Demonstration Prototype Projects - Design + Proformas

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Demonstration Prototype Summary

PATHWAY 2007 Place-Based Planning

Prepared for:

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency


October 5, 2006 Tahoe Regional Planning Agency 128 Market Street, PO Box 5310, Stateline, NV 89449 (775) 588-4547 Re: Demonstration Prototype Summary To: Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Pathway 2007 Staff and Place-Based Planning Core Team members Please find the attached Demonstration Prototype summary prepared with input from the Planning Working Groups (PWG). The document is organized into the following sections; 1) Introduction and Background, 2) Lessons Learned, 3) Case Studies including a financial analysis, 4) Data Sheets which includes background information and land use conditions. The aim of this exercise was to enable TRPA and local partners to work together to identify criteria for development projects that reflect place-based principles and begin to think about how specific projects would relate to the existing code of ordinances. The intent is to understand impediments in the current code of ordinances to getting high-quality projects on the ground that help to accelerate the attainment of TRPA’s environmental thresholds. We hope this information can be useful going forward in helping to design real demonstration projects and to inform the land use plan and the update of the code of ordinances. By understanding opportunities and challenges for reinvestment in the basin and having clear and predictable codes we will be able to strive for high quality projects that will be models for others to follow and represent the values and aspirations of Lake Tahoe’s communities. Regards, Darin Dinsmore Regional Planning Partners


Demonstration Prototype Summary Table of Contents

List of Tables

Page III


Page 1

Lessons Learned

Page 2

This includes a description of the demonstration program and also contains Caveats and Limitations. This includes overall lessons learned related to the Lake Tahoe Basin as a whole, and lessons learned through the individual case studies completed for each of the three areas around the lake

Case Studies: Incline Village Kings Beach South Lake Tahoe

Page 5 Page 20 Page 32

This includes: 1) The Prototype Designs which consists of: a. Prototype design b. Existing Site and Development Analysis c. Case Study Development Program Analysis d. Net Gain Analysis 2) A financial analysis consisting of tables listed on page III

Caveats and Limitations

Page 48

Demonstration Prototype Summary List of Tables Incline Village Case Study Table 1: Program Description Table 2: Estimated Development Cost (Private Development) Table 2A: Estimated Development Cost (Community Building) Table 2B: Estimated Development Cost (Private/Public Development) Table 3: Projected Commercial Income Table 4: Projected Office Condominium Sale Proceeds Table 5: Projected Live-Work Sale Proceeds Table 6: Estimated Project Value (Private Development) Table 7: Operating Pro-Forma (Retail)

10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Kings Beach Case Study Table 1: Program Description Table 2: Estimated Development Cost Table 3: Commercial Income Table 4: Condominium Sale Proceeds Table 5: Estimated Project Value Table 6: Projected Operating Pro-forma

25 26 28 29 30 31

South Lake Tahoe Case Study Table 1: Program Description Table 2: Estimated Development Cost (Block One) Table 2A: Estimated Development Cost (Block Two) Table 2B: Estimated Development Cost (Block One/Block Two) Table 3: Commercial Income (Block One) Table 4: Est. Fractional Ownership Unit Sale Proceeds – Block One Table 5: Estimated Project Value – Block One Table 6: Estimated Townhouse Sale Proceeds – Block Two Table 7: Est. Fractional Ownership Units Sale Proceeds – Block Two Table 8: Estimated Project Value – Block Two Table 9: Estimated Project Value – Blocks One and Two Table 10: Projected Operating Pro-forma (Commercial) – Block One

36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 47

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Introduction and Background Regional Planning Partners has been contracted to test policies and regulations with three demonstration prototypes selected from around the Lake Tahoe Basin as part of Phase I of Pathway 2007, the Regional Plan Update. These prototypes are meant to help inform and create the criteria and set expectations for demonstration projects in the Basin and illustrate how the triple bottom line can be used to evaluate projects based on their environmental, economic and social benefits. These illustrative and educational models do not preclude real viable projects that could demonstrate the implementation of the triple bottom line on the ground. We used context based projects with locally specific site data that are area specific for this phase of Pathway 2007. The Demonstration Prototype Objectives are: 1. To illustrate projects that demonstrate place-based principles 2. To indicate how projects can support triple bottom line objectives 3. To identify incentives necessary to implement projects Three prototype projects were created and discussed with the Planning Working Groups. Their input was used to understand the feasibility and reality of these projects. The three projects include 1) a typical redevelopment area in Kings Beach that also includes SR 28 frontage, 2) an Incline Village Center reinvestment project, 3) a typical highway 50 corridor mixed-use project for the South Shore. We want to ensure that these prototypes are not seen as projects or proposals by members of the community and the press, but as a testing ground for ideas and concepts. It is important to keep in mind that although “fractional ownership� has been identified as one option for improving financial availability, there are other options including increasing the density/intensity as appropriate for certain areas and reducing entitlement timing and pre-development costs.

Regional Planning Partners



Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary


OVERALL LESSONS LEARNED The following is intended to be a summary of the “lessons learned” from the economic/financial review of the three subject demonstration projects in Kings Beach, Incline Village and South Lake Tahoe.


Development Cost - high land acquisition cost in part due to redevelopment circumstances and size of properties (e.g. Incline Village and South Lake Tahoe case studies) - high site preparation costs (building demolition, removal of existing improvements, site readiness, off-site improvements, BMPs, etc.) - high predevelopment (entitlement) costs due to complex/layered project approval process


Mixed-Use Development - can provide added/increased economic value to an overall project - certain uses with higher economic value (e.g. ownership residential) can help underwrite other components of project - opportunity to meet multiple objectives (land use, economic (investment), environmental, etc.)


Site Utilization – consideration for improving (increasing) utilization of sites through combination of mechanisms such as: - increased allowable density - increased allowable building height - reduced parking requirements (in situations of joint use/shared parking) - inclusion of the BMP area in calculation of allowable density - increased site coverage (with corresponding environmental enhancements)


Parking Solutions – consideration for provision of parking through: - reduced requirements for certain uses/product types e.g. owner occupied office condominium units - reduced requirements for joint use/shared parking - use of district based parking - use of on-street parking to satisfy certain on-site parking requirements


Predevelopment (Entitlements) – consideration for improvement to existing project approval/entitlement process through: - expedited process for proposed projects consistent with established vision/goals/objectives - establishment of stipulated period to review (approve/disapprove) proposed projects consistent with established vision/goals/objectives - reduction or deferral of building and development fees (regional/local government)

Regional Planning Partners


Lessons Learned

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary


Environmental Improvement Program (EIP) - establishment of criteria for allocation of EIP as a capital improvements program - use of EIP funding to pay for certain off-site/public infrastructure/environmental enhancement costs for proposed projects consistent with established vision/goals/objectives


Environmental Conditions - projects can result in reduced overall site coverage in comparison to existing coverage and/or allowable coverage - inclusion of on-site environmental improvements e.g. BMPs - increased number of on-site trees - use of certain product types to provide sufficient utilization of site but help to limit overall site coverage e.g. townhomes with on-site parking within the footprint of the building; use of second floor uses


Excess Site Coverage - sale of unused site coverage to a “site coverage bank” or for another development can provide project revenue (economic value)

DEMONSTRATION PROTOTYPES In addition to the general “lessons learned” outlined above, there were certain factors that relate to the demonstration prototypes presented in the Kings Beach, Incline Village and South Lake Tahoe case studies

II. Kings Beach x

Factors that help limit total development cost: - smaller project site area (less acquisition and site preparation costs) - retention of existing buildings (cost for rehabilitation versus new construction) - joint use/shared parking (reduced overall on-site parking); use of on-street parking; in-lieu parking fee - redevelopment agency assistance related to acquisition/assembly of site, relocation of existing uses, off-site public improvements (including infrastructure and utility upgrades), etc.


