NAACP awards
New looks for fall
DeKalb NAACP member Sarah Copelin-Wood and 11 other activists are honored with Freedom Fund Awards. 2
Ten first ladies were among models who showcased the latest fall fashions from Macy’s at the Gallery at South DeKalb. 7
Put Litter in Its Place Let’s Do Our Part to Keep DeKalb Beautiful
Copyright © 2015 CrossRoadsNews, Inc.
October 31, 2015
Volume 21, Number 27
Family, friends mourn victim of attempted carjacking By Ken Watts
Demonte Grant (second from left), Jermaine Grant Jr. and Cameron Williams are held in death of Shaneku McCurty.
Family, friends and co-workers of Decatur barber Shaneku McCurty will celebrate her life at a homegoing service on Oct. 31 at Covenant Church in Decatur. McCurty, 25, was shot to death on Oct. 22 during an attempted carjacking at the Chevron Food Mart on Redan Road in Stone Mountain. She had stopped at the convenience store at 1:20 a.m. to purchase a lottery ticket when police say three teens – Cameron Williams, 16, and brothers Demonte Grant, 15, and Jermaine Grant Jr., 16 – accosted her. step to help people in need,” she said. burial expenses. Her homegoing service will take place at 11 a.m. at the The teens were arrested the next day and charged with Grieving relatives can’t understand why anyone would church on Corey Boulevard. harm McCurty, who worked at the $5 Barber Shop on Can- McCurty’s slaying. Bishop Quincey Carswell is presiding. The break in the case came when police released clear dler Road and was well-liked there and in the community. Valerie Bolton, McCurty’s aunt, said the family has set Bolton said she had a great smile. up a account to help pay her funeral and “She was always upbeat, always willing to go the extra Please see SHOOTING, page 3
Ethics law referendum on Nov. 3 countywide ballot Early voting ended on Oct. 30, and 1,936 voters had cast ballots through Wednesday. Polls are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day, Nov. 3.
Voting for all county voters, not just cities By Jennifer Ffrench Parker
All DeKalb voters should head to the polls on Nov. 3 because of a countywide referendum on a new law that will govern the behavior of elected and public officials and county employees with the creation of a new Board of Ethics. All of the county’s 481,785 registered voters will vote “yes” or “no” to the question: “Shall the Act be approved which revises the Board of Ethics for DeKalb County?” Early voting has been under way since Oct. 12 at the DeKalb Elections Office on Memorial Drive in Decatur, and 1,936 voters had cast ballots through Oct. 28. If approved, the new DeKalb Ethics Law, passed by state legislators last spring on the recommendations by the County Operations Taskforce and Blueprint DeKalb, will go into effect Dec. 31, 2015, with a new seven-member Ethics Board selected by members of the DeKalb Bar Association, DeKalb Chamber of Commerce, DeKalb County Legislative Delegation, chief judge of DeKalb Superior Court, judge of the DeKalb Probate Court, Leadership DeKalb, and representatives from the six major universities and colleges in DeKalb County. The new board members will serve staggered three-year terms. Currently, Ethics Board members are appointed by the DeKalb CEO and Board of Commissioners and serve seven-year terms. With voters approval, the new Board of Ethics will have the power to fine, refer for prosecution, and reprimand all elected officials, county employees, appointed officials and contractors. It will hire an ethics officer to educate all county officials and employees of its standards and to monitor a hotline and report alleged ethical violations to it; propose its own
Jennifer Ffrench Parker / CrossRoadsNews
budget; and employ its own staff and clerical personnel and contract for the services of a competent court reporter, an attorney and a private investigator. It also requires the Board of Commissioners to provide the Ethics Board adequate office and meeting space and pay all its administrative costs. Under the new law, eligible board members must have lived in the county for at least one year; have professional knowledge or expertise in matters of ethics, finance, governance or the law; must undergo education and employment background check; have never committed a felony; have not served on an agency or been an official or employee of DeKalb County government within a twoyear period prior to their appointment or while serving on the board; and have not had any interest in any contract, transaction or
official action of the county two years prior to their selection. It also bars people who have run for office or been elected to office during the preceding three years. Board members will serve without compensation. If voters approve the referendum, the deadline for terminating current members and selecting new board members is Dec. 31, 2015.
LaVista Hills with a population of 67,446. In Clarkston, voters get a do-over on a 2014 annexation that had an error in it. On Nov. 3, about 500 residents on parcels along East Ponce de Leon Avenue between Mill Avenue and I-285 will vote on whether they want to be annexed into the city of Clarkston. The City Schools of Decatur bond referendum is seeking authorization for up to $75 million of city of Decatur general obligation bonds to be used by City Schools to finance a portion of the costs to acquire, construct and equip new school buildings and other buildings or facilities for new elementary schools and an early childhood learning center. The referendum also wants to renovate, replace, expand, repair, improve and equip
Other items on the ballot Voters in Tucker and other areas of central DeKalb will vote on cityhood referendums, and in the city of Decatur, voters have to decide on a City Schools of Decatur bond referendum. Residents in two proposed cities will vote yes or no to incorporating a city of Tucker with a population of 33,301 and a city of Please see ELECTIONS, page 4
October 31, 2015
“You have to advocate until … your friend gets the power to deal with this criminal justice system.”
