Kudos ...
Come on now ...
... to the parents of DeKalb Elementary School of the Arts who made sure their “we’re not going to take it anymore” message was heard loud and clear.
... to the Chapel Hall Shopping Center on Wesley Chapel Road, whose unsightly sign is laced with missing panels and tenants no longer in business.
Put Litter in Its Place Let’s Do Our Part to Keep DeKalb Beautiful
Copyright © 2015 CrossRoadsNews, Inc.
November 14, 2015
Volume 21, Number 29
DeKalb Elementary School of the Arts won’t have to share By Jennifer Ffrench Parker
DeKalb Elementary School of the Arts students will not be sharing their new home at the former Avondale Middle School facility with Smoke Rise Elementary. On Nov. 6, DeKalb School Superintendent Stephen Green reversed his decision to co-locate the two schools at the 156,479-square-foot Avondale Middle building. Green’s decision to find a different option for Smoke Rise Elementary came in the wake of a Nov. 4 DESA community meeting attended by more than 400 angry parents. In his Nov. 6 statement, Green said it came to his attention that unkept promises had been made to DESA students and parents over the past few years. “I have decided to correct an earlier decision and move DESA to the Avondale facility and not include any other
“While the easy, simple operational decision would have been to co-locate Smoke Rise Elementary School with DESA, moral, ethical considerations outweighed this choice.” Superintendent Stephen Green
relocated to the old Terry Mill Elementary buildings on Fayetteville Road in Atlanta. Parents complained at the meeting that they have been pushed around for more than decade, stepping aside for other schools to use the building that was been earmarked as their permanent home since the SPLOST IV vote in 2011. Fernbank Elementary School, which had been using the buildings while its new $20 million school was being built, is moving out over the Thanksgiving break. DESA is set to move into the building over the Christmas break and to begin taking classes there in January. On Nov. 3, the School District informed parents that Smoke Rise Elementary’s 408 students would move in with DESA’s 546 students next August for two years while
school,” he said. “While the easy, simple operational decision would have been to co-locate Smoke Rise Elementary School with DESA, moral, ethical considerations outweighed this choice.” DESA, which was created in 2002 as a magnet arts program, was first housed at the old Hooper Alexander buildings on Memorial Drive in Decatur. In 2009, the school was Please see GREEN, page 2
Teens indicted in carjacking to be tried as adults Cameron Williams (from left), and brothers Demonte Grant and Jermaine Grant Jr. have been charged as adults in the slaying of Shaneku McCurty (below) during an attempted carjacking on Oct. 23.
3 charged with murder, aggravated assault By Ken Watts
The three teens from Stone Mountain and Decatur charged with the slaying of Decatur barber Shaneku McCurty will be tried as adults. DeKalb District Attorney Robert James says he takes no pleasure in indicting juveniles as adults but sees no way around it. “This senseless act of violence, this tragic loss of life begs for a response,” he said at a Nov. 10 news conference. McCurty, 25, was a short distance away from her Stone Mountain home on Oct. Robert James 23 when she stopped at the Chevron Food Mart on Redan Road at 1:20 a.m. to buy a lottery ticket and was accosted by Cameron Williams, 16, of Stone Mountain; Demonte Grant, 15, of Decatur; and his 16-year-old brother, Jermaine Grant Jr., police say. She was shot several times when she resisted. The store’s surveillance camera captured the scene. DeKalb police arrested the three teens on Oct. 24. A DeKalb grand jury indicted the teens Tuesday on five criminal counts – one count of malice murder, two counts of felony murder, and two counts of aggravated assault. James said investigators believe that Williams pulled the trigger. He said the Grant brothers are accessories or parties to the crime. All three attended Towers High School. James said that under Georgia law, parties to the crime are as responsible as the individual who actually committed the crime. He said the teens fall under the minimum of 17 years old for a death penalty trial, but they face the next highest penalty, which is life in prison. Aggravated assault carries a 20-year sentence. Asked by reporters whether his office was sending a message with the adult charges in light of a recent spike in youth crime, James said that sometimes you have a case that is terribly tragic. “You just have to get in the middle of it and extract as much justice out of it as possible,” he said. “So I don’t know if this is necessarily sending any kind of message – we’re just trying to make the best out of a terrible situation.” McCurty’s family celebrated her life on Oct. 31 at Covenant Church in Decatur. Friends have held several prayer vigils in her memory.
At the $5 Barber Shop on Candler Road where McCurty worked for four years, colleagues say they still can’t believe she’s gone. “Sometimes I look across the room at the spot where she worked and expect to see her,” shop manager Paul Pittman said on Nov. 11. “Some days I catch myself looking out the window expecting to see her car out front, little stuff like that. It’s just hard to accept that she’s not here.” Pittman said he and the staff are encouraged to see the legal process moving forward. He said McCurty was a licensed professional barber who followed all the steps to be legitimate. “It’s just not right that somebody would take her life based on what they wanted but refused to work for,” he
said. McCurty’s Aunt Val Bolton of Decatur said it makes sense to the family that the juveniles accused in the case are facing adult charges. “If you do the crime you gotta pay for it,” Bolton said. “I wish there was some kind of law where the parents could be charged when the kids are underage.” Jermaine Grant Sr., father of the Grant brothers, apologized to McCurty’s family on WSB-TV on Oct. 28 but said his sons were not the shooter. “They didn’t have no guns,” he said. He said his sons were on the street at 1:20 a.m. because they “snucked” out of their home while he was at work. The teens are in custody in Decatur, Conyers and Atlanta. They waived their first court appearance on Oct. 26.
