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Dear Colleagues: Welcome to Crossway’s 2012 catalog of academic and pastoral resources. We trust that in these pages you will find a number of books to serve your ministry needs, in the classroom and in the church. Carrying on Crossway’s tradition of offering innovative books within the historic stream of orthodoxy, we have added several new textbooks in systematic theology, including Gerald Bray’s God Is Love: A Biblical and Systematic Theology (p. 11); K. Scott Oliphint’s God with Us: Divine Condescension and the Attributes of God (p. 10); and Robert Peterson’s Salvation Accomplished by the Son: The Work of Christ (p. 9), which John Frame says is now the first book (after Scripture) to which he would turn for any question about Jesus’s incarnation, atonement, or resurrection. Those interested in the intersection of history and theology will want to explore Michael Kruger’s Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books (p. 3) and the collection of essays edited by James Hoffmeier and Dennis Magary, Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Postmodern Approaches to Scripture (p. 7). Both students and teachers will be helped by Andreas Köstenberger’s Excellence: The Character of God and the Pursuit of Scholarly Virtue (p. 13). And those in church ministry will be especially interested in The Gospel as Center: Renewing Our Faith and Reforming Our Ministry Practices (p. 4), essays edited by D. A. Carson and Tim Keller. In our desire to encourage a return to the study of the original languages of Scripture, Crossway is now offering the UBS Greek New Testament Reader’s Edition with Textual Notes in genuine leather and top-grain leather, as well as a Hebrew–English Old Testament, with the BHS and the ESV on facing pages (p. 41). See also pp. 38-39 for ESV GreekTools, an online application at a very affordable price. Many other resources could be highlighted, but instead I will simply encourage you to peruse the pages that follow! My colleagues and I look forward to seeing you at the ETS and SBL annual meetings in San Francisco in November. Be sure to visit our exhibits at each event!
Justin Taylor Vice President for Book Publishing and Associate Publisher
Hebrew-English Old Testament:
UBS Greek New Testament:
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) and English Standard Version (ESV) Texts
Reader’s Edition with Textual Notes
Available March 2012 For more information see page 41
Available January 2012 For more information see page 41
Understanding the Times
New Testament Studies in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of D. A. Carson on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday First Chronicles speaks of the men of Issachar “who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.” Our rapidly changing postmodern culture needs men who understand the times and know what ought to be done. D. A. Carson is such a man. Renowned as a gifted speaker, writer, theologian, and pastor, Carson has written extensively and persuasively on a wide range of topics and has been a defender of the modern evangelical faith. In appreciation of Carson’s life work, editors Andreas J. Köstenberger and Robert W. Yarbrough have assembled a team of contributors, including Stanley Porter, Grant Osborne, Mark Dever, John Woodbridge, Douglas Moo, Peter O’Brien, Eckhard Schnabel, Craig Blomberg, and David Pao, to produce this volume of essays on New Testament studies in modern times. The book is divided into three parts: New Testament Studies and Ancillary Disciplines, Special Topics in New Testament Studies, and New Testament Studies around the World. Pastors, professors, and students will benefit not only from the example of a man who understands the times, but also from the high quality of scholarship and wide variety of topics covered in this volume.
informative surveys of developments in New Testament studies in Africa and Asia, as well as in North America and Europe. This solid volume thus offers not only a worthy tribute to its honoree but also valuable assessments of the state of New Testament scholarship worldwide.”
I. HOWARD MARSHALL, Professor Emeritus, University of Aberdeen, Scotland “ This lively book of essays represents a fitting tribute to the life of Don Carson, one of the liveliest and most learned biblical scholars of our time. It will only suit its honoree, however, if it leads its varied readers to the Scriptures he has studied for so long, increasing devotion and fidelity to the gospel they proclaim. I pray that God will make this so for Jesus’ sake.”
DOUGLAS A. SWEENEY, Associate Professor of Church History, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “ This is a remarkable series of studies in honor of a remarkable man. Carson’s influence has been extraordinary, and this book explores a number of his particular interests with great skill.”
Testament Studies, Cambridge University; editor, Journal for the Study of the New Testament
Part 1: New Testament Studies and Ancillary Disciplines 1. Greek Linguistics and Lexicography (Porter) 2. Hermeneutics and Theological Interpretation (Osborne) 3. The Church: A Summary and Reflection (Dever) 4. Evangelical Self-Identity and the Doctrine of Biblical Inerrancy (Woodbridge) 5. Lifting Up the Son of Man and God’s Love for the World: John 3:16 in Its Historical, Literary, and Theological Contexts (Köstenberger) 6. Justification in Galatians (Moo) 7. God as the Speaking God: “Theology” in the Letter to the Hebrews (O’Brien) 8. The Language of Baptism: The Meaning of Βαπτίζω in the New Testament (Schnabel)
Part 3: New Testament Studies around the World
ANDREAS J. KÖSTENBERGER (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is professor of New
Testament at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, the editor of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, and the author of numerous books and articles in the field of New Testament studies. Covenant Theological Seminary after serving for many years as chair of the New Testament Department at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is the author of several books, including Engaging the New Testament.
Part 2: Special Topics in New Testament Studies
“ Don Carson is one of the most productive and capable evangelical scholars in the Englishspeaking world, and this volume by former students and teaching colleagues reflects the breadth of his interests and especially his concern for the development of biblical studies in a global context. Alongside fresh personal contributions to New Testament study, there are
ROBERT W. YARBROUGH (DPhil, University of Aberdeen) is professor of New Testament at
6 × 9, Hardcover, 400 pages, 978-1-4335-0719-9 $31.99, Available Now
9. New Testament Studies in Africa (Yarbrough) 10. New Testament Studies in North America (Blomberg) 11. New Testament Studies in Asia (Pao) 12. New Testament Studies in Europe (Yarbrough) Appendix: D. A. Carson: His Life and Work to Date (Köstenberger) Selected Writings of D. A. Carson
2 0 1 2 AC A D E M I C & PA S TO R A L R ESOU R C ES
The ESV and the English Bible Legacy Leland Ryken, an expert on the literature of the Bible, has written extensively on the subject of Bible translation philosophy. Using the English Standard Version as well as other translations to illustrate various aspects of essentially literal Bible translation, he brings clarity to questions of how modern Bible translations should be viewed in their historical context. This book focuses on the qualities of the English Standard Version of the Bible as it has been growing in influence since it was first published in 2001. Given the continuous crosswinds of Bible translation controversies, it is necessary to explain and defend not just a translation philosophy but to delineate the nature of the ESV Bible. 5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 192 pages, 978-1-4335-3066-1 $14.99, Available November 30, 2011 CONTENTS Preface Part 1: The Classic Mainstream of English Bible Translation 1. The Translations that Make up the Tradition 2. How the Bible Was Viewed 3. Principles of Translation 4. Language and Style 5. Rhythm and Oral Effects 6. A Literary Bible 7. A Unified Tradition Part 2: Modern Bible Translation in Its Context 8. Modern Translation at the Crossroads 9. What Reviewers Say about Modernizing Translations Part 3: The English Standard Version: Heir to the Great Tradition 10. What the Preface to the English Standard Version Tells Us
modern translations known as dynamic equivalent translations. Implicit in his approach is the premise that part of the strength of the ESV is the greatness of the tradition to which it belongs. Tracing the history of English Bible translation from William Tyndale to the King James Bible while outlining important distinctions, Ryken concludes that essentially literal Bible translations best adhere to the legacy of classic English Bible translation. He contends that the English Standard Version is a true heir of this classical stream and concludes with an argument on why the ESV can serve as the translation of choice for Christians in all walks of life.
Ryken begins by describing what is termed the classic mainstream of English Bible translation. Then he shows how the ESV perpetuates that tradition, in contrast to the branch of FROM CHAPTER 1: “ The great tradition begins not with William Tyndale but a century and a half earlier with John Wycliffe (“morning star of the Reformation,” as he is called). Wycliffe’s translation is more accurately called the Wycliffite translation, because it was chiefly the work of Wycliffe’s associates rather than Wycliffe himself. Additionally, it is important to know that the Wycliffite translators actually produced two versions of the Bible: one a literal translation from the Latin Vulgate and a second translation that had more of an eye on the English receptor language than on Latin, which in this case was the donor language. The complete Bible appeared around 1380. “ It might seem unnecessary to push the great tradition back to Wycliffe. For one thing, Wycliffe’s language was Middle English—the language of Chaucer but not what is called modern language (the language of Tyndale and Shakespeare, despite its archaisms by the standard of modern usage).
Second, there were no printed versions of the Wycliffite Bible until the middle of the nineteenth century. This means that all versions in Wycliffe’s lifetime were handwritten manuscript copies, disseminated partly by oral readings conducted by traveling preachers known as Lollards. “ But there are other factors that make it necessary to trace the great tradition back to Wycliffe. The foundation of the tradition was simply the demonstration that the Bible could be translated into English. To cite a parallel, modern jet travel would never have happened if the Wright brothers had not flown a rudimentary aircraft at Kitty Hawk in 1903. A historian of English Bible translation correctly asserts that “the Wycliffe Bible was . . . not merely a book but an event, . . . [marking] a momentous epoch in our religious development.”
11. The Content of the English Standard Version 12. The Language and Style of the English Standard Version 13. Rhythm and Fluency in the English Standard Version 14. The English Standard Version as a Literary Bible
LELAND RYKEN is professor of English at Wheaton College and has written or edited numerous books, including Understanding English Bible Translation, The Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, and The Legacy of the King James Bible. Ryken served as literary stylist for The Holy Bible, English Standard Version.®
Conclusion: Why You Can Trust the English Standard Version
Canon Revisited
Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books Given the popular-level conversations on phenomena like the Gospel of Thomas and Bart Ehrman’s Misquoting Jesus, as well as the current lack of resources in evangelical scholarship on the origins of the New Testament, Michael Kruger’s Canon Revisited meets a significant need for an up-to-date work on canon by addressing recent developments in the field. Kruger presents an academically rigorous yet accessible study of the New Testament canon that looks deeper than the traditional surveys of councils and creeds, mining the text itself for direction in understanding what the original authors and audiences believed the canon to be.
and read by pastors and educated lay leaders alike. In contrast to prior volumes on canon, this volume distinguishes itself by placing a substantial focus on the theology of canon as the context within which the historical evidence is evaluated and assessed. Rather than simply discussing the history of canon—rehashing the Patristic data yet again—Kruger develops a strong theological framework for affirming and authenticating the canon as authoritative. This work successfully unites both the theology and the historical development of the canon, ultimately serving as a practical defense for the authority of the New Testament books.
Canon Revisited provides an evangelical introduction to the New Testament canon that can be used in seminary and college classrooms,
6 × 9, Hardcover, 384 pages, 978-1-4335-0500-3 $30.00, Available April 30, 2012
FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “ The problem of canon (at least as we are using it here) refers to the fundamental question of how we, as Christians, can know that we have the right 27 books in our New Testament. Why not 26 books? Or 28? Of course, such a question would not be asked if the New Testament were like most other books, formed (more or less) all at the same time, in the same place, by a single author. Instead, within the boundaries of the New Testament we are faced with a rather complex array of different books, authors, geographical settings, theological perspectives, and historical contexts that are all brought together into one unified volume. What do all these books share in common? And what was the process by which they were brought together? And why should the results of that process be considered normative for the modern church? Moreover, what are we to make of disputes within the early church over some of these books? What of the abundance of apocryphal literature that has been discovered? And what would we do if we discovered, say, a lost epistle of Paul? When faced with this plethora of questions we are tempted to agree with Ernest Best when he declared, ‘No matter where we look there are problems and it may therefore be simpler
at this stage to cut our losses and simply dispense with the concept of canon.’ “ However, despite these problems, these many questions deserve (and require) an answer from biblical Christianity. For, if Christians cannot adequately answer these questions about the canonical boundaries of the New Testament, then on what grounds could they ever appeal to the content of the New Testament? Certainly, there can be no New Testament theology if there is no such thing as a ‘New Testament’ in the first place. Thus, questions about the canon can take on more foundational significance than other types of questions. It is one thing for a person to question the meaning of a given passage (and whether it says what we think it says), or to question whether a particular passage is historically or factually accurate, but it is quite another to question whether that passage belongs in the Bible in the first place. The question of the canon, therefore, is at the very center of how biblical authority is established. Unless a coherent response can be offered to such questions, then Strauss may be all too right—the canon issue could become the single thread that unravels the entire garment of the Christian faith.”
CONTENTS Part 1: Determining the Canonical Model 1. The Church’s Book: Canon as CommunityDetermined 2. Tracing the Origins: Canon as Historically Determined 3. My Sheep Hear My Voice: Canon as SelfAuthenticating Part 2: Exploring and Defending the Canonical Model 4. The Divine Qualities of the Canon 5. The Apostolic Origins of the Canon 6. The Corporate Reception of the Canon: The Emergence of a Canonical Core 7. The Corporate Reception of the Canon: Manuscripts and Christian Book Production 8. The Corporate Reception of the Canon: Problem Books and Canonical Boundaries
MICHAEL J. KRUGER (PhD, University of Edinburgh) is associate professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, author of The Gospel of the Savior, and coauthor of Gospel Fragments and The Heresy of Orthodoxy. His research on Christian origins has made him a trusted authority on the development of the New Testament canon.
2 0 1 2 AC A D E M I C & PA S TO R A L R ESOU R C ES
The Gospel as Center
Renewing Our Faith and Reforming Our Ministry Practices [Series: The Gospel Coalition] The relativistic mindset of our world is taking its toll on the church. Up until a generation ago, most adults had similar moral intuitions, whether they were believers or not, and the core of Protestant orthodoxy was still intact. Yet, in the wake of postmodernity and secularism, all that has changed. Convinced that gospel-centered ministry is imperative for such a time as this, contributors D. A. Carson, Tim Keller, Kevin DeYoung, Philip Ryken, Bryan Chapell, Thabiti Anyabwile, Richard Phillips, Sam Storms, and others defend the gospel and traditional doctrines.
To strengthen the center of confessional evangelicalism, this volume collects the 14 booklets in the Gospel Coalition Booklet series. In addition, this volume includes a preface, the Gospel Coalition’s foundational documents, and indexes. The editors and contributors represent a wide range of denominations and are united not only by belief in the biblical gospel, but also by the conviction that ministry today must be increasingly gospel centered.
FROM CHAPTER 1: 6 × 9, Hardcover, 288 pages, 978-1-4335-1561-3 $21.99, Available February 29, 2012 CONTENTS 1. Gospel-Centered Ministry (Carson and Keller) 2. Can We Know the Truth? (Phillips) 3. The Gospel and Scripture (Bullmore) 4. Creation (Davis) 5. Sin and the Fall (Andrews) 6. The Plan (Chapell) 7. What Is the Gospel? (Chapell) 8. Christ’s Redemption (Willson) 9. Justification (Ryken) 10. The Holy Spirit (DeYoung) 11. The Kingdom of God (Um) 12. The Church: God’s New People (Savage) 13. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Anyabwile and Duncan) 14. The Restoration of All Things (Storms)
“ In the past, many of our neighbors could understand traditional evangelical preaching and ministry, but they met it with disagreement or indifference. During the last fifteen years, people have increasingly met it with completely dumbfounded incomprehension or outrage. The American evangelical world has been breaking apart with wildly different responses to this new cultural situation. To oversimplify, some have simply built the fortress walls higher, merely continuing to do what they have always done, only more defiantly than before. Others have called for a complete doctrinal reengineering of evangelicalism. We think both of these approaches are wrong-headed and, worse, damaging to the cause of the gospel.
“ In our understanding, it is a great mistake to jettison expository preaching in this way. But in some quarters, the response goes something like this: ‘Because postmodern people don’t like our kind of preaching, we are going to give them more of it than ever.’ They are unwilling to admit that much conventional use of the expository method has tended to be pretty abstract, quite wooden, and not related to life. It is also true that many traditional expository preachers like the ‘neatness’ of preaching through the Epistles instead of the vivid visions and narratives of the Old Testament. But most importantly, expository preaching fails if it does not tie every text, even the most discursive, into the great story of the gospel and mission of Jesus Christ.”
“ Here is one example. Over the last few years there has been a major push to abandon expository preaching for what is loosely called ‘narrative’ preaching. The diagnosis goes something like this: “ These are postmodern times, marked by the collapse of confidence in the Enlightenment project and a rational certainty about ‘truth.’ So now hearers are more intuitive than logical; they are reached more through images and stories than through propositions and principles. They are also allergic to authoritarian declarations. We must adapt to the less rational, nonauthoritarian, narrative-hungry sensibilities of our time. D. A. CARSON (PhD, University of Cambridge) is research professor of New Testament at Trinity
Evangelical Divinity School. He has authored numerous books, including The Cross and Christian Ministry.
TIMOTHY KELLER (DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is founder and pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York. He is the best-selling author of The Prodigal God and The Reason for God.
The Pastor as Scholar and the Scholar as Pastor Reflections on Life and Ministry
Following the 2009 Gospel Coalition confer ence, John Piper and D. A. Carson presented two talks at Park Community Church in Chicago, Illinois, sponsored by the Henry Institute at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. The topic of their presentation was the relationship between scholarship and pastoral ministry. Piper centered on the importance of scholarship and academic pursuits in his role as pastor. Carson, conversely, focused on the importance of pastoral ministry in his career as scholar. The event was enthusiastically received and brought great insight and balance. Now their talks have been edited with additional content and put into book form. Weaving together testimony and teaching, Piper and Carson challenge all those in ministry to think carefully and holistically about their calling. An introduction by Owen Strachan and a conclusion by David Mathis provide context and application to these unique messages. This book provides a valuable insider perspective from two men who have been acclaimed for their sharp thinking and pastoral hearts. “ Few books are so needed as this. Recapturing the vision of the pastor as scholar and the scholar as pastor is crucial for the health of the church. Who would not want to read John Piper and D. A. Carson as they reflect on this calling? This is one of the most encouraging and helpful books I have seen in a long time. If you are a pastor, read it. If you have a pastor, put it in his hands.”
R. ALBERT MOHLER JR., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“ Who could count how many of us have had our lives changed by the ministries of John Piper and D. A. Carson? How many more have come to Christ or have been discipled in the Gospel by pastors and teachers influenced by these leaders. This book is a riveting breed, granting us a candid, personal, and behind-the-scenes look at what the Lord has used to shape these ministries. As you read this book, pray that the Lord Jesus would raise up, even now the next generation of pastor-theologians and theologian-pastors to carry on the great work of Christ-exaltation and Kingdom-mission.”
RUSSELL D. MOORE, Dean, School of Theology; Senior Vice President for Academic Administration; Associate Professor of Theology and Ethics, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary “ These are important chapters by two of evangelicalism’s most important thinkers. In an age that has largely forgotten the native connection between theology and the church, John Piper and D. A. Carson remind us that these two worlds belong together. There can be, of course, no turning back the clock; the modern research university is here to stay. But Piper and Carson offer us two good examples of how to navigate the contemporary terrain with a view to producing ecclesial theology—theology in service to the church. This short book is a great beginning to a conversation that has been long overdue.”
5.25 × 8, Paperback, 128 pages, 978-1-4335-2647-3 $12.99, Available Now CONTENTS Introduction - The Return of the Pastor-Scholar (Strachan) 1. The Pastor as Scholar: A Personal Journey and the Joyful Place of Scholarship (Piper) 2. The Scholar as Pastor: Lessons from the Church and the Academy (Carson) Conclusion - The Preacher, the Professor, and the True Pastor-Scholar (Mathis)
GERALD HIESTAND, Senior Associate Pastor, Calvary Memorial Church, Oak Park, Illinois; Executive Director, Society for the Advancement of Ecclesial Theology
JOHN PIPER (DTh, University of Munich) is pastor for preaching and vision at Bethlehem Baptist
Church in Minneapolis. He is the author of numerous books, including Think, The Future of Justification, and Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce.
D. A. CARSON (PhD, Cambridge University) is research professor of New Testament at Trinity
Evangelical Divinity School. A former pastor and itinerant minister, Carson has authored or edited nearly sixty books.
2 0 1 2 AC A D E M I C & PA S TO R A L R ESOU R C ES
Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? Who They Were and Why You Should Care Examining the biblical story line as the worldview story of the people of God, Collins shows how that story presupposes a real Adam and Eve and how the modern experience of life points to the same conclusion. Collins argues that the traditional position on Adam and Eve, or some variation of it, does the best job of accounting not only for the biblical materials but also for our everyday experience as human beings—an experience that includes sin as something that must be forgiven (by God and our fellow human beings) and that must be struggled against as defiling and disrupting a good, human life.