DeKalb NAACP doles out awards at diamond anniversary banquet By Jennifer Ffrench Parker
A dozen community, academic and business leaders and volunteers were recognized by the DeKalb NAACP at its diamond anniversary banquet on Oct. 24. The branch, founded in 1955, marked its 60th anniversary with more than 300 members, supporters and elected officials at Saint Philip AME Church in Atlanta. Chapter President John Evans and Freedom Fund Chair Teresa Hardy presented the following awards: n McDonald’s franchisee Van Jakes received the Benjamin L. Hooks Award for demonstrating “proficient business practices.” NAACP leaders Teresa Hardy and John Evans (above, left n Alethia Wimberly, who rejuvenated and and right) presented Freedom Fund Awards to, among coordinates the NAACP’s ACT-S0 Program, others, Dee Champagne (above) and (counterclockwise received the David C. Albert Award for from top left) the Rev. Jared Sawyer Jr., Alethia Wimberly, “outstanding contribution and innovative Dennis Mitchell, Debra DeBerry, Van Jakes, Sara Copelinleadership” that perpetuate the NAACP’s Wood, Isabelle Daniels Holston, Al Chatman, Jabari local and national goals. Simama and U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson. n Georgia Piedmont Technical College President Jabari Simama received the Narvie J. Harris Education Award for exceptional education leadership, dedication and competency. n The Rev. Dennis Mitchell, pastor of Greenforest Community Baptist Church, got the Faith Based Award for demonstrating devout Judeo-Christian values and guidance beyond the walls of the church. n Diamond “Dee” Champagne got the Patricia C. Jones Community Service Award for exceptional community contribution, service Medgar Wiley Evers Free- director of DeKalb Parks & Recreation, and and leadership. dom Legacy Award for a former Atlanta Public Schools substitute n Pastor Jared Sawyer Jr. got the Earl T. demonstrating a lifetime teacher, got the NAACP President’s Award. Shinhoster Youth Services Award for adof courage and for laying n Debra DeBerry, clerk of DeKalb Supevocating and demonstrating exemplary the foundation for present rior Court, received the Thurgood Marshall support of youth and youth activities in the and future leaders in the Award. community. cause of civil and human rights. n Louis Refour, Isabelle Daniels Holston and n U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson received the n Al Chatman, a Realtor, a retired deputy Sarah Copelin-Wood received the John Evans Lifetime Achievement Award that recognizes PUBLIC NOTICE residents for decades of service to the comNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT (SSSP Shepherd Drive Decatur, LLC) D/B/A SIMPLY SELF STORAGE munity and the NAACP. LOCATED AT (2804 HF Shepherd Drive) INTENDS TO SELL OR OTHERWISE DISPOSE OF THE PERSONAL Refour, a 45-year DeKalb resident, has PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW TO ENFORCE A LIEN IMPOSED ON SAID PROPERTY UNDER THE GEORGIA served on numerous boards and panels. LAW 10-4-213. Holston is a retired DeKalb track coach, THE PUBLIC SALE OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY WILL TAKE PLACE (UNLESS physical education teacher and 1956 OlymOTHERWISE WITHDRAWN) VIA AN ON-LINE AUCTION AT WWW.STORAGETREASURES.COM ON (November 10, 2015) BEGINNING AT APPROXIMATELY (10:00am) AND CONCLUDING ON (November 16, 2015) AT pic bronze medalist. APPROXIMATELY (10:00am). THIS PUBLIC SALE WILL RESULT IN THE GOODS BEING SOLD TO THE HIGHEST Copelin-Wood, a former DeKalb School BIDDER. CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY. Board member and community activist, Unit # Name Contents Unit # Name Contents Unit # Name Contents has been a DeKalb NAACP member for 20 A019 Lewis Miller Misc Items A075 Latonia Rucker Misc Items C227 Debra Jones Misc Items A022 Rafinee Shorter Misc Items B117 Monica Hughes Misc Items D05H Michael Watson Misc Items years. She coordinates the chapter’s annual A052 Mark Jordan Misc Items C091 Kasaundra Brinkley Misc Items E08I Kasaundra Brinkley Misc Items Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade.
In a wide-ranging civil rights speech, the Rev. Raphael Warnock, the evening’s keynote speaker, praised the NAACP chapter for standing up for the rights of the disadvantaged since its start in 1955 and called on his audience to raise its voice against the violence of poverty, cross the racial divide to tackle poverty, and to put pressure on President Barack Obama to fix the American prison complex. Warnock, senior pastor of Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church where King was a pastor, bemoaned the country’s stagnant minimum wage Raphael Warnock and the high cost and low quality of food in poor areas and railed against the U.S. prison industrial complex and police brutality. He said the price and expense of poverty must be considered when we speak of poor people like Freddie Gray, the Baltimore man who died of injuries he sustained in the back of a police van, and LaToya Graham, the mother who was captured on national television disciplining her 16-year-old son who joined rioters protesting the police. “Long before Freddie Gray became entangled with the police, he was a victim of a cycle of racism, environmental hazards, inequality in education, and the rough streets of Baltimore,” Warnock said. “Freddie Gray grew up in substandard housing victimized by lead poisoning that we have known for decades is harmful to children. Predictably, as victims of a toxic environment, our children are being raised in conditions we create.” He told the crowd to raise its voice. “In a violent world, we have to deal with the violence of poverty,” he said. “We can’t focus on a Freddie Gray, a LaToya Graham and not deal with the situation that created them. That’s what the NAACP does so well.” He said he liked what Obama has been doing recently with the prison industrial complex but said we have to push him. “We think we have a friend in the White House,” he said. “The best thing you can do for a friend in the White House is put pressure on him to do the things that need to be done. … You have to advocate until the person who is your friend gets the political power to deal with this criminal justice system.”
