17 minute read
Cruise-Ins: Re-occuring / Weekly & Monthly
AMMY = All Makes/Models/Years AWARDS = Trophies & awards DP = Dash Plaques DPZ = Door Prizes GB = Goodie Bags $10/12 = pre-reg/day of show fee
REMEMBER: Weather changes rapidly, it’s best to call the specific show you are interested in first to avoid disappointment
Most Up-To-Date Listings:
Monday Cruise-Ins
Cruising the River Downtown Lowellville
Mondays, Mahoning County, Ohio, May 10 thru Oct 5-8 pm, DJ BIG RICK, Info 330 509-2442
Cruising With Shawn to the North Georgetown Fire
Hall Mondays, 4051 North St. (Rochester Rd.), North Georgetown, OH, 44665, 5-8 pm, Free, 5 awards monthly, DP, DPZ, AMMY, Music, Food, 5-17, R/D 5-24, 6-21, R/D 6-28, 7-19, R/D 7-26, 8-16, R/D 8-23, 9-20, R/D 9-27 More info FB Cruising With Shawn - 330-248-1760, 330-5257124
Don Sitts Cuyahoga Falls Cruise In Every Monday Nite
- Downtown Cuyahoga Falls, (2310 2nd St Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221) 4-8pm through end of Sept, Theme Nights, 50/50 Raffle, DPZ, Best of Show picks by Summit Racing, visit our website for more info and themes: https://www.riverfrontcruisein.com/ - JUNE 28th Cruise: Instead of cars of the 50’s, It is now Camaro Night, honoring Mark Caetta - 330-945-5800
Farmers Bank Wellington Cruise In Every Monday, 502 South Main St., Wellington, Ohio, 44090, Starting June 7 2021 5pm till 8pm. AMMY, Music, Food within walking distance. More info 440-315-8237
Gateway Community Church North Ridgeville Monday
Nights - 5400 Lear Nagle Rd, North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039 - Jason and the boys are back (Jim Craig and Darryl) with a great new church location. Starts May 10th, 2021. Contact Jason 440-522-9268
Oakwood Square Cruise-In Mondays w/ 1310 WDPN
Radio Gang, 2710 Easton St. NE, Canton Ohio 44721, 5pm-8pm, 330-821-1111
Quaker Stake and Lube At The Highlands Cruise-In
Monthly on Mondays, 45 Satterfield Dr, Triadelphia, WV 26059, 6-9pm, DP, 50/50, Dates: 6/14, 7/12, 8/9, 9/13, 10/11 Look us up on Facebook: Ohio Valley Street Survivors Car Club (304) 547-1100
Samosky’s Car Cruise In Every Monday, 6738 Center Rd, Valley City, OH 44280, June 7th through Fall, 4PM-8PM, Music, Car Cruiser Food & drink Specials, AMMY, Check facebook for updates, 330-483-2000
Southside Diner’s Monthly Cruise-In Every 3rd Monday,
620 S Main St., Mt Vernon, Ohio 43050 - (May 17, June 21, July 19, Aug 16, Sept 20), 4-8 pm, AMMY including motorcycles, No reg. fee. dpz, food specials, JR the DJ with cruisin’ oldies. Weather permitting. Info Jeff (419) 884-7075 or restaurant (740) 392-1282
Willoughby Manhattan Deli Cruisin-In Mondays, 34601 Ridge Rd Willoughby 440-585-1177, Starts May 10th, 5-8 pm ,50/50, door prizes. Come & enjoy the relaxing patio with classic cars & classic music for the 2021 season. DJ Chris (Glad to have you back ). 440-897-0492
Tuesday Cruise-Ins
Akron Chargers Cruisin Tuesdays at Firehouse Grille &
Danny Boys - 10 Tallmadge Circle, Tallmadge Ohio 44278 - Starting in May (Check our website for event updates) 5pm-8pm - Music & Weekly 50/50 Drawing - Food & Drink Specials - More info www.Firehousetallmadge.com or on Facebook - Restaurant 330-634-9967 - tallmadge@ dannyboyspizza.com
Buffalo Wild Wings Austintown Plaza Cruise-In
Tuesdays, 6000 Mahoning Ave, Austintown, Ohio 44515, May thru Oct 5-8 pm, DJ BIG RICK, Info 330 509-2442
Machines Weekly Cruise Every Tuesday, 6200 Enterprise PKWY, Solon, Ohio 44139, 5-9, Door Prizes, 50/50, Featured Themes, Food, All Registered Vehicles entered for chance to win $25 Summit Gift Card every week. More info www.rnrcsm.com 216-346-6156 See ad on next page
Cracker Barrel St. Clairesville Ohio Cruise-In 3rd
Tuesdays, 67781 Mall Rd, St Clairsville, OH 43950, 5-8pm, DJ Spikeman, DP, 50/50, Dates: 6/15, 7/20, 8/17, 9/21, 10/19 (4-7pm) Look us up on Facebook: Ohio Valley Street Survivors Car Club (740) 699-2662
InForno Pizza Cruise-In’s Tuesday, 35840 Chester Rd, Avon, Ohio 44011, (starting 5/18), 5-8pm, AMMY, $2 off pizza - More info 216-579-0119 Mark
