Good News Tracts New Releases Preview Summer Fall 2015

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Welcome to the Good News Tracts Summer/Fall 2015 New Releases Preview Good News Tracts is a ministry of Crossway and exists solely for the purpose of proclaiming the gospel through publishing. We are committed to developing creative, compelling tracts that faithfully and clearly explain the gospel message. Inside this preview you will find information on the upcoming new releases for Good News Tracts, along with seasonal backlist titles for annual holidays. We invite you to visit our website for further information on our publications, and we welcome your call or e-mail if we can answer specific questions or help in any way.


Thanksgiving Blessing (ATS) (Redesign) ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739593 // THANKSGIVING AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2015

Blessings, scriptures and thoughts to share with family and friends during the Thanksgiving season to thank God for all his goodness.


Happy Halloween (ATS) (Redesign) ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739616 // HALLOWEEN AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2015

Explains that God’s love is better than any treat this Halloween!

Give Thanks! (Redesign)

A Halloween Quiz (Redesign)



With economic distress and life’s hardships getting in the way, it can be difficult to feel truly “thankful.” But the Bible shows that even in hard times, we all have reasons to give thanks to God.

A quiz that ends with things only God could know about us. Shows kids how much God cares about them—enough for Christ to die for them.

W W W. G O O D N E W S T R A C T S . O R G

S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5 N E W R E L E A S E S

Incomparable Christ (Redesign)

The Lord is My Shepherd (Redesign)



This tract examines a list of reasons why no one else who ever lived can compare with Jesus.

Quotes the 23rd Psalm and explores what Jesus as the Good Shepherd means for a person's eternity. Large print.

How Christmas Can Change Your Life

How Christmas Can Change Your Life (Spanish)



This tract shows how Christmas is more than just a holiday. In light of the truth of the gospel, it can be truly life changing!

Spanish edition of this tract–shows how Christmas is more than just a holiday. In light of the truth of the gospel, it can be truly life changing!

T O P R E - O R D E R , C O N TA C T U S : S A L E S @ C R O S S WAY. O R G / 8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 3 8 9 0 O R C O N TA C T N O B L E M A R K E T I N G : 8 7 7. 6 6 2 . 5 3 4 7



These attractive displays help you stay organized while making a variety of tracts available to visitors to your church, office, or home. Our 8-pocket displays can stand on a counter or shelf or hang on slatwall, while our 96-pocket rotating floor displays hold thousands of tracts, but occupy a small amount of floor space.

8 - POCKET CLEAR ACRYLIC RACK Stands or hangs. Comes ready for you to fill with your choice of tracts. Includes “Share the Good NewsTM: From Good News Tracts” pre-printed on it. 15.5" x 9.375". DISPLAY ONLY UPC 725008

Or order your 8-pocket rack complete with eight of our best-selling tracts selected by category, topic, or season. Visit our web site to view a complete list of the tracts contained in each package. (Refills do not include the acrylic rack.) Refer to our web site or call (toll-free) 877.872.2871 for prices and ordering information. Here are some of the categories: Christmas, Easter, Evangelism/Growth, Halloween, Spanish, and Year-round Best-sellers.

TRACT WALLETS Tracts are available for every need and occasion—make sure that you are prepared to give them out! This wallet allows you to carry up to 50 tracts at a time—which ensures that you will never be without an appropriate tract. Available pre-filled with 50 tracts or wallet only for you to use with the tracts you already have. WALLET ONLY UPC 725060 PRE-FILLED WALLET UPC 725053


W W W. G O O D N E W S T R A C T S . O R G


2016 PICTURE / MESSAGE CALENDAR CARDS The 2016 Good News Calendar Card is an attractive, convenient tool for sharing your faith. Each year about two million of these business-card-sized calendar cards are distributed, reaching many lives for Christ. Imprint the card with the name of your ministry, business, or with John 16:33 for lasting impact.

JOHN 16:33 (VERSE CARDS) 100-pack / Picture UPC 739753 Message UPC 739746 / ESV

CUSTOM IMPRINT CARDS 500-pack / Picture UPC 739777 Message UPC 739760 / ESV To place your order for custom imprinted cards, call toll-free 800.323.3890 or fax your order to 630.682.4785. Imprinting begins June 1, 2015. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Minimum order qty: 500. Order 2015 custom imprinted cards through March 1, 2016.

GOOD NEWS TRACTS 96 - POCKET FLOOR DISPLAY Good News Tracts is committed to making the gospel available to as many people as possible, and with the highest quality presentation as we can! So we redesigned our floor display so that tracts can be in more churches, businesses, and stores than ever before! Our 96-pocket tract display is now available either with our pre-selected bestselling tracts, or empty to fill with tracts that have already been purchased. DISPLAY SPECS: • Total display height: 68.5" • Turning diameter: 18.5" • Hexagon design allows for 8 rows of tracts, total of 16 pockets on each side

• Pockets: 96 die-cut pockets, .40" clear PETG. • “Good News Tracts” graphic on top of display • "Filled" display includes 100 each

• Display panels: 3mm black PVC

(4 packs) of pre-selected best-

• Display base: Black wood

selling titles. 9,600 tracts (384

laminate, 12" tall and 16" square

packs) total.

PRICING: Filled (with tracts): 738770* Unfilled (display only): 738787*

T O P R E - O R D E R , C O N TA C T U S : S A L E S @ C R O S S WAY. O R G / 8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 3 8 9 0 O R C O N TA C T N O B L E M A R K E T I N G : 8 7 7. 6 6 2 . 5 3 4 7



BOOK LETS GOD’S PLAN TO SAVE YOU (SPANISH) This booklet lays out everyone’s need for salvation and presents a clear challenge to be saved. In Spanish. (SP) NVI • SINGLE UPC 729990

SALVATION, CLEAR AND PLAIN Salvation is not about feelings or good deeds, but about trusting God. And it’s for everybody. ESV • SINGLE UPC 728504



Written for children who have recently accepted Christ, this booklet offers help for growing in faith.

Discusses some of the most basic questions of the soul: Is there a God? Is the Bible true?