October 31, 2015
Each year, Macy’s honors a Children’s patient at the private kickoff of the holiday tradition that raises money for the nonprofit hospital.
Pink Pig train rides herald holiday season with Children’s guests By Ken Watts
Three-year-old Chloe Garrett scampered aboard Macy’s iconic Priscilla the Pink Pig train at Lenox Square in Buckhead on Oct. 28 in one of the earliest signs of the rapidly approaching holiday season. Chloe, who lives in Marietta, was Children’s Healthcare 2015 VIP – very important patient – and the first child to take the beloved holiday ride. Each year, Macy’s honors a Children’s patient at the private kickoff of the holiday tradition that raises money for the nonprofit hospital. The Pink Pig ride has been a cherished Atlanta holiday tradition for generations since it first spun around the top of Rich’s downtown department store in 1953. Macy’s acquired the ride in 2003 when Rich’s and Macy’s merged. The Pink Pig train rides open to the public Oct. 31 to Jan. 3.
Chloe Garrett of Marietta was the first child to take the Pink Pig ride Oct. 28. Photos by Ken Watts / CrossRoadsNews
Chloe, who is recovering after heart surgeries, is a patient at Children’s Healthcare Rehabilitation Center. She and adoptive parents Carol and Chris Garrett were soon joined by a small group of patients from Children’s Healthcare Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorder Center. They
also were treated to pink treats, balloons and costumed storybook characters. Chloe and the other patients enjoyed a private preview ride and party before the attraction opens to the public. The Garretts said they were thrilled with the honor and Chloe hugged the Pink Pig
when she came up to it and jumped on it. “She was a little reluctant to get off the ride,” Chris Garrett said. The couple, who have four biological children, adopted Chloe in December 2014 from an orphanage in China that cares for children with special needs. She has a heart condition known as atrioventricular septal defect with a blood oxygen level of 60 percent and needed immediate surgery. She underwent two heart operations in January. Her mother says she has a pacemaker and will need to have several more surgeries over the next few years. “But she is doing really well,” Carol Garrett said. “We just hope for her to have a healthy, happy life.” The ride is housed under a white tent on the upper parking deck at Lenox Square. Rides are $3 each with discounts for multiple rides. Visit
Teen carjacking suspects waive first court appearance Fall back one he said. weren’t going to shoot McCurty. hour on Nov. 1 McCurty’s friends honored her memory He said his sons were on the street at 1:20 SHOOTING,
Clocks are falling back on Nov. 1 with the return of Eastern Standard Time. Everyone is reminded to set clocks back an hour before heading off to bed on Halloween night. While getting in an extra hour of sleep on Sunday morning may seem like a good idea, it could make it harder to adjust to the new time. Most kids and adults adjust in a few days to a week. The time change is also a good reminder to check your smoke detector and change batteries if needed. Daylight-saving time ends at 2 a.m. on Nov. 1.
from page
images of the teens from the convenience store’s surveillance video. Police say Williams shot McCurty. All three teens waived their first court appearance on Oct. 26. Jermaine Grant Sr., father of the Grant brothers, took to WSB-TV on Oct. 28 to apologize to McCurty’s family. “I am sorry for your loss,” he said, “but my kids wasn’t the shooter. They didn’t have no guns.” The father, wiping tears, said his sons had no idea that Williams had a gun and they
a.m. because they “snucked” out of their home while he was at work. The Grants’ attorney, Morris Fair, also was overcome with emotion. “Really the only thing they really did was broke curfew and was with someone who chose to take someone’s life,” he said, wiping tears. DeKalb Public Safety Director Cedric Alexander said McCurty was an innocent victim who had just driven up to the store. “[She] gets out, walks in, makes her purchase and comes back to her vehicle,”
at an Oct. 25 candlelight vigil at the Empowerment Center of Atlanta on Embers Drive in Decatur. They released balloons with prayers and heartfelt messages. McCurty is survived by her parents, Shirley Swanson and Dennis McCurty; stepfather Rodney Swanson; brother Dennis Bolton; godson Jashun Smith; and a host of aunts, uncles and cousins. She will be buried at Dawn Cemetery on Glenwood Road immediately following the homegoing service. The church is at 1700 Corey Blvd.