5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 192 pages, 978-1-4335-2425-7 $15.99, Available Now CONTENTS (PARTIAL) 1. Introduction 2. The Shape of the Biblical Story 2a. Story and Worldview 2b. History, Myth, and Worldview Story 2c. Features of the Biblical Story 3. Particular Texts That Speak of Adam and Eve 3a. Genesis 1–5 3b. Adam, Eve, Eden, and the Fall in the Rest of the Old Testament 3c. Second Temple Jewish Literature 3d. The Gospels 3e. The Pauline Writings 3f. Elsewhere in the New Testament 4. Human Uniqueness and Dignity 4a. The Image of God 4b. Universal Human Experiences: Yearning for Justice, Need for God
Looking first at the shape of the biblical story—from creation to fall to redemption to final consummation—and the worldview that rides on that story, one sees whether a historical Adam and Eve and a historical fall are necessary assumptions. Second, Collins examines the main biblical and Second Temple Jewish texts that deal with the topic to find out whether they really do support the traditional position. Third, he considers the biblical view of human uniqueness and dignity, and relates these to everyday moral and religious experience, asking whether these too are evidence for the traditional position. Applying well-informed critical thinking to common theological and scientific questions, Collins asserts the importance of a real man at the beginning of God’s plan for creation, a plan that includes “redemption” for all people since sin entered the world. Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? also contains extensive appendices to examine how the material in Genesis relates to similar material from Mesopotamian myths. Collins’s detailed analysis of the relevant texts will instill confidence that the traditional Christian story equips us better than any alternatives to engage the issues we encounter in the modern world.
“ Dr. Collins has presented a careful defense of the existence of the historical Adam and Eve. This methodologically rigorous study reflects a critical awareness of contemporary discussions on both biblical and extrabiblical literature and further contributes to the wider discussion on science and religion. Perhaps more importantly, he has successfully demonstrated the theological significance of this traditional reading, all the while using language that an informed layperson can digest and engage. This work deserves to be widely circulated.”
DAVID W. PAO, Chair of the New Testament Department, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “ Working through questions of myth and history, Bible and science, harmonization and complementarity, Collins brings fresh arguments to stimulate wide-ranging thought and improved appreciation of the way the first chapters of the Bible affect the whole.”
ALAN MILLARD, Emeritus Rankin Professor of Hebrew and Ancient Semitic Languages, The University of Liverpool “ I could hardly imagine a more honest book on this controversial topic. Its openness (in a userfriendly format) is no naivety—it is combined with undeniable competence on the ancient Near East, recent literature, and methodological discussions. Standing firm on vital issues, accepting diversity on others, the reader meets in C. John Collins a sensitive and godly guide.”
HENRI A. BLOCHER, formerly Gunther Knoedler Professor of Systematic Theology, Wheaton College Graduate School
5. Can Science Help Us Pinpoint “Adam and Eve”? 5a. Does the Bible Connect to History and Science? 5b. Making Sure We Read the Bible Well 5c. Criteria for Good Scenarios 5d. A Sampling of Scenarios Examined 6. Conclusions 6a. What I Think I Have Shown
C. JOHN COLLINS (PhD, University of Liverpool) is professor of Old Testament at
Covenant Theological Seminary in St Louis. With degrees from MIT and Faith Evangelical Lutheran Seminary, he pursues such research interests as Hebrew and Greek grammar, science and faith, and biblical theology. He is the author of The God of Miracles, Science and Faith: Friend or Foes, and a commentary on Genesis 1–4.
6b. Why I Think It Matters
Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?
A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Postmodern Approaches to Scripture [Foreword by John D. Woodbridge] During the past thirty years, biblical and theological scholarship has had to cope with many serious challenges to orthodox and evangelical understandings of Scripture. In addition to the enlightenment positivist readings of the Bible (which continue with us after over two centuries), we can now add postmodern literary approaches that treat the biblical narratives purely as literature, asserting that they should be read as fiction. One of the consequences of this development has been the minimalist-maximalist historiography debate. The generally skeptical mood toward much of the history of the Bible (e.g., the Genesis ancestors of ancient Israel, the Egyptian sojourn, the exodus, the wilderness wanderings, the conquest of Canaan, and the united monarchy) has naturally taken its toll on the academic study of Israelite religion, Old Testament theology, and biblical theology as these disciplines are intimately connected to history.
This book addresses questions about the historicity, accuracy, and inerrancy of the Bible raised by colleagues within our faith community as well as those who are outside of it. Special emphasis is placed on matters of history and historicity of biblical narratives in both the Old and New Testaments. Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? offers a firm defense of Scripture’s legitimacy and the theological implications of modern and postmodern approaches that teach otherwise. With contributions from respected scholars— including Allan Millard, Craig Blomberg, Graham Cole, Michael Haykin, Robert Yarbrough, and Darrell Bock—Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? arms Christians with fresh insight, arguments, and language with which to defend Scripture’s historical accuracy against a culture and academy skeptical of those claims.
“ To start, we consider the question why history matters. And the history in mind is biblical history (e.g., the call of Abraham, the exodus, the incarnation and resurrection, and so forth). Next, we
1. Religious Epistemology, Theological Interpretation of Scripture, and Critical Biblical Scholarship: A Theologian’s Reflections (McCall) consider the peril of doing systematic theology in a way that forgets the great deed at the center of the gospel. Even so, the value of systematic theology must not be neglected in reaction. Systematic theology has great value as a discipline. It asks normative questions. However, systematic theology needs to stay tethered to the historicity of biblically narrated events, lest it drift off to an alien place. The historically given account needs full appreciation. Then we consider the idea of accommodation. The idea of accommodation (as in Calvin) as opposed to that of the accommodated sense (as in Kenton Sparks) helps preserve that appreciation. Finally, before drawing the discussion to a close, we look at the relation between systematic theology, history, and our worship.”
JAMES K. HOFFMEIER (PhD, University of Toronto) is professor of Old Testament and Ancient
Near Eastern history and archaeology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
DENNIS R. MAGARY (PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison) is chair of the department and associate professor of Old Testament and Semitic languages at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
CONTENTS (PARTIAL) Part 1: Biblical, Systematic, and Historical Theology
FROM CHAPTER 2: “ ‘History’ as a term is, of course, ambiguous. It may refer to what actually happened (words spoken, deeds done, circumstances leading up to, consequences arising from). Or it may refer to our account of what actually happened (an interpretation of words spoken, deeds done, circumstances leading up to, consequences arising from). In this essay, ‘history’ refers to the former rather than the latter. As for that strange term ‘historyless,’ I stipulatively mean theological articulations of the Christian faith that are more interested in the ideas of the faith than the events that I believe are at its core.
6 × 9, Paperback, 576 pages, 978-1-4335-2571-1 $35.00, Available February 29, 2012
2. The Peril of a Historyless Systematic Theology (Cole) 3. The Divine Investment in Truth: Toward a Theological Account of Biblical Inerrancy? (Thompson) 4. “These Things Happened”: Why a Historical Exodus Is Essential for Theology (Hoffmeier) 5. “Fundamentum et columnam fidei nostrae”: Irenaeus on the Perfect and Saving Nature of the Scriptures (Haykin) Part 2: Old Testament and Issues of History, Authenticity, and Authority 6. Pentateuchal Criticism and the Priestly Torah (Averbeck) 7. Old Testament Source Criticism: Some Methodological Miscues (Chisholm) 8. Word Distribution as an Indicator of Authorial Intention: A Study of Genesis 1:1-2:3 (Bergen) 9. The Culture of Prophecy and Writing in the Ancient Near East (Hilber) 10. Isaiah, Isaiahs, and Current Scholarship (Schultz) 11. Daniel in Babylon: An Accurate Record? (Millard)
2 0 1 2 AC A D E M I C & PA S TO R A L R ESOU R C ES
The Deity of Christ
[Series: Theology in Community]
6 × 9, Hardcover, 320 pages, 978-1-58134-979-5 $24.99, Available Now CONTENTS 1. The Deity of Christ Today (Nichols) 2. The Deity of Christ and the Old Testament (Ortlund) 3. The Deity of Christ in the Synoptic Gospels (Wellum) 4. The Deity of Christ in John’s Gospel (Köstenberger) 5. The Deity of Christ in the Apostolic Witness (Wellum) 6. The Deity of Christ in John’s Letters and the Book of Revelation (Köstenberger) 7. The Deity of Christ in Church History (Bray) 8. Toward a Systematic Theology of the Deity of Christ (Peterson) 9. The Deity of Christ and the Cults (Gomes) 10. The Deity of Christ for Missions, World Religions, and Pluralism (Jennings)
The biblical teaching about the deity of Christ is a precious truth and foundational to the Christian faith. It has been called “the most distinctively Christian doctrine of all”—one that must be taught and preserved.
Jesus is indeed the God-man. Read this book for your mind as well as for your soul. Both will be blessed.”
With this in mind, Robert Peterson, Christopher Morgan, Andreas Köstenberger, Steve Wellum, Gerald Bray, Alan Gomes, Ray Ortlund, Stephen Nichols, and J. Nelson Jennings have collaborated to develop a theology of Christ’s divinity across multiple disciplines. Combining first-rate evangelical scholarship with rich application, their work examines this central doctrine from contemporary, historical, biblical, systematic, apologetic, and missional perspectives.
“ Morgan and Peterson are to be commended for putting together another outstanding volume for Crossway’s Theology in Community series. The editors have assembled a first-rate group of authors to produce this highly commendable work. The subject of the deity of Christ is carefully explored and clearly expounded from the perspectives of biblical, historical, and systematic theology. Important and timely applications for apologetics and missiology are also appropriately included. The deity of Christ is an essential doctrine of the Christian faith, and The Deity of Christ should be essential reading for faithful followers of Jesus Christ.”
This accessible volume—the third in the noted Theology in Community series—establishes the significance of Christ’s deity across the Old and New Testaments, in Johannine literature, in popular culture, in church history, and among cults and world religions. With keen theological insight and straightforward application, this volume provides a clear and useful treatment of the deity of Christ. “ This is a well-crafted, faithfully biblical, meticulously worked-out study of the deity of Christ that brings us from the Old Testament through the New Testament and into the modern world. This is a superb study.”
DAVID F. WELLS, Distinguished Senior Research Professor, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary “ Eight outstanding scholars make a compelling case biblically, theologically, and historically for the deity of Jesus. If he is God incarnate, then Christianity is true. If he is not, then the Christian faith is false. Powerful arguments are marshaled, and convincing evidence is set forth in this volume that demonstrates that
DANIEL L. AKIN, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
DAVID S. DOCKERY, President, Union
“ More than a collection of academic essays, this book pulsates with the life of Jesus—evident in the passion of the writers and the life change he has produced in each of them. Affirming the deity of Jesus is not, ultimately, about winning arguments with detractors or proving points to the academy; it is about encountering Jesus! Reading these essays will challenge you intellectually and enrich you spiritually, deepening both your understanding of Jesus and submission to him as Lord.”
JEFF LORG, President, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary
CHRISTOPHER W. MORGAN (PhD, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary) is associate
professor of theology and associate dean of the School of Christian Ministries at California Baptist University.
ROBERT A. PETERSON (PhD, Drew University) is professor of systematic theology at Covenant
Theological Seminary.
Salvation Accomplished by the Son The Work of Christ
The ongoing debates regarding the significance of Christ’s death, as well as the strong emphasis on the cross as the symbol of the Christian faith, attests to the reality that the most recognized aspect of Christ’s work has become his death. Recognizing that other major events and works in Jesus’s life are substantially relevant to the Christian life, Robert Peterson draws attention to Jesus’s incarnation, sinless life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Salvation Accomplished by the Son aims to glorify Christ by presenting the saving work of Jesus in greater scope than has previously been done, and to encourage Christians to worship and serve him. This book explains in detail what Christ has done to rescue us, both his deeds and the biblical pictures illustrating them. The result is a substantive, significant, and enduring treatise on the key Christian doctrine of the work of Christ. In this unique volume, Peterson presents the biblical doctrine of Christ’s saving work in a fresh and comprehensive way. Among the book’s distinctive attributes is Peterson’s ability to explain the relationship between text and doctrine, to uncover connections that have
eluded many others, and to organize the material in a way that makes it clear to seminarians and pastors and accessible to the layman. “ Peterson conducts a full-orbed tour of christology, particularly highlighting the often neglected role of Christ’s resurrection in our salvation. Peterson writes with a pastor’s heart, as is evident in the biblical fidelity and remarkable clarity that marks this work.”
THOMAS R. SCHREINER, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary “ Robert Peterson has produced a comprehensive study of Christ’s saving work that puts the cross at the center, but also shows how it is part of a wider plan. He shows how the atonement must be seen in the context of Christ’s whole life and ministry without compromising the essential truth of his penal substitutionary sacrifice for us. This is a refreshing and insightful study, which is much needed at the present time and deserves to be widely read.”
GERALD BRAY, Research Professor of
6 × 9, Hardcover, 624 pages, 978-1-4335-0760-1 $40.00, Available November 30, 2011 CONTENTS Part 1: Events Introduction
Divinity, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University
1. Christ’s Incarnation 2. Christ’s Sinless life
FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “ But, bypassing all these, Christians chose Christ’s cross as their emblem. On the one hand, this is amazing because the cross spoke of crucifixion which was regarded with horror in the ancient world. It is probably the most vicious method of execution because it delayed death, sometimes for days, to maximize torture. On the other hand, in light of Paul’s sentiment, ‘But far be it from me to boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Gal. 6:14), they chose well. Why? Because the cross describes where the work of salvation was accomplished. This book is all about that work. Actually, I will soon argue that Christians would have better chosen the cross and the stone rolled from Jesus’s tomb! But believers did choose the cross as their symbol and for good reasons.
3. Christ’s Death “ Christ’s saving work is profound, massive, and magnificent. It is profound because of the identity of the one who performed it. The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God lends its mystery to his saving work. Christ’s work is also massive, so massive that not even a big book can exhaust its meaning. And it is magnificent because of its wondrous effects. These include pleasing God himself, defeating God’s enemies, and rescuing all of God’s people and the creation itself. My goals are to show something of the profundity, massiveness, and magnificence of the work of Christ for us sinners.”
4. Christ’s Resurrection 5. Christ’s Ascension 6. Christ’s Session 7. Christ’s Pentecost 8. Christ’s Intercession 9. Christ’s Second coming Part 2: Pictures 10. Christ Our Reconciler 11. Christ Our Redeemer 12. Christ Our Legal Substitute 13. Christ Our Victor 14. Christ Our Second Adam 15. Christ Our Sacrifice
ROBERT A. PETERSON (PhD, Drew University) is professor of systematic theology at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis. He is the author of numerous books and articles, and is editor with Christopher Morgan for the Theology in Community series.
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God with Us
Divine Condescension and the Attributes of God To understand the relationship of God to creation, it is necessary first to understand who God is. God with Us explores God’s character in order to argue and reaffirm that he is independent of creation in his intra-Trinitarian relationship, then to highlight what is involved when this transcendent God condescends to relate to his creation, as God with us.
in our finite surroundings. Oliphint’s unusual approach to the attributes of God will appeal to anyone desiring a christological perspective on God’s nature.
In order to worship God rightly it is crucial that we understand his character, properties, and attributes. Toward this end, the primary purpose of this book is that the church might more biblically “think God’s thoughts after him”—that we might understand better just who God is, what he has told us about himself, and how best to think about him. In that sense, the doctrine of God, or theology proper, is the subject of every page. 6 × 9, Paperback, 320 pages, 978-1-4335-0902-5 $21.99, Available November 30, 2011 CONTENTS (PARTIAL) 1. I Am A. God Revealed B. The Significance of the Name
Where other theological efforts view the study of Jesus as simply one branch of a systematic approach, Oliphint puts a primary focus on the understanding of the Son of God as both the quintessential revelation of God’s character and the explanation of how he relates to us. This book helps us to think biblically about who God is and how he can condescend to us
C. Essential Characteristics 2. I Am . . . Your God A. The Eimi/Eikon Distinction B. God Willing C. Condescension 3. Before Abraham Was . . . A. Introduction B. Christological Constraints C. The Creed and Controversies D. The Whole Christ E. In the Beginning? F. One for All and All for One
FROM CHAPTER 1: “ There is a long and complex history of the problems that persist when finite creatures attempt to explore the infinite. Specifically, how can we who are limited grasp in any coherent way the One who is infinite and beyond all comprehension? God’s essence is altogether above and beyond our ability fully to comprehend. Part of the answer to that question is given above—God has seen fit to condescend and reveal himself. He has given us a revelation, not only of his plan and purpose for history, but of himself, even of his essence. Thus, we can know him because, and only because, he has made himself known.
“ But coupled with the notion of God revealing himself is the sobering truth that he who reveals himself is, in his essence, beyond our categories of thinking. How, then, can we talk about him in a way that is faithful to who he is? This is the problem of theological predication.”
G. Conclusion 4. (The Son of) God with Us A. Christology Guides Theology Proper B. Both/And C. Slow to Anger D. Conclusion 5. Things Secret and Revealed A. In Praise of Paradox
K. SCOTT OLIPHINT (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. He has written, edited, and contributed to multiple books as well as written numerous scholarly articles that show his heart for developing a Christian mind rooted in strong reasoning and biblical truth.
B. Continuities (and Discontinuities) of Condescension
God Is Love
A Biblical and Systematic Theology Centuries of experience and reflection have produced an enormous body of commentary that seeks to probe the meaning of the mystery of God’s love, giving rise to many controversies in the course of time. Here Gerald Bray advances the conversation with a systematic theology that is firmly grounded in God’s Word and is focused on God’s love—offering a sure and comprehensive foundation for what we preach and proclaim.
volume to help others understand the Bible and appreciate why it remains the inexhaustible source and wellspring of our spiritual life. Packed with robust content and supported by a clear outline, Bray’s work articulates the faith that has been believed by Christians everywhere, at all times.
This volume is unique from others of its kind in that Bray traces the overarching theme of God’s love through the Bible—from God’s love for himself and his creation to our rejection of God’s love, then from the cross as the ultimate expression of God’s love to the consummation of his love in the Holy Spirit. The centrality of God’s love in Bray’s theology reflects a deep conviction that the Bible shows us God for who he really is.
6 × 9, Hardcover, 672 pages, 978-1-4335-2269-7 $39.99, Available March 31, 2012
Aiming to reach both the teacher and the student of systematic theology, the concepts underlying technical terminology have been explained as simply and directly as possible. Profound simplicity is the hallmark of this
CONTENTS (PARTIAL) Part 1: The Language of Love 1. The Christian Experience of God 2. God Has Spoken to Us
FROM CHAPTER 1: “ Some people think of theology in terms of a ‘system’ while others shy away from that word because it seems to reduce the complexities of a living relationship to an abstract formula that can be logically dissected and pieced together in the classroom. The systematizer is often tempted to provide solutions to questions that demand an answer if the system is to be complete, but that are unanswerable in the current state of our knowledge. There is no doubt that attempts to claim more than the evidence warrants have brought the discipline of theology into disrepute. To give only a couple of examples, we do not know what God was doing before he created the world, nor can we say why he chose Israel to be his special people. We do not know when the world will end and cannot say why there are so many people who
3. The Christian Worldview have not had the message of salvation preached to them, through no fault of their own. “ No one knows why God permits evil to exist in spite of his own goodness, nor why believers who are destined for happiness in the next life have to suffer in this one. Of course, we can suggest possible reasons for some of these things, and occasionally we can make logical deductions about what must be the case. . . Beyond that, we can only speak in generalities and have to admit that there are gaps in our understanding that will not be filled until we are seated with him in his eternal glory.”
4. Speaking about God 5. The Practice of Theology 6. Theology and Faith Part 2: God’s Love in Himself 7. The Mystery of the Trinity 8. The Being of God 9. The God of the Old Testament and the Father of Jesus Christ 10. The Divine Son of God 11. The Holy Spirit Part 3: God’s Love for His Creation 12. What God Has Made 13. The Spiritual Creatures 14. The Material Creation
GERALD BRAY (DLitt, University of Paris-Sorbonne) is research professor of divin-
ity, history, and doctrine at Beeson Divinity School. He is a prolific writer and has authored or edited numerous books, including The Doctrine of God and Biblical Interpretation: Past and Present.