WALKING WITH GOD This booklet offers new believers practical tips for becoming acquainted with the Word of God. ESV • SINGLE UPC 728382 (SP) RVR60 • SINGLE UPC 730514

CARTOON ARE YOU GOOD ENOUGH FOR HEAVEN? ood deeds won’t get G us into heaven—only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 727118

HELP! SAVE ME! A gripping allegory of God’s saving grace by cartoonist Ron Wheeler. With prayer. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 724698 (SP) RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 725596

CANYON CROSSING How can we cross the great chasm that separates us from God? Ron Wheeler humorously depicts this dilemma. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 729112

THE CROWD MAY BE WRONG! Popular opinion is not always correct, especially in regard to man’s relationship with God. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 722519


any people don’t realize M there is a decision they must make during this life in order for them to go to heaven when they die. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 728795

CHIL DREN THE AMAZING BUTTERFLY Learn how caterpillars change into butterflies and how God can change your heart. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 725510




Bats are amazing creatures—and the same God who created bats created you!

Learn how tadpoles change into frogs and how God can change your heart.

KJV • 25-PACK UPC 733362

NIV • 25-PACK UPC 726890

W W W. G O O D N E W S T R A C T S . O R G




Colorful pictures and simple text share God’s power and love with the youngest hearts.

A best-selling children’s cartoon tract that explains the Gospel in the simplest of terms.

KJV • 25-PACK UPC 726913

KJV • 25-PACK UPC 722700 (SP) RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 725435

KIDS, YOU ARE SPECIAL! hildren’s version of the C best-selling tract You’re Special emphasizing that God created them special. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 732747 (SP) RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 739555 AVAILABLE JUNE 2015

JUST AS YOU ARE This tract affirms that each person is created in the image of God, and God created you just the way you are! ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739418

MOST OF ALL, JESUS LOVES YOU! This tract expresses a message that is fun and easy for adults to share with young children. 25-PACK UPC 728412 (SP) 25-PACK UPC 728955

COMFORT / GOD'S LOVE AMAZING LOVE! Joni Eareckson Tada gives a moving account of Christ’s crucifixion.

NIV • 25-PACK UPC 722298

COMFORT FROM THE BIBLE ists special words of L solace and encouragement from the Bible for times of loneliness, fear, temptation, and difficulty. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 733690



huck Swindoll reaches C out to lonely people to explain how God cares for those who rely on him in faith. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 735809

hrist’s work on the C cross gives reason for hope even in hard times.

ESV • 25-PACK UPC 733614 (SP) 25-PACK UPC 739470

LOVE IS... Quoting the text of 1 Corinthians 13, this redesigned tract describes the amazing love of God shown to us in the Bible. NKJV • 25-PACK UPC 738626


LOVE: LOOKING FOR THE REAL THING? nly God’s love can O give people the security they’re looking for. His love is unconditional and never fails. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739395

T O P R E - O R D E R , C O N TA C T U S : S A L E S @ C R O S S WAY. O R G / 8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 3 8 9 0 O R C O N TA C T N O B L E M A R K E T I N G : 8 7 7. 6 6 2 . 5 3 4 7

FACING THE DEATH OF SOMEONE YOU LOVE lisabeth Elliot's practiE cal words of comfort will guide others through their sorrow at the time of loss and give them reassurance that their God will never abandon them. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 736059

THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD uotes the 23rd Psalm Q and explores what knowing Jesus as the Good Shepherd means for a person’s eternity. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 739739 AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 2015

LOVE WORTH FINDING astor Adrian Rogers P introduces the greatest love we can know, demonstrated in the death and resurrection of Jesus. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 723301 (SP) RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 723318



COMFORT / GOD'S LOVE NO GREATER LOVE There is no greater love in the world than Christ displayed by dying on the cross for our sins in our place. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 736271

WHERE IS GOD IN OUR SUFFERING? his tract shows that God T does care when we are going through difficult circumstances. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 732129

SOMEONE CARES Christ suffered rejection, abuse, hunger and pain for us, so that by his wounds we could be healed and have peace. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 734024

WORDS OF COMFORT We are able to turn from our grief because Jesus endured sadness, loneliness, and pain during his life on earth. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 735878

WHAT CANCER CAN’T DO While cancer can bring physical pain and emotional distress, it can’t separate those who have placed their trust in Christ from the love of God. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 734567

YOU'LL GET THROUGH THIS Max Lucado illustrates that God will help us through all of our times of crisis. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 738589 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 738602

DISC I PLESHIP 10 DISCIPLINES OF A GODLY MAN aken from the book T Disciplines of a Godly Man, this tract gives 10 practical areas for a Christian man to grow in spiritual discipline. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 731092

DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE his excerpt from John T Piper’s book Don’t Waste Your Life urges readers to make their lives count for eternity. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 733836

THROUGH THE BIBLE IN A YEAR This popular Bible plan schedules daily readings from both the Old and New Testaments. 25-PACK UPC 729587


10 DISCIPLINES OF A GODLY WOMAN aken from the book T Disciplines of a Godly Woman, this tract gives 10 practical areas for a Christian woman to grow in spiritual discipline. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 731115

HOW TO GROW IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE This tract begins with the assurance of salvation and then gives practical steps for growing in Christ. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 733201

WHERE TO LOOK IN THE BIBLE This redesign of a Good News Tracts classic lists typical concerns and answers with helpful Scriptures. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 734864

BIBLE BASICS FOR NEW BELIEVERS eaders are encouraged R to go to God’s Word and read what he has to say about nine core truths of Christianity. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 729501

NE YEAR BIBLEO READING PLAN ased on the popular B M’Cheyne plan, read through the Bible in a year with daily Scripture readings. 25-PACK UPC 724704

WHY SHOULD I GO TO CHURCH? eminds Christians that R we are members of the Body of Christ and explains the benefits of regular fellowship. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 726876

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3:16 Max Lucado reveals the concept of God’s love as shown in John 3:16

VARIOUS • 25-PACK UPC 731610 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 731818

10 REASONS JESUS CAME TO DIE ased on the best-selling B book Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die, this tract explores ten things that Jesus accomplished on the cross. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 730811

AMAZING GRACE Tells the classic tale of a beloved hymn and the amazing truth about God’s grace. With prayer. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 734253

ARE YOU GOING TO HEAVEN? eventeen popular myths S about how to reach heaven are proven false by God’s Word. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 735052 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 735076



States the truth about how to get to heaven: join the family of God by accepting Christ.

Everyone needs forgiveness, and God provided a way through Jesus Christ.