Weekly Cruise Schedule
Tue, Aug 10 Corvette – Donation night FHR
Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Bedford Automile Dealers Association, Skipco Auto Auction, Harwood Motors, Enerco/Mr. Heater, Corvette Conspiracy, Cleveland Jewelry, Tim Lally Chevrolet Tue, Aug 17 Station Wagons/Carry All/Suburbans/Broncos/ ALP Classic Pick Ups
Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Bedford Automile Dealers Association, Skipco Auto Auction, Harwood Motors, Hagerty by Mobile Insurance Agency, Lorain Raceway Park/ Painesville Speedway Tue, Aug 24 55/56/57 All Makes FHR
Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Bedford Automile Dealers Association, Skipco Auto Auction, Harwood Motors, Carl’s Mens Hairstyling, Security Self Storage Tue, Aug 31 Those Fabulous Fat Fenders FHR
Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Bedford Automile Dealers Association, Skipco Auto Auction, Harwood Motors Tue, Sep 7 Emergency Vehicles/Military/Trucks/Jeeps/ ALP Diesel Powered
Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Bedford Automile Dealers Association, Skipco Auto Auction, Harwood Motors, Firehouse Rocks Tue, Sep 14 Henry Ford Night ALP
Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Bedford Automile Dealers Association, Skipco Auto Auction, Harwood Motors, Firehouse Rocks Tue, Sep 21 Cruiser of the Year FHR
Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Bedford Automile Dealers Association, Skipco Auto Auction, Harwood Motors, Enerco/Mr. Heater Tue, Sep 28 Rock N Roll Capital Street Machines Night- ALP All Welcome/Motorcycles/UTV’s/ATV’s/ Mini Bikes/Pedal Cars
Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Bedford Automile Dealers Association, Skipco Auto Auction, Harwood Motors, Security Self Storage, Balcer Performance & Restoration Tue, Oct 5 Don Sitts Appreciation Night TBA
Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Bedford Automile Dealers Association, Skipco Auto Auction, Harwood Motors Tue, Oct 12 Halloween Night/ Appreciation Cruise TBA
Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Bedford Automile Dealers Association, Skipco Auto Auction, Harwood Motors, Balcer Performance & Restoration ALP– Al Pinecki FHR–Firehouse Rocks TBA– To Be Announced
For more info or to become a member, visit rnrcsm.com or call John 216.346.6156 or Dennis 216.244.5852
NOTICE TO ALL PARTICIPANTS AND SPECTATORS Pursuant to a lease with Davis Development, the Rock–N–Roll Capital Street Machines, during car shows it sponsors, has exclusive control over this lot. The RNRCSM reserves the right to establish and enforce all rules to provide an orderly and safe environment for the participants and spectators, including but not limited to, reserving and assigning spaces, prohibition of pets, alcoholic beverages, strollers and bicycles between cars, burnouts, etc. Anyone failing to comply to our rules will be asked to leave our cruise. Failure to leave our cruise will unfortunately result in our calling the Solon Police Department for assistance. – RNRCSM Board
Knights Car Club Cruise-In 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at
Dairy Queen, 225 W. High St., Orrville, Ohio, 44645, thru Sept. 2nd-4th Tues., 5-8pm, Music, Info Dick 330-466-7519
LaGrange IGA Food Truck Block Party, Every other
Tuesday, 7/20/21, 540 N Center Street, Lagrange, Ohio, 44050, Free, no reg; different food trucks every other Tues! DJ,AMMY, (440)355-9920, info@tallorderservices.com
Lou’s cruise in, Medina Kmart every Tuesday, 1105 N. Court Street, Medina, Ohio, 44256, Lou’s cruise in is on a new day: Tuesday nights. Weather permitting. Every Tuesday night until October 12th! Kmart in Medina parking lot right behind Dragon Buffet! Door prizes on the 1st Tuesday of every month! Starting at 4pm to dusk and Music starts at 4pm! 330-590-3431 - twiztedsociety15@gmail.com
Midview Plaza Cruisin Tuesdays, 35100 Royalton Rd, Rt. 82 @ Island Rd., Elyria, OH, 4:30 to Dusk, Food available - Subway, Pizza Shop, Dairy Queen, Music, and Friends! Cars, Bikes, Trucks, AMMY.
