How Christmas Can Change Your Life

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justice other than to believe that the Lord of

proved that the punishment for our sins had

heaven and earth became Baby Jesus in order

been accepted by God the Father in full.

to be your Savior. How will you respond to him

“God . . . raised him from the dead and gave him

this Christmas?

glory, so that [our] faith and hope are in God” (1 Peter 1:21).

Later, when he returns to earth, he will come as the King in glory and in judgment. And what will matter then is whether people have rejected him by viewing him as “nothing but a baby.” Christmas is not sentimental; it is instrumental. That’s why we should care about Baby Jesus. Certainly the traditional songs, the trees, and the lights are all fine in their place. But Christmas is

©2015 Good News Tracts. Printed in U.S.A. Cover image: Lightstock. Cover design: ©Dual Identity. Bible references: ESV. Written by Dr. Josh Moody.

he rose from the grave three days later, which




not a sentimental feeling; it’s an instrument of change. It all starts with humility—the humility to recognize that the instrument that God uses to change your life is found in a manger, in a stable, in the middle of nowhere.

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Change comes by embracing the truth that there is nothing you can do to satisfy God’s

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Sweet and mild, gentle and easygoing—what

more. He lived more. He died on a cross like a

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have

is there not to like about “Baby Jesus”?

criminal, then he rose from the grave.

turned—every one—to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6);

On the other hand, what sort of difference can Baby

At Christmas we don’t just celebrate the sweet

Jesus really make in your life? And why should you

Baby Jesus. This Jesus became a man—fully God,

care about him in particular?

fully man, in one person—for our sake, to bring

God’s solution was for his Son to be born as a

At Christmastime people are more aware of the

us to God. Yet he is presented at Christmas in

man, live the perfect life, and die the perfect

difficulties in their lives, yet they have a feeling

stunning humility. The God of the whole universe

death as our only acceptable substitute, solving

that everyone else’s life is perfect. Because of that,

condescended to be born in a stable, surrounded

our alienation from God. God loved us enough

Christmas is bittersweet.

by poverty and immense indignity.

to send his Son to die in our place, perfectly

The truth is that Christmas is not a message about

The message of Christmas, with all its sweetness,

how to prosper financially, or have emotional

offers us hope. Christ has come to rule in our

happiness, or “live the dream.” Christmas is a

hearts. This offer gives more than anything offered

message about how all of us can find help from

by this world. The message of Christmas is more

Jesus to handle our problems and live in a way that

important, longer lasting (nothing can beat

honors God and is eternally satisfying.

eternity), more pleasurable, and more honoring

and, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

expressing the twin poles of God’s character— love and justice. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). And “there is one mediator between God and men . . . who gave himself as a ransom for all” (1 Timothy 2:5–6). God’s sacrifice of his Son was the perfect expression of his absolute justice and unbounded love.

to God.

There’s More to Jesus Than Just “Baby Jesus”

However, there is a problem. We are radically cut off from God by our sins and rebellion against

Reasons to Care about the Birth of Baby Jesus

The story of Christmas in God’s book for

him. And God must judge sin, because he is holy. A

We should care about this baby because of all

humanity, the Bible, is so much more than

holy God is faced with rebels whom he made—yet

he did for us. He died on a cross like a criminal,

Baby Jesus. God’s Son, Jesus, did more. He said

he loves them! The Bible describes it this way:

even though he was absolutely sinless. Then

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