15. The Human Race 16. Human Relationships Part 4. The Rejection of God’s Love 17. The Rejection of God’s Love by Angels and His Response 18. The Rejection of God’s Love by Human Beings 19. The Origin of Religion and Ethics 20. The Religions of the World
2 0 1 2 AC A D E M I C & PA S TO R AL R ESOU R C ES
Redeeming Sociology A God-Centered Approach
In their pursuit of social welfare, sociologists and everyday citizens alike have adopted a worldview that fails to account for both the nature of God and the depravity of humankind. Ignoring God and sin has resulted in misguided analyses and ineffective solutions to societal issues. The time has come to rethink the study of sociology since those faulty assumptions have clearly affected the discipline as a whole.
6 × 9, Paperback, 352 pages, 978-1-4335-2129-4 $25.00, Available Now CONTENTS (PARTIAL) 1. The Importance of Relationships Part 1: God’s Involvement with Relationships 2. Relationships and the Trinity 3. God Creating Human Beings 4. God’s Covenants 5. God Sustaining Relationships 6. Creativity in Relationships 7. Exploring Examples of Relationships 8. The Regularities of Human Relationships 9. God’s Rule 10. Responding to God’s Government Part 2: From Big to Small: Relationships in the Context of History 11. Small Pieces of Human Action within the Big Pieces 12. World History 13. The Fall into Sin
Recognizing that human relationships are derived from the triune relationships within the Godhead, Poythress argues that social interactions must be assessed through a biblical framework that takes seriously the problem of sin. He examines how the breaking of relationships through sin leads to strife, murder, and oppression among human beings and sets cultures against one another. And he shows how these broken relationships are restored through the outworking of redemption in Christ. Though typical sociological models for interpersonal relationships may offer some valuable insights, they are handicapped by a fundamental misunderstanding of humanity. The biblical model that Poythress presents correctly diagnoses the problem of human relationships so it can prescribe a scriptural solution that infuses new meaning and power into how we relate to others made in the image of God. Poythress has written this compelling volume to stimulate the reconfiguration and transformation of a worldview gone awry, helping us to think rightly about fallen human relationships and our models for understanding and improving them. Redeeming Sociology advocates a biblically informed approach based on the Trinitarian nature of God, his governance of the world, and his redemption accomplished in Christ—a model that will help to reform the field of sociology as well as the beliefs and behaviors in our own relationships.
“ Using the triadic analytical technique derived from the truth of the Trinity, Poythress continues his quest for an undistorted, biblical understanding of the sciences, this time zeroing in on linguistics and sociology. This is a work of first-rate thinking. Demanding yet enriching, this book is a major contribution to modern reformation and its intellectual renewal.”
J. I. PACKER, Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College; author, Knowing God “ In the spirit of Abraham Kuyper, Vern Poythress has given us a valuable guide to thinking about godly relationships in our secular world. He develops a biblical understanding of how the distortions of sin have fractured our relationships with God and his people. I commend Poythress for his insightful thinking in this book, which joins the ranks of his similar contributions on science and literature.”
J. LANIER BURNS, Research Professor of Theological Studies, Senior Professor of Systematic Theology, Dallas Theological Seminary “ Vern Poythress has done thinking Christians a great service by engaging in rigorous theological reflection on relationships—that allimportant facet of human existence that we are inescapably immersed in, are shaped by, and yet often take for granted. Church leaders will benefit from this fine book.”
D. MICHAEL LINDSAY, President, Gordon College; author, Faith in the Halls of Power
14. Redemption through Christ 15. Peoples and Cultures 16. Principles for Cultural Reconciliation 17. Good and Bad Kinds of Diversity 18. Human Action Part 3: Interpreting Human Relationships
VERN SHERIDAN POYTHRESS (PhD, Harvard University; ThD, University of
Stellenbosch) is professor of New Testament interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary. He is the author of ten books, including Redeeming Science and In the Beginning Was the Word.
19. Meanings in Personal Action 20. Social and Cultural Analysis 21. Interpreting God’s Actions
The Character of God and the Pursuit of Scholarly Virtue Excellence is important; especially in the academy and the church—contexts in which the pressures toward sheer survival and mediocrity are particularly intense. The primary reason for this is bound up with the nature and character of God. God is the foundation for all true excellence. He is the one who fills any definition of excellence with meaning, and he is the reason why we cannot be content with lackluster mediocrity, halfhearted effort, or substandard scholarship. Excellence starts and ends with God and is first and foremost a hallmark and attribute of God. Without God as our starting point and continual frame of reference, our discussion of excellence would be hopelessly inadequate. We are called to excellence in all aspects of our lives and activities, and not least in our character. Andreas Köstenberger summons all Christians, and especially aspiring pastors, scholars, and teachers, to a life of virtue lived out in excellence. Köstenberger moves through Christian virtues chapter by chapter, outlining the Bible’s teaching and showing how Christ-dependent excellence in each area will have a profound impact on one’s ministry and scholarship. Virtues covered include grace, courage, integrity, creativity, eloquence, humility, diligence, and service. This unique book is an important character check for all Christians engaged in teaching and ministry, and especially for those in training. Köstenberger’s thoughtful volume will be a valuable touchstone for readers, since one’s character is a critical matter in both scholarship and ministry. “ Andreas Köstenberger, who has a distinguished career in the world of scholarship, addresses a topic few have had courage to tackle in a kind-spirited tone—namely, the practical application of intellectual virtues in scholarship. Grounded in the biblical text and balanced by the realities of life, this clear, concise, compelling, and often convicting work points
the scholar to the more excellent way, where conduct in scholarship weighs as important as the content of scholarship. For those who long to see Christian graces and civility permeate the world of scholarship this book deserves careful attention. It is not to be read and then left on the shelf, but taken to heart.”
BRUCE A. LITTLE, Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Associate Dean of Theological Studies, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Director, L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture “ Sadly, Christian scholarship often has more prima donnas than the New York ballet, and more mediocrity than a Cuban car-making factory! In an age when scholars sometimes think of themselves as celebrities rather than servants of the church, along comes Andreas Köstenberger with a great book on the virtues of the Christian academic. Köstenberger provides engaging reflections on how to turn your utmost scholarship to the highest ends of all: the glory of God. In this slim book, Köstenberger provides us with a pathway on how to cultivate the great virtues in the life of the Christian scholar. It is rebuking, moving, and inspiring!”
MICHAEL F. BIRD, Lecturer in Theology
and New Testament at Crossway College, Brisbane, Australia
“ Excellence is a lofty challenge, and is most often measured in our culture by personal or financial gain. Dr. Köstenberger has given us a muchneeded biblical and theological perspective on excellence, centered in the very character and works of God. The journey of excellence begins with God and is lived out in us in our own spiritual growth and development. This message has been a fresh reminder to me that I have no choice but to pursue excellence in all areas of my life because of the grace given to me in Christ.”
SELMA WILSON, President, B&H Publishing
CONTENTS (PARTIAL) Part 1: Foundations for Excellence 1. The Excellence of God 2. The Pursuit of Excellence 3. Holiness 4. Spirituality Part 2: Vocational Excellence 5. Diligence 6. Courage 7. Passion 8. Restraint 9. Creativity 10. Eloquence Part 3: Moral Excellence 11. Integrity 12. Fidelity 13. Wisdom Part 4: Relational Excellence 14. Grace
ANDREAS J. KÖSTENBERGER (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is
professor of New Testament at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a prolific author, and a distinguished scholar. His many books include God, Marriage, and Family and The Heresy of Orthodoxy.
6 × 9, Paperback, 272 pages, 978-1-58134-910-8 $17.99, Available Now
15. Humility 16. Interdependence 17. Love
2 0 1 2 AC A D E M I C & PA S TO R AL R ESOU R C ES
Christian Apologetics Past and Present A Primary Source Reader (Volume 2, From 1500) Amid a revival of apologetics, “few things could be more useful than an acquaintance with how Christian faith was defended down through the ages,” say the editors in their introduction to this two-part anthology. Access to both historical and contemporary texts gives us fresh insight into how our fathers in the faith responded to the questions facing them.
6 × 9, Hardcover, 752 pages, 978-1-58134-907-8 $55.00, Available Now CONTENTS (PARTIAL) Part 1: The Reformation, Post-Reformation (Protestant), and Catholic Reformation 1. Martin Luther 2. John Calvin 3. Robert Bellarmine 4. John Owen 5. Follow-Up Part 2: Modernity and the Challenge of Reason 6. Blaise Pascal 7. Joseph Butler 8. Jonathan Edwards 9. William Paley 10. Friedrich Schleiermacher
Volume 2 in this one-of-a-kind resource takes a sweeping look at apologetics from the Reformation to the present. Readings from twentysix apologists, including Martin Luther, John Calvin, Blaise Pascal, Jonathan Edwards, Søren Kierkegaard, Francis Schaeffer, Alvin Plantinga, and William Lane Craig are included. With editorial commentary and questions for reflection, Christian Apologetics Past and Present will prove a valuable text for students as well as a unique resource for those interested in defending the faith. “ This reader on the classical traditions of Christian apologetics is, to my knowledge, unmatched in basic compendia. It will equip and encourage thoughtful Christians to develop equally compelling defenses of the faith.”
“ This collection is superbly done and will bring much needed wisdom to our own times.”
DAVID F. WELLS, Distinguished Research Professor, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary “ Bill Edgar, one of evangelicalism’s most valued scholars and apologists, has given us in this work with Scott Oliphint a classic destined to be used for generations. I highly recommend it to all who are called to defend the faith.”
CHARLES COLSON, Founder, Prison
“ For years I have wanted a collection of primary sources in apologetics to use in my classes. Now we have an excellent one.”
JOHN FRAME, J. D. Trimble Chair of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando “ Edgar and Oliphint have skillfully selected the best primary sources. Their work fills a gap in scholarly resources and highlights the strength, wisdom, and solidity of defenders of the faith.”
J. I. PACKER, Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College; author, Knowing God
MAX L. STACKHOUSE, De Vries Professor of Theology and Public Life Emeritus, Princeton Theological Seminary “ The texts here assembled are ‘classics’—not in the sense that they answer all legitimate questions about Christianity, but that, when they were written, they made their readers think hard about the faith, and that they continue to do so today. This is a most worthy collection.”
MARK A. NOLL, Francis A. McAnaney Professor of History, University of Notre Dame
11. Follow-Up Part 3: The Global Era: Christian Faith and a Changing World 12. Søren Kierkegaard 13. Abraham Kuyper 14. James Orr 15. Benjamin B. Warfield 16. G. K. Chesterton 17. J. Gresham Machen 18. Cornelius Van Til
WILLIAM EDGAR (DTheol, University of Geneva) is professor of apologetics and chairman of the
faculty at Westminster Theological Seminary.
K. SCOTT OLIPHINT (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary.
19. C. S. Lewis 20. Hans Urs von Balthasar 21. Lesslie Newbigin
Histories and Fallacies
Problems Faced in the Writing of History In Histories and Fallacies historian Carl Trueman presents a series of classic historical problems as a way to examine what history is, what it means, and how it can be told and understood. Each chapter in Histories and Fallacies gives an account of a particular problem, examines a classic example of that problem, and then suggests a solution or approach that will bear fruit. Trueman begins by analyzing the issue of objectivity in history. He explores the notion that no history can be neutral by looking at the phenomenon of Holocaust Denial. He continues to detail issues surrounding interpretative frameworks, using an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of Marxism as an example. Trueman then looks at the problem of anachronism, particularly as it pertains to the history of ideas. He enlists the help of Quentin Skinner and his work on historical methodology in an analysis of problems and solutions relating to anachronism. The book ends with a chapter containing a collection of reflections on particular issues of which the historian should be aware, or a “fistful of fallacies.” Highlighting historians in action over theory, Histories and Fallacies guides both readers and writers of history away from dead ends and methodological mistakes and into a fresh confidence in the productive nature of the historical task. Readers who follow Trueman’s deft writing will not just be learning theory but will already be practicing fruitful approaches to history.
“ This is a very good book, full of historiographical wisdom. I recommend it strongly as a sure and encouraging guide to budding historians befuddled by the so-called ‘history wars,’ and to anyone who is interested in the challenges attending those who represent the history of Christian thought.”
DOUGLAS A. SWEENEY, Associate Professor of Church History, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “ Carl Trueman’s cogent and engaging approach to historiography provides significant examples of problems faced by historians and the kinds of fallacies frequently encountered in historical argumentation. Trueman steers a clear path between problematic and overdrawn conclusions on the one hand and claims of utter objectivity on the other. His illustrations, covering several centuries of Western history, are telling. He offers a combination of careful historical analysis coupled with an understanding of the logical and argumentative pitfalls to which historians are liable that is a service to the field and should provide a useful guide to beginning researchers. A must for courses on research methodology.”
RICHARD A. MULLER, P. J. Zondervan
Professor of Historical Theology, Calvin Theological Seminary
5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 192 pages, 978-1-58134-923-8 $17.99, Available Now CONTENTS 1. The Denial of History 2. Grand Schemes and Misdemeanors 3. The Past Is a Foreign Country 4. A Fistful of Fallacies
“ Because the past shapes the present, a just understanding of the past is important for any individual, society, or church. Here is wise and practical advice for those wanting to write history for others about how to do it well. Follow this guidance and avoid the pitfalls!”
DAVID BEBBINGTON, Professor of History,
University of Stirling
CARL R. TRUEMAN is professor of historical theology and church history, academic dean, and vice president for academic affairs at Westminster Theological Seminary. A council member of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and a consulting editor for Themelios, Trueman has written six books and contributed to dozens of anthologies and publications.
2 0 1 2 AC A D E M I C & PA S TO R AL R ESOU R C ES
Living in God’s Two Kingdoms
A Biblical Vision for Christianity and Culture Modern movements such as neo-Calvinism, the New Perspective on Paul, and the emerging church have popularized a view of Christianity and culture that calls for the redemption of earthly society and institutions. Many Christians have reflexively embraced this view, enticed by the socially active and engaged faith it produces. Living in God’s Two Kingdoms illustrates how a two-kingdoms model of Christianity and culture affirms much of what is compelling in these transformationist movements while remaining faithful to the whole counsel of Scripture. By focusing on God’s response to each kingdom—his preservation of the civil society and his redemption of the spiritual kingdom— VanDrunen teaches readers how to live faithfully in each sphere. 5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 208 pages, 978-1-4335-1404-3 $16.99, Available Now CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Christianity, Culture, and the Two Kingdoms Part 1: First Things and Last Things 2. The First Adam: Creation and Fall 3. Jesus Christ the Last Adam: Redemption and Consummation Part 2: Living in Babylon 4. Old Testament Sojourners 5. New Testament Sojourners Part 3: Christian Life in the Two Kingdoms 6. The Church 7. Education, Vocation, and Politics
Highlighting vital biblical distinctions between honorable and holy tasks, VanDrunen’s analysis will challenge Christians to be actively and critically engaged in the culture around them while retaining their identities as sojourners and exiles in this world. “ For some years now, I’ve been asking students to read works by Professor David VanDrunen. He has a gift for recovering themes from the political theology of the Reformation and demonstrating their continuing relevance. In this book, VanDrunen shows that the Reformation’s two-kingdoms theology allows Christians to faithfully navigate a course between, on the one hand, investing excessive hope in earthly government or, on the other, retreating from political life into isolationist enclaves. Particularly welcome is his emphasis on the liberty of biblical Christians to reach differing conclusions about how our political engagement might glorify God.”
“ The Apostle Peter writes that Christians are God’s own people, sojourners and exiles in this age. What does this calling mean for the way in which believers work in their jobs, raise their families, educate their children, and vote at the polls? In Living in God’s Two Kingdoms, David VanDrunen addresses these questions and more, offering a robust and reasoned alternative to transformationalist understandings of Christianity and culture. Whether or not readers agree with every argument in Living in God’s Two Kingdoms, they will find themselves engaged and challenged to think constructively and biblically about a critical issue in the life of the church. VanDrunen has done a great service to the church in promoting continued reflection on Christianity and culture, and in offering sound practical counsels to Christians eager to serve God in their pilgrimage heavenward.”
GUY PRENTISS WATERS, Associate Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS “ Over the past century, evangelicals have jumped out of the frying pan of quietism into the fire of worldliness. Taking his cue from Scripture rather than merely responding to cultural trends, David VanDrunen outlines a biblically grounded theology of cultural engagement that reflects both the lordship of Christ over all creation and the special mission and calling of the church. This book, bold and unapologetic, provides some extraordinarily helpful categories for thinking clearly about what it means to live faithfully and wisely in the present age.”
of Law, University of Alabama
RANDY BECK, Professor of Law, University of Georgia School of Law
DAVID VANDRUNEN (PhD, Loyola University; JD, Northwestern University) is
Robert B. Strimple Professor of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics at Westminster Seminary, California, an ordained minister of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, and a licensed attorney. He has authored many articles and five books, including Bioethics and the Christian Life: A Guide to Making Difficult Decisions.
The Beginning and End of Wisdom
Preaching Christ from the First and Last Chapters of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job [Foreword by Sidney Greidanus] The Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament can be daunting to interpret and to preach. But Douglas O’Donnell has successfully linked the messages of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job to Jesus in the New Testament. He shares six Christocentric sermons that reveal the oftenoverlooked shadow of the cross within this biblical genre, while addressing age-old questions of significance and suffering, the meaning of life and work, and humanity’s chief relationship between husband and wife. Through careful examination of poetic forms, linguistic correlations, and most importantly a profound understanding of the gospel, The Beginning and End of Wisdom helps connect Wisdom Literature to the wisdom of God found ultimately in the person of Christ. “ Doug O’Donnell’s sermons in this volume are all that a preaching commentary should be—analytic of the biblical text, wide-ranging in biblical scholarship, containing a wealth of ‘bridge building’ to everyday life, and stylistically excellent.”
LELAND RYKEN, Professor of English,
Wheaton College
“ Rarely does an individual combine the precision of an exegete, the passion of a poet, and the pulse of a pastor. But Doug O’Donnell demonstrates all of these qualities in his most recent book. What is even more impressive is that O’Donnell focuses his attention on the Old Testament Wisdom Literature, one of the sections of the Bible most neglected by scholars and pastors alike. His model sermons and the hermeneutical discussions that undergird them are sure to inspire many others to follow the path that he has blazed so well.”
DANIEL J. ESTES, Distinguished Professor of Bible, Dean of the School of Biblical and Theological Studies, Cedarville University “ The Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament poses one of the most daunting challenges for preachers whose resolve is to preach Christ from all the Scriptures. Pastor Douglas O’Donnell offers invaluable modeling and coaching to help us explore, in practical terms, how to preach Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job in a way that both expounds the biblical texts with integrity and sets them into the larger context of the Bible’s unified witness to Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
DENNIS E. JOHNSON, Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary, California
5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 240 pages, 978-1-4335-2334-2 $17.99, Available Now CONTENTS (PARTIAL) 1. Ship of Fools (Proverbs 1:1–7) 2. Imperishable Beauty (Proverbs 31:10–31) 3. Why Work? (Ecclesiastes 1:1–11) 4. Repining Restlessness (Ecclesiastes 12:13–14) 5. The Devil’s Question (Job 1:1–12) 6. My Servant (Job 42:1–17) 7. How Shall Wisdom Be Preached? Appendix A: Preaching Hebrew Poetry
Appendix B: Book Summaries and Suggested Sermon Series
“ The aim of this book . . . is twofold. First, I wish to light a fire beneath you; that is, I desire to help you know and enjoy the Wisdom Literature of the Bible so that you might preach on it more often. Second, I wish to show you how to build a fire, that is, how to preach such literature. In short this is a book on what the Wisdom Literature is, why we should delight in it, and how we should preach it.”
DOUGLAS SEAN O’DONNELL (MAs, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Wheaton College) is senior pastor of New Covenant Church in Naperville, Illinois. He is the author of God’s Lyrics: Rediscovering Worship Through Old Testament Songs.
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What Is the Mission of the Church?
Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission Social justice and mission are popular topics today. Some argue that the mission of the church is to confront injustice and alleviate suffering, doing more to express God’s love for the world. Still others are concerned that the church is in danger of losing its God-centeredness and therefore emphasize the proclamation of the gospel. It appears as though misunderstanding of mission persists. Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert believe there is a lot that evangelicals can agree on if only we employ the right categories and build our theology of mission from the same biblical building blocks. Explaining key concepts like kingdom, gospel, and social justice, DeYoung and Gilbert help us to get on the same page— united by a common cause—and launch us forward into the true mission of the church. 5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 288 pages, 978-1-4335-2690-9 $15.99, Available Now CONTENTS Part 1: Understanding Our Mission 1. A Common Word in Need of a Careful Definition 2. What in the World Does Jesus Send Us into the World to Do? Part 2: Understanding Our Categories 3. The Whole Story: Seeing the Biblical Narrative from the Top of Golgotha 4. Are We Missing the Whole Gospel? Understanding the Good News 5. Kings and Kingdoms: Understanding God’s Redemptive Rule 6. Making Sense of Social Justice: Exposition 7. Making Sense of Social Justice: Application 8. Seeking Shalom: Understanding the New Heavens and the New Earth Part 3: Understanding What We Do and Why We Do It 9. Zealous for Good Works: Why and How We Do Good, both as Individuals and as Churches 10. The Great Commission Mission: What It Means and Why It Matters Epilogue: So You’re Thinking of Starting a New Kind of Church: Advice for the Young, Motivated, and Missional
What Is the Mission of the Church? will help Christians articulate and live out their views on the mission of the church in ways that are theologically faithful, exegetically careful, and personally sustainable. From defining “mission,” to examining key passages on social justice and their application, to setting our efforts in the context of God’s rule, DeYoung and Gilbert bring a wise, studied perspective to the missional conversation. “ A very timely and eminently engaging book for all those who care deeply about the church’s mission in our day. Again and again, I found myself nodding in agreement as the authors made a key point from Scripture or noted the missional relevance of a given biblical passage. I highly recommend this book, not just as food for thought, but more importantly, as a call to obedient, biblically informed action.”
ANDREAS J. KÖSTENBERGER, Senior Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology, Director of PhD Studies, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary “ Christ is the greatest message in the world, and delivering it is the greatest mission. But are we losing our focus? Are we being distracted,
sometimes even by good things? Zealous Christians disagree sharply today over the church’s proper ministry and mission. Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert bring us back to first things in an age of mission creep and distraction. Offering balanced wisdom, this book will give us not only encouragement but discomfort exactly where we all need it. It’s the kind of biblical sanity we need at this moment.”
MICHAEL HORTON, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California “ Among the many books that have recently appeared on mission, this is the best one if you are looking for sensible definitions, clear thinking, readable writing, and the ability to handle the Bible in more than proof-texting ways. I pray that God will use it to bring many to a renewed grasp of what the gospel is and how that gospel relates, on the one hand, to biblical theology and, on the other, to what we are called to do.”
D. A. CARSON, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “ In what appears to be a growing tension over what the mission of the church encompasses, DeYoung and Gilbert bring a remarkably balanced book that can correct, restore, and help regardless of which way you lean or land on all things ‘missional.’”
MATT CHANDLER, Lead Pastor, The Village Church, Highland Village, Texas “ DeYoung and Gilbert provide clarity to some of the most complex contemporary issues facing the church. Focusing us squarely on the redemptive nature of the gospel, they ultimately point us not only to the church’s mission, but to practical ways to understand and live it. The result is a book that will be of great help to pastors, missiologists, theologians, and practitioners.”
M. DAVID SILLS, Faye Stone Professor of Christian Missions and Cultural Anthropology, Director of the Doctor of Missiology Program and Great Commission Ministries, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
KEVIN DEYOUNG (MDiv, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) is senior pastor at University
Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan. He is the coauthor of Why We Love the Church and other award-winning books. GREG GILBERT (MDiv, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is senior pastor of Third Avenue
Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He is the author of What Is the Gospel?
Why, O God?
Suffering and Disability in the Bible and the Church [Foreword by Randy Alcorn] With two in seven American families affected by disability, the body of Christ has a great opportunity for ministry. This new anthology uniquely points the way, training churches, caregivers, pastors, and counselors to compassionately respond. The book’s contributors—ranging from Joni Eareckson Tada and others living with disabilities, to seminary professors, ministry leaders, and medical professionals—do more than offer a biblical perspective on suffering and disability; they draw from very personal experiences to explore our responsibility toward those who suffer. The volume addresses various disabilities and age-related challenges, end-of-life issues, global suffering, and other concerns—all the while reminding readers that as they seek to help the hurting, they will be ministered to in return. This unprecedented work, which includes a foreword by Randy Alcorn, belongs in the hands of every Christian worker and caring individual who is seeking a real-world, biblical perspective on suffering. “ Sadly, ministry to the disabled within our churches is a much-neglected area. This book rightly identifies it as a priority that demands our thoughtful response. Yet never before has a single book combined such a rich harmony of insights from scholars across so many disciplines, ranging from biblical studies to the medical field. It reminds us, too, that disabled believers have an important ministry to the nondisabled in the church as bearing witness to the grace of God who redeems all our sufferings with a loving purpose. This book will serve as a valuable resource in churches, colleges, and seminaries for years to come.”
“ The question as to why righteous individuals suffer is as old as the days of Job. Why, O God? first faces the problem biblically, searching the Scriptures to find God’s perspective on suffering. Then it faces the problem experientially, as many who have seriously suffered share their stories to show the sufficiency of God’s grace and what they learned from their sufferings. A study of the first will provide a foundation for understanding of suffering, and a study of the second will be an encouragement to all who suffer because they bear testimony of the grace of God. This balanced approach provides a work that will answer many questions as to why the righteous suffer, and it is highly recommended.”
J. DWIGHT PENTECOST, Distinguished Professor of Bible Exposition, Emeritus, Dallas Theological Seminary “ Who doesn’t ask why? It is the question we all consider. I am grateful for this biblical and personal approach to suffering which will minister love and healing to the body of Christ.”
JACK GRAHAM, Pastor, Prestonwood
Baptist Church; former President, Southern Baptist Convention
6 × 9, Paperback, 336 pages, 978-1-4335-2580-3 $22.00, Available Now CONTENTS (PARTIAL) Foreword by Randy Alcorn Part 1: Challenge and Need 1. Redeeming Suffering (Tada) 2. A Biblical Disability-Ministry Perspective (Thomson) 3. Church-Based Disability Ministries (Baldridge) 4. Disabilities and the Church (Justice) 5. The Rolling Throne (Hatteberg) Part 2: Biblical Foundations 6. Suffering in the Pentateuch (Bramer) 7. Suffering in the Historical Books (Bramer) 8. Suffering in the Book of Job (Waters) 9. Suffering in the Psalms and Wisdom Books (Allen) 10. Suffering in the Writing Prophets (Bramer) 11. A Biblical Theology of Suffering in the Gospels (Bailey)
GARY COOK, President, Dallas Baptist University
12. Suffering in Acts and the Pauline Epistles (Toussaint) LARRY J. WATERS (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is associate professor of Bible exposition and also teaches in the missions department at Dallas Theological Seminary. ROY B. ZUCK (ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is senior professor emeritus of Bible exposition
at Dallas Theological Seminary.
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Keep Your Head Up
America’s New Black Christian Leaders, Social Consciousness, and the Cosby Conversation “The black community is in trouble,” writes Anthony Bradley. Systemic issues are perpetuating a chronic plague on not only African-American society, but the black church in particular.
hope, however, as each contributor brings the conversation back to the Bible and the gospel as the only source of true, enduring change.
Continuing the renowned “Cosby Conversation,” first started in 2007 by Bill Cosby and Dr. Alvin Poussaint, Bradley has assembled a team of pastors, scholars, and leaders to address specific issues within the black community. Bradley’s volume features contributions from Vincent Bacote, Ralph C. Watkins, Eric M. Mason, Anthony Carter, Craig Mitchell, and others.
5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 224 pages, 978-1-4335-0673-4 $15.99, Available January 31, 2012 CONTENTS 1. More Than Victims: The Benefits of a Theological Vision (Bacote) 2. The Black Family: The Hope of “True Religion” (Fields) 3. Sexuality in the Black Community (Brown) 4. Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It: What’s Really Goin’ On? (Watkins) 5. Black Men and Masculinity (Mason) 6. The Church and Community (Lewis) 7. Redeemed and Healed for Mission (Bradley) 8. The Black Church and Orthodoxy (Carter) 9. The Prosperity Gospel (Jones) 10. Rev. Michael Eric Dyson: An Analysis (Mitchell) 11. Conclusion
Covering a variety of topics, including victim mentality, hip-hop, masculinity, and the prosperity gospel, this book will open readers’ eyes to the serious challenges facing the black church today. It will not leave readers without FROM THE PREFACE: “ One of the greatest impediments to the healthy mission of the Black Church has been the rise of the prosperity gospel. The prosperity gospel has devastated the lives of many people who need help from God by distorting the core message of the gospel. In chapter 9 Ken Jones discusses the prosperity gospel in historical context and offers important biblical and theological corrections to a movement that has exploded in black communities all over America. We conclude the book by introducing readers to Michael Eric Dyson, an ordained Baptist minister and professor of sociology at Georgetown University. Dyson has been one of the most outspoken academic critics of Bill Cosby’s vision to move African-Americans away from a victim mentality to one of personal empowerment. The author of sixteen books to date, with more surely to come, Dyson has emerged as a leading voice on helping the black community, often wedding biblical themes with themes in popular hip-hop. In chapter 10 Craig Mitchell provides an introduction to Dyson for readers and provides a theological evaluation of Dyson to put him in biblical perspective.
“ It is my hope that this book will be read critically and will create new questions for a national dialogue about the Black Church and her connection to the black community as we move forward. I and the other contributors to this book are all independent thinkers from multiple traditions. While we do not agree on specific prescriptions for change in all areas, we do share a central conviction that there needs to be a resurgence of black religious leadership to properly address the issues that plague the community and every individual person in it. We hope this will be the first step in rallying black religious leaders to lock arms and provide the moral voice that our communities and the world desperately need. There is much work to do, and there is no time to waste. It’s time to ‘get real.’”
ANTHONY B. BRADLEY (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is associate professor of theology and ethics at the King’s College, New York. He is also research fellow at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty and the author of Liberating Black Theology.
Race, Cross, and the Christian [Foreword by Tim Keller] Racism, hatred, and claims to ethnic superiority have been tragic elements of the human condition since the fall. In every manifestation, the root of racial sin is an unbelieving heart resistant to the grace and mercy of God. The gospel of Jesus Christ, therefore, is the only hope for any meaningful racial solutions. John Piper brings the light of the gospel to bear on racial issues in this ground-breaking book. Bloodlines begins with Piper’s confession of his own sins and experience with racial tensions, along with how God has been transforming him and his church. He enables readers to grasp the reality and extent of racism, and then he demonstrates from Scripture how the gospel penetrates the darkness of this destructive sin. Piper concludes with sections on what Jesus’s atoning death means for racial issues, interracial marriage, and prejudice. With great sensitivity and compassion, along with a careful reading of the Scriptures, Piper navigates the painful landscape of racial sin, showing that in the gospel we all have a com-
mon bloodline and that through the blood of Jesus, race and ethnicity become secondary for a common people of God. “ Piper has given us an exquisite work on the matter of race, addressing the issue with personal sensitivity and practical advice. A must read for those who wish to pursue unity God’s way.”
TONY EVANS, President, The Urban Alternative; Senior Pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship “ For years, I have yearned for a biblically sound, theologically anchored resource on race. God has answered that prayer. Leaping off the pages of Bloodlines is the power of the gospel to overcome and defeat racism and a call to cross-centered, holy justice in our attitudes and actions toward those who are not like us. This is an important, foundational work, and I am sure it will be used of God to remind all of us of the power and precious, priceless dignity of the gospel.”
speaker; radio host; Senior Pastor, Fellowship Bible, Roswell, Georgia
“ One of the reasons this book makes the relationships between black and white such a prominent issue is that the dream of the civil rights movement in the 1960s has not been realized in the way most of those involved had hoped. Which means
CONTENTS (PARTIAL) Foreword by Tim Keller Part 1: Our World: The Need for the Gospel Section 1: My Story, My Debt, My World: Why I Wrote the Book
FROM CHAPTER 5: “ This deeply felt sense of race as a continuing, painful, and pervasive issue in America means that talking about race continues to be difficult. The feelings run very deep and very high. If your skin is thin, you had best hold your tongue. But holding our tongues does not usually advance understanding, deepen respect, warm the affections, or motivate action. So I speak and write. Not because I believe I have final answers to complex issues we face, but because I believe the gospel of Jesus is relevant and healing in more ways than most people realize . . .
6 × 9, Hardcover, 304 pages, 978-1-4335-2852-1 $22.99, Available Now
that the situation we find ourselves in is not one of educational, economic, residential, political, or medical equality. Nor is there a growing integration of our lives, but rather, for many, a retreat into greater separation. In some ways, inequalities are greater, and segregation is on the rise. “ For most African Americans, these realities shape their consciousness profoundly. The majority culture (which for a little while longer is still white) has the luxury of being oblivious to race (which would change in an instant, if we moved to Nigeria). But for minority peoples, race-related issues are a persistent part of consciousness. If these issues are silently ignored in our relationships, the resulting harmony will be shallow and fragile. That is why I am dealing with them in this book.”
JOHN PIPER is pastor for preaching and vision at Bethlehem Baptist Church in
Minneapolis. He has authored numerous books, including Desiring God, Don’t Waste Your Life, This Momentary Marriage, and Think.
1. My Story: From Greenville to Bethlehem 2. The Gospel I Love, the Debt I Owe, and the Church I Serve 3. Global Shifting and the New Face of the Church Section 2: Black and White and the Blood of Jesus 4. Why This Book Gives Prominence to BlackWhite Relationships 5. Personal Responsibility and Systemic Intervention 6. The Power of the Gospel and the Roots of Racial Strife Part 2: God’s Word: The Power of the Gospel Section 1: The Accomplishment of the Gospel 7. The Mission of Jesus and the End of Ethnocentrism 8. The Creation of One New Humanity by the Blood of Christ 9. Ransomed for God from Every Tribe 10. Every People Justified the Same Way Section 2: The Application of the Gospel 11. Dying with Christ for the Sake of Christ-Exalting Diversity 12. Living in Sync with Gospel Freedom 13. The Law of Liberty and the Peril of Partiality
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Words Made Fresh
Essays on Literature and Culture Acclaimed novelist Larry Woiwode frames this new collection of essays in the language of the incarnation, the event that shows “how a metaphor of words could contain the lineaments and inner workings of a human being.” Through the mediums of literary analysis, cultural reflection, and personal memory, these ten essays trace Woiwode’s work and thought on such topics as the redemptive fiction of John Gardner, the ownership of guns, the faith of William Shakespeare, and even the difference in news as reported by CNN versus Bob Dylan. Woiwode ranges over these and other topics with deliberate thoughtfulness and with the care of a writer for whom “the Word is home.”
5.5 × 8.5, Hardcover, 192 pages, 978-1-4335-2740-1 $24.99, Available Now CONTENTS 1. Guns & Peace: On an American Icon 2. Homeplace, Heaven or Hell? On the Order of Existence 3. Views of Wendell Berry: On Life against Agribusiness 4. AmLit: On a Writer’s Incorrect Views 5. Gardner’s Memorial in Real Time: On the Achievement of Mickelsson 6. Gospels of Reynolds Price: On Trials of Translating 7. Updike’s Sheltered Self: On America’s Maestro 8. Deconstructing God: On Views of Education 9. Dylan to CNN: On News and Not News 10. The Faith of Shakespeare: On My Favorite Actor About the Essays
Each essay here seems a kind of heirloom, important and timeless, a real window into the soul of American culture and its literary figures. These words give us a place in which to find rest, and a clarity and depth of understanding regarding today’s trends from a man well acquainted with the wounds and gifts of this world. Woiwode offers us a collection of insightful and provocative commentaries that showcase his mastery of language as well as his stimulating observations of both literature and culture. “ Living up to the inventiveness of the book’s title, these essays are fireside chats with a wellknown author on a range of subjects—literary criticism to cultural critique. The result is a valuable blend of information and assessment of culture and authors ranging from modern writers like John Updike and Reynolds Price to William Shakespeare (the subject of the culminating essay in the book, a small classic).”
“ Great writing is greatest when its weft and warp are inseparable, when what is being said weaves so tightly into how it is said that new meanings are brought forth, and whole tapestried landscapes are suddenly apprehended. Words Made Fresh, in its omnivorous density, in its evenhandedness that reveals a lapidary perspective, in its moral engagement and in its fuerte of feeling, is great writing at its greatest.”
LYNN STEGNER, Lecturer in Continuing Studies, Stanford University; author, Because a Fire Was in My Head “ This absorbing collection of essays presents Woiwode at his most insightful and most provocative. Woiwode provides astute analysis and sensitive observations, linking personal narrative with commentary on the Word and its connections with and disconnections from contemporary culture. He is not only one of our finest novelists, Woiwode also offers a strong Christian aesthetic and a cultural savvy that is penetrating and wise.”
JILL PELÁEZ BAUMGAERTNER, Dean of Humanities and Theological Studies, Wheaton College “ This is a book for writers and readers, for those uncertain and certain of God. Woiwode’s examination of literature is so masterful that one can’t help but weigh his prose hand in hand with the art he admires, and I will not be surprised if you should find his sentences richer. I’ve been a student of Woiwode’s work for thirty years and am not yet done—this stunning collection of thought and prose has made me think and dream as I haven’t in years.”
G. W. HAWKES, Professor of English and Co-Director of Creative Writing, Lycoming College
LELAND RYKEN, Professor of English,
Wheaton College
LARRY WOIWODE is the recipient of numerous literary honors for his novels, short stories, essays, memoirs, and poetry. His work has been featured in publications such as The New Yorker, The Washington Post, Books & Culture, and The Atlantic. He is the Poet Laureate of North Dakota and is Writer in Residence at Jamestown College.
A Christian Guide to Reading Books Lit! is for any Christian who wants to read books, and read them well. This book covers a wide range of topics: why we should read, how to choose what to read, and how to find joy— not drudgery—in reading.
Reinke’s excitement about reading and his carefully reasoned defense of it.”
Tony Reinke lays out a theology of reading built around the gospel, undergirded by Scripture, and corroborated by church history. He offers guidance for exercising discernment in what to read, and practical advice on how to read regularly and well.
“ You might wonder why you need to read about reading. Some of you have piles and piles of books on your shelves, or on your nightstand, but have no idea how to choose what to read, and when. Some of you are being altered in ways you don’t even recognize by digital technology such that you can’t see how you’re too distracted to summon the deep attention needed to read. This engagingly written book will make you think, but it will also provide practical, winsome advice on how to become the right kind of reader for the glory of God.”
Reinke also explains how to foster a culture of reading in our churches, our schools, and homes. The book stresses that we may find truth, help, insight, and beauty in many different forms of literature—from theology to fiction, fantasy to business. Offered here is a theology for reading and practical suggestions for reading widely, reading well, and for making it all worthwhile. “ There is so much to commend about this book that it is hard to know where to start. The most obvious virtue is its scope. On the subject of reading, Reinke covers every possible topic. Each topic, in turn, is broken into all of its important subpoints. With a lesser writer, this could produce a tedious book, but the opposite is true here. Reinke says just enough, but not too much. The effect is like seeing a prism turned in the light. There is never a dull moment. “ Once I sensed that Reinke was going to cover all the important topics, and with unfailing good sense and Christian insight, I could hardly put it down. . . . But to add yet another twist, he has read so widely in scholarly and religious sources that I do not hesitate to call the book a triumph of scholarship. Reinke writes with an infectious and winsome enthusiasm. It is hard to imagine a reader of this book who would not catch the spark for reading after encountering
LELAND RYKEN, Professor of English, Wheaton College; author, The ESV and the English Bible Legacy
RUSSELL D. MOORE, Dean, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; author, Tempted and Tried “ I read many books, but seldom do I enjoy one more than I did Tony Reinke’s Lit! Many of my greatest childhood adventures, and much of my growth after I was converted as a teenager, came through reading imagination-expanding and life-changing books. Tony’s writing is thoughtful, perceptive, concise, and God-honoring. He upholds biblical authority and offers helpful guidance, while allowing for a range of tastes. Lit! rings true to my own lifetime of reading experience. As a reader and writer of both nonfiction and fiction, I appreciate the breadth of Tony’s treatment, which includes a variety of genres. For book lovers, this is a treasure and delight. For those who aren’t book lovers, it makes a great case for becoming one.”
