People who want to give back can volunteer with AARP Tax-Aide, which provides free assistance for older workers with low income. A6
Halloween is on the horizon, and safety experts offer costume and other advice to help ensure the holiday is safe as can be. A7
Movies crews took over downtown Stone Mountain for a remake of the 1984 film “Footloose,” which is scheduled for release in 2011. A8
Tax helpers needed
Costume safety tips
October 23, 2010
Copyright © 2010 CrossRoadsNews, Inc.
Stars in Stone Mountain
Volume 16, Number 26
Extended voting hours all this week Advance voting, absentee ballots lag projections By Jennifer Ffrench Parker
With just 11 days to the Nov. 2 general and special elections, elected officials, clergy and civic groups are stepping up efforts this week to encourage DeKalb voters to head to the polls early. They are canvassing neighborhoods, holding mass rallies and offering rides to the polls to help increase voter turnout. The push is part of the effort to increase participation in the election that will provide Georgia with a new governor, labor commissioner, attorney general, state school superintendent and Public Service commissioner, among others, and in DeKalb County, new school board members and district attorney. With a majority of the DeKalb candidates unopposed on the ballot, officials worry that voters may not return to the polls in large enough numbers to impact the gubernatorial and other statewide races. State Rep. Stephanie Stuckey Benfield, who is active in Democratic politics locally and statewide, said that this election is “hugely important.” “We are being faced with eight more years of S. Stuckey Benfield Republican control,” she said Wednesday. “The one change that we can make is in the executive branch, by electing a new governor. There is enough evidence that shows that a government that is entirely controlled by one party is not effective.”
Carla Parker / CrossRoadsNews
Voters cast ballots at the DeKalb Elections Office on Memorial Drive on Wednesday. Four more polling precincts will open for early voting Monday.
teachers did. There Benfield, who More Election Coverage Inside have been cutbacks represents House – Section B – in education. Under District 85, said that Democrats didn’t field enough candidates to him, there were no furlough days for teachchange the Senate and could lose some of the ers.” Benfield said a Democratic governor and seats they have in the House. If Republicans also win the governor’s of- lieutenant governor will put a check on balfice, they will have few checks and balances. ance of power. Through this week, the African-American She said that Roy Barnes was a reasonable turnout for absentee and advance voting was governor when he served in 1999-2002. “He has great experience,” she said. “I 23 percent. “It’s not where it should be,” Benfield am sure that some of the people who voted against him came to regret it. I am sure some said. “We are shooting for 30 percent. As
DeKalb goes so goes the rest of the state.” Through Wednesday, 12,178 of DeKalb’s 386,454 active voters – those registered voters who cast ballots in the past two elections – had voted. Unless the turnout significantly increases this week, the no-partisan Vote DeKalb initiative will miss its mark of driving an additional 100,000 early voters to the polls before Nov. 2. DeKalb Commissioner Larry Johnson, a Vote DeKalb supporter, said Wednesday he Please see TURNOUT, page A4
Next task for DeKalb’s Great Cleanup: Improving curb appeal Once the grass and weeds have been cut and the trash picked up, curb cleanup will follow. That is the word this week from Betteye Davis, director of OneDeKalb. Davis said Wednesday that the first order of business in the Great DeKalb Cleanup, which is entering its third weekend, is to take care of the overwhelming growth of weeds and grass. The buildup of gook along the curbs is next on the agenda. “In November we will go back and fine-tune it,” Davis said. “We are doing a rough cut now, but we will go back and finish it.” On Nov. 23 and 24, the Great Cleanup moves to Buford Highway. Last weekend, 24 county crew members and 22 community service workers – people sentenced to community service by the DeKalb Recorders Court – mowed and cleaned up Memorial Drive. On Oct. 9 and 10, they mowed along
Flat Shoals Parkway in Decatur. Over the two weekends, crews mowed miles of roadways, collected and dumped 1,060 pounds of illegal signs, and wrote 36 summons for illegal signs. They are researching the other telephone numbers. Residents already have noticed the difference. James Moore of Decatur said this week that he is happy to see the change. “It’s great to see the county get up off its butt and clean up the place,” he said. “This is the second wealthiest community for blacks. I just don’t understand why the place was allowed to deteriorate like that.” Moore, who relocated from San Mateo, Calif., said he had heard about the area but became disappointed at its condition. “Most of the county commissioners and the CEO live in South DeKalb,” he said. “Were they driving around with Please see CLEANUP, page A2
This curb on on Rainbow Drive in Decatur is indicative of how the majority of curbs in Suuth DeKalb look. County says it will clean them next.