November 14, 2015
“That was great news to my ears as well as hundreds of other parents and grandparents at DESA.”
DeKalb graduation rate increases App Challenge contest seeks entries The DeKalb School District’s graduation rate is up 10.7 points in three years to 70.9 percent, but it still lags the state rate of 78.7 percent, new data from the Georgia Department of Education show. DeKalb Superintendent Stephen Green said the district is making headway. “We are headed in the right direction with improved graduation rates because of our laser focus on student achievement,” Green said in a Nov. 9 statement. “Much more work needs and will be done to ensure
our students are ready for career and college opportunities.” Green said that combined with the recent 103-point increase in the district’s SAT scores, it is clear the district is on the right path. “Our students are taking advantage of the rigorous curriculum and instruction they experience each day in the classroom,” he said. For more information, visit www.dekalb. k12.ga.us.
computer science professionals and congressional representatives will judge the apps. Fourth District Rep. Hank Johnson will recognize winners from his district. The competition is aimed at encouraging students to learn how to code by creating their own applications and highlights the value of computer science and STEM – science, technology, engineering and math – education. For more information and to register, visit www.congressionalappchallenge.us.
DeKalb high school students have until Jan. 15 to create and submit their own software application for the new Congressional App Challenge. The contest, which began Nov. 9, is open to all U.S. high school students in participating congressional districts, including Georgia’s 4th District. Individuals or teams can create and submit their software application for mobile, tablet or other computing devices on a platform of their choice. A panel of local
Coat drive for those in need Safety meeting for community Residents can drop off new or gently used coats at DeKalb recreation centers through Dec. 11 to help the disadvantaged. Items also are being accepted at the Porter Sanford III Performing Arts & Community Center, 3181 Rainbow Drive in Decatur, during normal operating hours, and at the main office of the Department of Recreation,
Parks & Cultural Affairs, 1300 Commerce Drive in Decatur. The department will distribute the coats to people in need regardless of race, religion or class. For rec center locations, visit www. dekalbcountyga.gov/parks/pr-recreationcenters.html.
the Chevron Food Mart on Redan Road that resulted in the death of 25-year-old Shaneku McCurty. Three teens have been charged. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the church’s Youth Worship Center. The church is at 2201 Young Road in Stone Mountain. For more information, call 770-879-1176.
Homeowners in two Stone Mountain neighborhoods are hosting a community safety meeting on Nov. 19 at Berean Christian Church. The Chapman’s Mill/Redan Park Home Owners Association planned the meeting to educate residents about personal safety in the wake of the Oct. 22 attempted carjacking at
District seeking new temporary home for Smoke Rise Elementary from page
magnet program’s growth, and now forcing two schools that are culturally different into the same space. Green, who did not attend the meeting, sent Regional Superintendent Trenton Arnold and Deputy Superintendent Alice Thompson. District 3 School Board member Dr. Michael Erwin, who represents the area, also attended the meeting. Green said that going forward, they are looking at several alternatives for housing
their new $20 million school is being constructed. DESA parents streamed to the microphone to demand that they be allowed to inhabit their new permanent home by themselves. Parents accused the district of pushing around the high-scoring magnet arts school for years, making decisions for their kids without their input, treating their school differently from what they did with Fernbank Elementary, devaluing the arts even though kids who take them test and do better and putting into effect a plan that will stifle their
at the school and spoke against the plan, said she was happy that Green saw the light. “That was great news to my ears as well as hundreds of other parents and grandparents at DESA,” she wrote on CrossRoadsNews’ website. King, a retired teacher, said she looks forward to working with Green and DESA’s dedicated team of parents, principal, faculty and staff to make their new school home at Avondale Middle an exciting place for their children and grandchildren to get the best education possible.
Smoke Rise students in a safe, accessible, quality learning environment while their new school is being built. “Also, I will establish a working committee with each school community to ensure communication, collaboration, and shared decision-making during these transitions,” he said. “I have directed the District Operations staff to standardize its community engagement process to ensure full collaborative decision-making in a timely manner for all capital projects moving forward.” Maude King, who has two grandchildren
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November 14, 2015
“As is common with due diligence work, both parties knew uncertainties existed entering into the memorandum of understanding.”
Pro soccer complex departs DeKalb for Cobb County By Ken Watts
The Atlanta United FC Major League Soccer Team has abandoned plans to build its $35 million soccer complex in DeKalb and will now build in Marietta. The team announced Nov. 6 that it will build its headquarters and training facility on Franklin Road in Cobb County. The team’s announcement came after DeKalb interim CEO Lee May released a Nov. 6 statement that the county and the team had mutually agreed not proceed with plans to build Atlanta United’s headquarters and practice Lee May fields on the 41-acre site on Memorial Drive and I-285 in Decatur. The team picked DeKalb County in July for its headquarters, but many residents complained that the county, which offered the team 30 years of tax breaks and free use of the land, was paying too much and that the DeKalb Board of Commissioners ap-
Site preparation and remediation costs for the Memorial Drive location rendered it financially unfeasible for DeKalb, taxpayers and Atlanta United.
