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Day-to-Day Experience – On board

Expedition Team

Naturalists, Historians and Expedition Specialists

Whether they’re explaining the unusual lifecycle of king penguins on a beach in South Georgia, or regaling you with Shackleton’s epic tale of survival, our expedition specialists are on board to enrich your understanding of the world around you. Join them for compelling presentations or a casual chat, and tap into their passion and expertise.

Heidi Krajewsky Naturalist

Heidi’s love for the ocean was ignited by a teenage stint as a Sea Cadet. Leaving home to work as a deckhand on a schooner off the west coast of her native Canada, Heidi developed a keen interest in the natural world. She followed her passion, working on wilderness adventure boats to put herself through a Marine Biology degree. She has been enthusiastically interpreting the natural world ever since.

Heidi was a founding director of the Marine Education and Research Society, and assisted with humpback and minke whale research in British Columbia.

Nina Gallo Historian

A writer, guide and intermittent resident of the Blue Mountains, Nina has always been drawn to the quiet majesty of the natural world. After training in Tasmania, Nina worked as a canyoning and climbing guide in the Blue Mountains, and as all-rounder on events in the Simpson Desert. Eternally fascinated by the relationship between humans and nature, Nina studied literature, politics, science, Chinese medicine and French at university before graduating with a BA and a profound appreciation for good storytelling. She is the author of the 2020 Australian Geographic book on Antarctica.

Dr. Ulyana Horodyskyj Geologist & Astronomy Enthusiast

Dr. Ulyana Horodyskyj is a glaciologist, geologist, astronomy enthusiast and visiting professor of environmental science at Colorado College in the United States. Ulyana is especially passionate about science education and outreach. After completing her PhD, she launched an adventure and citizen science initiative called Science in the Wild, aimed at getting people outdoors, thinking like scientists and helping to collect scientific data while on expedition with her in the field.

Activity Guides

If you sign up to go sea kayaking or diving, mountaineering or rock climbing, you know you are in good hands with our skilled, attentive activity guides. For more information see page 12.

Tarn Pilkington Ski & Mountain Guide

Tarn is a qualified IFMGA Mountain and Ski Guide working year-round in New Zealand. Since visiting Antarctica for the first time in 1994, he has returned over 15 times and admits to being completely addicted. Tarn spends winters heli-ski guiding and ski-touring, and summers guiding and working on film and television productions as a safety officer, or mountain biking. He is also contracted as the Crew Chief for the local Air Ambulance service and volunteers for the Alpine Cliff Rescue Team.

Toby Story Sea Kayaking Guide

Toby began his sea kayak guiding career on the remote, rugged coastlines of Tasmania. Over the past 15 years he has guided kayaking expeditions across the equatorial and polar regions. Toby is also a qualified sea kayak instructor, and has worked extensively with universities, schools and tourism operators as an expedition leader, educator and guide trainer. Toby’s great passion is learning about and exploring remote, beautiful places and assisting people to enjoy, understand and experience those places to the full. Toby is also a keen photographer, climber, runner and surfer.

Scott Portelli Photography Guide

Scott is an international award-winning wildlife, nature and underwater photographer. A member of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP), Scott has spent over a decade working in extreme conditions in the polar regions. He shows enthusiasts and experts alike how to get the most out of their photography, bringing the best tips and techniques for photographing in challenging locations.

Peter Szyszka Diving Guide

Peter is among the elite diving professionals worldwide who have achieved Instructor Trainer status with six training agencies for all available courses. Peter has dived in 32 countries and in all seven continents, in all conditions and water temperatures, to depths past 120 metres. He has been a Polar Dive Guide and technical supervisor on many trips to the polar regions. Peter has a gift for training and a passion for diving that inspires all who meet him.

Protecting Our Natural World: Responsible Travel

Our Commitment

Aurora Expeditions is committed to travelling respectfully and providing “a trip of a lifetime” experience, while aiming to create lifelong ambassadors for the protection of our planet and the diverse places we visit around the world.

Our Ships

Lowest Polluting Marine Engines

Our fleet boasts one of the lowest polluting marine engines in the world, our state-of-the-art engines deliver a reduction in emissions.*

Marine Oil

Our ships utilise marine gas oil rather than diesel.

Reduced Fuel Consumption

The revolutionary Ulstein X-BOW® cuts through the swell, reducing vibrations and making quicker transits through waves, which helps reduce fuel consumption* .

* Tier 3 compared to the older Tier 1 engine

On board

Responsible Dining

All of our seafood on board is sustainably sourced in accordance with the Marine Stewardship Council guidelines.

Plastic: Towards Zero

On board we’ve replaced many single-use plastic products with sustainable alternatives and provide multiple water stations throughout the ship to refill water bottles.

Recycling Program

We use recycling bins on board to separate waste and reduce our landfill, and aim to recycle our waste at every port.

Eco-friendly Cleaning Products

We aim to use biodegradable, phosphate free and nonbioaccumulative cleaning products as much as possible.

Coral Safe Sunscreen

We are proud to provide Stream2Sea’s mineral-based sunscreen for use on board, tested and proven safe for fish and coral larvae.

Environmental Initiative Support

Join our onboard auctions for the South Georgia Heritage Trust, support Geolocation Journeys in our ship shop or participate in citizen science and learn about our impact on the natural world.


Small Ships

We carry some of the lowest numbers of expeditioners in the industry on each of our voyages.

IAATO Founding Member

Aurora Expeditions was the first Australian member of the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATO) which issues guidelines for environmentally responsible travel to Antarctica, which we operate by.

AECO Member

Aurora Expeditions was the first Australian member of the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO). AECO is dedicated to managing responsible, environmentally friendly tourism in the Arctic and sets the highest possible operating standards.

Beach Clean Ups

We are proud to participate in ‘Clean Up Svalbard’, contributing to the removal of approximately 20 tons of waste from Svalbard’s beaches, as well as staff-run beach clean ups.

Hope Spots

Join us in support of Mission Blue as several of our voyages visit ‘Hope Spots’, part of Sylvia Earle’s legacy to protect marine conservation areas.

Kayakers paddle through icy waters, Antarctica

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