6 minute read
Nonprofit Venture Track Semi Finalists
Blooming Circle
The Well for Wellness
Youth House
Turtle Up Library for Africa Inc.
Extraordinary Men Mentorship Group
Sophia Learning Center
Caring Cafe
Nonprofit Venture Track Judges
Round 1
Peter Benkendorf
Shannon Isom
Alex Abell
Dan Tuss
Cherrelle Gardner
Eric Fisk
Round 2
Peter Benkendorf
Shannon Isom
Michelle Kaye
Dan Tuss
Cherrelle Gardner
Liza Drought
Round 3
Peter Benkendorf
Shannon Isom
Michelle Kaye
Dan Tuss
Cherrelle Gardner
Molly Stillwagon
Nonprofit Venture Track Finalist Mentors
Nicole Dalichau, TiER1 Performance (The Well for Wellness)
Lela Klein, Co-op Dayton (Turtle Up)
Sarah Kallile, Lunnie (The Blooming Circle)
Ty Corbitt, The GWDI (Youth House)
Housed within the Crotty Center at the University of Dayton, Flyer Consulting is a student-run organization which provides pro bono consulting services to non-profit organizations and small businesses while promoting economic growth locally and internationally through two microlending pipelines. Over the past year, Flyer Consulting has seen significant growth in the schools and majors hired consultants from, demand from clients in the community, and development of internal initiatives and goals.
In the Fall of 2022, Flyer Consulting had the opportunity to work with 6 different organizations, 5 of which were nonprofit organizations and 1 small business. The small business client was Harlem Healers, and the 5 nonprofit organizations included You Matter 2, Dayton Hispanic Chamber, The United States Small Business Administration, League Bound Prevention Institute, and Vandalia Youth Threatre In the Spring of 2023, the team worked with 7 different organizations which included 3 nonprofit organizations and 4 small businesses The small businesses clients included Sweet Lala’s Bakery, Chipmunk Chronicles, Hall Hunger Initiative, and Harlem Healers The nonprofit clients included Seven Seed Sowers, CityHeart, and CRIS.

While working with 13 different organizations over the past year, Flyer Consulting had the opportunity to expand solutions portfolio and work with different software ranging from Wix to Zoho Books. Powered by the hard work of all consultants, all of which possess a variety of skills and ideas, Flyer Consulting was able to create a meaningful impact within the Dayton community and beyond. Additionally, since the launch of the small business consulting program in Spring 2021, Flyer Consulting has seen immense growth in both the number of clients served, as well as the different solutions that have been able to implement, such as the completion of pricing analysis and the implementation of Zoho Books.
Microlending is the second vertical of Flyer Consulting, which is comprised of a Local and International Program. The Local Microlending team is partnered with the Greater West Dayton Incubator and CityWide Development to provide capital and specialized services for businesses with a focus on championing the dignity of historically underresourced, underrepresented, and marginalized business owners and entrepreneurs for the common good through the Cultural Capital Microlending Program The International Microlending Team is partnered with the IMANI Marinists and working towards a goal of raising the impoverished to high placed by financing the fruitful young businesses of Nairobi, Kenya.
Over the past year, the Cultural Capital Microlending Program has loaned $24,500 to 5 local businesses. The International Team has loaned a total of $3,735 over the past year as well Since the launch of the International Team in 2019, Flyer Consulting has helped create over 60 new jobs in Nairobi.
In addition to consulting clients and microlending programs, Flyer Consulting achieved several internal initiatives. Since the launch of the initial Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion goals and strategic plan in 2020, Flyer Consulting has been committed to achieving these goals and tracking metrics outlined in the plan as well as determining additional areas of opportunity for the organization. With that, one notable change made is the language adjustment from ‘DEI’ to ‘EID’ to better reflect the mindset that in order for diversity to occur there must first be equity which leads to inclusion – and equity and inclusion together leads to diversity. The Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Committee had the opportunity to meet with individuals from the Human Rights Center, the Office of Diversity of Inclusion as well as the Multi-Ethnic Education and Engagement Center to further develop strategic plan and goals.
In December 2022, Flyer Consulting launched a new website! This website development involved a transition to Wix, providing more advanced capabilities. In addition to the revamped look of the website, the team now has the ability to better develop the client and community outreach process through the assistance of the new customer relationship management software built into the platform The team is grateful to donors who made the transition possible and are looking forward to the continued development of the website
Finally, Flyer Consulting is extremely excited to announce that over the past year, the team has been working alongside the School of Business Administration to obtain a location within the SBA Starting in Fall 2023, Flyer Consulting will be housed in Anderson Hall Room 135! Our team is very excited to have a brand-new space to hold various team meetings, intern training sessions, mini course classes, and most importantly, make memories and connections within the organization