October 23, 2010
“We are a law enforcement agency charged with protecting consumers from unfair, deceptive and unlawful acts and practices in the marketplace.”
Suspect arrested in rape of teen
Consumer Affairs becomes Office of Consumer Protection
A 46-year-old man was arrested Thursday in the early morning rape of a 16-year-old girl while she slept in her Decatur home. James Adams was taken into custody on Oct. 21 and charged with rape, aggravated assault, aggravated sodomy and false imprisonment. DeKalb Police said the teen was asleep in her Crestdale Circle home when Adams attacked and assaulted her at gunpoint. She susJames Adams tained minor injuries, including some lacerations, and was taken to a local hospital for evaluation. Because of the crime, police have not identified the girl. Police believe Adams had ties to the victim’s family and that this was not a random act. The case is still under investigation.
consumer restitution and canThe Governor’s Office of cellation of consumer debt. Consumer Protection is the The savings stemmed from new name for the Governor’s investigations related to deOffice of Consumer Affairs. ceptive sales and advertising Joe Doyle, the agency’s practices, unlawful charges administrator, said the new by debt relief companies, moniker better reflects the telemarketing fraud, home office’s function. improvement fraud, computer “We are a law enforcement Joe Doyle fraud, and from individual agency charged with protecting consumers from unfair, deceptive consumer claims filed under Georgia’s and unlawful acts and practices in the Lemon Law. Consumers who believe they have marketplace,” he said. “We believe that this new name more accurately conveys been victims of an illegal or deceptive practice by a business can report it to to the public what our agency does.” Doyle said the name change will not the Governor’s Office of Consumer change the agency’s responsibilities or Protection by calling 404-651-8600 or 1-800-869-1123 or by visiting www jurisdiction in any way. The agency has been protecting For more information, contact Bill consumers since 1975. So far this year, it has ordered nearly $10.5 million in Cloud at 404-656-3790.
Applications available for GAWL grants Nonprofits that provide legal and other free services to disadvantaged women and girls can apply for $500 to $2,000 grants from the GAWL Foundation. Created in 2003 by the 1,100-member Georgia Association for Women Lawyers, GAWL Foundation works to encourage philanthropy by Georgia women lawyers. Applications are available at www and must be submitted electronically to Diana Cohen at GAWLgrants no later than Oct. 29. Grant applications are accepted three times a year. Other deadlines are Feb. 4 and April 1, 2011. For more information, contact Rachel Platt at or 404255-3434.
30,000-plus use curbside recycling
Residents pleased with change
More than 30,000 household customers are now using DeKalb County’s curbside recycling program. Since its inception in 2005, the voluntary program has recycled more than 38,000 tons of material as part of the county’s effort to preserve landfill space. In its first year, the residential subscription program collected 453,690 pounds of household materials. So far this year, it has recycled 16.4 million pounds. Homeowners pay a one-time fee of $15 to $30 to recycle plastics, mixed papers, glass, milk and other food containers. For more information on DeKalb’s curbside re- The voluntary program has recycled cycling program, call 404-294-2900. more than 38,000 tons since 2005.