MooTown Creamery Cruise-In Tuesdays, 437 West Bagley Road, Berea, Ohio, 44017, thru Sept 7, 5-8pm, AMMY, 50/50 & runner-up prizes, 50’s to 80’s music with Cousin Vito. vitotap@att.net - 440-260-9930 - 216-7807078 MVOCC Tuesday Cruise Nite, Austintown Plaza, 6000 Mahoning Avenue, Austintown, OH, 44515, Every Tuesday, 5-8pm - dpz - dp - ammy - $3 - DJ, Info 330-792-6807
Wauseon Ohio Cruise-In Every Tuesday, Weauseon Chamber of Commerce, 115 North Fulton St., Wauseon, Ohio. 6-8pm, Super Cruise every 3rd Tues in June/July/ Aug.
Wednesday Cruise-Ins
Amherst Main St. Walk on Wednesday’s Benefit Car
Show, Main St, Enter at Tenney St. ONLY, Amherst, Ohio, 44001, Amherst WOW 2nd Wed. Of Month - June 9th, July 14, August 11th, September 8th - pre reg $20- $10 event day. Info 440-935 7136
The Brick Oven Weekly Cruisin Wednesdays, 13373 Smith Road, Middleburg Hts, Ohio, 44130, Starting May 26, DJ.Chris Comodeca, Buffet, DPZ, 50/50, 440-213-1461
Cruisin’ River 2021 Rocky River United Methodist
Church, 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 19414 Detroit Rd, Rocky River, Ohio 44116, On-Site Cruises are back! 5:30-8pm, June 9 & 23, July 14 & 28, August 11 & 25, AMMY, No Admission charge, DPZ, DJ, See ad for more details in Cruisin Times Magazine.
Downton Burton Ohio Wednesday Night Cruise-ins,
14544 N Cheshire St, Burton, OH 44021, Downtown Car Cruise! Hot Rods, Classic Cars, etc. DJ Crazy Dave - Beginning on June 2, 2021!
Downtown South Lyon, Michigan Lake Street Cruise-
In, 4th Wednesdays - May thru Sept. Starts May 26, All summer long - http://lakestreetcruisein.com/ - 248-437-6353
Elyria Vintage Cruze in EST. 1971 Every Friday, 1020 East Broad St., Elyria, Ohio, 44035, 5pm-9pm. May thru. The end of October, NAPA Parking Lot. See” Elyria Vintage Cruise in EST. 1971 “ on FB. (440) 315-5609
Gervasi Vineyard Cruise-In Wednesdays, 1700 55th St NE, Canton, OH 44721, Wednesday 5-8pm, June - September, Free Admission, Live Music On The Piazza, All Makes/Models/Years of Automobiles, 3 Restaurants on Property, Cruiser Food Discounts, GervasiVineyard.com/ Cruise-In 330-497-1000 - See ad to right
Johnnys Diner every Wednesday, 180 W Streetsboro St. (Rt. 303), Hudson, Ohio 44236. 1/4 mile W of Rt.91 in Hudson Plaza in back of McDonalds. 4pm till dusk. GREAT FOOD, DPZ, 50/50 raffle, Trophy’s, 10% food discount, Oldies music and D.J. Cadillac Mike (234) 380-1258
Lordstown Dairy Queen Car Cruise, Wednesdays
Weekly Cruise In, 6780 Tod Ave SW, Warren, OH, 5-8pm, DJ Keen Gene, $3 Reg. Fee, DPZ, 50/50, Admission Free, info LordstownDQcarshow@gmail.com (330) 824-3432
Medina Ohio South Town Cruise-In, Wednesdays, 1069 N Court Street, Medina OH 44256, in front of the old K Mart., South Town cruise in is back on! Old Hawkins Market is back and it’s on a new day! Starting Wednesday May 12th 2021 weather permitting!! 4pm to dusk Music starts at 4pm. Presented by Main Street Medina
New Castle, PA - Hugger Mugger Car Cruise
Wednesdays, 2650 Ellwood Rd, New Castle, PA, 16101, April 28th-October 13, 5:00-8:00 PM, 2.00 Registration fee, food, DJ, 50/50, prize giveaways, etc. 724-730-3456