KJV • 25-PACK UPC 728719

DO GOOD PEOPLE GO TO HEAVEN? his tract shows that T there is no one good enough for heaven, but that through Jesus Christ, God provided a way for us to get there. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 729921 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 734789

ESV • 25-PACK UPC 729907

DO YOU KNOW GOD? uthor and pastor Tullian A Tchividjian explains that it’s not enough to just know information about God—each of us needs to have a personal relationship with him. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 735090

FOR THE LONG HAUL Explains to those who spend many lonely hours on the road that Jesus wants to be their friend for the long haul. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 727156

FOUR THINGS GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW The plan of salvation presented in four brief statements supported by Scripture. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 730880 KJV • 25-PACK UPC 730866 (SP) RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 731030

T O P R E - O R D E R , C O N TA C T U S : S A L E S @ C R O S S WAY. O R G / 8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 3 8 9 0 O R C O N TA C T N O B L E M A R K E T I N G : 8 7 7. 6 6 2 . 5 3 4 7

ALL TRUTH IS NARROW Math, science, and geography all have absolute truths–so for the truth of the Bible and Jesus Christ to also have specific truths is not out of the ordinary. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 736257

ARE YOU READY? Evangelist Billy Graham asks “Are you ready to meet God?” and this tract explains how to answer with “yes!” ESV • 25-PACK UPC 733300

THE CROSS Though many people have been crucified, it is only the unique, sinless Son of God who is able to save. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 725336 (SP) RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 725732

DON’T BE LEFT BEHIND Billy Graham urges readers to be sure that they will not be left behind when Christ comes. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 733904

GOD ALLOWS U-TURNS n uplifting message of A hope for those who are on the wrong road—you can turn your life around with God’s help. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 726593



GENERAL GOSPEL GOD SO LOVED... John 3:16 is quoted in twelve different languages, with a brief explanation of this well-known verse. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 738107

GOT YOUR TICKET? Without a ticket for a major event, you won't be getting in! The same goes for entrance into an eternal home in Heaven—no "ticket," no admittance! ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739531 AVAILABLE JUNE 2015

HEAVEN OR HELL Gives biblical descriptions of heaven and hell, then urges the reader to spend eternity in heaven with God. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 727293

HELL: SUPPOSE IT’S TRUE AFTER ALL? This best-selling tract shows that hell is real, and then states that it can be avoided by faith in Christ. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 731191

HOW TO RECOGNIZE THE MESSIAH Six biblical descriptions that identify who the Messiah is and how a person can come to know him. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 738121


GOOD NEWS! Regardless of the headlines or people’s problems, God can be with them today if only they will come to him. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 727897 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 729037

GRACE Based on the book Grace, Max Lucado explains that there is nothing we can do to deserve or earn God’s love—it’s only by God’s grace. VARIOUS • 25-PACK UPC 738206

HEAVEN… WHO’S GOOD ENOUGH TO GET IN? o one can get into N heaven on their own, but God has provided a way through Jesus Christ. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 730934

HOW CAN WE KNOW THAT WE’LL GO TO HEAVEN? uthor Randy Alcorn A shows how a person can be certain of an eternal home in heaven. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 730972

I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE Billy Graham explains that the way to God is through personal faith in Jesus Christ. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 723066

GOOD NEWS FOR YOU This relational “good news/bad news” approach uses an adaptation of the gospel presentation from the well-known gospel tract Steps to Peace with God. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 735663

HAVE YOU BEEN BORN AGAIN? Explains six characteristics that will be evident in our lives if we have truly been born again. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 733249 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 733263

HE DID THIS JUST FOR YOU Max Lucado explains that Christ died on the cross for each individual sinner. VARIOUS • 25-PACK UPC 725350 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 731894

HOW TO BECOME A CHRISTIAN A simple guide for those who wish to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 727132

IN SEARCH OF TRUTH ritten by Josh W McDowell—once an agnostic who attempted to refute the claims of Christianity, but found Christ in the process. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739494 AVAILABLE JUNE 2015

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GENERAL GOSPEL IS GOD GOOD? Max Lucado explores how God is good in every circumstance, regardless of whether it be good or bad in our own perspective. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 738862 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 738848

IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Based on King Solomon’s reflections of life and the vanity of it all. Life is only worth living because of the eternal life that is offered by Jesus Christ. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 738824

LIFE’S ULTIMATE QUESTIONS ur culture can only O guess about life’s origin and meaning. The Bible alone has the answers! ESV • 25-PACK UPC 735151

ONE MINUTE AFTER YOU DIE Once a person faces death, there will only be two choices of where he or she will spend eternity. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 733966

MEET MY FRIEND Jesus is the faithful friend who remains closer than a brother through all circumstances. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 732082

PASSPORT TO HEAVEN J ust as a passport is required to enter into a foreign land, there are requirements for entering into heaven. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 733287

QUEST FOR JOY Pastor John Piper pre­ sents six biblical truths that will help orient seekers to the source of true joy, Jesus Christ. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 735250

RECALL NOTICE here’s a defect that T affects all of us—sin— and it can only be fixed by listening to God’s instructions in the Bible. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739098

SET FREE This redesigned tract explains how Christ can set us free from the bondage of sin. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 734000

A SIMPLE OUTLINE OF GOD’S WAY OF SALVATION his best-selling tract T addresses three very practical questions about how to be saved. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 726159 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 726173

T O P R E - O R D E R , C O N TA C T U S : S A L E S @ C R O S S WAY. O R G / 8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 3 8 9 0 O R C O N TA C T N O B L E M A R K E T I N G : 8 7 7. 6 6 2 . 5 3 4 7

IS THERE A GOD? All of creation—the stars and sky, land and sea, even the human body— gives evidence that there is a Creator. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 734192 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 734826

MORE THAN A CARPENTER J osh McDowell on why Jesus’ claim of being God must be seriously considered, and why it ultimately can be believed. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 733799

THE PROMISE OF HEAVEN J ohn MacArthur’s powerful message makes this a great tract for those who are curious about how to get to heaven. With prayer. NASB • 25-PACK UPC 723554

RELIGIOUS, BUT NOT RIGHT WITH GOD Religious activities cannot make us right with God. Salvation comes through faith in Christ alone. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 738060

THE STEPS TO HEAVEN This timeless tract reminds us that the only way to eternal life is through Jesus Christ—he bridges the gap between God and man. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 738084



GENERAL GOSPEL STEPS TO PEACE WITH GOD The Bible outlines how to have peace with God—it only comes through Jesus Christ. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 732181 KJV • 25-PACK UPC 732945 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 732969

