CrossRoadsNews, September 28, 2013

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Evelyn Lowery remembered

Getting ready

Visitors to the first Cross­Roads­ News Senior/Baby Boomer Expo were treated to a wealth of information, entertainment and health screenings. Photos, pg. 2

The wife of a famed civil rights icon is hailed as a great patriot, civil rights war­ rior, matriarch, in­ spirational figure and champion of human rights. 4

Three weekends of celebrations are planned for the new Stonecrest Walmart, scheduled to open on Oct. 2 in Lithonia. 9

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Copyright © 2013 CrossRoadsNews, Inc.

September 28, 2013

Volume 19, Number 22

Healthcare Marketplace opens for business on Oct. 1 By Jennifer Ffrench Parker

The Healthcare Marketplace under the Affordable Care Act opens for business on Oct. 1. That is the day that more than 40 million uninsured Americans, including more than 803,000 Georgians statewide, will begin enrolling for affordable health insurance that takes effect on Jan. 1, 2014. They will have six months, through March 2014, to enroll for the exchanges at ga.html. The start of enrollment sets in motion the 2010 Affordable Care Act that President Ba-

“The Affordable Care Act is about securing affordable, quality and accessible health care as a right, not a privilege, for every American; yet it is also about wellness and prevention, economic security and entrepreneurship, the well-being of working families and the strength of the middle class.” Rep. Hank Johnson, 4th Congressional District

rack Obama says will transform the nation’s entire health system – making it fairer, less costly and more effective at providing care. In Georgia, there will be about 50 qualified plans available to the uninsured and for middle- and moderate-income people who

with tax credits for a 27-year-old making $25,000 per year to $1,322 monthly for a family of four with an annual income of $50,000. With its one-stop shop for health insurance coverage, consumers will be able to find out whether they qualify for premium assistance; compare plans side by side based on pricing, quality and benefits; and buy coverage. U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson, whose 4th Congressional District includes parts of DeKalb County, said he is doing everything he can to explain and help implement the law so that

lack meaningful employer-sponsored health coverage. Financial help will be available to four-member families with annual incomes below $94,200 and individuals with annual incomes below $45,960. Premiums will range from $103 monthly Please see HEALTH CARE, page 6

Senators explore pros, cons of cityhood Interim DeKalb CEO Lee May asked state legislators to consider a twoyear moratorium on new cityhood proposals so the effects on the county can be studied.

Residents, officials try to influence legislative efforts By Ken Watts

DeKalb state senators and representatives examining cityhood for groups seeking it in South DeKalb got an earful from residents at a Sept. 24 Senate hearing. Opinions ranged from self-determination now to calls for an examination of the impact on the county from the recent spate of new cities in North DeKalb. Some residents said they didn’t begin to see elected officials in their neighborhoods until they wanted to incorporate. Joel Thibodeaux, who has lived in the Stonecrest area for 11 years and in the county for 25 years, said he favors a city of Stonecrest over a city of DeKalb that would take in most of the county’s unincorporated areas. “A city of DeKalb would just transfer a big central government to a lower level,” said Thibodeaux, one of nearly 70 people in the audience. “Stonecrest City would give us a chance to maximize our assets – available land and established neighborhoods – with targeted development.” Former DeKalb CEO Vernon Jones said groups forming cities always underestimate the cost of running them. “Any new city won’t be able to provide the service for what they say they are going to,” he said. Sen. Ronald Ramsey, who represents District 43, hosted the meeting in preparation for the next legislative session that starts in January. He filed placeholder Senate Bill 277 for a city of DeKalb and Senate Bill 278 for a city of Stonecrest at the end of the last legislative session in March. Ramsey was joined at the hearing by Sens. Gail Davenport (District 44), Steve Henson (District 41) and Gloria Butler (District 55). State Reps. Pam Stephenson, Dee Dawkins Haigler, Tonya Peterson Anderson and

Curtis Parker / CrossRoadsNews

Coach Williams also were in attendance. The residents were seeking to influence lawmakers who will craft cityhood legislation in the next General Assembly and vote on whether any of the proposals should be put on referendum ballots in 2014. The lawmakers also heard presentations from Tom Gehl of the Georgia Municipal Association, Stonecrest Alliance President Jason Lary, interim DeKalb CEO Lee May, and Lithonia Mayor Deborah Jackson. Gehl said cities need a Tom Gehl healthy mix of residential and commercial in the tax base to survive and noted that the new cities in DeKalb have all started with caps on their millage rates. “They are now finding that they are ham-

strung by these caps,” he said, noting that one was recently faced with paying higher interest rates on money it was borrowing because the bond market felt its ability to pay back the loan would be hampered by the millage cap. May asked the legislators to consider a two-year moratorium on new cityhood proposals so the effects on the county can be studied. He said he doesn’t oppose those who want to form cities but wants the General Assembly to reform the process to make it less damaging to counties. He said tax revenue losses to newly formed cities Dunwoody and Brookhaven make it harder for the county to maintain its infrastructure and that cities disproportionately share in HOST revenues, leaving the county with little funds to maintain county roads and other infrastructure. For example, May said that 80 percent

of HOST money by law goes to property tax relief for homeowners. The 20 percent allotted for infrastructure improvements has to be divvied up among the cities and the county. “They get $16 million with $4 million left for the county for capital improvements,” May said. He worried that more new cities might take all the sales tax revenue. He pointed out that the new cities take commercial areas, which account for much of the county’s tax digest, leaving the county with shrinking revenues to pay for “fixed legacy costs” like employee pensions and unincorporated DeKalb paying higher taxes and higher costs for county services. Of the three South DeKalb proposed cities, the proposed city of Stonecrest, which Please see CITYHOOD, page 3




September 28, 2013

Saturday, Sept. 21, at the Mall at Stonecrest

Lots of Fun at CrossRoadsNews Senior/Baby Boomer Expo

Rosa Wannamaker of Decatur showed off her hula hoop skills at the DeKalb Medical table.

Audience involvement took center stage at CrossRoadsNews’ inaugural Senior/Baby Boomer Expo when fitness guru Rae Rae Clark led a demonstration of exercises that seniors can do while seated.