proved the deal on Aug. 4 without sufficient citizen input. In contrast, Cobb County is giving the team 10 years of tax breaks. Portions of the site are an old landfill. The due diligence process, which included environmental and geotechnical site analysis, began in early September. Under the terms of the non-binding memorandum of understanding between
DeKalb County and Atlanta United, DeKalb would incur site preparation and remediation costs, which are now estimated to exceed $20 million, making the site not financially feasible for the county, its taxpayers or Atlanta United. May said the decision to halt the project followed “a mutual conclusion that the site is not a viable location” for the complex due to “higher-than-anticipated site preparation
and remediation costs necessary for a project of this nature.” May said the land prep estimate caught everyone by surprise. “As is common with due diligence work, both parties knew uncertainties existed entering into the memorandum of understanding but were not able to accurately predict site preparation challenges and costs for the complex until the detailed analysis was completed,” he said. After reviewing the reports with Atlanta United FC, May said they decided together that the numbers going into it have changed so much “that proceeding would not be a responsible decision for either party, and certainly not the DeKalb taxpayers,” he said. May said the specific requirements of a Major League Soccer facility made the remediation challenges unique to the project but that the site would be less challenging for many other commercial development projects requiring different uses for the land. “The county remains committed to the vision of a robust, vital and thriving Memorial Drive corridor,” he said.
Brown challenging Judge Flake for DeKalb Superior Court seat By Jennifer Ffrench Parker
Angela Z. Brown
Former prosecutor and Recorders Court Judge Angela Z. Brown is seeking a seat on the DeKalb Superior Court bench. Brown, 47, says she will challenge Judge Gail Flake for her seat in the May 24, 2016, election. “I am running for Superior Court judge because I feel I can make the greatest impact there,” she said.
Brown is kicking off her campaign on Nov. 19 with a fundraiser at Twisted Soul Kitchen & Bar in Decatur. Brown, who has 25 years of legal experience, said she is fully aware of the dearth of success that other candidates who have challenged incumbent judges in DeKalb have had, but that she is running against Flake because she believes she stands the best chance of winning. “I talked with attorneys, looked at the strength of the bench and the
strength of the character of the judges on the bench,” she said. “I think I would have the best chance against her.” Brown said she met with Flake at the beginning of October to notify her that she was running for the Division 4 seat she holds. “I did it out of respect,” she said. “I didn’t want her to hear it from anyone else but me.” Flake, who has been on the Superior Court bench since 1993, had opposition
in 2012 when she ran for re-election for a fifth term. During the campaign, her opponent, Michael Rothenberg, was indicted on charges of defrauding investors. Flake defeated him with 72 percent of the vote. Candidates for the 2016 election will qualify in March. Brown’s fundraiser takes place 5:50 to 7:30 p.m. The restaurant is at 324 E. Howard Ave. For more information, visit angelabrownforjudge.com.
DeKalb County’s Department of Watershed Management Reminds Residents of the Best Practices for Proper Disposal of FOG What are Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG)? FOG is composed of the animal and vegetable fats and oils that are used to cook and prepare food. Where does FOG come from? • Baking goods • Food scraps • Sauces • Meat fat • Shortening
• Dairy products • Lard
• Butter and margarine • Cooking oil
What happens when FOG is not properly disposed of? FOG should be properly disposed of or recycled. It enters the plumbing system through home garbage disposals, kitchen sinks and toilets, coats the interior of pipes, and empties into the County's sewer system. Excessive accumulation of FOG in the sewer system will result in sanitary sewer overflows and sewage backup in homes and businesses. Sewage overflow repairs are costly for the County and its citizens, and can result in increased costs for water and sewer services. Here are three simple practices to help keep FOG out of our pipes and sewers: 1. POUR cooled fats, oils or grease into a sealable container and throw it in the trash. Do not pour down the sink or toilet. 2. SCRAPE plates and cookware before washing. Do not throw scraps of any kind down the sink. Instead, place them in waste containers or garbage bags. 3. WIPE excess grease from all plates, pots, pans, utensils and surfaces with a paper towel before washing. Throw the greasy paper towels away.
Remember, you can make a difference! Visit the DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management's FOG Program Online! www.dekalbwatershed.com/FOG 1580 Roadhaven Drive • Stone Mountain, GA 30083 • (770) 621-7200
Finance 2346 Candler Rd. Decatur, GA 30032 404-284-1888 Fax: 404-284-5007 www.crossroadsnews.com editor@crossroadsnews.com
Editor / Publisher Jennifer Parker Assistant Editor Brenda Yarbrough Staff Writers Jennifer Ffrench Parker Ken Watts Front Office Manager Catherine Guy Circulation Manager Alexandria LeKae Ford Graphic Design Curtis Parker
CrossRoadsNews is published every Saturday by CrossRoadsNews, Inc. We welcome articles on neighborhood issues and news of local happenings. The opinions expressed by writers and contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, nor those of any advertisers. The concept, design and content of CrossRoadsNews are copyrighted and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. Advertisements are published upon the representation that the advertiser is authorized to publish the submitted material. The advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any loss or expenses resulting from any disputes or legal claims based upon the contents or subject matter of such advertisments, including claims of suits for libel, violation of privacy, plagiarism and copyright infringement. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement.
November 14, 2015
“The level of commitment these organizations give to DeKalb and East Atlanta makes me proud to honor them.”
