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Astrology: Path & Purpose
Cameron pausing for a moment to meditate and taking in panoramic red rock views of Sedona, Arizona.
uring the holiday season, it is always easy to feel a little lost in the frenzy. With so much happening in such a short time, it can be hard to find ways to give to ourselves. In 2020, there is even more happening around us to knock us off balance and the global impact of COVID-19 has left many people off-balance. To some extent, we are all struggling to support our family members, friends, colleagues, and even complete strangers through this time. Our society is gripped by uncertainty because it seems like the world we once knew has vanished overnight. Do you even know who you are anymore? In an age of uncertainty, astrology can be used to reconnect ourselves inward, reconnect with each other, and reconnect with our greater purpose.
Astrology is the study of the patterns of cosmic bodies and their relationship to—or synchronous with—the human psychological experience on Earth. Astrology’s influence over human life has been significant in many world cultures for centuries. Though most people don’t realize it, astrology has been at the heart of science, medicine, philosophy, magic, and even psychology for much of human history. Some people consider astrology just a fun conversation starter and some swear by their horoscope predictions, while many others write it off completely as pseudo-scientific and ‘woo-woo’—unworthy of their time or attention. As an academic, I understand the skepticism, perhaps because I am naturally skeptical of most things. However, I have come to learn, through my own life experience and through my practice, that while there are many misconceptions about astrology, this ancient knowledge system has much to offer us in times of change and uncertainty. It is also a rich tool for self-discovery.
Many people are familiar with their Sun sign—the astrological sign that is representative of the time of year when they were born—whether they have an interest in astrology or not. We say things like: “I’m a Leo,” and “She’s such a Taurus” in common parlance. However, your Sun sign is not the whole picture. It’s not even close to explaining the depth of who you are. This is a common misunderstanding of astrology in popular culture, which limits us from seeing the whole picture. To get the whole story, you need to look at your horoscope.
To understand your soul’s journey in this life, astrologers cast a horoscope, or the map of the sky from the moment of your birth. This astrological birth chart is a map of your life’s journey. It is the energetic blueprint that was chosen by your soul and imprinted upon you during birth. You can see things like personality traits, early conditioning, work habits, what stimulates your mind, love compatibility, your family dynamics, traumas, opportunities for growth, career path—really, your whole life—from the horoscope. There are also indicators in your chart that illuminate your path and your purpose in this lifetime; the reasons why you are here. With the help of an astrologer, you can often come to know more than you would even imagine about yourself.
Astrology is about exploring the synchronicities and the possibilities of the events in one’s life. It isn’t about finding out every detail of one’s fate or predicting every outcome of one’s future. Your future is always changing and as a human being, you have free will and reserve the right to exercise choice over your own life. The tools of astrology, however, can help you to understand the energetic potentials you are working with.
Whether you are interested in astrology or not, 2020 has given us a tremendous opportunity to slow down and to be with ourselves. While quarantine and social distancing hasn’t been easy on most of us, you can choose to see this as a significant opportunity to go within; a moment to discover yourself. A moment to Be with you.
Even though it might look different this year, as the holiday season ramps up and a new year begins, make sure to spend some time with yourself. Be intentional about caring for and giving to yourself. Honor the space you need to refresh and recharge. Do what makes you feel good. Spend some time and return to You. And whether astrology is part of your journey or not, allow yourself space to learn more about what makes you who you are. Remember, you cannot give from an empty cup. If you want to be able to support others in your life, you must first give to yourself.
As the year draws to a close, if you are interested in knowing what the stars have in store for you or someone special in 2021, consider an astrology reading with me. Perhaps the best thing you can do to give back during this time of year is to give the gift of yourself to yourself.
Cameron in his element.
• Cameron Martin is an Astrologer, Conscious Coach, and CEO of Path & Purpose. He is also a Leadership Studies PhD student at the University of San Diego and Coronado resident. His services include astrology readings, online lunar meditations, and a self-transformation course titled ‘Coming Home to You.’ For more information, visit www. yourpathandpurpose.com.