Factors that provide added/increased economic value - second level (story) building use (in this case proposed fractional ownership units)


Feasibility of development prototypes - commercial/retail space initially is close to working economically - if total development costs can be limited per first bullet above - fractional ownership units provide sufficient economic value to offset directly related development costs and provide added/increased value to help underwrite other components of a project

Regional Planning Partners


Lessons Learned

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

III. Incline Village x

Factors that help reduce total development cost: - reduced on-site parking due to potential reduction in parking requirement for office condominiums - joint use/shared parking (reduced overall on-site parking) for retail, office condominiums and potential community building use


Factors that provide added/increased economic value: - second level (story) building use (in this case office condominiums) - provision of mixed-use development (retail, office and townhomes (condominiums)


Feasibility of development prototypes - commercial/retail space and for-sale townhomes (condominiums) initially do not initially work economically because of the portion of the high land acquisition and site preparation costs allocated to such uses (see notes on page 1 regarding site utilization) - office condominiums are close to working economically because of the size, projected price per square foot and reduced on-site parking requirement

IV. South Lake Tahoe x

Factors that help reduce total development cost: - potential redevelopment agency assistance related to acquisition/assembly of project site, relocation of existing uses, payment of off-site public improvements (e.g. infrastructure and utility upgrades), etc. - use of existing street right-of-way for new street/road with on-street parking (reduces need for overall on-site parking


Factors that provide added/increased economic value: - inclusion of fractional ownership uses


Feasibility of development prototypes - commercial/retail space and for-sale townhomes (condominiums) do not initially work economically due to the amount of high land acquisition and site preparation cost allocated to such uses (see notes on page 1 regarding site utilization) - fractional ownership units provide sufficient economic value to offset directly related development costs and provide some added/increased value to help underwrite other components of a project

Regional Planning Partners


Lessons Learned

Incline Village, Washoe County Lake Tahoe Demonstration Prototype Case Study

Place-Based Planning

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Community Facility Commercial Uses

Outdoor gathering/plaza Green construction

Community Connections

Walking edge along streets Shared parking behind buildings Green construction

Walking Bikes Carts

Transit Bus shelters Bike lanes and parking Sidewalks Bio-swales

Existing Site and Development Existing Site Area (0.18 FAR) 241,400 SF (5.54 A) Existing Site Coverage Building Area Paving Area Existing Trees

42.6% 43,800 SF 59,000 SF 102,800 SF 51


Residential Live-Work Townhouses Small alleys with tuck-under parking Green construction

Community Connections Walking Bikes Carts

Incline Demonstration Project Case Study Regional Planning Partners

The selected site is a prototype educational case study and is meant to represent typical conditions or opportunities in Incline Village. It is not specific site. The concepts do not commit TRPA, Washoe County or property owners to development illustrated in the case study.

Site Area Bus Stops/Shelters Community Use Retail/Condo Office Live-work Townhouses BMPs Building Areas Community Use Retail Office Townhouses

BMPs BMPs Bio-swales

Case Study Development Program

Net Gain FAR Coverage Trees BMP Acres 6

Existing 0.18 42.6% 51 0

New Net 0.30 66% 39.5% (3.1%) 68 17 0.5 0.5

in ROW 1.0 acres 2.74 acres 1.3 acres 0.5 acres

10,000 SF 15,000 SF 15,000 SF 20 DUs @ 1,600 SF

Parking shared parking/ROW 45 spaces @ 3/1000 30 spaces @ 2/1000 2/DU (under units)

Site Coverage (0.30 FAR) 35.9 % (86,550 SF/1.987 acres) Building Area41,000 SF Paving Area 45,550 SF Parking 75 @ 350 SF/space = 26,250 SF Drives 460’ x 25’ = 11,500 SF Walks 1,300’ x 6’ = 7,800 SF Trees 68 new - 51 existing = 17 net new trees

Incline Village Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Existing Conditions

Regional Planning Partners


Incline Village Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Above: The site can contribute to water quality projects by including a swale along Hwy 28 and a detention area on the lower portion of the site for on-site needs and from adjacent streets.

Regional Planning Partners


Incline Village Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Site Concept

Regional Planning Partners


Incline Village Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 1: Program Description

I. Site/Land Area Square Feet Acres

241,000 5.54

II. Site Coverage Existing Building Paving Total

43,800 59,000

Proposed Buildings Paving Total

41,000 45,550

102,800 42.60%

86,550 35.90%

III. Uses Retail No. of Buildings Gross Area (SF) Net Leasable (SF)

One (1) 15,000 14,250

Office (Condominiums) No. of Buildings Units Unit Size (SF) Gross Area (SF)

One (1) 15 1,000 15,000

Live-work Townhouses No. of Buildings Units Unit Size Gross Area (SF)

Five (5) 20 1,600 32,000

Other No. of Buildings Community Use

One (1) 10,000 SF

On-site Parking Retail

45 spaces 3/1,000 SF 30 spaces 2/1,000 SF


Regional Planning Partners


Incline Village Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 2: Estimated Development Cost (Private Development)


Office Condominiums

Live-work Townhouses


I. Land Acquisition Demolition Site Preparation Total: Land

$ $ $ $

2,491,200 105,100 106,100 2,702,400

$ $ $ $

2,491,200 105,100 106,100 2,702,400

$ $ $ $

5,397,800 227,800 229,800 5,855,400

$ $ $ $

10,380,200 438,000 442,000 11,260,200

II. Direct Construction General Conditions Off-site Improvements On-site Improvements BMPs Building Construction Tenant Improvements Bonds Insurance Contractor Fee Contingency (10%) Total: Direct Construction

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

89,300 76,500 112,800 52,300 2,100,000 570,000 29,600 59,200 118,400 309,000 3,517,100

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

89,300 76,500 112,800 52,300 2,100,000 29,600 59,200 118,400 252,000 2,890,100

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

193,500 165,600 244,400 113,200 6,400,000 64,100 128,200 256,400 730,900 8,296,300