! ! W E W
their eyes closed?” Davis said a plan is being put in place to maintain and beautify the medians. She said her office will work with the Georgia Department of Transportation and Keep DeKalb Beautiful Adopt-a-Road programs. “We are working to bring neighborhood groups and businesses together who would be interested in adopting state and local routes,” she said. State Rep. Rahn Mayo already is round-
ing up businesses and neighborhood groups to adopt Flat Shoals Parkway. He said Thursday that he wants to build on the cleanup that the county has done and is trying to secure funding from a business to landscape and maintain the median. He also said he will build partnerships with neighborhood associations to pick up trash. “What we see now is the start of making it a nice parkway,” Mayo said. “I would like to see beautiful flowers and trees planted in the median, I would like to see the grass neatly manicured, and the dead trees replaced with new trees and other nice vegetation.”
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October 23, 2010
October 23, 2010
Atlanta’s streetcar was one of 75 projects around the nation sharing nearly $600 million in TIGER II grants. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood (center) presented a $47.6 million check to Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed and U.S. Reps. John Lewis, Hank Johnson and David Scott.
2346 Candler Rd. Decatur, GA 30032 404-284-1888 Fax: 404-284-5007
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Grant puts streetcar project back on track The Atlanta Streetcar project got a $47.6 million boost on Oct. 20 from the federal government. U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood presented the big check to Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed during a ceremony attended by U.S. Reps. Hank Johnson, John Lewis and David Scott and MARTA CEO Beverly Scott at the King National Historic Site in Atlanta.
LaHood said Atlanta dreamed big and imagined a streetcar from the King Center to Centennial Olympic Park, connecting many major attractions. Atlanta’s streetcar was one of 75 projects around the nation that are sharing nearly $600 million in Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery II grants.
Johnson, who represents the 4th District that includes south DeKalb County, said that two years ago, LaHood told Atlanta and Georgia to “get our act together.” “We got it together, and now jobs and improvements are on the way,” he said. The congressmen joined local leaders in the fight to secure federal funding for the Atlanta Streetcar
project, which will not only bring greater connectivity in downtown Atlanta but create 1,000 jobs during construction and more than 5,600 over the next two decades. Johnson said he will continue to push for federal investment in the I-20 East Corridor project that will create a rail link between downtown Atlanta with the Mall at Stonecrest in Lithonia.
MARTA public meetings to address I-20 East Corridor Potential transit improvements for the I-20 East Corridor from downtown Atlanta to the Stonecrest area is back on the burner. On Oct. 26, 27 and 28, MARTA officials will talk with South DeKalb residents at public meetings to address limited travel options and high levels of delay and congestion along this corridor. The study will identify transit investments that will enhance
east-west mobility and improve accessibility to residential areas and employment centers in the area. MARTA is holding the meetings in partnership with DeKalb County and the Federal Transit Administration. The three I-20 East Transit Initiative meetings will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. Participants will learn more about the project and initial study findings, speak to project
team staff members, and provide their input regarding transportation needs within the corridor and the study goals and objectives. An open house will be held during the first hour to allow community members to speak one-onone with MARTA representatives. A formal presentation and questionand-answer session will begin at 7 p.m. at each meeting. The meetings take place:
n Oct. 26, DeKalb Medical Hillandale Community Room, 2801 DeKalb Medical Parkway, Lithonia. n Oct. 27, East Lake YMCA – Community Room, 275 East Lake Blvd., Atlanta. n Oct. 28, South DeKalb mall community room, 2801 Candler Road, Decatur. For more information, see www
Free rides to polls, rallies part of effort to get out the vote TURNOUT,
was very disappointed about the slow turnout but understands that people have a lot of things clamoring for their attention. “People are distracted by kitchen-table issues,” he said. “A lot of people are unemployed. They are concerned about putting food on the table and paying their bills, but that is why they need to go to the polls to vote for people who will create jobs.” Johnson said he remains hopeful that people will vote by or on Nov. 2. “There are major budget decisions to be made,” he said. “And one of the ways to show that you are interested is by voting.” Saturday voting, which is available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Oct. 23 at the DeKalb Elections Office on