Law Enforcement CAREER FAIR MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2015 9:AM - NOON Georgia Piedmont Technical College LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY 8100 Bob Williams Parkway Covington, GA 30014 GPTC LEA Graduates
Now Enrolling for January 4th Class | 404-297-9522 x 5046 Equal Opportunity Institution
Community 2346 Candler Rd. Decatur, GA 30032 404-284-1888 Fax: 404-284-5007
Editor / Publisher Jennifer Parker Assistant Editor Brenda Yarbrough Staff Writers Jennifer Ffrench Parker Ken Watts Front Office Manager Catherine Guy Circulation Manager Alexandria LeKae Ford Graphic Design Curtis Parker
CrossRoadsNews is published every Saturday by CrossRoadsNews, Inc. We welcome articles on neighborhood issues and news of local happenings. The opinions expressed by writers and contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, nor those of any advertisers. The concept, design and content of CrossRoadsNews are copyrighted and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. Advertisements are published upon the representation that the advertiser is authorized to publish the submitted material. The advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any loss or expenses resulting from any disputes or legal claims based upon the contents or subject matter of such advertisments, including claims of suits for libel, violation of privacy, plagiarism and copyright infringement. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement.
October 31, 2015
“It is an indescribable feeling for somebody … to come back later and say, ‘Thank you – you saved my life.’”
GPTC hosting law enforcement career fair Aspiring deputies and police officers can attend a Nov. 3 career fair at Georgia Piedmont Technical College Law Enforcement Academy in Covington. The career fair, which is being held in conjunction with local, state and federal authorities, takes place from 9 a.m. to noon. Maj. Harry McCann, GPTC
Law Enforcement Academy director, says nothing else compares to the service that law enforcement officers provide. “A career in law enforcement is a rewarding, lifelong career,” McCann said. “It is an indescribable feeling for somebody who you have arrested to come back later and say,
‘Thank you – you saved my life.’” More than 17 law enforcement agencies, including the Conyers, Lawrenceville, Athens-Clarke County and Social Circle police departments, and the FBI and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources are expected for the career fair. GPTC also is accepting appli-
cations at for classes beginning Jan. 4. GPTC’s Covington campus and Law Enforcement Academy is at 8100 Bob Williams Parkway in Covington. For more information, contact Cory Thompson at thompsonc@ or 404-297-9522, Ext. 1118.
Workshop offers strategies for identity theft prevention Pick up pointers to protect your identity at a Nov. 7 workshop at the Covington Library. Identity Theft Prevention begins at 2 p.m. About 15 million U.S. residents have their identities used fraudulently each year. The workshop will help you understand identity theft, the various kinds of theft and what you can do to protect your identity. The library is at 3500 Covington Highway. For more information, call 404-508-7180.
9 at the Scott Candler Library. The 90-minute program begins at 6:30 p.m. The session may benefit residents experiencing problems with the Internal Revenue Service, who are unable to resolve tax issues, or have been a victim of identity theft. The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an independent organization within the IRS. The library is at 1917 Candler Road in Decatur. For more information, call 404-286-6986. The program also will be held on Nov. 10 Taxpayer Advocate from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Hairston Crossing Library, Learn what every taxpayer should know at 4911 Redan Road in Stone Mountain. Call 404Taxpayer Advocate Service Awareness on Nov. 508-7170.
Start:ME microbusiness program Applications are available through Nov. 16 in Clarkston and East Lake for the Start:MicroEntrepreneur Accelerator Program. A Clarkston information session takes place from 6 to 8 p.m. on Nov. 5 at Clarkston First Baptist Church. East Lake sessions are 10 a.m. to noon on Nov. 7 at Zaban Recreation Center and from 4 to 6 p.m. at Toomer Elementary. R.S.V.P. at, where applications and more information are available. The 14-week program, which starts in January, offers business training, mentorship support, and early-stage financing to entrepreneurs.
64 candidates seek council, commissioner, mayoral seats ELECTIONS,
from page
Incumbents Shameka Reynolds and Darold Honore are vying for two Lithonia City Council seats along with Fred Reynolds.
existing administrative buildings, and school buildings including Decatur High, Renfroe Middle, the 4-5 Academy and other existing elementary schools; acquire, install and equip portable classrooms and the College Heights Early Learning Center leased by City Schools; and pay associated interest and expenses.