RANDY ALCORN, founder, Eternal Perspective Ministries; author, If God Is Good and Heaven
5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 208 pages, 978-1-4335-2226-0 $15.99, Available Now CONTENTS (PARTIAL) Part 1: A Theology of Books and Reading 1. Paper Pulp and Etched Granite: Laying the Cornerstone of Our Theology of Books 2. Wide Eyed Into the Son: How Personal Sin and the Gospel Shape Our Literacy 3. Reading is Believing: Savoring Books in an Eye-Candy Culture 4. Reading From Across the Canyon: How a Biblical Worldview Equips Us to Benefit from Books 5. The Giver’s Voice: Seven Benefits of Reading Non-Christian Books 6. The God Who Slays Dragons: The Purifying Power of Christian Imagination Part 2: Some Practical Advice on Book Reading 7. Read with Resolve: Six Priorities That Decide What Books I Read (and Don’t Read) 8. How to Read a Book: 20 Tips and Tricks for Reading Nonfiction Books 9. Literature is Life: Tapping into the Benefits of Fiction Literature
TONY REINKE is a former journalist now serving as a theological researcher, writer, and blogger. He holds degrees from University of Nebraska and Bellevue University.
10. Too Busy to Read: Six Ways to Find (and Protect) the Time You Need to Read Books 11. Driven to Distraction: How Internet Habits Cripple Book Reading 12. Marginalia: The Fine Art of Defacing Books with Pencils, Pens, and Highlighters 13. Reading Together: How to Use Books to Build Community
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God’s Grand Design
The Theological Vision of Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Edwards’s comprehensive theological vision set forward an approach to the Christian life that started with God’s glory and ended with all creation returning that glory. Yet for all of the work that has been done on Edwards in the last few decades, this magnificent vision has never been adequately explored.
5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 224 pages, 978-1-4335-1445-6 $17.99, Available Now CONTENTS Part 1: Redemption History 1. God’s Grand Design: the Glory of God 2. God’s End in Creating the World: Creation and Fall 3. The Great Errand of Christ: Redemption 4. The Summum and Ultimum: Consummation Part 2: Redemption Applied 5. A Divine and Supernatural Light 6. The Nature of True Religion: Holy Affections 7. The Dark Side of Religious Affections: Self-Deception 8. A Love Life: How the Affections produce Genuine Virtue 9. Means of Grace: The Ministry of the Word 10. Means of Grace: Sacraments of Baptism and Lord’s Supper 11. Means of Grace: Prayer Personal and Global 12. The Christian Life as a Journey to Heaven
Sean Michael Lucas has converted his years of teaching into this valuable volume, which unpacks Edwards’s theological vision in an accessible, two-part framework: Part one focuses on Edwards’s understanding of redemption history—God’s cosmic, grand work from eternity past to eternity future, where all things are united in Christ; Part two examines Edwards’s perspective on “redemption applied”—how that gracious, divine work unfolds in space and time to personally transform individuals, stirring their affections, illuminating their minds, and moving their wills to form new habits and practices. This overview of Edwards’s theology is a thought-provoking and theologically intriguing journey. To join Edwards and Lucas in this extensive vision of God’s infinite work is to strengthen our understanding of what God has called us to be and to do in this world. “ This is an edifying book on a most edifying person, one who became the most important pastor in all of American history. By focusing our attention on what mattered most to Edwards—authentic Christian living that derives from God’s grace and reflects God’s glory— Sean Lucas has written a book that can draw you nearer to God, even make you a better person. Good theology, well presented, leads to passionate, godly piety. Edwards and Lucas know this well. I pray that you will know it too.”
“ Those of us trundling through the complete works of Jonathan Edwards in the recent Yale edition are grateful for experts like Sean Lucas who, with a single lucid paragraph, are able to unravel the most complex of Edwardian thought. The study of Edwards has become something of a ‘rite of passage’ in recent days and some of us have some catching up to do. Dr. Lucas, a well-respected Edwards scholar in his own right, has given us a comprehensive summary of Edwards’s understanding of the Christian life that does for Edwards what Sinclair Ferguson did for John Owen. An essential and most welcome companion to any serious study of Edwards.”
DEREK W. H. THOMAS, Distinguished Visiting Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; Minister of Preaching and Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina “ Sean Michael Lucas analyzes the ways that Jonathan Edwards understood the Christian life as both inconceivably vast and intensely personal and practical, demonstrating that there is still much to be learned from America’s greatest philosopher-theologian. From his introduction all the way to the two invaluable appendices, Lucas offers an eminently useful volume that reminds one of much of Edwards’s own writing—technical yet accessible, scholarly yet pastoral.”
RICHARD A. BAILEY, Assistant Professor of History, Canisius College; author, Race & Redemption in Puritan New England
DOUGLAS A. SWEENEY, Professor of Church History and the History of Christian Thought, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Director, Jonathan Edwards Center
Appendix 1: “Where Do I Begin?”: An Annotated Bibliography on Jonathan Edwards Appendix 2: “A Man Like Us”: Jonathan Edwards and the Spiritual Formation of Ministerial Students
SEAN MICHAEL LUCAS (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is senior minis-
ter at First Presbyterian Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and the author of three books. He previously taught at Covenant Theological Seminary for five years, serving as chief academic officer and associate professor of church history.
Walking in the Spirit Walking in the Spirit is a biblical study on life in the Holy Spirit. Professor Kenneth Berding uses the apostle Paul and his words in Romans 8 to model what it looks like to live both empowered and set free by the Spirit. His practical guide covers a variety of topics, showing readers how to set their minds on the things of the Spirit, put to death the deeds of the body, be led by the Spirit, know the fatherhood of God, and hope and pray in the Spirit. Filled with real-life examples, a solid understanding of Scripture, and engaging personal stories, Berding offers an invaluable message to many of us who either ignore, forget, or want to know more of the Spirit’s role in the Christian life. “ Here we are blessed by the insights of this godly man and first-rate scholar. Those wanting to know more of the Spirit’s work in their lives will be helped greatly by what this book offers.”
“ There is so much confusion among Christians about the Holy Spirit, and I am thankful that Berding has written a much-needed book in layman’s language. It is at once biblical, irenic, and charitable. I recommend it to pastors with the hope that they will give copies to their congregations.”
LYLE W. DORSETT, Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University “ How do I move from a place of confessing belief in the Holy Spirit to experiencing the Holy Spirit’s transforming presence in a more profound way? Walking in the Spirit offers us an array of practical insights that will help new believers as well as those who have been Christians for many years.”
CLINTON E. ARNOLD, Professor and Chairman, Department of New Testament, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
ERIK THOENNES, Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University; Pastor, Grace Evangelical Free Church, La Mirada, California
5.25 × 7.75, Paperback, 128 pages, 978-1-4335-2410-3 $12.99, Available Now CONTENTS Preface 1. Walk in the Spirit 2. Set Your Mind on the Things of the Spirit
FROM CHAPTER 1: “ There are many things that are real about the Christian life that cannot be reduced to propositional language. This isn’t the case for only spiritual realities—though the difficulty is often felt there more acutely than anywhere else; it is also true for many issues in life. For example, how would you describe in concrete words the love a husband feels for his wife or the trust a child has in her mother? I’m not asking how you can tell whether a husband loves his wife or a child trusts her mother. That’s easy. You can see love or trust worked out in what they do; the husband does specific loving actions toward his wife, such as spending time talking with her over a cup of tea, and a child demonstrates trust by listening to the advice of her mother. The more difficult question is how to describe what the husband’s love feels like, or what the child experiences when she
trusts her mother. Nonmetaphorical language lets you down at that point. “ This is why poets and songwriters (and lovers who are neither poets nor songwriters!) use metaphors to express their love. Although imagery cannot communicate all that is there, in certain situations it often communicates more fully than concrete words do. Some things are difficult to communicate with straightforward words. Metaphors suggest to our inner selves something that is true about a deeper reality. They also often touch us in our emotions, something direct language often doesn’t accomplish as well. This is important, because the passages of Scripture that teach us how to walk Spirit-ually should impact our hearts and emotions as well as our actions.”
3. Put to Death the Deeds of the Body by the Spirit 4. Be Led by the Spirit 5. Know the Fatherhood of God by the Spirit 6. Hope in the Spirit 7. Pray in the Spirit Appendix 1: Three Undercurrents in Romans 8 Appendix 2: How to Remember What You’ve Learned
KENNETH BERDING (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is professor of New
Testament at Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology, where he has taught since 2002. He has authored or edited five books, including What Are Spiritual Gifts? and Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament.
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Welcome to the Story
Reading, Loving, and Living God’s Word This examination of the biblical narrative teaches Christians to read the Bible in a way that deepens their love for God and fuels their desire to see his Word lived out in their daily lives. Nichols explains the four “chapters” of the biblical narrative (creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) and gives guidance on how to interpret Scripture, why we are to love God’s Word, and how we are to live and proclaim the story in word, deed, and mission. “ Nichols has written a delightful and inviting book on how to understand and live out the Bible. The storyline of the Scriptures is sketched in, and the book is full of wise advice on how to read and live out what God requires. I recommend the book with enthusiasm.”
5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 176 pages, 978-1-4335-2230-7 $15.99, Available Now CONTENTS You’re Invited 1. The Story 2. It Was Good: Creation
sweeping breadth of this story. Along the way, one encounters many testimonials from others who likewise have been involved in this story, and the reader is invited to consider how he or she also should enter this story. In the end, Nichols shows how this story is the Story of all stories, since its central character is none other than the King who is over all kings, the Creator and Author of the story in which he plays the leading part. I encourage you to read this story, enter the story, and join in making this Story— the Story above all stories—your story.”
BRUCE A. WARE, Professor of Christian Theology, Senior Associate Dean, School of Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
THOMAS R. SCHREINER, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary “ Welcome to the Story reads, well, like a story— full of many interesting and important characters. The reader will find intrigue and mystery, striking beauty and hideous ugliness, noble and courageous heroes along with wicked and contemptible villains, all depicting the richness and
3. Trouble in Paradise: Fall 4. Unto Us, a Child: Redemption 5. Hope’s Comin’ round the Bend: Restoration 6. The Story within a Story: Peter, Paul, and Mary 7. God’s Story, God’s Glory: Adventures in Not Missing the Point 8. Loving the Story: What the Bible Does to Us 9. Living the Story: What the Bible Does through Us 10. Digging Deeper: This All Sounds Good, but Now What? Cheat Sheet for Reading the Bible
FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “ We have been given a book that is unlike any other book in human history, a book that transcends all human wisdom, all human insight, and all human expertise. We have been given the Word of God, the words of eternal life. And we, all of us, are invited to take up and read these words. “ There is no substitute for reading the Bible. But some of us may need a little help to read it better. There are lots of books on reading and understanding the Bible, books that offer methods and skills and techniques. This book does some of that.
what’s happening. This book does a lot of that. And there are books that try to stir our hearts and souls to long for and desire to read the Word of God. This book does that, too. “ This book invites you to enter in, to participate in, the story of the Bible. To do so, we must first see and grasp the story. We can put a puzzle together much more easily if we are looking at the picture on the box. This book aims to show you the big picture so you can make sense of all the pieces.”
“ There are also lots of theological books that take a step back from individual biblical passages and biblical texts to try to grasp the big picture of STEPHEN J. NICHOLS (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is research professor of Christianity and culture at Lancaster Bible College and Graduate School. His books include The Reformation: How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World and Ancient Word, Changing Worlds: The Doctrine of Scripture in a Modern Age.
Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons [Series: IXMarks]
Any church leader knows that the basic qualifications for elders and deacons are articulated in the Bible, but that same leader also knows that actually finding leaders who fulfill the biblical qualifications is difficult. While many books analyze the finer points of church government, few have been written on both elders and deacons, and fewer still successfully show how to identify and reproduce legitimate leaders and willing servants throughout the ranks of the church body.
Rather than exacerbating the controversial questions surrounding these issues, this book provides meaningful action points that will prove effective for a wide range of interpretations. It can also be used to teach and instruct in situations such as a church selecting its first elders after a period of planning and study, or in guiding church members about which qualities the congregation should seek in their prospective elders.
Thabiti Anyabwile writes from his expertise as a pastor and an elder, as well as from his experience of being led by faithful men—men who saw in him the fundamental qualities listed in Scripture and invested their time, energy, and love into mentoring him to take their place. Balancing thoughtful analysis of pertinent passages with thorough application for practical use in a contemporary context, Anyabwile answers the questions, “Who should we look for to lead and serve in the church?” and “What should they do to fulfill their calling?” Most helpful, perhaps, are the lists “Observations to Make” and “Questions to Ask,” which are provided for the characteristics described.
5.25 × 8.25, Paperback, 160 pages, 978-1-4335-2992-4 $10.99, Available January 31, 2012 CONTENTS (PARTIAL) Part 1: Finding Table Servants 1. Choosing Your Waiter: An Introduction to Deacons 2. Full of the Spirit and Wisdom 3. Sincere
FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “ A church without godly leaders is an endangered church. And a church that does not train leaders is an unfaithful church. God gives leaders to his churches for the maturity, unity, and soundness of each local congregation. Without godly, faithful, replicating leadership, churches suffer deeply. “ The apostle Paul knew how important such leadership is. In 2 Timothy, the apostle writes his ‘dear son’ in the faith, Timothy, with several final instructions and exhortations, including the exhortation to find good leaders. Timothy grew up under the spiritual instruction of his grandmother Lois and mother Eunice (2 Tim. 2:2, 5). He traveled, served, and learned alongside Paul. And now the apostle, near the end of his life, instructing in
the ‘shadow of the scaffold,’ writes with deep tenderness in almost every verse. Amidst the many jewels in this letter, one of them is Paul’s charge to find and entrust ‘faithful men.’ “ The apostle’s teaching must live on, passed from faithful hand to faithful hand. That means that the pastor must be able to spot faithful men and train them. If a man is not given to discipling others, it’s unlikely that he is called to the pastoral office.”
4. Sober and Content 5. Keeps Hold of the Faith 6. Tried and True Part 2: Finding Reliable Elders 7. Sheep and Shepherds: An Introduction to Elders 8. Desires a Noble Task 9. Above Reproach 10. A One-Woman Man 11. Sober-Minded, Self-Controlled, Respectable 12. Hospitable 13. Able to Teach 14. Sober, Gentle, Peacemaking
THABITI ANYABWILE is senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman in
the Cayman Islands. He served previously as an elder and assistant pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC, and as an elder at Church on the Rock in Raleigh, North Carolina. His other works include What Is a Healthy Church Member?, The Faithful Pastor, and The Decline of African-American Theology.
15. Not a Lover of Money 16. Leader at Home 17. Mature and Humble 18. Respected by Outsiders Part 3: What Good Pastors Do 19. Elders Refute Error 20. Elders Avoid Myths and Train for Godliness 21. Elders Hope in God
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The Joy of Calvinism
Knowing God’s Personal, Unconditional, Irresistible, Unbreakable Love Greg Forster argues that Calvinism holds the key to the Bible’s command to “rejoice continually,” given his conviction that “real Calvinism is all about joy.” Forster systematically demonstrates this belief by addressing popular misconceptions of what Calvinism is and is not. Dismantling negative expressions of Calvinist theology, Forster positively reiterates its fundamental tenents, showing how God’s love is the driving force behind the Reformed doctrine of salvation.
Written accessibly, The Joy of Calvinism is an important addition to the conversation surrounding Calvinism and its advocates. Skeptics and those who have had negative perceptions of Calvinism, as well as Calvinists themselves, will find this a helpful resource for clearing up the controversies and grasping the winsomeness of the doctrines of grace.
5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 224 pages, 978-1-4335-2834-7 $15.99, Available February 29, 2012 CONTENTS Introduction: Rejoice . . . Always? Detour: Five Points about Calvinism 1. God Loves You Personally: When Jesus Died and Rose Again, He Saved You 2. God Loves You Unconditionally: Nothing is More Important to Your Heavenly Father Than Saving You 3. God Loves You Irresistibly: The “New Birth” in the Holy Spirit is a Radical Supernatural Transformation 4. God Loves You Unbreakably: You Can Do All Things, Persevere Through All Trials, and Rejoice in All Circumstances Conclusion: The Joy of Calvinism: You are God’s Child Forever, and at His Right Hand are Pleasures Forevermore Appendix: Questions and Answers
“ Real Calvinism is all about joy. But for some time now, defenders of Calvinism have tended to communicate about it only in highly technical, formulaic, and (especially) negative terms. “ To take only the most obvious example, the notorious ‘five points of Calvinism’ are now virtually the only terms in which Calvinism is formulated. The five points that we now use didn’t even exist until the twentieth century, and weren’t widely used until the second half of that century. Even then, they used to be just one framework among many for talking about Calvinism. But today, these five vague phrases abbreviated by a clever acronym (TULIP) have come to be completely identified with Calvinism. If you tell people you want to defend Calvinism, you’re saying you want to defend the five points. What else could ‘Calvinism’ possibly mean?
be saying. This can’t possibly be the best way to introduce people to what we believe. “ What makes this especially puzzling is that Calvinists usually don’t have this problem at all when they write about John Calvin the man, or other great heroes of faith within the Calvinist tradition, or just about anything else besides Calvinism itself. They will write with great eloquence about Calvin’s passion for God and his pastor’s heart for bringing God’s Word and God’s comfort to ordinary people, or about Augustine or John Newton, or the beauty and purity of the reformed worship tradition, or the real spiritual presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper. But when the subject is Calvinism itself—the distinctive theology that provides the underlying basis for all the other beautiful Calvinistic things they write so eloquently about—they inexplicably shift gears and retreat to formulas and technicalities.”
“ Bafflingly, this has happened even though many Calvinist writers seem to agree that the five points are a lousy way to describe Calvinism! The five points use highly technical and idiosyncratic terms that invite misunderstanding. And they’re almost entirely negative; they tell you a lot about what Calvinists don’t believe, but very little about what Calvinists do believe. It sometimes feels like Calvinists first invoke the five points, then apologize for invoking the five points, then explain how the five points don’t really mean what they seem to mean and aren’t really saying what they seem to GREG FORSTER (PhD, Yale University) is the program director for American his-
tory, economics, and religion at the Kern Family Foundation. He is the author of six books and has published numerous articles and scholarly studies.
Warfield on the Christian Life
Living in Light of the Gospel [Series: Theologians on the Christian Life] [Foreword by Michael A. G. Haykin] Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield (1851–1921) has been described as one of the most influential and important theologians in American history, second only to Jonathan Edwards. Warfield scholar Fred Zaspel focuses here on Warfield’s writing on the subject of the Christian life. The gospel, the good news of our salvation through Jesus Christ, is central to all of life for Warfield. Zaspel walks us through Warfield’s remarkably learned by practically
accessible views on Bible reading, prayer, holiness, and work, at every point showing how Warfield brings biblical and theological insight to the question of how we are to live in light of the gospel. Part of the Theologians on the Christian Life series, edited by Stephen Nichols and Justin Taylor, this volume will help Christians think through what it means to live a God-honoring life before the cross of Christ.
FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “ Historic Christian faith in Warfield’s day had come under stringent attack. The modern ‘enlightened’ mind could no longer tolerate such notions as incarnation, resurrection, and miracles. After Darwin it became increasingly difficult to speak of creation and divine involvement in the world and the affairs of men. Naturalism reigned, and many professing Christians began to feel embarrassed by their traditional doctrines, believing that in order to survive in this scientifically minded world Christianity would just have to make concessions or be left to the ghetto of outdated and discredited superstition. . . . And so with genius of mind and great zeal of heart Warfield poured his energies into what was for him the delightful task of defending and expounding the Christian faith. And this he did at great length, always emphasizing that just as the Christian religion is in a class alone, apart from all other religions in that it is divinely given, so also the Christian life cannot be explained in terms other than divine activity for us and in us.
expressions of vibrant worship, of freedom from sin’s enslaving grip, and of the continuously purifying work of God within his own heart and life. And those who knew him best report that more striking even than his towering intellect and academic powers was his deep love for Christ and his keen sense of dependence upon God for that supernatural aid promised and provided in the gospel. “ In short, Warfield understood the Christian life in consistently gospel terms. ‘Living in light of the gospel’ captures his thinking exactly. Christianity, he taught, is a redemptive religion, and the Christian life is but the outworking of that redemption. His firm grasp of the Christian faith, his fervent heart for Christ, his deep appreciation of grace, and his own Christian experience all served to make him one from whom we can learn not only what Christianity is but also what a Christian is and what the Christian life, by God’s grace, can and ought to be.”
