2 minute read
MAKING WAVES: Announcing the winners of the Best of Coronado PHOTO CONTEST
Congratulations to the winners of the first annual BEST OF COrONAdO PhOTO CONTEST
By Heather Canton
Crown City Magazine held a lovely little photo contest with 12 people of all ages and ability levels who submitted 46 incredible photos of Coronado. 40 people voted for their favorite photos in person at a special party in the Winn Room at the Coronado Public Library.
1st Place for Best Overall: Barry Alman

2nd Place for Best Overall: Joanie Marcus
Best Garden

Best Sunset: Diane Jolley

Best Hotel del Coronado: Joanie Marcus

Best Sunrise and Best View from the Cays: Adriana Smith

Best Bridge: Gloria Rios

Best Bay: Barry Alman
Best Beach View of the Coronado Shores: Robert Otto

After the contest, the winning photos were placed on display in the library for all to see.
All photos submitted have the chance to be published, and all contestants received a special little gift bag complete with gift cards to MooTime Creamery! @mootimecreamery 1025 Orange Avenue
The Grand Prize winner also received a gift certifi cate to a Wine & Paint Workshop for four people at Emerald C Gallery! @emeraldcgallery 1331 Orange Avenue
Big thank you to Coronado Public Library Director, Shaun Briley, and the outstanding library staff , with special thanks to Beth Skelly for all her wonderful kindness & help. @coronadopubliclibrary
Thanks also to all our volunteers who made this contest happen. And a special shout-out to the professionals, Derek Emge @derekemgephotography and Joel Ortiz @ joelphotoguyortiz for their incredible support.

Best Holiday: Rachel Parr
We couldn’t be more thrilled to bring this fun community event to town to compliment Crown City Magazine’s SURF Photo Contest held each spring that celebrates Coronado’s surfi ng community.
Keep on capturing these precious moments in paradise & we’ll print them for prosperity and share ‘em for the whole town to see!
• Heather Canton is a proud, old-school islander who is stoked to bring two fun photo contests to the Coronado community with Crown City Magazine – the SURF Photo Contest and the Best of Coronado Photo Contest. For more information or to inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please call (619) 302-2329 or email Hello@ CrownCityMagazine.com.