CrossRoadsNews, September 19, 2015

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... to Oscar Medical Center for replacing a long-vacant eyesore with a beautiful new office building at 3375 Memorial Drive in Decatur.

Residents say the DeKalb School System should demolish the vacant DeKalb Transition Academy off Wesley Chapel Road, which has been vandalized and set on fire.

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September 19, 2015

Volume 21, Number 21

‘Father of Black History’ is the toast of centennial conference By Ken Watts

Atlanta City Council President Caesar Mitchell (center) presents a proclamation to organizers of the centennial conference of the nonprofit Association for the Study of AfricanAmerican Life and History at Emory University.

had no history. Dr. Sheila Flemming-Hunter, an organizer of the centennial conference that is taking place at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Atlanta, said blacks had nothing to be considered in writing or in scholarship at the time. “Carter was ready to say ‘that’s not true,’” she said during a Sept. 9 news conference at the Robert Woodruff Library at Emory University. “He established an organization to make sure that people knew about our contributions to history and our role in human progress.”

Dr. Carter G. Woodson, “the father of Black History,” will be celebrated by more than 2,000 historians, scholars and community leaders in Atlanta at the Sept. 23-27 national centennial conference of the nonprofit Carter Woodson Association for the Study of African-American Life and History, which he founded on Sept. 9, 1915, in Chicago. Before Woodson, who died in 1950 at the age of 75, blacks were seen as a people who Please see WOODSON, page 4

Ken Watts / CrossRoadsNews

Boston going for DeKalb DA in 2016 DeKalb Solicitor General Sherry Boston is joined by State Rep. Ernest Coach Williams and community activists Ann Brown and Joe Arrington at her Sept. 16 campaign launch at the historic DeKalb Courthouse.

Solicitor general says she can do better than James By Ken Watts

DeKalb Solicitor General Sherry Boston will seek the DeKalb District Attorney’s Office in 2016. Boston, who has been solicitor general for nearly five years, launched her campaign for the county’s top prosecutor job on Sept. 16 from the steps of the historic DeKalb Courthouse in downtown Decatur surrounded by about 60 co-workers, friends and supporters and her husband, Ed Baines, and daughters Haley, 8, and Lucy, 6. Boston said she will challenge incumbent Robert James in the May 24, 2016, Democratic primary because she can do a better job. Boston said James has to abide by the law and ensure that it is applied equally. “Unfortunately, this district attorney does neither,” Boston said. “This district attorney selectively prosecutes for headlines, rather than for the good of our communities.” Among James’ high-profile cases are two prosecutions of suspended DeKalb CEO Burrell Ellis and his refusal to cooperate with a county-funded probe of corruption. Boston also takes issue with the number of cases that James has prosecuted. After a 2014 mistrial, James won a conviction against Ellis in July 2015 on attempted extortion and perjury charges. Ellis is serving 18 months in prison on a five-year sentence. Boston said she has seen a “steady erosion in the public’s confidence in DeKalb’s ability to keep itself honest.” She said James was uncooperative when asked to give office documents and records to special investigators Mike Bowers and Richard Hyde who were hired on March 18 by interim CEO Lee May to root out waste, fraud and abuse in the county.

Curtis Parker / CrossRoadsNews

Boston said that all department heads and elected officials were asked to cooperate with that investigation, and when investigators could not get the documents from the District Attorney’s Office, Bowers asked for them under the Open Records Act. “Under state law, he was obligated to turn them over. Not only did he not turn them over, he [criticized the investigation in the media] and that certainly should not be the stance of an elected official in this county,” Boston said. James said on Sept. 16 that he doesn’t think the probe was an appropriate use of public funds. “Quite frankly, Bowers and Hyde don’t have the power to do anything,” James said. “They don’t have any more jurisdiction than an average citizen. You already have a DA’s Office, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Attorney’s Office that have investigative and arrest authority. [Lee May’s]

executive order exempts our office and the Sheriff ’s Office from investigation.” James said Wednesday that he voluntarily turned the DA’s records over to the GBI for review in July. “Talk about transparency – if you’re gonna hide information, you don’t hide it at the GBI,” he said. To Boston’s charge that his office has prosecuted only a handful cases, James said that doesn’t square with the facts. “Our office, specifically our public integrity unit, has secured 25 pleas and convictions of public employees since late 2011, and we’ve done so with a handful of people,” he said. “We also have 13 pending indictments and 34 to 37 pending investigations all with four lawyers.” Boston succeeded James in the Solicitor General’s Office in 2011. He was solicitor general from 2007 to 2010.

Gov. Sonny Perdue appointed Boston to complete James’ term when he resigned to run for district attorney. Boston, whose office is up for re-election in 2016 as well, said Wednesday that she would immediately jump into fundraising with several appearances scheduled just minutes after launching her campaign. She has filed her letter of intent to collect campaign donations with the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office. “I’ll continue what I’ve been doing – listening to the people about their concerns and priorities,” she said after her announcement. Qualifying for the 2016 election takes place in March. Boston’s campaign manager, Fred Hicks, said they expect a challenging campaign. “We know it’s going to be a tough race against an incumbent, but we’re ready,” he said.