The 2022-2023 school year was full of growth, memories, learning, and development and Flyer Consulting cannot wait to see what next year brings!

Flyer Enterprises is one of the largest student-run businesses in the country, ranking 5th nationally. Flyer Enterprises is a part of the Crotty Center, and was established in 2001, when a group of innovative UD students made history, putting the plans into place for a student-run business on campus Since then, FE has experienced tremendous growth, introduced and discontinued divisions, and adapted to changing campus needs, all while providing an unmatched learning opportunity for students Flyer Enterprises has gained a name for itself among students, faculty, alumni, and other student-run businesses across the nation. FE prides itself on cultivating a unique customer service experience, bringing to life their motto, “For Flyers, By Flyers.” All the way from Sales Associate to CEO, the 240 student employees are part of the FE community and have the ability to make an impact at their divisions and beyond.
This past year, quite a bit has been accomplished within Flyer Enterprises as a whole To begin, Flyer Enterprises has had another revenue setting goal, surpassing 2.7 million dollars.This revenue stream is split between our 13 fully operating divisions, a few that have recently taken off, in hopes of reaching their full potential To begin, this year the employees of Flyer Enterprises had a successful basketball season, when fully staffing and working all outlets of The Flight Deck, an area for individuals to gather, eat dinner, and socialize at the UD arena Here, FE employees get to have an external opportunity to gain experience whether they manage all events at this space, or just work a game or two. Additionally, another division of Flyer Enterprises, Rudy’s Runway, reached a revenue increase of over 100% from the previous year This merchandising division of FE saw a great increase in sales, due to the increased presence on campus, including a rack in the UD bookstore. This was very exciting for the company, as this has been a division of concern in the past Furthermore, two divisions were recently acquired, Brown Street Bistro located in Fitz Hall, along with Startup Grounds, located at the Hub These two divisions have seen great improvements in sales, when creating new menus, new branding, and establishing new management positions at each. All divisions of Flyer Enterprises have seen great improvements over this past year, with the help of an incredible executive team, management team, and sales associates as well.
To continue the growth of Flyer Enterprises, a few other changes have been made to the company overall. To begin, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion plan is fully integrated into the corporation, with hopes of seeing tremendous growth in the near future Thus far, a new hiring practice has been implemented in hopes of creating a more fair and equitable hiring program, the establishment of goals regarding company statistics, and opportunities for individuals not in the school of business to learn and grow professionally in a way that is beneficial to them personally

Additionally, a new management position has been created to greater the impact of Flyer Enterprises within the greater Dayton community. As so many individuals constantly give to this company, it is important that Flyer Enterprises makes it a priority to give back to the community as well This led to the newly developed management position, entitled the Community Outreach Coordinator who is responsible for creating and developing service opportunities and responsibilities for the employees of Flyer Enterprises Each division of Flyer Enterprises is on track to fulfill a service opportunity that is unique to them, in hopes of making a large impact on the community around us Also, a few of these divisions have been incorporating more and more “takeovers” from different organizations on campus, in which FE donates a percentage of its profits to a beneficial organization, usually creating a charitable donation to those in need.
Also, Flyer Enterprises has increased their presence within the Student-Run business association, in which employees of Flyer Enterprises have the opportunity to network with students from other large student run businesses within the nation, many being Ivy League. Students in FE have loved these opportunities thus far, and are excited to see what the future holds. To conclude, the 2022-2023 school year was filled with large success and growth within the company, and the individuals flyerenterprises.com