Representatives from Kaiser Permanente passed out free gifts and literature related to healthy aging.

Taquona Luckerson (left) and Carol Mackey offered advice about insurance plans at the Piedmont WellStar table. Models Rasheed Shareef (left) and Patricia Pendergrast displayed fashions from Zoom de Italy and Ashley Stewart.

Many took advantage of free diabetes screenings. Relda Bea Mackins received a bouquet of roses to celebrate her recent 100th birthday and a smooch from emcee Vince Bailey.

CrossRoadsNews Publisher Jennifer Parker poses with grand prize winner Juanita Shipp of Lithonia.

JenCare Medical provided blood pressure tests and blood sugar screens at the expo.

Performers at the 2013 Senior/Baby Boomer Expo included songstress Greta Prince (left) and the Lou Walker Senior Center Line Dancers.

CrossRoadsNews Photos By Curtis Parker and Ken Watts



September 28, 2013


“I think a two-year moratorium is too short. It wouldn’t give county improvements time to take hold.”

Homeless sisters find temporary housing with SCLC member, job lead By Ken Watts

The homeless Fitchett sisters are no longer living outside the old Candler-McAfee library building in Decatur. Cylinthia Fitchett, 51, and Camille Fitchett, 43, whose story of homelessness was told on the front page of CrossRoadsNews’ Sept. 21 issue, now have temporary housing in Alpharetta and the promise of jobs helping other homeless women. After reading about their plight, the DeKalb SCLC’s Nathan Knight arranged for an SCLC member to take in the women, who had lived on the covered porch of the former library building for two weeks after falling on hard times. Margarita Szechenyi, who took them into her twobedroom apartment in Alpharetta, said she empathized with the sisters’ plight. She said she was laid off and has been volunteering, much like the sisters have done. After meeting them, she said she was inspired to offer space in her home. “I felt the Lord telling me that ‘Your home is not your home,’ ” she said. “If it’s the Lord’s home, then who am I to say that somebody in need can’t stay with me?” Cylinthia Fitchett said that after the newspaper issue hit the street last week, things moved pretty quickly. “Everything went just like really crazy and really fast!”

Camille Fitchett embraces SCLC member Vanessa Henderson as her sister, Cylinthia, and SCLC member Howard Gillespie ltalk. They homeless sister were living outside an old library.

she said. “I’m almost beginning to feel normal again, like I can reclaim a normal life.” Cylinthia, a former 20-year social worker with a college degree in psychology, is in line to become the first director of a living facility for homeless women. She had been unable to find work in her field since she

and her sister relocated to metro Atlanta from Hillside, N.J., in 2006. They worked temporary jobs and lived on proceeds from the sale of their late parents’ New Jersey home until the money ran out in 2009. Since then, they have lived in their car, bounced back and forth between friends, and living on the streets. When the car died, they ended up at the library. SCLC board Chairman Lionel Gantt, who has 13 foreclosed houses donated to “Iron Sharpens Iron,” a separate program that he runs, said the boarded-up homes will be renovated into living space for homeless and low-income single mothers with children. Members had been discussing the idea at a meeting near the old library building when they noticed Cylinthia’s social work background. “Somebody said, ‘I think we just found our first director,’” Knight said. Gantt said the first four-bedroom house will be ready in a couple of weeks and Cylinthia is a prime candidate to manage it. She will meet with Gantt in the next few days to plan her exact role. In the meantime, she’s thrilled with the possibility of working again. “Sounds like it will be a good balance of administrative and hands-on duties,” she said. “We’re very grateful.” Camille wants to return to school and earn a college degree but in the short term may work with her sister on the housing resource project.

Some ask for moratorium while impact on county evaluated CITYHOOD,

from page


has raised $30,000 for a Carl Vinson Institute study, is the farthest along. The proposed 61-square-mile city would take in areas around the Panola, Evans Mill and Turner Hill exits and have a population of about 77,000. Lary said a smaller local government in the Stonecrest area would do a better job of policing, zoning and attracting new business. He said that the new city would not cost residents in taxes because it would just be shifting taxes from the county to the city.

Ken Lowe, a Lithonia resident who attended the meeting but didn’t speak, later said the cityhood movement needs to slow down. “I think a two-year moratorium is too short. It wouldn’t give county improvements time to take hold,” he said. “A five-year halt is better, and if it’s business as usual after that, go ahead with cityhood.” Senators called the hearing very helpful. Ramsey said he was pleased with the frank but civil discourse between residents and elected officials. “The Carl Vinson Institute study data will

determine cityhood viability,” he said. “The conversation regarding the best governance model for our citizens will follow.” Henson hinted that May’s sales tax and pension concerns at the hearing might influence the timetable for introducing new cityhood bills in the Legislature. “It definitely makes one want to look at these issues and decide whether we want to make some adjustments before we create these cities and whether it can be done in this [upcoming] session or have to be put off,” he said. “I don’t think we want to delay people being able to consider new cities, but

we do need to look at these issues and see if they can be done next session.” Ramsey, Stephenson and DeKalb District 3 Commissioner Larry Johnson also hosted a Sept. 26 meeting to discuss a proposed city of Prosperity and the city of DeKalb described in Senate Bill 277. Stephenson said a city of DeKalb that encompasses the remainder of the unincorporated county would block further annexation of commercial districts by established or new cities. Under state law, cities can annex portions of a county with the county’s approval.

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September 28, 2013

“Mrs. Lowery was a pillar of our community, a valuable participant in the struggle for civil rights.”

Tributes pour in for Evelyn Lowery: 1925-2013 By Ken Watts

Evelyn Lowery, founder and president of SCLC/W.O.M.E.N., died Sept. 26 after a brief illness. Lowery, the wife of longtime SCLC President Joseph Lowery, suffered “irreversible damage” from a stroke on Sept. 18. Her family took her home from the hospital on Wednesday. She passed away peacefully about 4 a.m. Thursday at her southwest Atlanta home “surrounded by those she loved,” said family spokeswoman Diane Larche. She was 88. Her husband of 65 years said he will miss her each and every day. “My beloved Evelyn was a special woman whose life was committed to service, especially around the issues of empowering women,” Lowery said in a statement Thursday. “She was a wonderful mother and wife.” The Lowerys wed on April 5, 1948. Joseph Lowery, a legendary civil rights leader, said he was blessed having her as his partner, confidante and best friend for close to 70 years. “As a man of faith, I know that she is with her God,” he said.