Circulation Audited By
Memorial Drive, may help pump up those numbers. Starting Monday, extended voting will be available 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. through Oct. 29 at the DeKalb Elections Office and four other locations across the county. On Oct. 25, the nonpartisan Georgia Coalition to Get Out the Vote 2010 is holding a mass voting rally at First Afrikan Presbyterian Church in Lithonia. The Rev. Albert Love, a coordinator for the group of religious leaders and individuals, said the meeting is one of dozens being held across the state at churches to encourage people to vote. “It’s our civic responsibility,” said Love, who is pastor of Boat Rock Baptist Church in College Park and a member of Concerned Black Clergy. “This is an important election and we need to show up at
the polls.” Love said that elected officials set public policy that affects our lives. “They determine our taxes, whether we have streetlights and police protection, whether we have parks, health care, schools,” he said. “They make decisions that affect every factor of our lives, so it is important for us to elect people who are sensitive to our issues.” On the Nov. 2 ballot, there are also five constitutional amendments that will impact all residents of the state. Since July, Love said that the coalition has held voter registration drives, candidate forums, and mass meetings statewide. It also is offering rides to the polls. “Let’s vote so that we can elect people sensitive to our needs and make all our lives better,” he said.
First Iconium Baptist Church’s senior pastor, the Rev. Timothy McDonald, will be the keynote speaker at the mass rally at First Afrikan Church. The meeting will be attended by Edward O. Dubose, president of the Georgia State Conference NAACP; the Rev. Dr. Mark O. Lomax, First Afrikan’s senior pastor and interim dean of the Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary at the Interdenominational Theological Center; DeKalb NAACP President John Evans; Dr. Richard H. Cobble, president of the Concerned Black Clergy; and Lithonia Mayor Tonya Peterson. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. The church is at 5197 Salem Road. For more information, visit www.georgiacoalitiontogetout or call 770-9812601.
index to advertisers Agape Christian Counseling Center.............A11 Aim Realty...................................................A11 Association of Black Cardiologists.................A7 BJH Attorneys & Counselors at Law..............A6 Chase............................................................A2 Clemmons Law Firm....................................A11 Decatur Pediatric Group, P.A........................A7 DeKalb Co. Purchasing & Contracting..........A6
DeKalb County School System......................A6 Gibbs Garage...............................................A11 Greenforest McCalep CAC...........................A11 Holiday Inn Atlanta Northeast......................A11 Laurencin’s Home Services..........................A11 Macy’s...........................................................A5 Malcolm Cunningham Auto Gallery........... A12 My True Biz Small Business Services............A11
Mystery Valley Golf Club...............................A8 Narvie J Harris Theme School PTA..............A11 Sarah Fabrics Inc..........................................A11 SCS Energy.................................................A10 The Eye Care Studio......................................A8 The Kingdom Mall.......................................A11 The Law Office of B.A. Thomas...................A11 The Mall at Stonecrest...........................A3, A11
The Samuel Group (2).................................A11 Wright Vision Care........................................A7 SECTION B Committee to Elect Corey E. Wilson.............B4 Committee to Elect Courtney Johnson..........B2 Committee to Re-Elect Hank Johnson..........B4 Friends of Donna Edler.................................B4 Friends of Gene Walker................................ B3
October 23, 2010
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October 23, 2010
More than 2,500 taxpayers received help with their income tax returns from 40 AARP TaxAide volunteers at more than 23 sites across DeKalb County last year.
AARP Tax-Aide needs volunteers customers one-on-one at tax sites in their community. Last year, 40 AARP Tax-Aide volunteers helped more than 2,500 taxpayers at more than 23 sites across DeKalb County. For more information, visit .org/taxaide. Click on “Volunteer With AARP Tax-Aide for 2011 Season,” then click on “AARP Tax-Aide Prospective Volunteer Form” and fill out the form.