12 DeKalb nonprofits land Days of Giving grants The DeKalb Initiative for Children & Families Inc. and the Stone Mountain Community Center are among 12 DeKalb nonprofits honored with $1,000 Days of Giving grants by Wells Fargo team members. The grants were presented at a Nov. 3 community breakfast at the Sonesta Gwinnett Place in Duluth. Days of Giving is a Wells Fargo initiative through which individual bank stores honor organizations in the communities where those stores do business. In all, 53 metro Atlanta groups received grants. The DeKalb Initiative (http:// dekalb.gafcp.org) is a broad-based collaborative serving as the planning body for efforts in the county around children and family issues. The community center (http:// stonemountaincc.org) offers sports, youth development, educational training, and fitness programs and outreach includes a community food and clothing bank. Georgia native and former Atlanta Hawks guard Mike Glenn was the keynote speaker for the breakfast, and he talked about the importance of making a positive impact. Glenn founded and leads the Mike Glenn All-Star Basketball Camp for the Hearing-Impaired, the nation’s first basketball camp for deaf athletes. It is offered every summer, free of charge, to as many
Leon Blue (from left), Wells Fargo district manager; Debra Adams with the Stone Mountain Community Center; Angie Taylor, Wells Fargo district manager; Rory Johnson with the Metro Atlanta Boys & Girls Club of Lawrenceville; Mike Donnelly, Wells Fargo Atlanta Region president; Carol Morris, Wells Fargo area president; Mike Glenn of the Mike Glenn Foundation; Robert Dobbs, Wells Fargo Business Banking manager; Dean Dacus with Gentle Interventions; and Nate Collett, Wells Fargo district manager, attended the Nov. 3 community breakfast for Days of Giving honorees.
as 120 deaf athletes from across the country. Glenn, the 1981 recipient of the NBA’s J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award for his commitment to community service, will be officially inducted into the Georgia Sports Hall of Fame’s Class of 2016 in February in Macon. The Mike Glenn Foundation also was awarded a Days of Giving grant. Carol Morris, East Atlanta area president for Wells Fargo, praised
Career coach shares strategies Employment workshop and career coach Jerry T. Myers will share his concise strategies for job seekers on Nov. 16 at the Stonecrest Library in Lithonia. Myers also is releasing his first book “In the Door” series, “Get in the Door: 7 Keys to Ma x i m i z ing Your Career Jerry T. Myers Search,” during the event. The 6-to-7:45 p.m. event, sponsored by Friends of the Stonecrest Library, is open to the first 175
participants. Myers, founder of the Legacy Harvest Foundation, will speak about strategies for the unemployed, underemployed, high school or college graduate, or mature professional to separate his or her resume from the crowd. He is a former president of the DeKalb/Rockdale Employer Committee and has conducted employment workshops for AARP, Goodwill, CHP International, Atlanta Parks and Recreation, and the DeKalb School District. The library is at 3123 Klondike Road in Lithonia. Visit www.dekalblibrary.org or call 770-482-3828.
Fed CEO looks at economy Dennis Lockhart, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta president and CEO, will speak to the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce about the future of the local and national economy on Nov. 19. “2016 EcoDennis Lockhart nomic Impact and Financial Outlook” takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Arctic Room of the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. Lockhart, named one of the
Circulation Audited By
“most important people in the world” by the Atlanta Business Chronicle, is responsible for all the bank’s activities, including monetary policy, bank supervision and regulation, and payment services. He serves on the Federal Reserve’s chief monetary policy body, the Federal Open Market Committee. The venue is at 225 Baker St. N.W. For sponsorships, contact Rick Young at ryoung@dekalbchamber.org. Visit http://business. dekalbchamber.org/events/details/ bb-t-presents-economic-outlookand-financial-impact-2016-featuring-dennis-lockhart-166.
the nonprofits for their service. “The level of commitment these organizations give to DeKalb County and East Atlanta makes me so proud to honor them through Days of Giving and to call them my neighbors,” Morris said. “They are an example of how our collective efforts can make a major impact – on individuals, neighborhoods, our county, our city and beyond.” DeKalb honorees include: n Atlanta Achieve One Inc. n Center for Pan Asian Commu-
nity Services Inc. n Decatur Arts Alliance n Fitness Beyond the Eye n Friends of 1996 Youth Education Foundation Inc. n Friends of Disabled Adults and Children n Seajoy Inc. (Seajoy Family Service Center) n Sober Living America Inc. n Children’s Heart Foundation, Georgia Chapter n United Military Care Inc. Visit www.wellsfargo.com.
N. Decatur Walmart opens The new Walmart Supercenter on North Decatur Road in Decatur is hosting A Big Family Welcome on Nov. 14 with fun family activities and free food samples in celebration of the store opening. The event takes place from noon to 3 p.m. The 150,000-square-foot store opened Nov. 11 at 2525 N. Decatur Road in the renovated Suburban Plaza with a ribboncutting ceremony. It will employ up to 300 fulland part-time associates, features a parking garage, and brings an assortment of fresh groceries and general merchandise, on-site services such as a full pharmacy, and a free store pickup service for products sold on Walmart. com with many items available
for pickup the same day. DeKalb Commissioner Jeff Rader says the store offers stakeholders another shopping alternative. “District 2 is looking forward to the completion of construction and the opening of another shopping option for area residents,” Rader said. Store manager Marita Edwards said Walmart is “committed to saving people money so they can live better.” “We’re proud of the positive economic impact we have on our community,” said Edwards, who began her Walmart career in 1986 as an hourly associate. Job seekers can apply at a store’s hiring kiosk or Walmartcareers. com. The store is open from 6 a.m. to midnight seven days a week.