Slim and Chubby’s Cruise-in Wednesdays, 12492 Prospect Rd., Strongsville, OH 44149, Strongsville, Ohio, 44149, Every Wednesday. Weather permitting 5-? Dj Jonny K. Prizes and giveaways. 440-572-7546

Tony Maloney’s Cruise-in, Wednesdays, 9387 Sprague Rd, North Royalton, Ohio, 44133, Starting 4/28, DJ, Food, Raffles - 440-885-5970 (Joe)
VFW Post 8804 Chauncey Ohio Cruise-In every 2 weeks
on Wednesday, 16 Converse St. Chauncey, Ohio, 6-8, (740) 517-2774

Wednesdays 5-8pm June–September
September 1 Jaguar Club of Ohio September 15 Corvette Cleveland
Thursday Cruise-Ins
Bellacino’s of Stow Cruisin’ every Thursday night, 3657 Fishcreek Rd, Stow, Ohio 44224, Starting May 6 thru Sept. 4:30pm. DJ, good time for food, fun, and classic cars of all makes and models. Info 330-678-3000 www. bellacinosofstow.com
Bryan Cruise In Every Thursday night thru 8-26-2021, 100 W Butler St, Bryan, OH, 43506, Starting May 20, Reg. all night long, NO FEE, cash dpz, ammy, music with DJ - 419-956-9595
Cherry Valley Nazarene Cruise-In Last Thursday of
Month, 3410 US Route 6, Andover, Ohio, 44003, DATES: May 27, June 24, August 26. 5:30-8:00, Free Reg., Food, water, pop, music, fun, DPZ, DP AMMY, 216-551-4476
The Castle’s Classic Cruise In Third
Thursdays, Landoll’s Mohican Castle, 561 TWP Rd. 3352, Loudonville, OH, 5:30-8:30pm, May-Oct, Free Admission/Registration, Owners receive $15 F&B Credit & Discounted Room Rates, Food and Drinks, Email Jimmy@ landollsmohicancastle.com to register vehicle (419) 9943427

Free admission Food and drinks available in the restaurant or at the show. Meet the owners Vote for crowd favorite! Free registration for cars, trucks or bikes of any era All owners will receive a $15 F&B Credit and discounted room rates Cruisin’ with Grace Thursdays, 7393 Pearl Rd, 3/4 Mile off I-71, Exit 234, Middleburgh Hts, Ohio, 44130, June 3 - Sept 30, Grilling, music. To see full schedule and check for rain-outs, go to www.gracecma.org/cruisin - 440-263-6360

Eastlake Boulevard of 500 Flags Every Thursday Night
Cruise, 35150 Lakeshore Blvd., Behind City Hall buildings, Eastlake, Ohio, 44095, The ultimate minimalist cruise! Food, music, rods and people! 4:30 til... (216) 513-6623 - rondustman@rocketmail.com
El Cowboys Wedgewood Plaza Cruise-In
Thursdays, 1739 S Raccoon Rd, Youngstown, Ohio 44511, May thru Oct 5-8 pm, DJ BIG RICK, Info 330 509-2442
Der Dutchman Plain City, Ohio Weekly Cruise-In Every
Thursday, May 6 to Sept 30, 2021, 5-8pm, Location: The corner of West Avenue and State Rt. 42, the field just south of the Der Dutchman Restaurant. Fun, Friends, Oldies Music, DPZ, Registration is FREE! Please follow social distancing guidelines 614-873-3414
Foundry Social / High Voltage Karting Cruise-In 1st &
3rd Thursdays - July - August - September, 333 Foundry Street, Medina, OH, 44256, 5pm-10pm Food, DPZ, AMMY highvoltagekarting.com/cruisein 216-239-1961
Pizza Hut’s “Heading Back to Normalcy” Cruise-
In, (starting June 24 through October), 365 N LexingtonSpringmill Rd., Ontario, Oh 44906. 4PM-8PM, No Reg Fee. AMMY, DPZ, Music from ‘50’s-90’s by “JR the DJ”, Face Mask is a must at show - Pizza Hut Corporate regulation. Info: Jeff (419) 884-7075 or the restaurant (419) 774-9464.