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

372,100 318,600 470,000 217,800 10,600,000 570,000 123,300 246,600 493,200 1,291,900 14,703,500

III. Indirect Predevelopment Architecture & Engineering Fees & Permits Taxes, Legal & Insurance Marketing Leasing Commissions Contingency (5%) Developer Fee Total: Indirect

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

211,700 247,000 300,000 105,800 30,000 35,600 46,200 176,400 1,152,700

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

211,700 247,000 300,000 105,800 30,000 44,400 176,400 1,115,300

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

458,800 535,200 640,000 229,400 64,000 95,800 382,300 2,405,500

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

882,200 1,029,200 1,240,000 441,100 124,000 35,600 186,400 735,100 4,673,600

$ $ $

154,400 193,000 -

$ $ $

77,200 193,000 97,000

$ $ $

167,300 418,200 222,400

$ $ $

398,900 804,200 296,900









$ $ $ $

7,719,600 515 5,017,200 334

$ $ $ $

7,075,000 472 4,372,600 292

$ 17,365,100 $ 543 $ 11,509,700 $ 360

$ $ $ $

32,159,700 519 20,877,100 337

IV. Financing Loan Fees/Costs Interest during Construction Interest during Sales (Residential) Total: Financng TOTAL With Land Per SF Without Land Per SF

Note: Estimated development cost does not include: 1) public infrastrtcure and utility upgrades; 2) site remediation; 3) asbestos removal; and 4) BMPs

Regional Planning Partners


Incline Village Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demontration Prototype Summary


Development Cost Assumptions

I. Land Acquisition Demolition Site Preparation

$50.00 per square foot of land area $10.00 per square foot of building area $5.00 per square foot of site area

II. Direct Construction General Conditions Off-site Improvements On-site Improvements BMP Building Construction Tenant Improvements Bonds Insurance Contractor Fee Contingency

$5.00 per square foot of site area $250.00 per lineal feet of public street frontage $12.00 per square foot of area to be improved $10.00 per square foot; cost does not include any ongoing operation or maintenance cost $140.00 per square foot for retail and office; $200 per square foot for residential $40.00 per square foot of leasable area 1.0% of building construction cost 2.0% of building construction cost 5.0% of building construction cost 10.0% of direct construction costs

III. Indirect Predevelopment Architecture & Engineering Fees & Permits Taxes, Legal & Insurance Marketing Leasing Commissions Contingency Developer Fee

6%% of direct construction costs 7% of direct construction costs $20.00 per square foot of building area 3.0% of direct construction cost $2.00 per square foot of leasable or saleable area $2.50 per square foot of leasable area 5% of indirect costs 5% of direct construction costs

IV. Financing Construction Loan Fees Interest during Construction Interest during Sales (Office/ Live-work Townhomes)

1.5% of construction loan amount; 1.5% of permanent loan amount (commercial/retail only) 7.5% interest rate, 25-year term, 70% loan-to-cost ratio, 12 month construction period 50% pre-sales, 6 month sales period

Notes: 1. Estimated total development costs do not include: a) public infrastructure and utility upgrades; 2) site remediation; nor 3) asbestos removal (existing buildings)

Regional Planning Partners


Incline Village Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 2A: Estimated Development Cost (Community Building)

Total I. Land Acquisition Demolition Site Preparation Total: Land

$ $ $ $

1,689,800 71,300 72,000 1,833,100

II. Direct Construction General Conditions Off-site Improvements On-site Improvements BMPs Building Construction Tenant Improvements Bonds Insurance Contractor Fee Contingency (10%) Total: Direct Construction

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

60,600 51,900 76,500 2,000,000 21,900 43,500 87,600 225,500 2,567,500

III. Indirect Predevelopment Architecture & Engineering Fees & Permits Taxes, Legal & Insurance Marketing Leasing Commissions Contingency (5%) Developer Fee Total: Indirect

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

154,000 179,700 200,000 77,000 30,500 641,200

IV. Financing Loan Fees/Costs Interest during Construction Total: Financng

$ $ $

100,800 151,300 252,100

$ $ $ $

5,293,900 529 3,460,800 346

TOTAL With Land Per SF Without Land Per SF

Regional Planning Partners


Incline Village Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 2B: Estimated Development Cost (Private/Public Development)

Private Development

Community Building


I. Land Acquisition Demolition Site Preparation Total: Land

$ 10,380,200 $ 438,000 $ 442,000 $ 11,260,200

$ $ $ $

1,689,800 71,300 72,000 1,833,100

$ 12,070,000 $ 509,300 $ 514,000 $ 13,093,300

II. Direct Construction General Conditions Off-site Improvements On-site Improvements BMPs Building Construction Tenant Improvements Bonds Insurance Contractor Fee Contingency (10%) Total: Direct Construction

$ 372,100 $ 318,600 $ 470,000 $ 217,800 $ 10,600,000 $ 570,000 $ 123,300 $ 246,600 $ 493,200 $ 1,291,900 $ 14,703,500

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

60,600 51,900 76,500 2,000,000 21,900 43,800 87,600 225,500 2,567,800

$ 432,700 $ 370,500 $ 546,500 $ 217,800 $ 12,600,000 $ 570,000 $ 145,200 $ 290,400 $ 580,800 $ 1,517,400 $ 17,271,300

III. Indirect Predevelopment Architecture & Engineering Fees & Permits Taxes, Legal & Insurance Marketing Leasing Commissions Contingency (5%) Developer Fee Total: Indirect

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

882,200 1,029,200 1,240,000 441,100 124,000 35,600 186,400 735,100 4,673,600

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

154,000 179,700 200,000 77,000 30,500 641,200

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

1,036,200 1,208,900 1,440,000 518,100 124,000 35,600 216,900 735,100 5,314,800

$ $ $

398,900 804,200 296,900

$ $ $

100,800 151,300 -

$ $ $

499,700 955,500 296,900







$ 32,159,700 $ 519 $ 20,877,100 $ 337

$ $ $ $

5,293,900 529 3,461,100 346

IV. Financing Loan Fees/Costs Interest during Construction Interest during Sales (Residential) Total: Financng TOTAL With Land Per SF Without Land Per SF

Regional Planning Partners


$ 37,453,600 $ 520 $ 24,338,200 $ 338

Incline Village Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 3: Projected Commercial Income

I. Rental Income Monthly Rent

Area (SF)

New Commercial Total:

14,250 14,250



Annual Rent $


Less: Vacancy (5%) Tenant Reimbursements





Annual Income $ $

513,000 513,000











Effective Gross Income II. Operating Expenses Management Maintenance Taxes Insurance Re-leasing Reserves Total: III. Net Operating Income

Regional Planning Partners


Incline Village Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 4: Projected Office Condominium Sale Proceeds


Unit Size (SF)

