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COMMUNITY: Pick your cause with this handy Civic Group Listing published annually

Coronado Social Club Listing: 2022 Resolution for more community involvement


By David Throop

Make a positive impact in your community by joining a social group!

Find a group that’s the right fi t! The various social groups in Coronado o er something for everyone. Use this listing as a guide to discover what each group does and choose which organizations to join and get involved with this year.

Reap the many benefi ts! Joining a civic group is a great way to become more engaged with a worthwhile cause that’s important to you. It’s also an easy means to meet like-minded people and even make some new friends in the process. Being a part of a group that works together to make a di erence with something you care about can bring more meaning to your life and help reduce feelings of isolation at home.

The community, in turn, benefi ts from your involvement!

It's said several di erent ways, but we are indeed stronger together than separate. These groups are the heart of our city and they strengthen and build our community. For those of you with philanthropic goals for 2021, consider these local social clubs as you start planning your year. Help make Coronado — our little slice of heaven — even more special.

Coronado Junior Woman’s Club

The goal of Coronado Junior Woman’s Club is to encourage civic, philanthropic and educational opportunities for young women in Coronado. Awareness and fundraising e orts benefi t groups such as the Girl Scouts, athletic teams, music, drama, the arts, Coronado Library and Hospital Foundations, Coronado DARE, Coronado Schools, Camp Wamp, Camp Able and more. Additionally, money raised is used for scholarships for young women to put toward college.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Email: cjwcmembership@gmail.com Website: https://www.coronadojuniorwomans.org/ Social media username: @CoronadoJuniorWomansClub Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoronadoJuniorWomansClub/ Meeting time(s): Once a month, typically Tuesday evenings.

Coronado Woman’s Club

Dedicated to community improvement through service, the Coronado Woman’s Club sponsors scholarships for Coronado High School students, supporting the Coronado Flower Show and the Coronado Recreation Department’s summer programs. As a charter of the California Federation of Women’s Clubs, the Coronado Woman’s Club chapter has been active for over 67 years, promoting philanthropy and community improvement.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Website: http://www.coronadowc.com/ Social media username: @coronadowomansclub Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coronadowomansclub?fref=ts Meeting time(s): Monthly — Wednesday evenings from October to June.

Rotary Club of Coronado

With an emphasis on humanitarian service and establishing high ethical standards in all vocations, Coronado’s Rotary Club strives for “Service Above Self” in all areas of the community, workplace and worldwide. Rotary Club International has a global reach and works to assist with vaccinating the poor, conducting literacy programs, feeding the hungry, providing for safe, clean water, and promoting goodwill in troubled hotspots. Locally, the Rotary Club provides community service programs in their trash pick-up of public parks and beaches, fl ags on the median, Fourth of July parade and concerts in the park, among other activities.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Name: Jaimie Centeno Address: Rotary Club of Coronado PO Box 180487 Coronado, CA 92178 Email: o ce@coronadorotary.org. Website: https://www.coronadorotary.org/index.php Social media username: @coronadorotary Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coronadorotary Meeting time(s): For information - o ce@coronadorotary.org.

Islander Ladies Club

Islander Ladies Club is a small group of women dedicated to supporting and elevating Coronado’s community through service and giving. One of the larger events hosted by the Islander Ladies Club is Beer by the Bay. This event is the only craft beer festival in Coronado, which serves as their primary fundraising program for organizations such as the Coronado Schools Foundation, One More Wave, United Through Reading, Wampler Foundation, Coronado SAFE and scholarships with the Coronado Surfi ng Association.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Email: islanderladiesclub@gmail.com Website: https://www.islanderladiesclub.org/ Social media username: @IslanderLadiesClub Facebook: www.facebook.com/islanderladiesclub Meeting time(s): Email for more information

Bridge and Bay Garden Club

Easily identifi able by their iconic pink fl amingo emblem, the Bridge and Bay Garden Club works to promote all gardening types, from home to public gardens, emphasizing better horticulture practices and conservation of natural resources through civic engagement. Activities include the annual Coronado Flower Show, maintaining gardens at the Coronado Post O ce and Coronado Middle School andthe Ricky Fernandez Memorial Garden, among other community promotions.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below:

Name: Sandra Killmeyer-Kran and/or Judy Grobbel

Email: bbgc92118@hotmail.com

Website: https://bbgc92118.com/

Social media username: @BridgeandBayGardenClub

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Bridge-and-Bay-Garden-Club-888066234537540

Meeting time(s): September, October, November, January,

February, March, April, and May.