VFW POST 4120 Cruise-In & Bike Night 3rd
Thursday, 213 Roosevelt Street, Minerva, Ohio, 44657, Every 3rd Thursday of June, July and August 2021 (June 17, July 15 and Aug 19) 5pm-8pm. All makes and models and years are welcome! Food and Drinks available. 50/50 drawing. Spikeman DJ will be playing oldies! 330-205-0110 - johnsonl67@icloud.com

Friday Cruise-Ins
PENDING! Bakers Square Friday Cruise-In, 7011 W. 130Th Street, Parma Hts, Ohio, 44130, Starting April 16th Every Friday, No Dj. Just Cars Guys That Love To Cruise
Boardman Quaker Steak & Lube Cruise-In Fridays, 435 Boardman Poland Rd, Boardman, Ohio 44512, May thru Oct. 5-8 pm, DJ BIG RICK, Info 330 509-2442
The Bucket List Restaurant and Bar Friday Night
Cruise-Ins, 7511 Lafayette Road, Lodi, Ohio 44254, Friday nights starting April 23, 4-8pm, Music by Rich the Lincoln Man. Rain or shine, Trophies, (330) 302-0671
Harwood Motors Weekly Cruise-In Every Friday, 1333 Highland Road Macedonia, Ohio 44056, 4-7pm, Starting May 28th until September 3rd. Weather Permitting. More info on our Facebook page or (440) 565-5335 www. harwoodmotors.com
Marysville Monthly Cruise-In, Last Friday every month March - November, AMMY, 6-9pm, Honda Powersports, 770 Colemans Crossing, Marysville, Ohio 43040. Find us on Facebook @ MarysvilleMuscle
Remember Cruisin’ Car Club Charity Car Shows,
Downtown Sandusky Ohio. Starts June 4, 2021. 15th Annual! All Cars, Trucks, & Motorcycles. 4pm-8:30pm, Enter at Columbus Ave. & West Market St. Entry $5, Food Available, Cash DPZ, Trophies, 50/50 Drawing, 100 DP, Gun Raffle, No Show of Power, More info 419-271-0701 (Show Dates: 6/4, 6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/16) Rain Dates July 23, and July 30th.
Nights in the Heights Concert & Friday Night Cruise-
In, Broadview Hts. Rec Center, 9543 Broadview Rd., Broadview Hts., FREE outdoor concert & charity cruise-in 7-10PM rain or shine, dpz, food & drinks. Friday, July 2, Friday, Aug., 6, Sept., 3 216-310-5481 or 440-476-9282
Saturday Cruise-Ins
Cruisin’ Broadway, Cars n’ Coffee, Lorain Ohio
Saturday Mornings, Broadway Ave, Lorain, Ohio, 8am until last car leaves!, AMMY, more info Steve 440-653-6631
Delaware Cruise 2021, RNR Tire Express Saturday, 150 South Sandusky Street Delaware, Ohio 43015, Saturday 6pm, Starts April 17. Every 3rd Saturday of every month through October. More info (740) 999-8473
CANCELLED! Downtown Massillon Cruise In, Cancelled Due to construction and the Corona Virus. Every SAT 5-9pm June to end of Sept.