September 19, 2015

“After that, I evaluated my life and had an aha moment, but I think I am more purple than red.”

Hefty slate for state Senate District 43 seat By Jennifer Ffrench Parker

Eleven candidates, including state Rep. Tonya Anderson, qualified this week for Nov. 3 special elections to fill the newly vacant Georgia Senate District 43 and Lithonia City Council seats. The Senate 43 seat, vacated in July by Ronald Ramsey, attracted 10 candidates – six Democrats, three Republicans and one nonpartisan. Ramsey was appointed an associate judge in DeKalb State Court. Qualifying was Sept. 14 to 16. Only one candidate, Diane Howard, qualified for the Lithonia City Council race to replace Al Franklin, who is running for mayor. Howard, a professional caregiver, has lived in Lithonia for 18 months. She says she wants to make a difference in her community. In the popular Senate District 43 race, only three Diane Howard of the political hopefuls – Diana Adoma; Anderson, who represented House District 92; and Angela Moore – are from DeKalb County. The other candidates who are from Conyers and Covington are Rodney Upton, Janice Van Ness, William “Bill” Kennedy, Sherri Washington, Stan Williams, Marcus Jordan, and Sharon Sawyer. Washington, who ran previously for the

Former sheriff ’s aide Kyle Jones to oppose Mann By Jennifer Ffrench Parker

Diane Adoma

Tonya Anderson

Marcus Jordan

House District 92 and former District 94 seats, withdrew from the race on Wednesday, a day after she qualified. She said Thursday that she now plans to run for the House District 92 seat vacated by Anderson. Stonecrest City organizer Jason Lary, who said in July that he would seek the seat, did not qualify. He said Thursday that he decided instead to stay focused on getting approval for the proposed City of Stonecrest. “I want to continue to serve my community and the best way to do that is to see the City of Stonecrest through,” he said. “We are so close to the finish line.” Even though Ramsey was from DeKalb, only 45,000 of the district’s 173,000 residents live in DeKalb. With redistricting, the bulk of the district’s residents – 128,000 – now live in Rockdale and Newton counties. Those counties are hoping to have the next senator. The Nov. 3 special election, being held alongside the Nov. 3 municipal elections, is nonpartisan. Candidates, however, were required to identify their party affiliation.

Come out and…

September 26, 2015 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. South DeKalb Mall (Macy’s Parking Lot)

 Discover- Explore career opportunities  Connect-Meet local employers  Grow-Take control of your future

The DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management’s Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Division will host a job fair in coordination with District 3 Commissioner Larry Johnson’s annual Heart of South DeKalb festival and DeKalb Workforce Development. Please come out and explore immediate career opportunities in construction, as well as other fields. Representatives from national, regional, and local companies will be present. Please register at the link below to schedule an on-site interview:

Please have your resume handy! This is a FREE community event that is open to the public.

3rd Annual Heart of South DeKalb Festival

Angela Moore

Rodney Upton

Adoma, a businesswoman who owns H&R Block franchise offices in Conyers, is running as a Republican, but in 2014, she ran as a Democrat against state Rep. Dee Dawkins Haigler. The eight-year resident of Lithonia and the district said Thursday that during her run for the House, Haigler painted her as “a Republican in Democrats’ clothing” because she is pro business, active with the Rockdale Chamber, and a member of the NRA. “After that, I evaluated my life and had an aha moment,” she said Thursday. “But I think I am more purple than red. I also believe in a woman’s right to do what she wants with her body.” Anderson, a Democrat, lists her occupation as certified life coach and pastor on her affidavit. She is a former mayor of Lithonia who won election to the Georgia House of Representatives in 2000 and was re-elected for a second term in 2012. She has lived in the district for 21 years. Moore, a communications specialist, has lived in the district for 21 years. Though she has never been elected to public office, she ran for the DeKalb Board of Commissioners in 2004 and for Georgia secretary of state in 2010. The candidates from Conyers are contractor Rodney Upton; business owner and educator Janice Van Ness; William “Bill” Kennedy who lists his occupation only as “retired”; attorney Sherri Washington; and retired consultant Stan Williams. Upton, Washington and Williams are Democrats. They have lived in the district for 15, 11 and 15 years respectively. Washington ran for House District 94 in 2010. The candidates from Covington are Newton Chief Appraiser Marcus Jordan and Sharon Sawyer, a financial analyst. Van Ness and Kennedy are both Republicans and have lived in the district for 35 and 12 years, respectively. Jordan and Sawyer are Democrats and have lived in the district for five and 28 years, respectively. If there is no winner on Nov. 3, the runoff is set for Dec. 1.