Special elections House District 92 and Senate District 43 voters will pick a new state representative and senator in special elections on Nov. 3. For the House 92 race, which covers portions of DeKalb and Rockdale, Doreen Carter from Lithonia and Sherri Washington from Conyers are vying to succeed state Rep. Tonya P. Anderson, who resigned to enter the Senate 43 race. Nine candidates – Republicans Diane Adoma, Janice Frey Van Ness and William “Bill” Kennedy; Democrats Anderson, Marcus Jordan, Sharon Griffin Sawyer, Rodney Upton and Stan Williams; and nonpartisan Angela Moore – are on the Senate 43 ballot. The district covers portions of DeKalb, Rockdale and Newton counties. Moore was disqualified from the race on Oct. 20 by Secretary of State Brian Kemp because she does not live in the Angela Moore district. The winner of the race will succeed Ronald Ramsey, who was appointed associate DeKalb State Court judge. DeKalb Elections Office spokeswoman Mary Frances Weeks said
Circulation Audited By
Curtis Parker / CrossRoadsNews
Thursday that because the ballot was created before Moore was disqualified, her name is still on the ballot. “However, disqualification notices are posted at the Advance Voting precinct as well as all of the SD 43 precincts stating ‘Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 21-2-5(c), all votes cast Al Franklin Deborah Jackson for such candidate shall be void and shall not be counted,’” she said. “A council seats. In Decatur, Tony Powers and notice to this effect is also included Johnson Ridley are vying for atin any SD 43 mailed ballots.” large city commissioner; incumbent Scott S. Drake is vying with City races In DeKalb’s 10 cities – Avondale Valencia Breedlove and Eric TumEstates, Brookhaven, Chamblee, peri for the District 1 Post B seat; Clarkston, Decatur, Doraville, James Johnson and Brian Smith are Dunwoody, Lithonia, Pine Lake and vying for the District 2 Post B seat; Stone Mountain – 64 candidates are and Thomas DeSimone and Tasha seeking council, commissioner and Rose White are running for the City Board of Education District 2 Post mayoral seats. In Lithonia, Mayor Deborah B seat. Incumbent Garrett Goebel Jackson is being challenged by is unopposed for the City Board of former Councilman Al Franklin, Education District 1 Post B seat. In Stone Mountain, incumbent and incumbent council members Darold Honore and Shameka Councilman Steve Wells is being Reynolds are vying for two council challenged by Diana Roe Hollis for the Post 2 seat, and incumbent seats along with Fred Reynolds. In Avondale, incumbent Coun- Chakira Johnson is vying with cilman John L. Quinn is in a race Judy F. Asher for the Post 3 seat. with Brian Fisher, John Pomberg, Councilman Richard Mailman is Tod Pullen and Adela Yelton for two unopposed for Post 1.
In Pine Lake, incumbent Megan Ross Pulsts is vying with Brandy M. Hall, Tonja Holder and Dugan Trodglen for two council seats, while Jean Bordeaux, Kris Morlan Casariego and William Cotter are in a contest for another council seat. Melanie Hammet is unopposed for mayor. In Brookhaven, former DeKalb Ethics Board Chair John A. Ernst Jr. and Dale Boone are vying for mayor; Eve Erdogon and Linley Jones are vying for the District 1 council seat; and incumbent Bates Mattison is unopposed for his District 3 council seat. In Dunwoody, incumbent Mayor Mike Davis is being challenged by Steve Chipka, Chris Grivakis and Denis Shortal; for the City Council Post 4 at large, incumbent Terry Nall is challenged by Becky Springer. For posts 5 and 6, incumbents Lynn Deutsch and John Heneghan are unopposed, and Pam Tallmadge is unopposed in the special election for the District 1 Post 1 seat. In Chamblee, incumbent Dan Zanger and Darron Kusman are vying for an at-large council seat; incumbent Leslie Robson and Verle C. Van Hoozen are competing for the District 2 seat; and incumbent Thomas S. Hogan II is vying with Clara Azcunes De Ojeda for the council’s District 3 seat. In Doraville, incumbent Mayor Donna Pittman is being challenged by Tom Har. For City Council, District 1 incumbent Pam Fleming is facing Julie Newman; MD Naser and Tim Snyder are vying for District 2; and Shannon Hillard is unopposed for the District 3 seat. The last day to vote early was Oct. 30. On Election Day, all polls are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information, visit or call the DeKalb Elections Office at 404-298-4020.
index to advertisers Americolor Opera........................................... 7 Brooks & Associates........................................ 7 DeKalb Clerk of Superior Court...................... 5 DeKalb Commissioner Larry Johnson............. 3 First Class Realty............................................. 7
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October 31, 2015
“We celebrate their courage and every year look forward to honoring them in a very special way.”