THIRSTY FOR THE WATER OF LIFE? eople today seek to P quench their thirst for satisfaction through all kinds of means and beliefs. But Billy Graham explains that only Christ truly satisfies. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 731177

WE ARE YOUR NEIGHBORS Redesign of a Good News best-seller. Frequently used by churches to introduce visitors to the gospel message. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 738008

WHAT IF...? hat if the Bible is true W after all? Then there is only one way to be sure of one’s eternal destiny— by trusting in Jesus Christ. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 727095

WHERE TO LOOK IN THE BIBLE This tract gives people topics to study in the Bible along with Scripture to read on that topic. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 734864


THE STORY n innovative new A way to tell the gospel message, this tract illustrates how God’s story of redemption is shown throughout the entire Bible. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 735113

TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE Only faith in Jesus Christ can prepare us for tomorrow. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 734925

 Great for giving to visitors. Explains that there is much benefit to fellowship and worshiping together. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 733775

WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? ased off of the book B What is the Gospel?, author Greg Gilbert explains The answer comes only from the Bible. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 738305

WHERE WILL YOU SPEND ETERNITY? sks, “If you were to die A today, where would you go?” Urges readers to be sure of their answer to this question! KJV • 25-PACK UPC 734086 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 734901

TASTE AND SEE vidence of God’s love E is all around us. But, like eating a delicious redripe strawberry, until you actually “taste” it, you’ll never really know what it’s like. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 734840

THE TOUCH OF THE MASTER’S HAND ike an old violin, we too L may feel unwanted. But with the touch of Jesus our lives can be transformed. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 728559

WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS Jesus Christ understands our feelings, suffers with us, and offers us strength and hope. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 739517 AVAILABLE JUNE 2015

WHAT TO DO TO GO TO HELL blank interior shows A that going to hell is as easy as doing nothing. Going to heaven requires a personal relationship with Jesus. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 734888

WHICH CHURCH SAVES? A redesign of a Good News classic tract. Explains that salvation is not found in a denomination, but only in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 738022 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 738046

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GENERAL GOSPEL (CONTI NUED) WILL I SEE YOU AT THE TOP? I t's important that we make it to the top. Not the top of a corporate or religious ladder, but all the way to God. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 738329

YOUR TICKET TO HEAVEN Sharing the gospel with others is like offering them a ticket to heaven. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 730699 KJV • 25-PACK UPC 731757 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 731771

YOU’RE INVITED An invitation from God to join him and his family. All anyone has to do is R.S.V.P. “Yes.” KJV • 25-PACK UPC 729846

YOU’RE SPECIAL Everyone is special to God, and he loves and desires to know each of us personally. With prayer. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 730996 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 733348

MARRI AGE & FAMILY 10 DISCIPLINES OF A GODLY MAN aken from the book T Disciplines of a Godly Man, this tract gives 10 practical areas for a Christian man to grow in spiritual discipline. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 731092

10 DISCIPLINES OF A GODLY WOMAN aken from the book T Disciplines of a Godly Woman, this tract gives 10 practical areas for a Christian woman to grow in spiritual discipline. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 731115

A MOTHER’S LOVE hrough the illustration T of a mother’s love for her child, we can learn much about God’s love for his precious children. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739432

A FATHER’S LOVE This true story of a father’s love for his son illustrates God’s unfailing love for each of us. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739456



Promises from God’s Word to encourage and strengthen fathers.

Promises from God’s Word to encourage a mother’s heart.

ESV • 25-PACK UPC 732068 ESV • 25-PACK UPC 732044

PATRI OTI C THE FLAG I LOVE A gospel presentation based on the colors of the beloved United States flag.

KJV • 25-PACK UPC 735892

GOD BLESS AMERICA After reflecting on the patriotic song, this tract reminds us that the greatest blessing is knowing Jesus as our Savior. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 730286

T O P R E - O R D E R , C O N TA C T U S : S A L E S @ C R O S S WAY. O R G / 8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 3 8 9 0 O R C O N TA C T N O B L E M A R K E T I N G : 8 7 7. 6 6 2 . 5 3 4 7

HOPE FOR AMERICA Based on Steps to Peace with God, this tract explains that hope for America does not lie in a political leader or party. It can only be found in Christ. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 738220




IN GOD WE TRUST In these familiar words is the secret to national and personal greatness.

ESV • 25-PACK UPC 735953

A PRAYER FOR AMERICA This moving prayer was originally prayed in the Kansas State House by Pastor Joe Wright. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 735977

PROMISES FOR SOLDIERS romises from God’s P Word to encourage soldiers and lead them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 727514

SPANI SH 3:16 Max Lucado reveals the concept of God’s love as shown in John 3:16.

NVI • 25-PACK UPC 731818

DO GOOD PEOPLE GO TO HEAVEN? his tract shows that T there is no one good enough for heaven, but that through Jesus Christ, God provided a way for us to get there. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 734789

GOOD NEWS! Regardless of the headlines or people’s problems, God can be with them today if only they will come to him. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 729037

HE DID THIS JUST FOR YOU Max Lucado explains that Christ died on the cross for each individual sinner. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 731894


ARE YOU GOING TO HEAVEN? eventeen popular myths S about how to reach heaven are proven false by God’s Word—salvation is by faith alone. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 735076

FOUR THINGS GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW The plan of salvation presented in four brief statements supported by Scripture. RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 731030

IS GOD GOOD? Max Lucado explores how God is good in every circumstance, regardless of whether it be good or bad in our own perspective. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 738848

HELP! SAVE ME! A gripping allegory of God’s saving grace by cartoonist Ron Wheeler. With prayer. RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 725596

THE CROSS Though many people have been crucified, it is only the unique, sinless Son of God who is able to save. RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 725732

GOD LOVES YOU! A best-selling children’s cartoon tract that explains the Gospel in the simplest of terms. RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 725435

HAVE YOU BEEN BORN AGAIN? Explains six characteristics that will be evident in our lives if we have truly been born again. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 733263

HOPE FOR HARD TIMES In hard times, it is easy to feel as if there is no hope. But Christ's work on the cross gives reason for hope even in the darkest of times. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 739470

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HOW CHRISTMAS CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE Spanish edition of this tract–shows how Christmas is more than just a holiday. In light of the truth of the gospel, it can be truly life changing! NVI • 25-PACK UPC 739715 AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 2015

IS THERE A GOD? compelling tract that A illustrates how all of creation—from the stars and sky to the human body— give evidence that there is a Creator. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 734826

KIDS, YOU ARE SPECIAL children's version A of the best-selling tract "You're Special," emphasizing that God created them special because he loves them. Now available in Spanish. RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 739555 AVAILABLE JUNE 2015

MOST OF ALL, JESUS LOVES YOU! This tract expresses a message that is fun and easy for adults to share with young children. 25-PACK UPC 728955

STEPS TO PEACE WITH GOD The Bible outlines how to have peace with God—it only comes through Jesus Christ. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 732969

WHERE WILL YOU SPEND ETERNITY? rges readers to know U the answer to the simple question: “If you were to die today, where will you spend eternity?” NVI • 25-PACK UPC 734901



Max Lucado illustrates that God will help us through all of our times of crisis.