Former DeKalb sheriff ’s aide, police officer, investigator and commander Kyle Jones says he will challenge Sheriff Jeffrey Mann in the 2016 election. Jones was set to announce his candidacy on Sept. 18 in front of the Derwin Brown Memorial outside the DeKalb Sheriff ’s Office at 4415 Memorial Drive in Decatur. Jones served seven Kyle Jones years in the Sheriff ’s Office, working his way up from field deputy, sergeant and later lieutenant. He was an executive aide to former Sheriff Thomas Brown until Brown’s retirement in 2014. Before joining the Sheriff ’s Office, Jones worked with MARTA Police. He served as lieutenant/commander of Internal Affairs and was the public information officer. He also worked with the DeKalb Police Department for 11 years as a beat cop, a detective in the Intelligence Unit, and a sergeant in Major Crimes and Internal Affairs. Mann, who was appointed by Brown in February 2014 as interim sheriff, was elected in a May 2014 special election from a field of eight to finish Brown’s term. He is up for re-election in 2016. Jones says he wants to restore integrity, trust and accountability to the office. He said Mann has failed to be transparent to DeKalb citizens and its employees and has not addressed the allegations of cover-up and corruption in his administration, his own P-card information to county investigators, the death of a jail recruit during unorthodox training exercises, and other deaths of inmates in his custody at the jail. “The time is now to transition the county to ethical and fair leadership,” Jones said. Mann said Thursday that he will seek re-election next year and has no comment about Jones’ charges or candidacy. “I am busy working, doing the people’s business,” he said. “I have no comment about anybody who is running.” Jones said he chose to announce his candidacy in front of the Derwin Brown memorial because the late sheriff-elect, who was assasinated before he could take office, was a mentor and colleague who also wanted to clean up the DeKalb Sheriff ’s Office.


Notice of Public Hearing September 22, 2015 MARTA Headquarters Atrium 2424 Piedmont Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30324

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sponsorship / vendor / advertising opportunities available

10:30 a.m. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) will hold a public hearing for the purpose of receiving input on the proposed MARTA Mobility Eligibility process to include functional assessments for certification and recertification to determine eligibility for all who qualify for paratransit services and to provide better service for seniors and patrons with disabilities. For formats (FREE of charge) in accordance with the ADA and Limited English Proficiency regulations contact, (404) 848-4037. For those patrons requiring further accommodations, information can be obtained by calling the Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD) at 404 848-5665. In addition, a sign language interpreter will be available at all hearings. If you cannot attend the hearings and want to provide comments you may: (1) leave a message at (404) 848-5299; (2) write to MARTA’s Office of External Affairs, 2424 Piedmont Road, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30324-3330; (3) complete an online Comment Card at; (4) or fax your comments no later than Sept. 24, 2015 to (404) 848-4179. All citizens of the City of Atlanta and the counties of Fulton, DeKalb, Clayton and Gwinnett whose interests are affected by the subjects to be considered at these hearings are hereby notified and invited to appear at said times and places and present such evidence, comment or objection as their interests require. Keith T. Parker, AICP, General Manager/CEO



September 19, 2015


“Our partnership with OpenGov is an open invitation to DeKalb residents to learn how the county is investing their tax funds.”

Fourth Watershed worker gets 15 years in corruption case Former Watershed Management crew supervisor Andre Cofer has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for bilking DeKalb County taxpayers out of thousands of dollars in fraudulent overtime pay in 2011. Andre Cofer Judge Juwayn Haddad sentenced Cofer on Sept. 14 after he pleaded guilty to theft by taking. Haddad, sitting

in for DeKalb Superior Court Judge Asha Jackson, sentenced Cofer to serve two years behind bars, pay $5,000 in restitution, and complete 100 hours of community service. Cofer is the fourth Watershed official to be sentenced in the corruption scheme. In May, former DeKalb Watershed employees Cynthia Hall, Jarvis Foster and Anthony Lee were sentenced to 15 years and to pay $20,000 in restitution. Hall and Foster will serve two years in prison. Lee was sentenced to serve one year in custody.

DeKalb cityhood forum on Sept. 23 A forum about cityhood in south DeKalb County will take place Sept. 23 at the Community Achievement Center in Decatur. The discussion, hosted by state Rep. Rahn Mayo and the nonprofit Concerned Citizens for Cityhood of South DeKalb Inc., begins at 7 p.m. The forum will present varying viewpoints on forming a city and a panel discussion to address questions about the proposed city of Greenhaven. Jennifer Parker, CrossRoadsNews editor and publisher, will moderate the discussion. The Community Achievement Center is at 4522 Flat Shoals Parkway in Decatur. For more information, visit GreenhavenGA or or contact Dr. Kathryn Rice at GreenhavenGA@gmail. com or 770-322-3842.