Price Per SF

Sale Price

Sale Proceeds

$ 400,000

$ 6,000,000

I. Sale Proceeds Office Condominiums Total:


1,000 $

Less: Cost of Sales/Closing (3%)


II. Net Sale Proceeds

Regional Planning Partners



$ 5,820,000


Incline Village Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 5: Projected Live-Work Townhome Sale Proceeds

Unit Size (SF)


Price Per SF

Sale Price

Sale Proceeds

I. Sale Proceeds Live-work Townhouses Total:


1,600 $

Less: Cost of Sales/Closing (3%)



$ 14,400,000


II. Net Sale Proceeds

Regional Planning Partners



$ 13,968,000


Incline Village Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 6: Estimated Project Value (Private Development)

I. Commercial Net Operating Income (see Table 3) Project Value Less: Development Cost (see Table 2)

$ $ $

Net Project Value II. Office Condominiums Net Sale Proceeds (see Table 4) Less: Developer Profit (10% of gross sale proceeds) Project Value Less: Development Cost (see Table 2) Net Project Value III. Live-work Townhouses Net Sale Proceeds (see Table 5) Less: Developer Profit (10% of gross sale proceeds) Project Value Less: Development Cost (see Table 2)

480,750 6,867,900 7,719,600



$ $ $ $

5,820,000 (600,000) 5,220,000 7,075,000



$ 13,968,000 $ (1,440,000) $ 12,528,000 $ 17,365,100

Net Project Value IV. Summary Retail Office Condominiums Live-work Townhouses Total V. Value of Unused Site Coverage Unused Site Coverage (1) Estimated Value (2) Potential Net Project Value



$ $ $

(851,700) (1,855,000) (4,837,100)




7,483 SF 224,500



Footnotes: (1) Based on the difference between the existing site coverage (42.6%) and proposed project site coverage (39.5%) (2) Based on $30.00 per square foot (Market Value of Land Coverage in Lake Tahoe Basin, Johnson-Perkins and Associates, Inc., January 26, 2006)

Regional Planning Partners


Incline Village Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 7: Operating Pro-forma (Retail)

Years 1 I. Revenue Retail (1) Total:


$ $

$ $

















Effective Gross Income

















II. Operating Expenses


(75,000) $

(78,000) $

(81,120) $

(84,365) $

(87,739) $

(91,249) $

(94,899) $

(98,695) $

III. Net Operating Income










IV. Debt Service


(479,200) $

V. Net Income


(177,952) $

(479,200) $ 28,430


(479,200) $ 42,879



(479,200) $ 57,730


$ $

(28,870) $


(479,200) $ 72,994


594,708 594,708

$ $

(29,736) $


(479,200) $ 88,683


612,549 612,549

$ $


Tenant Reimbursements

(28,029) $

577,386 577,386


(96,165) $


$ $



(27,213) $

560,569 560,569


Less: Vacancy


$ $


416,835 416,835

(26,420) $

544,242 544,242


$ $


528,390 528,390


(30,628) $


(479,200) $ 104,807


630,925 630,925

$ $

(31,547) $

$ $

669,349 669,349

(32,493) $











(479,200) $ 121,378

649,853 649,853



(102,643) $ 617,608


(479,200) $ 138,408


(106,748) 635,110 (479,200) 155,910

Footbnotes: (1) Year 1 income based on 7,125 SF of pre-leased space operating for 12 month, 3,565 SF operating for 9 months and 3,560 SF operating for 6 months

Regional Planning Partners


Incline Village Case Study

Kings Beach, Placer County Lake Tahoe Demonstration Prototype Case Study

Place-Based Planning

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary NOTE:


The selected site is a prototype educational case study and is meant to represent typical conditions or opportunities in Placer communities. It is not specific site. The concepts do not commit TRPA, Placer County or property owners to development illustrated in the case study.

Bus shelters

Restored Historic Buildings Two historic buildings restored Commercial tenants

Commercial Uses/ Accomodations Walking edge along street Shared parking Green construction

Existing Site and Development Existing Site Area (0.17 FAR)

40,470 SF (0.93 A)

Existing Site Coverage Building Paving

64% 6,906 SF 19,064 SF 25,970 SF 8

Existing Trees

BMPs BMPs Bio-swales

Case Study Development Program Site Area Bus Stops/Shelters Retail/Condo Commercial Renovated BMPs

Multi-use ROW Shared parking with permeable surface Bio-swales Water quality transmission to BMPs Trees and traffic calming Sidewalks

Mixed-mode Street Sidewalks with lighting Bike lanes

Kings Beach Demonstration Project Case Study Regional Planning Partners

Building Areas Parking Retail 10,000 SF 30 spaces @ 3/1000 Condos 10 DUs @ 1,000 SF 15 @1.5/DU

Net Gain FAR Coverage Trees BMP Acres 21

in ROW 0.71 acres 0.12 acres 0.10 acres

Existing 0.17 64% 8 0

New Net 0.56 320% 48.7% (15.3%) 16 8 0.1 0.1

Site Coverage (0.56 FAR) 48.5 % (19,640 SF/0.38 acres) Building Area 12,500 SF Paving Area 7,140 SF Parking 18 x 10’ x 20’ (perpendicular on-street) = 3,600 SF Drives NA Walks 295’ x 12’ = 3,540 SF Trees

16 new - 8 existing =

8 net new trees

Kings Beach Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Existing Conditions

Regional Planning Partners


Kings Beach Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Above: The development of the site would contribute to a collection, transmission and detention water quality system for Downtown Kings Beach. The rear street would be redesigned to include on-street parking and become park of the BMP solution.

Regional Planning Partners


Kings Beach Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Site Concept

Regional Planning Partners


Kings Beach Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 1: Program Description

I. Site/Land Area Square Feet Acres

40,470 0.93

II. Site Coverage Existing Building Paving Total

6,906 19,064

Proposed Building Paving Total

12,500 7,140

25,970 64.2%

19,640 48.5%

II. Uses Existing Commercial No. of Buildings Gross Area (SF) Net Leasable Area (SF)

Two (2) 2,500 2,375

New Commercial No. of Buildings Gross Area (SF) Net Leasable Area

One (1) 10,000 9,500

Fractional Ownership No. of Buildings Units Unit Size (SF) Gross Area (SF)

One (1) 10 1,000 10,000

On-site Parking (Commercial) Spaces Ratio

30 3/1,000 SF

Footnotes: (1) One building with ground floor commercial/retail and second level fractional ownership units

Regional Planning Partners


Kings Beach Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 2: Estimated Development Costs Existing Commercial I. Land Acquisition Demolition Site Preparation Total: Land II. Direct Construction General Conditions Off-site Improvements On-site Improvements BMP Building Construction Commercial Residential Total Rehabilitation Tenant Improvements Bonds Insurance Contractor Fee Contingency (10%) Total: Direct Construction III. Indirect Predevelopment Architecture & Engineering Fees & Permits Taxes, Legal & Insurance Marketing Leasing Commissions Contingency (5%) Developer Fee Total: Indirect IV. Financing Construction Loan Fees Interest during Construction Interest during Sales (Residential) Total: Financng