Sharing the Gospel with others is like offering them a ticket to heaven.

NVI • 25-PACK UPC 738602

NVI • 25-PACK UPC 731771

LOVE WORTH FINDING astor Adrian Rogers P introduces the greatest love we can know, demonstrated in the death and resurrection of Jesus. RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 723318

A SIMPLE OUTLINE OF GOD’S WAY OF SALVATION his best-selling tract T addresses three very practical questions about how to be saved. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 726173

WHICH CHURCH SAVES? A redesign of a Good News classic tract. Explains that salvation is not found in a denomination, but only in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 738046

YOU’RE SPECIAL Everyone is special to God, and he loves and desires to know each of us personally. With prayer. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 733348

TIMELY I SSUES / YOUNG ADULT CAN I BE FORGIVEN? Everyone needs forgiveness, and God provided a way through Jesus Christ. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 729907

CASSIE BERNALL: SHE SAID YES This Columbine victim’s story continues to encourage many. Will you say YES to Jesus? NIV • 25-PACK UPC 723684

T O P R E - O R D E R , C O N TA C T U S : S A L E S @ C R O S S WAY. O R G / 8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 3 8 9 0 O R C O N TA C T N O B L E M A R K E T I N G : 8 7 7. 6 6 2 . 5 3 4 7

JESUS AND THE QUR’AN This tract is a non-threatening way to interest Muslims in exploring the Jesus of the Bible. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 729358



TIMELY I SSUES / YOUNG ADULT (CONTINUED) LIFE BEFORE BIRTH This powerful tract tells of the development of a child from conception to birth. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 729969

MORMONISM AND THE GOSPEL This tract evaluates some of the foundational differences between Christianity and Mormonism. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 736073



ere’s a tip worth more H than money—Christ died for sins so that everyone can have eternal life. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 730712

best-selling tipping A tract that conveys appreciation, but also shares the truth of the Gospel. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 729945

CHRISTMAS THE BEST GIFT OF ALL Helps kids see that God's gift of salvation is far better than video games, toys, or other gifts at Christmas. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 734352

THE CHRISTMAS KNOCK Christmas is the perfect time to open our hearts when Christ “stands at the door and knocks” ESV • 25-PACK UPC 735007

A CHRISTMAS PRAYER obert Louis Stevenson's R beautiful Christmas prayer encourages readers to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 738343


CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS TO YOU Jesus’ birth has a direct bearing on us all—he was born for each of us as God’s personal gift. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 733638

CHRISTMAS IS A PROMISE ach year, Christmas is E a reminder of Christ’s promise to return. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 733652



est-selling author Max B Lucado reflects on the powerful, transforming truth of Christmas in a simple letter. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 735021

illy Graham illustrates B three different ways to respond to the birth of a Savior, and the impact of those choices. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 734376

THE GIFT reminder not to overA look the real meaning of Christmas. This tract also gives three reasons why the gift of Jesus was so important. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 726234

GOD IN A MANGER he miracle of Christmas T surrounds an event that is almost impossible for the human mind to comprehend—that God came to earth, born in a manger, to save mankind. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 736172

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CHRISTMAS (CONTINUED) GOD'S CHRISTMAS GIFT TO YOU The best Christmas gift ever is God's gift to each of us—sending his Son to earth to save us from our sins! ESV • 25-PACK UPC 736196

GOD’S LAYAWAY PLAN he resurrection proved T Christ’s substitutionary sacrifice was fully accepted by God the Father. The challenge now is for us to believe. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 738367

THE GREATEST GIFT ays out John 3:16—“the L Gospel in miniature”— phrase by phrase, and tells how each portion expresses the true meaning of Christmas. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 722779

THE HOPE OF CHRISTMAS Based on Steps to Peace with God, this tract illustrates that God offers hope and peace to all during the Christmas season through the gift of sending his Son. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 735687

HOW MANY DAYS ’TIL CHRISTMAS? lear answers to C questions every child asks about God’s gift to us at Christmas in his Son Jesus Christ. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 734291

I BELIEVE IN CHRISTMAS his tract is perfect T for sharing “the real reason for the Christmas season” with anyone, thanks to Zig Ziglar’s witty approach. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 731221

IT'S A BOY! The joy over the birth of a child reminds us that the announcement of Jesus' birth proclaimed God's most amazing gift to mankind. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 736332

THE LIGHT OF CHRISTMAS ith artwork by Thomas W Kinkade, Pastor Adrian Rogers clearly points to Jesus as the true Light of Christmas. With prayer. NKJV • 25-PACK UPC 723271

PRINCE OF PEACE Although “peace” is a common theme during the Christmas season, Billy Graham explains that only Christ can bring true peace. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 734314

SIX MILES FROM JESUS ethlehem was six miles B from Jerusalem, but like the religious leaders when Christ was born, many people “know about” the Messiah but fail to investigate. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 734949

T O P R E - O R D E R , C O N TA C T U S : S A L E S @ C R O S S WAY. O R G / 8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 3 8 9 0 O R C O N TA C T N O B L E M A R K E T I N G : 8 7 7. 6 6 2 . 5 3 4 7

THE GOOD NEWS OF CHRISTMAS Max Lucado explains that the good news of Christmas is that God sent his Son, Jesus. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 735724

HOW CHRISTMAS CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE his tract shows how T Christmas is more than just a holiday. In light of the truth of the gospel, it can be truly life changing! ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739692 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 739715 AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 2015

INCOMPARABLE CHRIST (REDESIGN) This tract examines a list of reasons why no one else who ever lived can compare with Jesus. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 739678 AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 2015