“ Warfield not only taught that the Christian life was supernatural, but he lived in this reality. He ‘liked the supernatural’ because he had tasted of it himself. . . . He knew he was a sinner rescued by divine grace, and he knew the experience of one whose heart had been arrested by the Spirit of God and mysteriously drawn into loving communion with him. Frequently we read his joyful
Foreword: by Michael A.G. Haykin 1. Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield: The Man and His Work 2. Truth and Life: The Role of Christian Doctrine in Warfield’s Christian Life Foundations 3. Learning and Living: The Value and Authority of God’s Word 4. Redemption Accomplished: God to the Rescue 5. Right with God: Our New Standing 6. Conversion: The Great Change 7. Help from Above: The Holy Spirit at Work
Orientation & Perspective 9. Righteous and Sinful: Miserable Sinner Christianity 10. Jesus’ Little Ones: Childship to God 11. God Over All: Resting in God’s Providence Response
STEPHEN J. NICHOLS (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is a professor at Lancaster Bible
College and Graduate School and has written several books, including Welcome to the Story.
JUSTIN TAYLOR is the vice president of book publishing at Crossway, the editor of numerous
8. From Glory to Glory: The Doctrine of Sanctification
FRED G. ZASPEL (PhD, Free University of Amsterdam) is the pastor at Reformed Baptist Church of Franconia, Pennsylvania, and adjunct professor of systematic theology at Calvary Baptist Seminary. He is the author of The Theology of B. B. Warfield and coauthor of New Covenant Theology.
books, and blogs at “Between Two Worlds.”
6 × 9, Paperback, 224 pages, 978-1-4335-2823-1 $17.99, Available March 31, 2012
12. Looking to Jesus: Our Model and Forerunner 13. Christlikeness: Imitating the Incarnation 14. The Religious Life: Cultivating Practical Piety 15. Prayer: A Practice of Piety and A Means of Grace 16. Matters of the Heart: Motives, Goals, and Values 17. The Good Fight 1: Faithfulness to Christ
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Am I Called?
The Summons to Pastoral Ministry [Foreword by Matt Chandler] Dave Harvey helps men considering pastoral ministry to see God’s active role in the process of discerning their calling. God’s Word offers a clear framework for evaluating one’s call, especially within the context of community. Harvey offers six diagnostic questions to help prospective pastors process their calling and what they should be doing now if they aren’t sure. Illustrated with personal stories and historical examples, Harvey explores biblical and practical principles for determining the pastoral call.
Over the past twenty-four years of ministry, Harvey has enjoyed assisting many men in discerning whether they are called into ministry. This book will guide you through that all-important process with wisdom and confidence in God’s faithfulness in your life.
FROM THE INTRODUCTION: 5 × 7, Paperback, 208 pages, 978-1-4335-2748-7 $12.99, Available March 31, 2012 CONTENTS Foreword by Matt Chandler Part 1: Approaching the Call 1. The Summons as I See It 2. Summoned to the Savior 3. The Context of the Call Part 2: Diagnosing the Call 4. Are You Godly? 5. How’s Your Home? 6. Can You Preach? 7. Can You Shepherd? 8. Do You Love the Lost? 9. Who Agrees? Part 3: Waiting 10. While You Wait Afterword: An Invitation
“ You may be hungering to plant a church—this book is for you. Maybe you’re in Bible school or seminary right now—yep, it’s for you too. You might be in a good job but wondering if you’re called to preach and lead, or perhaps you’re in a job you hate, or you have no job at all. Pull up a chair, you’re in the right place. College student wrestling with a call? Teenage boy trying to interpret some stirrings? Glad you’re here. You might be doing campus ministry, or missions, or some other vocational Christian work. You da man. You might even be a pastor wondering if you really should be doing what you’re doing. This book is also for you. . . .
“ If you’re looking for entertainment, you’re going to be disappointed. Yes, I want this book to engage and inspire you, but we must never lose sight of the weight of this inquiry. The summons of a man into pastoral ministry has always been treated as a solemn thing. The people of God depend on the right man leading them in the right way. So I want to provide answers to the real questions you have as you ponder pastoral ministry.”
“ Perhaps your exploration has moved you from curiosity to earnestness to all-out desperation. Believe me, I hear you. This process is an adventure—one that gets pretty serious and requires desperate prayer. Charles Spurgeon thought so as well: ‘How may a young man know whether he’s called or not? That’s a weighty inquiry, and I desire to treat it most solemnly. O for divine guidance in so doing!’ That’s the kind of appropriate sobriety and divine dependence worth locking down as we begin this journey.
DAVE HARVEY (DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is responsible for
church planting, church care, and international expansion for Sovereign Grace Ministries, having served on the leadership team since 1995. He is the author of Rescuing Ambition and When Sinners Say “I Do.”
The Biblical Counseling Movement after Adams [Foreword by David Powlison]
People inside and outside of the biblical counseling movement recognize differences between the foundational work of Jay Adams and that of current leaders such as David Powlison. But those differences have been ill-defined and largely anecdotal until now.
With a substantial foreword from David Powlison and strong support from prominent biblical counselors, this book will help all Christians interested in the fundamentally theological task of counseling to think carefully and biblically about how it is taught and practiced.
Heath Lambert, the first scholar to analyze the movement’s development from within, shows how biblical counseling emerged from, and remains rooted in, a commitment to the sufficiency of Scripture and the need to give practical help to struggling people. He identifies contemporary leaders—including Powlison, Ed Welch, Paul Tripp, and Wayne Mack—who are recovering the biblical themes of the sinner as sufferer, the heart as key to motivation, and the need to interact humbly with critics. Demonstrating how these refinements in framework, methodology, and engagement are characteristic of a second generation of biblical counselors, Lambert contends this new wave of counselors has become increasingly balanced in their counseling methods.
“ The rise of the biblical counseling movement has been one of the most important developments within evangelical Christianity—and one of the most promising. In this timely book, Heath Lambert documents both trajectory and theology, offering the most helpful book yet to appear on this movement. I am deeply thankful for the return to the sufficiency of Scripture as the foundation for all true biblical counsel. This book will serve generations to come as a guide to the biblical counseling movement and its significance.”
R. ALBERT MOHLER JR., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
CONTENTS Foreword by David Powlison
FROM CHAPTER 1: “ This is not a book about counseling. Even though you might be tempted to think it is a book about counseling, it is really a book about ministry. The fact is that counseling is ministry, and ministry is counseling. The two are equivalent terms. Counseling is the word our culture uses to describe what happens when people with questions, problems, and trouble have a conversation with someone they think has answers, solutions, and help. Those kinds of conversations are what ministers do every day, all day long, and the ministers who don’t do this know that they could spend their time this way if they wanted to. So don’t think that just because this book is about counselors, it doesn’t have anything to do with your ministry. That it is about counselors means it has everything to do with your ministry.
5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 224 pages, 978-1-4335-2813-2 $17.99, Available November 30, 2011
always grows out of worldview commitments. As Christians we believe that our worldview is authoritatively informed by God’s Word, the Bible; that is to say, it is theologically informed. Counseling is, therefore by definition, a theological task. Counselors may understand that counseling is a theological task or they may not. They may be good theologians or bad ones, but make no mistake: they are theologians who are neck deep in a theological enterprise.”
The Birth of a Biblical Counseling Movement and the Need for Growth Advances in How Biblical Counselors Think about Counseling Advances in How Biblical Counselors Do Counseling Advances in How Biblical Counselors Talk about Counseling Advances in How Biblical Counselors Think about the Bible? An Area Still in Need of Advancement
“ If counseling is equivalent to ministry, it means that it must be informed by the Bible and that those who do it are theologians. Ministry HEATH LAMBERT (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is assistant
professor of pastoral theology and coordinator of the department of biblical counseling at Boyce College of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Lambert is also pastor of Biblical Living at Crossing Church in Louisville, Kentucky, and sits on the review board for The Journal of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and the Council for the Biblical Counseling Coalition.
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No Other Gospel
31 Reasons from Galatians Why Justification by Faith Alone Is the Only Gospel As fallen human beings we are quick to deviate from the true gospel, for, as Pastor Josh Moody writes, “we tend toward human gospels.” Believers must constantly battle to maintain the purity and simplicity of the gospel. Paul was acutely aware of this as he wrote his letter to the Galatians. He was writing to an established church—experienced believers who had started to slip in their gospel witness.
6 × 9, Paperback, 288 pages, 978-1-4335-1567-5 $17.99, Available Now CONTENTS (PARTIAL) 1. The God-ness of the Gospel 2. The Gospel of Grace and Peace 3. A Different Gospel 4. The Gospel Antithesis 5. The God-Pleasing Gospel 6. The Relevance of the Gospel 7. Gospel, Not Religion 8. The Authority of the Gospel 9. The Gospel of Freedom 10. The Unity of the Gospel 11. The Gospel of Second Chances 12. The Gospel and Justification 13. Answering the Common Objection to the Gospel 14. The Gospel and the Cross 15. The Gospel, Not Moralism 16. The Gospel and Abraham
Moody finds in Galatians particular relevance and parallels to many churches today. Stemming from a series of sermons delivered to his church, he examines thirty-one reasons Paul gives for this gospel. Moody writes this book with a pastor’s heart, addressing important topics such as “The Gospel, Not Moralism” and “The Use of Gospel Freedom.” Paul’s message is foundational to the Christian faith, and thoughtful readers will benefit from Moody’s exposition. “ Josh Moody’s No Other Gospel blends attention to the text, theological insight, and pastoral application in a model of Scriptural exposition. His focus on Galatians is a great choice, since
this letter addresses so clearly the nature and importance of the gospel—a critical matter in an age when so many Christians and so many churches are confused about the gospel and its centrality.”
DOUGLAS J. MOO, Blanchard Professor of New Testament, Wheaton College “ Paul’s Letter to the Galatians so strongly and passionately articulates the gospel of grace that it has proved transforming in many generations of preachers from Luther to Wesley and beyond. Here Josh Moody reinforces that heritage for the twenty-first century.”
D. A. CARSON, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “ These expositions are clear, well-organized, exegetically careful, and theologically faithful. They’re also filled with good illustrations, personal application, and a proper dose of British wit. These qualities make for very good preaching and a very good book.”
KEVIN DEYOUNG, Senior Pastor, University Reformed Church, East Lansing, Michigan
FROM CHAPTER 1: “ Despite all the complexities in which Galatians has been tied up throughout the years of human interpretation, it still sets up steam whenever it is read. It, of course, was the book that really kicked off the Reformation. Martin Luther called it the love of his life; it was ‘Katherina Von Bora,’ his wife. He studied it repeatedly and found in it the release of the gospel to free him from his legalism. It has done that to many another since. It was John Wesley who, through the reading of Luther’s preface to the book of Galatians, found that ‘his heart was strangely warmed.’
my suspicion is that today as never before it needs to be unleashed to our world and to our church, yet scholars know that there are many headscratching moments that it produces and that people ponder over. Our task will not be to enjoy scratching our heads together over its difficult bits but to clarify and then unleash. Like any part of the Bible, it does not need defending. ‘Defend the Bible,’ Spurgeon said once, when asked about his approach to answering difficult questions of Scripture, ‘I’d sooner defend a lion.’ As no other, this is a lion, and together we simply need to study it carefully so that we can clearly listen to it roar.”
“ In fact, I think we may take it as a rule that Galatians is one of those books of the Bible that the Devil loves to try to blunt. It is a sharp sword, and
17. The Gospel and Legalism 18. Gospel and Covenant 19. Gospel and Law 20. Living in the Light of the Gospel 21. Gospel versus Religion
JOSH MOODY (PhD, Cambridge University) is senior pastor of College Church in
Wheaton, Illinois. He is the author of several books, including The God-Centered Life: Insights from Jonathan Edwards.
22. The Gospel and Formalism 23. True Gospel Zeal 24. Gospel Identity
Understanding Scripture
An Overview of the Bible’s Origin, Reliability, and Meaning Originally featured as articles in the ESV Study Bible, these eighteen essays have been repurposed and republished in a convenient format. Covering a diverse range of essential subjects, these essays provide concise studies in major issues on how to understand the Bible and its origin (canon and original languages), reliability (Bible manuscripts and archaeology), and meaning (interpreting it properly and reading it well).
Useful as both a general overview of the Bible and as a tool for more specific reference and training, readers of this book will grow in their understanding of Scripture and their ability to apply the Bible to their lives. Pastors, lay leaders, students, and other Christians engaged in studying God’s Word will benefit from this collection, written by notable contributors, including J. I. Packer, John Piper, David Powlison, and Vern Poythress.
FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “ Skill in interpretation is needed to gain the most from the Bible. When Scriptures are read in the church, leaders can answer questions and orient listeners to its great themes. Still, people rightly desire to read and understand the Bible for themselves (Jer. 31:31–34; 1 John 2:27). “ Interpretation of the Bible requires technical skill and spiritual receptivity. Though all God’s people have a significant ability to read and understand the great teachings of the Bible in their own language (see Deut. 6:6–7; Ps. 1:1–2; 19: 7; 119:130; 1 Cor. 1:2; Eph. 3:4; Col. 4:16), there also remain more detailed and precise questions about meaning that sometimes require technical knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, as well as of Scripture’s historical, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds. Here interpretation resembles the reading of dense poetry or constitutional documents. Interpretation is also an art, mastered not by rigid adherence to procedures but by long practice conducted under tutors. Interpretation is also a spiritual task. To read the Bible is not to dissect a lifeless text that only contains marks on a page. As people read Scripture, Scripture reads them, questions them, reveals their thoughts (Heb. 4:12)—and it leads to a Person, not just truths. All Scripture points to Jesus’ death and resurrection, to forgiveness, and to personal knowledge of God through him.
“ To profit from Scripture, one must take the right posture. At one extreme, the skeptic questions and judges whatever he or she reads. At the other, the overconfident believer, convinced that he has mastered biblical or systematic theology, ignores or explains away whatever fails to support his system. Interpreters should come to Scripture humbly, expecting to learn and be corrected, willing to observe Scripture closely and accept whatever they find.”
5.25 × 8, Paperback, 208 pages, 978-1-4335-2999-3 $12.99, Available February 29, 2012 CONTENTS Part 1: Interpreting the Bible Interpreting the Bible: An Introduction (Doriani) Interpreting the Bible: A Historical Overview (Hannah) Part 2: Reading the Bible Reading the Bible Theologically (Packer) Reading the Bible as Literature (Ryken) Reading the Bible in Prayer and Communion with God (Piper) Reading the Bible for Personal Application (Powlison) Reading the Bible for Preaching and Public Worship (Hughes) Part 3: The Canon of Scripture The Canon of the Old Testament (Beckwith) The Canon of the New Testament (Hill) Part 4: The Reliability of Bible Manuscripts The Reliability of the Old Testament Manuscripts (Wegner)
WAYNE GRUDEM (PhD, University of Cambridge) is research professor of theology and biblical
studies at Phoenix Seminary.
Part 5: Archaeology and the Bible
C. JOHN COLLINS (PhD, University of Liverpool) is professor of Old Testament at Covenant
Theological Seminary.
THOMAS R. SCHREINER (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is the James Harrison Professor of
New Testament Interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
The Reliability of the New Testament Manuscripts (Wallace) Archaeology and the Reliability of the Old Testament (Currid) Archaeology and the Reliability of the New Testament (Chapman) Part 6: The Original Languages of the Bible
2 0 1 2 AC A D E M I C & PA S TO R AL R ESOU R C ES
1–2 Peter
[Series: St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary] Peter wrote two letters to encourage churches to stand firm under persecution. The apostle Peter himself was familiar with persecution, as he probably wrote the letters from Rome, awaiting his death. From his own suffering Peter joins in fellowship with “elect exiles of the dispersion” by urging them to “rejoice, though now for a little while . . . you have been grieved by various trials.” His inspired challenges to live a life worthy of the gospel hold great relevance for us today. Pastor and scholar R. C. Sproul has preached through Peter’s letters and has now compiled these sermons into one volume. This St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary will enable readers to glean from Sproul’s wisdom and perspective on 1–2 Peter. 6 × 9, Hardcover w/Jacket, 304 pages, 978-1-4335-2289-5 $27.99, Available Now CONTENTS (PARTIAL) 1. Greeting to the Elect Pilgrims (1:1–2) 2. Heavenly Inheritance, Part 1 (1:3–5) 3. Heavenly Inheritance, Part 2 (1:6–12) 4. Living before God Our Father (1:13–19) 5. The Enduring Word (1:22–25) 6. A Living Stone (2:1–8a) 7. A Royal Priesthood (2:8b–10) 8. Honorable Conduct (2:11–17) 9. Servants and Masters (2:18–25) 10. Wives and Husbands (3:1–7) 11. Christian Virtues (3:8–9) 12. In Pursuit of Peace (3:10–17) 13. Apologetics (3:15)
The St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary series is the result of years of careful preparation and Bible-centered preaching. Delivered from a pastor’s heart for his congregation, readers will find this volume readable, applicable, appropriately paced, and thoroughly biblical. Here is an opportunity to sit at the feet of an eminent scholar and teacher, encountering the Word of God. Volumes on John, Acts, and Romans are also available in this series. “ Sproul, well-known as a master theologian and extraordinary communicator, now shows that he is a powerful, insightful, helpful expository preacher. This collection of sermons is of great value for churches and Christians everywhere.”
ogy on fire, delivered from a pastor’s heart in a vibrant congregation of our time. Essential reading.”
DEREK W. H. THOMAS, John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Practical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; Minister of Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi “ Sproul’s ability to focus on the big picture, his genius of never saying too much, leaving his hearers satisfied yet wanting more, never making the Word dull, are all present in these expositions.”
SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina “ How exciting! Thousands of us have long been indebted to Sproul the teacher, and now, through the St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary series, we are indebted to Sproul the preacher, whose sermons are thoroughly biblical, soundly doctrinal, warmly practical, and wonderfully readable. This series of volumes is an absolute must for every Reformed preacher and church member who yearns to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus. Tolle lege, and buy these volumes for your friends.”
JOEL R. BEEKE, President, Puritan Reformed
Theological Seminary
W. ROBERT GODFREY, President and Professor of Church History, Westminster Seminary California “ Sproul is a legend in our time. His preaching has held us in awe for half a century, and these pages represent the fruit of his latest exposition, coming as they do at the very peak of his abilities and insights. I am ecstatic at the prospect of reading the St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary series. It represents Reformed theolR. C. SPROUL serves as senior minister of preaching and teaching at Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Florida, and is the founder and president of Ligonier Ministries. He has taught at numerous colleges and seminaries, has written over sixty books, and is featured daily on Renewing Your Mind, an international radio broadcast.
1 & 2 Thessalonians The Hope of Salvation [Series: Preaching the Word
James H. Grant Jr. applies Paul’s message to contemporary churches by preaching expositionally through 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Twenty-five sermons examine each passage of the books as the gospel and its implications are unpacked in light of Christ’s second coming. 1 & 2 Thessalonians is a Preaching the Word commentary. The series is noted for its steadfast commitment to biblical authority, clear exposition of Scripture, readability, and practical application. It is an ideal resource for pastors and teachers, as well as for personal Bible study.
that the text wants us to answer in the presence of the living God and his illuminating Holy Spirit.”
WALTER C. KAISER JR., President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Old Testament and Ethics, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary JAMES H. GRANT JR. (MDiv, Reformed Theological Seminary) is pastor of Trinity Reformed Church in Rossville, Tennessee, and he also teaches theology at Westminster Academy. 6 × 9, Hardcover w/Jacket, 240 pages, 978-1-4335-0544-7 $27.99, Available Now
“ It is a pleasure to commend this series of homiletical commentaries. They fill an enormous vacuum that exists between the practical needs of the pastor/teacher and the critical exegetical depth of most commentaries. With this series, evangelicalism may now claim its own William Barclay. While remaining true to the text and its original meaning, Dr. Hughes helps us face the personal, ethical, theological, and practical questions
The Spirit Speaks to the Churches [Series: Preaching the Word] Revelation is a prophecy of epic proportions and James Hamilton invites readers to love God and his people by expositing this revelation of Jesus, and to say along with the apostle John, “Come, Lord Jesus.” The newest volume in the Preaching the Word commentary series, Hamilton gives thirty-seven sermons on the relevance of the book of Revelation, explaining the prophecies therein and their importance for all peoples. Useful for personal study, as well as for preaching and teaching, Hamilton even includes helpful charts and tables to highlight key themes and literary elements. He successfully grabs the reader’s attention, raises awareness of a real need, and states the main point of the sermon text. In addition to explaining the meaning of each passage, Hamilton connects the main ideas to applicable analogies and actionable points.
shape and strengthen the church. These volumes admirably fit this tradition.”