New Mixed-Use


$ $ $ $

178,000 12,900 190,900

$ $ $ $

1,440,800 44,200 104,600 1,589,600

$ $ $ $

1,618,800 44,200 117,500 1,780,500

$ $ $ $

10,900 22,200 9,400 5,000

$ $ $ $

87,300 179,800 76,300 40,000

$ $ $ $

98,200 202,000 85,700 45,000

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

187,500 100,000 4,900 9,800 19,700 35,000 404,400

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

1,400,000 2,000,000 3,400,000 400,000 39,800 79,700 159,200 430,300 4,892,400

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

3,400,000 187,500 500,000 44,700 89,500 178,900 465,300 5,296,800

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

35,000 40,800 49,500 17,500 5,000 7,500 7,800 29,100 192,200

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

282,800 330,000 400,000 141,400 50,000 30,000 61,700 235,700 1,531,600

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

317,800 370,800 450,000 158,900 55,000 37,500 69,500 264,800 1,724,300

$ $ $

20,300 25,400 -

$ $ $

122,500 205,200 57,700

$ $ $

142,800 231,000 57,700







$ $ $ $

833,200 330 642,300 254

$ $ $ $

8,399,000 419 6,809,400 339

$ $ $ $

9,233,100 409 7,452,600 330

TOTAL With Land Per SF Without Land Per SF

Note: Estimated development cost does not include: 1) public infrastructure or utility upgrades; 2) site remediation; nor 3) asbestos removal (existing buildings)

Regional Planning Partners


Kings Beach Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demontration Prototype Summary


Development Cost Assumptions I. Land Acquisition Demolition Site Preparation

$40.00 per square foot of existing land area $10.00 per square foot of building area $5.00 per square foot of site area

II. Direct Construction General Conditions Off-site Improvements On-site Improvements BMP Building Construction Rehabilitation Tenant Improvements Bonds Insurance Contractor Fee Contingency

$5.00 per square foot of site area $250.00 per lineal feet of public street frontage $12.00 per square foot of site area $10.00 per square foot; no cost included for ongoing operation and maintenance $140.00 per square foot for retail and $200 per square foot for residential $75.00 per square foot $40.00 per square foot of leasable area 1.0% of building construction cost 2.0% of building construction cost 5.0% of building construction cost 10.0% of direct construction costs

III. Indirect Predevelopment Architecture & Engineering Fees & Permits Taxes, Legal & Insurance Marketing Leasing Commissions Contingency Developer Fee

6% of direct construction costs 7% of direct construction costs $20.00 per square foot of building area 3.0% of direct construction cost $2.00 per square foot of leasable commercial area; $3.00 per square foot for fractional ownership space $2.50 per square foot of leasable area 5% of indirect costs 5% of direct construction costs

IV. Financing Loan Fees Interest during Construction Interest during Sales (Residential)

1.5% of estimated construction loan amount; including an additional 1.5% for permanent loan financing 7.5% interest rate, 25-year term, 70% loan-to-cost ratio, 12 month construction period 50% pre-sales; 3 month absorption for completion of sales

Notes: 1. Estimated total development costs do not include: a) public infrastructure and utility upgrades; 2) site remediation; nor 3) asbestos removal (existing buildings)

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Kings Beach Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 3: Commercial Income

I. Rental Income Monthly Rent

Area (SF)

Commercial - Rehabilitation Commercial - New Total:

2,375 9,500 11,875

$ $

2.25 2.50

Annual Rent $ $

27.00 30.00

Less: Vacancy (5%) Tenant Reimbursements


Effective Gross Income




Annual Income $ $ $

64,125 285,000 349,125











II. Operating Expenses Management Maintenance Taxes Insurance Re-leasing Reserves Total: III. Net Operating Income

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Kings Beach Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 4: Condominium Sale Proceeds


Fractional Units (1)

Unit Size (SF)

Price Per SF

Sale Price

Sale Proceeds




$ 145,000

$ 145,000

$ 5,800,000

I. Sale Proceeds Fractional Ownership Units (1) Total: Less: Cost of Sales/Closing (6%)


II. Net Sale Proceeds


$ 5,452,000

Footnotes: (1) Based on each unit (10) being sold for 13-week intervals

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Kings Beach Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 5: Estimated Project Value

I. Commercial Net Operating Income (see Table 3) Project Value (7.0% Capitalization Rate)

$ $

304,794 4,354,200

$ $ $

5,452,000 (580,000) 4,872,000

Commercial/Retail Fractional Ownership Total

$ $ $

4,354,200 4,872,000 9,226,200

Less: Development Cost



Net Project Value


II. Condominiums (Fractional Ownership) Net Sale Proceeds (see Table 4) Less: Developer Profit (10% of Gross Sales) Project Value III. Summary


IV. Value of Unused Site Coverage Unused Site Coverage (1) Estimated Value (2)


6,192 SF 61,920

Potential Revised Net Project Value



Footnotes: (1) Based on difference of existing site coverage (64.0%) and proposed project site coverage (48.7%) (2) Based on $10.00 per square foot (Market Value of Land Coverage in Lake Tahoe Basin, John-Perkins and Associates, Inc., January 26, 2006)

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Kings Beach Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 6: Projected Operating Pro-forma


I. Revenue Commercial (1) Total:










$ 289,105 $ 289,105

$ 359,600 $ 359,600

$ 370,388 $ 370,388

$ 381,500 $ 381,500

$ 392,945 $ 392,945

$ 404,733 $ 404,733

$ 416,875 $ 416,875

$ 429,381 $ 429,381

$ 442,263 $ 442,263

Less: Vacancy


(60,020) $

Tenant Reimbursements


Effective Gross Income

$ 258,635



(17,980) $ 36,695

$ 378,315

(62,500) $


(18,519) $ 37,796

$ 389,664

(65,000) $


(19,075) $ 38,930

$ 401,354


$ 413,395


$ 425,797


$ 438,571


$ 451,728





$ 465,280



IV. Debt Service

$ (311,350) $ (311,350) $ (311,350) $ (311,350) $ (311,350) $ (311,350) $ (311,350) $ (311,350) $ (311,350) $ (311,350)

V. Net Income

$ (115,215) $








$ 349,756



(79,082) $


(22,113) $

$ 196,135

$ 340,279

(76,041) $


(21,469) $

III. Net Operating Income

$ 331,050

(73,116) $


(20,844) $

455,531 455,531


$ 322,064

(70,304) $


(20,237) $

$ $

II. Operating Expenses

$ 313,315

(67,600) $


(19,647) $


$ 359,488



(82,246) $

$ 369,482



(85,536) $

$ 379,744





(88,957) 390,281


Footnotes: (1) Year 1 income based on 6,150 SF of pre-leased space operating for 12 months, 4,350 SF operating for 9 months and 2,375 SF operating for 6 months

Regional Planning Partners


Kings Beach Case Study

South Lake Tahoe Demonstration Prototype Case Study

Place-Based Planning

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning 9-5-06

Demonstration Prototype Summary NOTE:

Transit BMPs

The selected site is a prototype educational case study and is meant to represent typical conditions or opportunities in South Shore communities. It is not specific site. The concepts do not commit TRPA, El Dorado County, the City of South Lake tahoe, or property owners to development illustrated in the case study.

