diddid i wait i wait soso long? long?
well,well, oneone thing thing light light doesdoes is to is show to show clearly clearly the the way way to go. to go. jesus jesus is the is the way way to eternal to eternal life.life. “i am “i the am the way,way, and and the the truth, truth, and and the the life.life. no one no one comes comes to the to the father father Except Except through through Me.”Me.” (jesus (jesus - john - john 14:6) 14:6)
believe believe it or it not, or not, god god really really doesdoes want want us to us come to come freely freely to him to him because because he loves he loves us deeply. us deeply.
hey! hey! take take a a look look at at this! this! no way! no way! i i likelike whatwhat i i havehave here! here!
however, however, oneone of the of the consequences consequences of light of light is that is that it exposes it exposes a lot a lot of filth of filth and and cobwebs, cobwebs, and and gunk! gunk! “i am “i the am the light light of the of the world. world. whoever whoever follows follows me will me will NotNot walkwalk in darkness, in darkness, but but willwill havehave the the light light of life.” of life.”
(jesus (jesus Christ Christ - john - john 8:12) 8:12)
soso what what does does that that mean mean ... ... jesus jesus is is “the “the light light of of thethe world”? world”?
you can you receive can receive god'sgod's free free giftgift of of eternal eternal life life whenwhen you turn you turn and look and look to the to light the light (jesus (jesus wow!wow! christ) christ) and place and place what a a youryour trust trust in him. in him. what
sight! sight!
“everyone “everyone who who looks looks on the on son the son [jesus [jesus christ] christ] and believes and believes in in him should him should havehave eternal eternal life.” life.” (john (john 6:40) 6:40)
yes, iyes, have i have just trusted just trusted jesus,jesus, the the light. light. i’d like i’d like moremore information information aboutabout how Ihow canIgrow can grow in myin faith. my faith. namename address address
ourour truetrue sinful sinful nature nature is evident is evident in in comparison comparison to ato perfect a perfect and and justjust god.god.
Age Age
“for“for all all havehave sinned sinned and and fallfall short short of the of the glory glory of god.” of god.” (romans (romans 3:23)3:23)
but but the the good good news news is we iscan we can freely freely come come to god to god because because jesus jesus paidpaid the the penalty penalty for for ourour sinssins withwith his his death death on the on the cross cross and and HIS HIS resurrection. resurrection.
©2014 Good News Tracts (©1999 American Tract Society). Printed in U.S.A. Cartoons by Ron Wheeler (www.cartoonworks.com). Bible references: ESV.
whywhy wow! wow!
maybe maybe justjust a a peekpeek wouldn't wouldn't hurt. hurt.
Good News Tracts 1300 Crescent Street IL 60187 ATS Wheaton, • P.O. ATS Box • P.O. 462008 Box 462008 • Garland, • Garland, TX 75046 TX 75046 Orders, catalog, Orders,orcatalog, samples: or samples: 1-800-54-TRACT 1-800-54-TRACT • www.ATStracts.org • www.ATStracts.org Free ClubNIV Bible references: Bible references: NIV To learn more about the truth of the Bible enrollin in the Truth Chasers Cartoons Cartoons by Ron by Wheeler Ron Wheeler • Printed • Printed in USA • ©1999 USA • ©1999 Club®. (A ministry of CEF®). Sign up at www.truthchasersclub.com or ISBN# ISBN# 1-55837-085-4 40065 mail 1-55837-085-4 your name, age, and address to PO Box40065 190 Warrenton MO 63383 to get started.
no, turn and a lo this
take take a a hey! hey! look look at this! at this! no way! no way!
bu is
you really you really no, seriously! no, seriously! but this is is but that but that yes, yes, but i'm but i'm but this whatwhat are areshould shouldare you turnturn around around beautiful! is just is just are you comfortable comfortable beautiful! you, you, some some turn turn and just and just taketake no, no, darkness. darkness. judging judging me? me? withwith it. it. kindkind of ofaround. around.you are at ati like a look a look i like you are fanatic? fanatic? this!this! whatwhat i'm i'm judging judging me, me, seeing seeing aren't aren't you? you? here.here.
can can he say he say i'vei've you you arrogant arrogant howhow nothing? nothing? why,why, closed-minded closed-minded gotgot i'vei've looked looked thisthis @*#%*!! @*#%*!! direction direction for for years! years! i'vei've gotgot to get to get closer. closer.
but this but this but that's but that's but this but this i like i like thisthis is ishey! hey! nothing nothingi enjoy is light! is light! i enjoy incredible! is is! it! it what what i have i have incredible! i know. i know. i icompared compared nothing!?! nothing!?! looking looking what what here. here. i i everyone everyone can see can the see the to this! to this!at the at the you've you've accept accept whatwhat should should see see reflections. reflections. reflections. reflections. this!this! you've got is got is you've got.got. nothing! nothing! just just accept accept whatwhat i've i've got.got.
i'd think i'd think after after all all those those years years i i would would at least at least see see something! something!
... for ... for years years andand years! years!
maybe maybe i i taketake should should a look. a look.
at least at least thisthis way way i can i can still still havehave all all thisthis ... ...
but but whatwhat if it's if it's notnot whatwhat i hope i hope it it is? is? whatwhat if i'm if i'm disappointed? disappointed?
nothing! nothing!
you can receive god's free gift of eternal life when you turn and look to the light (jesus christ) and place your trust in him.
wow! what a sight!
“everyone who looks on the son [jesus christ] and believes in him should have eternal life.” (john 6:40)
yes, i have just trusted jesus, the light. i’d like more information about how I can grow in my faith. name address Age
The Light
Good News Tracts
Classic Ron Wheeler cartoon illustrates how the light of Jesus makes everything else pale in comparison. Bible references: ESV. Package contains 25 tracts.