Civil rights warrior In an outpouring of affection, friends, admirers and community leaders hailed her as a great patriot, civil rights warrior, matriarch, inspirational figure, and a champion of human rights in America and around the world. Fourth District U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson said the world will miss her commitment to social justice. “Her life’s work fighting AIDS, preserving history, protecting the health and welfare of our communities, and her tireless efforts strengthening black families is her legacy,” Johnson said. “America has lost a great patriot for truth and justice.” Elisabeth Omilami, whose late

Jennifer Ffrench Parker / CrossRoadsNews

Evelyn Lowery, who founded SCLC/W.O.M.E.N., speaking at one of the stops on her annual civil rights tour to Alabama in March 2012.

father, Hosea Williams, was also a civil rights warrior, called Evelyn Lowery “an inspirational figure and a woman of great strength, grace and dignity.” “She played a major role here in the city of Atlanta by providing meals to senior citizens, assisting with the development and execution of more than 12 monuments, and providing bus tours to educate many about the civil rights era,” said Omilami, who is president and CEO of Hosea Feed the Hungry. Fulton County Commission Chairman John Eaves said that despite the pressures of leadership, Evelyn Lowery was a model of devotion to her husband. “When you think of Mrs. Lowery, the quote that says ‘Behind every successful man, there is a strong, wise and hardworking woman’ comes to mind,” he said. L ow e r y f o u n d e d S C LC / W.O.M.E.N. – Women’s Organizational Movement for Equality Now – in 1979 to focus on voter registration, AIDS prevention, historic documentation and preservation, health and welfare, and programs to strengthen black families. She also spearheaded education and

mentoring programs and raised more than $350,000 for scholarships for high school seniors.

Champion for foot soldiers She also took the lead in recognizing the contributions of fellow activists. She developed coalitions and alliances with women’s groups throughout the nation and other parts of the world. Each March she led a civil rights tour to Alabama to visit sites of historical importance to the movement. Under her leadership, SCLC/W.O.M.E.N. erected monuments in Birmingham and Selma to honor the contributions of many of the movement’s foot soldiers who were not as famous as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. but whose involvement was pivotal to the movement’s success. The Rev. Raphael Warnock, senior pastor of Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church, where King and his father once preached, spoke of her fighter spirit. “As a woman and warrior in the nonviolent struggle for justice, Mrs. Evelyn Lowery boldly confronted the challenges of racism and sexism, never flinching, never failing

in her commitment to the best in the American spirit,” he said. U.S. Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights icon, said he was chairing a Democratic Caucus meeting in the U.S. Capitol when he learned of Evelyn Lowery’s death and asked members to observe a moment of silence in her honor. “Mrs. Lowery was a pillar of our community, a valuable participant in the struggle for civil rights, and an admired role model to the young people she mentored,” he said in a statement. Bernice King, CEO of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center and King’s daughter, said Evelyn Lowery was a dedicated and energetic leader and one of the most widely respected figures in the civil rights movement. On Sept. 15, the Lowerys were in Birmingham for the commemorations of the 50th anniversary of a church bombing that killed four black girls in 1963. In 1980, Evelyn Lowery created the Drum Major for Justice Award, held annually near the April 4 anniversary of King’s assassination. The founding president of SCLC, King said he wanted to be remembered as “a drum major for justice.” The awardees are recognized for their contributions to the cause of freedom, equality, and achievement in their professional fields. In 2004, Lowery was honored at the International Walk of Fame at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta. Her husband said his entire family has been overwhelmed by the continuous outpouring of love, support and prayers that have come from across the country. “We ask for your continued prayers over the next few days,” he said. The funeral will be Oct. 2 at 11 a.m. at the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College. Public viewing will be Monday at Atlanta City Hall.

Insurance Navigators get $67 million to aid consumers The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded $67 million to Navigators to help consumers with the Health Insurance Marketplace, and it has recognized more than 100 organizations as Champions for Coverage. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the $67 million in grant awards to 105 Navigator grant applicants in Federally Facilitated and State Partnership Marketplaces on Aug. 15. Navigator grantees and their staff will assist Americans who want additional help enrolling in plans in the Health Insurance Marketplace beginning this fall. Georgia recipients are the Structured Employment Economic Development Corp., $2,159,360, and the University of Georgia, $1,657,378. Seedco, a national organization

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helping low-income households and communities move toward economic prosperity since 1987, will act as lead agency for a consortium of partners in each state and oversee all aspects of the proposed program, providing technical assistance, financial oversight, compliance protocols, and partner facilitation.

The HHS also recognized more than 100 national organizations and businesses who have volunteered to help Americans learn about the health care coverage available in the Marketplace. Enrollment in the Healthcare Marketplace Exchange begins Oct. 1. For more information, visit

Creating awareness UGA’s College of Family and Consumer Sciences and Cooperative Extension Service plans to place Navigators in several offices outside metro Atlanta. UGA CES plans to create awareness through community workshops, engage a network of existing partners to reach uninsured Georgia residents, and provide direct services to consumers seeking assistance.

Call center open HHS launched a 24-hour-aday consumer call center ready to answer questions in 150 languages. More than 1,200 community health centers across the country are preparing to help enroll uninsured Americans in coverage, and a partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services will help trusted local libraries be a resource for consumers who want

information on their options. In addition, HHS has begun training other individuals who will be providing in-person assistance, such as agents and brokers and certified application counselors. Navigators are trained to provide unbiased information about health insurance, the new Health Insurance Marketplaces, qualified health plans, and public programs including Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Navigators will be required to adhere to strict security and privacy standards and will complete 20-30 hours of training to be certified. For a list of Navigator awardees or more information about Navigators and other in-person assisters, visit programs/exchanges/assistance. html.

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September 28, 2013



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September 28, 2013

“It is all about quality care. … I am encouraging people in my district to go and shop for health care.”