Pink & Black Ball honoring 11 cancer survivors Free screenings, Doctors, a young wife and mother, and a colon cancer survivor are among the 11 honorees at Decatur-DeKalb 100 Black Women’s 10th anniversary “Pink & Black” Ball on Nov. 7 at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel Rhonda Buford in Decatur. The black-tie gala, the chapter’s signature fundraiser, begins at 7 p.m. and features dinner, dancing and a silent auction. Shaunya Chavis Rucker serves as emcee. Pink & Black Ball co-chairs Delois Grizzle and Debra Curtis said the chapter is grateful for the chance “to pay tribute to these resilient warriors who refuse to let a cancer diagnosis dictate their lives.” “We celebrate their courage and every year look forward to honoring them in a very special way,” they said. The honorees: n Rhonda Buford, a mother of three and grandmother whose journey began in 2011, has been in remission for two years. She advocates mammograms and self-exams. n Dr. Tonya Cole, a radiation oncologist, wife and mother of 3-year-old twin girls, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014. She will kick off the Beauty of Cancer Foundation in January and is writing the first of a series of children’s books explaining cancer. n Thelma Cook, a learning disability specialist for Atlanta Public Schools for 30 years and a Teacher of the Year, was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in May 2014. Cook lost a sister to TNBC. n Henrietta George, an athlete with a healthy lifestyle, was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 32. She serves as a counselor/mentor to newly diagnosed patients. n Dr. Christy Hewling was diagnosed with breast cancer at 28 while in medical school. As a physician, she shares her story of survival and works as a medical liaison with the nonprofit African American Cancer Initiative dedicated to research on cancer, which dis-
entertainment at Men’s Health Fair
Tonya Cole
Thelma Cook
Henrietta George
Christy Hewling
Jazmin Jones
S. McFadden-Sabari
Amber Norris
De’Andre Pickett
Sherri Walker
Rhonda Williams
proportionately affects minorities. n Jazmin Jones was diagnosed with cancer at age 15. Now 28, she has endured five relapses. After earning a master’s degree, Jones counsels others affected by cancer. n Shondia McFadden-Sabari, executive director of BOLDANDBREASTLESS Inc., is married with two children. She was diagnosed in 2010 and had a bilateral mastectomy in 2011 without reconstructive surgery. She is featured with other survivors in the video for “Welcome Yourself ” by Grammy Award winner Amy Grant. Through Delta Sigma Theta, McFadden-Sabari is state coordinator for the partnership between the sorority’s Southern region and the American Cancer Society. n Amber Norris, a Savannah State graduate and Kaiser Permanente employee, was diagnosed with Stage 3 triple negative breast cancer at age 27. She shares her story through social media to promote awareness and encourage young women to get checked. n Dr. DéAndre S. Pickett, a father and colon cancer survivor, is an author, educator, lecturer, community activist, and HIV/AIDS counselor. Pickett, commissioner and chair of the East Point Parks & Recreation Advisory
Commission, serves as chief of staff for state Rep. Dee Dawkins-Haigler and is co-host of “The Stacee Hill & Dr. D Radio Hour.” n Sherri Walker was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012 after discovering a lump while taking a shower. She encourages all women to perform self-exams, and her consistent reminders to schedule an appointment also helped her sister, who has been diagnosed with Stage 1 colon cancer. n Rhonda Williams, a wife, mother, grandmother and Air Force retiree, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011. She is now cancerfree with a new career with IRS. She started a breast cancer support group, “Thriving & Surviving.” It has 136 members and meets monthly at Piedmont Henry Hospital. The 100 Black Women Decatur-DeKalb chapter is dedicated to raising awareness about cancer and securing financial support for continued research. A portion of event proceeds will benefit the Cancer Society and the chapter’s Legacy mentoring program for high school girls. The hotel is at 130 Clairemont Ave. For tickets and more information, visit https://
Men are the main focus of a health fair on Nov. 7 at the Porter Sanford Center that will have something for everyone, including free screenings and kids activities. The DeKalb Board of Health’s Men’s Health Initiative is host for the 10 p.m. Men’s Health & Wellness Fair: Strong 4 Family, which will address many aspects of men’s wellness – chronic disease, mental health, economic development and public safety, to name a few. There will be a kids zone, conversations about keeping the community safe, entertainment and prizes. Dr. S. Elizabeth Ford, district health director, said she was excited about putting the spotlight on men’s health. “It shows our commitment to the health of every resident of DeKalb,” she said. “We want the men of our county to be both community leaders and examples for their families and friends around the state and nation.” Speakers include Dr. Erich Randolph, a radiation oncologist, and Dr. Clarence Massie, a drug counselor. Roland Washington, managing partner of All People Up, will moderate a public safety panel Erich Randolph that includes Traffic Judge Roderick Bridges; Will Clark, a Juvenile Justice assessment and classification specialist; Freedom Is a Choice founder Omar Howard; Police Maj. K.D. Johnson; and Sheriff Clarence Massie Jeff Mann. The center is at 3181 Rainbow Drive in Decatur. Call 404-294-3746.
of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Legal Notices 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31
Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV9798-7++ Tracy Elaine Demeneghi Jauregu Plaintiff Vs. Saul Demeneghi Jauregu Defendant By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Sept. 25, 2015 you are hereby notified that on Sept. 24, 2015, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Tracy Elaine Demeneghi Jauregu, 2454 Johnson Rd., Apt. A, Atlanta, GA 30345. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Sept. 25, 2015. Witness the Honorable Daniel M. Coursey, Jr., Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 25th day of Sept., 2015 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV9887-2++ Hirut Gebeyehu Mulat filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court to change name from: Hirut Gebeyehu
Mulat to Melat Mulat Gebeyehul. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Sept. 09, 2015 Name: Hirut Gebeyehu Mulat 2543 Dresden Dr. Atlanta, GA 30341 (678) 557-1934 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV9902-1++ Antonio Franklin filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Sept. 23, 2015 to change name from: Antonio Franklin to Joshua Moses Clairmont. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Sept. 23, 2015 Name: Antonio Franklin 308 Clairmont Rd. Decatur, GA 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV10058-2++ Sade’ Denise McElroy filed a petition