Coronado Promenade Concerts

For over four decades, Coronado Promenade Concerts has organized, promoted, managed and produced the summer concert series in Spreckels Park. Entirely self-funded through sponsorships and donations, this iconic program operates 15 concerts spanning over fi ve months, with most of the performances running Sundays from Memorial Day to Labor Day weekends.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Address: Coronado Promenade Concerts, Inc. P.O. Box 182072, Coronado, CA 92178 Email: operations@coronadoconcert.com Website: https://coronadoconcert.com/ Social media username: @coronadoconcerts Facebook: www.facebook.com/coronadoconcerts

Friends of the Coronado Public Library

The primary function of Friends of the Coronado Public Library is to benefi t the Coronado Library. They raise funds through their annual book sale, held in conjunction with the Coronado Flower Show, as well as operating the Second-Hand Prose book shop. Proceeds benefi t the Library and other community programs, including three Christmas Concerts, the Fall Concert Piano Series and three scholarships for graduating Coronado High School students.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Address: Friends of the Coronado Public Library Post O ce Box 180172 Coronado, CA 92178-0172 Email: info@CoronadoFOL.org Website: http://new.coronadofol.org/wordpress/ Social media username: @CoronadoFriends Facebook: www.facebook.com/CoronadoFriends Meeting time(s): Email for more information

Coronado Historical Association

Dedicated to preserving and promoting Coronado’s unique history and legacy, the Coronado Historical Association strives to be the repository to educate and inform the community of its history. The Association focuses on educational programs and outreach that promote the community through its history.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Address: 1100 Orange Ave Coronado, CA 92118 Email: cstokes@coronadohistory.org Website: https://coronadohistory.org/ Social media username: @CoronadoHistory Facebook: www.facebook.com/CoronadoHistory/

Lions International

The mission statement of Lions International is a place where individuals join together to donate their valuable time and abilities to serve in the community and the world. The goal is to be a recognized leader in humanitarian e orts through peace and goodwill while serving areas of need.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Name: John Bell Address: Coronado Club Room and Boathouse 1985 Strand Way Coronado, CA 92118 Email: jb721@me.com Website: https://www.lionsclubs.org/en Social media username: @coronadolionsclub Facebook: www.facebook.com/coronadolionsclub Meeting time(s): Every 4th Monday at 6:30 (18:30) p.m.

Soroptimist Club

Around for 100 years, the Soroptimist International of Coronado is an organization founded upon and dedicated to the principles of empowering women and girls through education and training to achieve economic empowerment and political equality. Partnering with local and global nonprofi ts, Soroptimist benefi ciaries include orphanages, homeless outreach, safe shelters for homeless and victims of abuse and programs to support the military’s women.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Address: Soroptimist International of Coronado 600 D Avenue Coronado, CA 92118 Email: membership@coronadosoroptimist.org Website: https://coronadosoroptimist.org/ Social media username: @CoronadoSoroptimist Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoronadoSoroptimist/ Meeting time(s): info@coronadosoroptimist.org

Coronado Lodge #441

This social organization is better known as Freemasons, or “Masons.” Like all Freemasons, the Coronado Lodge #441 Freemasonry is dedicated to making better men from good men, including better husbands, fathers and sons. The Masons emphasize improving the character, moral and spiritual outlook, broadening mental horizons. To be one, meet one.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Address: 529 Orange Avenue Coronado, CA 92118 Website: https://coronadolodge441.com/ Social media username: Coronado Masonic Lodge 441 F&AM Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Coronado-Masonic-Lodge441-FAM/356812717683123 Meeting time(s): First Tuesday of every month

Coronado Hospital Foundation

Coronado Hospital Foundation promotes the health care needs and enhances Coronado and surrounding areas’ future needs through Sharp Coronado Hospital. As a nonprofi t hospital, Sharp Coronado relies on the fundraising e orts of organizations such as the Coronado Hospital Foundation to assist community health needs.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Address: Coronado Hospital Foundation 250 Prospect Place Coronado, CA 92118 Email: foundation@sharp.com Website: https://give.sharp.com/coronado-foundation

Coronado Schools Foundation

By engaging community involvement and support, the Coronado Schools Foundation raises funds to enhance students’ learning and educational opportunities in the Coronado Unifi ed School District. From the annual CSF Telethon and more, the Coronado Schools Foundation has provided the necessary additional funds to continue the exceptional educational programs o ered through the Coronado Unifi ed School District.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Address: 201 6th Street Coronado, CA 92118 Email: csf@csfkids.org Website: https://www.csfkids.org/ Social media username: @CoronadoSchoolsFoundation Facebook: www.facebook.com/CoronadoSchoolsFoundation/

Friends of Children United Society (FOCUS)

Friends of Children United Society is a program dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged children, military dependents and disabled children from birth to 21 years old. The all-volunteer organization raises money through fundraisers, donations, annual memberships and other sources to donate to charitable causes that fi t within the mission statement of “...one goal: helping to make life better for San Diego County children and teens in need.”