U.S. Health and Human Services will run Georgia’s program HEALTH CARE,

from page


his constituents and the rest of the American people can finally have affordable, quality and accessible health care. “The Affordable Care Act is about securing affordable, quality and accessible health care as a right, not a privilege, for every American; yet it is also about wellness and prevention, economic security and entrepreneurship, the well-being of working families and the strength of the middle class,” he said. Under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, no one, including 4.3 million Georgians, can be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition, and qualified consumers will get help paying for their coverage. Georgia, which stood to receive $1 million in grants for research, planning, information technology development, and implementation of its Health Insurance Marketplace, is one of 36 states that have refused to participate in the program. Because of that refusal, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will run Georgia’s plan. On Sept. 25, HHS released a study showing that premiums nationwide will be about 16 percent lower than originally expected and that about 95 percent of the eligible uninsured live in states with lowerthan-expected premiums before taking into account financial assistance. Six out of 10 eligible individuals – who are uninsured today – will be able to find coverage for $100 or less per month along with premium tax Kathleen Sebelius credits and Medicaid coverage. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said they are excited to see that rates in the Marketplace are even lower than originally projected. “In the past, consumers were too often denied or priced-out of quality health insurance options, but thanks to the Affordable Care Act, consumers will be able to choose from a number of new coverage options at a price that is affordable,” she said. The HHS study report – Health Insurance Marketplace Premiums for 2014 –

Healthcare Marketplace frequently asked questions Open enrollment for the Healthcare Marketplace runs Oct. 1 What if I’m a small-business owner? to March 31, 2014. Businesses with up to 50 employees will have a Small Business Health Options program, or SHOP exchange, that will give What is the Healthcare Exchange? employees more options than they now have. For more informaIt’s a Web site designed to make it easy for people to find health tion, visit coverage. Georgia’s exchange will be run by the federal government care&entqr=3&ud=1&sort=date%3AD%3AL%3Ad1&output=x at ml_no_dtd&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&lr=lang_en&client=hhsheal thcare&proxystylesheet=hhshealthcare&btnG=Search Who can use the exchanges? The exchanges are for the uninsured people who will buy their How will it work? own coverage and those whose employer-provided coverage that is Consumers can create online accounts at too expensive or lacks important benefits. Initial open enrollment Information like income and citizenship status is required. is Oct. 1 through March 31. The exchange will display a list of health plans, premiums and out-of-pocket costs, including deductibles and co-payments. After Who can’t use the exchanges? making a selection, you will be directed to the insurer’s Web site People who are in the country illegally are barred from the to make the payment. exchanges. Most workers at bigger companies that provide health The exchange will determine if you are eligible for Medicaid. If coverage won’t use them. Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries you are ineligible, it will tell you how much subsidy you can receive aren’t eligible for the exchanges. for a private health plan. In most cases, the government will send subsidies directly to the insurers to pay part of the premium. What if I have a pre-existing condition? Insurance providers are prohibited from discriminating What if I can’t afford the premiums? against you because of a pre-existing condition. On Oct. 1, an The law provides sliding-scale subsidies to help people with estimated 4,324,000 Georgians with a pre-existing health condi- incomes up to four times the federal poverty level – $11,490 (about tion can start to enroll in coverage through the Health Insurance $46,000 for an individual, $62,040 for a couple, and $94,200 for a Marketplace without facing discrimination. family of four) – pay premiums. Additional help with co-payments and deductibles is available for people with incomes up to 250 What kind of plans will I be able to buy? percent of the poverty level ($28,725 for an individual or $58,875 All plans will offer “essential benefits” that include hospitaliza- for a family of four). People who receive subsidies will be required tion, emergency care, maternity and pediatric care, mental health to pay 2 percent to 9.5 percent of their incomes toward premiums, care, and prescription drug coverage. Plans must cover preventive depending on how much money they make. care like flu shots, vaccinations and mammograms at no cost. Insurers will offer four tiers – bronze, silver, gold and platinum – What happens if I don’t buy insurance by March? based on deductibles, co-payments and other costs. You will face a penalty of $95, or 1 percent of your income, Bronze plans have the lowest monthly premiums but higher whichever is greater, for the first year. The fine increases to $695, out-of-pocket costs. or 2.5 percent of income, in 2016.

found that consumers will be able to choose from an average of 53 health plans in the Marketplace and that the vast majority will have a choice of at least two different health insurance companies. Individuals in the 36 states where HHS will fully or partly run the Marketplace will have an average of 53 qualified health plan choices. In Georgia, the average premium for the lowest-cost silver plan will be $304. The lowest cost bronze plan will be $265. Nationally, the average premium for

the second-lowest cost silver plan will be $328 before tax credits, or 16 percent below projections based off Congressional Budget Office estimates. About 95 percent of uninsured people eligible for the Marketplace live in a state where their average premium is lower than projections, and states with the lowest premiums have more than twice the number of insurance companies offering plans than states with the highest premiums. For example, the report shows that a 27-year-old living in Georgia who makes

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$25,000 per year will pay $103 per month for the lowest-cost bronze plan and $145 per month for the second-lowest cost silver plan, taking into account tax credits. For a family of four in Georgia with an income of $50,000 per year, the lowest bronze plan would cost $1,322 per month. In Atlanta, where consumers will be able to choose from among 68 qualified health plans, a 27-year-old who makes $25,000 per year will pay $105 per month, or $2 more, for the lowest-cost bronze plan, and $145 per month for the second-lowest cost silver plan, taking into account tax credits. DeKalb Commissioner Larry Johnson said that he is happy to see enrollment open for the Healthcare Marketplace. “It is all about quality care,” he said Thursday after cutting the ribbon on the new JenCare Medical Neighborhood Center on Larry Johnson Candler Road catering to seniors 65 years and older. “The Marketplace rates are even cheaper than what we first thought. I am encouraging people in my district to go and shop for health care.” Congressman Johnson is hosting an Affordable Care Act Information Event on Oct. 18 at Georgia Piedmont Technical College in Clarkston to help individuals and smallbusiness owners sign up for the Marketplace exchanges. On Oct. 22, Commissioner Johnson is hosting a town hall meeting at Rhema Word Church offering enrolment assistance. The church is at Candler and MCAfee R\roads in Decatur. Health Marketplace Exchange To enroll in the Health Marketplace Exchange, visit or call 1-800-318-2596. State organizations listed at will be available to provide in-person assistance to consumers to make the enrollment process easy.

