What separates professionals from wannabes?
Kickstart your journey by adapting these top 3 habits of super successful people!
1) Read : Mark Cuban insists on reading 3 hours a day, while Bill Gates reads for 1 hour as part of his bedtime routine. J.K Rowling, the first ever billionaire author, read ‘absolutely anything’ as a child. President Obama, Sheryl Sandberg, and Albert Einstein are book lovers, too.
2) Wake up early : From Franklin to Obama, from Branson to Darwin, all were known to rise with the morning sun. Whatever their motivations, they all reaped the benefits of putting their feet on the floor before the cock opened its beak.
3) Build on strength : Weakness fixing might prevent failure, but strength building leads to excellence. So focus on strength and manage around your weakness. Good at sales ? Be excellent now!
Presented By : Team CrowdInvest
World's First Equity and Property Crowdfunding Platform
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