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Address: FOCUS P.O. Box 180023 Coronado, CA 92178 Email: info@focus-sdkids.org Website: https://focus-sdkids.org/ Social media username: @Focus92118 Facebook: www.facebook.com/Focus92118/

Optimist Club of Coronado, Friend of Youth

The mission statement of the Optimist Club of Coronado is to bring about the best qualities of youth through a philosophy of optimism and service to others. The organization focuses on service to youth, fostering respect for good governance and the law and service of oneself for the betterment and well-being of humankind in both the community and globally.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Name: Brennan Hovland Email: https://optimistclubofcoronado.org/contact/ or brennanhovland@cox.net Website: https://optimistclubofcoronado.org/ Social media username: Coronado Optimist Club Facebook: www.facebook.com/Coronado-Optimist-Club-180855908646542 Meeting time(s): Every Tuesday morning, 7 a.m. at the Coronado Community Center, 1845 Strand Way, Coronado, CA 92118

Chances for Children

Chances for Children is an organization dedicated to the improvement of life for children in Haiti. Through education, health, food distribution and other activities, Chances for Children o ers educational and religious opportunities, medical treatment, adoption agency and other services.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Email: info@chances4children.org Website: www.chances4children.org/ Social media username: @Chances4Children Facebook: www.facebook.com/Chances4Children/

Coronado Roundtable

Coronado Roundtable is an organization of community and business leaders, retired persons and others dedicated to identifying, sounding out and fi nding solutions to the community’s most pressing, everyday issues.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Social media username: Coronado Roundtable Facebook: www.facebook.com/Coronado-Roundtable-390430277765759/ Meeting time(s): Check Facebook Page for updates.

Coronado Main Street

Since 1988, Coronado Main Street has been working to promote, showcase and, in some cases, revitalize downtown Coronado businesses through preservation and beautifi cation e orts for the benefi t of locals and visitors alike. Programs include the Median Gardens and the MarketPlace Magazine, among others.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Address: 1001 B avenue #216 Coronado, CA 92118 Email: coronadomainst@gmail.com Website: http://CoronadoMainStreet.com/ Social media username: @coronadomainstreet Facebook: www.facebook.com/coronadomainstreet

Coronado Chamber of Commerce

The Coronado Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to local businesses’ success for the Coronado community’s benefi t as a whole. From promotional materials and brochures that highlight local businesses to operating the Coronado Visitor Center.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Address: 1125 10th St. Coronado, CA 92118 Email: info@coronadochamber.com Website: http://www.coronadochamber.com/ Social media username: @coronadochamber Facebook: www.facebook.com/coronadochamber

Coronado Real Estate Association (CREA)

Coronado Real Estate Association is a networking group to help local Realtors promote business opportunities through networking, education, marketing and other community service projects to assist and protect local property ownership.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Address: 120 C Avenue Ste 140 Coronado, CA 92118 Email: coronadorea@gmail.com Social media username: @CREA92118 Facebook: www.facebook.com/CREA92118/

Pacifi c Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)

PAWS of Coronado is a nonprofi t animal welfare and rescue organization dedicated to all animals’ health and well-being in Coronado. Through advocacy and community education, the goal is to encourage adoption, rehabilitate animals and eliminate the process of sheltering and euthanizing animals.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below: Address: 124 Orange Ave, 205 Coronado, CA 92118 Email: info@pawsofcoronado.org Website: https://pawsofcoronado.org/ Social media username: @PAWSofCoronado Facebook: www.facebook.com/PAWSofCoronado

Coronado Community Animal Rescue and Education Society (CARES)

The primary mission statement of Coronado Community Animal Rescue is to promote animal welfare by providing resources for better animal care, as well as adoption services, to eliminate homeless animals in Coronado.

For information about membership or donations, fi nd information below:

Address: Coronado Community Animal Rescue and Education Society

P.O. Box 181033

Coronado, CA 92178

Email: info@coronadocares.org

Website: http://www.coronadocares.org/

Social media username: @CoronadoCARES

Facebook: www.facebook.com/CoronadoCARES • David Throop is a freelance writer from Coronado who now lives in Imperial Beach with his wife and child.

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