The DeKalb District Attorney’s Office said Hall, a payroll technician in the Watershed Department in 2011, manipulated the timekeeping system by directing large amounts of overtime pay to various employees, including Cofer, who never worked the overtime hours. Hall would then receive kickbacks ranging from $700 to $3,000 biweekly. District Attorney Robert James said an internal audit revealed overtime discrepancies that led authorities to Hall and others involved.

“Our investigation showed that Hall led an elaborate and illegal scheme to line her pockets with taxpayer dollars,” James said. “Throughout 2011, Mr. Cofer deliberately misrepresented hours actually worked in overtime to essentially commit theft against DeKalb County.” Cofer was immediately taken into custody following his guilty plea. “Today’s sentence should send a resounding message that public corruption will not be tolerated in this county,” James said.

OpenGov site offers access City Council races contested DeKalb taxpayers can now view county budgets and other financial information at DeKalb interim CEO Lee May said the county is seeking to increase transparency and communication with Lee May citizens. “Our partnership with OpenGov is an open invitation to DeKalb residents to learn how the county is investing their tax funds, something they have a right to know,” he said. “We’re inviting residents to receive our press releases directly so they can learn about news and opportunities from the source.”

DeKalb is the first county in Georgia to leverage OpenGov technology that gives instant access to the county’s budget and historical financial information, dating back to 2012, in a digital format that shows how tax funds are collected and spent. Residents can explore revenue and expenditure trends and dive into the data through graphs and filters, all the way down to specific revenues or expense types. With social sharing features built into the platform, residents can instantly share data on social media or contact the county with additional questions.

Stone Mountain City Council members Steve Wells and Chakira Johnson are facing challengers in the Nov. 3 municipal general elections. Wells, who represents Post 2, faces Diana Roe Hollis, and Johnson, who represents Post 3, is opposed by Judy F. Asher. Post 1 incumbent Richard Mailman is unopposed. The City Council is composed of six members who serve four-year terms. Each council member is elected at large. The candidate receiving the most votes for each post is elected. For more information, visit php.

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CrossRoadsNews is published every Saturday by CrossRoads­News, Inc. We welcome articles on neighborhood issues and news of local happenings. The opinions expressed by writers and contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, nor those of any advertisers. The concept, design and content of CrossRoads­News are copyrighted and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. Advertisements are published upon the representation that the advertiser is authorized to publish the submitted material. The advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any loss or expenses resulting from any disputes or legal claims based upon the contents or subject matter of such advertisments, including claims of suits for libel, violation of privacy, plagiarism and copyright infringement. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement.

September 19, 2015

“We’ve got to put ourselves in the father’s and mother’s shoes so you’ll fight as if it was your son or daughter.”

PBS town hall on Charleston shooting aftermath “America After Charleston,” a one-hour town hall meeting exploring issues raised after a white gunman shot and killed nine African-American parishioners in Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church in June, will premiere at 9 p.m. on Sept. 21 on GPB. Gwen Ifill, “PBS NewsHour” coanchor and managing editor, will moderate the special broadcast. The events in Charleston have sparked national conversations about the meaning and significance of the Confederate flag, put new focus on the political call to action “Black Lives Matter,” and has made race and the changing demographic landscape a central topic in the 2016 elections. Through conversations with the families of the victims, Charleston civic leaders and commentators from across the country, the special brings together a diverse range of voices to discuss issues regarding the events in South Carolina. It was scheduled to tape at the Circular Congregational Church, just blocks from the site of the shootings, before a live audience

Courtesy of Nine Network / Jason Winkeler Photography

Gwen Ifill of “PBS NewsHour” will moderate a town hall about the aftermath of the June shooting of nine black church members by a white racist.

on Sept. 19. The special will engage audiences across digital platforms through exclusive Web content, live social media integration during the broadcast, and educational resources that will be made available to teachers and students. The special airs one year after Ifill served as moderator for “Amer-

ica After Ferguson,” a national conversation that explored questions about race, class and identity in the wake of teenager Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, Mo. Ifill said in a Sept. 14 statement that she grew up as the child of an African Methodist Episcopal minister, so the slayings at the Charleston

church hit home for her. “But this latest example of America’s unsettled racial climate does not stand alone,” she said. “We are returning to Charleston to continue the conversation we began in Ferguson last year and which has resonated in Baltimore, Cincinnati and Waller County, Texas, since.” Sara Just, “PBS NewsHour” executive producer and senior vice president, said that across the nation, “the events in Charleston stunned us and prompted frank discussion about race, tradition, guns, equality and opportunity.” “This year, on the brink of a presidential election, the country seems ready for a challenging conversation about our past and our future, around all of these tough issues,” Just said. “That is what we will do with this town meeting.” PBS and member stations will incorporate live tweets during the broadcast. Viewers can contribute using the hashtag #AfterCharlestonPBS. For more information, visit about/news/archive/2015/americaafter-charleston.

