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Adult Sports & Leagues .................................................................... Pages

Interested team representatives from any of the Agency's sports leagues or players looking for a team should contact us at 814-231-3071 or crpr@crcog.net ASAP!


Adult Flag Football League Tuesday, August 30, 6 PM Captain's Meeting at Spring Creek Park Season: Sept. – Nov. Fee: $360 per team

Adult Volleyball League Tuesday, Sept. 6, 6 PM Captain's Meeting at COG Building Season: Sept. - Dec. Division I (Comp.): Tuesdays and Thursday Division II (Rec.): Mondays and Wednesdays Fee: $275 per team

Adult Wooden Bat Softball League Thursday, Aug. 25, 6 PM Captain's Meeting at John Hess Softball Complex Season: Sept. – Oct. Fee: $500 per team

Disc Golf Learn-To-Play Clinic

Join us for this family-friendly clinic held at Circleville Park's 9-hole Disc Golf Course. Join us for instruction to include game introduction and then learning to play on the course. You'll learn about basic grips, forehands and backhands, drives, mid-throws, putting, and general course play! Instructors are from the local Centre County Disc Golf Association. Each player will receive a multiuse disc. Families may participate, but please register each family member.


Saturday, June 4

Sunday, June 12 2-3 PM

3-4 PM

2-3 PM 3-4 PM 8 yrs. and over; children must be accompanied by an adult. $10R / $15NR Circleville Park, Pavilion #4 12 people / timeslot

Advanced Beginner Adult Tennis Lessons

Improve your tennis skills with practice games, skill drills, and match play. Instruction includes building on groundstrokes, volleys, and serves, as well as a focus on improving hitting accuracy. All lessons will be held at Spring Creek Park Tennis courts.

DATE: Mondays and Wednesdays, August 8-24 TIME: 6:45-7:45 PM AGE: 18 and over FEES: $60R / $90NR LOCATION: Spring Creek Park Tennis Courts


Learn to Play Pickleball

Pickleball is a fun sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong. It is played both indoors or outdoors on a badminton-sized court or with a slightly modified tennis net. Participants use a paddle and a plastic ball with holes and the game can be played as doubles or singles. Join members of the local Pickleball League for basic instruction and lots of fun!

DATES: Tuesday, June 7 TIME: 5:30-7 PM AGES: 18 and over FEES: $10R / $15NR LOCATION: Bernel Road Park Courts INST.: Drew Von Tish

Adult Sports and Leagues

Summer Tennis League

Is your racquet re-strung and ready for play? Are you ready to join us for tennis this summer? Join us for the Intramural Tennis League and you’ll be playing all summer long. A new format is in place this year. Three divisions are available to include: • Recreational - This division is for newer players who want to improve their match play and tennis skills including hitting accuracy, speed on the court, and serving. Score will be kept during play, but reporting will be optional in this division for each individual/team. (This division would be comparable to players who are around levels 2.5-3 on the USTA rating system.) • Intermediate - This division is for players who want to play competitively, but who may still be working on hitting accuracy and improving serves. Players in this division are fairly consistent, with moderate ball control. (This division would be comparable to players who are around levels 3-3.5 on the USTA rating system.) • Competitive - This division is for players who have played tennis in the past competitively. Players in this division generally have directional control over the ball and are able to utilize different types of strokes during match play. (This division would be comparable to players who are level 4+ on the USTA rating system.)

The league is designed to provide play for people with busy schedules. You will receive a season schedule and have one week to play each match. Matches can be played at any tennis court on the day/time that works best for the scheduled players/teams. Each person that registers will be provided with one can of new tennis balls, which can be picked up at the Agency. Balls will be provided for the season-ending tournament as well.

Dates: Regular season will run June 13 through August 21. Optional season-ending tournament will be Saturday, August 27.

To register: You can register for the singles, doubles, or mixed doubles sections, but you may only register for one division. (e.g. You cannot register for singles in both recreational and intermediate divisions.)

For doubles, only one person from a team needs to register for the team players. If you don’t have a partner, please use the program.


Recreational Men's Singles 63651 Women's Singles 63661 Men's Doubles 63671 Women's Doubles 63681 Mixed Doubles 63690 Intermediate Men's Singles 63652 Women's Singles 63662 Men's Doubles 63672 Women's Doubles 63682 Mixed Doubles 63692 Competitive Men's Singles 63653 Women's Singles 63663 Men's Doubles 63673 Women's Doubles 63683 Mixed Doubles 63693 Requires Partner Men's Doubles 63675 Women's Doubles 63685 Mixed Doubles 63695 Monday, June 13-Sunday, August 21 $10R / $15NR

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