Bike lanes Sidewalks

BMPs Bio-swales

Commercial Uses Walking edge along street Shared parking Green construction

Existing Site and Development Existing Site Area Block 1 Block 2 Existing Site Coverage Block 1 Building Paving Block 2 Building Paving Existing Trees

306,000 SF (7.02 A) 162,000 SF (3.72 A) 144,000 SF (3.30 A) 71.0% 77.1% 39,300 SF (0.24 FAR) 85,600 SF 124,900 SF 64.0% 41,640 SF (0.29 FAR) 50,580 SF 92,220 SF 50

Residential/Accommodations Townhouses Cabins Small alleys with tuck-under parking Green construction

Case Study Development Program

Multi-use ROW Shared parking with permeable surface Bio-swales Water quality transmission to BMPs Trees and traffic calming Sidewalks

South Shore Demonstration Project Case Study Regional Planning Partners

Site Area Bus Stops/Shelters Retail/Condo Office Live-work Townhouses BMPs

Net Gain FAR Coverage Trees BMP Acres 33

Existing 0.26 71% 50 0

New Net 0.41 59% 43.2% (27.8%) 71 21 0.78 0.78

in ROW 1.71 acres 4.53 acres 0.78 acres

Development Program 0.41 FAR Community Use 500 SF Retail 15,000 SF Office 15,000 SF Resids/Accoms. 68 DUs/AUs Site Coverage


Parking shared parking/ROW 50 spaces @ 1/300 50 spaces @ 1/300

43.2% (132,060 SF/3.03 acres) Building Area 46,220 SF Paving Area 85,840 SF 71 total - 50 existing = 21 net new trees

South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Existing Conditions

Regional Planning Partners


South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Above: Shared street in the development program would be used as a shared parking resource and a collection/transmission facility for a six-block water quality project.

Regional Planning Partners


South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 1: Program Description

I. Site/Land Area Square Feet Acres

306,000 7.02

II. Site Coverage Existing Buildings Paving Total

80,940 136,180

Proposed Buildings Paving Total

46,220 85,840

217,120 70.90%

132,060 43.20%

III. Uses - Block One Commercial No. of Buildings Gross Area (SF) Net Leasable Area (SF)

Three (3) 30,000 29,650

Townhouses (Fractional Ownership) Units Unit Size (SF)

24 14 @ 1,200 SF 10 @ 1,600 SF 32,800

Gross Area (SF) On-site Parking Spaces Ratio

100 3/1,000 SF

IV. Uses - Block Two Townhouses (Condominiums) Units Unit Size (SF)

20 16 @ 1,600 SF 4 @ 1,200 SF 30,400

Gross Area (SF) Townhouses (Fractional Ownership) Units Unit Size (SF)

24 14 @1,200 SF 10 @1,600 SF 32,800

Gross Area (SF)

Regional Planning Partners


South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 2: Estimated Development Cost (Block One) Block One Fractional Ownership



I. Land Acquisition Demolition Site Preparation Total: Land

$ $ $ $

3,982,000 187,900 298,700 4,468,600

$ $ $ $

4,353,600 205,100 326,200 4,884,900

$ $ $ $

II. Direct Construction General Conditions Off-site Improvements On-site Improvements BMPs Building Construction Tenant Improvements Bonds Insurance Contractor Fee Contingency (10%) Total: Direct Construction

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

189,000 239,000 321,000 86,000 4,200,000 1,186,000 64,600 129,200 258,400 641,500 7,314,700

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

206,400 261,000 350,600 94,000 6,560,000 70,500 141,100 282,100 768,400 8,734,100

$ 395,400 $ 500,000 $ 671,600 $ 180,000 $ 10,760,000 $ 1,186,000 $ 135,100 $ 270,300 $ 540,500 $ 1,409,900 $ 16,048,800

III. Indirect Predevelopment Architecture & Engineering Fees & Permits Taxes, Legal & Insurance Marketing Leasing Comissions Contingency (5%) Developer Fee Total: Indirect

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

238,600 556,700 600,000 238,600 57,000 71,300 88,100 383,400 2,233,700

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

260,600 608,000 656,000 260,600 98,400 94,200 419,100 2,396,900

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

962,900 1,123,400 1,256,000 481,500 155,400 71,300 182,300 802,500 5,035,300

$ $ $

152,700 381,700 -

$ $ $

166,900 417,300 399,500

$ $ $

319,600 799,000 399,500







IV. Financing Construction Loan Fees Interest during Construction Interest during Sales (Residential) Total: Financng

8,335,600 393,000 624,900 9,353,500

TOTAL With Land Per SF Without Land Per SF

$ 14,551,400 $ 485 $ 10,082,800 $ 336

$ 16,999,600 $ 518 $ 12,114,700 $ 369

$ 31,955,700 $ 509 $ 22,602,200 $ 360

Note: Estimated development cost does not include: 1) public infrastructure and utility upgrades; 2) site remediation; nor 3) asbestos removal (existing buildings)

Regional Planning Partners


South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demontration Prototype Summary


Development Cost Assumptions - South Lake Tahoe

I. Land Acquisition Demolition Site Preparation

Mid-point between $50.00 per square foot of land area and $200 per square foot of existing building area $10.00 per square foot of building area $5.00 per square foot of site area

II. Direct Construction General Conditions Off-site Improvements On-site Improvements BMP Building Construction Tenant Improvements Bonds Insurance Contractor Fee Contingency

$5.00 per square foot of site area $250.00 per lineal feet of public street frontage $12.00 per square foot of area to be improved $10.00 per square foot; dose not include any cost for ongoing operation or maintenance $140.00 per square foot for retail and $200 per square foot for residential $40.00 per square foot of leasable area 1.0% of building construction cost 2.0% of building construction cost 5.0% of building construction cost 10.0% of direct construction costs

III. Indirect Predevelopment Architecture & Engineering Fees & Permits Taxes, Legal & Insurance Marketing Leasing Commissions Contingency Developer Fee

3% of direct construction costs 7% of direct construction costs $20.00 per square foot of building area 3.0% of direct construction cost $2.00 per square foot of leasable area; $3.00 per square foot for saleable area $2.50 per square foot of leasable area 5% of indirect costs 5% of direct construction costs

IV. Financing Construction Loan Fees Interest during Construction Interest during Sales (Residential)

1.5% of amount to be financed 7.5% interest rate, 25-year term, 70% loan-to-cost ratio, 12 month construction period 50% pre-sales for townhomes and fractional ownership units; 6-month sales period

Notes: 1. Estimated total development costs do not include: a) public infrastructure and utility upgrades; 2) site remediation; 3) asbestos removal; and 4) BMPs.