Adults of all ages can volunteer to help low-income older workers prepare their taxes for the 2010 tax year. AARP Tax-Aide, a program of the nonprofit AARP Foundation, is a free volunteerrun tax assistance and preparation service. Volunteers do not need to be an AARP member, over 55 years old or a retiree to give time. They will get free tax training to help
Foreclosure Registry starts Oct. 27 help the county protect residential neighborhoods from blight caused by inadequate maintenance of thousands of vacant properties. In September, DeKalb had 15,337 foreclosed properties. In many instances, county officials are unaware of who owns them and are unable to locate the owners. The registration form is available at www For more information, visit www.dekalb or call 404-286-3305.
Starting Oct. 27, owners of foreclosed properties in DeKalb County will have to register them in the county’s new Foreclosure Registry. The DeKalb Board of Commissioners approved the ordinance launching the registry in July. The Foreclosure Registry requires owners of foreclosed properties to pay a $175 fee to register the property with the county. Violators will be fined $1,000 per day, per property, capped at $100,000 per calendar year. Commissioners hope the registry will
Simmons to showcase fall line Entertainment and fashion buttoned-up styling of men’s promogul Russell Simmons is coming fessional attire. The line includes to town Nov. 4. suits, argyle vests, zip-up sweaters, Simmons will be showcasing plaid oxfords, polos, and denims of the newest designs for his mensdifferent washes. wear label Argyleculture at Macy’s Customers who spend at least at the Gallery at South DeKalb in $100 on Argyleculture merchandise Decatur starting at 6 p.m. during the event will receive a limArgyleculture for “the urban Russell Simmons ited-edition Mini World Dog Tag graduate” – the man over age 25 pendant and chain from Simmons who is beginning to fulfill his personal and Jewelry Co.’s signature Steel collection. professional dreams – is available exclusively The Gallery at South DeKalb is at 2731 at Macy’s. Candler Road. For more information, visit It infuses original detailing with the
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October 23, 2010
On Halloween, children ages 5 to 14 are four times more likely to be killed while walking than on any other evening of the year.
Trick-or-treating tips may help minimize hazards on Halloween Kids just love to dress up in costumes and troll for candy on Halloween, but the evening can be fraught with danger. On Halloween, children ages 5 to 14 are four times more likely to be killed while walking than on any other evening of the year. And falls are the leading cause of injuries among children on Halloween. To reduce the dangers, Beverly LosBeverly Losman man of Children’s Healthcare and Safe Kids Georgia offers these tips: n Avoid costumes with excessive flowing fabric, such as capes or sleeves. Loose clothing can easily brush up against a jack-o’-lantern or other open flame, causing your child’s costume to catch on fire. n Make sure your child’s costume fits properly. Oversized costumes and footwear, such as clown or adult shoes,
can cause your child to trip and fall. Avoid wearing hats that will slide over their eyes. n Accessorize with flexible props, such as rubber swords or knives. Inflexible props can cause serious injury in case of a fall. n Apply face paint or cosmetics directly to the face, and make sure it is nontoxic and hypoallergenic. A loose-fitting mask can obstruct vision. If a mask is worn, be certain it fits securely. Cut the eyeholes large enough for full vision. n If possible, choose a brightly colored costume that drivers can spot easily. If not, decorate the costume with reflective tape and stickers. n Always supervise children under age 13. Older children should trick-or-treat in a group, and a curfew should be established. Attach the name, address and phone number (including area code) of children under age 13 to their clothes in case they get separated from adults. Have each child carry a cell phone or some loose change in case they need to call home or if they get lost.