September 28, 2013




“They will deal only with seniors. I like that they understand that seniors have issues as they age.”

Seniors inpressed by JenCare Medical’s services, facility By Jennifer Ffrench Parker

DeKalb seniors who have been starved for a medical practice focused on them gave the thumbs-up to the new JenCare Neighborhood Medical Center that opened on Candler Road on Sept. 5. After touring the 12,000-square-foot facility in the Candler Plaza in Decatur during grand opening festivities on Sept. 26, many of the seniors said the services described to them were just what they have been looking for. Imogene Archer of Clarkston said she has been without a primary care doctor since her last one told her three years ago that she had too many problems for her. “We were having a hard time getting my blood pressure medicine right and she didn’t want to deal with it,” said Archer, who suffers from hypertension and other issues. “It blew me away. It was hurtful.” Archer, 70, was full of questions during the tour she took with her husband, Harvey, a retired truck driver. She liked that the center has a range of specialists and services under one roof. “They will deal only with seniors,” she said. “I like that they understand that seniors have issues as they age.” The Archers were among hundreds of seniors who toured the facility that caters to low- to moderate-income adults on Medicare. It is the first JenCare center to open in DeKalb County and the fourth to open in Georgia this summer. There are also centers in West End, East Point and North Druid Hills. DeKalb Commissioner Larry Johnson helped cut the ribbon at the grand opening ceremony and said he was impressed with the facility’s offerings. “This is community-oriented primary care,” said Johnson, whose District 3 includes Candler Road where the center is located. “Alternative medicine is here and jobs.”

Imogene and Harvey Archer talk with JenCare Med’s Richard Hunter (blue shirt) and Drs. (from left) Bhagya Lakshmi Papadesu, Terrell Bacchus and Abrar Husain during a tour of the new facility on Candler Road.

Curtis Parker / CrossRoadsNews

Johnson said JenCare Medical, which renovated a vacant space in the shopping center and repaved the parking lot, is helping to boost the corridor’s economic development. “They have created jobs in our community,” he said. “We have people who live in our community working there.” Members of JenCare Medical get medical, dental and specialist treatment under one roof and transportation to and from appointments if they live within six miles of the center. The center also has a pharmacy, X-rays, and a lab on-site, and it offers tai chi and acupuncture. Many of the seniors who toured the

facility said they liked the attractive office, the electronic member cards and the convenience of having a center close by. Josephine Brown, who lives on McAfee Road, said she could walk to the center in Candler Plaza. “I go to Grady now,” she said. “They tell me here that I can see the doctor within 15 minutes. I have to wait longer at Grady.” Brown, 73, also liked that the center has everything under one roof. “They have X-rays, eye doctor and any type of doctor that I would need,” she said. “I don’t have to go across town for any tests. I like that.” Joseph Denton, who lives in Eastwyck

Village, said after his tour he was ready to sign up. “I want to start coming here,” he said. “I think it’s wonderful.” Monica Darbeau from Decatur said she was very happy with what she saw. “They are bringing some very good service to the county,” she said. “I saw some very good improvements for the county.” Darbeau, 75, said seniors need good care and the center has everything. “It’s a one-stop shop,” she said. “They even have exercise class.” JenCare Neighborhood Medical Center is at 2124 Candler Road. For more information, call 404-406-7389.

Free, low-cost cancer screenings Free and low-cost cancer screenings will be available on Oct. 5 at DeKalb Medical’s 2013 Annual Cancer Awareness Day. The event at the Hillandale and North Decatur campuses includes free comprehensive cancer screenings and information on early detection and treatment of cancer. Prostate, skin cancer and blood pressure screenings will be free of cost. Mammograms will be $25.

Mammograms and clinical breast exams are available from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. All other screenings are from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Appointments are required by calling 404-5019355. No walk-ins are allowed. The screenings take place at the Comprehensive Breast Center at Hillandale and the 2665 Professional Office Building at North Decatur. For more information, visit www

Fun run/walk fights breast cancer attending the breakfast, commuFamilies can participate in an nity groups and people impacted Oct. 5 fun run/walk in Decatur to by breast cancer to participate. raise breast cancer awareness. Registration begins at 8:15 a.m., The inaugural run/walk, sponfollowed by a warm-up. Fees range sored by DeKalb Commissioner from $10 for seniors and children Stan Watson and local churches, to $25 donations. Proceeds benefit kicks off from Chapel Hill Elthe DeKalb Medical Foundation ementary School at 3536 Radcliffe cancer programs. Blvd. off Flat Shoals Parkway and Stan Watson It culminates with a celebration terminates at Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church, 4650 Flat Shoals Parkway. that includes kids activities; prostate health, Watson, who represents Super District 7, blood pressure, and body mass index screensaid the walk will take the place of his Octo- ings; and information and exhibitions. For more information and registration, ber Community Cabinet breakfast. He’s urging those who were planning on call Nichole Simms at 404-371-7031.

Community health fair in Scottdale DeKalb residents can learn about maintaining and improving their health while having fun at the Scottdale Community Health Fair on Oct. 5. DeKalb Recreation, Parks & Cultural Affairs and the Decatur Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. are hosts for the 10 a.m.-to-2 p.m. fair at the Tobie Grant

Recreation Center. There will be a variety of information booths associated with health and wellness topics and cooking demonstrations at the family-friendly event. The center is at 644 Parkdale Drive in Scottdale. For more information, call 404508-7594.

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September 28, 2013

“I’ve Known Rivers” is the major source of funding for the Joseph E. Lowery Institute at Clark Atlanta University.

