Crown City Magazine May 2021

Page 54


Holding Space for Your Spiritual Well-Being By Cameron Martin Photos Courtesy of Path & Purpose LLC Cameron pausing to reflect on a recent trip to Sedona. #spiritualreset

e are all collectively navigating a moment of massive transformation on this planet. In the last year, we have all experienced more trauma, more change, more uncertainty, more anxiety, more fear, more control and more limits to free will than possibly ever in most of our lifetimes. For many, the energies we have been experiencing over the past few months have been intense and quite challenging to deal with. Nobody wrote a chapter in a manual to teach us how to navigate these choppy waters and yet, we are doing it. In this time, it is important that we hold space for ourselves and for one another. Holding space just might be the greatest act of wellness we can muster. When we think about wellness, we often think of physical well-being first, which often looks like committing to things like exercise and diet programs. Thankfully, there is also increasing awareness of the aspects of mental well-being which includes things like therapy, healing and even creative pursuits. While these are both certainly important components of overall wellness (and I am a major advocate of both), complete well-being includes physical, mental and spiritual components. We often forget our spiritual well-being and yet it is required to understand the full picture of our wellness. Whether or not you consider yourself “spiritual” or “religious” is, frankly, irrelevant. Each of us has a spiritual nature. As I understand it, spirituality refers to our spirit, the energy of our being which is very much concerned with the goings on of our lives: how you interact with others, how you love, how you deal with trauma, how you connect to nature, how you connect to your body, and of course, how you connect with a Higher Power/Divine Intelligence/God/the Universe (please accept whatever term San Diego Model Railroad Museum offered an resonates with you). These are all spiritual pursuits. engineering lesson about the structure of bridges. Sometimes misunderstand spiritual work as “the warm and fuzzies,” removed from real life. But, Photo courtesy people of San Diego Model Railroad Museum. 52



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