This witch’s costume avoids many potential safety hazards such as loosefitting sleeves or a floppy hat that could slip down over the child’s eyes.
n Children should only go to well-lit
houses and remain on the porch within street view. Teach your child to cross the street only at crosswalks or intersections. Make sure he or she understands never to cross between parked cars and always look both ways before crossing. Remind your child to stay on the sidewalk, if possible, and to walk facing traffic. Children should walk, not run, and avoid using shortcuts across backyards or alleys. Use flashlights when trick-ortreating in the dark. n Remind your child not to eat any treats before you have a chance to examine them thoroughly for holes and punctures. Throw away all treats that are homemade or unwrapped. To help prevent your children from munching, give them a snack or light meal before they go trick-or-treating. n Parents of food-allergic children must read every candy label in their child’s Halloween bag to avoid a potentially life-threatening situation. For more information, visit www
Curtis Parker / CrossRoadsNews
Childhood obesity rates add sobering footnote to holiday treats, feasts Halloween, the annual candy holiday, is almost here, but with childhood obesity rampant locally and across the nation, parents might want to put the brakes on the sweet treats this year. Georgia has the second-highest rate of childhood obesity in the United States, and this week Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta suggests that parents and other celebrators offer inexpensive alternatives to candy to the cute little goblins at their door on Oct. 31. It is suggesting hand sanitizer, toothbrushes and toothpaste, small water bottles, crayons, safe child toys, and pencils and erasers. Other treats can include 100 percent juice boxes and snack-sized packages of dried fruit
like raisins, nuts, animal crackers, pretzels and reduced-fat popcorn. On the heels of Halloween will be Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays when family gatherings and parties tempt us with cakes and other sweets. But with careful planning, the holidays don’t have to wreak havoc on our diets and derail all our good efforts at eating healthy and losing weight. To help us take charge, the American Heart Association offers these tips for a healthier Halloween and holiday season: n Get moving. Being active is a great way to spend time together, so take the family for a long trick-or-treat walk or have a “Monster
Mash” dance party in your living room. n Remember to not go overboard eating Halloween treats. Balance the sweets with plenty of fruits and veggies the rest of the day. n Make it a family dinner date. Stay in during dinner time this Halloween. Get the gang in the kitchen and cook a heart-healthy family meal together. Remember to incorporate lean meats or fish and foods low in saturated and trans fats as well as vegetables full of the colors of fall.
n Save special treats like Halloween and
holiday candy for the day itself. Try not to get into the habit of satisfying your sweet tooth whenever you get a craving just because it’s the holiday season. Halloween and holiday candy should be a one-time only treat for kids and adults. It’s OK to indulge a bit on the holidays, but eat healthy on routine days. For more information, visit www.heart .org.
October 23, 2010
“Footloose” is loosely based on events that took place in the small, rural and religious community of Elmore City, Okla.
5K ancestral walk benefits historic Flat Rock Slave Cemetery Participants in the Oct. 30 ancestral walk will assemble at the site of the original Flat Rock Church for musical performances, followed by a procession and consecration ceremony.
Walkers will retrace the footsteps of their ancestors at an Oct. 30 benefit walk for the historic Flat Rock Slave Cemetery in Lithonia. The 5K walk, hosted by Flat Rock Archives and Museum, kicks off at 8 a.m. at the Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area in Lithonia. The route will take walkers to the Flat Rock Slave Cemetery on Browns Mill Road. Walkers and others will assemble at 10 a.m. at the site of the original Flat Rock Church – 4250 Flat Rock Road – for performances from the Coastal Youth Theatre of Voices, the Chosen Vessel Dancers and Talking Drum Inspiration Music. At 11 a.m., there will be a procession and consecration ceremony.