Tax seminars kick off Nov. 21 Henry K. Mitchell, a certified public accountant, is hosting a series of tax seminars starting Nov. 21 to help taxpayers downgrade their tax rate and maximize their tax refund. Seminar runs from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Church of the Living God in Tucker. The discussion on Nov. 21 centers on claiming the correct dependent to avoid an audit and to maximize the earned income
tax credit. Participants should come with questions and be prepared to take notes. Mitchell, who is also a certified fraud examiner and certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor, will offer five tips on how to avoid tax audit. The church is at 1660 Cooledge Road. For the other seminars dates, contact henrymitchellcpa@gmail. com or call 678-663-6229.
index to advertisers Brooks & Associates........................................ 8 Chapel Hill Orthodontics................................. 5 Decatur Business Association.......................... 7 DeKalb Clerk of Superior Court...................... 7 DeKalb County Watershed Management........ 3
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Holistic Health Management Inc.............Inserts Walgreens...............................................Inserts Walmart..................................................Inserts Smiles for Less....................................... Online
November 14, 2015
“We are blown away by the generosity of our corporate partners, physicians, general contributors and volunteers.”
Risks, managing disease are focus of Diabetes Month More than 29 million people in the United States have diabetes, but one out of four doesn’t know if he or she has it. November is National Diabetes Month, and the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging patients to make it their time to take charge of their diabetes for a longer, healthier life. Most people with diabetes – nine out of 10 – have type 2. With type 2, your body doesn’t use insulin well and is unable to keep blood sugar at normal levels. If you have any of the following risk factors, ask your doctor if you should be tested. Risk factors include: n Being overweight. n Being 45 years or older. n Having a parent or sibling with type 2 diabetes. n Being physically active less than three times a week. n Ever having gestational diabetes or giving
The national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging patients to take charge of their diabetes for a longer, healthier life.
birth to a baby that weighed more than 9 pounds. Race and ethnicity also affect your risk. African-Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, American Indians, Pacific Islanders,
cine, and blood sugar levels. n Follow a healthy eating plan, including eating more fruits and vegetables and less sugar and salt. n Get physically active – 10 to 20 minutes a day is better than only an hour once a week. n Take diabetes medicine as prescribed by your doctor. n Test your blood sugar regularly to understand and track how food, activity, and medicine affect your blood sugar levels. More than a third of American adults, about 86 million, have prediabetes, and nine out of 10 don’t know it. Prediabetes can put people at increased risk of developing type 2 Curtis Parker / CrossRoadsNews diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Without and some Asian-Americans are at particu- lifestyle changes, 15 percent to 30 percent will larly high risk for type 2 diabetes. develop type 2 diabetes within five years. Managing diabetes from the beginning For more information, visit http://www. can mean fewer health problems later on. cdc.gov/features/livingwithdiabetes/index. It’s a balancing act – food, activity, medi- html.
Heart study may affect hypertension care A landmark heart study may change guidelines for treating high blood pressure. More intensive management of hypertension may help significantly reduce rates of cardiovascular disease and lower the risk of death among older adults, the initial results of a major National Institutes of Health clinical trial show. The Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial – SPRINT – began in 2009 and recruited about 9,300 male and female participants from medical centers throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, including Emory University. The goal was to determine the potential benefits of reducing systolic blood pressure to less than 120 millimeters of mercury for hypertensive adults 50 years and older who are at risk for developing heart disease or kidney disease. Well-established clinical
guidelines recommended a systolic blood pressure of less than 140 for healthy adults and 130 for adults with kidney disease or diabetes. Researchers found that adjusting the amount or type of blood pressure medication to achieve a target systolic pressure of 120 resulted in reduced rates of cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and heart failure – as well as stroke – by almost a third and the risk of death by almost a quarter as compared with the target systolic pressure of 140. NIH officials say they stopped the study earlier than planned to quickly disseminate the significant preliminary results, calling it “potentially lifesaving information” useful to health care providers as they consider the best treatment options. Visit www.nih. gov/news/health/sep2015/nhlbi-11.htm.
Clean Power hearings come to Atlanta Stakeholders can voice their concerns about the proposed Clean Power Plan at a two-day hearing beginning Nov. 19 at the Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center. Each hearing starts at 9 a.m. and continues until 8 p.m. on the first day and until 5 p.m. on the second day in the Main Tower Bridge Conference Center. The Environmental Protection Agency also is accepting written comments through Jan. 21 at http:// www2.epa.gov/cleanpowerplan/how-commentproposed-federal-plan-clean-power-plan. On Aug. 3, President Obama and the EPA announced the plan to reduce carbon pollution from
power plants, the single largest source of carbon pollution in the United States, and take action on climate change. By 2030, the plan will cut carbon pollution from the power sector by nearly a third. As part of the plan, EPA proposed model rules states can adopt as well as a federal plan EPA will put in place if a state fails to submit an adequate plan. Since its release, 24 states and many utilities have joined a suit to stop the plan from taking effect. It also faces a bipartisan challenge in Congress. Visit http://www2.epa.gov/cleanpowerplan/ forms/public-hearings-proposed-federal-plan-cleanpower-plan#register.