Protesters seek process for handling police-involved shootings By Ken Watts

Activists and supporters of three families who have lost loved ones in police-involved deaths are calling for a process to handle the cases. At a Sept. 14 rally protesting police brutality, Decatur lawyer Mawuli Davis called for DeKalb County to speed up the flow of information to victims’ families. “There has to be a protocol for cases where there’s a police-involved shooting,” said Davis, whose Davis Bozeman Law Firm handles such cases. “There hasn’t been and that has to change.” Davis was joined by 70 protesters on Foundry Street outside CNN headquarters in downtown Atlanta.

Anthony Hill and Troy Robinson, who died in confrontations with DeKalb officers since December 2014, chanted “Power to the People!” and “Say his name!” The 90-minute event, organized by the DeKalb branch of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, took place as football fans headed to the Georgia Dome for the Atlanta Falcons’ home opener against the Philadelphia Eagles swirled around them. Davis urged the community to stand with all the families of shootKen Watts / CrossRoadsNews Decatur lawyer Mawuli Davis addresses about 70 protesters in downtown ing victims. Atlanta on Sept. 14 who rallied against police brutality. “We’ve got to put ourselves in the father’s shoes and the mother’s The rally was held to demand an- DeKalb County. shoes so you’ll fight as if it was your swers in the police-involved deaths Participants armed with signs son or daughter who was lost,” he of three African-American men in bearing the names of Kevin Davis, told them.

Scholars help mark 100 years for Black History nonprofit WOODSON,

from page


In 1926, the Association for the Study of African-American Life and History created Negro History Week, the forerunner of Black History Month. Woodson, a Harvard-trained scholar, was born the son of former slaves on Dec. 19, 1875, in Buckingham County, Va. He taught himself basic school subjects until he was 17 and graduated from high school in two years. He went on to earn a Bachelor of Literature from Berea College in Kentucky and a master’s degree at the University of Chicago. He earned his Ph.D. in history at Harvard in 1912 and penned the influential book “The Mis-Education of the Negro.” ASALH helps keep Woodson’s legacy alive for future generations

and promotes the study of AfricanAmerican history around the world. The 100th anniversary conference will include nearly 300 scholarly lectures, panel discussions and round tables about matters affecting African-American life. Participants will include show business icon Harry Belafonte and former Essence Magazine Editor Susan Taylor, who are the conference’s national honorary co-chairs. They’ll be joined by U.S. Rep. John Lewis, former Ambassador Andrew Young, civil rights legend C.T. Vivian, poet Sonia Sanchez, former U.S. Surgeon General Louis Sullivan, and activist Dr. Mary Frances Berry. At the news conference, Atlanta City Council President Caesar Mitchell presented a proclamation from the city recognizing ASALH’s

100th anniversary. Mitchell said today’s young people can draw inspiration from studying Carter Woodson and other great figures from AfricanAmerican history who overcame seemingly insurmountable odds. “That gives you the ability to say ‘maybe I can do something positive in the future,’” Mitchell said. “That’s the importance of young people understanding history in a granular fashion rather than in broad strokes.” Dr. Pellom McDaniel, Emory’s curator of African-American Collections, lectured on Woodson’s intellectual life based on his correspondence, photographs, and books and other materials housed at Emory’s Woodruff Library. “Woodson believed that the organized study of African-American history, with increasing social and

professional contacts among blacks and whites, could improve race relations,” he said. For more information on the ASALH conference and schedules, visit

Vendors wanted for food fest The fifth annual DeKalb International Food and Music Festival is now accepting applications food and retail vendors and performers. The fest takes place on Oct. 17 at Northlake Mall in Tucker. “International inspired” vendors and performers should email

Circulation Audited By index to advertisers Church of the Living God................................ 7 DeKalb Clerk of Superior Court......................6 DeKalb Watershed Management Job Fair...... 2 First African Presbyterian Church.................... 5 Georgia Power................................................ 3

Heart of South DeKalb.................................... 2 Henry Mitchell, CPA, PC..................................6 Johnny Harris CPA.......................................... 7 Johnson Hopewell Coleman LLC................... 7 Law Office of Trichelle Griggs Simmons......... 7

Macy’s............................................................. 8 MARTA............................................................ 2 Marten Transport............................................ 7 Quenon Smith................................................ 7 Simply Self Storage......................................... 5

The Davis Bozeman Law Firm, P.C.................. 7 The Fixer......................................................... 7 Thomas Eye Group......................................... 5 Holistic Health Management Inc.............Inserts Walgreens...............................................Inserts



September 19, 2015


“Reasons underlying these trends require closer attention to prevention strategies for the younger population.”

