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AROUND TOWN: Island Girl Blog Goes to the Dogs with Mochi the Bulldog
I’ve got a pretty good life for a bulldog. I have two big sisters, a nice mom and dad and I even have my own pet rabbit. My family loves me a lot; they even sing a special song to me when I wake up in the morning. (I’m usually the last to rise.) I enjoy barking at the vacuum, picking fights with the blender and racing around the pool in my life vest trying to pop my family’s inflatables. You should also know that I hate trash bags. My favorite scent is bacon, and my proudest accomplishment is destroying a new slip-n-slide in less than ten minutes. I’m an expert napper, and if you can’t find me, just listen for my snores…I’m probably basking in the sun. Although I’ll never pass up a solid snuggle on the couch, sometimes it’s good to get out of the house. Here are some of my favorite places to visit!

This is one of my favorite places to play, and one of the few word combinations I know. Stingray Point is cool because it’s kind of hard to get to, and that makes it special. You either have to have a boat or a dinghy or a paddleboard, or you can hike across the golf course and try not to get nailed by a golf ball. I don’t like to walk and I’m not the best swimmer, so my family transports me by dinghy. I love sinking my paws into the wet sand and finding a friend to play with. Most dogs at this beach are very friendly, and their parents don’t care if you eat their snacks or roll around on their beach blankets. In fact, I think they like it. I love how calm the water is; there are no big waves to knock me over. Stingray Point is also a great place to dig a large hole. All in all, aside from the bath I will be forced to take—I’m not keen on baths—Stingray Point is a great outing.
Stingray Point | Adjacent to the Coronado Golf Course on Glorietta Bay

This is a very social dog park. When you walk in, other dogs run right up to you and want to play. At first, I was a little freaked out, because I don’t like it when other people don’t respect my personal space. But after a while I made two friends, a boxer named Beau and another Bulldog named Kona. This park is neat because it’s right in Balboa Park, which has lots of grass and trees. This means it is very green, and that makes it pretty. This park is all gated in and safe, all 2.3 acres of it, so my mom wasn’t worried about me and just let me run free. (She always thinks I’m going to run into the road or something.) My mom talked with a bunch of the other parents, so they must have been nice. When I got thirsty, there was this little dog fountain where I could drink fresh, cool water. I hope mom takes me here again. Next time I will be more prepared to be social. (In case you are wondering, this dog park is named for former San Diego city employee Nate Wells. He must have been a really cool guy.)
Nate’s Dog Park | 2500 Balboa Drive | San Diego, CA 92103
This has got to be the happiest place on Earth. I couldn’t believe my eyes the first time my parents took me here. A whole entire beach…just for dogs! And it’s only two minutes away from my house. This place was packed with other happy dogs, just like me. Everyone was smiling…even the parents. No one seemed to care how sandy or wet their dog got, which was great because I like getting sandy and wet, especially when I’m hot! I met another bulldog and we got along great. (Are you catching on? Yes, we always seek out others of our kind.) It’s very pretty here, and my parents liked the big ocean views…you can see all the way from Point Loma to the Hotel Del. The best part? This beach offers leash-free romps all year round. It makes my tail wag just thinking about it!
Coronado Dog Beach | 100 Ocean Blvd | Coronado, CA 92118

At first I wasn’t sure what to make of this grassy, six-acre dog park in the Coronado Cays. It’s right along the road and you can see Silver Strand Beach in the distance. Mom was a little worried I would run into the street, but of course I did not, because I want to live to be ten. There are some park benches and nice, big trees for shade. The warm sun felt great on my fur, and I loved the smell of the sea breeze blowing in from the beach. There’s also a huge stretch of bright, green grass, perfect for playing and rolling. There was a group of dogs from a doggy day care, and they all knew each other, but let me play with them. Overall, this is a jolly good park and a perfect place to make some new friends. I hope that I get to come back. The grass at this park was top-notch!
Coronado Cays Dog Park Coronado Cays Blvd, south of Grand Caribe Causeway

It took us a while to get here, but I took a nap in the car, so I didn’t mind. The drive was worth it…what a cool place! This beach is situated on the north side of the San Dieguito River Lagoon, offering up shallow, calm waters for dogs to splash around in. My sister liked wading around in it too! You can also cruise right up to the surf if playing in the waves is your thing! There are a few short hiking trails around, including one that leads to an overlook at James Scripps Bluff Preserve. One thing to remember: in summer months, they make us wear our leashes. So enjoy the freedom while you can!
Del Mar Dog Beach | 3200 Camino Del Mar | Del Mar, CA 92014