in the DeKalb County Superior Court to change name from: Sade’ Denise McElroy to Journii Sade’ Walker. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Sept. 25, 2015 Name: Sade’ Denise McElroy 4122 Rolling Bank Lane Ellenwood, GA 30294 (323) 481-2915 10/24, 10/31, 11/07, 11/14
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV104494-3++ Linda Y. Ratledge filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 15, 2015 to change name from: Linda Y. Ratledge to Linda Davis. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Oct. 06, 2015 Name: Linda Y. Ratledge aka Linda Davis 2380 Rambling Way Lithonia, GA 30058 404-583-6581 10/24, 10/31, 11/07, 11/14
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV10043-3++ Helena Michele Winney filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Sept. 17, 2015, 2015 to change name from: Helena Michele Winney to Henena Michele Nelson. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Sept. 17, 2015 Name: Helena Michele Winney 1087 Erie Circle Stone Mountain, GA 30087 404-580-8941 10/24, 10/31, 11/07, 11/14
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV104112-2++ Artazie Monta Curry filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 12, 2015 to change name from: Artazie Monta Curry to Artez Roberson. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Oct. 06, 2015 Name: Artazie M. Curry 6330 Phillips Pl. Lithonia, GA 30058 470-216-1926 10/31, 11/07, 11/14, 11/21
Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court
Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV10123-3++ Torrey Dixson Plaintiff Vs. November Dixson Defendant To: November Dixson 5223 W. Washington Chicago, IL 60644 By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Oct. 13, 2015 you are hereby notified that on Sept. 29, 2015, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Torrey Dixson, 1661 Cobbs Creek Lane, Decatur, GA 30032. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of Oct. 13, 2015. Witness the Honorable Clarence F. Seeliger, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 13th day of Oct., 2015 10/31, 11/07, 11/14, 11/21
Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV7019-10++ Monica Dennis Plaintiff Vs. Casie Dennis Defendant To: By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Oct. 09, 2015 you are hereby notified that on Sept. 25, 2015, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Monica Dennis, 1311 Stone Mill Ct., Apt. F, Stone Mountain, GA 30083. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days
of Oct. 09, 2015. Witness the Honorable Tangela M. Barrie, Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 15th day of Oct., 2015 10/31, 11/07, 11/14, 11/21
Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV10692-4++ Ardelia Schkelia Ajala filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 20, 2015 to change name from: Ardelia Schkelia Ajala to Ardelia Schkelia Brown. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Oct. 16, 2015 Name: Ardelia Schkelia Ajala 2051 Flat Shoals Rd., #O4 Atlanta, GA 30316 470-551-7188 10/31, 11/07, 11/14, 11/21
Notice of Petition to Change Name of MINOR CHILD(REN in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV10496-3++ Tameka Joy Redwood filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Oct. 15, 2015 to change the name(s) of the following minor child(ren) from: Javontahaine Nyamie Bolden to: Melsades-Laraine Ndey Amie Bolden. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within the time prescribed In OCGA 19-12-1(f)(2) and (3). Dated: Oct. 14, 2015 Name: Tameka Joy Redwood 4558 Plum Orchard Lane Stone Mountain, GA 30083 803-842-4878
October 31, 2015
Clarkston Streets Alive is an initiative of the community center and the city of Clarkston in partnership with the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition. Fall color peaks in late October through early November in northern Georgia as sunny days and crisp nights turn foliage into deep red, orange and golden yellow.
State parks offer prime leaf-watching Mother Nature is putting on quite a show this autumn with wildflowers and trees donning deep reds and golden yellows in Georgia’s mountains. Fall color peaks in late October through early November in northern Georgia, and residents who want to see more can visit LeafWatch for “Travel Tips for Leaf Peepers.” Regular updates keep travelers posted on how fall color is progressing across Georgia’s Blue Ridge. The site provides top trails and overlooks, mountain cabins and campsites, fall events, and safe hiking tips.
Top state parks for leaf-watching include Amicalola Falls, Black Rock Mountain, Cloudland Canyon, F.D. Roosevelt, Fort Mountain, Moccasin Creek, Red Top Mountain, Smithgall Woods, Sweetwater Creek, Tallulah Gorge, Unicoi, Victoria Bryant and Vogel. The key for most vibrant color is warm, sunny days and cool, crisp nights. Leaf peepers can stay in the heart of autumn scenery at fully equipped cabins, modern campsites and even yurts – a “glamping” trend that is like a tent-cabin – at state parks. Visit GeorgiaStateParks. org/reservations or call 1-800-864-7275.
Hunter-Gault to be inducted into Press Club Hall of Fame Charlayne Hunter-Gault, one of the first two African-American students to enroll at the University of Georgia, is among four journalists being inducted into the Atlanta Press Club Hall of Fame on Nov. 5. They are being recognized for making a significant contribution to journalism in Georgia. Hunter-Gault; Hank Klibanoff, Pulitzer Prize-winning coauthor of “The Race C. Hunter-Gault Beat”; Denis O’Hayer, co-host of “A Closer Look” on 90.1 WABE; and the late Dick Pettys, an Associated Press reporter for 35 years, join 20 other media luminaries in the Hall of Fame. Hunter-Gault and fellow student Hamilton Holmes marked a historic moment when they became the first African-American students to enroll at
UGA in 1961. In her time at Georgia, she wrote for the Atlanta Inquirer. After graduation, Hunter-Gault began her career as a local news anchor in Washington before the New York Times hired her as a reporter. She later joined PBS working for “The MacNeil/Lehrer Report and NewsHour.” Hunter-Gault also worked for National Public Radio as the Africa correspondent and served as CNN’s Johannesburg bureau chief. She has won two Emmys and a Peabody Award. The induction takes place at the InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta with a reception at 6 p.m., followed by dinner and the awards program. Proceeds help provide internships to college students studying journalism. For more information and tickets, visit or call 404-577-7377.