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South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 2A: Estimated Development Cost - Block Two Block two Fractional Ownership



I. Land Acquisition Demolition Site Preparation Total: Land

$ $ $ $

3,556,500 199,800 221,300 3,977,600

$ $ $ $

3,852,900 216,600 239,800 4,309,300

$ $ $ $

II. Direct Construction General Conditions Off-site Improvements On-site Improvements BMPs Building Construction Tenant Improvements Bonds Insurance Contractor Fee Contingency (10%) Total: Direct Construction

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

127,100 228,000 172,000 76,800 6,080,000 65,900 131,900 263,800 688,200 7,833,700

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

137,800 247,000 186,400 83,200 6,560,000 71,500 142,900 285,700 742,900 8,457,400

$ 264,900 $ 475,000 $ 358,400 $ 160,000 $ 12,640,000 $ $ 137,400 $ 274,800 $ 549,500 $ 1,431,100 $ 16,291,100

III. Indirect Predevelopment Architecture & Engineering Fees & Permits Taxes, Legal & Insurance Marketing Leasing Comissions Contingency (5%) Developer Fee Total: Indirect

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

469,200 547,400 608,000 234,600 91,200 85,200 386,800 2,422,400

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

508,300 593,000 656,000 254,100 98,400 92,200 419,000 2,621,000

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

977,500 1,140,400 1,264,000 488,700 189,600 177,400 805,800 5,043,400

$ $ $

149,300 373,200 186,600

$ $ $

161,700 404,400 202,200

$ $ $

311,000 777,600 388,800







IV. Financing Construction Loan Fees Interest during Construction Interest during Sales (Residential) Total: Financng

7,409,400 416,400 461,100 8,286,900

TOTAL With Land Per SF Without Land Per SF

$ 14,942,800 $ 492 $ 10,965,200 $ 361

$ 16,156,000 $ 493 $ 11,846,700 $ 361

$ 31,098,800 $ 492 $ 22,811,900 $ 361

Note: Estimated development cost does not include: 1) public infrastructure and utility upgrades; 2) site remediation; nor 3) asbestos removal (existing buildings)

Regional Planning Partners


South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 2B: Estimated Development Cost (Block One/Block Two)

Block One I. Land Acquisition Demolition Site Preparation Total: Land

$ $ $ $

II. Direct Construction General Conditions Off-site Improvements On-site Improvements BMPs Building Construction Tenant Improvements Bonds Insurance Contractor Fee Contingency (10%) Total: Direct Construction III. Indirect Predevelopment Architecture & Engineering Fees & Permits Taxes, Legal & Insurance Marketing Leasing Comissions Contingency (5%) Developer Fee Total: Indirect IV. Financing Construction Loan Fees Interest during Construction Interest during Sales (Residential) Total: Financng

Block Two

8,335,600 393,000 624,900 9,353,500

$ $ $ $


7,409,400 416,400 461,100 8,286,900

$ 15,745,000 $ 809,400 $ 1,086,000 $ 17,640,400

$ 395,400 $ 500,000 $ 671,600 $ 180,000 $ 10,760,000 $ 1,186,000 $ 135,100 $ 270,300 $ 540,500 $ 1,409,900 $ 16,048,800

$ 264,900 $ 475,000 $ 358,400 $ 160,000 $ 12,640,000 $ $ 137,400 $ 274,800 $ 549,500 $ 1,431,100 $ 16,291,100

$ 660,300 $ 975,000 $ 1,030,000 $ 340,000 $ 23,400,000 $ 1,186,000 $ 272,500 $ 545,100 $ 1,090,000 $ 2,841,000 $ 32,339,900

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

962,900 1,123,400 1,256,000 481,500 155,400 71,300 182,300 802,500 5,035,300

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

977,500 1,140,400 1,264,000 488,700 189,600 177,400 805,800 5,043,400

$ 1,940,400 $ 2,263,800 $ 2,520,000 $ 970,200 $ 345,000 $ 71,300 $ 359,700 $ 1,608,300 $ 10,078,700

$ $ $

319,600 799,000 399,500

$ $ $

311,000 777,600 388,800

$ $ $

630,600 1,576,600 788,300







TOTAL With Land Per Sf Without Land Per Sf

Regional Planning Partners

$ 31,955,700 $ 509 $ 22,602,200 $ 360

$ 31,098,800 $ 492 $ 22,811,900 $ 361


$ 63,054,500 $ 501 $ 45,414,100 $ 360

South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 3: Projected Commercial Income - Block One

I. Rental Income Monthly Rent

Area (SF)

Commercial Total:

28,500 28,500



Annual Rent $


Less: Vacancy (5%) Tenant Reimbursements





Effective Gross Income

Annual Income $ $

1,111,500 1,111,500







II. Operating Expenses Management Maintenance Taxes Insurance Re-leasing Reserves Total:


III. Net Operating Income

Regional Planning Partners


$ $


(180,000) 1,005,885

South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 4: Estimated Fractional Ownership Units Sale Proceeds - Block One


Fractional Units (1)

14 10 24

56 40 96

Unit Size (SF)

Price Per SF

Sale Price

Sale Proceeds

$ 192,000 $ 240,000

$ 10,752,000 $ 9,600,000 $ 20,352,000

I. Sale Proceeds Fractional Ownership Units Total:

1,200 $ 1,600 $

Less: Cost of Sales/Closing (6%)

160 150

$ (1,221,120)

II. Net Sale Proceeds

$ 19,130,880

Footnotes: (1) Based on each unit being sold for 13-week intervals

Regional Planning Partners


South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 5: Estimated Project Value - Block One

I. Commercial Net Operating Income (see Table 3) Project Value Less: Development Cost (see Table 2)

$ 1,005,885 $ 14,369,800 $ 14,551,400

Net Project Value



Net Sale Proceeds (see Table 4) Less: Developer Profit (10% of gross sale proceeds) Project Value Less: Development Cost (see Table 2)

$ $ $ $

19,130,880 (2,035,200) 17,095,680 16,999,600

Net Project Value



$ $ $

(181,600) 96,080 (85,520)

$ $

45,036 292,700



II. Townhouses (Fractional Ownership)

III. Summary Commercial Townhouses (Fractional Ownership) Total IV. Value of Unused Site Coverage Unused Site Coverage (1) Value of Unused Site Coverage (2) Potential Net Project Value