Golf tournament boosts DeKalb Medical ED project Golf tournament sponsors have raised more than $196,000 to upgrade DeKalb Medical’s emergency department at the North Decatur campus. The record-breaking funding was raised at the 21st Annual Charles B. Eberhart Memorial Golf Classic hosted by the DeKalb Medical Foundation at Capital City Club Crabapple in October. Proceeds benefit the $2.1 million Building the Future of Emergency Medicine: When Every Second Counts campaign for ED upgrades. Dee Keeton, golf committee chair and foundation board member, said the foundation was grateful for “the incredible support from our sponsors and our community.” “We hold this tournament each year and are continuously blown away by the generosity of our corporate partners, physicians, general contributors and volunteers,” Keeton said. The new Emergency Department architecture Dee Keeton will feature a “Super Fast Track” check-in for urgent care patients and a separate immediate care area for patients experiencing stroke, heart attack or other life-threatening symptoms. The streamlined admissions process provides patients more privacy and quicker coordinated care whether arriving by car or ambulance. Dr. Sofia Khan Iqbal, ED medical chief, said the campaign will help the health care organization serve its growing community’s needs and the rising usage of Sofia Khan Iqbal ER for urgent care needs. “No matter who you are or how sick you are, we’re here,” Iqbal said. With more than 64,000 ED visits in 2014, the renovated facility is expected to help DeKalb Medical treat more patients in less time. For information about giving opportunities, call 404-501-5956.
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November 14, 2015
“The holiday season is a great time for people to give back to the community and to help someone in need.”
Turkey giveaways to help families make Thanksgiving meal Hundreds of turkeys will be available free of cost on Nov. 21 at the Gallery at South DeKalb, compliments of the DeKalb Women in NAACP and District 3 Commissioner Larry Johnson at the Gallery at South DeKalb.
Families who need a little help with their Thanksgiving meal can get a free turkey on Nov. 21 at the annual Turkey Giveaway sponsored by the DeKalb Women in NAACP and District 3 Commissioner Larry Johnson. The event, which is in its third year, takes place from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the parking lot near Metro PCS at the Gallery at South DeKalb in Decatur. The free turkeys will be available on a first-come, first-served basis and are limited to one per household. People in line will be given a number to pick up a turkey. Last year, 467 turkeys were given away. To support the turkey giveaway, make a donation at www.gofundme.com/NAACPWIN. The mall is at 2801 Candler Road. For more information, call 404-371-2425 or 404-241-8006 or contact Johnson’s office at 404-371-2988.
Police to give Thanksgiving baskets The first 250 low-income families attending the DeKalb Police Meet & Greet, Food Drive and Giveaway on Nov. 21 at the Gallery at South DeKalb will receive a Thanksgiving basket. The 10 a.m.-to-2 p.m. event, presented by Project3Sixty’s Hunger Relief program, will
Jennifer Ffrench Parker / CrossRoadsNews
help feed the community and bridge the gap between the community and police. It takes place in the parking lot near Macy’s. Uniformed officers will pass out food packages to homeless or low-income individuals or families who meet the criteria. The giveaway is designed to promote
positive interaction between residents and the police. To support Project3Sixty’s Hunger Relief program, visit xataboost.com/project3sixty or call 678-201-2494. A hundred percent of donations go to support the homeless. The mall is at 2801 Candler Road in Decatur.
Alumni Give Back seeks donations Donations of gently used clothing, toiletries, goods and services as well as monetary contributions to purchase food are needed for the SWD Class of 1993 Alumni’s annual Holiday Give Back Initiative that feeds the hungry and homeless. This is the second year that the class is giving back to the community in this way. The community service project grew out of the group’s 20th reunion in 2013 that also launched a scholarship program for Southwest DeKalb High seniors. Orhanizers of the Class of 1993 Alumni’s annual Holiday Give Back Initiative are accepting donations from the SWD and the general community through Nov. 20 at 9 p.m. The Holiday Give Back Initiative takes place on Nov. 24 at 6 p.m. across from 196 Peachtree St. S.W. in downtown Atlanta. In 2014, the group distributed 200 brown bag meals. The goal this season is to feed 250 to 300 people. Meals include barbecue hot dogs, chips, fresh fruit, dessert and a beverage. Clothing donations also will be distributed to those in need. To contribute or for more information, contact Jen Price at jen_price16@yahoo.com or 404-754-7677.
Tree of Love donors needed to ‘Adopt a Child’ for the holidays The 17th annual Tree of Love kicks off on Nov. 21 at the Gallery at South DeKalb and DeKalb Commissioner Larry Johnson is seeking donors to give holiday gifts to disadvantaged children. The two-hour program begins at noon in Center Court at the mall at Candler Road and I-20 in Decatur. The Tree of Love benefits children living in foster care, singleparent, and low-income household. Individuals and families can pick the names of children and their wish list for the holidays from a Christmas tree and return on Dec. 19 with a gift-wrapped packages. The program has always been supported by residents, community leaders, business owners, churches and other organizations and Johnson, who represents District 3, says he is hoping for a large turnout again. The children’s names are now available and residents who want to get a jump start on shopping can get names immediately by calling Johnson’s office at 404-371-2988. Since it started in 1999, more than 9,000 children from the Department of Family and Children Services and the community have been “adopted” for the holidays. Johnson said that helping each other is what Christmas is all about. “The holiday season is a great time for people to give back to the community and to help someone in need,” he said. Residents who cannot make it the mall on Nov. 21, can also Adopt a Child from noon to 2 p.m. on Dec. 12 at the Walmart at 3580 Memorial Drive in Decatur. Individuals and groups interested in performing at the Dec. 19 Jennifer Ffrench Parker / CrossRoadsNews Christmas wrap-up program should email ystevenson@dekalbcounty- Residents picked names of children in foster care and from single-familiy homes at the 2014 Tree of Love kickoff. The ga.gov or call 404-371-2988 or visit commissionerlarryjohnson.com. 2015 event kicks off Nov. 21 at the Gallery at South DeKalb. Gifts are due back on Dec. 19.