MAJESTIC MEEKNESS When Christ humbled himself to take the form of a man and come to earth, he revealed the majesty of God's love. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 736219

THE TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS xplains with Scripture E that Christmas means God has come to earth and invites readers to accept his love. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 723905




WHAT IS THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT? I s the Christmas spirit found in gifts, trees, and lights? No, it’s in the joy of knowing that the history-changing story of the Christ-child is true! ESV • 25-PACK UPC 734963

WHO IS JESUS? A reminder at Christmas that Jesus is more than a great man or teacher; he is God, and each of us has the choice to accept or reject the truth about him. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739111

WHERE’S THE LINE TO SEE JESUS? boy’s question when A he saw the line for Santa at the mall focuses on the reason for Christmas, to celebrate God’s greatest gift—Jesus! ESV • 25-PACK UPC 734987

WISE MEN STILL SEEK HIM Today the wise among us seek the living Christ, as did the wise men of old. But even more, he seeks us. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 729563 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 729808

WHAT CHRISTMAS IS ALL ABOUT his tract shows what T Christmas is all about— Jesus Christ! KJV • 25-PACK UPC 732846


J ust as every snowflake is unique, every person is unique because God created him or her in his image. A simple reminder of God’s love during the winter season. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 732822

EASTER 3:16 Max Lucado reveals the concept of God’s love as shown in John 3:16

VARIOUS • 25-PACK UPC 731610 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 731818

THE CROSS Though many people have been crucified, it is only the sinless Son of God who is able to save us. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 725336 (SP) RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 725732

HE AROSE his timeless tract T explains the glory of Christ’s death and resurrection! The attractive, large-print font makes this a great Easter tract for all generations. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 739371


10 REASONS JESUS CAME TO DIE Based on the best-selling book Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die, this tract explores ten things that Jesus accomplished through his death. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 730811

GOOD FRIDAY? How could the day of Christ’s death be good? Because he paid our sin debt in full, making salvation possible. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 735823

HE DID THIS JUST FOR YOU Max Lucado explains that Christ died on the cross for each individual sinner. VARIOUS • 25-PACK UPC 725350 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 731894

AMAZING LOVE Joni Eareckson Tada gives a moving account of Christ’s crucifixion.

NIV • 25-PACK UPC 722298

THE GOOD NEWS OF EASTER The good news of Easter is that we are offered an invitation to eternal life through Jesus Christ. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 733027

HE IS ALIVE! Not only did Jesus rise from the dead on Easter, but he paid our sin-punishment and broke the barrier of death. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 733751

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THE HOPE OF EASTER An Easter adaptation of the effective gospel presentation from the popular tract Steps to Peace with God. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739357

IT IS FINISHED! Sumner Wemp shares the hope offered to us when Christ proclaimed that his work on the cross was not just beginning—but “finished”. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 738640

NO GREATER LOVE There is no greater love in the world than Christ displayed by dying on the cross for our sins in our place. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 736271

SIX HOURS ONE FRIDAY Eternal life is offered to all because of what was accomplished during six hours on the first Good Friday. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739333

THE MEANING OF EASTER The resurrection proved Christ’s substitutionary sacrifice was fully accepted by God the Father. The challenge now is for us to believe. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 735762

WHAT EASTER IS ALL ABOUT This tract explains that the real meaning of Easter is the good news that Jesus was raised from the dead! KJV • 25-PACK UPC 733713

HALLOWEEN BATS! Bats are amazing creatures—and the same God who created bats created you! KJV • 25-PACK UPC 733362

THE BEST TREAT OF ALL This tract encourages children to enjoy the “best treat” of all— Jesus—and to experience God’s amazing love for each of us. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 731054 (SP) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 732228

HALLOWEEN MAZE J ake gets lost while trickor-treating and needs help to find his way home. In the same way, we are all lost in our sins and need Jesus to lead us to Heaven. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 732242

A HALLOWEEN TALE his redesign of a T Halloween favorite explains that Christ came to take away our fears and our sins. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 738244

HIDDEN HALLOWEEN WORDS A fun puzzle that can only be completed by following the instructions shows kids that there’s only one way to get to heaven. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 736158

THE HIDDEN TREAT Knowing God’s love is better than finding the hidden treat on the cover or Halloween candy. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 733386

T O P R E - O R D E R , C O N TA C T U S : S A L E S @ C R O S S WAY. O R G / 8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 3 8 9 0 O R C O N TA C T N O B L E M A R K E T I N G : 8 7 7. 6 6 2 . 5 3 4 7

DON’T BE TRICKED his tract warns not to T be tricked by lies of the world, but to listen to the truths of the Bible. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 733409

A HALLOWEEN QUIZ (REDESIGN) A quiz that ends with things only God could know about us shows kids how much God cares about them—enough for Christ to die for them. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739814 AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2015

THE PERFECT PUMPKIN A new children’s tract that illustrates how just as pumpkins come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each child is uniquely created by God and special to him. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 738268




A PUMPKIN TALE Uses the illustration of carving a pumpkin to explain how God can change a child’s life. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 727217

SOMETHING'S MISSING When tires on a bike are missing, it's obvious that something is wrong. But when kids are missing life's most important relationship, it's not as obvious. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 736097

TRICK OR TREAT A day of playing dressup and getting free candy is every child’s dream. But God has given us the best treat of all. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 728177

TRICK OR TRUTH his tract explains to T children how we don’t need to be afraid of the devil’s tricks. Chirst has overcome Satan and we have no need to fear. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 730422

THE SPECIAL TREAT This Ron Wheeler Halloween tract says that the best treat is God’s free gift to all—his eternal love. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 723714

WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? Even though we all make mistakes, God loves each of us anyway. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 728153

YOU’RE ONE-OF-AKIND od is so creative that G he has made every child unique, and he is so kind that he loves them all! KJV • 25-PACK UPC 735175

MOTHER' S DAY / FATHER'S DAY 10 DISCIPLINES OF A GODLY MAN aken from the book T Disciplines of a Godly Man, this tract gives 10 practical areas for a Christian man to grow in spiritual discipline. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 731092

A MOTHER’S LOVE hrough the illustration T of a mother’s love for her child, we can learn much about God’s love for his precious children. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739432

10 DISCIPLINES OF A GODLY WOMAN aken from the book T Disciplines of a Godly Woman, this tract gives 10 practical areas for a Christian woman to grow in spiritual discipline. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 731115

This true story of a father’s love for his son illustrates God’s unfailing love for each of us. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739456



Promises from God’s Word to encourage and strengthen fathers.