Reading conference registering
Fall Festival, Streets Alive in Clarkston
by authors Deborah JohnThe Nov. 14 registration son, Akinyele Umoja, Dolen deadline is fast approaching Perkins-Valdez and other for the 15th Annual Jubilee of writers who have shared their Reading Book Club Conferstories at the conference over ence at Wesley Chapel-William the past 14 years. C. Brown Library in Decatur. The late Doris K. Wells, The popular conference, a DeKalb librarian for more which takes place from 9:30 than 30 years, and her daugha.m. to 3 p.m. on Dec. 5, is Nea Simone ter, Tami Thomas, will be open to the first 100 registrants. To register, visit dekalblibrary. honored. Wells began the Kwanzaa Awareness Festival in 1983, and they org or the nearest branch. The conference features New York began the conference in 2000. The library is at 2861 Wesley Chapel Times best-selling author Nea Simone as keynote speaker. She will be joined Road. Call 404-286-6980.
Clarkston is celebrating autumn big time with a Fall Festival on Nov. 7 and Clarkston Streets Alive on Nov. 8. The festival features a Community Market and includes vendors, entertainment and games, global arts and crafts, and sports activities. It begins at 11 a.m. on the Clarkston Community Center activity field, 3701 College Ave. From 2 to 5 p.m. on Nov. 8, the streets of Clarkston spring to life. A 1.2-mile loop covering Debelle and Market streets and North Indian Creek Drive and all streets within the circle are open to people on foot, bike and other humanpowered conveyances and closed to motorized traffic.
There will be a bicycle parade, and participants can walk and talk, dance, play, connect and share. Food trucks, West African dancing, unicycles, soccer, and a craft and farmers market are among activities planned. Clarkston Streets Alive is an initiative of the community center and the city of Clarkston in partnership with the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition. It provides an opportunity to experience peopleoriented streets that encourage walking, biking, and other healthy activities by taking cars out of the equation for the afternoon. For sponsorships and activity partnerships, visit or contact Aliyah Frazier at 404-508-1050.
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October 31, 2015
The event was one of several Macy’s hosted in October to support breast cancer awareness and the initiatives of some of its designers.
First ladies, judge, cancer survivor show off Macy’s fall fashions By Jennifer Ffrench Parker
Ten first ladies, a breast cancer survivor, and a judge running for office stepped out in the latest Macy’s fall fashions at an Oct. 23 fashion show at the Gallery at South DeKalb. The first ladies from churches in Atlanta, Cartersville, Covington, Decatur, Loganville, Marietta, McDonough and Stone Mountain helped the store focus attention on Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The event was one of several in October to support breast cancer awareness and the initiatives of some of its designers and to entertain customers. Store manager Terry Young said she also plans special shopping events like Private Day on Nov. 8 leading up to the holiday shopping season. She said Private Day Terry Young is for all of the store’s customers to come out to shop. “We are offering 25 percent off most things in the store, refreshments, door prizes, mini massages, mini makeovers and free jewelry cleaning,” she said. Last year, the Deltas were the store’s special guests for the annual event, and Young said they will be back this year. “Last year we had 60 Deltas come out for Private Day,” she said. “They had a great time.” She said other sororities and fraternities are welcome to bring groups to the event. They just have to email her at At the Oct. 23 fashion show, the models stepped out in suits and dresses perfect for Sunday service and cocktail and evening dresses for special occasions. Models included first ladies Yvonne Bryant of Fountain of Praise and Sheila Moffett of Koinonia Minis-
Models in the Macy’s South DeKalb store Fashion Show included top row, from left Mary Allen, Terri Grace, Andrea Williams, Liz Turner, Johnecia Mason, and Nicole Reese; (bottom row, from left), Sheila Moffett, Angela Brown, Amelia Blunt and Yvonne Bryant. Regina Murray (at left) was the event’s mistress of ceremonies.
Photos By Jennifer Ffrench Parker / CrossRoadsNews
tries in Atlanta; Amelia Blunt of Greater New Life Christian Center in Cartersville; Cynthia Valentine of Blessed Assurance COGIC in Covington; Liz Turner of the Redeemers House in Decatur; Terri Grace of Abounding Grace Ministries in Loganville; Nicole Reese of Faith Moving Ministries in McDonough; and Tamara Brown of Clarion Fellowship
Ministry in Stone Mountain. Mary Allen, the retired first lady of Courts of Praise COGIC in Marietta; breast cancer survivor Andrea Williams, a member of Beulah Baptist Church in Decatur; Johnecia Mason, assistant pastor of Berean Christian Church in Stone Mountain; and Judge Angela Brown, a member of Greater
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Travelers Rest Church in Decatur and a candidate for the DeKalb Superior Court bench, also participated. Dr. Regina Murray, a member of Kelly Lake COGIC in Decatur, was mistress of ceremonies. Macy’s at the Gallery at South DeKalb is at I-20 and Candler Road.
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October 31, 2015
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