Heart disease death rates fall for older Americans, not younger adults Coronary heart disease mortality rates have fallen dramatically over the past four decades among older Americans but not among younger populations, specifically women, a new study shows. Lead researchers Kobina Wilmot, a fellow in the Division of Cardiology at Emory’s School of Medicine, and Viola Vaccarino, Wilton Looney Chair of Cardiovascular Research in the Department of Epidemiology at Rollins School of Public Health, analyzed CHD mortality data and changes in trends between 1979 and 2011 for U.S. adults 25 and older. Findings suggest that Americans 65 and older showed consistent mortality declines that became even more significant after 2000 while younger men and women under 55 showed stagnation with minimal improvement. Young women showed no improvement between 1990 and 1999 and minimal improvement thereafter. The study was published in the August edition of Circulation. They found: n Death rates in adults 65 and over declined consistently over the decades, with accelerating improvements since 2000 (down 5 percent in men and 5.8 percent in women). n Death rates in men and women under 55 declined between 1979 and 1989 – down 5.5 percent in men and 4.6 percent

Wilmot said their findings reveal large differences across demographic groups. “The causes of the sluggish improvements in CHD mortality among young adults, especially women, are unclear but we think that these trends reflect lack of effective preventive strategies for young people, particularly women,” Wilmot said in an Aug. 24 statement. Lower awareness and recognition of CHD in women have long been reported. Low socio-economic resources affecting access to preventive care is also a possible variable. Escalating rates of diabetes and obesity in younger adults, especially women, may be implicated as well. Vaccarino said prevention guidelines may disproportionately underestimate risk in a younger population. “We may need to look beyond traditional risk factors curEmory lead researchers Viola Vaccarino and Kobina Wilmot rently included in risk prediction algorithms. For example, examined mortality rates and trends between 1979 and 2011. factors such as stress and depression are especially common among young women with early-onset heart disease and are in women – but then improvement slowed. n Death rates in young men fell 1.2 percent between 1990 powerful predictors of heart disease or its progression in this group,” Vaccarino said. “Reasons underlying these different and 1999 and 1.8 percent since 2000. n The annual change in death rates in young women showed trends urgently require further study and closer attention to no improvement between 1990 and 1999 and only fell 1 primary prevention strategies for the younger population.” For more information, visit percent since 2000.

School day starts much too early KP offering free exercise, yoga classes Most U.S. middle and high schools are starting the school day too early, posing risks to students’ health, safety and academic success, the CDC says. Fewer than one in five middle and high schools began the school day at the recommended 8:30 a.m. start time or later during the 2011-2012 school year, data published in the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report show. The American Academy of Pediatrics says too-early start times can keep students from getting the sleep they need. The DeKalb School District start time is 8:50 a.m. for middle schools and 8:10 a.m. for high schools. In the City Schools of Decatur, Decatur High starts at 8:30 a.m. and Renfroe Middle at 8:40 a.m. The CDC and U.S. Department of Education researchers reviewed data from the 2011-2012 Schools and Staffing Survey of nearly 40,000 public middle, high and combined schools to determine start times. Schools that have a start time of 8:30 a.m. or later allow adolescents the opportunity to get the recommended amount of sleep on school nights: about 8.5 to 9.5 hours. Insufficient sleep is common among high school students and is associated with several health risks such as being overweight, drinking al-

cohol, smoking tobacco, and using drugs as well as poor academic performance. The proportion of high school students who fail to get sufficient sleep, two out of three, has remained steady since 2007, the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Report shows. Lead author Anne Wheaton, an epidemiologist in CDC’s Division of Population Health, said getting enough sleep is crucial. “Early school start times, however, are preventing many adolescents from getting the sleep they need,” Wheaton said. Key findings: n 42 states reported that 75 percent-100 percent of the public schools in their respective states started before 8:30 a.m., including Georgia. n The average start time was 8:03 a.m. – Georgia’s is 8:09 a.m. n Louisiana had the earliest average start time (7:40 a.m.), while Alaska had the latest (8:33 a.m.). In 2014, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement urging middle and high schools to modify start times to no earlier than 8:30 a.m. to aid students in getting sufficient sleep to improve their overall health. Visit

Register now for free low-impact exercise and yoga classes that begin Oct. 5 at Kaiser Permanente’s Panola Medical Center in Lithonia. Nonmembers are welcome – registration is required at 404-364-7117. Step Into Movement takes place Mondays Oct. 5-Nov. 9 from 6 to 6:50 p.m. It is a safe and supportive activity class for people who have a BMI of 35 or greater, and they can participate standing or in a chair for the 45-minute, low-impact session. Workouts include cardio, resistance

training and flexibility. Wear comfortable clothes and athletic shoes and bring water. Yoga on Mondays Oct. 5-Nov. 9 from 7 to 8 p.m. will help residents discover the connection between mind and body and may be useful for dealing with anxiety and stress. It helps develop focus, balance, strength and flexibility. The six-week class is designed for all participant levels. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a yoga mat, towel and water. The center is at 5440 Hillandale Drive. For more information, call 770-322-2777.