D. A. CARSON, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “ The Preaching the Word commentary series is one of my favorites. The focus upon explaining a text while preaching it as the goal makes the series resonate with the priorities of the pulpit. No academic aloofness here, but down-to-earth, preacher-to-preacher meat for God’s people.”
BRYAN CHAPELL, President, Covenant Theological
JAMES M. HAMILTON JR. (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is associate professor of biblical theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and pastor of preaching at Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky.
6 × 9, Hardcover w/Jacket, 496 pages, 978-1-4335-0541-6 $34.99, Available January 31, 2012
“ There is a long history of informed, edifying biblical expositions that have been mightily used of God to
2 0 1 2 AC A D E M I C & PA S TO RA L R ESOU R C ES |
Wisdom that Works [Series: Preaching the Word] How exactly does one become wise? Pastor and teacher Ray Ortlund points out that the wisdom of God does not stand aloof, as if it were unattainable. Instead, he shows that wisdom graciously moves toward us, into our real world where we live and struggle day by day. Ortlund unpacks the book of Proverbs in twentyone straightforward sermons, providing a biblical worldview of money, sex, and power. Drawing relevant parallels from ancient culture to present day, 6 × 9, Hardcover w/Jacket, 256 pages, 978-1-58134-883-5 $32.99, Available March 31, 2012
FROM THE PREFACE: “ As we come to the book of Proverbs, God does not intend to crush us with layer upon layer of demand. He intends to help us. The book of Proverbs is practical help from God for weak people like us stumbling through daily life. It is his counsel for the perplexed, his strength for the defeated, his warning to the proud, his mercy for the broken. The book of Proverbs is the gospel—good news for the inept through the wisdom of Another. We have every reason to receive it with a whole heart.”
he explains how the book of Proverbs is practical help for normal people going through everyday life. Most importantly, Ortlund shows how the Proverbs point to Jesus and his counsel for the perplexed, his strength for the defeated, his warning to the proud, his mercy for the broken. With careful treatment of the Scriptures and uncomplicated language, this volume in the Preaching the Word series fills the vacuum between the layman’s experience and the exegetical depth of many commentaries. RAYMOND C. ORTLUND JR. (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is lead pastor of Immanuel Church in Nashville, Tennessee, the President of Renewal Ministries, a Regional Director in the Acts29 Network, former professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a council member of The Gospel Coalition.
What Christians Should Believe [Series: Re:Lit:Vintage Jesus] [Paperback Edition] Doctrine is the word Christians use to define the truth-claims of Scripture and, while Christians may differ on numerous issues, there are basic tenets of the faith that should be supported by all who claim to follow Jesus.
5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 464 pages, 978-1-4335-2757-9 $17.99, Available Now
In Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe, Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears teach thirteen essential elements of the Christian faith. This comprehensive yet accessible overview of basic doctrine will help Christians clarify and articulate their beliefs in accordance with the Bible. Now available in paperback. “ An interesting, clear, practical, biblical, and remarkably insightful guide to the main doctrinal teachings of the whole Bible!”
WAYNE GRUDEM, Research Professor of Bible and Theology, Phoenix Seminary, Phoenix, Arizona “ Christianity is ineradicably doctrinal, and, contrary to popular instincts, doctrine unites, as Paul makes clear
in Romans 16:17. The question for church leaders, therefore, is how to communicate Christian doctrine in a clear, faithful, and winsome way. It is therefore a pleasure to commend this book, an excellent primer in basic Christian teaching. It will serve as an introduction for new Christians, a refresher for church members, and a good text for Sunday school classes. Highly recommended.”
CARL R. TRUEMAN, Academic Dean and Vice President, Westminster Theological Seminary MARK DRISCOLL is the founding pastor of Mars Hill Church based out of Seattle. He is the founder of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network and of the Resurgence, and he has authored a growing number of books. GERRY BRESHEARS is professor of theology and chairman of the division of biblical and theological studies at Western Seminary.
God at Work
Your Christian Vocation in All of Life [Redesign] Given the enormous amount of time humanity spends working, we would do well to understand our callings and how God works through them. In his newly redesigned book, culture expert Gene Veith unpacks the Bible’s teaching on the doctrine of vocation. He helps us to discover God’s purposes by FROM CHAPTER 1: “ It is odd that such a liberating, life-enhancing doctrine has become all but forgotten in our time, passed over in our seminaries, sermons, and Bible classes. But the doctrine of vocation makes up an important part of the spiritual heritage that contemporary Christians have, unfortunately, cut themselves off from and are in such great need of recovering. It is more than an understanding of work, more than the slogan that we should do all things for the glory of God, more than a vague theological platitude. The teachings on the subject by the old Reformation theologians are remarkably specific and realistic, giving practical guidance for how this doctrine can be lived out in the real, fallen world. But more than that, the doctrine
outlining a spiritual framework that makes sense of the meaning in our vocations, the force behind our ethics, and the transformative presence of God in our everyday, ordinary lives.
of vocation amounts to a comprehensive doctrine of the Christian life, having to do with faith and sanctification, grace and good works. It is a key to Christian ethics. It shows how Christians can influence their culture. It transfigures ordinary, everyday life with the presence of God.” GENE EDWARD VEITH JR. is provost and professor
of literature at Patrick Henry College and the author of several noted books on Christianity and culture, including Postmodern Times and State of the Arts. He is a frequent conference speaker and a contributor to a wide range of periodicals.
5.5 × 8.5, Paperback, 176 pages, 978-1-4335-2447-9 $15.99, Available Now
Holiness by Grace
Delighting in the Joy That Is Our Strength [Redesign] “Be holy, for I am holy.” Without Christ we would hear this command and shudder. How can God expect us to be holy as he is? But thanks to what Christ has accomplished on our behalf, God accepts us because of his Son’s righteousness. Yet the call to holiness remains. In this redesigned edition, Bryan Chapell puts good works and obedience in proper perspective. He traces the relationship of holiness and grace in three parts, outlining the principles of grace, the practices of faith, and the motives of love. This book will challenge readers to discover the gracious source of joy and strength they will need for a lifelong pursuit of holiness. “ The historic Protestant doctrine is that we are not only justified by faith rather than our works, but we are also sanctified by faith rather than our works. Yet, though we give this teaching lip service, very few ministers and Christians know how grace-based sanctification really works. Bryan Chapell has produced a popular, practical, yet theologically sensitive book on this very
issue—how God’s gracious acceptance is the dynamic and guide for growth into holy character. This is a great book—an extremely timely book.”
TIMOTHY J. KELLER, Senior Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York “ What a great book! What a necessary book! What a life-changing book! A lack of God’s clear desire for holiness in his people doesn’t come from making the gospel too good . . . it comes from not making it good enough. This is the book for which I have long prayed, and I enthusiastically commend it to you.”
STEVE BROWN, Professor Emeritus, Reformed
Theological Seminary Orlando
6 × 9, Paperback, 288 pages, 978-1-4335-2442-4 $17.99, Available Now
BRYAN CHAPELL is president and professor of practical theology at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, where he has served in various capacities since 1984. He preaches and lectures in churches and seminaries all over the world and is the author of several books.
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978-1-4335-3147-7 $14.99, Available Now FEATURES: • Complete NA27 Greek text • ESV interlinear and reverse-interlinear renderings of the text • Lexical data, contextual and morphological information (including parsings), and Strong’s number for each word • Search by Greek word, transliterated Greek word, Strong’s number, English word, or any combination of the above • Complete Greek and English concordances
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2 0 1 2 AC A D E M I C & PA S TO R AL R ESOU R C ES
Visit www.esvstudybible.org for a full list of available editions Matthew 1:23
18 21 17tch. 2:4; 11:2; 16:16; 22:42; 23:10; Mark 8:29; Luke 3:15; [John 1:41; 4:25] 18uver. 1; Mark 1:1; John 1:17; 17:3; [ver. 16] vLuke 1:27 wLuke 1:35 19x[Deut. 24:1] 20 y ch. 2:13, 19; [ch. 2:12, 22] 21zver. 25; Luke 1:31; 2:21 a Luke 2:11; Acts 4:12; 5:31; 13:23, 38; [Acts 3:26] 22bch. 21:4; 26:56; John 19:36 cch. 2:15, 23; 4:14; Mark 14:49 23dCited from Isa. 7:14 e Isa. 8:8, 10
The Gospel AccordinG To
Matthew Chapter 1 1a[Luke 3:23-38] b2 Sam. 7:12-16; Ps. 132:11; Isa. 11:1; Jer. 23:5; Luke 1:32, 69; John 7:42; Acts 2:30; 13:23; Rom. 1:3; 2 Tim. 2:8; Rev. 22:16 cGen. 22:18; Gal. 3:16 2dGen. 21:3 eGen. 25:26 f Gen. 29:35 3g[Ruth 4:18-22; 1 Chr. 2:1-15] 5hJosh. 6:25 6i1 Sam. 16:1; 17:12 j 2 Sam. 12:24 k2 Sam. 12:10 7lFor ver. 7-10, see 1 Chr. 3:10-14 8m[2 Kgs. 15:1; 1 Chr. 3:11, 12] 11n1 Chr. 3:15, 16 oEsth. 2:6; Jer. 24:1; 27:20 12p1 Chr. 3:17-19 qLuke 3:27 rEzra 3:2 16sLuke 3:23
The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
a The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, b the son of David, c the son of Abraham. 2 dAbraham was the father of Isaac, and e Isaac the father of Jacob, and f Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, 3 and g Judah the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, and Perez the father of Hezron, and Hezron the father of Ram,1 4 and Ram the father of Amminadab, and Amminadab the father of Nahshon, and Nahshon the father of Salmon, 5 and Salmon the father of Boaz by h Rahab, and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse, 6 and i Jesse the father of David the king. And j David was the father of Solomon by k the wife of Uriah, 7 and l Solomon the father of Rehoboam, and Rehoboam the father of Abijah, and Abijah the father of Asaph,2 8 and Asaph the father of Jehoshaphat, and Jehoshaphat the father of Joram, m and Joram the father of Uzziah, 9 and Uzziah the father of Jotham, and Jotham the father of Ahaz, and Ahaz the father of Hezekiah, 10 and Hezekiah the father of Manasseh, and Manasseh the father of Amos,3 and Amos the father of Josiah, 11 and n Josiah the father of o Jechoniah and his brothers, at the time of the deportation to Babylon. 12 And after the deportation to Babylon: p Jechoniah was the father of q Shealtiel,4 and r Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel, 13 and Zerubbabel the father of Abiud, and Abiud the father of Eliakim, and Eliakim the father of Azor, 14 and Azor the father of Zadok, and Zadok the father of Achim, and Achim the father of Eliud, 15 and Eliud the father of Eleazar, and Eleazar the father of Matthan, and Matthan the father of Jacob, 16 and Jacob the father of s Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ.
1:1 The book of the genealogy. The Gospel’s opening words carried special significance for a Jewish audience, whose ancestry was inseparably intertwined with the covenants God made with Israel. Jesus (Gk. Iēsous) was the historical, everyday name, and is Yeshua‘ /Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) in Hebrew, meaning “Yahweh saves” (Neh. 7:7; cf. Matt. 1:21). Christ (Gk. Christos, from Hb. mashiakh, “anointed”) points back to David as the anointed king of Israel. The designation “Messiah” came to summarize several strands of OT expectation, especially the promise of an “anointed one” who would righteously rule God’s people (2 Sam. 7:11b–16). Son of David evoked images of a
Now the birth of u Jesus Christ1 took place in this way. v When his mother Mary had been betrothed2 to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child w from the Holy Spirit. 19 And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling x to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. 20 But as he considered these things, behold, y an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will bear a son, and z you shall call his name Jesus, a for he will save his people from their sins.” 22 bAll this took place c to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: 18
“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name e Immanuel”
1 Some manuscripts of the Christ 2 That is, legally pledged to be married
though they were not yet considered to be married, and having sexual relations during that period was considered immoral. put her to shame. Sexual unfaithfulness during betrothal was considered adultery, and under the Mosaic law carried the death penalty by stoning. divorce her quietly. Joseph intended to maintain his personal righteousness, yet he desired to show compassion even though Mary appeared to be an adulteress.
1:17 fourteen generations. Matthew does not mean all the generations that had lived during those times but “all” that he included in his list (for he evidently skipped some, such as three generations between Uzziah [Ahaziah] and Jotham in v. 9; cf. 1 Chron. 3:10–12); cf. note on Matt. 1:6b–11. Perhaps for ease of memorization, or perhaps for literary or symbolic symmetry, Matthew structures the genealogy to count 14 generations from each major section. (According to the Jewish practice of gematria, the giving of a numeric value to the consonants in a word, David’s name would add to D + V + D or 4 + 6 + 4 = 14, and David is the 14th name on the list.)
1:20 Behold represents Greek idou, used frequently by Matthew to signal emphasis, prompt the reader to pay special attention, or introduce something new or unusual. The angel of the Lord is Gabriel (cf. Luke 1:26). 1:21 The name Jesus was given to sons as a symbolic hope for the Lord’s anticipated sending of salvation through a Messiah who would purify his people and save them from oppression (see note on v. 1). But the angel points to a more important theme: to save his people from their sins. Salvation from sins was a repeated promise in OT prophets (e.g., Isa. 40:2; 53:6; Jer. 31:31–34; Ezek. 36:25–27; Dan. 9:24; Zech. 13:1).
1:18–25 The Angelic Announcement of the Conception of Jesus the Messiah. A new era in Israel’s history begins with the story of Jesus’ conception in the little town of Nazareth. The angel announces his conception (vv. 18–21), explaining that he is the prophesied Immanuel (vv. 22–23). Joseph immediately obeys the angel’s directive (vv. 24–25).
1:22 All this took place to fulfill. This is Matthew’s “fulfillment formula,” by which he points to an event or teaching of Jesus that fulfills an OT passage, indicating: (1) a direct prediction-fulfillment (e.g., vv. 22–23); (2) the intended full meaning of the OT Scripture (e.g., 5:17–20); or (3) a divinely orchestrated analogical/typological correspondence to Israel’s history (e.g., 2:15, 17–18).
1:18 Mary had been betrothed to Joseph. The custom of betrothal was different from “engagement” in modern society. Customarily the parents of a young man chose a young woman to be engaged to their son. A second stage of betrothal involved official arrangements and a prenuptial agreement before witnesses, which was a legally binding contract and could be broken only by a formal process of divorce. found to be with child. Mary is about four months pregnant, having spent three months with Elizabeth, her “relative” (Luke 1:36, 56).
Messiah with a royal lineage who would reestablish the throne in Jerusalem and the kingdom of Israel. son of Abraham. God’s covenant with Abraham established Israel as a chosen people and also affirmed that the whole world would be blessed through his line (Gen. 12:1–3; 22:18).
1:23 the virgin. The Greek word parthenos (“virgin”) corresponds to the Hebrew term ‘almah, which is used in the prophecy of Isa. 7:14 regarding the virgin birth of the coming Savior (see note on Isa. 7:14). The Hebrew word ‘almah (“virgin” or “maiden”) generally denotes an unmarried woman who is a virgin (e.g., Gen. 24:43; Ex. 2:8; Ps. 68:25). The prophecy in Isaiah 7:14
The Gospel AccordinG To
1:19 Betrothed partners were referred to as husband and “wife” (v. 20),
1:2–6a The four generations between Perez and Amminadab encompass approximately 450 years. The six generations from Nahshon to the rise of the monarchy with David total about 400 more.
***MATTHEW, MAP 2 [L] 2. (MATTHEW 2:1)
Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem
1:3 Tamar. The inclusion of five women in Jesus’ genealogy—Tamar, Rahab (v. 5), Ruth (v. 5), Bathsheba (“the wife of Uriah,” v. 6), and Mary (v. 16)—is unusual, since descent was usually traced through men as the head of the family. Rahab and Ruth were Gentiles, and Tamar, Rahab, and Bathsheba were women of questionable character. The lineage is comprised of men, women, adulterers, prostitutes, heroes, and Gentiles—and Jesus will be Savior of all.
Nazareth Caesarea
Joseph, Mary, and Jesus return to Nazareth
Me d i t e r ra n ea n Sea
Jerusalem Bethlehem
1:12–13 Zerubbabel led the first group given permission to return to Israel from the exile.
1:12 The evil of Jechoniah (2 Kings 24:8–9) was so great that his line was cursed (Jer. 22:30). While a natural, biological son could not therefore inherit the throne, the legal claim could still come through Jechoniah’s line.
1:16–17 Jesus is the rightful legal heir to the covenant promises associated
map.40-2.indd 45
Jesus’ Birth and Flight to Egypt As the time drew near for Jesus to be born, a mandatory Roman census made it necessary for Joseph to return to his ancestral home of Bethlehem. There Mary gave birth to Jesus, and later, wise men from the east came to worship him. The wise men’s recognition of a new king, however, troubled King Herod and the ruling establishment in Jerusalem, and Herod sought to kill Jesus. Joseph and his family escaped to Egypt and remained there until Herod died. When they returned to Palestine, they settled in the remote district of Galilee, where Jesus grew up in the northern village of Nazareth, to avoid the attention of the rulers in Jerusalem.
Joseph, Mary, and Jesus escape to Egypt
1:6b–11 Matthew may have drawn from 1 Chron. 3:10–14, since both genealogies omit several kings found in the narrative of Kings and Chronicles. Omitting names in a genealogy was common to make for ease of memorization. One is struck in this section by the alternately godly and wicked kings who ruled Israel.
Nile River
1:1–17 The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah. Jews kept extensive genealogies to establish a person’s heritage, inheritance, legitimacy, and rights (cf. Josephus, Life of Josephus 1–6). Matthew likely draws on the genealogies of the OT, with some omissions (see note on Matt. 1:17). He demonstrates Jesus’ legal claim to the throne of David, emphasizing Jesus’ legal descent from David and Abraham, while Luke’s genealogical record (Luke 3:23–38) emphasizes Jesus’ biological descent from David and Adam.
The Birth of Jesus Christ
with the Davidic throne (v. 6) as well as the rightful legal heir to the covenant promises related to the Abrahamic seed and land (vv. 1–2).
1 Greek Aram; also verse 4 2 Asaph is probably an alternate spelling for Asa; some manuscripts read Asa; also verse 8 3 Amos is probably an alternate spelling for Amon; some manuscripts read Amon; twice in this verse 4 Greek Salathiel; twice in this verse
1:1–2:23 The Arrival in History of Jesus the Messiah. Matthew’s introduction echoes the language of Genesis. The word rendered “genealogy” (1:1) is Greek genesis (“beginning, origin, birth, genealogy”), and this is also the title of the Greek translation of Genesis, implying that it is a book of “beginnings.” “The book of the genealogy” appears to function not only as a heading for the genealogy itself (1:2–17) but also as a title for the entire story to follow: a new beginning with the arrival of Jesus the Messiah and the kingdom of God (cf. note on Gen. 2:4).
17 So all the generations from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, and from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon to t the Christ fourteen generations.