Promises from God’s Word to encourage a mother’s heart.

ESV • 25-PACK UPC 732068



ESV • 25-PACK UPC 732044

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THANKSGIVING GIVE THANKS (REDESIGN) With economic distress and life’s hardships getting in the way, it can be difficult to feel truly “thankful”. But the Bible shows that even in hard times, we all have reasons to give thanks to God.. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 736110 AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2015

A PRAYER FOR THANKSGIVING This tract is a simple prayer thanking God for everything that he has provided for us. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 731597

VALENTI NE'S DAY GOD LOVES YOU A popular children’s cartoon tract that explains the Gospel in the simplest of terms. Also in Spanish. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 722700 (SP) RVR60 • 25-PACK UPC 725435

LOVE: LOOKING FOR THE REAL THING? nly God’s love can O give people the security they’re looking for. His love is unconditional and never fails. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739395

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY Open the envelope to reveal an elegant display of John 3:16—God’s Valentine gift to all. With prayer. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 726296

LOVE IS... Quoting the text of 1 Corinthians 13, this redesigned tract describes the lifechanging love of God shown to us in the Bible. NKJV • 25-PACK UPC 738626

A VALENTINE FOR YOU alentines make kids feel V special. This tract tells them that they’re special to God and explains how to become one of his children! ESV • 25-PACK UPC 729822

T O P R E - O R D E R , C O N TA C T U S : S A L E S @ C R O S S WAY. O R G / 8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 3 8 9 0 O R C O N TA C T N O B L E M A R K E T I N G : 8 7 7. 6 6 2 . 5 3 4 7



HALLOWEEN / FALL BURIED TREASURE The Bible is like a treasure map that leads us to a greater treasure that is heaven. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 738947



Four steps to peace with God.

Explains that God's love is better than any treat this Halloween!

ERV • 25-PACK UPC 737513



Jokes that can be for all year round.

Teaches that kids should be a light to those around them!

TLB • 25-PACK UPC 737414

A PUMPKIN MAZE This Halloween tract illustrates that just like there’s only one way to get through a maze, the Bible says that there’s only one way to get to heaven! ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739036

NIV • 25-PACK UPC 737452


PEEK-A-BOO JESUS LOVES YOU Jesus loves you ALL the time! A timeless message ALL children need this Halloween. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 737476

SIMPLE STEPS TO PEACE WITH GOD simple gospel presenA tation for children.

ERV • 25-PACK UPC 737636 (Spanish) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 737957

CHRISTMAS ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS Three gifts that will transform your life forever—Hope, Peace, and Love. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 736530

CHRISTMAS COOKIES, CANDY, AND THE CROSS here’s more to T Christmas than just the good things to eat, fun things to see, and Christmas presents. ERV • 25-PACK UPC 736592


CHRISTMAS, A PERSONAL PROMISE hristmas is far more C than a December holiday with time off from work. It is a personal promise from God to mankind. NASB • 25 PACK UPC 736554

CHRISTMAS STEPS TO PEACE WITH GOD Christmas version of A the classic tract, Steps to Peace with God. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 736738

CHRISTMAS, A TIME FOR PEACE When Jesus was miraculously born that first Christmas, God’s plan for real personal peace for you was set in motion! NKJV • 25-PACK UPC 736578 (Spanish) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 737919

JESUS, THE REAL MEANING OF CHRISTMAS Only when you put your full trust in Christ, will you find the REAL meaning of CHRISTmas! NIV • 25-PACK UPC 736639

W W W. G O O D N E W S T R A C T S . O R G



RUDOLPH Children will recognize this famous face and learn of God’s love for them in this children’s tract.

Christian symbolism is interwoven in this tasty Christmas treat. 25-PACK UPC 736653

VARIOUS • 25-PACK UPC 736677

THE TRUE GIFT OF CHRISTMAS hat is the true gift of W Christmas? God loved the world so much that he sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 736752

SEASON OF GREAT JOY! hristmas is a season of C great joy! Jesus was born so one day the price could be paid for the things we have done that are wrong. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 736691

THE TRUE STORY OF THE NATIVITY ince Christ’s birth, singS ers and storytellers have embellished and elaborated the beloved story of the first Christmas. This tract shares the true story. NASB • 25-PACK UPC 736776

THANKSGIVING GIVE THANKS! Coloring tract that reminds us of all the good things God has given to us and that we should give thanks to God. ERV • 25-PACK UPC 737773

A PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING e teach “giving thanks” W to our children, but do we apply it to our lives? God deserves our thanks for who He is and because of what He has done for us. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 737797

THANKSGIVING BLESSING Blessings, scriptures and thoughts you can share this season as we give thanks to God for all His goodness. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739593 AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2015

EASTER BECAUSE HE LIVES s Bill and Gloria Gaither A have expressed in their song, Because He Lives. “An empty grave is there to prove our Savior lives.” KJV • 25-PACK UPC 736837 (Spanish) VRV • 25-PACK UPC 737933

CHRIST IS ALIVE Christ is alive! And because he is alive, that makes all the difference in the world. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 736851

JESUS IS ALIVE… HAPPY EASTER! his tract explains in very T simple words that Easter is a happy time of year because Jesus Christ died and is now alive. ERV • 25-PACK UPC 736899

EASTER STEPS TO PEACE WITH GOD n Easter version of the A classic tract, Steps to Peace with God. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 736936

THE RESURRECTION: ANSWERING THE SKEPTICS id Jesus really rise from D the dead? Critics of our faith find it hard to believe. Discuss doubts regarding His resurrection. NASB • 25-PACK UPC 736912

T O P R E - O R D E R , C O N TA C T U S : S A L E S @ C R O S S WAY. O R G / 8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 3 8 9 0 O R C O N TA C T N O B L E M A R K E T I N G : 8 7 7. 6 6 2 . 5 3 4 7




THE AMAZING STORY BEHIND “AMAZING GRACE” Classic tract, most loved hymn. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 736974

ETERNITY IN YOUR HAND Eternity in Your Hand is being used in Evangelism Explosion training seminars everywhere to introduce a simple, but unique way to share the gospel.

ARE YOU GOING TO HEAVEN? What the Bible teaches about Heaven and how to get there. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 736998

EVIDENCE OF GOD Former atheist, Lee Strobel, shows how the facts of science systematically erode the foundation of Darwinism. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 737056

VARIOUS • 25-PACK UPC 737032

GOD OF ALL COMFORT Excellent resource for those grieving. Cast your cares on him.