Santa Dan (from left), Santa Hugh and Santa Louis will greet kids and families at Stonecrest, North DeKalb and South DeKalb malls through Dec. 24.
this holiday season
Santas ushering in holidays at malls
Bleu Hanger Makan
Free events!
Look for Terrific Thursdays, Small Business Saturday (and Sunday!), and free events all over Decatur this season. visitdecaturgeorgia.com/terrificthursdays visitdecaturgeorgia.com visitdecaturgeorgia.com #holidaydecaturga Decatur-crossroads-nov3-2015.indd 1
decaturga 11/4/15 4:32 PM
Santas are arriving at area malls Nov. 14 to Nov. 21 to take up residence through Christmas Eve. Santa Dan arrives at the Mall at Stonecrest at 10 a.m. on Nov. 14. He will be in his workshop on the mall’s lower level near Sears. On Nov. 21, Santa Hugh arrives at North DeKalb Mall at 10 a.m. He will greet families in the Clock Court through Dec. 24. Santa Louis will parade into the Gal-
lery at South DeKalb at 6 p.m. on Nov. 21. The parade begins at 6 p.m. with the Cedar Grove High Band, Essence Dance Troupe, KIDDS Dance Project, and kids from Carter’s Daycare. The Chocolettes will perform immediately after the parade. For more information, visit www.themallatstonecrest.com, www.galleryatsouthdekalb.com and www.northdekalbmall.com or call 404-320-7960.
November 14, 2015
“The presence of Alfred Uhry here and his collections in the Rose Library represent a convergence of our collecting strengths.”
First Afrikan Church celebrates 22 years First Afrikan Presbyterian Church in Lithonia is turning 22 years old in December and is celebrating with a banquet and a series of guest sermons from visiting pastors. The Commemorative Banquet takes place at Timothy McDonald 6 p.m. on Dec. 12 at the Community Achievement Center in Decatur and tickets are available now. Members, friends, supporters and the churches pastor, the Rev. Dr. Mark Ogunwale Lomax are celebrating under the theme “Go Tell Somebody!” Gary Simpson The center is at 4522 Flat Shoals Parkway. For tickets, contact Bettye Beatty-Wilson or Darryl Edler at 770981-9381 or 770-235-8772. On Dec. 2 and 9, four guest pastors will preach at worship services at the church at 5197 Salem Road. The services begin at 7
p.m. n Dec. 2 – The Rev. Willie G-dman, pastor of Mount Carmel Baptist Church in Duluth, will deliver words of encouragement, and the Rev. Dr. Lisa Allen McLaurin of the Interdenominational TheologiLisa McLaurin cal Center in Atlanta will preach. n Dec. 9 – The Rev. Dr. Keith Slaughter, pastor of the Beloved Community in Atlanta, will deliver words of encouragement, and the Rev. Timothy McDonald, pastor of First Iconium Baptist Church, Keith Slaughter will deliver the sermon. The celebrations culminate with Dec. 13 Anniversary Worship Service featuring Rev. Dr. Gary V. Simpson, pastor of the Concord Baptist Church of Christ of Brooklyn, N.Y., It begins at 10 a.m. For more information, call 779-981-2601.
Black Vietnam vets to share stories Local historian Robert Williams will discuss the complex history and experiences of African-American Vietnam era veterans on Nov. 21 at the Georgia Archives. “40 Years Later – Vietnam Remembered,” which begins at 1 p.m., is presented in recognition of Veterans Day by the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society-Metro Atlanta Chapter in collaboration with the Georgia Archives and
Auburn Avenue Research Library. Williams will explore the experiences of black soldiers simultaneously fighting for equality and respect on the battlefront in Southeast Asia and at home. The community discussion will include a panel of black Vietnam era veterans who will share their personal histories. The venue is at 5800 Jonesboro Road in Morrow. For more information, visit http:// aahgsatl.org/meetings.html.
South River marks 5 years of advocacy Supporters at the annual South River Jamboree on Nov. 21 will raise a toast to the planned launch of a water trail. The jamboree begins at 6 p.m. at the Arabia Mountain Heritage Area Alliance, 3350 Klondike Road in Lithonia, and is free to attend. The theme is “Celebrating Five Years, One River, and You.” In just five years, the South River Watershed Alliance has dramatically increased awareness of the hidden natural
resource, engaged people and communities from across metro Atlanta, and is now on the verge of launching plans for the South River Water Trail. Attendees will be among the first to get a sneak peek of planned launch and landing sites and participate in a conversation about why the water trail is the future of the river. R.S.V.P. at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ celebrating-five-years-one-river-and-youtickets-18964970738 or call 404-285-3756.
‘Driving Miss Daisy’ playwright at Emory 40 authors for First Read Expo “Driving Miss Daisy” playwright Alfred Uhry will take part in a Creativity Conversation at Emory University’s Robert W. Woodruff Library on Nov. 18. The event, scheduled at 6:30 p.m. in the library’s Jones Room, is open to the public at no charge. Uhry’s plays will be available for purchase with a question-andanswer session and a signing to follow. Alfred Uhry Uhry, an Atlanta native who is also a lyricist and screenwriter, will be in conversation with Randy Gue, curator of Modern Political
and Historical collections at Emory’s Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. The Rose Library is home to Uhry’s papers, which include photographs, scripts and audiovisual materials. Rosemary M. Magee, director of the Rose Library, said Emory was delighted to welcome Uhry back “to explore his creative impulses and the importance of archives in mapping individual and shared stories.” “The presence of Alfred Uhry here and his collections in the Rose Library represent a convergence of our collecting strengths in the areas of modern literature, Southern history, and social justice,” Magee said. For more information, visit www.emory.edu.
