S PAC E S | K A R Y N F R A Z I E R + J E S S I C A N I C O L L S
Spring Cleaning
leaning products and supplies are a necessary evil of daily life, but you don’t need to compromise style for cleanliness. Kitchen counters can become overloaded with dish soaps, hand soaps, scrub brushes, sponges and countertop sprays. Pare down and make sure the items that stay on the counters are purposeful and aesthetically pleasing. We have gathered our favorite cleaning products and supplies for the kitchen and laundry rooms. They might even help make cleaning less of a chore. • Karyn Frazier and Jessica Nicolls are the owners of
the interior design firm Bungalow 56.
▲ Easy on the eyes Pretty scrub brushes and dish towels are a must. 50
C R OW N C I T Y M AG A Z I N E | M A R C H 2020