KJV • 25-PACK UPC 736790

This tract, wirtten by Anne Graham Lotz, explains the hope and forgiveness of Jesus Christ that she shared with a woman who was on death row. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 737070



A classic Billy Graham message of the basics of Christianity.

A classic Billy Graham message of the basics of Christianity.

NIV • 25-PACK UPC 737117

IF WE NEVER MEET AGAIN The best for brief contacts this tract explains the gospel clearly to those you might not see again. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 737155



KJV • 25-PACK UPC 737094

DO ALL ROADS LEAD TO GOD? Many religions claim to be the way to God. The Bible shows the only true path. NKJV • 25-PACK UPC 737018

FATHER’S LOVE LETTER ritten by Barry W Adams, comes a most heart-warming “letter” from the Father God, paraphrased from Scripture and written personally to each of us. NLT • 25-PACK UPC 737353 (Spanish) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 737872

HEAVEN’S GATE Classic Ron Wheeler cartoon depicts the folly of trying to enter heaven by our own efforts. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 736493

HOW TO KNOW FOR SURE YOU ARE GOING TO HEAVEN Author Dr. D. James Kennedy speaks of how you can have assurance of eternal life. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 737131

JOHN 3:16


The message of John 3:16 is shown in bold colors and fun graphics. Great tract to use year round to share God’s love with children! VARIOUS • 25-PACK UPC 737599

Classic Ron Wheeler cartoon depicts our need for payment of our sins, but Jesus Christ has already served our sentence. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 738909 (Spanish) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 738923

W W W. G O O D N E W S T R A C T S . O R G



THE LIGHT Classic Ron Wheeler cartoon illustrates how the light of Jesus makes everything else pale in comparison. Also available in Spanish. ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739050 (Spanish) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 739074

MISSING HEAVEN BY 18 INCHES Eighteen inches can mean eternity with Christ or an eternity without Christ. Are you sure of your personal relationship to him? KJV • 25-PACK UPC 737179

SOMEONE CARES FOR YOU Specifically written to comfort in times of trouble, to minister to the depressed, to uplift the discouraged, and it also provides the way to salvation. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 736813

STEPS TO PEACE WITH GOD (KJV) simple explanation of A the gospel.

KJV • 25-PACK UPC 737216 (Spanish) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 737834

STEPS TO PEACE WITH GOD (TEENS) Great evangelism tract by Billy Graham in a new design especially for teenagers. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 737230

A simple gospel presentation.

NIV • 25-PACK UPC 737254

When someone asks if you think you will go to heaven when you die, it is important to be able to confidently answer, “I know so!” ESV • 25-PACK UPC 739135 (Spanish) NVI • 25-PACK UPC 739159

his visually compelling T tract shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that friends and family can easily grasp. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 737193

THROUGH THE BIBLE A Bible-reading plan in which a person reads through the Bible in a chronological order.

his popular tract by T Arthur De Moss explains how we can know where we’ll spend eternity. KJV • 25-PACK UPC 737292

YOU ARE NOT ALONE Helps readers understand that God understands, He listens and He heals. Designed specifically for those struggling with suicide. TLB • 25-PACK UPC 737315

T O P R E - O R D E R , C O N TA C T U S : S A L E S @ C R O S S WAY. O R G / 8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 3 8 9 0 O R C O N TA C T N O B L E M A R K E T I N G : 8 7 7. 6 6 2 . 5 3 4 7


This engaging cartoon illustrates the ultimate need to be ready to stand before God.



creative & fun update A to a popular ATS children’s classic using interactive pictures and fun symbols to tell the story of God’s love for every child. TLB • 25-PACK UPC 737612


NIV • 25-PACK UPC 736516



25-PACK UPC 738800

WHERE WILL YOU SPEND ETERNITY? (NIV) This popular tract by Arthur De Moss explains how we can know where we’ll spend eternity. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 737278

YOU ARE SOMEONE SPECIAL e will all experience W times that are exceedingly difficult. VARIOUS • 25-PACK UPC 737339



GENERAL GOSPEL (CONTI NUED) THE CHOICE IS YOURS oting is important, V but there’s another decision—about Jesus Christ—that has much greater consequences than electing even the President. NIV • 25-PACK UPC 737650

SPANI SH BECAUSE HE LIVES (SPANISH) hrist said “because I C live, ye shall live also.” His resurrection makes eternal life possible to those who trust in Him, giving them endless hope! VRV • 25-PACK UPC 737933

THE JUDGE (SPANISH) lassic Ron Wheeler carC toon depicts our need for payment of our sins, but Jesus Christ has already served our sentence. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 738923

STEPS TO PEACE WITH GOD (SPANISH) spanish edition of the A classic tract Steps to Peace with God. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 737834


CHRISTMAS, A TIME FOR PEACE (SPANISH) When Jesus was miraculously born that first Christmas, God’s plan for real personal peace for you was set in motion! NVI • 25-PACK UPC 737919

THE LIGHT (SPANISH) lassic Ron Wheeler C cartoon illustrates how the light of Jesus makes everything else pale in comparison. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 739074

FATHER’S LOVE LETTER (SPANISH) A unique gospel presentation in both English and Spanish. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 737872

SIMPLE STEPS (SPANISH) simple gospel A presentation for children, in Spanish. NVI • 25-PACK UPC 737957

YES, I KNOW SO (SPANISH) hen someone asks if W you will go to heaven when you die, it is important to be able to confidently answer, “I know so!” NVI • 25-PACK UPC 739159

W W W. G O O D N E W S T R A C T S . O R G


ESV • 732181

KJV • 726159

ESV • 730811

KJV • 735052

VARIOUS • 725350

KJV • 729921

VARIOUS • 731610

NIV • 723066

KJV • 734086

KJV • 729945

KJV • 722700

NVI • 731771

KJV • 732945

ESV • 730699

KJV • 730866

KJV • 725336

KJV • 734192

KJV • 738640

KJV • 726913

NVI • 733348

NASB • 723554

KJV • 727293

ESV • 733836

ESV • 733614

NIV • 737278

NIV • 737155

NLT • 737353

NIV • 737193

NIV • 736493

NVI • 737834

KJV • 737131

VARIOUS • 737339

ERV • 737636

NIV • 736813

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