The procession from Old Evans Mills Road to the slave cemetery will be led by the 54th Company 1 and the Atlanta Chapter of Buffalo Soldiers; Georgia Geechee Gullah Shouters; Mule Team & Wagon of Flowers; community religious leaders; and the direct descendants of the Flat Rock Community. The event will conclude at 1 p.m. with a celebration at the Flat Rock Archives and Museum, 3979 Crossvale Road, that includes food; fine art; and live entertainment featuring gospel music, African drumming, jazz and reggae music. There also will be hourly tours to the Lyon South River, the slave quarters. Registration fee for the walk is $15, which includes a T-shirt. For more information, visit
Public safety champs feted
‘Footloose’ in Stone Mountain Dance ministry
Country-western singer Erica Nicole headlines the DeKalb Police Alliance’s 4th Annual Police Officers Ball on Oct. 30 at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia Hotel in Atlanta. The 2010 Public Safety Champions will be recognized at the event. Twenty-three officers and 12 individuals and organizations were nominated for the awards that celebrate positive impact on pubErica Nicole lic safety. Nicole, who attended Woodward Academy and grew up singing in school plays, just released her self-titled debut CD. The event starts at 6 p.m. Tickets are $100; police officers pay $50. Proceeds benefit the alliance. The hotel is at 4355 Ashford Dunwoody Road. For more information, call 770-395-7700.
MLK Jr. High to hold fall fest Families can sample fall goodies, arts and crafts, and performances at Martin Luther King Jr. High School’s first fall festival on Oct. 30. The Lithonia school is hosting the festival from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the school grounds at 3991 Snapfinger Road. Vendors can purchase a table for $50. The PTSA also is taking applications for singers, dancers and poets. For more information, e-mail MLK or call 404-457-0660.
Actors, extras, crews and equipment took over Stone Mountain’s Main Street on Oct. 18 to film scenes for Par amount Pictures’ remake of the 1984 movie “Footloose.” The film combines music, drama and comedy and stars Dennis Quaid. It is set to open April 1, Scenes for the remake of 1984’s “Footloose,” starring Dennis Quaid, were filmed on Main Street in Stone Mountain earlier this week. 2011. “Footloose” is loosely based on events where dancing and rock music are illegal that took place in the small, rural and reli- and butts heads with the uptight Rev. Shaw gious community of Elmore City, Okla. It Moore, played by Quaid. tells the story of Ren McCormack, a streetScenes also were filmed in Acworth in wise Chicago teen who relocates to the town Cobb County and in Newton County.
Pink Pig ride returns for holidays The Macy’s Pink Pig train, one of Atlanta’s most beloved holiday traditions, opens Oct. 30 at Macy’s at Lenox Square. Since its 1953 debut at the downtown Rich’s to a brief stint at the Egleston Children’s Hospital Festival of Trees, five generations of Atlantans have ridden the pink pig into the holiday season. The ride will open at 10 a.m. on the upper level of the parking deck near Macy’s. Rides are $3 and benefit Children’s Healthcare. “The Macy’s Pink Pig is an honored tradition and we look forward to welcoming a new generation of riders as well as thousands who come back each year,” said Michael Krauter, The iconic Pink Pig has welcomed children and Macy’s president and regional director. their families for more than five decades.
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“Ministry in Motion 2010: Releasing the Gifts,” with a weekend of workshops, worship and a concert, is coming to Saint Philip AME Church on Oct. 29-31. The event, hosted by the church’s Holy Dance Ministry, will celebrate the ministry’s 10th anniversary. Workshops feature the Rev. Eyesha Marable, founder of the National Liturgical Dance Network; Minister Kathleen Turner, director of Allen Liturgical Dance Ministry at Greater Allen Cathedral; and the Rev. Kevin Moore, the church’s youth pastor. Saint Philip is at 240 Candler Road at Memorial Drive. For more information or to register, visit or call Debbie Nutt at 404-840-8020.
Gala honors cancer survivors Survivors of breast cancer will be celebrated at the 100 Black Women of Decatur-DeKalb Chapter’s Pink & Black Affair on Nov. 6. The annual event, which is in its sixth year, offers an evening of dinner, dancing and a silent auction. Tickets are $55 each or $500 for a table of 10. Proceeds benefit breast cancer research and the chapter’s Legacy Program that mentors young ladies. It takes place at 7 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Conference Center in downtown Decatur. For tickets or more information, visit or call Norma J. Johnson at 678-418-8059 or 770-9818775.