Event to help homeowners Tyler Perry to get Lowery award Homeowners struggling to avoid foreclosure can get help at “Saving the Dream” events on Sept. 28 and Oct. 5. The events are hosted by U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson in conjunction with the U.S. Treasury Department, Georgia Department of Community Affairs’ HomeSafe Georgia program, the D&E Group housing counselors, and CredAbility credit counselors. The Sept. 28 event takes place 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Springfield Baptist Church, 1877 Iris Drive S.E. in Conyers. To pre-qualify and to register, participants must call D&E at 770-961-6900 or visit The Oct. 5 event takes place 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Salem Bible Church, 5460 Hillandale Drive in Lithonia. Participants must call CredAbility at 404-653-8833. HomeSafe provides temporary assis-

tance to Georgia homeowners who have suffered a substantial income loss due to involuntary unemployment or underemployment and who are able and willing to work. Participants will meet with counselors to see if they are eligible for a loan modification. Johnson said foreclosure numbers continue to fall, but they want to ensure that all those who need help get assistance. Since 2011, more than 780 homeowners in the 4th District have been approved for HomeSafe, resulting in nearly $15 million in relief, more than any other congressional district in Georgia. Since 2009, Johnson’s district office has helped another 1,700 residents deal with pending home foreclosures. For more information, visit http://hank or call 770-987-2291.

Grant funds programs for inmates DeKalb has won a $200,000 Department of Justice grant to support programs aimed at reducing the number of repeat offenses caused by mental health issues. Interim CEO Lee May and Sheriff Thomas Brown announced the Thomas Brown grant on Sept. 24 in separate statements. Brown said the money will be used to assist inmates who participate in the Sheriff ’s Office’s Started Treatment and Recovery Today Program – S.TA.R.T. – to

help them upon release with jobs, drug treatment, housing, and mental health concerns. The grant application was successful because the DeKalb Community Service Board has a long history of working with Lee May the Sheriff ’s Office on programs that focus on treatment and behavioral management, May said. The DeKalb Human Services Team will monitor the accountability and efficiency of programs funded by the grant.

Town hall to focus on judicial issues DeKalb’s judges, prosecutors and law enforcement officers will present at DeKalb Commissioner Larry Johnson’s Oct. 3 town hall meeting at the Drew Charter School in Atlanta. The meeting will focus on the judicial branch of government and how the changes in the juvenile justice statutes will impact the community.

Superior Court Judge Gregory Adams, Juvenile Court Judge Linda Bratton-Haynes, and community prosecutors from the Solicitor General’s Office and District Attorney’s Office along with representatives from police and Code Enforcement are expecated to attend. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. The school is at 301 East Lake Blvd. For more information, call 404-371-2988.

More than 2,000 activists and community leaders are expected to attend “I’ve Known Rivers,” a musical and theatrical experience celebrating the life and work of Dr. Joseph E. Lowery, on Oct. 6. The event at the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College will celebrate the legendary civil and human rights leader, who will turn 92. Organizers say Lowery issued the directive to “carry on” with the program as family, friends and supporters mourn the passing of Evelyn Lowery, his wife of 65 years. She died Sept. 26, a week after suffering a stroke on Sept. 18. “I’ve Known Rivers” is the major source of funding for the Joseph E. Lowery Institute for Justice and Human Rights at Clark Atlanta University. Lowery, known as the “dean of the civil rights movement,” has held a diverse series of roles over the course of his nine-plus decades, most notably serving as the co- Moviemaker Tyler Perry will receive the inaugural founder of the Southern Christian “Joseph E. Lowery Agent of Change Award” at the Leadership Conference and the birthday tribute on Oct. 6 at Morehouse College. organization’s leader for 20 years. In recognition of his lifelong commitalso seek to raise funds to carry on ment to the nonviolent struggle for programs that reflect that dedicathe causes of justice, human rights, tion to service.” economic equality, voting rights, The institute was established peace and human dignity, President in 2001 to continue the legacy of Barack Obama awarded him the Lowery, whose life work has been nation’s highest civilian honor, the nonviolent advocacy. Presidential Medal of Freedom, in “I’ve Known Rivers,” which 2009. starts at 6 p.m., is produced by During the event, moviemaker Joseph E. Lowery Kenneth Green. It celebrates Tyler Perry will receive the inaugural “Joseph milestones in the civil rights movement and E. Lowery Agent of Change Award” for his Lowery’s continued mission. Cassi Davis, outstanding contributions to the world of Terri Vaughn, Rolanda Watts, Malcolmtelevision, film and the community. Jamal Warner, Wintley Phipps, Derrick The evening’s host will be television and Watkins, Kenny Leon, and Morehouse and radio personality Steve Harvey and there will Spelman College Glee Clubs are among the be a surprise performance by one of Lowery’s performers. favorite entertainers. Morehouse College is at 830 Westview Lowery’s daughter, Cheryl Lowery-Os- Drive S.W. in Atlanta. For tickets, visit www borne, executive director of the Lowery Insti- or call 404-524-8406. tute, said the evening has a dual purpose. For more information and sponsorship op“While we celebrate my dad’s 92nd birth- portunities, contact Blake Osborne at blake day and his tireless work for all people, we

September 28, 2013




During the grand opening, Moreno will recognize 14 nonprofits and community groups that will be awarded $8,000 in grants.

Stonecrest Super Walmart opens for business on Oct. 2 By Jennifer Ffrench Parker

The new Stonecrest Super Walmart is pulling out all the stops for its grand opening celebrations that begin Oct. 2 with a ribboncutting ceremony. Store manager John Moreno said the Arabia Mountain High School Marching Rams, the Lithonia Middle School Chorus, and a color guard made of the four branches of the U.S. Armed Forces – Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard – along with interim CEO Lee May and other elected officials will participate in the ceremony that starts at 7:30 a.m. in front of the store’s main entrance. The celebrations will continue for three weekends featuring live radio remotes, the Braves, the Hawks, a book signing by Terrence Jenkins, samples and giveaways from Walmart vendors, and Family Fun Days with an array of kids activities. On Oct. 5, the store is hosting a Family Fun Day from noon to 3 p.m. to introduce Moreno and his management team to the community. Activities include face painting, cupcake decorating, and free food samples from Walmart vendors while supplies last. During the grand opening celebration, Moreno will recognize 14 nonprofits and community groups that will be awarded $8,000 in grants from the store. He also will acknowledge 11 former service men and women who were hired as part of Walmart’s “Coming Home Program.” Shift manager Suzanne Prather, who

Shift manager Suzanne Prather (from left), store manager John Moreno and shift manager Tim Dixon prepare for the Oct. 2 grand opening at 8424 Mall Parkway in Lithonia.

