 2015 10/24, 10/31, 11/07, 11/14
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV10692-4++ Ardelia Schkelia Ajala filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 20, 2015 to change name from: Ardelia Schkelia Ajala to Ardelia Schkelia Brown. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Oct. 16, 2015 Name: Ardelia Schkelia Ajala 2051 Flat Shoals Rd., #O4 Atlanta, GA 30316 470-551-7188
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV10617-5 Annie G. Collier Jenkins filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 19, 2015 to change name from: Annie G. Collier Jenkins to Sadie Annie G. Collier Jenkins. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Oct. 15, 2015 Name: Annie G. Collier Jenkins 8101 Waldrop Pl. Decatur, GA 404-212-2344
10/31, 11/07, 11/14, 11/21
11/07, 11/14, 11/21, 11/28
Notice of Petition to Change Name of MINOR CHILD(REN in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV104112-2++ Artazie Monta Curry filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 12, 2015 to change name from: Artazie Monta Curry to Artez Roberson. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Oct. 06, 2015 Name: Artazie M. Curry 6330 Phillips Pl. Lithonia, GA 30058 470-216-1926 10/31, 11/07, 11/14, 11/21
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court
of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV10496-3++ Tameka Joy Redwood filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 15, 2015 to change the name(s) of the following minor child(ren) from: Javontahaine Nyamie Bolden to: Melsades-Laraine Ndey Amie Bolden. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within the time prescribed In OCGA 19-12-1(f)(2) and (3). Dated: Oct. 14, 2015 Name: Tameka Joy Redwood 4558 Plum Orchard Lane Stone Mountain, GA 30083 803-842-4878 11/07, 11/14, 11/21, 11/28
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court
Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV10626-2 Shartresse Ross Plaintiff Vs. Willie Ross, Jr. Defendant To: Willie Ross, Jr. 32 Wehunt Rd. Monticello, GA 31064 By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Oct. 20, 2015 you are hereby notified that the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Shartresse Ross, 1266 Live Oak Terrace, Lithonia, GA 30058. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Oct. 20, 2015. Witness the Honorable Asha F. Jackson, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 21st day of Oct., 2015
DeKalb County Sheriff Office
Jeffrey L. Mann, Sheriff • 4415 Memorial Drive • Decatur, GA 30032
Sex Offender
Charles Blount 2759 Norma Circle Decatur, GA 30034 Charge of Aggravated Child Molestation Convicted on 6/21/2002
Sex Offender
Joseph Cooper 4380 Rein Ridge Stone Mountain, GA 30083 Charge of Child Molestation Convicted on 9/13/2007
Sex Offender
Henry Dalton 4099 Chimney Ridge Way Ellenwood, GA 30294 Charge of Aggravated Child Molestation Convicted on 8/22/1991
Sex Offender
Elroy Davis 1756 Wee Kirk Road, SE Atlanta, GA 30316 Charge of Statutory Rape Convicted on 2/15/1991
Sex Offender
Derrick Fields 7062 Rogers Lake Rd., Lot 13 Lithonia, GA 30058 Charge of Statutory Rape Convicted on 5/15/2008
Sex Offender
Gano Hicks 2954 Gena Drive Decatur, GA 30032 Charge of Aggravated Child Molestation Convicted on 8/22/2002
Sex Offender
Sylar Johnson 2258 Green Forrest Drive Decatur, GA 30032 Charge of Statutory Rape Convicted on 3/19/2013
Sex Offender
Ralph Knight 534 Lake Michelle Court Stone Mountain, GA 30088 Charge of Attempted Enticement of a Minor Convicted on 6/22/2007
Sex Offender
Timothy Lee 3262 Betty Circle Decatur, GA 30032 Charge of Aggravated Child Molestation Convicted on 12/6/1993
Sex Offender
James Lester 2217 Brannen Rd Decatur, GA 30316 Charge of Child Molestation Convicted on 10/17/2014
Your Source for Neighborhood News!
Sex Offender
Thomas Miller 644 Hearon Drive Stone Mountain, GA 30088 Charge of Aggravated Child Molestation Convicted on 10/18/1994
Sex Offender
Sex Offender
Ronald Roberson 3391 Columbia Trace Decatur, GA 30041 Charge of Peeping Tom Convicted on 8/8/2013
The DeKalb Sex Offenders List is published by the DeKalb County Sheriff Office. For more information call the Sex Offender Unit at 404-298-8130.
Michael Morton 1800 Memorial Drive, Apt H 2 Atlanta, GA 30317 Charge of Aggravated Child Molestation Convicted on 6/27/2002
Call 404-284-1888 for Advertising Rates & Information
“We have a wonderful group of enthusiastically talented and capable women who I look forward to leading.”
Vocalist at Decatur Library Versatile vocalist Veronika Jackson will present a familyfriendly musical program at 7 p.m. on Nov. 10 at the Decatur Library. Jackson, who was raised in a musically influenced family in St. Petersburg, Fla., started her career at an early age, singing in school choirs at age 10. In her teens, her love for acoustic folk and R&B music grew as she followed a wide range of women artists and music genres. Her performance will include folk and Veronika Jackson blues selections and spirituals. Funding is provided by the Friends of the Decatur Library. The library is at 215 Sycamore St. For more information, visit www.dekalblibrary.org or call 404-370-3070.
DeKalb 100 Black Women gets new leader Delois Grizzle is the new president of the Decatur-DeKalb chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women. Grizzle, who officially took the reins on Sept. 12, directs all facets of the chapter based on guidelines set by the national office. She said she was excited to take on the responsibility of president after being a member for more than nine years and Delois Grizzle serving as vice president of fundraising for four years, board member for two years, and chair for the Pink & Black Ball for the past three years. “We have a wonderful group of enthusiastically talented
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November 7, 2015
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MARKETPLACE RATES Place your MarketPlace line ad here – up to 20 words for $25. Additional words are $3 per block of five words (maximum 45 words). Boxed Ads (with up to 3 lines bold headline): $35 plus cost of the classified ad. Send ad copy with check or credit card information and contact phone number (if different from ad) to MarketPlace, CrossRoadsNews, 2346 Candler Road, Decatur, GA 30032, or e-mail to marketplace@crossroadsnews.com. Our deadlines are at noon on the Friday one week prior to publication, unless otherwise noted.
and capable women who I look forward to leading,” Grizzle said. “I plan to work with the chapter in continuing to develop socially conscious female leaders and strengthening our current community programs while seeking other opportunities to serve the DeKalb community and most of all enjoying the journey.” The Nov. 7 Pink & Black Ball, which honors cancer survivors, is among many service initiatives sponsored by the Decatur-DeKalb chapter. Members support HIV/AIDS awareness programs, host community forums focused on political engagement and economic literacy, and partner with local agencies to support DeKalb-based businesses. For more information, visit https://www.facebook. com/ncbw100.
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November 7, 2015
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10/26/15 11:54 AM