Legislative Priorities: 87th Legislative Session

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crowley isd

legislative PRIORITIES

Crowley Independent School District and its Board of Trustees believes public education is the cornerstone of our society. Crowley ISD provides a place where students of all backgrounds and abilities are given opportunities to learn and grow in a safe environment.



Mia Hall President

Gary Grassia Vice President

Nedra Robinson Secretary

Ryan Ray, J.D. Asst. Secretary

Lyndsae M. Benton Trustee

June W. Davis Trustee

La Tonya Mayfield, Ph.D. Trustee

Michael McFarland, Ed.D. Superintendent

EXCELLENCE FOR ALL Crowley ISD Board of Trustees supports promotion of equity, intentional eradication of systemic racism and the recognition of all cultures and races that have contributed to rich history of Texas and the United States to include support for diversity and cultural awareness initiatives throughout the state, and initiatives for diversity and cultural awareness throughout districts through staff and student education and restorative teaching and disciplinary practices that treat all students with equality. We call on the Legislature and State Board of Education to evaluate the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for accurate and complete education as it pertains to all cultures that have contributed to the rich history of Texas and the United States.


Providing students with excellence in education so that all students achieve their full potential.


We support

Education funding on district average daily enrollment as opposed to average daily attendance and raising per pupil funding to the national average. State funding and support for House Bill 3, and placing a moratorium on new provisions to House Bill 3 if cuts are necessary until funding is restored. Local discretion and flexibility with spending, including allotments, to ensure the needs of students. Re-establishing the telecom discount program to support distance learning. Increased funding for: • Full-day pre-kindergarten programs to be made available to all students • Special education students, especially for those with the greatest needs using an adequate and equitable formula that takes into account student and district characteristics • Professional development to provide mental health-related services and support for students • School Safety Allotment and local flexibility to ensure districts can adequately meet student and staff safety needs • Addressing the digital divide and to ensure connectivity for all students • Training and certifications for teachers providing virtual instruction • Remote instruction when school must close due to COVID-19 • Healthcare costs associated with TRS-ActiveCare and TRS-Care and alternatives that would provide additional options to districts while sustaining the current system for districts that remain in the system

We oppose

Any cuts to the district Foundation School Program (FSP) funding. Federal waivers on “Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) funding that allow the state to reduce it maintenance of effort (i.e. that allow the state to supplant its funding with federal funds). Carveouts from Technology and Instructional Material Allotment (TIMA) that decrease the amount of funds to school districts, and efforts by the state for rating instructional materials.


We support

Continued scheduled state testing for 2020-2021 to provide districts with student academic progress information but holding harmless or “freezing” accountability district and campus accountability ratings for the 2020-2021 school. A state accountability system that: • Measures student performance and growth as fairly and accurately as possible, without penalizing schools for factors outside their control. • Include multiple measures of student performance and growth, rather than an over-reliance on standardized tests, in order to ensure that students are more fully prepared for college, the workforce, or the military upon graduation and • Takes into account the impact of COVID 19 on college enrollment when calculating the CCMR portion of accountability. • Does not apply the same sanctions to campuses and districts that receive a D-rating over two consecutive years as the sanctions applied to F-rated campuses. Support allowing D-rated campuses and districts time to fully implement their targeted improvement plans. • Does not automatically lower a district’s overall or domain performance rating of “A” to a rating of “B” if the district has even one campus with an overall or domain performance rating of “D” or “F.” • Provides a broader, more comprehensive view of accountability and the work of schools rather than a single rating, by reporting the strengths and needs of schools and districts in specific categories.

We oppose

A-F campus and district ratings that oversimplify the complex work of schools and incentivize teaching to the test.


Revising the process by which online courses are approved by the Texas Education Agency to streamline approval and provide districts greater flexibility in creating online learning options for students. Providing school districts the ability to quickly shift to remote instruction (both full-time or as needed, as determined by the district) when a disaster has occurred.

We oppose

Legislation that would implement additional course requirements for high school graduation or reduce the number of elective courses currently available to students to take as part of the Foundation School Program. Legislation that would erode flexibility for Districts of Innovation, including school start and end dates. Any unfunded mandates and infringements on local control. Legislation or measures that seek to limit school districts’ or administrators’ ability to have representation before the Texas Legislature, state agencies, and the executive branch.


We support

Prioritizing funding for traditional public schools by limiting expansion of charter schools, including new charter operators, particularly when the State is unable to maintain the funding levels set by House Bill 3. Legislation that increases local community involvement in the charter approval and expansion process similar to those required of traditional public-school districts in bond and tax ratification elections and required public hearings to address financial and academic performance reporting. Legislation requiring charter schools to accept all students who wish to enroll, including students with a documented history of discipline problems. Improved transparency, notice, input, and consideration of the state and local district impact before a charter can be approved or expanded.

We oppose

Vouchers, tax credits, tax payer savings grants, tuition reimbursements or any other programs that divert public tax dollars to either privately run schools or charter school districts that are exempt from state and federal accountability requirements. Further expansion of publicly funded charter schools including increases in the number of campus under existing charters, unless charter schools are subject to the same accountability and transparency laws and regulations as traditional public schools; including those related to: special education requirements, public notices, school discipline, financial dealings (leases, mortgages, bond debt, contracts) transportation, bilingual programs, policy notices, employment contract policies, parental rights, lobbying and political expenditure restrictions, student data privacy, efficiency audits, lunch programs, and nepotism. Any state plan that would use vouchers, tax credits, taxpayer savings grants, tuition reimbursements, or any other means to divert dollars to public entities, homeschooled students, or parents with no academic or financial accountability or transparency to the state, taxpayers, or local communities.

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