Jennifer Ffrench Parker / CrossRoadsNews

relocated from the Tucker Walmart, said the former service members were honorably discharged within the past 12 months. They are among 300 full- and part-time managers and associates hired by the store. Moreno said they received more than 3,000 applications for the positions. The 148,000-square-foot store at 8424 Mall Parkway is located next door to sister company Sam’s Club. It is the second new store opened by Arkansas-based Walmart in South DeKalb this year. The Stonecrest store joins the Super Walmart that opened June 12 at Memorial Drive and South Hairston Road in Stone Mountain and stores on Fairington Road

in Lithonia, Columbia Drive in Decatur, Gresham Road in Atlanta, and on U.S. 78 in Stone Mountain. A Neighborhood Market is under construction in the Covington Square Shopping Center at Covington Highway and Panola Road in Lithonia. Moreno said he and his team are ready to serve the community. He said the store’s extensive grocery and produce selections, including organically grown produce, will be the closest grocer to Stonecrest area residents, who have been lobbying for a grocery store. “We will have a full line of groceries, full produce, full bakery, and full meat and frozen and dairy items,” Moreno said.

The store features Walmart’s line of general merchandise, including apparel, electronics, toys, sporting goods, health and beauty aids, jewelry, automotive products, home furnishings, hardware, pet supplies, and lawn and garden items. It also has a vision center, a digital-photo processing center, and a money center. The “green” store uses skylights and energy-efficient LED lighting. Its aisles of motion-sensitive refrigerators stay dark until customers walk up. In preparation for its Oct. 2 opening, employees were working feverishly round-theclock this week to stock millions of items on the shelves. Moreno said produce, dairy and gardening items will be the last to arrive. “We want them to be fresh,” he said. The store at I-20 and Turner Hill Road in Lithonia will open to its first customers at 8 a.m., right after the ribbon-cutting ceremony. It will open daily from 6 a.m. to midnight. Prather, a 21-year Walmart employee, said their team wants the new store to be the go-to place for the community. “We want you to come and shop and bring the family,” she said. “We are giving back to the community. It’s all about saving money to live better.” Fans of the My Local Walmart Facebook page at can receive information about rollbacks, instore events, and meal solutions. For more information, visit

Property tax deadline looming DeKalb Tax Commissioner Claudia Lawson is reminding taxpayers that Sept. 30 is the deadline to pay the first installment of 2013 real estate and personal property taxes. First installment taxes that are not received or postmarked by the Sept. 30 deadline will incur a 5 percent late payment penalty, which applies by law. If your payment is mailed, the postmark or cancellation stamp from the U.S. Postal Service is the only accepted evidence of timely mailing. There is also a drop box on the front and side of the Central Office, 4380 Memorial

Drive in Decatur, that may be used for lastminute drop-offs. Another convenient option is to pay property taxes by electronic check or credit card (2.5 percent service fee) via the Internet at or by telephone at 404-298-4000. Walk-in customers to the Central or North or South satellite offices may pay by cash, check, debit card ($1.50 service fee), or credit card (2.5 percent service fee). For assistance, contact the Tax Commissioner’s Office at proptax@dekalbcountyga .gov or 404-298-4000.

Chamber marks 75 with gala, golf The DeKalb Chamber of Commerce is celebrating its decades of service to the county with a 75th Diamond Anniversary Gala on Oct. 5 in Stone Mountain and its ninth annual DeKalb Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic on Oct. 7. The black-tie gala, which includes a reception, dinner, awards presentation and dancing, takes place from 6 to 11 p.m. at the Marriott Evergreen Conference Resort. For ticket information, visit http://dekalb Marriott Evergreen Conference Resort is at 4021 Lakeview Drive. The golf tourney, which offers network opportunities, takes place 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Stone Mountain Golf Club. It ends with an award ceremony and reception. The golf club is at Stonewall Jackson Drive in Stone Mountain. For ticket information, visit /upcoming-event.

Metro jobless rate at 8% in August Metro Atlanta’s jobless rate dropped to 8 percent in August because of a significant reduction in layoffs and an increase in the number of jobs. The Georgia Department of Labor said Sept. 26 that the August rate was down sixtenths of a percentage point from 8.6 percent in July. A year ago, the rate was 8.9 percent. There were 17,563 new layoffs, represented by initial claims for unemployment insurance benefits, which were 6,137, or 25.9 percent, fewer than in July. Much of the decline came in manufacturing with additional reductions in construction, administrative and support services, trade, accommodations and food services, and health care and social assistance. Over the year, the number of initial claims was down by 5,433, or 23.6 percent,

from 22,996 in August 2012. Reductions were mostly in administrative and support services, construction, manufacturing, trade, accommodations and food services, and health care and social assistance. There were 2,415,900 jobs in metro Atlanta in August, up by 2,800 from July. Education and health services added 4,500 jobs, led primarily by gains in social assistance, while government added 4,400, as non-contract education workers returned to the public schools after the summer vacation. However, the gains were offset somewhat by the loss of 3,000 private-sector jobs, mostly in professional and business services. Since August 2012, metro Atlanta has gained 57,100 jobs. For more information, visit www.dol

Legal Notices 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19

NOTICE OF PUBLICATION In the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia

Civil Action # ++13CV7715-9++ DeAndra Evans-Baxter Plaintiff Vs. Eric Skipper Defendant TO: Eric Skipper 1303 Fairington Village Dr Lithonia, GA 30038 By Order of the Court service for service by publication dated September 19, 2013, you are hereby notified that on August 2, 2013, the above-named Plaintiff filed suit against you for: Divorce You are required to file with the Clerk of Superior Court, and to serve upon the plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is DeAndra N. Evans-Baxter, 2051 Flat Shoals Rd Apt B-9, Atlanta, GA 30316. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of, September 19, 2013. Witness the Honorable Mark Anthony Scott Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 20th day of September, 2013. 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12

NOTICE OF PUBLICATION In the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia

Civil Action # ++13CV9458-9++ Angelica Polanco Plaintiff Vs. Rodolfo Tizol Gomez Defendant TO: Rodolfo Tizol Gomez By Order of the Court service for service by publication dated September 16, 2013, you are hereby notified that on September 10, 2013, the abovenamed Plaintiff filed suit against you for: Declaratory Judgement Regarding Child Custody. You are required to file with the Clerk of Superior Court, and to serve upon the plaintiff’s attorney whose name and address is Nancy Rhinehart, 246 Sycamore St, Ste 120, Decatur, GA 30030. Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of, Sept 16, 2013.