Footnotes: (1) Based on difference between existing site coverage (71.0%) and proposed project site coverage (43.2%) adjusted for size (square footage) of Block One (2) Based on $6.50 per square foot (Market Value of Land Coverage in Lake Tahoe Basin, Johnson-Perkins and Associates, Inc., January 26, 2006)

Regional Planning Partners


South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 6: Estimated Townhouse Sale Proceeds - Block Two

Unit Size (SF)


Price Per SF

Sale Price

Sale Proceeds

$ 600,000 $ 720,000

$ 2,400,000 $ 11,520,000 $ 13,920,000

I. Sale Proceeds Townhouses

4 16 20


1,200 $ 1,600 $

500 450

Less: Cost of Sales/Closing (3%)


II. Net Sale Proceeds


$ 13,502,400

Table 7 Estimated Fractional Ownership Units Sale Proceeds - Block Two

Fractional Units (1)


Unit Size (SF)

Price Per SF

Sale Price

Sale Proceeds

$ 192,000 $ 240,000

$ 10,752,000 $ 9,600,000 $ 20,352,000

I. Sale Proceeds Townhouses (Fractional Ownership) Total:

14 10 24

56 40 96

Less: Cost of Sales/Closing (6%)

1,200 $ 1,600 $

160 150

$ (1,221,120)

II. Net Sale Proceeds

$ 19,130,880

Footnotes: (1) Based on each unit being sold for 13-week periods

Regional Planning Partners


South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 8 Estimated Project Value - Block Two

I. Townhouses (Condominium) Net Sale Proceeds (see Table 6) Less: Developer Profit (10% of gross sale proceeds) Project Value Less: Development Cost (see Table 2A)

$ $ $ $

13,502,400 (1,392,000) 12,110,400 14,942,800

Net Project Value

$ (2,832,400)

II. Townhouses (Fractional Ownership) Net Sale Proceeds (see Table 7) Less: Developer Profit (10% of gross sale proceeds) Project Value Less: Development Cost (see Table 2A)

$ $ $ $

Net Project Value


19,130,880 (2,035,200) 17,095,680 16,156,000 939,680

III. Summary Townhouses (Condominiums) Townhouses (Fractional Ownership) Total

$ (2,832,400) $ 939,680 $ (1,892,720)

IV. Value of Unused Site Coverage Unused Site Coverage (1) Value of Unused Site Coverage (2)

40,032 SF 260,200


Potential Net Project Value

$ (1,632,520)

Footnotes: (1) Based on the difference between existing site coverage (71.0%) and proposed project site coverage (43.2%) adjusted for size (square footage) of Block Two (2) Based on $6.50 per square foot (Market Value of Land Coverage in Lake Tahoe Basin, Johnson-Perkins and Associates, Inc., January 26, 2006)

Regional Planning Partners


South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 9: Estimated Project Value - Blocks One and Two

I. Commercial Net Operating Income Project Value Less: Development Cost

$ $ $

Net Project Value

1,005,885 14,369,800 14,551,400



$ $ $ $

13,502,400 (1,392,000) 12,110,400 14,942,800



$ $ $ $

38,668,800 (4,070,400) 34,598,400 33,155,600



IV. Summary Commercial Townhouses (Condominiums) Townhouses (Fractional Ownership) Total

$ $ $ $

(181,600) (2,832,400) 1,442,800 (1,389,600)

V. Value of Unused Site Coverage Unused Site Coverage Value of Unused Site Coverage


85,068 SF 552,900

II. Townhomes (Condominiums) Net Sale Proceeds Less: Developer Profit Project Value Less: Estimated Development Cost Net Project Value III. Townhomes (Fractional Ownership) Net Sale Proceeds Less: Developer Profit Project Value Less: Estimated Development Cost Net Project Value

Potential Net Project Value

Regional Planning Partners




South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary

Table 10: Projected Operating Pro-forma (Commercial) - Block One

Years 1










$ 1,056,780 $ 1,056,780

$ 1,088,483 $ 1,088,483

$ 1,121,138 $ 1,121,138

$ 1,154,772 $ 1,154,772

$ 1,189,415 $ 1,189,415

$ 1,225,098 $ 1,225,098

$ 1,261,851 $ 1,261,851

$ 1,299,706 $ 1,299,706

$ 1,338,697 $ 1,338,697

I. Revenue Commercial (1) Total:

$ $

Less: Vacancy


Tenant Reimbursements




Effective Gross Income



$ 1,171,265

903,094 903,094

(208,406) $

II. Operating Expenses


(180,000) $

III. Net Operating Income


IV. Debt Service


(903,280) $

V. Net Income


(277,442) $



(52,839) $

(54,424) $

(56,057) $

(57,739) $

(59,471) $

(61,255) $

(63,093) $

(64,985) $












$ 1,206,403

(187,200) $ 984,065



$ 1,242,595

(194,688) $

$ 1,011,715

(903,280) $




$ 1,279,873

(202,476) $

$ 1,040,120

(903,280) $




$ 1,318,269

(210,575) $

$ 1,069,298

(903,280) $




$ 1,357,817

(218,998) $

$ 1,099,272

(903,280) $




$ 1,398,552

(227,757) $

$ 1,130,060

(903,280) $




$ 1,440,508

(236,868) $

$ 1,161,684

(903,280) $




$ 1,483,723

(246,342) $

$ 1,194,166

(903,280) $


$ 1,227,527

(903,280) $ 290,886



(903,280) 324,247

Footnotes: (1) Year 1 income based on 14,250 SF of pre-leased space operating for 12 months, 7,125 SF operating for 9 months and 7,125 SF operating for 6 months

Regional Planning Partners


South Lake Tahoe Case Study

Lake Tahoe Place-Based Planning

Demonstration Prototype Summary


Caveats and Limitations 1. The analysis contained in this report is based, in part, on data and information from secondary sources. A. Plescia & Co. believes that these sources are reliable, however, A. Plescia & Co. cannot guarantee the accuracy of such data and information. 2. The analysis contained in this report is based on the assumption that neither the local, regional or national economy will experience a major recession. If an unforeseen change occurs in either the local, regional or national economy the information contained in this report might not be valid. 3. The preliminary information contained in this report is based on economic considerations, not political considerations. Therefore the preliminary information contained in this report should not be construed as a representation or opinion that any required governmental approvals could be secured for any proposed development projects. 4. The preliminary information, analysis and opinions contained in this report are based on the informed judgment of A. Plescia & Co. based on market, business and economic conditions as of the date of this report. The preliminary information, analysis and opinions contained in this report should not be relied upon as sole input, basis or determination for any final business decisions regarding any proposed development projects. 5. Any preliminary assessment of lease rates, land values, revenue or income projections, etc. is based on the best available data and information at the time of preparation of this report. There is no warranty or representation made by A. Plescia & Co. that these estimates would actually materialize.

Regional Planning Partners


Caveats and Limitations

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