Check Them Out Anytime On Our Website:

Fat Bob’s Cruise In, Laurel Square Saturday, 1733 Pearl Road Brunswick, Ohio 44212, Starting May 1st! Saturday nights cruise in starting May 1st weather permitting every Saturday! 4pm to dusk and Music starts at 3pm, More info (440) 942-8770
First Congregational Church Monthly Cruise-In
Saturday, 114 Church St, Lodi, Ohio, 44254, Dates: July 17, August 21, September 25, Casual Cruise in, No Cost, 5 - 8pm, AMMY, DPZ, music, food, cold drinks, 330-410-3424
Burger King Cruise-In Sundays with the King & Classic
cars - Every 4th Sunday, 1517 E. Mansfield St, Bucyrus, Ohio, 44820, April thru October, Home Town Burger King, free, all makes and models, 1 pm- 4 pm, 419-343-1875
Flag City U.S.A. “Cars and Coffee”, First Sunday of the
month, 1971 Tiffin Avenue, Gabe’s West Parking Lot, just East of Panera Bread, Findlay, Ohio, 45840, May - October, FREE Cruise In, Sunday Morning, 9 - 11 a.m., FREE Cruise In, no charge, judging or trophies. 419-423-2415
Cruisin Garrettsville Summer 2021 Saturday
monthly, June 12: Cruise on Main St. (Rt82), July 17th: Cruise Night at Sky Plaza (East of Rt. 88 on 82), Aug 14th: Cruise night at The Fire Station (Elm St. 1st street west of Rt. 88 of 82), Sept 11: Cruise Night at Garfield Plaza (Rt 82 West of Rt 88). See full listings on our ad in Cruisin Times magazine. www.garrettsvillearea.com
Kettering Saturday Night Cruise-In, Dorothy Lane and Woodman Dr. Kettering Ohio, 45420, April 17-Sept 25th. 5pm to dark. Everything on wheels welcome. Music, Food, and DJ. Check us out on Facebook - Kettering Cruise In - Contact Robin at 937-620-6406
Magic Cruiser Car Club & Thano’s Family Restaurant
Saturday Cruise In, May 1 - October 2021, 71 5th St. S.W., Barberton, Ohio, 44203, Weekly Dash Plaques, 50/50, Music, Contact Bob Hurbean 330-807-1374 bhurbean@ gmail.com
Wendy’s Cruise In Parkersburg West Virginia Saturdays
Monthly, 2602 Gihon Road, Parkersburg, WV, 26101, (June 12, July 10, August 14, Sept 11, October 9) 4p-8p, $15m, dpz, T shirts, ammy, DJ music, Food, info: www. pioneerantiqueautoclub.com 304-483-2612
Geraci’s Pepper Pike Restaurant Cruise-In every
Sunday, 29425 Chagrin Blvd, Pepper Pike, OH. 44124, Just off I-271 & Chagrin Blvd., Classic cars with Classic Italian food, Starting May 16 thru August, We have a large patio, indoor & outdoors to enjoy the classic songs driven by DJ Chris Comodeca. All shows are 4-8pm door prizes, 50/50, AMMY, if it has wheels bring it on down. Plenty of parking. Food Discounts, DJ Chris 440-897-0492 (216) 8311595
Michael’s Automotive & Performance Cars & Coffee
Sundays (6/20, 7/18, 8/22, September TBD) - NEW LOCATION! 5050 Eastpointe Dr, Medina, OH 44256 9AM12PM, Live DJ, Coffee is Complimentary, More info Call or Text 330-723-2021 or www.michaelsaandp.com
Pez’z Bar n Grill Cruisin’ Every Sunday, 5348 Lake Road, Sheffield Lake, Ohio, 44054, Every Sunday’s 12pm-4pm, Free weekly Sunday car show 12-4 Food and drink specials music 50/50 BOS, 440-212-1050
Quaker Stake and Lube Cruise-In, Every Sunday, 6073 Dressler Rd NW, North Canton, OH, 44720, 4p-8p every Sunday! Great Food, Great Fun! Awesome Cars! Starting May 23 - 330-433-9464
VFW Post 1062 Cuyahoga Falls 1st Saturday Cruise
In, 1581 Main St, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221, Monthly Cruise in 1st Saturday, 12-4pm, 5/1, 6/5, 7/3, 8/7, 9/4, 10/2, Open to the Public, AMMY, Food and other refreshments. (330) 929-9494 - 330-351-6734
Suds Maguire’s Cruise-In Sundays, May 23rd through
October 31st, 1274 West Bagley Road, Berea, Ohio, 44017, Sundays 11a-3p. AMMY, dpz, tickets, 50/50, 50’s to 80’s music w/ Cousin Vito. 440-973-4243, 216-780-7078
Sunday Cruise-Ins
Austintown Quaker Steak & Lube Cruise-In
Sundays, 5800 Patriot Blvd, Austintown, Ohio 44515, May thru Oct 5-8 pm, DJ BIG RICK, Info 330 509-2442
Avon Lake Towne Center Cruise In Every Sunday, 32914 Walker Road Avon Lake Ohio. 4 pm to dusk. Located directly behind BW3 on Walker Rd. This yrs starting date Sunday April 25th through the end of October. Info - Mark 440- 242-5345