Witness the Honorable Mark Anthony Scott Judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. This the 16th day of September, 2013.

Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court

9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12

Notice of Petition to Change Name of Adult in the Superior Court of DeKalb County State of Georgia

Civil Action Case Number: ++ 13CV9750-7++

Jimmie Luke Brown filed a petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on September 17, 2013 to change the name from: Jimmie Luke Brown to Jimmie Luke Curry. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days after the petition was filed. Dated: September 9, 2013 Jimmie Luke Curry Petitioner, Pro se P.O. Box 80313 Chamblee, GA 30366-0313 (470)216-31897

Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court

DeKalb County Sheriff

4415 Memorial Drive • Decatur, GA 30032

Sex Offender

Sex Offender

Sex Offender

Sex Offender

Sex Offender

Sex Offender

Ricky McElroy Anthony Bass 3393 Columbia Trace 1304 Rutherford Glen Decatur, GA 30032 Circle Atlanta, GA 30340 Charge of Sexual Battery Charge of Sexual Battery victim under 16yoa (2nd or Subsequent Convicted 11/18/2009 Conviction) Convicted 1/7/2005

Dennard Hollis 7156 Woodstene Drive Lithonia, GA 30058 Charge of Child Molestation Convicted 6/4/2007

Robert L. Miller 8225 McKenzie Place Lithonia, GA 30058 Charge of Assault to Commit Rape, Sodomy or Oral Copulation Convicted 10/11/2009

Derrick Walker 100 Camellia Lane Lithonia, GA 30058 Charge of Rape Convicted 4/8/1994

William L. Woods 3889 Beya Way Doraville, GA 30040 Charge of Child Molestation Convicted 8/9/1999




September 28, 2013

“He was a trusted friend who could be relied upon to remain true to the people’s vision and needs.”

Nick Cannon ties now at Macy’s,

Clyde ‘Jocco’ Baccus Sept. 20, 1947–Sept. 23, 2013

Entertainer Nick Cannon’s fresh, stylish ties are now available exclusively at select Macy’s stores, including Lenox Square, and at Macy’s launched the brand on Sept. 23, and the exclusive collection will feature up to 25 styles including fashion-forward prints, bold colors and a variety of textures that give each tie a unique personality. Cannon says his style is about individuality, confidence and expression. “I am thrilled I can The exclusive collection of silk ties now offer shoppers across by Nick Cannon boasts bold and the country access to unexpected colors. They retail for $65. spectacular prints and is a film star, comedian, bold colors to creTV and radio host, muate a look that’s sician, writer, director, all their own,” he executive producer said. “I am also and philanthropist. extremely grateHe is well-known for ful to have the ophis fashion sense. portunity to work The silk ties in with such a respected stripes, dots and plaids name in fashion such in bold and unexpected as Macy’s and hope to colors like mint, purple, expand my line offerings orange and cornflower retail with them in the future.” The multi-talented Cannon for $65.

Political activist ‘Jocco’ Baccus dies “They did this after havWell-known political acing promised that the district tivist and prolific blogger would be drawn according to Clyde “Jocco” Baccus of Covthe requirements of the Votington has died. ing Rights Act, and then at Baccus, 66, passed away on the last minute, just before the Sept. 23. The cause of death Georgia Legislature adjourned was not disclosed. sine die, they performed their He was an adviser to the cartological cartwheels to McKinney family and worked make sure that voters’ choices in all of former U.S. Rep. Cynwere artificially limited.” thia McKinney’s campaigns Baccus is survived by his for the 4th District. wife, Smithie, and a daughter, He was also a frequent contributor to CrossRoads­News’ Clyde “Jocco” Baccus was president of the Learning Davida Tuggle. McKinney Tree, a nonprofit dedicated to voter education. said he was very proud of his online Forum. wife and used to say all the A homegoing celebration was scheduled for 11 a.m. on Sept. 27 at the Covington time that he had married “a Spelman woman.” Baccus was born Sept. 20, 1947. He was employed Chapel of Young-Levett Funeral Home, 3106 West St., by the Small Black Farmers of America. He shared his with interment in Lawnwood Cemetery. In an email to friends and supporters on Thursday, views on diverse topics on Insight With Jocco at http:// McKinney said Baccus was a fixture in the campaigns of He served as governmental the McKinney family, including those of her late father, relations liaison for the Asian American Community James Edward “Billy” McKinney, a longtime state legisla- Service Center; was president of the Learning Tree, a nonprofit dedicated to voter education; and worked at tor. He was also her congressional staffer for 12 years. “He was a trusted friend who could be relied upon the Technical College System of Georgia as a regional to remain true to the people’s vision and needs,” she field coordinator for the Fatherhood Program. Baccus also was a former vice president of the Rockwrote. “Jocco loved my father and my son and showed dale and Newton NAACP; a past chair of the DeKalb/ it in every possible way.” McKinney said Baccus started his professional life as Rockdale Employer Committee; a past president and a DJ, eventually working alongside the legendary James charter member of the Metro DeKalb Kiwanis Club, and a past member of the Newton Board of Equalization. Brown at one of Brown’s radio stations. “Anyone who knew Jocco loved him,” McKinney said. “Once Jocco met my father, his life in the political world was sealed,” she said. “In a stroke of political per- “I just wanted to make sure that everyone who should fidy, the Georgia ‘Good Ol’ Boys’ drew Jocco’s home out know is informed of this loss to my family and to conscious politics in my home state of Georgia.” of a General Assembly district he was sure to win. to learn more! CALL Today. 877884-1191

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September 28, 2013



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