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September 19, 2015

“It was our desire to raise a respectable young man. Micah has made us proud and we congratulate him on his accomplishment.”

Lithonia teen makes Eagle Scout By Ken Watts

a community service project that demonstrates leadership and comJoseph Micah Barnett of Limitment to duty. In 2012, 58,000 thonia, who once saved the lives of Eagle awards were presented – two swimmers as a lifeguard, has about 7 percent of a total U.S. memachieved the highest rank in the bership of more than 2.5 million. Boy Scouts of America. For his service project, Micah Micah, 18, who was named designed, built and installed a Eagle Scout in an Aug. 8 ceremony storage closet for books and other at Greenforest Community Bapeducational materials at Saint Philip tist Church in Decatur, called the AME Church in Atlanta where he achievement a “long and vigorous and his parents are members. journey” but also fun. But none of the accomplish“Through the power of God, it ments can top what happened on was a success,” he said on Aug. 25. Aug. 3, 2014, while he was a life“I’m glad for all my friends and guard at Cofer Pool in Tucker. family that supported me.” A teenage boy got in trouble at On hand for the once-in-a- Joseph Micah Barnett saved the deep end and a friend tried to lifetime moment were his parents, the lives of two swimmers save him. Before long, both were in Rhonda and Joe Barnett, who as a lifeguard in 2014. trouble because the first teen panpinned the Eagle insignia to his uniform. icked and pulled his buddy underwater. He dived “It was our desire to raise a respectable young in, calmed them down and pulled both to safety. man,” his mother said. “Micah has made us proud Micah credits the lifesaving skills he learned at and we congratulate him on his accomplish- a Scout camp in 2014 with making a difference. ment.” “I remember afterward that I couldn’t believe it Relatives, friends and fellow Scouts from De- happened. The Boy Scout experience prepared me catur Troop 106, based at Greenforest, also joined for years, and I went through the lifeguard training the celebration. and a real situation came up where I actually had Only a small percentage of Scouts attain Eagle to save someone’s life.” rank. Requirements include 21 merit badges, Micah, a 2015 graduate of Arabia Mountain and candidates also must plan, develop and lead High, attends the University of West Georgia.

‘Hackathon’ on computer coding Students in grades 8 to 10 can compete for prizes including a $500 scholarship at a “Level the Coding Field” computer coding event on Sept. 26-27 at Morehouse College. The “hackathon” – a gathering of people over a weekend to utilize technology to create solutions for problems they see in the world – is free, but registration is required at It takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Food, laptops, power and guidance will be provided. The Oakland, Calif.-based nonprofit Level Playing Field Institute is

hosting the hackathon with the Georgia NAACP. The purpose is to expose minority groups to computer science and to promote production rather than just consumption of technology. Students will work in teams. On Saturday, they will learn mobile application development basics, generate solutions to solve problems in their communities, and start designing a mobile app. On Sunday, they will continue building the app while finalizing a presentation for judging. The college is at 830 Westview Drive S.W. in Atlanta. For more information, visit

STEM, arts celebration at GPTC Fifth- to 12th-grade students can participate in STEMfest: A Celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and the Arts on Sept. 26 at the Georgia Piedmont Technical College Conference Center in Clarkston. The 9 a.m.-to-2 p.m. event will have STEM demonstrations, handson experiments and fun focused on STEM and the arts, and it is open

to students, parents and teachers. It is presented in conjunction with the Stone Mountain-Lithonia Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. and is free to attend. Register at http://www.eventbrite. com/e/stemfest-2015-a-celebrationof-science-technology-engineeringmathematics-and-the-ar ts-tickets-17863943536. The Conference Center is at 495 N. Indian Creek Drive.

Name: Tracy Joe Harris 983 Clubhouse Cir., W., Apt.#C Decatur, GA 30032 404-254-7073

Legal Notices 08/22, 08/29, 09/12, 09/19

Notice OF PUBLICATION in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia

Civil Action Case Number: ++15CV8316-7++ Hayat Hassen Plaintiff Vs. Nurshen Abduran Defendant

To: Nurshen Abduran By Order of the Court for service by publication dated Aug. 13, 2015 you are hereby notified that on Aug. 10, 2015, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and to serve upon the Plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is: Sarah T. Austin, 246 Sycamore St., Suite #120, Decatur, GA 30030. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days

of Aug. 13, 2015. Witness the Honorable Daniel M. Coursey, Jr., Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 17th day of Aug., 2015 08/22, 08/29, 09/12, 09/19

Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County

08/29, 09/12, 09/19, 09/26

Notice of Petition to Change Name of ADULT in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia

State of Georgia

Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV8474-3++ Tracy Joe Harris filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court to change name from: Tracy Joe Harris to Tracy Joe James. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Aug. 11, 2015

Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV8617-7++ Santina Marie Taylor filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court to change name from: Santina Marie Taylor to Dauson Maurie Taylor. Any interested party has the right to appear In this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: Jul. 23, 2015 Name: Dauson Maurie Taylor 420 Windmont Drive Atlanta, GA 30329

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216-313-5811 09/12, 09/19, 09/26, 10/03

Notice of Petition to Change Name of CHILD in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia

Civil Action Case Number: ++ 15CV9117-73++ A’Prelle Beard filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on Aug. 28, 2015 to change name from: Kyrie King Brightwell to Kyrie King Beard. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within the time prescribed in O.C.G.A. 19-12-1(f)(2) and (3). Petition was filed. Dated: Aug. 28, 2015 Name: A’Prelle Beard 1875 Modie Creek Lane Conley, GA 30288 404-246-7453

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September 19, 2015


Under Wells’ leadership, the Wesley Chapel Library became one of the county’s busiest branches. Tickets for the Roaring ’20s-themed “Stompin’ at the Savoy” fundraiser are on sale. The event includes dinner, dancing and a Best Dressed Contest.

Bike Rodeo registration open for kids Registration is open for kids ages 5 to 15 for the DeKalb Police South Precinct/East Precinct Bike Rodeo on Sept. 26 at the Gallery at South DeKalb in Decatur, part of the third annual Heart of South DeKalb Festival. The rodeo runs from 10 a.m. to noon in the SunTrust parking lot at the mall, 2801 Candler Road. Bring bikes and helmets, and lawn chairs are encouraged. Kids will learn bike safety and riding techniques, and a repair shop will be available. They must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Children will receive a certificate of completion for participating in the event. For more information or to register, call 770-482-0330 or 404286-7900. The free outdoor festival takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. It includes a job fair, a parade of high school bands and community organizations and leaders, food and retail vendors, book giveaways provided by DeKalb Public Library, bike giveaways with DeKalb Police, health screenings and all-day entertainment.

Jennifer Ffrench Parker / CrossRoadsNews

‘Savoy’ tickets now available Tickets are on now on sale for the 11th annual “Stompin’ at the Savoy” that benefits Howey Hudson Lowe Foundation’s community outreach programs. The Roaring ’20s-themed event, which takes place at 7 p.m. on Nov. 14 at the Ramada Plaza, 150 Capital Ave. in Atlanta, brings metro residents together to celebrate unity and acknowledge outstanding individuals who are working hard to make a difference. This year’s Trailblazer Award recipients are DeKalb State Court Judge Johnny Panos and DeKalb Solicitor General Sherry Boston. Special guests are guitar legend Roy Lee Johnson, vibraphonist Lionel Jones, the Fabulous

Jitterbug Divas, the Beulah Boys Steppers, and “Savoy” house band leader Melvin Miller with violinist Delores Major and vocalist Charlena Nutall. The event includes a plated twoentree dinner, comedian “Double D,” Mr. Big, 42nd Street Vendors Market, the Savoy Divas, a Best Creative Dress Contest, giveaways, and dancing. The nonprofit, established in 2004 promote positive growth and development, health and well-being of children, youth and adults and provides outreach to the homeless and scholarships to students attending Georgia Piedmont Technical College. For tickets, visit or call 770-981-4756.

Portrait to honor Wells The Friends of the Wesley Chapel-William C. Brown Library is raising funds to commission a portrait of the late Doris K. Wells to be displayed at the branch. Wells, the first African-American librarian in DeKalb Public Library System, left a legacy of more than three decades of service. She died on Feb. 27 at age 65. Librarian Doris K. Wells Her portrait will be unveiled died in February. at the Heritage Festival in December. Wells’ was manager of the Wesley Chapel branch for more than 17 years. Under her leadership, the branch became the center of South DeKalb’s educational and social life, and was one of the system’s busiest. She launched the Kwanzaa Awareness Festival – an annual event that has reached over 1,000 participants and is still growing, and the Jubilee of Reading Book Club Conference, which she co-founded with her daughter Tami Wells Thomas. The Friends group is seeking to fund the newly named Doris K. Wells Heritage Festival (formerly the Kwanzaa festival), Jubilee of Reading, and literacy and community programs. Please send donations to the: Doris K. Wells Memorial Fund, c/o Marvin Kennerly, Wesley Chapel/William C. Brown Library, 2861 Wesley Chapel Road, Decatur, GA 30034. For more information, call Peggy Ramsey-May at 404-286-6980.


Marketplace MARKETPLACE RATES Place your MarketPlace line ad here – up to 20 words for $25. Additional words are $3 per block of five words (maximum 45 words). Boxed Ads (with up to 3 lines bold headline): $35 plus cost of the classified ad. Send ad copy with check or credit card information and contact phone number (if different from ad) to MarketPlace, CrossRoadsNews, 2346 Candler Road, Decatur, GA 30032, or e-mail to marketplace@ Our deadlines are at noon on the Friday one week prior to publication, unless otherwise noted.

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