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October 23, 2010
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Misc. For Sale
SUB-CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITY SCS Energy is soliciting proposals from qualified LSBE-DeKalb, LSBE-MSA, MBE, and WBE for DeKalb County ITB 10-100188 (LFG to RNG Project). Available subcontracts include civil, structural, electrical, mechanical, HVAC, plumbing, and geotechnical. Interested parties please email contact information to along with possible scope of services.
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Real Estate
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MARKETPLACE RATES Place your MarketPlace line ad here – up to 20 words for $25. Additional words are $3 per block of five words (maximum 45 words). Boxed Ads (with up to 3 lines bold headline): $35 plus cost of the classified ad. Send ad copy with check or credit card information and contact phone number (if different from ad) to MarketPlace, CrossRoadsNews, 2346 Candler Road, Decatur, GA 30032, or e-mail to Our deadlines are at noon on the Friday one week prior to publication, unless otherwise noted.
October 23, 2010
Marketplace BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Own your own business! Be part of a 4 Trillion dollar industry only $59.95. Limited time offer. Call Donna @ 678-235-5664 Looking for motivated internet people to market an Extraordinary money-making software to home-based businesses. Make unlimited $200 payments instantly.
FOR RENT/LEASE Share a quiet 4-bedroom home near Wesley Chapel & I-20. Not on MARTA. $115/wk 404-9185676
For Rent, Upstairs Condo, Decatur. Total electric, 1br/1bath. Remodeled kitchen, fireplace, carpeted. Alarm system. Walkout porch. Call 404-349-7110
Personal Care Home. 10 bdrms - 4 full baths. 2 kitchens. $2800 per month. Call 678-755-5955. Senior Housing Community (60 ) Emma Cares - Safe & Loving community. Share housing w/ other seniors. Near shops, entertainment & MARTA 770885-2537
Drivers: Stability & Peace of Mind with Cypress Truck Lines! Year Round Freight! Great working Environment. Home Weekends! 1yr Tractor/Trailer exp. Req. 800545-1351
5BR, 4BA, Ellenwood Area, 2 Car Garage, Huge Master; $1900 / month + deposit; No Smoking, No Pets. Lawn Care Included. Available Now! Call: 404.849.5644 DeKalb/Kirkwood - 2 & 4bd duplex with appls., CHA, hardwood floors, W/D conn., off-street parking, lg back yard. Contact: CBG Real Estate 404.523.6136.
For Sale: Six piece mahogany king size sleigh bedroom set, in good condition asking only $350.00. Call 770-873-4232.
GARAGE SALES Mega Garage Sale. Kingdom Academy school-wide garage sale: household items, baby items, baked goods, & much more. Oct. 23rd 9am-2pm. 5271 Snapfinger Woods Drive Decatur.
The Samuel Group, Inc. Loans for Churches, Restaurants, Day Care Centers, Multi Family Properties, Office Buildings and other commercial properties. Purchases or refinancing. All credit considered. Closings as quick as 7 days.
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Next Day Lawn Maintenance Service. Bobcat Work, Hauling, French Drainage System 770593-1382.
Family Law & Criminal Law
Laurencin’s Home Services, Inc. Call Bobby at 404-392-8749
The Samuel Group 404-870-9070
HELP WANTED Foreclosure maintainer looking for skilled/unskilled laborers. Reliable transportation needed. Vendors need tools/vechicle. Background check/drug screenings done. Fax Resumes:678-894-0479
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$0 down, for 60 months at 6.0% APR plus tax, tag and title fees. With approved credit. See dealer for details.
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$0 down, for 60 months at 6.0% APR plus tax, tag and title fees. With approved credit. See dealer for details.
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$0 down, for 72 months at 6.0% APR plus tax, tag and title fees. With approved credit. See dealer for details.
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