Crown City Magazine October 2021 Issue

Page 26

Crown City History I N C O L L A B O R AT I O N W I T H C O R O N A D O H I S T O R I C A L A S S O C I AT I O N

Hidden Gems of

The Art W

B y C A R O L PA S T O R , C O R O N A D O H I S T O R I C A L A S S O C I AT I O N V O L U N T E E R

Unfortunately, many galleries have disappeared over the past few years. With that in mind, I went looking for new or unknown artists among us. Sue Knop is half of the dynamic Knop duo. Her husband, David, is a retired Lt. Col. USMC who has a new career as a writer. He has written and published four mysteries featuring a Native American detective in a Southwestern setting. (The books

are something new for mystery lovers to read.) The Knops first came to Coronado in 1992 but had lived in Solana Beach and Hawaii and settled here permanently to




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hat does the word “arts” bring to mind? To some, it might suggest painting; to others it may remind them of a sculpture or a statue. Coronado is home to hidden gems of the art world. We know many of our local artists have displayed in galleries as well as during our Sunday Art in the Park event. The show in Spreckels Park has been part of the art scene for many years.


enjoy what Coronado has to offer. Sue taught middle school art classes in Escondido for five years. With that commute tiring at best, Sue finally retired and picked up her paint brush. Sue now has the time to devote to her art. She especially enjoys creating still life paintings and looks forward to an upcoming move to a larger home with a garden where she can put her oils to work. Banners created by Sue Knop were recently displayed on the Orange Avenue median.

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