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The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, b the son of David, c the son of Abr 2 dAbraham was the father of Isaac, and e Isaac the father of Jacob, and f Jacob the of Judah and his brothers, 3 and g Judah the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, and the father of Hezron, and Hezron the father of Ram,1 4 and Ram the father of Ammi and Amminadab the father of Nahshon, and Nahshon the father of Salmon, 5 and S Actual Type Size the father of Boaz by h Rahab, and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the of Jesse, 6 and i Jesse the father of David the king. j David was theRS father ofTSolomon by k the wife of Uriah, 7 and l Solomon the And RIAL E DITO OVE IG H CO MMIT T EE of Rehoboam, and Rehoboam the father of Abijah, and Abijah the father of Asaph Executive Editor, Lane T. Dennis Asaph the father of Jehoshaphat, and Jehoshaphat the father of Joram, m and Jor 9 and General Wayne Grudem fatherEditor, of Uzziah, Uzziah the father of Jotham, and Jotham the father of Ah 10 and Hezekiah the father of Manasseh, and Manas Ahaz the father Theological Editor, of J. I.Hezekiah, Packer father of Amos,3 and Amos the father of Josiah, 11 and n Josiah the father of o Jechoni Old Testament Editor, C. John Collins his brothers, at the time of the deportation to Babylon. New 12 Testament Thomas R. Schreiner And afterEditor, the deportation to Babylon: p Jechoniah was the father of q Shealtie r 13 and Zerubbabel the father of Abiud, and Abi Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel, Project Director/Managing Editor, Justin Taylor father of Eliakim, and Eliakim the father of Azor, 14 and Azor the father of Zadok, and the father of Achim, and Achim the father of Eliud, 15 and Eliud the father of Eleaz Eleazar the father of Matthan, and Matthan the father of Jacob, 16 and Jacob the fa s Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ. Miles 0
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“ Outstanding! The ESV Study Bible is a treasure—a beautiful volume, 1 Greek Aram; also verse 4 2 Asaph is probably an alternate spelling for Asa; some manuscripts read Asa; also verse 8 3 Amos is probably an alter filled with wealth ofread resources.” spelling for Amon;asome manuscripts Amon; twice in this verse 4 Greek Salathiel; twice in this verse R . A LB E R T M O H LE R J R . , President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, K Y
1:1–2:23 The Arrival in History of Jesus the Messiah. Matthew’s intro-
Messiah with a royal lineage who wou
the kingdom of Israel. son of Abr “ This tour de the force of of itsGenesis. genre replete not only withand clear and coduction echoes language The is word rendered “genealogy” established Israel as a chosen people a gent the(“beginning, biblicalorigin, textbirth, butgenealogy”), it provides, of his line (Gen (1:1)notes is Greekon genesis and thisin addition, would bescores blessed through is also theCrossway title of the Greek translation Genesis,the implying a articles. has raisedof high barthat byit ispublishing a study Bible 1:2–6a The four generations between book “beginnings.” “The book ofthe the genealogy” appears function that isoflikely to become standard for togenerations to come.”
approximately 450 years. The six genera not only as a heading for the genealogy itself (1:2–17) but also as a title U Gentire E N Estory H .toMfollow: E R RaI L L , beginning Distinguished Professor Testament Studmonarchy with David total about 400 forEthe new with the arrival of Jesus of Old Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Professor of theies, Messiah and the kingdom of God (cf. note on Gen. 2:4). T X; Distinguished 1:3 Tamar. The inclusion of five wome
Old Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Semi(v. 5), Ruth (v. 5), Bathsheba (“the wife nary, Louisville, K Y unusual, since descent was usually tra
1:1–17 The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah. Jews kept extensive gene-
family. Rahab and Ruth were Gentiles, a
to establish person’s heritage, legitimacy, and rights “ Talogies he wealth of amaterial thatinheritance, is provided in comments, articles, and character. The women of questionable (cf. Josephus, Life of Josephus 1–6). Matthew likelyto draws on the genealogies cross-references is comparable what may be foundadulterers, in theprostitutes, most heroes, and Ge of the OT, with some omissions (see note on Matt. 1:17). He demonstrates helpful today. Jesus’ But legal the descent visual impact of the fullJesus’ legalstudy claim toBibles the throneavailable of David, emphasizing 1:6b–11 Matthew may have drawn fro color charts, mapswhile andLuke’s diagrams it as exemplary.” from David and Abraham, genealogicaldistinguish record (Luke 3:23–38) alogies omit several kings found in th
emphasizes biological from David and Adam.Testament, Wheaton Omitting names in and a genealogy was co J O H NJesus’ H . WA LTOdescent N , Professor of Old College tion. One is struck in this section by th Graduate School, Wheaton, IL 1:1 The book of the genealogy. The Gospel’s opening words carried who ruled Israel. special significance for for a Jewish audience, whose ancestry wasBible inseparably “ W ho could ask more? The ESV Study will be my first biblical 1:12–13 Zerubbabel led the first gro intertwined with the covenants God made with Israel. Jesus (Gk. Iēsous) was resource henceforth.” from the exile. the historical, everyday name, and is Yeshua‘ /Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) in Hebrew, PAU L L. M A I E(Neh. R , Russell H. 1:21). Seibert History, Westmeaning “Yahweh saves” 7:7; cf. Matt. ChristProfessor (Gk. Christos, of fromAncient 1:12 The evil of Jechoniah (2 Kings 2 ern Michigan University, MI king of Israel. Hb. mashiakh, “anointed”) points back toKalamazoo, David as the anointed cursed (Jer. 22:30). While a natural, bio The designation “Messiah” came to summarize several strands of OT expecthe throne, the legal claim could still c tation, especially the promise of an “anointed one” who would righteously 1:16–17 Jesus is the rightful legal he rule God’s people (2 Sam. 7:11b–16). Son of David evoked images of a
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The Genealogy of Jesus Christ (Lk 3.23-38)
BiÂblow 1 geneÂsevw 2 ÆIhsoyÄ XristoyÄ yiëoyÄ DayiÁd yiëoyÄ ÆAbraaÂm. 2 ÆAbraaÁm eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIsaaÂk, ÆIsaaÁk deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIakvÂb, ÆIakvÁb deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIoyÂdan kaiÁ toyÁw aÆdelfoyÁw ayÆtoyÄ, 3 ÆIoyÂdaw deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn FaÂrew kaiÁ toÁn ZaÂra eÆk th Ä w UamaÂr, FaÂrew deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ëEsrvÂm, ëEsrvÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAraÂm, 4 ÆAraÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAminadaÂb, ÆAminadaÁb deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn NaassvÂn, NaassvÁn deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn SalmvÂn, 5 SalmvÁn deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn BoÂew eÆk th Ä w ëRaxaÂb, BoÂew deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIvbhÁd eÆk th Ä w ëRoyÂu, ÆIvbhÁd deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIessaiÂ, 6 ÆIessaiÁ deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn DayiÁd toÁn basileÂa. DayiÁd deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn Solomv Ä na eÆk th Ä w toyÄ OyÆriÂoy, 7 SolomvÁn deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ëRoboaÂm, ëRoboaÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAbiaÂ, ÆAbiaÁ deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAsaÂf, 8 ÆAsaÁf* deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIvsafaÂt, ÆIvsafaÁt deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIvraÂm, ÆIvraÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆOziÂan, 9 ÆOziÂaw deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIvauaÂm, ÆIvauaÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAxaÂz, ÆAxaÁz deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ëEzekiÂan, 10 ëEzekiÂaw deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn Manassh Ä , Manassh Ä w deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAmvÂw, ÆAmvÁw* deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIvsiÂan, 11 ÆIvsiÂaw deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIexoniÂan kaiÁ toyÁw aÆdelfoyÁw ayÆtoyÄ eÆpiÁ th Ä w metoikesiÂaw 3 Babylv Ä now. 12 MetaÁ deÁ thÁn metoikesiÂan Babylv Ä now ÆIexoniÂaw eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn SalauihÂl, SalauihÁl deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ZorobabeÂl, 13 ZorobabeÁl deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAbioyÂd, ÆAbioyÁd deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆEliakiÂm, ÆEliakiÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAzvÂr, 14 ÆAzvÁr deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn SadvÂk, SadvÁk deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAxiÂm, ÆAxiÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆElioyÂd, 15 ÆElioyÁd deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆEleaÂzar, ÆEleaÂzar deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn MatuaÂn, MatuaÁn deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIakvÂb, 16 ÆIakvÁb deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIvshÁf toÁn aÍndra MariÂaw, eÆj hÎw eÆgennhÂuh ÆIhsoyÄw oë legoÂmenow XristoÂw. 17 Pa Ä sai oyËn aië geneaiÁ aÆpoÁ ÆAbraaÁm eÏvw DayiÁd geneaiÁ dekateÂssarew,4 kaiÁ aÆpoÁ DayiÁd eÏvw th Ä w metoikesiÂaw Babylv Ä now geneaiÁ dekateÂssarew, kaiÁ aÆpoÁ th Ä w metoikesiÂaw Babylv Ä now eÏvw toyÄ XristoyÄ geneaiÁ dekateÂssarew. 1.7-8 ÆAsaÂf, ÆAsaÂf P1vid a B C // ÆAsaÂ, ÆAsa L W 33 Byz 1.10 ÆAmvÂw, ÆAmvÂw a B C 33 // ÆAmvÂn, ÆAmvÂn L W Byz 1 2
biÂblow, -oy f, book geÂnesiw, -evw f, genealogy/birth
3 4
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metoikesiÂa, -aw f, exile/deportation dekateÂssarew, fourteen
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John Calvin
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Charles H. Spurgeon
376 pages
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John Calvin
400 pages
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320 pages
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J. C. Ryle
302 pages
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J. C. Ryle
272 pages
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J. C. Ryle
320 pages
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John Calvin
480 pages
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John Calvin
416 pages
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Charles Hodge
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Charles Hodge
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Charles Hodge
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J. B. Lightfoot
144 pages
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John Calvin
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John Calvin
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1 & 2 PETER
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Mark Dever, J. Ligon Duncan III, R. Albert Mohler Jr., C. J. Mahaney In messages that were first presented at the 2008 Together for the Gospel Conference, the four authors, joined by John Piper, R. C. Sproul, John MacArthur, and Thabiti Anyabwile, powerfully elaborate on the necessity of preaching and teaching a fully biblical theology. 224 pages. HC, ISBN 978-1-4335-0206-4, $21.99 A QUEST FOR GODLINESS J. I. Packer Surveys the teachings and beliefs of the Puritans and calls today’s Christians to follow their example of spiritual maturity. 368 pages. TPB, ISBN 978-0-89107-819-7, $25.00
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704 pages
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288 pages
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672 pages
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256 pages
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320 pages
Raymond C. Ortlund Jr.
496 pages
Philip Graham Ryken
832 pages
HC 978-1-58134-167-6
256 pages
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R. Kent Hughes
288 pages
HC 978-1-58134-063-1
VOL. 1
R. Kent Hughes
224 pages
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VOL. 2
R. Kent Hughes
256 pages
HC 978-0-89107-537-0
VOL. 1
R. Kent Hughes
480 pages
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VOL. 2
R. Kent Hughes
464 pages
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528 pages
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352 pages
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272 pages
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304 pages
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R. Kent Hughes
192 pages
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James H. Grant Jr.
240 pages
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418 pages
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R. Kent Hughes
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R. Kent Hughes
288 pages
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320 pages
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QUO VADIS, EVANGELICALISM? Andreas J. Köstenberger Selected addresses from past presidents of the Evangelical Theological Society assess where the evangelical movement has been and is headed. Includes discussions of doctrinal and exegetical issues delivered by some of evangelicalism’s most distinguished leaders. 240 pages. TPB, ISBN 978-1-58134-968-9, $22.00 READING BETWEEN THE LINES (TURNING POINT) Gene Edward Veith Jr. A book that serves as a navigational aid through the current flood of print pouring into the marketplace. Helps readers make informed choices by teaching how literature communicates. 256 pages. TPB, ISBN 978-0-89107-582-0, $17.99 REASONABLE FAITH (THIRD EDITION) William Lane Craig The best choice for a rational and systematic defense of Christianity. This updated edition covers the existence of God, the problem of miracles, the claims of Christ, and other topics. 416 pages. TPB, ISBN 978-1-4335-0115-9, $26.00 REASONS FOR FAITH Norman L. Geisler, Chad V. Meister, eds. A cutting-edge work that consists of twenty-five essays by leading and up-and-coming Christian apologists. It covers several topics never before included in any apologetics work. 416 pages. TPB, ISBN 978-1-58134-787-6, $17.99 RECLAIMING THE CENTER Millard J. Erickson, Paul Kjoss Helseth, Justin Taylor, eds. A collection of essays by well-known theologians and scholars who analyze the problems arising from postconservative accommodations to the postmodern era. 368 pages. TPB, ISBN 978-1-58134-568-1, $23.00 RECOVERING BIBLICAL MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD John Piper, Wayne Grudem, eds. The most thorough response yet to evangelical feminism. Relevant implications for family, society, and church life. Redesign. 576 pages. TPB, ISBN 978-1-58134-806-4, $25.00 RECOVERING THE LOST TOOLS OF LEARNING (TURNING POINT)
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BRAY, GERALD God Is Love 11, 45 BRESHEARS, GERRY Re:Lit:Vintage Jesus Death by Love 43 Doctrine 36, 44 Vintage Church 52 Vintage Jesus 52
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COLE, GRAHAM A. Engaging with the Holy Spirit 44 Foundations of Evangelical Theology He Who Gives Life 46 COLEMAN, JOHN How to Argue like Jesus 46 COLLINS, C. JOHN Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? 6, 44 God of Miracles, The 45 Science and Faith 50 Translating Truth 51 Understanding Scripture 33, 51 CRAIG, WILLIAM LANE Hard Questions, Real Answers 46 Reasonable Faith (Third Edition) 50 Time and Eternity 51 Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar, The 51 CURRID, JOHN D. Foundations of Evangelical Theology Crossway ESV Bible Atlas 43
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DEYOUNG, KEVIN What Is the Mission of the Church? 18, 52
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DOCKERY, DAVID S. Southern Baptist Identity 51
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FOLLIS, BRYAN A. Truth with Love 51
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G GASQUE, LAUREL Art and the Christian Mind 42
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HELM, DAVID R. Genesis Factor, The 45 Preaching the Word 1 & 2 Peter and Jude 49
HELM, PAUL Secret Providence of God, The 50
JOHNSON, DENNIS E. Counsel from the Cross 43 Heralds of the King 46
GILBERT, GREG What Is the Mission of the Church? 18, 52
HELSETH, PAUL KJOSS Beyond the Bounds 42 Reclaiming the Center 50
GLEASON, RONALD N. Reforming or Conforming? 50
HENRY, CARL F. H. God, Revelation and Authority 45
GODFREY, W. ROBERT John Calvin 46 Today’s Issues Pleasing God in Our Worship 48
HENRY, MATTHEW Crossway Classic Commentaries 1, 2, and 3 John 48 Revelation 48
GOULD, PAUL M. Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar, The 51
HODGE, CHARLES Crossway Classic Commentaries 1 Corinthians 48 2 Corinthians 48 Ephesians 48 Romans 48
GRAGG, ROD Leadership Dynamic, The 47 GRANT, JAMES H., JR. 1 & 2 Thessalonians 35, 49 GREEN, BRADLEY G. Gospel and the Mind, The 46 GRUDEM, WAYNE Business for the Glory of God 42 Evangelical Feminism 44 Foundations for the Family Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood 42 Pastoral Leadership for Manhood and Womanhood 48 Gift of Prophecy in the New Testament and Today, The 45 Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood 50 Translating Truth 51 Understanding Scripture 33, 51 GUINNESS, OS God in the Dark 45
H HAFEMANN, SCOTT J. God of Promise and the Life of Faith, The 45 HAMILTON, JAMES M., JR. God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment 45 Preaching the Word Revelation 35, 49 HARVEY, DAVE Am I Called? 30, 42 HAYKIN, MICHAEL A. G. Rediscovering the Church Fathers 50 HEIMBACH, DANIEL R. True Sexual Morality 51
HOFFMEIER, JAMES K. Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? 7, 44 Immigration Crisis, The 46 HORNER, GRANT Meaning at the Movies 47 HOWARD, DEBORAH Sunsets 51 HUGHES, BARBARA Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome 47 HUGHES, R. KENT Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome 47 Preaching the Word 1 & 2 Thessalonians 35, 49 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus 49 2 Corinthians 49 Acts 49 Colossians and Philemon 49 Ephesians 49 Genesis 49 Hebrews - Vol. 1 49 Hebrews - Vol. 2 49 James 49 John 49 Luke - Vol. 1 49 Luke - Vol. 2 49 Mark - Vol. 1 49 Mark - Vol. 2 49 Philippians 49 Proverbs 36, 49 Revelation 35, 49 Romans 49 Sermon on the Mount, The 49 Set Apart 50
JEFFERY, STEVE Pierced for Our Transgressions 48
JOHNSON, GARY L. W. By Faith Alone 42 Reforming or Conforming? 50 JONES, DAVID W. God, Marriage, and Family, Second Edition 45 JONES, KENNETH Experiencing the Truth 44
K KAPIC, KELLY M. Communion with the Triune God 43 Overcoming Sin and Temptation 48 KASSIAN, MARY Feminist Mistake, The 44 KAUFLIN, BOB Worship Matters 52 KELLER, TIMOTHY Gospel as Center, The 4, 46 KENNEDY, D. JAMES Lord of All 47
LEEMAN, JONATHAN IXMarks Church and the Surprising Offense of God’s Love, The 43 LEIGHTON, ROBERT Crossway Classic Commentaries 1 & 2 Peter 48 LEWIS, GREGG Inductive Preaching 46 LEWIS, RALPH L. Inductive Preaching 46 LIGHTFOOT, J. B. Crossway Classic Commentaries Colossians and Philemon 48 Philippians 48 LLOYD-JONES, MARTYN Assurance of Our Salvation, The 42 Cross, The 43 Great Doctrines of the Bible 46 Studies in the Book of Acts Vol. 1 - Authentic Christianity 42 Vol. 2 - Courageous Christianity 43 Vol. 3 - Victorious Christianity 52 Vol. 4 - Glorious Christianity 45 Vol. 5 - Triumphant Christianity 51 Vol. 6 - Compelling Christianity 43 LOGAN, SAMUEL T., JR. Confronting Kingdom Challenges 43 LUCAS, SEAN MICHAEL God’s Grand Design 24, 45
KLUSENDORF, SCOTT Case for Life, The 43
LUTHER, MARTIN Crossway Classic Commentaries Galatians 48
KOOP, C. EVERETT Whatever Happened to the Human Race? 52
KÖSTENBERGER, ANDREAS J. Excellence 13, 44 God, Marriage, and Family, Second Edition 45 Heresy of Orthodoxy, The 46 Quo Vadis, Evangelicalism? 50 Understanding the Times 1, 51 Whatever Happened to Truth? 52 KÖSTENBERGER, MARGARET ELIZABETH Jesus and the Feminists 46 KRUGER, MICHAEL J. Canon Revisited 3, 43 Heresy of Orthodoxy, The 46
MACARTHUR, JOHN Ashamed of the Gospel 42 Freedom and Power of Forgiveness, The 45 Nothing But the Truth 48 Our Sufficiency in Christ 48 Pillars of Christian Character, The 48 Power of Integrity, The 49 Second Coming, The 50 Think Biblically! 51 MAGARY, DENNIS R. Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? 7, 44 MAHANEY, C. J. Together for the Gospel Preaching the Cross 49 Proclaiming a Cross-centered Theology 49
LAMBERT, HEATH Biblical Counseling Movement after Adams, The 31, 42
MAIER, GERHARD Biblical Hermeneutics 42
HUNT, ARTHUR W., III Focal Point Vanishing Word, The 45, 52
LAWRENCE, MICHAEL IXMarks Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church 42
MANTON, THOMAS Crossway Classic Commentaries James 48 Jude 48
HUNT, SUSAN Women’s Ministry in the Local Church 52
LEACH, MICHAEL Experiencing the Truth 44
MARKOS, LOUIS Apologetics for the Twenty-first Century 42
AUTHOR INDEX MARTINDALE, WAYNE Beyond the Shadowlands 42 MATHEWS, KENNETH A. Leviticus 49 MATHIS, DAVID Pastor as Scholar and the Scholar as Pastor, The 5, 48 With Calvin in the Theater of God 52 MAYS, ROB Things That Cannot Be Shaken 51 MCGRATH, ALISTER Self-Esteem 50 MCGRATH, JOANNA Self-Esteem 50 MEISTER, CHAD V. Reasons for Faith 50 MIDDELMANN, UDO W. Market-Driven Church, The 47 Pollution and the Death of Man 48 MOHLER, R. ALBERT, JR. Atheism Remix 42 Together for the Gospel Preaching the Cross 49 Proclaiming a Cross-centered Theology 49 MONSMA, STEVE Healing for a Broken World 46 MOODY, JOHN No Other Gospel 32, 47 MOORE, RUSSELL D. Adopted for Life 42 Kingdom of Christ, The 47 MORGAN, CHRISTOPHER W. Suffering and the Goodness of God 51 Theology in Comunity Deity of Christ, The 8, 44 Glory of God, The 45 MORRIS, TIM Science and Grace 50 MOUNCE, WILLIAM D. Crossway Comprehensive Concordance of the Holy Bible, English Standard Version, The 43 MYERS, KENNETH A. Turning Point All God’s Children and Blue Suede Shoes 42
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