More than 40 authors, including former TV Judge Glenda A. Hatchett, will participate in the First Read Expo 2015 on Nov. 21-22 at the Mall at Stonecrest in Lithonia. Hatchett, author of “Dare to Take Charge: How to Live Your Life on Purpose,” will appear at 3 p.m. on Nov. 22. The expo, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Nov. 21 and noon to 6 p.m. on Nov. 22, also will feature special Glenda Hatchett presentations and workshops with national bestselling authors and publishers. Genres include children’s literature, sci-fi, romance and New Age as well as out-of-print books. The mall is at I-20 and Turner Hill Road. For a list of workshops, signings and participating authors, visit www.firstreadexpo.com.
Legal Notices 10/24, 10/31, 11/07, 11/14
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV104494-3++ Linda Y. Ratledge filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 15, 2015 to change name from: Linda Y. Ratledge to Linda Davis. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Oct. 06, 2015 Name: Linda Y. Ratledge aka Linda Davis 2380 Rambling Way Lithonia, GA 30058 404-583-6581 10/24, 10/31, 11/07, 11/14
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV10043-3++ Helena Michele Winney filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Sept. 17, 2015, 2015 to change name from: Helena Michele Winney to Henena Michele Nelson. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after
the Petition was filed. Dated: Sept. 17, 2015 Name: Helena Michele Winney 1087 Erie Circle Stone Mountain, GA 30087 404-580-8941 10/24, 10/31, 11/07, 11/14
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV104112-2++ Artazie Monta Curry filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 12, 2015 to change name from: Artazie Monta Curry to Artez Roberson. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Oct. 06, 2015 Name: Artazie M. Curry 6330 Phillips Pl. Lithonia, GA 30058 470-216-1926 10/31, 11/07, 11/14, 11/21
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV10692-4++ Ardelia Schkelia Ajala filed a petition
in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 20, 2015 to change name from: Ardelia Schkelia Ajala to Ardelia Schkelia Brown. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Oct. 16, 2015 Name: Ardelia Schkelia Ajala 2051 Flat Shoals Rd., #O4 Atlanta, GA 30316 470-551-7188 10/31, 11/07, 11/14, 11/21
Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV7019-10++ Monica Dennis Plaintiff Vs. Casie Dennis Defendant To: By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Oct. 09, 2015 you are hereby notified that on Sept. 25, 2015, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Monica Dennis, 1311 Stone Mill Ct., Apt. F, Stone Mountain, GA 30083. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Oct. 09, 2015.
Witness the Honorable Tangela M. Barrie, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 15th day of Oct., 2015 10/31, 11/07, 11/14, 11/21
Notice of Petition to Change Name of MINOR CHILD(REN in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV10496-3++ Tameka Joy Redwood filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 15, 2015 to change the name(s) of the following minor child(ren) from: Javontahaine Nyamie Bolden to: Melsades-Laraine Ndey Amie Bolden. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within the time prescribed In OCGA 19-12-1(f)(2) and (3). Dated: Oct. 14, 2015 Name: Tameka Joy Redwood 4558 Plum Orchard Lane Stone Mountain, GA 30083 803-842-4878 10/31, 11/07, 11/14, 11/21
Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV10123-3++ Torrey Dixson
Plaintiff Vs. November Dixson Defendant To: November Dixson 5223 W. Washington Chicago, IL 60644 By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Oct. 13, 2015 you are hereby notified that on Sept. 29, 2015, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Torrey Dixson, 1661 Cobbs Creek Lane, Decatur, GA 30032. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Oct. 13, 2015. Witness the Honorable Clarence F. Seeliger, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 13th day of Oct., 2015
++15CV10626-2 Shartresse Ross Plaintiff Vs. Willie Ross, Jr. Defendant To: Willie Ross, Jr. 32 Wehunt Rd. Monticello, GA 31064 By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Oct. 20, 2015 you are hereby notified that the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Shartresse Ross, 1266 Live Oak Terrace, Lithonia, GA 30058. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Oct. 20, 2015. Witness the Honorable Asha F. Jackson, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 21st day of Oct., 2015
11/07, 11/14, 11/21, 11/28
11/14, 11/21, 11/28, 12/05
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV10617-5 Annie G. Collier Jenkins filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 19, 2015 to change name from: Annie G. Collier Jenkins to Sadie Annie G. Collier Jenkins. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Oct. 15, 2015 Name: Annie G. Collier Jenkins 8101 Waldrop Pl. Decatur, GA 404-212-2344 11/07, 11/14, 11/21, 11/28
Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number:
Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV9778-3 Barbara Yarbrough Plaintiff Vs. Randal Curney Defendant To: Randal Curney 2500 Center St., C103 Atlanta, GA 30318 By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Nov. 10, 2015 you are hereby notified that the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Barbara Yarbrough. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Nov. 10, 2015. Witness the Honorable Clarence F. Seeliger, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 10th day of Nov., 2015
November 14, 2015
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